/** * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 1997 Martin Jones (mjones@kde.org) * (C) 1997 Torben Weis (weis@kde.org) * (C) 1998 Waldo Bastian (bastian@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ //#define TABLE_DEBUG //#define TABLE_PRINT //#define DEBUG_LAYOUT //#define BOX_DEBUG #include "rendering/render_table.h" #include "rendering/table_layout.h" #include "html/html_tableimpl.h" #include "misc/htmltags.h" #include "misc/htmlattrs.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace khtml; using namespace DOM; RenderTable::RenderTable(DOM::NodeImpl* node) : RenderBlock(node) { tCaption = 0; head = foot = firstBody = 0; tableLayout = 0; rules = None; frame = Void; has_col_elems = false; spacing = 0; padding = 0; needSectionRecalc = false; padding = 0; columnPos.resize( 2 ); columnPos.fill( 0 ); columns.resize( 1 ); columns.fill( ColumnStruct() ); columnPos[0] = 0; } RenderTable::~RenderTable() { delete tableLayout; } void RenderTable::setStyle(RenderStyle *_style) { ETableLayout oldTableLayout = style() ? style()->tableLayout() : TAUTO; if ( _style->display() == INLINE ) _style->setDisplay(INLINE_TABLE); if ( _style->display() != INLINE_TABLE ) _style->setDisplay(TABLE); RenderBlock::setStyle(_style); // init RenderObject attributes setInline(style()->display()==INLINE_TABLE && !isPositioned()); setReplaced(style()->display()==INLINE_TABLE); spacing = style()->borderSpacing(); columnPos[0] = spacing; if ( !tableLayout || style()->tableLayout() != oldTableLayout ) { delete tableLayout; // According to the CSS2 spec, you only use fixed table layout if an // explicit width is specified on the table. Auto width implies auto table layout. if (style()->tableLayout() == TFIXED && !style()->width().isVariable()) { tableLayout = new FixedTableLayout(this); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << "using fixed table layout" << endl; #endif } else tableLayout = new AutoTableLayout(this); } } void RenderTable::addChild(RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild) { #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(Table)::addChild( " << child->renderName() << ", " << (beforeChild ? beforeChild->renderName() : "0") << " )" << endl; #endif RenderObject *o = child; if (child->element() && child->element()->id() == ID_FORM) { RenderContainer::addChild(child,beforeChild); return; } switch(child->style()->display()) { case TABLE_CAPTION: tCaption = static_cast(child); break; case TABLE_COLUMN: case TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP: has_col_elems = true; break; case TABLE_HEADER_GROUP: if ( !head ) head = static_cast(child); else if ( !firstBody ) firstBody = static_cast(child); break; case TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP: if ( !foot ) { foot = static_cast(child); break; } // fall through case TABLE_ROW_GROUP: if(!firstBody) firstBody = static_cast(child); break; default: if ( !beforeChild && lastChild() && lastChild()->isTableSection() && lastChild()->isAnonymousBox() ) { o = lastChild(); } else { RenderObject *lastBox = beforeChild; while ( lastBox && lastBox->parent()->isAnonymousBox() && !lastBox->isTableSection() && lastBox->style()->display() != TABLE_CAPTION ) lastBox = lastBox->parent(); if ( lastBox && lastBox->isAnonymousBox() ) { lastBox->addChild( child, beforeChild ); return; } else { if ( beforeChild && !beforeChild->isTableSection() ) beforeChild = 0; //kdDebug( 6040 ) << this <<" creating anonymous table section beforeChild="<< beforeChild << endl; o = new (renderArena()) RenderTableSection(0 /* anonymous */); RenderStyle *newStyle = new RenderStyle(); newStyle->inheritFrom(style()); newStyle->setDisplay(TABLE_ROW_GROUP); o->setStyle(newStyle); o->setIsAnonymousBox(true); addChild(o, beforeChild); } } o->addChild(child); child->setNeedsLayoutAndMinMaxRecalc(); return; } RenderContainer::addChild(child,beforeChild); } void RenderTable::calcWidth() { if ( isPositioned() ) { calcAbsoluteHorizontal(); } RenderBlock *cb = containingBlock(); int availableWidth = cb->contentWidth(); LengthType widthType = style()->width().type; if(widthType > Relative && style()->width().value > 0) { // Percent or fixed table m_width = style()->width().minWidth( availableWidth ); if(m_minWidth > m_width) m_width = m_minWidth; //kdDebug( 6040 ) << "1 width=" << m_width << " minWidth=" << m_minWidth << " availableWidth=" << availableWidth << " " << endl; } else { m_width = KMIN(short( availableWidth ),m_maxWidth); } // restrict width to what we really have in case we flow around floats if (style()->width().isVariable() && style()->flowAroundFloats()) { availableWidth = cb->lineWidth( m_y ); m_width = QMIN( availableWidth, m_width ); } m_width = KMAX (m_width, m_minWidth); m_marginRight=0; m_marginLeft=0; calcHorizontalMargins(style()->marginLeft(),style()->marginRight(),availableWidth); } void RenderTable::layout() { KHTMLAssert( needsLayout() ); KHTMLAssert( minMaxKnown() ); KHTMLAssert( !needSectionRecalc ); //kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(Table)"<< this << " ::layout0() width=" << width() << ", needsLayout=" << needsLayout() << endl; m_height = 0; initMaxMarginValues(); //int oldWidth = m_width; calcWidth(); // the optimisation below doesn't work since the internal table // layout could have changed. we need to add a flag to the table // layout that tells us if something has changed in the min max // calculations to do it correctly. // if ( oldWidth != m_width || columns.size() + 1 != columnPos.size() ) tableLayout->layout(); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(Table)::layout1() width=" << width() << ", marginLeft=" << marginLeft() << " marginRight=" << marginRight() << endl; #endif setCellWidths(); // layout child objects int calculatedHeight = 0; RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while( child ) { if ( child->needsLayout() && !