khtml_part.cpp   [plain text]

// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
/* This file is part of the KDE project
 * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <>
 *                     1999 Lars Knoll <>
 *                     1999 Antti Koivisto <>
 *                     2000 Simon Hausmann <>
 *                     2000 Stefan Schimanski <>
 *                     2001 George Staikos <>
 * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc.
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
 * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

#include "khtml_part.h"


#include "khtml_pagecache.h"

#include "dom/dom_string.h"
#include "dom/dom_element.h"
#include "html/html_documentimpl.h"
#include "html/html_baseimpl.h"
#include "html/html_miscimpl.h"
#include "html/html_imageimpl.h"
#include "rendering/render_text.h"
#include "rendering/render_frames.h"
#include "misc/htmlhashes.h"
#include "misc/loader.h"
#include "xml/dom2_eventsimpl.h"
#include "xml/xml_tokenizer.h"
#include "css/cssstyleselector.h"
#include "css/csshelper.h"
using namespace DOM;

#include "khtmlview.h"
#include <kparts/partmanager.h>
#include "ecma/kjs_proxy.h"
#include "khtml_settings.h"

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include <kio/job.h>
#include <kio/global.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kcharsets.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kstdaction.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <ktrader.h>
#include <kdatastream.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kurldrag.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#if !defined(QT_NO_DRAGANDDROP)
#include <kmultipledrag.h>

#include <ksslcertchain.h>
#include <ksslinfodlg.h>

#include <qclipboard.h>
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qmetaobject.h>
#include <private/qucomextra_p.h>

#include "khtmlpart_p.h"

#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>

using khtml::Decoder;
using khtml::RenderObject;
using khtml::RenderText;
using khtml::InlineTextBoxArray;

using KParts::BrowserInterface;

namespace khtml {
    class PartStyleSheetLoader : public CachedObjectClient
        PartStyleSheetLoader(KHTMLPart *part, DOM::DOMString url, DocLoader* dl)
            m_part = part;
            m_cachedSheet = Cache::requestStyleSheet(dl, url );
            if (m_cachedSheet)
		m_cachedSheet->ref( this );
        virtual ~PartStyleSheetLoader()
            if ( m_cachedSheet ) m_cachedSheet->deref(this);
        virtual void setStyleSheet(const DOM::DOMString&, const DOM::DOMString &sheet)
          if ( m_part )
            m_part->setUserStyleSheet( sheet.string() );

            delete this;
        QGuardedPtr<KHTMLPart> m_part;
        khtml::CachedCSSStyleSheet *m_cachedSheet;

FrameList::Iterator FrameList::find( const QString &name )
    Iterator it = begin();
    Iterator e = end();

    for (; it!=e; ++it )
        if ( (*it).m_name==name )

    return it;

KHTMLPart::KHTMLPart( QWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetname, QObject *parent, const char *name,
                      GUIProfile prof )
: KParts::ReadOnlyPart( parent, name )
    d = 0;
    KHTMLFactory::registerPart( this );
    setInstance( KHTMLFactory::instance(), prof == BrowserViewGUI && !parentPart() );
    init( new KHTMLView( this, parentWidget, widgetname ), prof );


KHTMLPart::KHTMLPart( KHTMLView *view, QObject *parent, const char *name, GUIProfile prof )
: KParts::ReadOnlyPart( parent, name )
    d = 0;
    KHTMLFactory::registerPart( this );
    setInstance( KHTMLFactory::instance(), prof == BrowserViewGUI && !parentPart() );
    assert( view );
    init( view, prof );


void KHTMLPart::init( KHTMLView *view, GUIProfile prof )
  if ( prof == DefaultGUI )
    setXMLFile( "khtml.rc" );
  else if ( prof == BrowserViewGUI )
    setXMLFile( "khtml_browser.rc" );

  frameCount = 0;

  d = new KHTMLPartPrivate(parent());

  d->m_view = view;
  setWidget( d->m_view );

  d->m_guiProfile = prof;
  d->m_extension = new KHTMLPartBrowserExtension( this );
  d->m_hostExtension = new KHTMLPartBrowserHostExtension( this );

  d->m_bSecurityInQuestion = false;
  d->m_bMousePressed = false;
  d->m_paLoadImages = 0;
  d->m_paViewDocument = new KAction( i18n( "View Document Source" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotViewDocumentSource() ), actionCollection(), "viewDocumentSource" );
  d->m_paViewFrame = new KAction( i18n( "View Frame Source" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotViewFrameSource() ), actionCollection(), "viewFrameSource" );
  d->m_paSaveBackground = new KAction( i18n( "Save &Background Image As..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSaveBackground() ), actionCollection(), "saveBackground" );
  d->m_paSaveDocument = new KAction( i18n( "&Save As..." ), CTRL+Key_S, this, SLOT( slotSaveDocument() ), actionCollection(), "saveDocument" );
  if ( parentPart() )
      d->m_paSaveDocument->setShortcut( KShortcut() ); // avoid clashes
  d->m_paSaveFrame = new KAction( i18n( "Save &Frame As..." ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSaveFrame() ), actionCollection(), "saveFrame" );
  d->m_paSecurity = new KAction( i18n( "Security..." ), "decrypted", 0, this, SLOT( slotSecurity() ), actionCollection(), "security" );
  d->m_paDebugRenderTree = new KAction( "print rendering tree to stdout", 0, this, SLOT( slotDebugRenderTree() ), actionCollection(), "debugRenderTree" );
  d->m_paDebugDOMTree = new KAction( "print DOM tree to stdout", 0, this, SLOT( slotDebugDOMTree() ), actionCollection(), "debugDOMTree" );

  QString foo1 = i18n("Show Images");
  QString foo2 = i18n("Show Animated Images");
  QString foo3 = i18n("Stop Animated Images");

  d->m_paSetEncoding = new KSelectAction( i18n( "Set &Encoding" ), 0, this, SLOT( slotSetEncoding() ), actionCollection(), "setEncoding" );
  QStringList encodings = KGlobal::charsets()->descriptiveEncodingNames();
  encodings.prepend( i18n( "Auto" ) );
  d->m_paSetEncoding->setItems( encodings );

  d->m_paUseStylesheet = new KSelectAction( i18n( "&Use Stylesheet"), 0, this, SLOT( slotUseStylesheet() ), actionCollection(), "useStylesheet" );

  d->m_paIncZoomFactor = new KHTMLZoomFactorAction( this, true, i18n( "Increase Font Sizes" ), "viewmag+", this, SLOT( slotIncZoom() ), actionCollection(), "incFontSizes" );
  d->m_paDecZoomFactor = new KHTMLZoomFactorAction( this, false, i18n( "Decrease Font Sizes" ), "viewmag-", this, SLOT( slotDecZoom() ), actionCollection(), "decFontSizes" );

  d->m_paFind = KStdAction::find( this, SLOT( slotFind() ), actionCollection(), "find" );
  if ( parentPart() )
      d->m_paFind->setShortcut( KShortcut() ); // avoid clashes

  d->m_paPrintFrame = new KAction( i18n( "Print Frame" ), "frameprint", 0, this, SLOT( slotPrintFrame() ), actionCollection(), "printFrame" );

  d->m_paSelectAll = KStdAction::selectAll( this, SLOT( slotSelectAll() ), actionCollection(), "selectAll" );
  if ( parentPart() )
      d->m_paSelectAll->setShortcut( KShortcut() ); // avoid clashes

  // set the default java(script) flags according to the current host.
  d->m_bJScriptEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaScriptEnabled();
  d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaScriptDebugEnabled();
  d->m_bJavaEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaEnabled();
  d->m_bPluginsEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isPluginsEnabled();
  // The java, javascript, and plugin settings will be set after the settings
  // have been initialized.
  d->m_bJScriptEnabled = true;
  d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled = true;
  d->m_bJavaEnabled = true;
  d->m_bPluginsEnabled = true;

  connect( this, SIGNAL( completed() ),
           this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( this, SIGNAL( completed( bool ) ),
           this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );
  connect( this, SIGNAL( started( KIO::Job * ) ),
           this, SLOT( updateActions() ) );

  d->m_popupMenuXML = KXMLGUIFactory::readConfigFile( locate( "data", "khtml/khtml_popupmenu.rc", KHTMLFactory::instance() ) );

  connect( khtml::Cache::loader(), SIGNAL( requestStarted( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject* ) ),
           this, SLOT( slotLoaderRequestStarted( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject* ) ) );
  connect( khtml::Cache::loader(), SIGNAL( requestDone( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject *) ),
           this, SLOT( slotLoaderRequestDone( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject *) ) );
  connect( khtml::Cache::loader(), SIGNAL( requestFailed( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject *) ),
           this, SLOT( slotLoaderRequestDone( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject *) ) );

  findTextBegin(); //reset find variables

  connect( &d->m_redirectionTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ),
           this, SLOT( slotRedirect() ) );

  d->m_dcopobject = new KHTMLPartIface(this);

  //kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::~KHTMLPart " << this << endl;
  if ( d->m_findDialog )
      disconnect( d->m_findDialog, SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
                  this, SLOT( slotFindDialogDestroyed() ) );

  if ( d->m_manager )
    d->m_manager->setActivePart( 0 );
    // Shouldn't we delete d->m_manager here ? (David)
    // No need to, I would say. We specify "this" as parent qobject
    // in ::partManager() (Simon)


  if (!d->m_bComplete)

  disconnect( khtml::Cache::loader(), SIGNAL( requestStarted( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject* ) ),
           this, SLOT( slotLoaderRequestStarted( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject* ) ) );
  disconnect( khtml::Cache::loader(), SIGNAL( requestDone( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject *) ),
           this, SLOT( slotLoaderRequestDone( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject *) ) );
  disconnect( khtml::Cache::loader(), SIGNAL( requestFailed( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject *) ),
           this, SLOT( slotLoaderRequestDone( khtml::DocLoader*, khtml::CachedObject *) ) );


  if ( d->m_view )
    d->m_view->m_part = 0;
  delete d->m_hostExtension;

  delete d; d = 0;
  KHTMLFactory::deregisterPart( this );

bool KHTMLPart::restoreURL( const KURL &url )
  kdDebug( 6050 ) << "KHTMLPart::restoreURL " << url.url() << endl;


   * That's not a good idea as it will call closeURL() on all
   * child frames, preventing them from further loading. This
   * method gets called from restoreState() in case of a full frameset
   * restoral, and restoreState() calls closeURL() before restoring
   * anyway.
  kdDebug( 6050 ) << "closing old URL" << endl;

  d->m_bComplete = false;
  d->m_bLoadEventEmitted = false;
  d->m_workingURL = url;

  // set the java(script) flags according to the current host.
  d->m_bJScriptEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaScriptEnabled(;
  d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaScriptDebugEnabled();
  d->m_bJavaEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaEnabled(;
  d->m_bPluginsEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isPluginsEnabled(;
  d->m_bJScriptEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaScriptEnabled(;
  d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaScriptDebugEnabled();
  d->m_bJavaEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaEnabled(;
  d->m_bPluginsEnabled = d->m_settings->isPluginsEnabled(;

  m_url = url;

  KHTMLPageCache::self()->fetchData( d->m_cacheId, this, SLOT(slotRestoreData(const QByteArray &)));

  emit started( 0L );

  return true;

bool KHTMLPart::didOpenURL(const KURL &url)
bool KHTMLPart::openURL( const KURL &url )
  kdDebug( 6050 ) << "KHTMLPart(" << this << ")::openURL " << url.url() << endl;

  if (d->m_scheduledRedirection == redirectionDuringLoad){
    // We're about to get a redirect that happened before the document was
    // created.  This can happen when one frame may change the location of a 
    // sibling.
    return false;

  // check to see if this is an "error://" URL. This is caused when an error
  // occurs before this part was loaded (e.g. KonqRun), and is passed to
  // khtmlpart so that it can display the error.
  if ( url.protocol() == "error" && url.hasSubURL() ) {
     * The format of the error url is that two variables are passed in the query:
     * error = int kio error code, errText = QString error text from kio
     * and the URL where the error happened is passed as a sub URL.
    KURL::List urls = KURL::split( url );
    //kdDebug() << "Handling error URL. URL count:" << urls.count() << endl;

    if ( urls.count() > 1 ) {
      KURL mainURL = urls.first();
      int error = mainURL.queryItem( "error" ).toInt();
      // error=0 isn't a valid error code, so 0 means it's missing from the URL
      if ( error == 0 ) error = KIO::ERR_UNKNOWN;
      QString errorText = mainURL.queryItem( "errText" );
      d->m_workingURL = KURL::join( urls );
      //kdDebug() << "Emitting fixed URL " << d->m_workingURL.prettyURL() << endl;
      emit d->m_extension->setLocationBarURL( d->m_workingURL.prettyURL() );
      htmlError( error, errorText, d->m_workingURL );
      return true;

  KParts::URLArgs args( d->m_extension->urlArgs() );

  // in case we have a) no frameset (don't test m_frames.count(), iframes get in there)
  // b) the url is identical with the currently
  // displayed one (except for the htmlref!) , c) the url request is not a POST
  // operation and d) the caller did not request to reload the page we try to
  // be smart and instead of reloading the whole document we just jump to the
  // request html anchor
  if (d->m_doc) {
      bool isFrameSet = false;
      if ( d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument() ) {
          HTMLDocumentImpl* htmlDoc = static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc);
          isFrameSet = htmlDoc->body() && (htmlDoc->body()->id() == ID_FRAMESET);
      if ( !isFrameSet &&
           urlcmp( url.url(), m_url.url(), true, true ) &&
           url.hasRef() && !args.doPost() && !args.reload )
        kdDebug( 6050 ) << "KHTMLPart::openURL, jumping to anchor. m_url = " << url.url() << endl;
        m_url = url;
        emit started( 0L );

        if ( !gotoAnchor( url.encodedHtmlRef()) )
           gotoAnchor( url.htmlRef() );

        d->m_bComplete = true;

        kdDebug( 6050 ) << "completed..." << endl;
        emit completed();
        return true;

  if (!d->m_restored)
    kdDebug( 6050 ) << "closing old URL" << endl;

  args.metaData().insert("main_frame_request", parentPart() == 0 ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
  args.metaData().insert("ssl_was_in_use", d->m_ssl_in_use ? "TRUE" : "FALSE" );
  args.metaData().insert("ssl_activate_warnings", "TRUE" );

  if (d->m_restored)
     d->m_cachePolicy = KIO::CC_Cache;
  else if (args.reload)
     d->m_cachePolicy = KIO::CC_Refresh;
     d->m_cachePolicy = KIO::CC_Verify;

  if ( args.doPost() && (url.protocol().startsWith("http")) )
      d->m_job = KIO::http_post( url, args.postData, false );
      d->m_job->addMetaData("content-type", args.contentType() );
      d->m_job = KIO::get( url, false, false );
      d->m_job->addMetaData("cache", KIO::getCacheControlString(d->m_cachePolicy));


  connect( d->m_job, SIGNAL( result( KIO::Job * ) ),
           SLOT( slotFinished( KIO::Job * ) ) );
  connect( d->m_job, SIGNAL( data( KIO::Job*, const QByteArray &)),
           SLOT( slotData( KIO::Job*, const QByteArray &)));

  connect( d->m_job, SIGNAL(redirection(KIO::Job*, const KURL&) ),
           SLOT( slotRedirection(KIO::Job*,const KURL&) ) );

  d->m_bComplete = false;
  d->m_bLoadEventEmitted = false;

  // delete old status bar msg's from kjs (if it _was_ activated on last URL)
  if( d->m_bJScriptEnabled )
     d->m_kjsStatusBarText = QString::null;
     d->m_kjsDefaultStatusBarText = QString::null;

  // set the javascript flags according to the current url
  d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaScriptDebugEnabled();
  d->m_bJavaEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaEnabled(;
  d->m_bPluginsEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isPluginsEnabled(;
  d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaScriptDebugEnabled();
  d->m_bJavaEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaEnabled(;
  d->m_bPluginsEnabled = d->m_settings->isPluginsEnabled(;

  // initializing m_url to the new url breaks relative links when opening such a link after this call and _before_ begin() is called (when the first
  // data arrives) (Simon)
  m_url = url;
  if(m_url.protocol().startsWith( "http" ) && ! &&
     m_url.path().isEmpty()) {
    emit d->m_extension->setLocationBarURL( m_url.prettyURL() );
  // copy to m_workingURL after fixing m_url above
  d->m_workingURL = m_url;

  kdDebug( 6050 ) << "KHTMLPart::openURL now (before started) m_url = " << m_url.url() << endl;

  connect( d->m_job, SIGNAL( speed( KIO::Job*, unsigned long ) ),
           this, SLOT( slotJobSpeed( KIO::Job*, unsigned long ) ) );

  connect( d->m_job, SIGNAL( percent( KIO::Job*, unsigned long ) ),
           this, SLOT( slotJobPercent( KIO::Job*, unsigned long ) ) );

  emit started( 0L );

  return true;

bool KHTMLPart::closeURL()
  if ( d->m_job )
    d->m_job = 0;

  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument() ) {
    HTMLDocumentImpl* hdoc = static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>( d->m_doc );

    if ( hdoc->body() && d->m_bLoadEventEmitted && !d->m_bUnloadEventEmitted ) {
      hdoc->body()->dispatchWindowEvent( EventImpl::UNLOAD_EVENT, false, false );
      if ( d->m_doc )
      d->m_bUnloadEventEmitted = true;

  d->m_bComplete = true; // to avoid emitting completed() in slotFinishedParsing() (David)
  d->m_bLoadEventEmitted = true; // don't want that one either
  d->m_cachePolicy = KIO::CC_Verify; // Why here?

