/** * This file is part of the html renderer for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org) * (C) 2000 Dirk Mueller (mueller@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "rendering/render_object.h" #include "rendering/render_table.h" #include "rendering/render_list.h" #include "rendering/render_canvas.h" #include "xml/dom_elementimpl.h" #include "xml/dom_docimpl.h" #include "misc/htmlhashes.h" #include #include #include "khtmlview.h" #include "render_arena.h" #include "render_inline.h" #include "render_block.h" #include "render_flexbox.h" #include using namespace DOM; using namespace khtml; #ifndef NDEBUG static void *baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted; #endif void* RenderObject::operator new(size_t sz, RenderArena* renderArena) throw() { return renderArena->allocate(sz); } void RenderObject::operator delete(void* ptr, size_t sz) { assert(baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted == ptr); // Stash size where detach can find it. *(size_t *)ptr = sz; } RenderObject *RenderObject::createObject(DOM::NodeImpl* node, RenderStyle* style) { RenderObject *o = 0; RenderArena* arena = node->getDocument()->renderArena(); switch(style->display()) { case NONE: break; case INLINE: o = new (arena) RenderInline(node); break; case BLOCK: o = new (arena) RenderBlock(node); break; case INLINE_BLOCK: o = new (arena) RenderBlock(node); break; case LIST_ITEM: o = new (arena) RenderListItem(node); break; case RUN_IN: case COMPACT: o = new (arena) RenderBlock(node); break; case TABLE: case INLINE_TABLE: //kdDebug( 6040 ) << "creating RenderTable" << endl; o = new (arena) RenderTable(node); break; case TABLE_ROW_GROUP: case TABLE_HEADER_GROUP: case TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP: o = new (arena) RenderTableSection(node); break; case TABLE_ROW: o = new (arena) RenderTableRow(node); break; case TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP: case TABLE_COLUMN: o = new (arena) RenderTableCol(node); break; case TABLE_CELL: o = new (arena) RenderTableCell(node); break; case TABLE_CAPTION: o = new (arena) RenderBlock(node); break; case BOX: case INLINE_BOX: o = new (arena) RenderFlexibleBox(node); break; } return o; } RenderObject::RenderObject(DOM::NodeImpl* node) : CachedObjectClient(), m_style( 0 ), m_node( node ), m_parent( 0 ), m_previous( 0 ), m_next( 0 ), m_verticalPosition( PositionUndefined ), m_needsLayout( true ), m_unused( false ), m_minMaxKnown( false ), m_floating( false ), m_positioned( false ), m_overhangingContents( false ), m_relPositioned( false ), m_paintBackground( false ), m_isAnonymous( false ), m_recalcMinMax( false ), m_isText( false ), m_inline( true ), m_replaced( false ), m_mouseInside( false ), m_hasFirstLine( false ), m_isSelectionBorder( false ) { } RenderObject::~RenderObject() { if(m_style->backgroundImage()) m_style->backgroundImage()->deref(this); if (m_style) m_style->deref(); } bool RenderObject::isRoot() const { return element() && element()->renderer() == this && element()->getDocument()->documentElement() == element(); } bool RenderObject::isBody() const { return element() && element()->renderer() == this && element()->id() == ID_BODY; } bool RenderObject::canHaveChildren() const { return false; } RenderFlow* RenderObject::continuation() const { return 