(child->element() && child->element()->id() == ID_FORM)) child->layout(); if ( child->isTableSection() ) { static_cast(child)->calcRowHeight(); calculatedHeight += static_cast(child)->layoutRows( 0 ); } child = child->nextSibling(); } // ### collapse caption margin if(tCaption && tCaption->style()->captionSide() != CAPBOTTOM) { tCaption->setPos(tCaption->marginLeft(), m_height); m_height += tCaption->height() + tCaption->marginTop() + tCaption->marginBottom(); } m_height += borderTop(); // html tables with percent height are relative to view Length h = style()->height(); int th=0; if (h.isFixed()) th = h.value; else if (h.isPercent()) { RenderObject* c = containingBlock(); for ( ; !c->isCanvas() && !c->isBody() && !c->isTableCell() && !c->isPositioned() && !c->isFloating(); c = c->containingBlock()) { Length ch = c->style()->height(); if (ch.isFixed()) { th = h.width(ch.value); break; } } if (c->isTableCell()) { RenderTableCell* cell = static_cast(c); int cellHeight = cell->getCellPercentageHeight(); if (cellHeight && cell->style()->height().isFixed()) th = h.width(cellHeight); } else { Length ch = c->style()->height(); if (ch.isFixed()) th = h.width(ch.value); else { // we need to substract out the margins of this block. -dwh th = h.width(viewRect().height() - c->marginBottom() - c->marginTop()); // not really, but this way the view height change // gets propagated correctly setOverhangingContents(); } } } // layout rows if ( th > calculatedHeight ) { // we have to redistribute that height to get the constraint correctly // just force the first body to the height needed // ### FIXME This should take height constraints on all table sections into account and distribute // accordingly. For now this should be good enough if (firstBody) { firstBody->calcRowHeight(); firstBody->layoutRows( th - calculatedHeight ); } } int bl = borderLeft(); // position the table sections if ( head ) { head->setPos(bl, m_height); m_height += head->height(); } RenderObject *body = firstBody; while ( body ) { if ( body != head && body != foot && body->isTableSection() ) { body->setPos(bl, m_height); m_height += body->height(); } body = body->nextSibling(); } if ( foot ) { foot->setPos(bl, m_height); m_height += foot->height(); } m_height += borderBottom(); if(tCaption && tCaption->style()->captionSide()==CAPBOTTOM) { tCaption->setPos(tCaption->marginLeft(), m_height); m_height += tCaption->height() + tCaption->marginTop() + tCaption->marginBottom(); } //kdDebug(0) << "table height: " << m_height << endl; calcHeight(); //kdDebug(0) << "table height: " << m_height << endl; // table can be containing block of positioned elements. // ### only pass true if width or height changed. layoutPositionedObjects( true ); setNeedsLayout(false); } void RenderTable::setCellWidths() { #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(Table, this=0x" << this << ")::setCellWidths()" << endl; #endif RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while( child ) { if ( child->isTableSection() ) static_cast(child)->setCellWidths(); child = child->nextSibling(); } } void RenderTable::paint( QPainter *p, int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h, int _tx, int _ty, PaintAction paintAction) { if (needsLayout()) return; _tx += xPos(); _ty += yPos(); #ifdef TABLE_PRINT kdDebug( 6040 ) << "RenderTable::paint() w/h = (" << width() << "/" << height() << ")" << endl; #endif if (!overhangingContents() && !isRelPositioned() && !isPositioned()) { if((_ty > _y + _h) || (_ty + height() < _y)) return; if((_tx > _x + _w) || (_tx + width() < _x)) return; } #ifdef TABLE_PRINT kdDebug( 6040 ) << "RenderTable::paint(2) " << _tx << "/" << _ty << " (" << _y << "/" << _h << ")" << endl; #endif if ((paintAction == PaintActionElementBackground || paintAction == PaintActionChildBackground) && style()->visibility() == VISIBLE) { paintBoxDecorations(p, _x, _y, _w, _h, _tx, _ty); } // We're done. We don't bother painting any children. if (paintAction == PaintActionElementBackground) return; // We don't paint our own background, but we do let the kids paint their backgrounds. if (paintAction == PaintActionChildBackgrounds) paintAction = PaintActionChildBackground; RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while( child ) { if ( child->isTableSection() || child == tCaption ) child->paint( p, _x, _y, _w, _h, _tx, _ty, paintAction ); child = child->nextSibling(); } #ifdef BOX_DEBUG outlineBox(p, _tx, _ty, "blue"); #endif } void RenderTable::calcMinMaxWidth() { KHTMLAssert( !minMaxKnown() ); if ( needSectionRecalc ) recalcSections(); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(Table " << this << ")::calcMinMaxWidth()" << endl; #endif tableLayout->calcMinMaxWidth(); if (tCaption && tCaption->minWidth() > m_minWidth) m_minWidth = tCaption->minWidth(); setMinMaxKnown(); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << " END: (Table " << this << ")::calcMinMaxWidth() min = " << m_minWidth << " max = " << m_maxWidth << endl; #endif } void RenderTable::close() { // kdDebug( 6040 ) << "RenderTable::close()" << endl; setNeedsLayoutAndMinMaxRecalc(); } int RenderTable::borderTopExtra() { if (tCaption && tCaption->style()->captionSide()!