  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->parsing() )
    kdDebug( 6050 ) << " was still parsing... calling end " << endl;

  if ( !d->m_workingURL.isEmpty() )
    // Aborted before starting to render
    kdDebug( 6050 ) << "Aborted before starting to render, reverting location bar to " << m_url.prettyURL() << endl;
    emit d->m_extension->setLocationBarURL( m_url.prettyURL() );

  d->m_workingURL = KURL();

  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->docLoader() )
    khtml::Cache::loader()->cancelRequests( d->m_doc->docLoader() );

  // tell all subframes to stop as well
  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if ( !( *it ).m_part.isNull() )
      ( *it ).m_part->closeURL();

  d->m_bPendingChildRedirection = false;

  // Stop any started redirections as well!! (DA)

  // null node activated.
  emit nodeActivated(Node());

  return true;

DOM::HTMLDocument KHTMLPart::htmlDocument() const
  if (d->m_doc && d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument())
    return static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc);
    return static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(0);

DOM::Document KHTMLPart::document() const
    return d->m_doc;

KParts::BrowserExtension *KHTMLPart::browserExtension() const
  return d->m_extension;

KHTMLView *KHTMLPart::view() const
  return d->m_view;

void KHTMLPart::setJScriptEnabled( bool enable )
  if ( !enable && jScriptEnabled() && d->m_jscript ) {
  d->m_bJScriptForce = enable;
  d->m_bJScriptOverride = true;

bool KHTMLPart::jScriptEnabled() const
  if ( d->m_bJScriptOverride )
      return d->m_bJScriptForce;
  return d->m_bJScriptEnabled;

void KHTMLPart::setMetaRefreshEnabled( bool enable )
  d->m_metaRefreshEnabled = enable;

bool KHTMLPart::metaRefreshEnabled() const
  return d->m_metaRefreshEnabled;

// Define this to disable dlopening kjs_html, when directly linking to it.
// You need to edit khtml/ to add ./ecma/ to LIBADD
// and to edit khtml/ecma/ to s/kjs_html/libkjs_html/, remove libkhtml from LIBADD,
//        remove LDFLAGS line, and replace kde_module with either lib (shared) or noinst (static)

extern "C" { KJSProxy *kjs_html_init(KHTMLPart *khtmlpart); }

KJSProxy *KHTMLPart::jScript()
  if (!jScriptEnabled()){
    return 0;

  if ( !d->m_jscript )
    KLibrary *lib = KLibLoader::self()->library("kjs_html");
    if ( !lib ) {
      setJScriptEnabled( false );
      return 0;
    // look for plain C init function
    void *sym = lib->symbol("kjs_html_init");
    if ( !sym ) {
      setJScriptEnabled( false );
      return 0;
    typedef KJSProxy* (*initFunction)(KHTMLPart *);
    initFunction initSym = (initFunction) sym;
    d->m_jscript = (*initSym)(this);
    d->m_kjs_lib = lib;
    d->m_jscript = kjs_html_init(this);
    // d->m_kjs_lib remains 0L.
    if (d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled)

  return d->m_jscript;

void KHTMLPart::replaceContentsWithScriptResult( const KURL &url )
  QString script = KURL::decode_string(url.url().mid(strlen("javascript:")));
  QVariant ret = executeScript(script);
  if (ret.type() == QVariant::String) {

QVariant KHTMLPart::executeScript( const QString &script, bool forceUserGesture )
    return executeScript( DOM::Node(), script, forceUserGesture );

//Enable this to see all JS scripts being executed
//#define KJS_VERBOSE

QVariant KHTMLPart::executeScript( const DOM::Node &n, const QString &script, bool forceUserGesture )
  kdDebug(6070) << "KHTMLPart::executeScript n=" << n.nodeName().string().latin1() << "(" << (n.isNull() ? 0 : n.nodeType()) << ") " << script << endl;
  KJSProxy *proxy = jScript();

  if (!proxy || proxy->paused())
    return QVariant();
  // If forceUserGesture is true, then make the script interpreter
  // treat it as if triggered by a user gesture even if there is no
  // current DOM event being processed.
  QVariant ret = proxy->evaluate( forceUserGesture ? QString::null : m_url.url(), 0, script, n );
  if (!d->m_runningScripts && d->m_doc && !d->m_doc->parsing() && d->m_submitForm )

  kdDebug(6070) << "KHTMLPart::executeScript - done" << endl;
  return ret;

bool KHTMLPart::scheduleScript(const DOM::Node &n, const QString& script)
    //kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::scheduleScript "<< script << endl;

    d->scheduledScript = script;
    d->scheduledScriptNode = n;

    return true;

QVariant KHTMLPart::executeScheduledScript()
  if( d->scheduledScript.isEmpty() )
    return QVariant();

  //kdDebug(6050) << "executing delayed " << d->scheduledScript << endl;

  QVariant ret = executeScript( d->scheduledScriptNode, d->scheduledScript );
  d->scheduledScript = QString();
  d->scheduledScriptNode = DOM::Node();

  return ret;

void KHTMLPart::setJavaEnabled( bool enable )
  d->m_bJavaForce = enable;
  d->m_bJavaOverride = true;

bool KHTMLPart::javaEnabled() const
#ifndef Q_WS_QWS
  if( d->m_bJavaOverride )
      return d->m_bJavaForce;
  return d->m_bJavaEnabled;
  return false;

KJavaAppletContext *KHTMLPart::javaContext()
#ifndef Q_WS_QWS
  return d->m_javaContext;
  return 0;

KJavaAppletContext *KHTMLPart::createJavaContext()
#ifndef Q_WS_QWS
  if ( !d->m_javaContext ) {
      d->m_javaContext = new KJavaAppletContext(d->m_dcopobject, this);
      d->m_javaContext = new KJavaAppletContext(d->m_dcopobject);
      connect( d->m_javaContext, SIGNAL(showStatus(const QString&)),
               this, SIGNAL(setStatusBarText(const QString&)) );
      connect( d->m_javaContext, SIGNAL(showDocument(const QString&, const QString&)),
               this, SLOT(slotShowDocument(const QString&, const QString&)) );

  return d->m_javaContext;
  return 0;

void KHTMLPart::setPluginsEnabled( bool enable )
  d->m_bPluginsForce = enable;
  d->m_bPluginsOverride = true;

bool KHTMLPart::pluginsEnabled() const
  if ( d->m_bPluginsOverride )
      return d->m_bPluginsForce;
  return d->m_bPluginsEnabled;


void KHTMLPart::slotShowDocument( const QString &url, const QString &target )
  // this is mostly copied from KHTMLPart::slotChildURLRequest. The better approach
  // would be to put those functions into a single one.
  khtml::ChildFrame *child = 0;
  KParts::URLArgs args;
  args.frameName = target;

  QString frameName = args.frameName.lower();
  if ( !frameName.isEmpty() )
    if ( frameName == QString::fromLatin1( "_top" ) )
      emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( url, args );
    else if ( frameName == QString::fromLatin1( "_blank" ) )
      emit d->m_extension->createNewWindow( url, args );
    else if ( frameName == QString::fromLatin1( "_parent" ) )
      KParts::URLArgs newArgs( args );
      newArgs.frameName = QString::null;

      emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( url, newArgs );
    else if ( frameName != QString::fromLatin1( "_self" ) )
      khtml::ChildFrame *_frame = recursiveFrameRequest( url, args );

      if ( !_frame )
        emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( url, args );

      child = _frame;

  // TODO: handle child target correctly! currently the script are always executed fur the parent
  if ( url.find( QString::fromLatin1( "javascript:" ), 0, false ) == 0 ) {
      executeScript( KURL::decode_string( url.right( url.length() - 11) ) );

  if ( child ) {
      requestObject( child, KURL(url), args );
  }  else if ( frameName==QString::fromLatin1("_self") ) // this is for embedded objects (via <object>) which want to replace the current document
      KParts::URLArgs newArgs( args );
      newArgs.frameName = QString::null;
      emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( KURL(url), newArgs );


void KHTMLPart::slotDebugDOMTree()
  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->firstChild() )
    qDebug("%s", d->m_doc->firstChild()->toHTML().latin1());

void KHTMLPart::slotDebugRenderTree()
#ifndef NDEBUG
  if ( d->m_doc )

void KHTMLPart::setAutoloadImages( bool enable )
  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->docLoader()->autoloadImages() == enable )

  if ( d->m_doc )
    d->m_doc->docLoader()->setAutoloadImages( enable );

  unplugActionList( "loadImages" );

  if ( enable ) {
    delete d->m_paLoadImages;
    d->m_paLoadImages = 0;
  else if ( !d->m_paLoadImages )
    d->m_paLoadImages = new KAction( i18n( "Display Images on Page" ), "images_display", 0, this, SLOT( slotLoadImages() ), actionCollection(), "loadImages" );

  if ( d->m_paLoadImages ) {
    QPtrList<KAction> lst;
    lst.append( d->m_paLoadImages );
    plugActionList( "loadImages", lst );

bool KHTMLPart::autoloadImages() const
  if ( d->m_doc )
    return d->m_doc->docLoader()->autoloadImages();

  return true;

void KHTMLPart::clear()
  if ( d->m_bCleared )
  d->m_bCleared = true;

  d->m_bClearing = true;

    ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
    ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
    for(; it != end; ++it )
      // Stop HTMLRun jobs for frames
      if ( (*it).m_run )

    QValueList<khtml::ChildFrame>::ConstIterator it = d->m_objects.begin();
    QValueList<khtml::ChildFrame>::ConstIterator end = d->m_objects.end();
    for(; it != end; ++it )
      // Stop HTMLRun jobs for objects
      if ( (*it).m_run )

  findTextBegin(); // resets d->m_findNode and d->m_findPos

  d->m_mousePressNode = DOM::Node();

  if ( d->m_doc )

  // Moving past doc so that onUnload works.
  if ( d->m_jscript )

  if ( d->m_view )

  // do not dereference the document before the jscript and view are cleared, as some destructors
  // might still try to access the document.
  if ( d->m_doc )
  d->m_doc = 0;

  if (d->m_decoder)
  d->m_decoder = 0;

    ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
    ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
    for(; it != end; ++it )
      if ( (*it).m_part )
        partManager()->removePart( (*it).m_part );

    ConstFrameIt it = d->m_objects.begin();
    ConstFrameIt end = d->m_objects.end();
    for(; it != end; ++it )
      if ( (*it).m_part )
        partManager()->removePart( (*it).m_part );

#ifndef Q_WS_QWS
  delete d->m_javaContext;
  d->m_javaContext = 0;

  d->m_scheduledRedirection = noRedirectionScheduled;
  d->m_delayRedirect = 0;
  d->m_redirectURL = QString::null;
  d->m_redirectLockHistory = true;
  d->m_redirectUserGesture = false;
  d->m_bHTTPRefresh = false;
  d->m_bClearing = false;
  d->m_frameNameId = 1;
  d->m_bFirstData = true;

  d->m_bMousePressed = false;

  d->m_selectionStart = DOM::Node();
  d->m_selectionEnd = DOM::Node();
  d->m_startOffset = 0;
  d->m_endOffset = 0;
  connect( kapp->clipboard(), SIGNAL( selectionChanged()), SLOT( slotClearSelection()));

  d->m_totalObjectCount = 0;
  d->m_loadedObjects = 0;
  d->m_jobPercent = 0;

  if ( !d->m_haveEncoding )
    d->m_encoding = QString::null;

bool KHTMLPart::openFile()
  return true;

DOM::HTMLDocumentImpl *KHTMLPart::docImpl() const
    if ( d && d->m_doc && d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument() )
        return static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc);
    return 0;

DOM::DocumentImpl *KHTMLPart::xmlDocImpl() const
    if ( d )
        return d->m_doc;
    return 0;

/*bool KHTMLPart::isSSLInUse() const
  return d->m_ssl_in_use;

void KHTMLPart::receivedFirstData()
    // Leave indented one extra for easier merging.
      //kdDebug( 6050 ) << "begin!" << endl;

    begin( d->m_workingURL, d->m_extension->urlArgs().xOffset, d->m_extension->urlArgs().yOffset );

    d->m_workingURL = KURL();

    d->m_cacheId = KHTMLPageCache::self()->createCacheEntry();

    // When the first data arrives, the metadata has just been made available
    QString qData;
    d->m_bSecurityInQuestion = false;
    d->m_ssl_in_use = (d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_in_use") == "TRUE");
    kdDebug(6050) << "SSL in use? " << d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_in_use") << endl;

    KHTMLPart *p = parentPart();
    if (p && p->d->m_ssl_in_use != d->m_ssl_in_use) {
	while (p->parentPart()) p = p->parentPart();

	p->d->m_paSecurity->setIcon( "halfencrypted" );
        p->d->m_bSecurityInQuestion = true;
	kdDebug(6050) << "parent setIcon half done." << endl;

    d->m_paSecurity->setIcon( d->m_ssl_in_use ? "encrypted" : "decrypted" );
    kdDebug(6050) << "setIcon " << ( d->m_ssl_in_use ? "encrypted" : "decrypted" ) << " done." << endl;

    // Shouldn't all of this be done only if ssl_in_use == true ? (DF)

    d->m_ssl_peer_certificate = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_peer_certificate");
    d->m_ssl_peer_chain = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_peer_chain");
    d->m_ssl_peer_ip = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_peer_ip");
    d->m_ssl_cipher = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_cipher");
    d->m_ssl_cipher_desc = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_cipher_desc");
    d->m_ssl_cipher_version = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_cipher_version");
    d->m_ssl_cipher_used_bits = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_cipher_used_bits");
    d->m_ssl_cipher_bits = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_cipher_bits");
    d->m_ssl_cert_state = d->m_job->queryMetaData("ssl_cert_state");

    // Check for charset meta-data
    QString qData = d->m_job->queryMetaData("charset");
    if ( !qData.isEmpty() && !d->m_haveEncoding ) // only use information if the user didn't override the settings
       d->m_encoding = qData;

    // Support for http-refresh
    qData = d->m_job->queryMetaData("http-refresh");
    if( !qData.isEmpty() && d->m_metaRefreshEnabled )
      kdDebug(6050) << "HTTP Refresh Request: " << qData << endl;
      double delay;
      int pos = qData.find( ';' );
      if ( pos == -1 )
        pos = qData.find( ',' );

      if( pos == -1 )
        delay = qData.stripWhiteSpace().toDouble();
        // We want a new history item if the refresh timeout > 1 second
        scheduleRedirection( delay, m_url.url(), delay <= 1);
        scheduleRedirection( delay, m_url.url());
        int end_pos = qData.length();
        delay = qData.left(pos).stripWhiteSpace().toDouble();
        while ( qData[++pos] == ' ' );
        if ( qData.find( "url", pos, false ) == pos )
          pos += 3;
          while (qData[pos] == ' ' || qData[pos] == '=' )
          if ( qData[pos] == '"' )
              int index = end_pos-1;
              while( index > pos )
                if ( qData[index] == '"' )
              if ( index > pos )
                end_pos = index;
        // We want a new history item if the refresh timeout > 1 second
        scheduleRedirection( delay, d->m_doc->completeURL( qData.mid( pos, end_pos ) ), delay <= 1);
        scheduleRedirection( delay, d->m_doc->completeURL( qData.mid( pos, end_pos ) ));
      d->m_bHTTPRefresh = true;

    // Support for http last-modified
    d->m_lastModified = d->m_job->queryMetaData("modified");
    //kdDebug() << "KHTMLPart::slotData metadata modified: " << d->m_lastModified << endl;


void KHTMLPart::slotData( KIO::Job* kio_job, const QByteArray &data )
  assert ( d->m_job == kio_job );

  //kdDebug( 6050 ) << "slotData: " << data.size() << endl;
  // The first data ?
  if ( !d->m_workingURL.isEmpty() )
    receivedFirstData( );

  KHTMLPageCache::self()->addData(d->m_cacheId, data);
  write(, data.size() );

void KHTMLPart::slotRestoreData(const QByteArray &data )
  // The first data ?
  if ( !d->m_workingURL.isEmpty() )
     long saveCacheId = d->m_cacheId;
     begin( d->m_workingURL, d->m_extension->urlArgs().xOffset, d->m_extension->urlArgs().yOffset );
     d->m_cacheId = saveCacheId;
     d->m_workingURL = KURL();

  //kdDebug( 6050 ) << "slotRestoreData: " << data.size() << endl;
  write(, data.size() );

  if (data.size() == 0)
      //kdDebug( 6050 ) << "slotRestoreData: <<end of data>>" << endl;
     // End of data.
    if (d->m_doc && d->m_doc->parsing())
        end(); //will emit completed()

void KHTMLPart::showError( KIO::Job* job )
  kdDebug() << "KHTMLPart::showError d->m_bParsing=" << (d->m_doc && d->m_doc->parsing()) << " d->m_bComplete=" << d->m_bComplete
            << " d->m_bCleared=" << d->m_bCleared << endl;

  if (job->error() == KIO::ERR_NO_CONTENT)

  if ( (d->m_doc && d->m_doc->parsing()) || d->m_workingURL.isEmpty() ) // if we got any data already
    job->showErrorDialog( /*d->m_view*/ );
    htmlError( job->error(), job->errorText(), d->m_workingURL );

// This is a protected method, placed here because of it's relevance to showError
void KHTMLPart::htmlError( int errorCode, const QString& text, const KURL& reqUrl )
  kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::htmlError errorCode=" << errorCode << " text=" << text << endl;
  // make sure we're not executing any embedded JS
  bool bJSFO = d->m_bJScriptForce;
  bool bJSOO = d->m_bJScriptOverride;
  d->m_bJScriptForce = false;
  d->m_bJScriptOverride = true;
  QString errText = QString::fromLatin1( "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" );
  errText += i18n( "Error while loading %1" ).arg( reqUrl.htmlURL() );
  errText += QString::fromLatin1( "</TITLE></HEAD><BODY><P>" );
  errText += i18n( "An error occured while loading <B>%1</B>:" ).arg( reqUrl.htmlURL() );
  errText += QString::fromLatin1( "</P><P>" );
  QString kioErrString = KIO::buildErrorString( errorCode, text );

  kioErrString.replace(QRegExp("&"), QString("&amp;"));
  kioErrString.replace(QRegExp("<"), QString("&lt;"));
  kioErrString.replace(QRegExp(">"), QString("&gt;"));

  // In case the error string has '\n' in it, replace with <BR/>
  kioErrString.replace( QRegExp("\n"), "<BR/>" );

  errText += kioErrString;
  errText += QString::fromLatin1( "</P></BODY></HTML>" );

  d->m_bJScriptForce = bJSFO;
  d->m_bJScriptOverride = bJSOO;

  // make the working url the current url, so that reload works and
  // emit the progress signals to advance one step in the history
  // (so that 'back' works)
  m_url = reqUrl; // same as d->m_workingURL
  d->m_workingURL = KURL();
  emit started( 0 );
  emit completed();
  // following disabled until 3.1

  QString errorName, techName, description;
  QStringList causes, solutions;

  QByteArray raw = KIO::rawErrorDetail( errorCode, text, &reqUrl );
  QDataStream stream(raw, IO_ReadOnly);

  stream >> errorName >> techName >> description >> causes >> solutions;

  QString url, protocol, datetime;
  url = reqUrl.prettyURL();
  protocol = reqUrl.protocol();
  datetime = KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( QDateTime::currentDateTime(),
                                                false );

  QString doc = QString::fromLatin1( "<html><head><title>" );
  doc += i18n( "Error: " );
  doc += errorName;
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( " - %1</title></head><body><h1>" ).arg( url );
  doc += i18n( "The requested operation could not be completed" );
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</h1><h2>" );
  doc += errorName;
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</h2>" );
  if ( techName != QString::null ) {
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "<h2>" );
    doc += i18n( "Technical Reason: " );
    doc += techName;
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</h2>" );
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "<h3>" );
  doc += i18n( "Details of the Request:" );
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</h3><ul><li>" );
  doc += i18n( "URL: %1" ).arg( url );
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</li><li>" );
  if ( protocol != QString::null ) {
    // uncomment for 3.1... i18n change
    // doc += i18n( "Protocol: %1" ).arg( protocol ).arg( protocol );
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</li><li>" );
  doc += i18n( "Date and Time: %1" ).arg( datetime );
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</li><li>" );
  doc += i18n( "Additional Information: %1" ).arg( text );
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</li></ul><h3>" );
  doc += i18n( "Description:" );
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</h3><p>" );
  doc += description;
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</p>" );
  if ( causes.count() ) {
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "<h3>" );
    doc += i18n( "Possible Causes:" );
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</h3><ul><li>" );
    doc += causes.join( "</li><li>" );
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</li></ul>" );
  if ( solutions.count() ) {
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "<h3>" );
    doc += i18n( "Possible Solutions:" );
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</h3><ul><li>" );
    doc += solutions.join( "</li><li>" );
    doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</li></ul>" );
  doc += QString::fromLatin1( "</body></html>" );

  write( doc );


void KHTMLPart::slotFinished( KIO::Job * job )
  if (job->error())
    d->m_job = 0L;
    emit canceled( job->errorString() );
    // TODO: what else ?
    showError( job );
  //kdDebug( 6050 ) << "slotFinished" << endl;


  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->docLoader()->expireDate() && m_url.protocol().lower().startsWith("http"))
      KIO::http_update_cache(m_url, false, d->m_doc->docLoader()->expireDate());

  d->m_workingURL = KURL();
  d->m_job = 0L;

  if (d->m_doc->parsing())
    end(); //will emit completed()

void KHTMLPart::begin( const KURL &url, int xOffset, int yOffset )
  // If we aren't loading an actual URL, then we need to make sure
  // that we have at least an empty document. createEmptyDocument will
  // do that if we don't have a document already.
  if (d->m_workingURL.isEmpty()) {