=CAPBOTTOM) return -(tCaption->height() + tCaption->marginBottom() + tCaption->marginTop()); else return 0; } int RenderTable::borderBottomExtra() { if (tCaption && tCaption->style()->captionSide()==CAPBOTTOM) return -(tCaption->height() + tCaption->marginBottom() + tCaption->marginTop()); else return 0; } void RenderTable::splitColumn( int pos, int firstSpan ) { // we need to add a new columnStruct int oldSize = columns.size(); columns.resize( oldSize + 1 ); int oldSpan = columns[pos].span; // qDebug("splitColumn( %d,%d ), oldSize=%d, oldSpan=%d", pos, firstSpan, oldSize, oldSpan ); KHTMLAssert( oldSpan > firstSpan ); columns[pos].span = firstSpan; memmove( columns.data()+pos+1, columns.data()+pos, (oldSize-pos)*sizeof(ColumnStruct) ); columns[pos+1].span = oldSpan - firstSpan; // change width of all rows. RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while ( child ) { if ( child->isTableSection() ) { RenderTableSection *section = static_cast(child); int size = section->grid.size(); int row = 0; if ( section->cCol > pos ) section->cCol++; while ( row < size ) { section->grid[row].row->resize( oldSize+1 ); RenderTableSection::Row &r = *section->grid[row].row; memmove( r.data()+pos+1, r.data()+pos, (oldSize-pos)*sizeof( RenderTableCell * ) ); // qDebug("moving from %d to %d, num=%d", pos, pos+1, (oldSize-pos-1) ); r[pos+1] = r[pos] ? (RenderTableCell *)-1 : 0; row++; } } child = child->nextSibling(); } columnPos.resize( numEffCols()+1 ); setNeedsLayoutAndMinMaxRecalc(); } void RenderTable::appendColumn( int span ) { // easy case. int pos = columns.size(); // qDebug("appendColumn( %d ), size=%d", span, pos ); int newSize = pos + 1; columns.resize( newSize ); columns[pos].span = span; //qDebug("appending column at %d, span %d", pos, span ); // change width of all rows. RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while ( child ) { if ( child->isTableSection() ) { RenderTableSection *section = static_cast(child); int size = section->grid.size(); int row = 0; while ( row < size ) { section->grid[row].row->resize( newSize ); section->cellAt( row, pos ) = 0; row++; } } child = child->nextSibling(); } columnPos.resize( numEffCols()+1 ); setNeedsLayoutAndMinMaxRecalc(); } RenderTableCol *RenderTable::colElement( int col ) { if ( !has_col_elems ) return 0; RenderObject *child = firstChild(); int cCol = 0; while ( child ) { if ( child->isTableCol() ) { RenderTableCol *colElem = static_cast(child); int span = colElem->span(); if ( !colElem->firstChild() ) { cCol += span; if ( cCol > col ) return colElem; } RenderObject *next = child->firstChild(); if ( !next ) next = child->nextSibling(); if ( !next && child->parent()->isTableCol() ) next = child->parent()->nextSibling(); child = next; } else break; } return 0; } void RenderTable::recalcSections() { tCaption = 0; head = foot = firstBody = 0; has_col_elems = false; RenderObject *child = firstChild(); // We need to get valid pointers to caption, head, foot and firstbody again while (child) { switch (child->style()->display()) { case TABLE_CAPTION: if (!tCaption) { tCaption = static_cast(child); tCaption->setNeedsLayout(true); } break; case TABLE_COLUMN: case TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP: has_col_elems = true; break; case TABLE_HEADER_GROUP: { RenderTableSection *section = static_cast(child); if ( !head ) head = section; else if ( !firstBody ) firstBody = section; if ( section->needCellRecalc ) section->recalcCells(); break; } case TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP: { RenderTableSection *section = static_cast(child); if ( !foot ) foot = section; else if ( !firstBody ) firstBody = section; if ( section->needCellRecalc ) section->recalcCells(); break; } case TABLE_ROW_GROUP: { RenderTableSection *section = static_cast(child); if ( !firstBody ) firstBody = section; if ( section->needCellRecalc ) section->recalcCells(); } default: break; } child = child->nextSibling(); } needSectionRecalc = false; setNeedsLayout(true); } RenderObject* RenderTable::removeChildNode(RenderObject* child) { setNeedSectionRecalc(); return RenderContainer::removeChildNode( child ); } #if APPLE_CHANGES RenderTableCell* RenderTable::cellAbove(RenderTableCell* cell) const { // Find the section and row to look in int r = cell->row(); RenderTableSection *section; int rAbove = 0; if (r > 0) { // cell is not in the first row, so use the above row in its own section section = cell->section(); rAbove = r-1; } else { // cell is at top of a section, use last row in previous section RenderObject *prevSection = cell->section()->previousSibling(); while (prevSection && !prevSection->isTableSection()) { prevSection = prevSection->previousSibling(); } section = static_cast(prevSection); if (section) { rAbove = section->numRows()-1; } } // Look up the cell in the section's grid, which required effective col index if (section && rAbove >= 0) { int effCol = colToEffCol(cell->col()); RenderTableCell* aboveCell; // If we hit a span back up to a real cell. do { aboveCell = section->cellAt(rAbove, effCol); effCol--; } while (aboveCell == (RenderTableCell *)-1 && effCol >=0); return (aboveCell == (RenderTableCell *)-1) ? 