  // Only do this after clearing the part, so that JavaScript can
  // clean up properly if it was on for the last load.
  d->m_bJScriptEnabled = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->isJavaScriptEnabled(;
  d->m_bJScriptEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaScriptEnabled(;

  d->m_bCleared = false;
  d->m_cacheId = 0;
  d->m_bComplete = false;
  d->m_bLoadEventEmitted = false;

  if(url.isValid()) {
      KHTMLFactory::vLinks()->insert( KWQ(this)->requestedURLString() );
      QString urlString = url.url();
      KHTMLFactory::vLinks()->insert( urlString );
      QString urlString2 = url.prettyURL();
      if ( urlString != urlString2 ) {
          KHTMLFactory::vLinks()->insert( urlString2 );

  // ###

  KParts::URLArgs args( d->m_extension->urlArgs() );
  args.xOffset = xOffset;
  args.yOffset = yOffset;
  d->m_extension->setURLArgs( args );

  KURL ref(url);
  d->m_referrer = ref.protocol().startsWith("http") ? ref.url() : "";
  m_url = url;
  KURL baseurl;

  // We don't need KDE chained URI handling or window caption setting
  if ( !m_url.isEmpty() )
    baseurl = m_url;
  if ( !m_url.isEmpty() )
    KURL::List lst = KURL::split( m_url );
    if ( !lst.isEmpty() )
      baseurl = *lst.begin();

    KURL title( baseurl );
    title.setRef( QString::null );
    title.setQuery( QString::null );
    emit setWindowCaption( title.url() );
    emit setWindowCaption( i18n( "no title", "* Unknown *" ) );

  // ### not sure if XHTML documents served as text/xml should use DocumentImpl or HTMLDocumentImpl
  if (args.serviceType == "text/xml" || args.serviceType == "application/xml" || args.serviceType == "application/xhtml+xml")
    d->m_doc = DOMImplementationImpl::instance()->createDocument( d->m_view );
    d->m_doc = DOMImplementationImpl::instance()->createHTMLDocument( d->m_view );

  if (!d->m_doc->attached())
    d->m_doc->attach( );
  d->m_doc->setURL( m_url.url() );
  // We prefer m_baseURL over m_url because m_url changes when we are
  // about to load a new page.
  d->m_doc->setBaseURL( baseurl.url() );
  if (d->m_decoder)
  d->m_doc->docLoader()->setShowAnimations( KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->showAnimations() );
  d->m_doc->docLoader()->setShowAnimations( d->m_settings->showAnimations() );


  d->m_paUseStylesheet->setEnabled( false );

  setAutoloadImages( KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->autoLoadImages() );
  QString userStyleSheet = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->userStyleSheet();
  setAutoloadImages( d->m_settings->autoLoadImages() );
  QString userStyleSheet = d->m_settings->userStyleSheet();

  if ( !userStyleSheet.isEmpty() )
    setUserStyleSheet( KURL( userStyleSheet ) );


  // clear widget
  d->m_view->resizeContents( 0, 0 );

  emit d->m_extension->enableAction( "print", true );


void KHTMLPart::write( const char *str, int len )
    if ( !d->m_decoder ) {
        d->m_decoder = new Decoder;
        if (!d->m_encoding.isNull())
                d->m_haveEncoding ? Decoder::UserChosenEncoding : Decoder::EncodingFromHTTPHeader);
        else {
            // Inherit the default encoding from the parent frame if there is one.
            const char *defaultEncoding = (parentPart() && parentPart()->d->m_decoder)
                ? parentPart()->d->m_decoder->encoding() : settings()->encoding().latin1();
            d->m_decoder->setEncoding(defaultEncoding, Decoder::DefaultEncoding);
        if (d->m_doc)
  if ( len == 0 )

  if ( len == -1 )
    len = strlen( str );

  QString decoded = d->m_decoder->decode( str, len );

  if(decoded.isEmpty()) return;

  if(d->m_bFirstData) {
      // determine the parse mode
      d->m_doc->determineParseMode( decoded );
      d->m_bFirstData = false;

  //kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::write haveEnc = " << d->m_haveEncoding << endl;
      // ### this is still quite hacky, but should work a lot better than the old solution
      if(d->m_decoder->visuallyOrdered()) d->m_doc->setVisuallyOrdered();
      d->m_doc->recalcStyle( NodeImpl::Force );

  if (jScript())
  Tokenizer* t = d->m_doc->tokenizer();

  // parsing some of the page can result in running a script which
  // could possibly destroy the part. To avoid this, ref it temporarily.
    t->write( decoded, true );

void KHTMLPart::write( const QString &str )
  if ( str.isNull() )

  if(d->m_bFirstData) {
      // determine the parse mode
      d->m_doc->setParseMode( DocumentImpl::Strict );
      d->m_bFirstData = false;
  if (jScript())
  Tokenizer* t = d->m_doc->tokenizer();
    t->write( str, true );

void KHTMLPart::end()
    // make sure nothing's left in there...
    if (d->m_doc)


void KHTMLPart::paint(QPainter *p, const QRect &rc, int yOff, bool *more)
    if (!d->m_view) return;
    d->m_view->paint(p, rc, yOff, more);


void KHTMLPart::stopAnimations()
  if ( d->m_doc )
    d->m_doc->docLoader()->setShowAnimations( KHTMLSettings::KAnimationDisabled );

  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if ( !( *it ).m_part.isNull() && ( *it ).m_part->inherits( "KHTMLPart" ) ) {
      KParts::ReadOnlyPart* p = ( *it ).m_part;
      static_cast<KHTMLPart*>( p )->stopAnimations();

void KHTMLPart::slotFinishedParsing()

  if (!d->m_view)
    return; // We are probably being destructed.
  // check if the scrollbars are really needed for the content
  // if not, remove them, relayout, and repaint


  if ( !m_url.encodedHtmlRef().isEmpty() )
    if ( !gotoAnchor( m_url.encodedHtmlRef()) )
       gotoAnchor( m_url.htmlRef() );


void KHTMLPart::slotLoaderRequestStarted( khtml::DocLoader* dl, khtml::CachedObject *obj )
  if ( obj && obj->type() == khtml::CachedObject::Image && d->m_doc && d->m_doc->docLoader() == dl ) {
    KHTMLPart* p = this;
    while ( p ) {
      KHTMLPart* op = p;
      p = p->parentPart();
      if ( !p && d->m_loadedObjects <= d->m_totalObjectCount )
        QTimer::singleShot( 200, op, SLOT( slotProgressUpdate() ) );

void KHTMLPart::slotLoaderRequestDone( khtml::DocLoader* dl, khtml::CachedObject *obj )
  if ( obj && obj->type() == khtml::CachedObject::Image && d->m_doc && d->m_doc->docLoader() == dl ) {
    KHTMLPart* p = this;
    while ( p ) {
      KHTMLPart* op = p;
      p = p->parentPart();
      if ( !p && d->m_loadedObjects <= d->m_totalObjectCount && d->m_jobPercent >= 100 )
        QTimer::singleShot( 200, op, SLOT( slotProgressUpdate() ) );



void KHTMLPart::slotProgressUpdate()
  int percent;
  if ( d->m_loadedObjects < d->m_totalObjectCount )
    percent = d->m_jobPercent / 4 + ( d->m_loadedObjects*300 ) / ( 4*d->m_totalObjectCount );
    percent = d->m_jobPercent;

  if ( d->m_loadedObjects < d->m_totalObjectCount && percent >= 75 )
    emit d->m_extension->infoMessage( i18n( "%1 of 1 Image loaded", "%1 of %n Images loaded", d->m_totalObjectCount ).arg( d->m_loadedObjects ) );

  emit d->m_extension->loadingProgress( percent );

void KHTMLPart::slotJobSpeed( KIO::Job* /*job*/, unsigned long speed )
  emit d->m_extension->speedProgress( speed );

void KHTMLPart::slotJobPercent( KIO::Job* /*job*/, unsigned long percent )
  d->m_jobPercent = percent;

  if ( !parentPart() )
    QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT( slotProgressUpdate() ) );


void KHTMLPart::checkCompleted()
//   kdDebug( 6050 ) << "KHTMLPart::checkCompleted() parsing: " << d->m_doc->parsing() << endl;
//   kdDebug( 6050 ) << "                           complete: " << d->m_bComplete << endl;

  // restore the cursor position
  if (d->m_doc && !d->m_doc->parsing() && !d->m_focusNodeRestored)
      if (d->m_focusNodeNumber >= 0)
      d->m_focusNodeRestored = true;

  // Any frame that hasn't completed yet ?
  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if ( !(*it).m_bCompleted )

  // Are we still parsing - or have we done the completed stuff already ?
  if ( d->m_bComplete || (d->m_doc && d->m_doc->parsing()) )

  // Still waiting for images/scripts from the loader ?
  int requests = 0;
  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->docLoader() )
    requests = khtml::Cache::loader()->numRequests( d->m_doc->docLoader() );

  if ( requests > 0 )

  // OK, completed.
  // Now do what should be done when we are really completed.
  d->m_bComplete = true;

  checkEmitLoadEvent(); // if we didn't do it before

  if (d->m_view) {

  // check that the view has not been moved by the user  
  if ( m_url.encodedHtmlRef().isEmpty() && d->m_view->contentsY() == 0 )
      d->m_view->setContentsPos( d->m_extension->urlArgs().xOffset,
                                 d->m_extension->urlArgs().yOffset );


  } // if (d->m_view)

  if ( d->m_scheduledRedirection != noRedirectionScheduled )
    // Do not start redirection for frames here! That action is
    // deferred until the parent emits a completed signal.
    if ( parentPart() == 0 )
      d->m_redirectionTimer.start( (int)(1000 * d->m_delayRedirect), true );

    emit completed( true );
    if ( d->m_bPendingChildRedirection )
      emit completed ( true );
      emit completed();

  // find the alternate stylesheets
  QStringList sheets;
  if (d->m_doc)
     sheets = d->m_doc->availableStyleSheets();
  d->m_paUseStylesheet->setItems( sheets );
  d->m_paUseStylesheet->setEnabled( !sheets.isEmpty() );
  if (!sheets.isEmpty())
    d->m_paUseStylesheet->setCurrentItem(kMax(sheets.findIndex(d->m_sheetUsed), 0));

  if (!parentPart())
      emit setStatusBarText(i18n("Done."));

  kdDebug(6050) << "DONE: " <<d->m_parsetime.elapsed() << endl;

void KHTMLPart::checkEmitLoadEvent()
  if ( d->m_bLoadEventEmitted || !d->m_doc || d->m_doc->parsing() ) return;

  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if ( !(*it).m_bCompleted ) // still got a frame running -> too early

  // All frames completed -> set their domain to the frameset's domain
  // This must only be done when loading the frameset initially (#22039),
  // not when following a link in a frame (#44162).
  if ( d->m_doc )
    DOMString domain = d->m_doc->domain();
    ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
    ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
    for (; it != end; ++it )
      KParts::ReadOnlyPart *p = (*it).m_part;
      if ( p && p->inherits( "KHTMLPart" ))
        KHTMLPart* htmlFrame = static_cast<KHTMLPart *>(p);
        if (htmlFrame->d->m_doc)
          kdDebug() << "KHTMLPart::checkCompleted setting frame domain to " << domain.string() << endl;
          htmlFrame->d->m_doc->setDomain( domain );

  d->m_bLoadEventEmitted = true;
  d->m_bUnloadEventEmitted = false;
  if (d->m_doc)

const KHTMLSettings *KHTMLPart::settings() const
  return d->m_settings;

KURL KHTMLPart::baseURL() const
  if ( !d->m_doc ) return KURL();

  return d->m_doc->baseURL();

QString KHTMLPart::baseTarget() const
  if ( !d->m_doc ) return QString::null;

  return d->m_doc->baseTarget();

KURL KHTMLPart::completeURL( const QString &url )
  if ( !d->m_doc ) return url;

  if (d->m_decoder)
    return KURL(d->m_doc->completeURL(url), d->m_decoder->codec()->mibEnum());

  return KURL( d->m_doc->completeURL( url ) );

void KHTMLPart::scheduleRedirection( double delay, const QString &url, bool doLockHistory, bool userGesture )
    kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::scheduleRedirection delay=" << delay << " url=" << url << endl;
    if (delay < 0 || delay > INT_MAX / 1000)
    if ( d->m_scheduledRedirection == noRedirectionScheduled || delay < d->m_delayRedirect )
       if (d->m_doc == 0){
        // Handle a location change of a page with no document as a special case.
        // This may happens when a frame changes the location of another frame.
        d->m_scheduledRedirection = redirectionDuringLoad;
         d->m_scheduledRedirection = redirectionScheduled;
       d->m_delayRedirect = delay;
       d->m_redirectURL = url;
       d->m_redirectLockHistory = doLockHistory;
       d->m_redirectUserGesture = userGesture;

       if ( d->m_bComplete ) {
         d->m_redirectionTimer.start( (int)(1000 * d->m_delayRedirect), true );

void KHTMLPart::scheduleHistoryNavigation( int steps )
    d->m_scheduledRedirection = historyNavigationScheduled;
    d->m_delayRedirect = 0;
    d->m_redirectURL = QString::null;
    d->m_scheduledHistoryNavigationSteps = steps;
    if ( d->m_bComplete ) {
        d->m_redirectionTimer.start( (int)(1000 * d->m_delayRedirect), true );

void KHTMLPart::cancelRedirection(bool cancelWithLoadInProgress)
    if (d) {
        d->m_cancelWithLoadInProgress = cancelWithLoadInProgress;
        d->m_scheduledRedirection = noRedirectionScheduled;

void KHTMLPart::slotRedirect()
    if (d->m_scheduledRedirection == historyNavigationScheduled) {
        d->m_scheduledRedirection = noRedirectionScheduled;

        // Special case for go(0) from a frame -> reload only the frame
        // go(i!=0) from a frame navigates into the history of the frame only,
        // in both IE and NS (but not in Mozilla).... we can't easily do that
        // in Konqueror...
        if (d->m_scheduledHistoryNavigationSteps == 0) // add && parentPart() to get only frames, but doesn't matter
            openURL( url() ); /// ## need args.reload=true?
        else {
            if (d->m_extension) {
                BrowserInterface *interface = d->m_extension->browserInterface();
                if (interface)
                    interface->callMethod( "goHistory(int)", d->m_scheduledHistoryNavigationSteps );
  QString u = d->m_redirectURL;
  d->m_scheduledRedirection = noRedirectionScheduled;
  d->m_delayRedirect = 0;
  d->m_redirectURL = QString::null;
  if ( u.find( QString::fromLatin1( "javascript:" ), 0, false ) == 0 )
    QString script = KURL::decode_string( u.right( u.length() - 11 ) );
    //kdDebug( 6050 ) << "KHTMLPart::slotRedirect script=" << script << endl;
    QVariant res = executeScript( script, d->m_redirectUserGesture );
    if ( res.type() == QVariant::String ) {
      begin( url() );
      write( res.asString() );
  KParts::URLArgs args;
  if ( urlcmp( u, m_url.url(), true, false ) )
    args.reload = true;

  args.setLockHistory( d->m_redirectLockHistory );
  urlSelected( u, 0, 0, "_self", args );

void KHTMLPart::slotRedirection(KIO::Job*, const KURL& url)
  // the slave told us that we got redirected
  // kdDebug( 6050 ) << "redirection by KIO to " << url.url() << endl;
  emit d->m_extension->setLocationBarURL( url.prettyURL() );
  d->m_workingURL = url;


bool KHTMLPart::setEncoding( const QString &name, bool override )
    d->m_encoding = name;
    d->m_haveEncoding = override;

    if( !m_url.isEmpty() ) {
        // reload document
        KURL url = m_url;
        m_url = 0;
        d->m_restored = true;
        d->m_restored = false;

    return true;


QString KHTMLPart::encoding() const
    if(d->m_haveEncoding && !d->m_encoding.isEmpty())
        return d->m_encoding;

    if(d->m_decoder && d->m_decoder->encoding())
        return QString(d->m_decoder->encoding());


void KHTMLPart::setUserStyleSheet(const KURL &url)
  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->docLoader() )
    (void) new khtml::PartStyleSheetLoader(this, url.url(), d->m_doc->docLoader());

void KHTMLPart::setUserStyleSheet(const QString &styleSheet)
  if ( d->m_doc )
    d->m_doc->setUserStyleSheet( styleSheet );

bool KHTMLPart::gotoAnchor( const QString &name )
  if (!d->m_doc)
    return false;

  NodeImpl *n = d->m_doc->getElementById(name);
  if (!n) {
    HTMLCollectionImpl *anchors =
        new HTMLCollectionImpl( d->m_doc, HTMLCollectionImpl::DOC_ANCHORS);
    n = anchors->namedItem(name, !d->m_doc->inCompatMode());

  d->m_doc->setCSSTarget(n); // Setting to null will clear the current target.
  if(!n) {
      kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::gotoAnchor node '" << name << "' not found" << endl;
      return false;

  // We need to update the layout before scrolling, otherwise we could
  // really mess things up if an anchor scroll comes at a bad moment.
  if ( d->m_doc ) {
    // Only do a layout if changes have occurred that make it necessary.      
    if ( d->m_view && d->m_doc->renderer() && d->m_doc->renderer()->needsLayout() ) {
  int x = 0, y = 0;
  HTMLElementImpl *a = static_cast<HTMLElementImpl *>(n);
  a->getUpperLeftCorner(x, y);
  // Remove the 50 pixel slop factor; some pages expect anchors to be exactly scrolled to.
  // Also, call recursive version so this will expose correctly from within nested frames.
  d->m_view->setContentsPosRecursive(x, y);
  d->m_view->setContentsPos(x-50, y-50);

  return true;

void KHTMLPart::setStandardFont( const QString &name )

void KHTMLPart::setFixedFont( const QString &name )


void KHTMLPart::setURLCursor( const QCursor &c )
  d->m_linkCursor = c;


QCursor KHTMLPart::urlCursor() const
  // Don't load the link cursor until it's actually used.
  // Also, we don't need setURLCursor.
  // This speeds up startup time.
  return KCursor::handCursor();
  return d->m_linkCursor;

bool KHTMLPart::onlyLocalReferences() const
  return d->m_onlyLocalReferences;

void KHTMLPart::setOnlyLocalReferences(bool enable)
  d->m_onlyLocalReferences = enable;

void KHTMLPart::setEditMode(TristateFlag flag)
    d->m_inEditMode = flag;

TristateFlag KHTMLPart::editMode() const
    if (d->m_inEditMode != FlagNone)
        return d->m_inEditMode == FlagEnabled ? FlagEnabled : FlagDisabled;
    KHTMLPart *part = parentPart();
    while (part) {
        if (part->d->m_inEditMode != FlagNone)
            return part->d->m_inEditMode == FlagEnabled ? FlagEnabled : FlagDisabled;
        part = part->parentPart();
    return FlagNone;

bool KHTMLPart::inEditMode() const
    return editMode() == FlagEnabled;

void KHTMLPart::findTextBegin(NodeImpl *startNode, int startPos)
    d->m_findPos = startPos;
    d->m_findNode = startNode;

bool KHTMLPart::findTextNext( const QString &str, bool forward, bool caseSensitive, bool isRegExp )
    if ( !d->m_doc )
        return false;

    if(!d->m_findNode) {
        if (d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument())
            d->m_findNode = static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc)->body();
            d->m_findNode = d->m_doc;

    if ( !d->m_findNode )
      kdDebug() << "KHTMLPart::findTextNext no findNode -> return false" << endl;
      return false;
    if ( d->m_findNode->id() == ID_FRAMESET )
      kdDebug() << "KHTMLPart::findTextNext FRAMESET -> return false" << endl;
      return false;

        if( (d->m_findNode->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE || d->m_findNode->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) && d->m_findNode->renderer() )
            DOMString nodeText = d->m_findNode->nodeValue();
            DOMStringImpl *t = nodeText.implementation();
            QConstString s(t->s, t->l);

            int matchLen = 0;
            if ( isRegExp ) {
              QRegExp matcher( str );
              matcher.setCaseSensitive( caseSensitive );
              d->m_findPos =, d->m_findPos+1);
              if ( d->m_findPos != -1 )
                matchLen = matcher.matchedLength();
            else {
              d->m_findPos = s.string().find(str, d->m_findPos+1, caseSensitive);
              matchLen = str.length();
            if (forward) {
                d->m_findPos = s.string().find(str, d->m_findPos+1, caseSensitive);
            } else {
                if (d->m_findPos == -1) {
                    // search from end of node
                    d->m_findPos = s.string().findRev(str, -1, caseSensitive);
                } else if (d->m_findPos != 0) {
                    d->m_findPos = s.string().findRev(str, d->m_findPos-1, caseSensitive);
                } else {
                    // already at start of this node, on to the next node
                    d->m_findPos = -1;
            matchLen = str.length();

            if(d->m_findPos != -1)
                int x = 0, y = 0;
                static_cast<khtml::RenderText *>(d->m_findNode->renderer())
                  ->posOfChar(d->m_findPos, x, y);
                d->m_view->setContentsPos(x-50, y-50);

                d->m_selectionStart = d->m_findNode;
                d->m_startOffset = d->m_findPos;
                d->m_selectionEnd = d->m_findNode;
                d->m_endOffset = d->m_findPos + matchLen;
                d->m_startBeforeEnd = true;

                d->m_doc->setSelection( d->m_selectionStart.handle(), d->m_startOffset,
                                        d->m_selectionEnd.handle(), d->m_endOffset );
                return true;
        d->m_findPos = -1;

        NodeImpl *next;

        if ( forward )
          next = d->m_findNode->firstChild();

          if(!next) next = d->m_findNode->nextSibling();
          while(d->m_findNode && !next) {
              d->m_findNode = d->m_findNode->parentNode();
              if( d->m_findNode ) {
                  next = d->m_findNode->nextSibling();
          next = d->m_findNode->lastChild();

          if (!next ) next = d->m_findNode->previousSibling();
          while ( d->m_findNode && !next )
            d->m_findNode = d->m_findNode->parentNode();
            if( d->m_findNode )
              next = d->m_findNode->previousSibling();

        d->m_findNode = next;
        if(!d->m_findNode) return false;

QString KHTMLPart::text(const DOM::Range &r) const
  // FIXME: This whole function should use the render tree and not the DOM tree, since elements could
  // be hidden using CSS, or additional generated content could be added.  For now, we just make sure
  // text objects walk their renderers' InlineTextBox objects, so that we at least get the whitespace 
  // stripped out properly and obey CSS visibility for text runs.

  if (r.isNull())
    return QString();

  bool hasNewLine = true;
  bool addedSpace = true;
  bool needSpace = false;
  QString text;
  DOM::Node startNode = r.startContainer();
  DOM::Node endNode = r.endContainer();
  int startOffset = r.startOffset();
  int endOffset = r.endOffset();
  if (!startNode.isNull() && startNode.nodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE) {
      if (startOffset >= 0 && startOffset < (int)startNode.childNodes().length()) {
          startNode = startNode.childNodes().item(r.startOffset());
          startOffset = -1;
  if (!endNode.isNull() && endNode.nodeType() == Node::ELEMENT_NODE) {
      if (endOffset > 0 && endOffset <= (int)endNode.childNodes().length()) {
          endNode = endNode.childNodes().item(endOffset - 1);
          endOffset = -1;

  DOM::Node n = startNode;
  while(!n.isNull()) {
      if(n.nodeType() == DOM::Node::TEXT_NODE) {
          if (hasNewLine) {
              addedSpace = true;
              hasNewLine = false;
          QString str = n.nodeValue().string();
          int start = (n == startNode) ? startOffset : -1;
          int end = (n == endNode) ? endOffset : -1;
          RenderObject* renderer = n.handle()->renderer();
          if (renderer && renderer->isText()) {
              if (renderer->style()->whiteSpace() == khtml::PRE) {
                  if (needSpace && !addedSpace)
                      text += ' ';
                  int runStart = (start == -1) ? 0 : start;
                  int runEnd = (end == -1) ? str.length() : end;
                  text += str.mid(runStart, runEnd-runStart);
                  needSpace = false;
                  addedSpace = str[runEnd-1].direction() == QChar::DirWS;
              else {
                  RenderText* textObj = static_cast<RenderText*>(n.handle()->renderer());
                  InlineTextBoxArray runs = textObj->inlineTextBoxes();
                  if (runs.count() == 0 && str.length() > 0) {
                      // We have no runs, but we do have a length.  This means we must be
                      // whitespace that collapsed away at the end of a line.
                      needSpace = true;
                  else {
                      for (unsigned i = 0; i < runs.count(); i++) {
                          int runStart = (start == -1) ? runs[i]->m_start : start;
                          int runEnd = (end == -1) ? runs[i]->m_start + runs[i]->m_len : end;
                          runEnd = QMIN(runEnd, runs[i]->m_start + runs[i]->m_len);
                          if (runStart >= runs[i]->m_start &&
                              runStart < runs[i]->m_start + runs[i]->m_len) {
                              if (i == 0 && runs[0]->m_start == runStart && runStart > 0)
                                  needSpace = true; // collapsed space at the start
                              if (needSpace && !addedSpace)
                                  text += ' ';
                              QString runText = str.mid(runStart, runEnd - runStart);
                              runText.replace('\n', ' ');
                              text += runText;
                              int nextRunStart = (i+1 < runs.count()) ? runs[i+1]->m_start : str.length();
                              needSpace = nextRunStart > runEnd; // collapsed space between runs or at the end
                              addedSpace = str[runEnd-1].direction() == QChar::DirWS;
                              start = -1;
                          if (end != -1 && runEnd >= end)
      else {
        // This is our simple HTML -> ASCII transformation:
        unsigned short id = n.elementId();
        switch(id) {
          case ID_BR:
            text += "\n";
            hasNewLine = true;

          case ID_TD:
          case ID_TH:
          case ID_HR:
          case ID_OL:
          case ID_UL:
          case ID_LI:
          case ID_DD:
          case ID_DL:
          case ID_DT:
          case ID_PRE:
          case ID_BLOCKQUOTE:
          case ID_DIV:
            if (!hasNewLine)
               text += "\n";
            hasNewLine = true;
          case ID_P:
          case ID_TR:
          case ID_H1:
          case ID_H2:
          case ID_H3:
          case ID_H4:
          case ID_H5:
          case ID_H6:
            if (!hasNewLine)
               text += "\n";
            text += "\n";
            hasNewLine = true;
      if(n == endNode) break;
      DOM::Node next = n.firstChild();
      if(next.isNull()) next = n.nextSibling();
      while( next.isNull() && !n.parentNode().isNull() ) {
        n = n.parentNode();
        if(n == endNode) break;
        next = n.nextSibling();
        unsigned short id = n.elementId();
        switch(id) {
          case ID_TD:
          case ID_TH:
          case ID_HR:
          case ID_OL:
          case ID_UL:
          case ID_LI:
          case ID_DD:
          case ID_DL:
          case ID_DT:
          case ID_PRE:
          case ID_BLOCKQUOTE:
          case ID_DIV:
            if (!hasNewLine)
               text += "\n";
            hasNewLine = true;
          case ID_P:
          case ID_TR:
          case ID_H1:
          case ID_H2:
          case ID_H3:
          case ID_H4:
          case ID_H5:
          case ID_H6:
            if (!hasNewLine)
               text += "\n";
            // An extra newline is needed at the start, not the end, of these types of tags,
            // so don't add another here.
            hasNewLine = true;

      n = next;
    int start = 0;
    int end = text.length();

    // Strip leading LFs
    while ((start < end) && (text[start] == '\n'))

    // Strip excessive trailing LFs
    while ((start < (end-1)) && (text[end-1] == '\n') && (text[end-2] == '\n'))
    return text.mid(start, end-start);

QString KHTMLPart::selectedText() const
    return text(selection());

bool KHTMLPart::hasSelection() const
  return ( !d->m_selectionStart.isNull() &&
           !d->m_selectionEnd.isNull() );

DOM::Range KHTMLPart::selection() const
    DOM::Range r = document().createRange();
    if (hasSelection()) {
        r.setStart( d->m_selectionStart, d->m_startOffset );
        r.setEnd( d->m_selectionEnd, d->m_endOffset );
    return r;

void KHTMLPart::setSelection( const DOM::Range &r )
    d->m_selectionStart = r.startContainer();
    d->m_startOffset = r.startOffset();
    d->m_selectionEnd = r.endContainer();
    d->m_endOffset = r.endOffset();

void KHTMLPart::slotClearSelection()
    d->m_selectionStart = 0;
    d->m_startOffset = 0;
    d->m_selectionEnd = 0;
    d->m_endOffset = 0;
    if ( d->m_doc ) d->m_doc->clearSelection();


void KHTMLPart::overURL( const QString &url, const QString &target, bool shiftPressed )
  if ( !d->m_kjsStatusBarText.isEmpty() && !shiftPressed ) {
    emit onURL( url );
    emit setStatusBarText( d->m_kjsStatusBarText );
    d->m_kjsStatusBarText = QString::null;

  emit onURL( url );

  if ( url.isEmpty() )
    emit setStatusBarText(completeURL(url).htmlURL());

  if (url.find( QString::fromLatin1( "javascript:" ),0, false ) != -1 )
    emit setStatusBarText( KURL::decode_string( url.mid( url.find( "javascript:", 0, false ) ) ) );

  KURL u = completeURL(url);

  // special case for <a href="">
  if ( url.isEmpty() )
    u.setFileName( url );

  QString com;

  KMimeType::Ptr typ = KMimeType::findByURL( u );

  if ( typ )
    com = typ->comment( u, false );

  if ( u.isMalformed() )
    emit setStatusBarText(u.htmlURL());

  if ( u.isLocalFile() )
    // TODO : use KIO::stat() and create a KFileItem out of its result,
    // to use KFileItem::statusBarText()
    QCString path = QFile::encodeName( u.path() );

    struct stat buff;
    bool ok = !stat(, &buff );

    struct stat lbuff;
    if (ok) ok = !lstat(, &lbuff );

    QString text = u.htmlURL();
    QString text2 = text;

    if (ok && S_ISLNK( lbuff.st_mode ) )
      QString tmp;
      if ( com.isNull() )
        tmp = i18n( "Symbolic Link");
        tmp = i18n("%1 (Link)").arg(com);
      char buff_two[1024];
      text += " -> ";
      int n = readlink (, buff_two, 1022);
      if (n == -1)
        text2 += "  ";
        text2 += tmp;
        emit setStatusBarText(text2);
      buff_two[n] = 0;

      text += buff_two;
      text += "  ";
      text += tmp;
    else if ( ok && S_ISREG( buff.st_mode ) )
      if (buff.st_size < 1024)
        text = i18n("%2 (%1 bytes)").arg((long) buff.st_size).arg(text2); // always put the URL last, in case it contains '%'
        float d = (float) buff.st_size/1024.0;
        text = i18n("%1 (%2 K)").arg(text2).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatNumber(d, 2)); // was %.2f
      text += "  ";
      text += com;
    else if ( ok && S_ISDIR( buff.st_mode ) )
      text += "  ";
      text += com;
      text += "  ";
      text += com;
    emit setStatusBarText(text);
    QString extra;
    if (target == QString::fromLatin1("_blank"))
      extra = i18n(" (In new window)");
    else if (!target.isEmpty() &&
             (target != QString::fromLatin1("_top")) &&
             (target != QString::fromLatin1("_self")) &&
             (target != QString::fromLatin1("_parent")))
      extra = i18n(" (In other frame)");

    if (u.protocol() == QString::fromLatin1("mailto")) {
      QString mailtoMsg/* = QString::fromLatin1("<img src=%1>").arg(locate("icon", QString::fromLatin1("locolor/16x16/actions/mail_send.png")))*/;
      mailtoMsg += i18n("Email to: ") + KURL::decode_string(u.path());
      QStringList queries = QStringList::split('&', u.query().mid(1));
      for (QStringList::Iterator it = queries.begin(); it != queries.end(); ++it)
        if ((*it).startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("subject=")))
          mailtoMsg += i18n(" - Subject: ") + KURL::decode_string((*it).mid(8));
        else if ((*it).startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("cc=")))
          mailtoMsg += i18n(" - CC: ") + KURL::decode_string((*it).mid(3));
        else if ((*it).startsWith(QString::fromLatin1("bcc=")))
          mailtoMsg += i18n(" - BCC: ") + KURL::decode_string((*it).mid(4));
      mailtoMsg.replace(QRegExp("&"), QString("&amp;"));
      mailtoMsg.replace(QRegExp("<"), QString("&lt;"));
      mailtoMsg.replace(QRegExp(">"), QString("&gt;"));
      mailtoMsg.replace(QRegExp("([\n\r\t]|[ ]{10})"), "");
      emit setStatusBarText(mailtoMsg);
   // Is this check neccessary at all? (Frerich)
#if 0
    else if (u.protocol() == QString::fromLatin1("http")) {
        DOM::Node hrefNode = nodeUnderMouse().parentNode();
        while (hrefNode.nodeName().string() != QString::fromLatin1("A") && !hrefNode.isNull())
          hrefNode = hrefNode.parentNode();

        if (!hrefNode.isNull()) {
          DOM::Node hreflangNode = hrefNode.attributes().getNamedItem("HREFLANG");
          if (!hreflangNode.isNull()) {
            QString countryCode = hreflangNode.nodeValue().string().lower();
            // Map the language code to an appropriate country code.
            if (countryCode == QString::fromLatin1("en"))
              countryCode = QString::fromLatin1("gb");
            QString flagImg = QString::fromLatin1("<img src=%1>").arg(
                locate("locale", QString::fromLatin1("l10n/")
                + countryCode
                + QString::fromLatin1("/flag.png")));
            emit setStatusBarText(flagImg + u.prettyURL() + extra);
    emit setStatusBarText(u.htmlURL() + extra);


void KHTMLPart::urlSelected( const QString &url, int button, int state, const QString &_target,
                             KParts::URLArgs args )
  bool hasTarget = false;

  QString target = _target;
  if ( target.isEmpty() && d->m_doc )
    target = d->m_doc->baseTarget();
  if ( !target.isEmpty() )
      hasTarget = true;

  if ( url.find( QString::fromLatin1( "javascript:" ), 0, false ) == 0 )
    executeScript( KURL::decode_string( url.right( url.length() - 11) ), true );

  KURL cURL = completeURL(url);
  // special case for <a href="">
  if ( url.isEmpty() )
    cURL.setFileName( url );

  if ( !cURL.isValid() )

  //kdDebug( 6000 ) << "urlSelected: complete URL:" << cURL.url() << " target = " << target << endl;

  if ( button == LeftButton && ( state & ShiftButton ) )
    KIO::MetaData metaData;
    metaData["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;
    KHTMLPopupGUIClient::saveURL( d->m_view, i18n( "Save As..." ), cURL, metaData );

  if (!checkLinkSecurity(cURL,
			 i18n( "<qt>The link <B>%1</B><BR>leads from this untrusted page to your local filesystem.<BR>Do you want to follow the link?" ),
			 i18n( "Follow" )))

  args.frameName = target;

  if ( d->m_bHTTPRefresh )
    d->m_bHTTPRefresh = false;
    args.metaData()["cache"] = "refresh";

                         parentPart() == 0 ? "TRUE":"FALSE");
  args.metaData().insert("ssl_was_in_use", d->m_ssl_in_use ? "TRUE":"FALSE");
  args.metaData().insert("ssl_activate_warnings", "TRUE");

  args.metaData()["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;
  KWQ(this)->urlSelected(cURL, button, state, args);
  if ( hasTarget )
    // unknown frame names should open in a new window.
    khtml::ChildFrame *frame = recursiveFrameRequest( cURL, args, false );
    if ( frame )
      args.metaData()["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;
      requestObject( frame, cURL, args );

  if ( !d->m_bComplete && !hasTarget )

  if (!d->m_referrer.isEmpty())
    args.metaData()["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;

  if ( button == MidButton && (state & ShiftButton) )
    KParts::WindowArgs winArgs;
    winArgs.lowerWindow = true;
    KParts::ReadOnlyPart *newPart = 0;
    emit d->m_extension->createNewWindow( cURL, args, winArgs, newPart );
  emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( cURL, args );


void KHTMLPart::slotViewDocumentSource()
  KURL url(m_url);
  if (!(url.isLocalFile()) && KHTMLPageCache::self()->isValid(d->m_cacheId))
     KTempFile sourceFile(QString::null, QString::fromLatin1(".html"));
     if (sourceFile.status() == 0)
        KHTMLPageCache::self()->saveData(d->m_cacheId, sourceFile.dataStream());
        url = KURL();

  //  emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( m_url, KParts::URLArgs( false, 0, 0, QString::fromLatin1( "text/plain" ) ) );
  (void) KRun::runURL( url, QString::fromLatin1("text/plain") );

void KHTMLPart::slotViewFrameSource()
  KParts::ReadOnlyPart *frame = currentFrame();
  if ( !frame )

  KURL url = frame->url();
  if (!(url.isLocalFile()) && frame->inherits("KHTMLPart"))
       long cacheId = static_cast<KHTMLPart *>(frame)->d->m_cacheId;

       if (KHTMLPageCache::self()->isValid(cacheId))
           KTempFile sourceFile(QString::null, QString::fromLatin1(".html"));
           if (sourceFile.status() == 0)
               KHTMLPageCache::self()->saveData(cacheId, sourceFile.dataStream());
               url = KURL();

  (void) KRun::runURL( url, QString::fromLatin1("text/plain") );

KURL KHTMLPart::backgroundURL() const
  // ### what about XML documents? get from CSS?
  if (!d->m_doc || !d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument())
    return KURL();

  QString relURL = static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc)->body()->getAttribute( ATTR_BACKGROUND ).string();

  return KURL( m_url, relURL );

void KHTMLPart::slotSaveBackground()
  KIO::MetaData metaData;
  metaData["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;
  KHTMLPopupGUIClient::saveURL( d->m_view, i18n("Save background image as"), backgroundURL(), metaData );

void KHTMLPart::slotSaveDocument()
  KURL srcURL( m_url );

  if ( srcURL.fileName(false).isEmpty() )
    srcURL.setFileName( "index.html" );

  KIO::MetaData metaData;
  // Referre unknown?
  KHTMLPopupGUIClient::saveURL( d->m_view, i18n( "Save As" ), srcURL, metaData, i18n("*.html *.htm|HTML files"), d->m_cacheId );

void KHTMLPart::slotSecurity()
//   kdDebug( 6050 ) << "Meta Data:" << endl
//                   << d->m_ssl_peer_cert_subject
//                   << endl
//                   << d->m_ssl_peer_cert_issuer
//                   << endl
//                   << d->m_ssl_cipher
//                   << endl
//                   << d->m_ssl_cipher_desc
//                   << endl
//                   << d->m_ssl_cipher_version
//                   << endl
//                   << d->m_ssl_good_from
//                   << endl
//                   << d->m_ssl_good_until
//                   << endl
//                   << d->m_ssl_cert_state
//                   << endl;