0 : aboveCell; } else { return 0; } } #endif #ifndef NDEBUG void RenderTable::dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind) const { if (tCaption) *stream << " tCaption"; if (head) *stream << " head"; if (foot) *stream << " foot"; *stream << endl << ind << "cspans:"; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++ ) *stream << " " << columns[i].span; *stream << endl << ind; RenderBlock::dump(stream,ind); } #endif // -------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderTableSection::RenderTableSection(DOM::NodeImpl* node) : RenderBox(node) { // init RenderObject attributes setInline(false); // our object is not Inline cCol = 0; cRow = -1; needCellRecalc = false; } RenderTableSection::~RenderTableSection() { clearGrid(); } void RenderTableSection::detach(RenderArena* arena) { // recalc cell info because RenderTable has unguarded pointers // stored that point to this RenderTableSection. if (table()) table()->setNeedSectionRecalc(); RenderBox::detach(arena); } void RenderTableSection::setStyle(RenderStyle* _style) { // we don't allow changing this one if (style()) _style->setDisplay(style()->display()); else if (_style->display() != TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP && _style->display() != TABLE_HEADER_GROUP) _style->setDisplay(TABLE_ROW_GROUP); RenderBox::setStyle(_style); } void RenderTableSection::addChild(RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild) { #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(TableSection)::addChild( " << child->renderName() << ", beforeChild=" << (beforeChild ? beforeChild->renderName() : "0") << " )" << endl; #endif RenderObject *row = child; if (child->element() && child->element()->id() == ID_FORM) { RenderContainer::addChild(child,beforeChild); return; } if ( !child->isTableRow() ) { if( !beforeChild ) beforeChild = lastChild(); if( beforeChild && beforeChild->isAnonymousBox() ) row = beforeChild; else { RenderObject *lastBox = beforeChild; while ( lastBox && lastBox->parent()->isAnonymousBox() && !lastBox->isTableRow() ) lastBox = lastBox->parent(); if ( lastBox && lastBox->isAnonymousBox() ) { lastBox->addChild( child, beforeChild ); return; } else { //kdDebug( 6040 ) << "creating anonymous table row" << endl; row = new (renderArena()) RenderTableRow(0 /* anonymous table */); RenderStyle *newStyle = new RenderStyle(); newStyle->inheritFrom(style()); newStyle->setDisplay( TABLE_ROW ); row->setStyle(newStyle); row->setIsAnonymousBox(true); addChild(row, beforeChild); } } row->addChild(child); child->setNeedsLayoutAndMinMaxRecalc(); return; } if (beforeChild) setNeedCellRecalc(); cRow++; cCol = 0; ensureRows( cRow+1 ); if (!beforeChild) { grid[cRow].height = child->style()->height(); if ( grid[cRow].height.type == Relative ) grid[cRow].height = Length(); } RenderContainer::addChild(child,beforeChild); } void RenderTableSection::ensureRows( int numRows ) { int nRows = grid.size(); int nCols = table()->numEffCols(); if ( numRows > nRows ) { grid.resize( numRows ); for ( int r = nRows; r < numRows; r++ ) { grid[r].row = new Row( nCols ); grid[r].row->fill( 0 ); grid[r].baseLine = 0; grid[r].height = Length(); } } } void RenderTableSection::addCell( RenderTableCell *cell ) { int rSpan = cell->rowSpan(); int cSpan = cell->colSpan(); QMemArray &columns = table()->columns; int nCols = columns.size(); // ### mozilla still seems to do the old HTML way, even for strict DTD // (see the annotation on table cell layouting in the CSS specs and the testcase below: // //
1 2 3 4 //
5 //
#if 0 // find empty space for the cell bool found = false; while ( !found ) { found = true; while ( cCol < nCols && cellAt( cRow, cCol ) ) cCol++; int pos = cCol; int span = 0; while ( pos < nCols && span < cSpan ) { if ( cellAt( cRow, pos ) ) { found = false; cCol = pos; break; } span += columns[pos].span; pos++; } } #else while ( cCol < nCols && cellAt( cRow, cCol ) ) cCol++; #endif // qDebug("adding cell at %d/%d span=(%d/%d)", cRow, cCol, rSpan, cSpan ); if ( rSpan == 1 ) { // we ignore height settings on rowspan cells Length height = cell->style()->height(); if ( height.value > 0 || (height.type == Relative && height.value >= 0) ) { Length cRowHeight = grid[cRow].height; switch( height.type ) { case Percent: if ( !