  KSSLInfoDlg *kid = new KSSLInfoDlg(d->m_ssl_in_use, widget(), "kssl_info_dlg", true );

  if (d->m_bSecurityInQuestion)

  if (d->m_ssl_in_use) {
    KSSLCertificate *x = KSSLCertificate::fromString(d->m_ssl_peer_certificate.local8Bit());
    if (x) {
       // Set the chain back onto the certificate
       QStringList cl = QStringList::split(QString("\n"), d->m_ssl_peer_chain);
       QPtrList<KSSLCertificate> ncl;

       for (QStringList::Iterator it = cl.begin(); it != cl.end(); ++it) {
          KSSLCertificate *y = KSSLCertificate::fromString((*it).local8Bit());
          if (y) ncl.append(y);

       if (ncl.count() > 0)

                  (KSSLCertificate::KSSLValidation) d->m_ssl_cert_state.toInt()
        delete x;
     } else kid->exec();
  } else kid->exec();

void KHTMLPart::slotSaveFrame()
    if ( !d->m_activeFrame )
        return; // should never be the case, but one never knows :-)

    KURL srcURL( static_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart *>( d->m_activeFrame )->url() );

    if ( srcURL.fileName(false).isEmpty() )
        srcURL.setFileName( "index.html" );

    KIO::MetaData metaData;
    // Referrer unknown?
    KHTMLPopupGUIClient::saveURL( d->m_view, i18n( "Save As" ), srcURL, metaData, i18n("*.html *.htm|HTML files") );

void KHTMLPart::slotSetEncoding()
    // first Item is always auto
    if(d->m_paSetEncoding->currentItem() == 0)
        setEncoding(QString::null, false);
    else {
        // strip of the language to get the raw encoding again.
        QString enc = KGlobal::charsets()->encodingForName(d->m_paSetEncoding->currentText());
        setEncoding(enc, true);

void KHTMLPart::slotUseStylesheet()
  if (d->m_doc && d->m_paUseStylesheet->currentText() != d->m_sheetUsed) {
    d->m_sheetUsed = d->m_paUseStylesheet->currentText();

void KHTMLPart::updateActions()
  bool frames = false;

  QValueList<khtml::ChildFrame>::ConstIterator it = d->m_frames.begin();
  QValueList<khtml::ChildFrame>::ConstIterator end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
      if ( (*it).m_type == khtml::ChildFrame::Frame )
          frames = true;

  d->m_paViewFrame->setEnabled( frames );
  d->m_paSaveFrame->setEnabled( frames );

  if ( frames )
    d->m_paFind->setText( i18n( "&Find in Frame..." ) );
    d->m_paFind->setText( i18n( "&Find..." ) );

  KParts::Part *frame = 0;

  if ( frames )
    frame = currentFrame();

  bool enableFindAndSelectAll = true;

  if ( frame )
    enableFindAndSelectAll = frame->inherits( "KHTMLPart" );

  d->m_paFind->setEnabled( enableFindAndSelectAll );
  d->m_paSelectAll->setEnabled( enableFindAndSelectAll );

  bool enablePrintFrame = false;

  if ( frame )
    QObject *ext = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( frame );
    if ( ext )
      enablePrintFrame = ext->metaObject()->slotNames().contains( "print()" );

  d->m_paPrintFrame->setEnabled( enablePrintFrame );

  QString bgURL;

  // ### frames
  if ( d->m_doc && d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument() && static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc)->body() && !d->m_bClearing )
    bgURL = static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc)->body()->getAttribute( ATTR_BACKGROUND ).string();

  d->m_paSaveBackground->setEnabled( !bgURL.isEmpty() );


bool KHTMLPart::requestFrame( khtml::RenderPart *frame, const QString &url, const QString &frameName,
                              const QStringList &params, bool isIFrame )
//  kdDebug( 6050 ) << "childRequest( ..., " << url << ", " << frameName << " )" << endl;
  FrameIt it = d->m_frames.find( frameName );
  if ( it == d->m_frames.end() )
    khtml::ChildFrame child;
//    kdDebug( 6050 ) << "inserting new frame into frame map " << frameName << endl;
    child.m_name = frameName;
    it = d->m_frames.append( child );

  (*it).m_type = isIFrame ? khtml::ChildFrame::IFrame : khtml::ChildFrame::Frame;
  (*it).m_frame = frame;
  (*it).m_params = params;

  // Support for <frame src="javascript:string">
  if ( url.find( QString::fromLatin1( "javascript:" ), 0, false ) == 0 )
    if (!processObjectRequest(&(*it), "about:blank", "text/html" ))
      return false;

    KHTMLPart *newPart = static_cast<KHTMLPart *>(&*(*it).m_part); 
    newPart->replaceContentsWithScriptResult( url );

    return true;

  return requestObject( &(*it), completeURL( url ));

QString KHTMLPart::requestFrameName()
    return KWQ(this)->generateFrameName();
    return QString::fromLatin1("<!--frame %1-->").arg(d->m_frameNameId++);

bool KHTMLPart::requestObject( khtml::RenderPart *frame, const QString &url, const QString &serviceType,
                               const QStringList &params )
  khtml::ChildFrame child;
  QValueList<khtml::ChildFrame>::Iterator it = d->m_objects.append( child );
  (*it).m_frame = frame;
  (*it).m_type = khtml::ChildFrame::Object;
  (*it).m_params = params;

  KURL completedURL;
  if (!url.isEmpty())
    completedURL = completeURL(url);

  KParts::URLArgs args;
  args.serviceType = serviceType;
  return requestObject( &(*it), completedURL, args );

bool KHTMLPart::requestObject( khtml::ChildFrame *child, const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &_args )
  if (!checkLinkSecurity(url))
    return false;
  if ( child->m_bPreloaded )
    // kdDebug(6005) << "KHTMLPart::requestObject preload" << endl;
    if ( child->m_frame && child->m_part )
      child->m_frame->setWidget( child->m_part->widget() );

    child->m_bPreloaded = false;
    return true;

  KParts::URLArgs args( _args );

  if ( child->m_run )

  if ( child->m_part && !args.reload && urlcmp( child->m_part->url().url(), url.url(), true, true ) )
    args.serviceType = child->m_serviceType;

  child->m_args = args;
  child->m_args.reload = (d->m_cachePolicy == KIO::CC_Reload) || (d->m_cachePolicy == KIO::CC_Refresh);
  child->m_serviceName = QString::null;
  if (!d->m_referrer.isEmpty() && !child->m_args.metaData().contains( "referrer" ))
    child->m_args.metaData()["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;

                                  parentPart() == 0 ? "TRUE":"FALSE");
                                  d->m_ssl_in_use ? "TRUE":"FALSE");
  child->m_args.metaData().insert("ssl_activate_warnings", "TRUE");

  // We want a KHTMLPart if the HTML says <frame src=""> or <frame src="about:blank">
  if ((url.isEmpty() || url.url() == "about:blank") && args.serviceType.isEmpty())
    args.serviceType = QString::fromLatin1( "text/html" );

  return processObjectRequest( child, url, args.serviceType );
  if ( args.serviceType.isEmpty() ) {
    child->m_run = new KHTMLRun( this, child, url, child->m_args,
                                 child->m_type != khtml::ChildFrame::Frame );
    return false;
  } else {
    return processObjectRequest( child, url, args.serviceType );

bool KHTMLPart::processObjectRequest( khtml::ChildFrame *child, const KURL &_url, const QString &mimetype )
  //kdDebug( 6050 ) << "KHTMLPart::processObjectRequest trying to create part for " << mimetype << endl;

  // IMPORTANT: create a copy of the url here, because it is just a reference, which was likely to be given
  // by an emitting frame part (emit openURLRequest( blahurl, ... ) . A few lines below we delete the part
  // though -> the reference becomes invalid -> crash is likely
  KURL url( _url );

  // khtmlrun called us this way to indicate a loading error
  if ( d->m_onlyLocalReferences || ( url.isEmpty() && mimetype.isEmpty() ) )
      child->m_bCompleted = true;
      return true;

  if (child->m_bNotify)
      child->m_bNotify = false;
      if ( !child->m_args.lockHistory() )
          emit d->m_extension->openURLNotify();

  if ( child->m_part )
    KHTMLPart *part = dynamic_cast<KHTMLPart *>(&*child->m_part);
    if (part)
    KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = KWQ(this)->createPart(*child, url, mimetype);
  if ( !child->m_services.contains( mimetype ) )
    KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = createPart( d->m_view->viewport(), child->m_name.ascii(), this, child->m_name.ascii(), mimetype, child->m_serviceName, child->m_services, child->m_params );

    if ( !part )
        if ( child->m_frame )
          if (child->m_frame->partLoadingErrorNotify( child, url, mimetype ))
            return true; // we succeeded after all (a fallback was used)

        return false;

    if ( child->m_part )
      partManager()->removePart( (KParts::ReadOnlyPart *)child->m_part );

    child->m_serviceType = mimetype;
    if ( child->m_frame )
      child->m_frame->setWidget( part->widget() );

    if ( child->m_type != khtml::ChildFrame::Object )
      partManager()->addPart( part, false );
//  else
//      kdDebug(6005) << "AH! NO FRAME!!!!!" << endl;

    child->m_part = part;
    assert( ((void*) child->m_part) != 0);

    if ( child->m_type != khtml::ChildFrame::Object )
      connect( part, SIGNAL( started( KIO::Job *) ),
               this, SLOT( slotChildStarted( KIO::Job *) ) );
      connect( part, SIGNAL( completed() ),
               this, SLOT( slotChildCompleted() ) );
      connect( part, SIGNAL( completed(bool) ),
               this, SLOT( slotChildCompleted(bool) ) );
      connect( part, SIGNAL( setStatusBarText( const QString & ) ),
               this, SIGNAL( setStatusBarText( const QString & ) ) );
      connect( this, SIGNAL( completed() ),
               part, SLOT( slotParentCompleted() ) );
      connect( this, SIGNAL( completed(bool) ),
               part, SLOT( slotParentCompleted() ) );

    child->m_extension = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( part );

    if ( child->m_extension )
      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( openURLNotify() ),
               d->m_extension, SIGNAL( openURLNotify() ) );

      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( openURLRequestDelayed( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ),
               this, SLOT( slotChildURLRequest( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ) );

      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( createNewWindow( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ),
               d->m_extension, SIGNAL( createNewWindow( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & ) ) );
      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( createNewWindow( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs &, const KParts::WindowArgs &, KParts::ReadOnlyPart *& ) ),
               d->m_extension, SIGNAL( createNewWindow( const KURL &, const KParts::URLArgs & , const KParts::WindowArgs &, KParts::ReadOnlyPart *&) ) );

      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( popupMenu( const QPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ),
               d->m_extension, SIGNAL( popupMenu( const QPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ) );
      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const QPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ),
               d->m_extension, SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const QPoint &, const KFileItemList & ) ) );
      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( popupMenu( const QPoint &, const KURL &, const QString &, mode_t ) ),
               d->m_extension, SIGNAL( popupMenu( const QPoint &, const KURL &, const QString &, mode_t ) ) );
      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const QPoint &, const KURL &, const QString &, mode_t ) ),
               d->m_extension, SIGNAL( popupMenu( KXMLGUIClient *, const QPoint &, const KURL &, const QString &, mode_t ) ) );

      connect( child->m_extension, SIGNAL( infoMessage( const QString & ) ),
               d->m_extension, SIGNAL( infoMessage( const QString & ) ) );

      child->m_extension->setBrowserInterface( d->m_extension->browserInterface() );

  // Some JS code in the load event may have destroyed the part
  // In that case, abort
  if ( !child->m_part )
    return false;

  if ( child->m_bPreloaded )
    if ( child->m_frame && child->m_part )
      child->m_frame->setWidget( child->m_part->widget() );

    child->m_bPreloaded = false;
    return true;

  child->m_args.reload = (d->m_cachePolicy == KIO::CC_Reload) || (d->m_cachePolicy == KIO::CC_Refresh);

  // make sure the part has a way to find out about the mimetype.
  // we actually set it in child->m_args in requestObject already,
  // but it's useless if we had to use a KHTMLRun instance, as the
  // point the run object is to find out exactly the mimetype.
  child->m_args.serviceType = mimetype;

  child->m_bCompleted = false;
  if ( child->m_extension )
    child->m_extension->setURLArgs( child->m_args );

    // In these cases, the synchronous load would have finished
    // before we could connect the signals, so make sure to send the
    // completed() signal for the child by hand:
    if (url.isEmpty() || url.url() == "about:blank") {
      ReadOnlyPart *readOnlyPart = child->m_part;
      KHTMLPart *part = dynamic_cast<KHTMLPart *>(readOnlyPart);
      if (part) {
  if(url.protocol() == "javascript" || url.url() == "about:blank") {
      if (!child->m_part->inherits("KHTMLPart"))
          return false;

      KHTMLPart* p = static_cast<KHTMLPart*>(static_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart *>(child->m_part));

      if (d->m_doc && p->d->m_doc)
      if (!url.url().startsWith("about:")) {
      } else {
	p->m_url = url;
      return true;
  else if ( !url.isEmpty() )
      //kdDebug( 6050 ) << "opening " << url.url() << " in frame " << child->m_part << endl;
      return child->m_part->openURL( url );
      return true;


KParts::ReadOnlyPart *KHTMLPart::createPart( QWidget *parentWidget, const char *widgetName,
                                             QObject *parent, const char *name, const QString &mimetype,
                                             QString &serviceName, QStringList &serviceTypes,
                                             const QStringList &params )
  QString constr;
  if ( !serviceName.isEmpty() )
    constr.append( QString::fromLatin1( "Name == '%1'" ).arg( serviceName ) );

  KTrader::OfferList offers = KTrader::self()->query( mimetype, "KParts/ReadOnlyPart", constr, QString::null );

  if ( offers.isEmpty() )
    return 0L;

  KService::Ptr service = *offers.begin();

  KLibFactory *factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory( QFile::encodeName(service->library()) );

  if ( !factory )
    return 0L;

  KParts::ReadOnlyPart *res = 0L;

  const char *className = "KParts::ReadOnlyPart";
  if ( service->serviceTypes().contains( "Browser/View" ) )
    className = "Browser/View";

  if ( factory->inherits( "KParts::Factory" ) )
    res = static_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart *>(static_cast<KParts::Factory *>( factory )->createPart( parentWidget, widgetName, parent, name, className, params ));
  res = static_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart *>(factory->create( parentWidget, widgetName, className ));

  if ( !res )
    return res;

  serviceTypes = service->serviceTypes();
  serviceName = service->name();

  return res;

KParts::PartManager *KHTMLPart::partManager()
  if ( !d->m_manager )
    d->m_manager = new KParts::PartManager( d->m_view->topLevelWidget(), this, "khtml part manager" );
    d->m_manager->setAllowNestedParts( true );
    connect( d->m_manager, SIGNAL( activePartChanged( KParts::Part * ) ),
             this, SLOT( slotActiveFrameChanged( KParts::Part * ) ) );
    connect( d->m_manager, SIGNAL( partRemoved( KParts::Part * ) ),
             this, SLOT( slotPartRemoved( KParts::Part * ) ) );

  return d->m_manager;


void KHTMLPart::submitFormAgain()
  if( d->m_doc && !d->m_doc->parsing() && d->m_submitForm)
    KHTMLPart::submitForm( d->m_submitForm->submitAction, d->m_submitForm->submitUrl, d->m_submitForm->submitFormData, d->m_submitForm->target, d->m_submitForm->submitContentType, d->m_submitForm->submitBoundary );

  delete d->m_submitForm;
  d->m_submitForm = 0;
  disconnect(this, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(submitFormAgain()));

void KHTMLPart::submitForm( const char *action, const QString &url, const QByteArray &formData, const QString &_target, const QString& contentType, const QString& boundary )
  kdDebug(6000) << this << ": KHTMLPart::submitForm target=" << _target << " url=" << url << endl;
  KURL u = completeURL( url );

  if ( !u.isValid() )
    // ### ERROR HANDLING!

  // Form security checks

  /* This is separate for a reason.  It has to be _before_ all script, etc,
   * AND I don't want to break anything that uses checkLinkSecurity() in
   * other places.

  // This causes crashes... needs to be fixed.
  if (!d->m_submitForm && u.protocol() != "https" && u.protocol() != "mailto") {
	if (d->m_ssl_in_use) {    // Going from SSL -> nonSSL
		int rc = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(NULL, i18n("Warning:  This is a secure form but it is attempting to send your data back unencrypted."
					"\nA third party may be able to intercept and view this information."
					"\nAre you sure you wish to continue?"),
		if (rc == KMessageBox::Cancel)
	} else {                  // Going from nonSSL -> nonSSL
		KSSLSettings kss(true);
		if (kss.warnOnUnencrypted()) {
			int rc = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(NULL,
					i18n("Warning: Your data is about to be transmitted across the network unencrypted."
					"\nAre you sure you wish to continue?"),
			// Move this setting into KSSL instead
			KConfig *config = kapp->config();
			QString grpNotifMsgs = QString::fromLatin1("Notification Messages");
			KConfigGroupSaver saver( config, grpNotifMsgs );

			if (!config->readBoolEntry("WarnOnUnencryptedForm", true)) {
		        if (rc == KMessageBox::Cancel)

  if (!d->m_submitForm && u.protocol() == "mailto") {
     int rc = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(NULL, 
                 i18n("This site is attempting to submit form data via email."),

     if (rc == KMessageBox::Cancel) {

  // End form security checks

  QString urlstring = u.url();

  if ( urlstring.find( QString::fromLatin1( "javascript:" ), 0, false ) == 0 ) {
    urlstring = KURL::decode_string(urlstring);
    d->m_executingJavaScriptFormAction = true;
    executeScript( urlstring.right( urlstring.length() - 11) );
    d->m_executingJavaScriptFormAction = false;

  if (!checkLinkSecurity(u,
			 i18n( "<qt>The form will be submitted to <BR><B>%1</B><BR>on your local filesystem.<BR>Do you want to submit the form?" ),
			 i18n( "Submit" )))

  KParts::URLArgs args;

  if (!d->m_referrer.isEmpty())
     args.metaData()["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;

                         parentPart() == 0 ? "TRUE":"FALSE");
  args.metaData().insert("ssl_was_in_use", d->m_ssl_in_use ? "TRUE":"FALSE");
  args.metaData().insert("ssl_activate_warnings", "TRUE");
  args.frameName = _target.isEmpty() ? d->m_doc->baseTarget() : _target ;

  // Handle mailto: forms
  if (u.protocol() == "mailto") {
      // 1)  Check for attach= and strip it
      QString q = u.query().mid(1);
      QStringList nvps = QStringList::split("&", q);
      bool triedToAttach = false;

      for (QStringList::Iterator nvp = nvps.begin(); nvp != nvps.end(); ++nvp) {
         QStringList pair = QStringList::split("=", *nvp);
         if (pair.count() >= 2) {
            if (pair.first().lower() == "attach") {
               nvp = nvps.remove(nvp);
               triedToAttach = true;

      if (triedToAttach)
         KMessageBox::information(NULL, i18n("This site attempted to attach a file from your computer in the form submission. The attachment was removed for your protection."), i18n("KDE"), "WarnTriedAttach");

      // 2)  Append body=
      QString bodyEnc;
      if (contentType.lower() == "multipart/form-data") {
         // FIXME: is this correct?  I suspect not
         bodyEnc = KURL::encode_string(QString::fromLatin1(, 
      } else if (contentType.lower() == "text/plain") {
         // Convention seems to be to decode, and s/&/\n/
         QString tmpbody = QString::fromLatin1(, 
         tmpbody.replace(QRegExp("[&]"), "\n");
         tmpbody.replace(QRegExp("[+]"), " ");
         tmpbody = KURL::decode_string(tmpbody);  // Decode the rest of it
         bodyEnc = KURL::encode_string(tmpbody);  // Recode for the URL
      } else {
         bodyEnc = KURL::encode_string(QString::fromLatin1(, 

      q = nvps.join("&");

  if ( strcmp( action, "get" ) == 0 ) {
    if (u.protocol() != "mailto")
       u.setQuery( QString::fromLatin1(, formData.size() ) );
    args.setDoPost( false );
  else {
    args.postData = formData;
    args.setDoPost( true );

    // construct some user headers if necessary
    if (contentType.isNull() || contentType == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
      args.setContentType( "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" );
    else // contentType must be "multipart/form-data"
      args.setContentType( "Content-Type: " + contentType + "; boundary=" + boundary );

  if ( d->m_doc->parsing() || d->m_runningScripts > 0 ) {
    if( d->m_submitForm ) {
      kdDebug(6000) << "KHTMLPart::submitForm ABORTING!" << endl;
    d->m_submitForm = new KHTMLPartPrivate::SubmitForm;
    d->m_submitForm->submitAction = action;
    d->m_submitForm->submitUrl = url;
    d->m_submitForm->submitFormData = formData;
    d->m_submitForm->target = _target;
    d->m_submitForm->submitContentType = contentType;
    d->m_submitForm->submitBoundary = boundary;
    connect(this, SIGNAL(completed()), this, SLOT(submitFormAgain()));
    KWQ(this)->submitForm( u, args);
    emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( u, args );


void KHTMLPart::popupMenu( const QString &linkUrl )
  KURL popupURL;
  KURL linkKURL;
  if ( linkUrl.isEmpty() ) // click on background
    popupURL = this->url();
  else {               // click on link
    popupURL = completeURL( linkUrl );
    linkKURL = popupURL;

  KXMLGUIClient *client = new KHTMLPopupGUIClient( this, d->m_popupMenuXML, linkKURL );

  emit d->m_extension->popupMenu( client, QCursor::pos(), popupURL,
                                  QString::fromLatin1( "text/html" ), S_IFREG /*always a file*/ );

  delete client;

  emit popupMenu(linkUrl, QCursor::pos());


void KHTMLPart::slotParentCompleted()
  if ( d->m_scheduledRedirection != noRedirectionScheduled && !d->m_redirectionTimer.isActive() )
    // kdDebug(6050) << this << ": Child redirection -> " << d->m_redirectURL << endl;
    d->m_redirectionTimer.start( (int)(1000 * d->m_delayRedirect), true );

void KHTMLPart::slotChildStarted( KIO::Job *job )
  khtml::ChildFrame *child = childFrame( sender() );

  assert( child );

  child->m_bCompleted = false;

  if ( d->m_bComplete )
#if 0
    // WABA: Looks like this belongs somewhere else
    if ( !parentPart() ) // "toplevel" html document? if yes, then notify the hosting browser about the document (url) changes
      emit d->m_extension->openURLNotify();
    d->m_bComplete = false;
    emit started( job );

void KHTMLPart::slotChildCompleted()
  slotChildCompleted( false );

void KHTMLPart::slotChildCompleted( bool complete )
  khtml::ChildFrame *child = childFrame( sender() );

  assert( child );

  child->m_bCompleted = true;
  child->m_args = KParts::URLArgs();

  if ( parentPart() == 0 )
    d->m_bPendingChildRedirection = (d->m_bPendingChildRedirection || complete);



void KHTMLPart::slotChildURLRequest( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args )
  khtml::ChildFrame *child = childFrame( sender()->parent() );

  QString frameName = args.frameName.lower();
  if ( !frameName.isEmpty() )
    if ( frameName == QString::fromLatin1( "_top" ) )
      emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( url, args );
    else if ( frameName == QString::fromLatin1( "_blank" ) )
      emit d->m_extension->createNewWindow( url, args );
    else if ( frameName == QString::fromLatin1( "_parent" ) )
      KParts::URLArgs newArgs( args );
      newArgs.frameName = QString::null;

      emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( url, newArgs );
    else if ( frameName != QString::fromLatin1( "_self" ) )
      khtml::ChildFrame *_frame = recursiveFrameRequest( url, args );

      if ( !_frame )
        emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( url, args );

      child = _frame;

  // TODO: handle child target correctly! currently the script are always executed fur the parent
  QString urlStr = url.url();
  if ( urlStr.find( QString::fromLatin1( "javascript:" ), 0, false ) == 0 ) {
      executeScript( KURL::decode_string( urlStr.right( urlStr.length() - 11) ) );

  if ( child ) {
      // Inform someone that we are about to show something else.
      child->m_bNotify = true;
      requestObject( child, url, args );
  }  else if ( frameName==QString::fromLatin1("_self") ) // this is for embedded objects (via <object>) which want to replace the current document
      KParts::URLArgs newArgs( args );
      newArgs.frameName = QString::null;
      emit d->m_extension->openURLRequest( url, newArgs );


khtml::ChildFrame *KHTMLPart::childFrame( const QObject *obj )
    assert( obj->inherits( "KParts::ReadOnlyPart" ) );
    const ReadOnlyPart *part = static_cast<const ReadOnlyPart *>( obj );

    FrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
    FrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
    for (; it != end; ++it )
      if ( static_cast<ReadOnlyPart *>((*it).m_part) == part )
        return &(*it);

    it = d->m_objects.begin();
    end = d->m_objects.end();
    for (; it != end; ++it )
      if ( static_cast<ReadOnlyPart *>((*it).m_part) == part )
        return &(*it);

    return 0L;

KHTMLPart *KHTMLPart::findFrame( const QString &f )
#if 0
  kdDebug() << "KHTMLPart::findFrame '" << f << "'" << endl;
  FrameIt it2 = d->m_frames.begin();
  FrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it2 != end; ++it2 )
      kdDebug() << "  - having frame '" << (*it2).m_name << "'" << endl;

  // ###
  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.find( f );
  if ( it == d->m_frames.end() )
    //kdDebug() << "KHTMLPart::findFrame frame " << f << " not found" << endl;
    return 0L;
  else {
    KParts::ReadOnlyPart *p = (*it).m_part;
    if ( p && p->inherits( "KHTMLPart" ))
      //kdDebug() << "KHTMLPart::findFrame frame " << f << " is a KHTMLPart, ok" << endl;
      return (KHTMLPart*)p;
#if 0
      if (p)
        kdWarning() << "KHTMLPart::findFrame frame " << f << " found but isn't a KHTMLPart ! " << p->className() << endl;
        kdWarning() << "KHTMLPart::findFrame frame " << f << " found but m_part=0L" << endl;
      return 0L;


KParts::ReadOnlyPart *KHTMLPart::currentFrame() const
  KParts::ReadOnlyPart* part = (KParts::ReadOnlyPart*)(this);
  // Find active part in our frame manager, in case we are a frameset
  // and keep doing that (in case of nested framesets).
  // Just realized we could also do this recursively, calling part->currentFrame()...
  while ( part && part->inherits("KHTMLPart") &&
          static_cast<KHTMLPart *>(part)->d->m_frames.count() > 0 ) {
    KHTMLPart* frameset = static_cast<KHTMLPart *>(part);
    part = static_cast<KParts::ReadOnlyPart *>(frameset->partManager()->activePart());
    if ( !part ) return frameset;
  return part;


bool KHTMLPart::frameExists( const QString &frameName )
  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.find( frameName );
  if ( it == d->m_frames.end() )
    return false;

  // WABA: We only return true if the child actually has a frame
  // set. Otherwise we might find our preloaded-selve.
  // This happens when we restore the frameset.
  return (!(*it).m_frame.isNull());

KHTMLPart *KHTMLPart::parentPart() const
  if ( !parent() || !parent()->inherits( "KHTMLPart" ) )
    return 0L;

  return (KHTMLPart *)parent();


khtml::ChildFrame *KHTMLPart::recursiveFrameRequest( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &args,
                                                     bool callParent )
  FrameIt it = d->m_frames.find( args.frameName );

  if ( it != d->m_frames.end() )
    return &(*it);

  it = d->m_frames.begin();
  FrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if ( (*it).m_part && (*it).m_part->inherits( "KHTMLPart" ) )
      KHTMLPart *childPart = (KHTMLPart *)(KParts::ReadOnlyPart *)(*it).m_part;

      khtml::ChildFrame *res = childPart->recursiveFrameRequest( url, args, false );
      if ( !res )

      childPart->requestObject( res, url, args );
      return 0L;

  if ( parentPart() && callParent )
    khtml::ChildFrame *res = parentPart()->recursiveFrameRequest( url, args );

    if ( res )
      parentPart()->requestObject( res, url, args );

    return 0L;

  return 0L;

void KHTMLPart::saveState( QDataStream &stream )
  kdDebug( 6050 ) << "KHTMLPart::saveState saving URL " << m_url.url() << endl;

  stream << m_url << (Q_INT32)d->m_view->contentsX() << (Q_INT32)d->m_view->contentsY()
         << (Q_INT32) d->m_view->contentsWidth() << (Q_INT32) d->m_view->contentsHeight() << (Q_INT32) d->m_view->marginWidth() << (Q_INT32) d->m_view->marginHeight();

  // save link cursor position
  int focusNodeNumber;
  if (!d->m_focusNodeRestored)
      focusNodeNumber = d->m_focusNodeNumber;
  else if (d->m_doc->focusNode())
      focusNodeNumber = d->m_doc->nodeAbsIndex(d->m_doc->focusNode());
      focusNodeNumber = -1;
  stream << focusNodeNumber;

  // Save the doc's cache id.
  stream << d->m_cacheId;

  // Save the state of the document (Most notably the state of any forms)
  QStringList docState;
  if (d->m_doc)
     docState = d->m_doc->docState();
  stream << d->m_encoding << d->m_sheetUsed << docState;

  stream << d->m_zoomFactor;

  // Save ssl data
  stream << d->m_ssl_in_use
         << d->m_ssl_peer_certificate
         << d->m_ssl_peer_chain
         << d->m_ssl_peer_ip
         << d->m_ssl_cipher
         << d->m_ssl_cipher_desc
         << d->m_ssl_cipher_version
         << d->m_ssl_cipher_used_bits
         << d->m_ssl_cipher_bits
         << d->m_ssl_cert_state;

  QStringList frameNameLst, frameServiceTypeLst, frameServiceNameLst;
  KURL::List frameURLLst;
  QValueList<QByteArray> frameStateBufferLst;

  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if ( !(*it).m_part )

    frameNameLst << (*it).m_name;
    frameServiceTypeLst << (*it).m_serviceType;
    frameServiceNameLst << (*it).m_serviceName;
    frameURLLst << (*it).m_part->url();

    QByteArray state;
    QDataStream frameStream( state, IO_WriteOnly );

    if ( (*it).m_extension )
      (*it).m_extension->saveState( frameStream );

    frameStateBufferLst << state;

  // Save frame data
  stream << (Q_UINT32) frameNameLst.count();
  stream << frameNameLst << frameServiceTypeLst << frameServiceNameLst << frameURLLst << frameStateBufferLst;

void KHTMLPart::restoreState( QDataStream &stream )
  KURL u;
  Q_INT32 xOffset, yOffset, wContents, hContents, mWidth, mHeight;
  Q_UINT32 frameCount;
  QStringList frameNames, frameServiceTypes, docState, frameServiceNames;
  KURL::List frameURLs;
  QValueList<QByteArray> frameStateBuffers;
  QValueList<int> fSizes;
  QString encoding, sheetUsed;
  long old_cacheId = d->m_cacheId;

  stream >> u >> xOffset >> yOffset >> wContents >> hContents >> mWidth >> mHeight;

  d->m_view->setMarginWidth( mWidth );
  d->m_view->setMarginHeight( mHeight );

  // restore link cursor position
  // nth node is active. value is set in checkCompleted()
  stream >> d->m_focusNodeNumber;
  d->m_focusNodeRestored = false;
  kdDebug(6050)<<"new focus Node number is:"<<d->m_focusNodeNumber<<endl;

  stream >> d->m_cacheId;

  stream >> encoding >> sheetUsed >> docState;
  d->m_encoding = encoding;
  d->m_sheetUsed = sheetUsed;

  int zoomFactor;
  stream >> zoomFactor;

  // Restore ssl data
  stream >> d->m_ssl_in_use
         >> d->m_ssl_peer_certificate
         >> d->m_ssl_peer_chain
         >> d->m_ssl_peer_ip
         >> d->m_ssl_cipher
         >> d->m_ssl_cipher_desc
         >> d->m_ssl_cipher_version
         >> d->m_ssl_cipher_used_bits
         >> d->m_ssl_cipher_bits
         >> d->m_ssl_cert_state;

  d->m_paSecurity->setIcon( d->m_ssl_in_use ? "encrypted" : "decrypted" );

  stream >> frameCount >> frameNames >> frameServiceTypes >> frameServiceNames
         >> frameURLs >> frameStateBuffers;

  d->m_bComplete = false;
  d->m_bLoadEventEmitted = false;

//   kdDebug( 6050 ) << "restoreStakte() docState.count() = " << docState.count() << endl;
//   kdDebug( 6050 ) << "m_url " << m_url.url() << " <-> " << u.url() << endl;
//   kdDebug( 6050 ) << "m_frames.count() " << d->m_frames.count() << " <-> " << frameCount << endl;

  if (d->m_cacheId == old_cacheId)
    // Partial restore

    FrameIt fIt = d->m_frames.begin();
    FrameIt fEnd = d->m_frames.end();

    for (; fIt != fEnd; ++fIt )
        (*fIt).m_bCompleted = false;

    fIt = d->m_frames.begin();

    QStringList::ConstIterator fNameIt = frameNames.begin();
    QStringList::ConstIterator fServiceTypeIt = frameServiceTypes.begin();
    QStringList::ConstIterator fServiceNameIt = frameServiceNames.begin();
    KURL::List::ConstIterator fURLIt = frameURLs.begin();
    QValueList<QByteArray>::ConstIterator fBufferIt = frameStateBuffers.begin();

    for (; fIt != fEnd; ++fIt, ++fNameIt, ++fServiceTypeIt, ++fServiceNameIt, ++fURLIt, ++fBufferIt )
      khtml::ChildFrame *child = &(*fIt);

//      kdDebug( 6050 ) <<  *fNameIt  << " ---- " <<  *fServiceTypeIt << endl;

      if ( child->m_name != *fNameIt || child->m_serviceType != *fServiceTypeIt )
        child->m_bPreloaded = true;
        child->m_name = *fNameIt;
        child->m_serviceName = *fServiceNameIt;
        processObjectRequest( child, *fURLIt, *fServiceTypeIt );

      if ( child->m_part )
        child->m_bCompleted = false;
        if ( child->m_extension && !(*fBufferIt).isEmpty() )
          QDataStream frameStream( *fBufferIt, IO_ReadOnly );
          child->m_extension->restoreState( frameStream );
          child->m_part->openURL( *fURLIt );

    KParts::URLArgs args( d->m_extension->urlArgs() );
    args.xOffset = xOffset;
    args.yOffset = yOffset;
    args.docState = docState; // WABA: How are we going to restore this??
    d->m_extension->setURLArgs( args );

    d->m_view->resizeContents( wContents,  hContents);
    d->m_view->setContentsPos( xOffset, yOffset );
    // Full restore.
    // We must force a clear because we want to be sure to delete all
    // frames.
    d->m_bCleared = false;
    d->m_encoding = encoding;
    d->m_sheetUsed = sheetUsed;

    QStringList::ConstIterator fNameIt = frameNames.begin();
    QStringList::ConstIterator fNameEnd = frameNames.end();

    QStringList::ConstIterator fServiceTypeIt = frameServiceTypes.begin();
    QStringList::ConstIterator fServiceNameIt = frameServiceNames.begin();
    KURL::List::ConstIterator fURLIt = frameURLs.begin();
    QValueList<QByteArray>::ConstIterator fBufferIt = frameStateBuffers.begin();

    for (; fNameIt != fNameEnd; ++fNameIt, ++fServiceTypeIt, ++fServiceNameIt, ++fURLIt, ++fBufferIt )
      khtml::ChildFrame newChild;
      newChild.m_bPreloaded = true;
      newChild.m_name = *fNameIt;
      newChild.m_serviceName = *fServiceNameIt;

//      kdDebug( 6050 ) << *fNameIt << " ---- " << *fServiceTypeIt << endl;

      FrameIt childFrame = d->m_frames.append( newChild );

      processObjectRequest( &(*childFrame), *fURLIt, *fServiceTypeIt );

      (*childFrame).m_bPreloaded = true;

      if ( (*childFrame).m_part )
        if ( (*childFrame).m_extension )
        if ( (*childFrame).m_extension && !(*fBufferIt).isEmpty() )
          QDataStream frameStream( *fBufferIt, IO_ReadOnly );
          (*childFrame).m_extension->restoreState( frameStream );
          (*childFrame).m_part->openURL( *fURLIt );

    KParts::URLArgs args( d->m_extension->urlArgs() );
    args.xOffset = xOffset;
    args.yOffset = yOffset;
    args.docState = docState;
    d->m_extension->setURLArgs( args );
    if (!KHTMLPageCache::self()->isValid(d->m_cacheId))
       d->m_restored = true;
       openURL( u );
       d->m_restored = false;
       restoreURL( u );


void KHTMLPart::show()
  if ( d->m_view )

void KHTMLPart::hide()
  if ( d->m_view )


DOM::Node KHTMLPart::nodeUnderMouse() const
    return d->m_view->nodeUnderMouse();

void KHTMLPart::emitSelectionChanged()
  emit d->m_extension->enableAction( "copy", hasSelection() );
  emit d->m_extension->selectionInfo( selectedText() );
  emit selectionChanged();

int KHTMLPart::zoomFactor() const
  return d->m_zoomFactor;

// ### make the list configurable ?
static const int zoomSizes[] = { 20, 40, 60, 80, 90, 95, 100, 105, 110, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200, 250, 300 };
static const int zoomSizeCount = (sizeof(zoomSizes) / sizeof(int));
static const int minZoom = 20;
static const int maxZoom = 300;

void KHTMLPart::slotIncZoom()
  int zoomFactor = d->m_zoomFactor;

  if (zoomFactor < maxZoom) {
    // find the entry nearest to the given zoomsizes
    for (int i = 0; i < zoomSizeCount; ++i)
      if (zoomSizes[i] > zoomFactor) {
        zoomFactor = zoomSizes[i];

void KHTMLPart::slotDecZoom()
    int zoomFactor = d->m_zoomFactor;
    if (zoomFactor > minZoom) {
      // find the entry nearest to the given zoomsizes
      for (int i = zoomSizeCount-1; i >= 0; --i)
        if (zoomSizes[i] < zoomFactor) {
          zoomFactor = zoomSizes[i];

void KHTMLPart::setZoomFactor (int percent)
#if !APPLE_CHANGES // limits are client's responsibility
  if (percent < minZoom) percent = minZoom;
  if (percent > maxZoom) percent = maxZoom;
  if (d->m_zoomFactor == percent) return;
  d->m_zoomFactor = percent;

  if(d->m_doc) {
      QApplication::setOverrideCursor( waitCursor );
    d->m_doc->recalcStyle( NodeImpl::Force );