(cRowHeight.type == Percent) || ( cRowHeight.type == Percent && cRowHeight.value < height.value ) ) grid[cRow].height = height; break; case Fixed: if ( cRowHeight.type < Percent || ( cRowHeight.type == Fixed && cRowHeight.value < height.value ) ) grid[cRow].height = height; break; case Relative: #if 0 // we treat this as variable. This is correct according to HTML4, as it only specifies length for the height. if ( cRowHeight.type == Variable || ( cRowHeight.type == Relative && cRowHeight.value < height.value ) ) grid[cRow].height = height; break; #endif default: break; } } } // make sure we have enough rows ensureRows( cRow + rSpan ); int col = cCol; // tell the cell where it is RenderTableCell *set = cell; while ( cSpan ) { int currentSpan; if ( cCol >= nCols ) { table()->appendColumn( cSpan ); currentSpan = cSpan; } else { if ( cSpan < columns[cCol].span ) table()->splitColumn( cCol, cSpan ); currentSpan = columns[cCol].span; } int r = 0; while ( r < rSpan ) { if ( !cellAt( cRow + r, cCol ) ) { // qDebug(" adding cell at %d, %d", cRow + r, cCol ); cellAt( cRow + r, cCol ) = set; } r++; } cCol++; cSpan -= currentSpan; set = (RenderTableCell *)-1; } if ( cell ) { cell->setRow( cRow ); cell->setCol( table()->effColToCol( col ) ); } } void RenderTableSection::setCellWidths() { #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(Table, this=0x" << this << ")::setCellWidths()" << endl; #endif QMemArray &columnPos = table()->columnPos; int rows = grid.size(); for ( int i = 0; i < rows; i++ ) { Row &row = *grid[i].row; int cols = row.size(); for ( int j = 0; j < cols; j++ ) { RenderTableCell *cell = row[j]; // qDebug("cell[%d,%d] = %p", i, j, cell ); if ( !cell || cell == (RenderTableCell *)-1 ) continue; int endCol = j; int cspan = cell->colSpan(); while ( cspan && endCol < cols ) { cspan -= table()->columns[endCol].span; endCol++; } int w = columnPos[endCol] - columnPos[j] - table()->cellSpacing(); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << "setting width of cell " << cell << " " << cell->row() << "/" << cell->col() << " to " << w << " colspan=" << cell->colSpan() << " start=" << j << " end=" << endCol << endl; #endif int oldWidth = cell->width(); if ( w != oldWidth ) { cell->setNeedsLayout(true); cell->setWidth( w ); } } } } void RenderTableSection::calcRowHeight() { int indx; RenderTableCell *cell; int totalRows = grid.size(); int spacing = table()->cellSpacing(); rowPos.resize( totalRows + 1 ); rowPos[0] = spacing + borderTop(); for ( int r = 0; r < totalRows; r++ ) { rowPos[r+1] = 0; int baseline=0; int bdesc = 0; // qDebug("height of row %d is %d/%d", r, grid[r].height.value, grid[r].height.type ); int ch = grid[r].height.minWidth( 0 ); int pos = rowPos[ r+1 ] + ch + table()->cellSpacing(); if ( pos > rowPos[r+1] ) rowPos[r+1] = pos; Row *row = grid[r].row; int totalCols = row->size(); int totalRows = grid.size(); for ( int c = 0; c < totalCols; c++ ) { cell = cellAt(r, c); if ( !cell || cell == (RenderTableCell *)-1 ) continue; if ( r < totalRows - 1 && cellAt(r+1, c) == cell ) continue; if ( ( indx = r - cell->rowSpan() + 1 ) < 0 ) indx = 0; ch = cell->style()->height().width(0); if ( cell->height() > ch) ch = cell->height(); pos = rowPos[ indx ] + ch + table()->cellSpacing(); if ( pos > rowPos[r+1] ) rowPos[r+1] = pos; // find out the baseline EVerticalAlign va = cell->style()->verticalAlign(); if (va == BASELINE || va == TEXT_BOTTOM || va == TEXT_TOP || va == SUPER || va == SUB) { int b=cell->baselinePosition(); if (b>baseline) baseline=b; int td = rowPos[ indx ] + ch - b; if (td>bdesc) bdesc = td; } } //do we have baseline aligned elements? if (baseline) { // increase rowheight if baseline requires int bRowPos = baseline + bdesc + table()->cellSpacing() ; // + 2*padding if (rowPos[r+1]cellSpacing(); if (toAdd && totalRows && (rowPos[totalRows] || !nextSibling())) { int totalHeight = rowPos[totalRows] + toAdd; // qDebug("layoutRows: totalHeight = %d", totalHeight ); int dh = toAdd; int totalPercent = 0; int numVariable = 0; for ( int r = 0; r < totalRows; r++ ) { if ( grid[r].height.type == Variable ) numVariable++; else if ( grid[r].height.type == Percent ) totalPercent += grid[r].height.value; } if ( totalPercent ) { // qDebug("distributing %d over percent rows totalPercent=%d", dh, totalPercent ); // try to satisfy percent int add = 0; if ( totalPercent > 100 ) totalPercent = 100; int rh = rowPos[1]-rowPos[0]; for ( int r = 0; r < totalRows; r++ ) { if ( totalPercent > 0 && grid[r].height.type == Percent ) { int toAdd = QMIN(dh, (totalHeight * grid[r].height.value / 100)-rh); // If toAdd is negative, then we don't want to shrink the row (this bug // affected Outlook Web Access). toAdd = QMAX(0, toAdd); add += toAdd; dh -= toAdd; totalPercent -= grid[r].height.value; // qDebug( "adding %d to row %d", toAdd, r ); } if ( r < totalRows-1 ) rh = rowPos[r+2] - rowPos[r+1]; rowPos[r+1] += add; } } if ( numVariable ) { // distribute over variable cols // qDebug("distributing %d over variable rows numVariable=%d", dh, numVariable ); int add = 0; for ( int r = 0; r < totalRows; r++ ) { if ( numVariable > 0 && grid[r].height.type == Variable ) { int toAdd = dh/numVariable; add += toAdd; dh -= toAdd; } rowPos[r+1] += add; } } if (dh>0) { // if some left overs, distribute equally. int tot=rowPos[totalRows]; int add=0; int prev=rowPos[0]; for ( int r = 0; r < totalRows; r++ ) { //weight with the original height add+=dh*(rowPos[r+1]-prev)/tot; prev=rowPos[r+1]; rowPos[r+1]+=add; } } } int leftOffset = borderLeft() + spacing; int nEffCols = table()->numEffCols(); for ( int r = 0; r < totalRows; r++ ) { Row *row = grid[r].row; int totalCols = row->size(); for ( int c = 0; c < nEffCols; c++ ) { RenderTableCell *cell = cellAt(r, c); if (!cell || cell == (RenderTableCell *)-1 ) continue; if ( r < totalRows - 1 && cell == cellAt(r+1, c) ) continue; if ( ( rindx = r-cell->rowSpan()+1 ) < 0 ) rindx = 0; rHeight = rowPos[r+1] - rowPos[rindx] - spacing; // Force percent height children to lay themselves out again. // This will cause, e.g., textareas to grow to // fill the area. FIXME:
s and blocks still don't // work right. We'll need to have an efficient way of // invalidating all percent height objects in a render subtree. // For now, we just handle immediate children. -dwh bool cellChildrenFlex = false; RenderObject* o = cell->firstChild(); while (o) { if (o->style()->height().isPercent()) { o->setNeedsLayout(true); cellChildrenFlex = true; } o = o->nextSibling(); } if (cellChildrenFlex) { cell->setCellPercentageHeight(rHeight); cell->layoutIfNeeded(); // Alignment within a cell is based off the calculated // height, which becomes irrelevant once the cell has // been resized based off its percentage. -dwh cell->setCellTopExtra(0); cell->setCellBottomExtra(0); } else { #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << "setting position " << r << "/" << c << ": " << table()->columnPos[c] /*+ padding */ << "/" << rowPos[rindx] << " height=" << rHeight<< endl; #endif EVerticalAlign va = cell->style()->verticalAlign(); int te=0; switch (va) { case SUB: case SUPER: case TEXT_TOP: case TEXT_BOTTOM: case BASELINE: te = getBaseline(r) - cell->baselinePosition() ; break; case TOP: te = 0; break; case MIDDLE: te = (rHeight - cell->height())/2; break; case BOTTOM: te = rHeight - cell->height(); break; default: break; } #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT // kdDebug( 6040 ) << "CELL " << cell << " te=" << te << ", be=" << rHeight - cell->height() - te << ", rHeight=" << rHeight << ", valign=" << va << endl; #endif cell->setCellTopExtra( te ); cell->setCellBottomExtra( rHeight - cell->height() - te); } if (style()->direction()==RTL) { cell->setPos( table()->columnPos[(int)totalCols] - table()->columnPos[table()->colToEffCol(cell->col()+cell->colSpan())] + leftOffset, rowPos[rindx] ); } else { cell->setPos( table()->columnPos[c] + leftOffset, rowPos[rindx] ); } } } m_height = rowPos[totalRows]; return m_height; } void RenderTableSection::paint( QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, int tx, int ty, PaintAction paintAction) { unsigned int totalRows = grid.size(); unsigned int totalCols = table()->columns.size(); tx += m_x; ty += m_y; // check which rows and cols are visible and only paint these // ### fixme: could use a binary search here unsigned int startrow = 0; unsigned int endrow = totalRows; for ( ; startrow < totalRows; startrow++ ) { if ( ty + rowPos[startrow+1] > y ) break; } for ( ; endrow > 0; endrow-- ) { if ( ty + rowPos[endrow-1] < y + h ) break; } unsigned int startcol = 0; unsigned int endcol = totalCols; if ( style()->direction() == LTR ) { for ( ; startcol < totalCols; startcol++ ) { if ( tx + table()->columnPos[startcol+1] > x ) break; } for ( ; endcol > 0; endcol-- ) { if ( tx + table()->columnPos[endcol-1] < x + w ) break; } } if ( startcol < endcol ) { // draw the cells for ( unsigned int r = startrow; r < endrow; r++ ) { unsigned int c = startcol; // since a cell can be -1 (indicating a colspan) we might have to search backwards to include it while ( c && cellAt( r, c ) == (RenderTableCell *)-1 ) c--; for ( ; c < endcol; c++ ) { RenderTableCell *cell = cellAt(r, c); if (!cell || cell == (RenderTableCell *)-1 ) continue; if ( (r < endrow - 1) && (cellAt(r+1, c) == cell) ) continue; #ifdef TABLE_PRINT kdDebug( 6040 ) << "painting cell " << r << "/" << c << endl; #endif cell->paint( p, x, y, w, h, tx, ty, paintAction); } } } } void RenderTableSection::recalcCells() { cCol = 0; cRow = -1; clearGrid(); grid.resize( 0 ); RenderObject *row = firstChild(); while ( row ) { cRow++; cCol = 0; ensureRows( cRow+1 ); RenderObject *cell = row->firstChild(); while ( cell ) { if ( cell->isTableCell() ) addCell( static_cast(cell) ); cell = cell->nextSibling(); } row = row->nextSibling(); } needCellRecalc = false; setNeedsLayout(true); } void RenderTableSection::clearGrid() { int rows = grid.size(); while ( rows-- ) { delete grid[rows].row; } } RenderObject* RenderTableSection::removeChildNode(RenderObject* child) { setNeedCellRecalc(); return RenderContainer::removeChildNode( child ); } #ifndef NDEBUG void RenderTableSection::dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind) const { *stream << endl << ind << "grid=(" << grid.size() << "," << table()->numEffCols() << ")" << endl << ind; for ( unsigned int r = 0; r < grid.size(); r++ ) { for ( int c = 0; c < table()->numEffCols(); c++ ) { if ( cellAt( r, c ) && cellAt( r, c ) != (RenderTableCell *)-1 ) *stream << "(" << cellAt( r, c )->row() << "," << cellAt( r, c )->col() << "," << cellAt(r, c)->rowSpan() << "," << cellAt(r, c)->colSpan() << ") "; else *stream << cellAt( r, c ) << "null cell "; } *stream << endl << ind; } RenderContainer::dump(stream,ind); } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderTableRow::RenderTableRow(DOM::NodeImpl* node) : RenderContainer(node) { // init RenderObject attributes setInline(false); // our object is not Inline } void RenderTableRow::detach(RenderArena* arena) { RenderTableSection *s = section(); if (s) { s->setNeedCellRecalc(); } RenderContainer::detach(arena); } void RenderTableRow::setStyle(RenderStyle* style) { style->setDisplay(TABLE_ROW); RenderContainer::setStyle(style); } void RenderTableRow::addChild(RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild) { #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(TableRow)::addChild( " << child->renderName() << " )" << ", " << (beforeChild ? beforeChild->renderName() : "0") << " )" << endl; #endif if (child->element() && child->element()->id() == ID_FORM) { RenderContainer::addChild(child,beforeChild); return; } RenderTableCell *cell; if ( !child->isTableCell() ) { RenderObject *last = beforeChild; if ( !last ) last = lastChild(); RenderTableCell *cell = 0; if( last && last->isAnonymousBox() && last->isTableCell() ) cell = static_cast(last); else { cell = new (renderArena()) RenderTableCell(0 /* anonymous object */); RenderStyle *newStyle = new RenderStyle(); newStyle->inheritFrom(style()); newStyle->setDisplay( TABLE_CELL ); cell->setStyle(newStyle); cell->setIsAnonymousBox(true); addChild(cell, beforeChild); } cell->addChild(child); child->setNeedsLayoutAndMinMaxRecalc(); return; } else cell = static_cast(child); static_cast(parent())->addCell( cell ); RenderContainer::addChild(cell,beforeChild); if ( ( beforeChild || nextSibling()) && section() ) section()->setNeedCellRecalc(); } RenderObject* RenderTableRow::removeChildNode(RenderObject* child) { // RenderTableCell detach should do it // if ( section() ) // section()->setNeedCellRecalc(); return RenderContainer::removeChildNode( child ); } #ifndef NDEBUG void RenderTableRow::dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind) const { RenderContainer::dump(stream,ind); } #endif void RenderTableRow::layout() { KHTMLAssert( needsLayout() ); KHTMLAssert( minMaxKnown() ); RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while( child ) { if ( child->isTableCell() && child->needsLayout() ) { RenderTableCell *cell = static_cast(child); cell->calcVerticalMargins(); cell->layout(); cell->setCellTopExtra(0); cell->setCellBottomExtra(0); } child = child->nextSibling(); } setNeedsLayout(false); } void RenderTableRow::repaint(bool immediate) { // For now, just repaint the whole table. // FIXME: Find a better way to do this. RenderTable* parentTable = table(); if (parentTable) parentTable->repaint(immediate); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderTableCell::RenderTableCell(DOM::NodeImpl* _node) : RenderBlock(_node) { _col = -1; _row = -1; updateFromElement(); setShouldPaintBackgroundOrBorder(true); _topExtra = 0; _bottomExtra = 0; m_percentageHeight = 0; } void RenderTableCell::detach(RenderArena* arena) { if (parent() && section()) section()->setNeedCellRecalc(); RenderBlock::detach(arena); } void RenderTableCell::updateFromElement() { DOM::NodeImpl *node = element(); if ( node && (node->id() == ID_TD || node->id() == ID_TH) ) { DOM::HTMLTableCellElementImpl *tc = static_cast(node); cSpan = tc->colSpan(); rSpan = tc->rowSpan(); } else { cSpan = rSpan = 1; } } int RenderTableCell::getCellPercentageHeight() const { return m_percentageHeight; } void RenderTableCell::setCellPercentageHeight(int h) { m_percentageHeight = h; } void RenderTableCell::calcMinMaxWidth() { RenderBlock::calcMinMaxWidth(); if (element() && style()->whiteSpace() == NORMAL) { // See if nowrap was set. DOMString nowrap = static_cast(element())->getAttribute(ATTR_NOWRAP); if (!nowrap.isNull() && style()->width().isFixed()) // Nowrap is set, but we didn't actually use it because of the // fixed width set on the cell. Even so, it is a WinIE/Moz trait // to make the minwidth of the cell into the fixed width. They do this // even in strict mode, so do not make this a quirk. Affected the top // of hiptop.com. if (m_minWidth < style()->width().value) m_minWidth = style()->width().value; } } void RenderTableCell::calcWidth() { } void RenderTableCell::setWidth( int width ) { assert(width <= SHRT_MAX); if ( width != m_width ) { m_width = width; m_widthChanged = true; } } void RenderTableCell::layout() { layoutBlock(m_widthChanged); m_widthChanged = false; } void RenderTableCell::close() { RenderBlock::close(); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(RenderTableCell)::close() total height =" << m_height << endl; #endif } void RenderTableCell::repaintRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool immediate, bool f) { y += _topExtra; RenderBlock::repaintRectangle(x, y, w, h, immediate, f); } bool RenderTableCell::absolutePosition(int &xPos, int &yPos, bool f) { bool ret = RenderBlock::absolutePosition(xPos, yPos, f); if (ret) yPos += _topExtra; return ret; } short RenderTableCell::baselinePosition( bool ) const { RenderObject *o = firstChild(); int offset = paddingTop() + borderTop(); if ( !o ) return offset; while ( o->firstChild() ) { if ( !o->isInline() ) offset += o->paddingTop() + o->borderTop(); o = o->firstChild(); } offset += o->baselinePosition( true ); return offset; } void RenderTableCell::setStyle( RenderStyle *style ) { style->setDisplay(TABLE_CELL); RenderBlock::setStyle( style ); setShouldPaintBackgroundOrBorder(true); if (style->whiteSpace() == KHTML_NOWRAP) { // Figure out if we are really nowrapping or if we should just // use normal instead. If the width of the cell is fixed, then // we don't actually use NOWRAP. if (style->width().isFixed()) style->setWhiteSpace(NORMAL); else style->setWhiteSpace(NOWRAP); } } #ifdef BOX_DEBUG #include static void outlineBox(QPainter *p, int _tx, int _ty, int w, int h) { p->setPen(QPen(QColor("yellow"), 3, Qt::DotLine)); p->setBrush( Qt::NoBrush ); p->drawRect(_tx, _ty, w, h ); } #endif void RenderTableCell::paint(QPainter *p, int _x, int _y, int _w, int _h, int _tx, int _ty, PaintAction paintAction) { #ifdef TABLE_PRINT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(RenderTableCell)::paint() w/h = (" << width() << "/" << height() << ")" << " _y/_h=" << _y << "/" << _h << endl; #endif if (needsLayout()) return; _tx += m_x; _ty += m_y + _topExtra; // check if we need to do anything at all... if(!overhangingContents() && ((_ty-_topExtra > _y + _h) || (_ty + m_height + _bottomExtra < _y))) return; paintObject(p, _x, _y, _w, _h, _tx, _ty, paintAction); #ifdef BOX_DEBUG ::outlineBox( p, _tx, _ty - _topExtra, width(), height() + borderTopExtra() + borderBottomExtra()); #endif } void RenderTableCell::paintBoxDecorations(QPainter *p,int, int _y, int, int _h, int _tx, int _ty) { int w = width(); int h = height() + borderTopExtra() + borderBottomExtra(); _ty -= borderTopExtra(); QColor c = style()->backgroundColor(); if ( !c.isValid() && parent() ) // take from row c = parent()->style()->backgroundColor(); if ( !c.isValid() && parent() && parent()->parent() ) // take from rowgroup c = parent()->parent()->style()->backgroundColor(); if ( !c.isValid() ) { // see if we have a col or colgroup for this RenderTableCol *col = table()->colElement( _col ); if ( col ) { c = col->style()->backgroundColor(); if ( !c.isValid() ) { // try column group RenderStyle *style = col->parent()->style(); if ( style->display() == TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP ) c = style->backgroundColor(); } } } // ### get offsets right in case the bgimage is inherited. CachedImage *bg = style()->backgroundImage(); if ( !bg && parent() ) bg = parent()->style()->backgroundImage(); if ( !bg && parent() && parent()->parent() ) bg = parent()->parent()->style()->backgroundImage(); if ( !bg ) { // see if we have a col or colgroup for this RenderTableCol *col = table()->colElement( _col ); if ( col ) { bg = col->style()->backgroundImage(); if ( !bg ) { // try column group RenderStyle *style = col->parent()->style(); if ( style->display() == TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP ) bg = style->backgroundImage(); } } } int my = QMAX(_ty,_y); int end = QMIN( _y + _h, _ty + h ); int mh = end - my; if ( bg || c.isValid() ) paintBackground(p, c, bg, my, mh, _tx, _ty, w, h); if(style()->hasBorder()) paintBorder(p, _tx, _ty, w, h, style()); } #ifndef NDEBUG void RenderTableCell::dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind) const { *stream << " row=" << _row; *stream << " col=" << _col; *stream << " rSpan=" << rSpan; *stream << " cSpan=" << cSpan; // *stream << " nWrap=" << nWrap; RenderBlock::dump(stream,ind); } #endif // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- RenderTableCol::RenderTableCol(DOM::NodeImpl* node) : RenderContainer(node) { // init RenderObject attributes setInline(true); // our object is not Inline _span = 1; updateFromElement(); } void RenderTableCol::updateFromElement() { DOM::NodeImpl *node = element(); if ( node && (node->id() == ID_COL || node->id() == ID_COLGROUP) ) { DOM::HTMLTableColElementImpl *tc = static_cast(node); _span = tc->span(); } else _span = ! ( style() && style()->display() == TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP ); } bool RenderTableCol::canHaveChildren() const { // cols cannot have children. This is actually necessary to fix a bug // with libraries.uc.edu, which makes a

be a table-column. return style()->display() == TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP; } void RenderTableCol::addChild(RenderObject *child, RenderObject *beforeChild) { #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT //kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << "(Table)::addChild( " << child->renderName() << " )" << ", " << // (beforeChild ? beforeChild->renderName() : 0) << " )" << endl; #endif KHTMLAssert(child->style()->display() == TABLE_COLUMN); // these have to come before the table definition! RenderContainer::addChild(child,beforeChild); } #ifndef NDEBUG void RenderTableCol::dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind) const { *stream << " _span=" << _span; RenderContainer::dump(stream,ind); } #endif #undef TABLE_DEBUG #undef DEBUG_LAYOUT #undef BOX_DEBUG