  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if ( !( *it ).m_part.isNull() && ( *it ).m_part->inherits( "KHTMLPart" ) ) {
      KParts::ReadOnlyPart* p = ( *it ).m_part;
      static_cast<KHTMLPart*>( p )->setZoomFactor(d->m_zoomFactor);

  d->m_paDecZoomFactor->setEnabled( d->m_zoomFactor > minZoom );
  d->m_paIncZoomFactor->setEnabled( d->m_zoomFactor < maxZoom );

  if (d->m_doc && d->m_doc->renderer() && d->m_doc->renderer()->needsLayout())

void KHTMLPart::setJSStatusBarText( const QString &text )
   d->m_kjsStatusBarText = text;
   emit setStatusBarText( d->m_kjsStatusBarText );

void KHTMLPart::setJSDefaultStatusBarText( const QString &text )
   d->m_kjsDefaultStatusBarText = text;
   emit setStatusBarText( d->m_kjsDefaultStatusBarText );

QString KHTMLPart::jsStatusBarText() const
    return d->m_kjsStatusBarText;

QString KHTMLPart::jsDefaultStatusBarText() const
   return d->m_kjsDefaultStatusBarText;

QString KHTMLPart::referrer() const
   return d->m_referrer;

QString KHTMLPart::lastModified() const
  return d->m_lastModified;


void KHTMLPart::slotLoadImages()
  if (d->m_doc )
    d->m_doc->docLoader()->setAutoloadImages( !d->m_doc->docLoader()->autoloadImages() );

  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if ( !( *it ).m_part.isNull() && ( *it ).m_part->inherits( "KHTMLPart" ) ) {
      KParts::ReadOnlyPart* p = ( *it ).m_part;
      static_cast<KHTMLPart*>( p )->slotLoadImages();


void KHTMLPart::reparseConfiguration()
  setAutoloadImages( settings->autoLoadImages() );
  if (d->m_doc)
     d->m_doc->docLoader()->setShowAnimations( settings->showAnimations() );

  d->m_bJScriptEnabled = settings->isJavaScriptEnabled(;
  d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled = settings->isJavaScriptDebugEnabled();
  d->m_bJavaEnabled = settings->isJavaEnabled(;
  d->m_bPluginsEnabled = settings->isPluginsEnabled(;
  delete d->m_settings;
  d->m_settings = new KHTMLSettings(*KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings());

  QString userStyleSheet = KHTMLFactory::defaultHTMLSettings()->userStyleSheet();
  setAutoloadImages( d->m_settings->autoLoadImages() );
  if (d->m_doc)
     d->m_doc->docLoader()->setShowAnimations( d->m_settings->showAnimations() );

  d->m_bJScriptEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaScriptEnabled(;
  d->m_bJScriptDebugEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaScriptDebugEnabled();
  d->m_bJavaEnabled = d->m_settings->isJavaEnabled(;
  d->m_bPluginsEnabled = d->m_settings->isPluginsEnabled(;

  QString userStyleSheet = d->m_settings->userStyleSheet();
  if ( !userStyleSheet.isEmpty() )
    setUserStyleSheet( KURL( userStyleSheet ) );
    setUserStyleSheet( QString() );

  QApplication::setOverrideCursor( waitCursor );
  if(d->m_doc) d->m_doc->updateStyleSelector();

QStringList KHTMLPart::frameNames() const
  QStringList res;

  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if (!(*it).m_bPreloaded)
      res += (*it).m_name;

  return res;

QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> KHTMLPart::frames() const
  QPtrList<KParts::ReadOnlyPart> res;

  ConstFrameIt it = d->m_frames.begin();
  ConstFrameIt end = d->m_frames.end();
  for (; it != end; ++it )
    if (!(*it).m_bPreloaded)
      res.append( (*it).m_part );

  return res;


bool KHTMLPart::openURLInFrame( const KURL &url, const KParts::URLArgs &urlArgs )
  FrameIt it = d->m_frames.find( urlArgs.frameName );

  if ( it == d->m_frames.end() )
    return false;

  // Inform someone that we are about to show something else.
  if ( !urlArgs.lockHistory() )
      emit d->m_extension->openURLNotify();

  requestObject( &(*it), url, urlArgs );

  return true;


void KHTMLPart::setDNDEnabled( bool b )
  d->m_bDnd = b;

bool KHTMLPart::dndEnabled() const
  return d->m_bDnd;

void KHTMLPart::customEvent( QCustomEvent *event )
  if ( khtml::MousePressEvent::test( event ) )
    khtmlMousePressEvent( static_cast<khtml::MousePressEvent *>( event ) );

  if ( khtml::MouseDoubleClickEvent::test( event ) )
    khtmlMouseDoubleClickEvent( static_cast<khtml::MouseDoubleClickEvent *>( event ) );

  if ( khtml::MouseMoveEvent::test( event ) )
    khtmlMouseMoveEvent( static_cast<khtml::MouseMoveEvent *>( event ) );

  if ( khtml::MouseReleaseEvent::test( event ) )
    khtmlMouseReleaseEvent( static_cast<khtml::MouseReleaseEvent *>( event ) );

  if ( khtml::DrawContentsEvent::test( event ) )
    khtmlDrawContentsEvent( static_cast<khtml::DrawContentsEvent *>( event ) );

  KParts::ReadOnlyPart::customEvent( event );


static bool firstRunAt(RenderObject *renderNode, int y, NodeImpl *&startNode, long &startOffset)
    for (RenderObject *n = renderNode; n; n = n->nextSibling()) {
        if (n->isText()) {
            RenderText *textRenderer = static_cast<khtml::RenderText *>(n);
            InlineTextBoxArray runs = textRenderer->inlineTextBoxes();
            for (unsigned i = 0; i != runs.count(); i++) {
                if (runs[i]->m_y == y) {
                    startNode = textRenderer->element();
                    startOffset = runs[i]->m_start;
                    return true;
        if (firstRunAt(n->firstChild(), y, startNode, startOffset)) {
            return true;
    return false;

static bool lastRunAt(RenderObject *renderNode, int y, NodeImpl *&endNode, long &endOffset)
    RenderObject *n = renderNode;
    if (!n) {
        return false;
    RenderObject *next;
    while ((next = n->nextSibling())) {
        n = next;
    while (1) {
        if (lastRunAt(n->firstChild(), y, endNode, endOffset)) {
            return true;
        if (n->isText()) {
            RenderText *textRenderer =  static_cast<khtml::RenderText *>(n);
            InlineTextBoxArray runs = textRenderer->inlineTextBoxes();
            for (int i = (int)runs.count()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                if (runs[i]->m_y == y) {
                    endNode = textRenderer->element();
                    endOffset = runs[i]->m_start + runs[i]->m_len;
                    return true;
        if (n == renderNode) {
            return false;
        n = n->previousSibling();

static bool startAndEndLineNodesIncludingNode (DOM::NodeImpl *node, int offset, DOM::Node &_startNode, long &startOffset, DOM::Node &_endNode, long &endOffset)
    if (node && (node->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE || node->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE)){
        int pos;
        int selectionPointY;
        khtml::RenderText *renderer = static_cast<khtml::RenderText *>(node->renderer());
        khtml::InlineTextBox * run = renderer->findNextInlineTextBox( offset, pos );
        DOMString t = node->nodeValue();
        DOM::NodeImpl* startNode;
        DOM::NodeImpl* endNode;
        if (!run)
            return false;
        selectionPointY = run->m_y;
        // Go up to first non-inline element.
        khtml::RenderObject *renderNode = renderer;
        while (renderNode && renderNode->isInline())
            renderNode = renderNode->parent();
        renderNode = renderNode->firstChild();
        // Look for all the first child in the block that is on the same line
        // as the selection point.
        if (!firstRunAt (renderNode, selectionPointY, startNode, startOffset))
            return false;
        // Look for all the last child in the block that is on the same line
        // as the selection point.
        if (!lastRunAt (renderNode, selectionPointY, endNode, endOffset))
            return false;
        _startNode = startNode;
        _endNode = endNode;
        return true;
    return false;

static void findWordBoundary(QChar *chars, int len, int position, int *start, int *end)
    TextBreakLocatorRef breakLocator;
    OSStatus status = UCCreateTextBreakLocator(NULL, 0, kUCTextBreakWordMask, &breakLocator);
    if (status == noErr) {
        UniCharArrayOffset startOffset, endOffset;
        status = UCFindTextBreak(breakLocator, kUCTextBreakWordMask, 0, (const UniChar *)chars, len, position, &endOffset);
        if (status == noErr) {
            status = UCFindTextBreak(breakLocator, kUCTextBreakWordMask, kUCTextBreakGoBackwardsMask, (const UniChar *)chars, len, position, &startOffset);
        if (status == noErr) {
            *start = startOffset;
            *end = endOffset;
    // If Carbon fails (why would it?), do a simple space/punctuation boundary check.
    if (chars[position].isSpace()) {
        int pos = position;
        while (chars[pos].isSpace() && pos >= 0)
        *start = pos+1;
        pos = position;
        while (chars[pos].isSpace() && pos < (int)len)
        *end = pos;
    } else if (chars[position].isPunct()) {
        int pos = position;
        while (chars[pos].isPunct() && pos >= 0)
        *start = pos+1;
        pos = position;
        while (chars[pos].isPunct() && pos < (int)len)
        *end = pos;
    } else {
        int pos = position;
        while (!chars[pos].isSpace() && !chars[pos].isPunct() && pos >= 0)
        *start = pos+1;
        pos = position;
        while (!chars[pos].isSpace() && !chars[pos].isPunct() && pos < (int)len)
        *end = pos;

bool KHTMLPart::isPointInsideSelection(int x, int y)
    // Treat an empty selection like no selection.
    if (d->m_selectionStart == d->m_selectionEnd && d->m_startOffset == d->m_endOffset) {
        return false;
    if (!xmlDocImpl()->renderer()) {
        return false;
    RenderObject::NodeInfo nodeInfo(true, true);
    xmlDocImpl()->renderer()->layer()->nodeAtPoint(nodeInfo, x, y);
    DOM::NodeImpl* innerNode = nodeInfo.innerNode();
    if (!innerNode->renderer()) {
        return false;
    int offset = 0, ax, ay;
    DOM::NodeImpl* node = 0;

    // FIXME: Shouldn't be necessary to skip text nodes.
    if (innerNode->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE) {
        innerNode = innerNode->parentNode();
    innerNode->renderer()->absolutePosition (ax, ay);
    innerNode->renderer()->checkSelectionPoint( x, y, ax-innerNode->renderer()->xPos(), ay-innerNode->renderer()->yPos(), node, offset);
    if (!node) {
        return false;

    DOM::Node n = d->m_selectionStart;
    while(!n.isNull()) {
        if (n == node) {
            if ((n == d->m_selectionStart && offset < d->m_startOffset) ||
                (n == d->m_selectionEnd && offset > d->m_endOffset)) {
                return false;
            return true;
        if (n == d->m_selectionEnd) {
        DOM::Node next = n.firstChild();
        if (next.isNull()) {
            next = n.nextSibling();
        while (next.isNull() && !n.parentNode().isNull()) {
            n = n.parentNode();
            next = n.nextSibling();
        n = next;
    return false;

void KHTMLPart::khtmlMousePressEvent( khtml::MousePressEvent *event )
  DOM::DOMString url = event->url();
  QMouseEvent *_mouse = event->qmouseEvent();
  DOM::Node innerNode = event->innerNode();
  d->m_mousePressNode = innerNode;
   d->m_dragStartPos = _mouse->pos();

   if ( !event->url().isNull() ) {
     d->m_strSelectedURL = event->url().string();
     d->m_strSelectedURLTarget = event->target().string();
     d->m_strSelectedURL = d->m_strSelectedURLTarget = QString::null;

  if ( _mouse->button() == LeftButton ||
       _mouse->button() == MidButton )
    d->m_bMousePressed = true;

    d->m_selectionInitiatedWithDoubleClick = false;
    d->m_selectionInitiatedWithTripleClick = false;
    d->m_mouseMovedSinceLastMousePress = false;

    if (event->qmouseEvent()->clickCount() == 2){
        QMouseEvent *_mouse = event->qmouseEvent();
        DOM::Node innerNode = event->innerNode();
        d->m_selectionStart = 0;
        d->m_selectionEnd = 0;
        d->m_startOffset = 0;
        d->m_endOffset = 0;
        if ( _mouse->button() == LeftButton ){
            if ( !innerNode.isNull()  && innerNode.handle()->renderer()) {
                int startOffset = 0, endOffset = 0;
                DOM::NodeImpl* node = 0;
                // FIXME: Shouldn't be necessary to skip text nodes.
                if (innerNode.nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
                    innerNode = innerNode.parentNode();
                innerNode.handle()->renderer()->checkSelectionPoint( event->x(), event->y(),
                                            node, startOffset);
                if (node && (node->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE || node->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE)){
                    DOMString t = node->nodeValue();
                    QChar *chars = t.unicode();
                    uint len = t.length();

                    findWordBoundary (chars, len, startOffset, &startOffset, &endOffset);

                    d->m_startBeforeEnd = true;
                    d->m_selectionStart = node;
                    d->m_startOffset = startOffset;
                    d->m_selectionEnd = d->m_selectionStart;
                    d->m_endOffset = endOffset;
        if (d->m_selectionStart == 0 || d->m_selectionEnd == 0)
            d->m_initialSelectionStart = d->m_selectionStart;
            d->m_initialSelectionStartOffset = d->m_startOffset;
            d->m_initialSelectionEnd = d->m_selectionEnd;
            d->m_initialSelectionEndOffset = d->m_endOffset;
            d->m_selectionInitiatedWithDoubleClick = true;
            d->m_doc->setSelection(d->m_selectionStart.handle(), d->m_startOffset,
    else if (event->qmouseEvent()->clickCount() >= 3){
        QMouseEvent *_mouse = event->qmouseEvent();
        DOM::Node innerNode = event->innerNode();
        d->m_selectionStart = 0;
        d->m_selectionEnd = 0;
        d->m_startOffset = 0;
        d->m_endOffset = 0;
        if ( _mouse->button() == LeftButton ){
            if ( !innerNode.isNull()  && innerNode.handle()->renderer()) {
                int startOffset = 0;
                DOM::NodeImpl* node = 0;
                // FIXME: Shouldn't be necessary to skip text nodes.
                if (innerNode.nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
                    innerNode = innerNode.parentNode();
                innerNode.handle()->renderer()->checkSelectionPoint( event->x(), event->y(),
                                            node, startOffset);
                startAndEndLineNodesIncludingNode (node, startOffset, d->m_selectionStart, d->m_startOffset, d->m_selectionEnd, d->m_endOffset);
        if (d->m_selectionStart == 0 || d->m_selectionEnd == 0)
        else {
            d->m_initialSelectionStart = d->m_selectionStart;
            d->m_initialSelectionStartOffset = d->m_startOffset;
            d->m_initialSelectionEnd = d->m_selectionEnd;
            d->m_initialSelectionEndOffset = d->m_endOffset;
            d->m_selectionInitiatedWithTripleClick = true;
            d->m_doc->setSelection(d->m_selectionStart.handle(), d->m_startOffset,
    else {
        if ( _mouse->button() == LeftButton )
            if ( !innerNode.isNull()  && innerNode.handle()->renderer()) {
                // Don't restart the selection when the mouse is pressed on an
                // existing selection so we can allow for text dragging.
                if (isPointInsideSelection(event->x(), event->y())) {
                int offset = 0;
                DOM::NodeImpl* node = 0;

                // FIXME: Shouldn't be necessary to skip text nodes.
                if (innerNode.nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
                    innerNode = innerNode.parentNode();
                innerNode.handle()->renderer()->checkSelectionPoint( event->x(), event->y(),
                                                                    event->absY()-innerNode.handle()->renderer()->yPos(), node, offset);
                d->m_selectionStart = node;
                d->m_startOffset = offset;
                //           kdDebug(6005) << "KHTMLPart::khtmlMousePressEvent selectionStart=" << d->m_selectionStart.handle()->renderer()
                //                         << " offset=" << d->m_startOffset << endl;
                d->m_selectionEnd = d->m_selectionStart;
                d->m_endOffset = d->m_startOffset;
                d->m_selectionStart = DOM::Node();
                d->m_selectionEnd = DOM::Node();
    d->m_dragLastPos = _mouse->globalPos();

  if ( _mouse->button() == RightButton )
    popupMenu( d->m_strSelectedURL );
    d->m_strSelectedURL = d->m_strSelectedURLTarget = QString::null;

void KHTMLPart::khtmlMouseDoubleClickEvent( khtml::MouseDoubleClickEvent *event)

void KHTMLPart::khtmlMouseMoveEvent( khtml::MouseMoveEvent *event )
  QMouseEvent *_mouse = event->qmouseEvent();
  DOM::Node innerNode = event->innerNode();

  if( d->m_bMousePressed && (!d->m_strSelectedURL.isEmpty() || (!innerNode.isNull() && innerNode.elementId() == ID_IMG) ) &&
      ( d->m_dragStartPos - _mouse->pos() ).manhattanLength() > KGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay() &&
      d->m_bDnd && d->m_mousePressNode == innerNode ) {

      QPixmap p;
      QDragObject *drag = 0;
      if( !d->m_strSelectedURL.isEmpty() ) {
          KURL u( completeURL( d->m_strSelectedURL) );
          KURLDrag* urlDrag = KURLDrag::newDrag( u, d->m_view->viewport() );
          if ( !d->m_referrer.isEmpty() )
            urlDrag->metaData()["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;
          drag = urlDrag;
          p = KMimeType::pixmapForURL(u, 0, KIcon::Desktop, KIcon::SizeMedium);
      } else {
          HTMLImageElementImpl *i = static_cast<HTMLImageElementImpl *>(innerNode.handle());
          if( i ) {
            KMultipleDrag *mdrag = new KMultipleDrag( d->m_view->viewport() );
            mdrag->addDragObject( new QImageDrag( i->currentImage(), 0L ) );
            KURL u( completeURL( khtml::parseURL(i->getAttribute(ATTR_SRC)).string() ) );
            KURLDrag* urlDrag = KURLDrag::newDrag( u, 0L );
            if ( !d->m_referrer.isEmpty() )
              urlDrag->metaData()["referrer"] = d->m_referrer;
            mdrag->addDragObject( urlDrag );
            drag = mdrag;
            p = KMimeType::mimeType("image/png")->pixmap(KIcon::Desktop);

    if ( !p.isNull() )


    // when we finish our drag, we need to undo our mouse press
    d->m_bMousePressed = false;
    d->m_strSelectedURL = d->m_strSelectedURLTarget = QString::null;

  DOM::DOMString url = event->url();
  DOM::DOMString target = event->target();

  // Not clicked -> mouse over stuff
  if ( !d->m_bMousePressed )
    // The mouse is over something
    if ( url.length() )
      bool shiftPressed = ( _mouse->state() & ShiftButton );

      // Image map
      if ( !innerNode.isNull() && innerNode.elementId() == ID_IMG )
        HTMLImageElementImpl *i = static_cast<HTMLImageElementImpl *>(innerNode.handle());
        if ( i && i->isServerMap() )
          khtml::RenderObject *r = i->renderer();
            int absx, absy, vx, vy;
            r->absolutePosition(absx, absy);
            view()->contentsToViewport( absx, absy, vx, vy );

            int x(_mouse->x() - vx), y(_mouse->y() - vy);

            d->m_overURL = url.string() + QString("?%1,%2").arg(x).arg(y);
            d->m_overURLTarget = target.string();
            overURL( d->m_overURL, target.string(), shiftPressed );

      // normal link
      if ( d->m_overURL.isEmpty() || d->m_overURL != url || d->m_overURLTarget != target )
        d->m_overURL = url.string();
        d->m_overURLTarget = target.string();
        overURL( d->m_overURL, target.string(), shiftPressed );
    else  // Not over a link...
      if( !d->m_overURL.isEmpty() ) // and we were over a link  -> reset to "default statusbar text"
        d->m_overURL = d->m_overURLTarget = QString::null;
        emit onURL( QString::null );
        // Default statusbar text can be set from javascript. Otherwise it's empty.
        emit setStatusBarText( d->m_kjsDefaultStatusBarText );
  else {
    // selection stuff
    if( d->m_bMousePressed && innerNode.handle() && innerNode.handle()->renderer() &&
        ( _mouse->state() == LeftButton )) {
        int offset = -1;
        //kdDebug(6000) << "KHTMLPart::khtmlMouseMoveEvent x=" << event->x() << " y=" << event->y()
        //              << " nodeAbsX=" << event->nodeAbsX() << " nodeAbsY=" << event->nodeAbsY()
        //              << endl;
        DOM::NodeImpl* node=0;
        // FIXME: Shouldn't be necessary to skip text nodes.
        if (innerNode.nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE)
            innerNode = innerNode.parentNode();
        innerNode.handle()->renderer()->checkSelectionPoint( event->x(), event->y(),
                                                            event->absY()-innerNode.handle()->renderer()->yPos(), node, offset);
        //        if (d->m_selectionEnd.handle() && d->m_selectionEnd.handle()->renderer())
        //          kdDebug( 6000 ) << "setting end of selection to " << d->m_selectionEnd.handle()->renderer() << "/"
        //                          << d->m_endOffset << endl;

        // Don't modify the selection if we're not on a node.
        if (node == 0)

        // Restart the selection if this is the first mouse move. This work is usually
        // done in khtmlMousePressEvent, but not if the mouse press was on an existing selection.
        if (!d->m_mouseMovedSinceLastMousePress) {
            d->m_mouseMovedSinceLastMousePress = true;
            d->m_selectionStart = node;
            d->m_startOffset = offset;
            d->m_selectionEnd = node;
            d->m_endOffset = offset;
        // we have to get to know if end is before start or not...
        DOM::Node n = d->m_selectionStart;
        d->m_startBeforeEnd = false;
        while(!n.isNull()) {
            if(n == node) {
                d->m_startBeforeEnd = true;
            DOM::Node next = n.firstChild();
            if(next.isNull()) next = n.nextSibling();
            while( next.isNull() && !n.parentNode().isNull() ) {
                n = n.parentNode();
                next = n.nextSibling();
            n = next;
        if ( d->m_selectionInitiatedWithDoubleClick){
            int wordStartOffset = offset, wordEndOffset = offset;
            if (node && (node->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE || node->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE)){
                DOMString t = node->nodeValue();
                QChar *chars = t.unicode();
                uint len = t.length();

                findWordBoundary (chars, len, offset, &wordStartOffset, &wordEndOffset);
            if (d->m_startBeforeEnd) {
                if (node == d->m_initialSelectionStart.handle() && node == d->m_initialSelectionEnd.handle()){
                    d->m_selectionStart = d->m_initialSelectionStart;
                    d->m_startOffset = MIN(d->m_initialSelectionStartOffset, wordStartOffset);
                    wordEndOffset = MAX(d->m_initialSelectionEndOffset, wordEndOffset);
                    d->m_selectionEnd = node;
                    d->m_endOffset = wordEndOffset;
                else {
                    d->m_selectionStart = d->m_initialSelectionStart;
                    d->m_startOffset = d->m_initialSelectionStartOffset;
                    d->m_selectionEnd = node;
                    d->m_endOffset = wordEndOffset;
            else {
                d->m_selectionStart = d->m_initialSelectionEnd;
                d->m_startOffset = d->m_initialSelectionEndOffset;
                d->m_selectionEnd = node;
                d->m_endOffset = wordStartOffset;
        else if (d->m_selectionInitiatedWithTripleClick ){
            DOM::Node lineStart, lineEnd;
            long lineStartOffset, lineEndOffset;
            if (startAndEndLineNodesIncludingNode (node, offset, lineStart, lineStartOffset, lineEnd, lineEndOffset)){
                if (d->m_startBeforeEnd) {
                    if (node == d->m_initialSelectionStart.handle() && node == lineEnd.handle()){
                        d->m_selectionStart = d->m_initialSelectionStart;
                        d->m_startOffset = MIN(lineStartOffset, d->m_initialSelectionStartOffset);
                        d->m_selectionEnd = lineEnd;
                        d->m_endOffset = MAX(lineEndOffset, d->m_initialSelectionEndOffset);
                    else {
                        d->m_selectionStart = d->m_initialSelectionStart;
                        d->m_startOffset = d->m_initialSelectionStartOffset;
                        d->m_selectionEnd = lineEnd;
                        d->m_endOffset = lineEndOffset;
                else {
                    d->m_selectionStart = d->m_initialSelectionEnd;
                    d->m_startOffset = d->m_initialSelectionEndOffset;
                    d->m_selectionEnd = lineStart;
                    d->m_endOffset = lineStartOffset;
        else {
            d->m_selectionEnd = node;
            d->m_endOffset = offset;
        d->m_selectionEnd = node;
        d->m_endOffset = offset;
        if ( !d->m_selectionStart.isNull() && !d->m_selectionEnd.isNull() )
            if (d->m_selectionEnd == d->m_selectionStart && d->m_endOffset < d->m_startOffset)
            else if (d->m_startBeforeEnd)
        if ( d->m_doc && d->m_view ) {
            QPoint diff( _mouse->globalPos() - d->m_dragLastPos );
            if ( abs( diff.x() ) > 64 || abs( diff.y() ) > 64 ) {
                d->m_view->scrollBy( -diff.x(), -diff.y() );
                d->m_dragLastPos = _mouse->globalPos();

void KHTMLPart::khtmlMouseReleaseEvent( khtml::MouseReleaseEvent *event )
  DOM::Node innerNode = event->innerNode();
  d->m_mousePressNode = DOM::Node();

  if ( d->m_bMousePressed )

  // Used to prevent mouseMoveEvent from initiating a drag before
  // the mouse is pressed again.
  d->m_bMousePressed = false;

  QMouseEvent *_mouse = event->qmouseEvent();
  if ((d->m_guiProfile == BrowserViewGUI) && (_mouse->button() == MidButton) && (event->url().isNull()))
    QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
    cb->setSelectionMode( true );
    QCString plain("plain");
    QString url = cb->text(plain).stripWhiteSpace();
    KURL u(url);
    if ( u.isMalformed() ) {
      // some half-baked guesses for incomplete urls
      // (the same code is in libkonq/
      if ( url.startsWith( "ftp." ) )
        url.prepend( "ftp://" );
        u = url;
        url.prepend( "http://" );
        u = url;
    if (u.isValid())
      QString savedReferrer = d->m_referrer;
      d->m_referrer = QString::null; // Disable referrer.
      urlSelected(url, 0,0, "_top");
      d->m_referrer = savedReferrer; // Restore original referrer.
  // Clear the selection if the mouse didn't move after the last mouse press.
  // We do this so when clicking on the selection, the selection goes away.
  if (d->m_dragStartPos.x() == event->qmouseEvent()->x() &&
      d->m_dragStartPos.y() == event->qmouseEvent()->y() &&
      !d->m_selectionInitiatedWithDoubleClick &&
      !d->m_selectionInitiatedWithTripleClick) {
      d->m_selectionStart = 0;
      d->m_selectionEnd = 0;
      d->m_startOffset = 0;
      d->m_endOffset = 0;
  // delete selection in case start and end position are at the same point
  if(d->m_selectionStart == d->m_selectionEnd && d->m_startOffset == d->m_endOffset) {
    d->m_selectionStart = 0;
    d->m_selectionEnd = 0;
    d->m_startOffset = 0;
    d->m_endOffset = 0;
  } else {
    // we have to get to know if end is before start or not...
    DOM::Node n = d->m_selectionStart;
    d->m_startBeforeEnd = false;
    if( d->m_selectionStart == d->m_selectionEnd ) {
      if( d->m_startOffset < d->m_endOffset )
        d->m_startBeforeEnd = true;
    } else {
      while(!n.isNull()) {
        if(n == d->m_selectionEnd) {
          d->m_startBeforeEnd = true;
        DOM::Node next = n.firstChild();
        if(next.isNull()) next = n.nextSibling();
        while( next.isNull() && !n.parentNode().isNull() ) {
          n = n.parentNode();
          next = n.nextSibling();
        n = next;
      DOM::Node tmpNode = d->m_selectionStart;
      int tmpOffset = d->m_startOffset;
      d->m_selectionStart = d->m_selectionEnd;
      d->m_startOffset = d->m_endOffset;
      d->m_selectionEnd = tmpNode;
      d->m_endOffset = tmpOffset;
      d->m_startBeforeEnd = true;
    // get selected text and paste to the clipboard
    QString text = selectedText();
    text.replace(QRegExp(QChar(0xa0)), " ");
    QClipboard *cb = QApplication::clipboard();
    cb->setSelectionMode( true );
    disconnect( kapp->clipboard(), SIGNAL( selectionChanged()), this, SLOT( slotClearSelection()));
    connect( kapp->clipboard(), SIGNAL( selectionChanged()), SLOT( slotClearSelection()));
    cb->setSelectionMode( false );
    //kdDebug( 6000 ) << "selectedText = " << text << endl;


void KHTMLPart::khtmlDrawContentsEvent( khtml::DrawContentsEvent * )


void KHTMLPart::guiActivateEvent( KParts::GUIActivateEvent *event )
  if ( event->activated() )
    emit d->m_extension->enableAction( "print", d->m_doc != 0 );

    if ( !d->m_settings->autoLoadImages() && d->m_paLoadImages )
        QPtrList<KAction> lst;
        lst.append( d->m_paLoadImages );
        plugActionList( "loadImages", lst );

void KHTMLPart::slotFind()
  KHTMLPart *part = static_cast<KHTMLPart *>( currentFrame() );
  if (!part)

  if (!part->inherits("KHTMLPart") )
      kdError(6000) << "slotFind: part is a " << part->className() << ", can't do a search into it" << endl;

  // use the part's (possibly frame) widget as parent widget, so that it gets
  // properly destroyed when the (possible) frame dies
  if ( !d->m_findDialog ) {
      d->m_findDialog = new KHTMLFind( part, part->widget(), "khtmlfind" );
      connect( d->m_findDialog, SIGNAL( done() ),
               this, SLOT( slotFindDone() ) );
      connect( d->m_findDialog, SIGNAL( destroyed() ),
               this, SLOT( slotFindDialogDestroyed() ) );

  d->m_findDialog->setPart( part );
  d->m_findDialog->setText( part->d->m_lastFindState.text );
  d->m_findDialog->setCaseSensitive( part->d->m_lastFindState.caseSensitive );
  d->m_findDialog->setDirection( part->d->m_lastFindState.direction );


  d->m_paFind->setEnabled( false );

void KHTMLPart::slotFindDone()
    assert( d->m_findDialog );

    KHTMLPart *part = d->m_findDialog->part();

    // this code actually belongs into some saveState() method in
    // KHTMLFind, but as we're saving into the private data section of
    // the part we have to do it here (no way to access it from the outside
    // as it is defined only in khtml_part.cpp) (Simon)
    part->d->m_lastFindState.text = d->m_findDialog->getText();
    part->d->m_lastFindState.caseSensitive = d->m_findDialog->case_sensitive();
    part->d->m_lastFindState.direction = d->m_findDialog->get_direction();

    d->m_paFind->setEnabled( true );

void KHTMLPart::slotFindDialogDestroyed()
  assert( sender() == d->m_findDialog );

  d->m_findDialog = 0;
  d->m_paFind->setEnabled( true );

void KHTMLPart::slotPrintFrame()
  if ( d->m_frames.count() == 0 )

  KParts::ReadOnlyPart *frame = currentFrame();
  if (!frame)

  KParts::BrowserExtension *ext = KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( frame );

  if ( !ext )

  QMetaObject *mo = ext->metaObject();

  int idx = mo->findSlot( "print()", TRUE );
  if ( idx >= 0 ) {
    QUObject o[ 1 ];
    ext->qt_invoke( idx, o );

void KHTMLPart::slotSelectAll()
  KParts::ReadOnlyPart *part = currentFrame();
  if (part && part->inherits("KHTMLPart"))
    static_cast<KHTMLPart *>(part)->selectAll();


void KHTMLPart::startAutoScroll()
   connect(&d->m_scrollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotAutoScroll() ));
   d->m_scrollTimer.start(100, false);

void KHTMLPart::stopAutoScroll()
   disconnect(&d->m_scrollTimer, SIGNAL( timeout() ), this, SLOT( slotAutoScroll() ));
   if (d->m_scrollTimer.isActive())

void KHTMLPart::slotAutoScroll()
    if (d->m_view)
      stopAutoScroll(); // Safety

void KHTMLPart::selectAll()
  if(!d->m_doc) return;

  NodeImpl *first;
  if (d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument())
    first = static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc)->body();
    first = d->m_doc;
  NodeImpl *next;

  // Look for first text/cdata node that has a renderer
  while ( first && !((first->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE || first->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) && first->renderer()) )
    next = first->firstChild();
    if ( !next ) next = first->nextSibling();
    while( first && !next )
      first = first->parentNode();
      if ( first )
        next = first->nextSibling();
    first = next;

  NodeImpl *last;
  if (d->m_doc->isHTMLDocument())
    last = static_cast<HTMLDocumentImpl*>(d->m_doc)->body();
    last = d->m_doc;
  // Look for last text/cdata node that has a renderer
  while ( last && !((last->nodeType() == Node::TEXT_NODE || last->nodeType() == Node::CDATA_SECTION_NODE) && last->renderer()) )
    next = last->lastChild();
    if ( !next ) next = last->previousSibling();
    while ( last && !next )
      last = last->parentNode();
      if ( last )
        next = last->previousSibling();
    last = next;

  if ( !first || !last )
  d->m_selectionStart = first;
  d->m_startOffset = 0;
  d->m_selectionEnd = last;
  d->m_endOffset = last->nodeValue().length();
  d->m_startBeforeEnd = true;

  d->m_doc->setSelection( d->m_selectionStart.handle(), d->m_startOffset,
                          d->m_selectionEnd.handle(), d->m_endOffset );



bool KHTMLPart::checkLinkSecurity(const KURL &linkURL,const QString &message, const QString &button)
  // Security check on the link.
  // KURL u( url ); Wrong!! Relative URL could be mis-interpreted!!! (DA)
  QString linkProto = linkURL.protocol().lower();
  QString proto = m_url.protocol().lower();

  if ( !linkProto.isEmpty() && !proto.isEmpty() &&
       ( linkProto == "cgi" || linkProto == "file" ) &&
       proto != "file" && proto != "cgi" && proto != "man" && proto != "about")
    Tokenizer *tokenizer = d->m_doc->tokenizer();
    if (tokenizer)

    int response = KMessageBox::Cancel;
    if (!message.isEmpty())
	    response = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( 0,
							   i18n( "Security Warning" ),
	    KMessageBox::error( 0,
				i18n( "<qt>This untrusted page contains a link<BR><B>%1</B><BR>to your local file system.").arg(linkURL.url()),
				i18n( "Security Alert" ));

    if (tokenizer)
    return (response==KMessageBox::Continue);
  return true;


QVariant KHTMLPart::executeScript(QString filename, int baseLine, const DOM::Node &n, const QString &script)
  kdDebug(6070) << "executeScript: filename=" << filename << " baseLine=" << baseLine << " script=" << script << endl;
  KJSProxy *proxy = jScript();

  if (!proxy || proxy->paused())
    return QVariant();
  QVariant ret = proxy->evaluate(filename,baseLine,script, n );
  return ret;

void KHTMLPart::slotPartRemoved( KParts::Part *part )
//    kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::slotPartRemoved " << part << endl;
    if ( part == d->m_activeFrame )
        d->m_activeFrame = 0L;


void KHTMLPart::slotActiveFrameChanged( KParts::Part *part )
//    kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::slotActiveFrameChanged part=" << part << endl;
    if ( part == this )
        kdError(6050) << "strange error! we activated ourselves" << endl;
        assert( false );
//    kdDebug(6050) << "KHTMLPart::slotActiveFrameChanged d->m_activeFrame=" << d->m_activeFrame << endl;
    if ( d->m_activeFrame && d->m_activeFrame->widget() && d->m_activeFrame->widget()->inherits( "QFrame" ) )
        QFrame *frame = static_cast<QFrame *>( d->m_activeFrame->widget() );
        if (frame->frameStyle() != QFrame::NoFrame)
           frame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Sunken);

    d->m_activeFrame = part;

    if ( d->m_activeFrame && d->m_activeFrame->widget()->inherits( "QFrame" ) )
        QFrame *frame = static_cast<QFrame *>( d->m_activeFrame->widget() );
        if (frame->frameStyle() != QFrame::NoFrame)
           frame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::StyledPanel | QFrame::Plain);
        kdDebug(6050) << "new active frame " << d->m_activeFrame << endl;


    // (note: childObject returns 0 if the argument is 0)
    d->m_extension->setExtensionProxy( KParts::BrowserExtension::childObject( d->m_activeFrame ) );


void KHTMLPart::setActiveNode(const DOM::Node &node)
    if (!d->m_doc || !d->m_view)

    // Set the document's active node

    // Scroll the view if necessary to ensure that the new focus node is visible
    QRect rect  = node.handle()->getRect();
    d->m_view->ensureVisible(rect.right(), rect.bottom());

DOM::Node KHTMLPart::activeNode() const
    return DOM::Node(d->m_doc?d->m_doc->focusNode():0);

DOM::EventListener *KHTMLPart::createHTMLEventListener( QString code )
  KJSProxy *proxy = jScript();

  if (!proxy)
    return 0;

  return proxy->createHTMLEventHandler( m_url.url(), code );

KHTMLPart *KHTMLPart::opener()
    return d->m_opener;

void KHTMLPart::setOpener(KHTMLPart *_opener)
    d->m_opener = _opener;

bool KHTMLPart::openedByJS()
    return d->m_openedByJS;

void KHTMLPart::setOpenedByJS(bool _openedByJS)
    d->m_openedByJS = _openedByJS;

void KHTMLPart::preloadStyleSheet(const QString &url, const QString &stylesheet)
    khtml::Cache::preloadStyleSheet(url, stylesheet);

void KHTMLPart::preloadScript(const QString &url, const QString &script)
    khtml::Cache::preloadScript(url, script);


QCString KHTMLPart::dcopObjectId() const
  QCString id;
  id.sprintf("html-widget%d", d->m_dcop_counter);
  return id;


long KHTMLPart::cacheId() const
  return d->m_cacheId;

bool KHTMLPart::restored() const
  return d->m_restored;

void KHTMLPart::incrementFrameCount()
  if (parentPart()) {

void KHTMLPart::decrementFrameCount()
  if (parentPart()) {

int KHTMLPart::topLevelFrameCount()
  if (parentPart()) {
    return parentPart()->topLevelFrameCount();

  return frameCount;

bool KHTMLPart::tabsToLinks() const
    return true;

bool KHTMLPart::tabsToAllControls() const
    return true;

using namespace KParts;
#include "khtml_part.moc"