0; } bool RenderObject::isInlineContinuation() const { return false; } void RenderObject::addChild(RenderObject* , RenderObject *) { KHTMLAssert(0); } RenderObject* RenderObject::removeChildNode(RenderObject* ) { KHTMLAssert(0); return 0; } void RenderObject::removeChild(RenderObject* ) { KHTMLAssert(0); } void RenderObject::appendChildNode(RenderObject*) { KHTMLAssert(0); } void RenderObject::insertChildNode(RenderObject*, RenderObject*) { KHTMLAssert(0); } static void addLayers(RenderObject* obj, RenderLayer* parentLayer, RenderObject*& newObject, RenderLayer*& beforeChild) { if (obj->layer()) { if (!beforeChild && newObject) { // We need to figure out the layer that follows newObject. We only do // this the first time we find a child layer, and then we update the // pointer values for newObject and beforeChild used by everyone else. beforeChild = newObject->parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, newObject); newObject = 0; } parentLayer->addChild(obj->layer(), beforeChild); return; } for (RenderObject* curr = obj->firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) addLayers(curr, parentLayer, newObject, beforeChild); } void RenderObject::addLayers(RenderLayer* parentLayer, RenderObject* newObject) { if (!parentLayer) return; RenderObject* object = newObject; RenderLayer* beforeChild = 0; ::addLayers(this, parentLayer, object, beforeChild); } void RenderObject::removeLayers(RenderLayer* parentLayer) { if (!parentLayer) return; if (layer()) { parentLayer->removeChild(layer()); return; } for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) curr->removeLayers(parentLayer); } void RenderObject::moveLayers(RenderLayer* oldParent, RenderLayer* newParent) { if (!newParent) return; if (layer()) { if (oldParent) oldParent->removeChild(layer()); newParent->addChild(layer()); return; } for (RenderObject* curr = firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) curr->moveLayers(oldParent, newParent); } RenderLayer* RenderObject::findNextLayer(RenderLayer* parentLayer, RenderObject* startPoint, bool checkParent) { // Error check the parent layer passed in. If it's null, we can't find anything. if (!parentLayer) return 0; // Step 1: Descend into our siblings trying to find the next layer. If we do find // a layer, and if its parent layer matches our desired parent layer, then we have // a match. for (RenderObject* curr = startPoint ? startPoint->nextSibling() : firstChild(); curr; curr = curr->nextSibling()) { RenderLayer* nextLayer = curr->findNextLayer(parentLayer, 0, false); if (nextLayer) { if (nextLayer->parent() == parentLayer) return nextLayer; return 0; } } // Step 2: If our layer is the desired parent layer, then we're finished. We didn't // find anything. RenderLayer* ourLayer = layer(); if (parentLayer == ourLayer) return 0; // Step 3: If we have a layer, then return that layer. It will be checked against // the desired parent layer in the for loop above. if (ourLayer) return ourLayer; // Step 4: If |checkParent| is set, climb up to our parent and check its siblings that // follow us to see if we can locate a layer. if (checkParent && parent()) return parent()->findNextLayer(parentLayer, this, true); return 0; } RenderLayer* RenderObject::enclosingLayer() { RenderObject* curr = this; while (curr) { RenderLayer *layer = curr->layer(); if (layer) return layer; curr = curr->parent(); } return 0; } bool RenderObject::requiresLayer() { return isRoot() || isPositioned() || isRelPositioned() || style()->opacity() < 1.0f; } int RenderObject::offsetLeft() const { int x = xPos(); if (!isPositioned()) { if (isRelPositioned()) { int y = 0; ((RenderBox*)this)->relativePositionOffset(x, y); } RenderObject* offsetPar = offsetParent(); RenderObject* curr = parent(); while (curr && curr != offsetPar) { x += curr->xPos(); curr = curr->parent(); } } return x; } int RenderObject::offsetTop() const { int y = yPos(); if (!isPositioned()) { if (isRelPositioned()) { int x = 0; ((RenderBox*)this)->relativePositionOffset(x, y); } RenderObject* offsetPar = offsetParent(); RenderObject* curr = parent(); while (curr && curr != offsetPar) { y += curr->yPos(); curr = curr->parent(); } } return y; } RenderObject* RenderObject::offsetParent() const { bool skipTables = isPositioned() || isRelPositioned(); RenderObject* curr = parent(); while (curr && !curr->isPositioned() && !curr->isRelPositioned() && !curr->isBody()) { if (!skipTables && (curr->isTableCell() || curr->isTable())) break; curr = curr->parent(); } return curr; } // More IE extensions. clientWidth and clientHeight represent the interior of an object // excluding border and scrollbar. short RenderObject::clientWidth() const { return width() - borderLeft() - borderRight() - (layer() ? layer()->verticalScrollbarWidth() : 0); } short RenderObject::clientHeight() const { return height() - borderTop() - borderBottom() - (layer() ? layer()->horizontalScrollbarHeight() : 0); } // scrollWidth/scrollHeight will be the same as clientWidth/clientHeight unless the // object has overflow:hidden/scroll/auto specified and also has overflow. short RenderObject::scrollWidth() const { return (style()->hidesOverflow() && layer()) ? layer()->scrollWidth() : clientWidth(); } short RenderObject::scrollHeight() const { return (style()->hidesOverflow() && layer()) ? layer()->scrollHeight() : clientHeight(); } bool RenderObject::hasStaticX() const { return (style()->left().isVariable() && style()->right().isVariable()) || style()->left().isStatic() || style()->right().isStatic(); } bool RenderObject::hasStaticY() const { return (style()->top().isVariable() && style()->bottom().isVariable()) || style()->top().isStatic(); } void RenderObject::markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout(RenderObject*) { } void RenderObject::setNeedsLayout(bool b) { m_needsLayout = b; if (b) { RenderObject *o = container(); RenderObject *root = this; // If an attempt is made to // setNeedsLayout(true) an object inside a clipped (overflow:hidden) object, we // have to make sure to repaint only the clipped rectangle. // We do this by passing an argument to scheduleRelayout. This hint really // shouldn't be needed, and it's unfortunate that it is necessary. -dwh RenderObject* clippedObj = (style()->hidesOverflow() && !isText()) ? this : 0; while( o ) { root = o; o->m_needsLayout = true; if (o->style()->hidesOverflow() && !clippedObj) clippedObj = o; o = o->container(); } root->scheduleRelayout(clippedObj); } } RenderBlock* RenderObject::containingBlock() const { if(isTableCell()) return static_cast(this)->table(); if (isCanvas()) return (RenderBlock*)this; RenderObject *o = parent(); if (m_style->position() == FIXED) { while ( o && !o->isCanvas() ) o = o->parent(); } else if (m_style->position() == ABSOLUTE) { while (o && (o->style()->position() == STATIC || (o->isInline() && !o->isReplaced())) && !o->isRoot() && !o->isCanvas()) o = o->parent(); } else { while (o && ((o->isInline() && !o->isReplaced()) || o->isTableRow() || o->isTableSection() || o->isTableCol())) o = o->parent(); } if (!o || !o->isRenderBlock()) // This can happen because of setOverhangingContents in RenderImage's setStyle method. return 0; return static_cast(o); } short RenderObject::containingBlockWidth() const { // ### return containingBlock()->contentWidth(); } int RenderObject::containingBlockHeight() const { // ### return containingBlock()->contentHeight(); } bool RenderObject::sizesToMaxWidth() const { if (isFloating() || isCompact() || isInlineBlockOrInlineTable() || (element() && (element()->id() == ID_BUTTON || element()->id() == ID_LEGEND))) return true; // Flexible horizontal boxes lay out children at their maxwidths. Also vertical boxes // that don't stretch their kids lay out their children at their maxwidths. if (parent()->isFlexibleBox() && (parent()->style()->boxOrient() == HORIZONTAL || parent()->style()->boxAlign() != BSTRETCH)) return true; return false; } void RenderObject::drawBorder(QPainter *p, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, BorderSide s, QColor c, const QColor& textcolor, EBorderStyle style, int adjbw1, int adjbw2, bool invalidisInvert) { int width = (s==BSTop||s==BSBottom?y2-y1:x2-x1); if(style == DOUBLE && width < 3) style = SOLID; if(!c.isValid()) { if(invalidisInvert) { p->setRasterOp(Qt::XorROP); c = Qt::white; } else { if(style == INSET || style == OUTSET || style == RIDGE || style == GROOVE) c.setRgb(238, 238, 238); else c = textcolor; } } switch(style) { case BNONE: case BHIDDEN: // should not happen if(invalidisInvert && p->rasterOp() == Qt::XorROP) p->setRasterOp(Qt::CopyROP); return; case DOTTED: p->setPen(QPen(c, width == 1 ? 0 : width, Qt::DotLine)); /* nobreak; */ case DASHED: if(style == DASHED) p->setPen(QPen(c, width == 1 ? 0 : width, Qt::DashLine)); if (width > 0) switch(s) { case BSBottom: case BSTop: p->drawLine(x1, (y1+y2)/2, x2, (y1+y2)/2); break; case BSRight: case BSLeft: p->drawLine((x1+x2)/2, y1, (x1+x2)/2, y2); break; } break; case DOUBLE: { int third = (width+1)/3; if (adjbw1 == 0 && adjbw2 == 0) { p->setPen(Qt::NoPen); p->setBrush(c); switch(s) { case BSTop: case BSBottom: p->drawRect(x1, y1 , x2-x1, third); p->drawRect(x1, y2-third, x2-x1, third); break; case BSLeft: p->drawRect(x1 , y1+1, third, y2-y1-1); p->drawRect(x2-third, y1+1, third, y2-y1-1); break; case BSRight: p->drawRect(x1 , y1+1, third, y2-y1-1); p->drawRect(x2-third, y1+1, third, y2-y1-1); break; } } else { int adjbw1bigthird; if (adjbw1>0) adjbw1bigthird = adjbw1+1; else adjbw1bigthird = adjbw1 - 1; adjbw1bigthird /= 3; int adjbw2bigthird; if (adjbw2>0) adjbw2bigthird = adjbw2 + 1; else adjbw2bigthird = adjbw2 - 1; adjbw2bigthird /= 3; switch(s) { case BSTop: drawBorder(p, x1+QMAX((-adjbw1*2+1)/3,0), y1 , x2-QMAX((-adjbw2*2+1)/3,0), y1 + third, s, c, textcolor, SOLID, adjbw1bigthird, adjbw2bigthird); drawBorder(p, x1+QMAX(( adjbw1*2+1)/3,0), y2 - third, x2-QMAX(( adjbw2*2+1)/3,0), y2 , s, c, textcolor, SOLID, adjbw1bigthird, adjbw2bigthird); break; case BSLeft: drawBorder(p, x1 , y1+QMAX((-adjbw1*2+1)/3,0), x1+third, y2-QMAX((-adjbw2*2+1)/3,0), s, c, textcolor, SOLID, adjbw1bigthird, adjbw2bigthird); drawBorder(p, x2 - third, y1+QMAX(( adjbw1*2+1)/3,0), x2 , y2-QMAX(( adjbw2*2+1)/3,0), s, c, textcolor, SOLID, adjbw1bigthird, adjbw2bigthird); break; case BSBottom: drawBorder(p, x1+QMAX(( adjbw1*2+1)/3,0), y1 , x2-QMAX(( adjbw2*2+1)/3,0), y1+third, s, c, textcolor, SOLID, adjbw1bigthird, adjbw2bigthird); drawBorder(p, x1+QMAX((-adjbw1*2+1)/3,0), y2-third, x2-QMAX((-adjbw2*2+1)/3,0), y2 , s, c, textcolor, SOLID, adjbw1bigthird, adjbw2bigthird); break; case BSRight: drawBorder(p, x1 , y1+QMAX(( adjbw1*2+1)/3,0), x1+third, y2-QMAX(( adjbw2*2+1)/3,0), s, c, textcolor, SOLID, adjbw1bigthird, adjbw2bigthird); drawBorder(p, x2-third, y1+QMAX((-adjbw1*2+1)/3,0), x2 , y2-QMAX((-adjbw2*2+1)/3,0), s, c, textcolor, SOLID, adjbw1bigthird, adjbw2bigthird); break; default: break; } } break; } case RIDGE: case GROOVE: { EBorderStyle s1; EBorderStyle s2; if (style==GROOVE) { s1 = INSET; s2 = OUTSET; } else { s1 = OUTSET; s2 = INSET; } int adjbw1bighalf; int adjbw2bighalf; if (adjbw1>0) adjbw1bighalf=adjbw1+1; else adjbw1bighalf=adjbw1-1; adjbw1bighalf/=2; if (adjbw2>0) adjbw2bighalf=adjbw2+1; else adjbw2bighalf=adjbw2-1; adjbw2bighalf/=2; switch (s) { case BSTop: drawBorder(p, x1+QMAX(-adjbw1 ,0)/2, y1 , x2-QMAX(-adjbw2,0)/2, (y1+y2+1)/2, s, c, textcolor, s1, adjbw1bighalf, adjbw2bighalf); drawBorder(p, x1+QMAX( adjbw1+1,0)/2, (y1+y2+1)/2, x2-QMAX( adjbw2+1,0)/2, y2 , s, c, textcolor, s2, adjbw1/2, adjbw2/2); break; case BSLeft: drawBorder(p, x1 , y1+QMAX(-adjbw1 ,0)/2, (x1+x2+1)/2, y2-QMAX(-adjbw2,0)/2, s, c, textcolor, s1, adjbw1bighalf, adjbw2bighalf); drawBorder(p, (x1+x2+1)/2, y1+QMAX( adjbw1+1,0)/2, x2 , y2-QMAX( adjbw2+1,0)/2, s, c, textcolor, s2, adjbw1/2, adjbw2/2); break; case BSBottom: drawBorder(p, x1+QMAX( adjbw1 ,0)/2, y1 , x2-QMAX( adjbw2,0)/2, (y1+y2+1)/2, s, c, textcolor, s2, adjbw1bighalf, adjbw2bighalf); drawBorder(p, x1+QMAX(-adjbw1+1,0)/2, (y1+y2+1)/2, x2-QMAX(-adjbw2+1,0)/2, y2 , s, c, textcolor, s1, adjbw1/2, adjbw2/2); break; case BSRight: drawBorder(p, x1 , y1+QMAX( adjbw1 ,0)/2, (x1+x2+1)/2, y2-QMAX( adjbw2,0)/2, s, c, textcolor, s2, adjbw1bighalf, adjbw2bighalf); drawBorder(p, (x1+x2+1)/2, y1+QMAX(-adjbw1+1,0)/2, x2 , y2-QMAX(-adjbw2+1,0)/2, s, c, textcolor, s1, adjbw1/2, adjbw2/2); break; } break; } case INSET: if(s == BSTop || s == BSLeft) c = c.dark(); /* nobreak; */ case OUTSET: if(style == OUTSET && (s == BSBottom || s == BSRight)) c = c.dark(); /* nobreak; */ case SOLID: QPointArray quad(4); p->setPen(Qt::NoPen); p->setBrush(c); Q_ASSERT(x2>=x1); Q_ASSERT(y2>=y1); if (adjbw1==0 && adjbw2 == 0) { p->drawRect(x1,y1,x2-x1,y2-y1); return; } switch(s) { case BSTop: quad.setPoints(4, x1+QMAX(-adjbw1,0), y1, x1+QMAX( adjbw1,0), y2, x2-QMAX( adjbw2,0), y2, x2-QMAX(-adjbw2,0), y1); break; case BSBottom: quad.setPoints(4, x1+QMAX( adjbw1,0), y1, x1+QMAX(-adjbw1,0), y2, x2-QMAX(-adjbw2,0), y2, x2-QMAX( adjbw2,0), y1); break; case BSLeft: quad.setPoints(4, x1, y1+QMAX(-adjbw1,0), x1, y2-QMAX(-adjbw2,0), x2, y2-QMAX( adjbw2,0), x2, y1+QMAX( adjbw1,0)); break; case BSRight: quad.setPoints(4, x1, y1+QMAX( adjbw1,0), x1, y2-QMAX( adjbw2,0), x2, y2-QMAX(-adjbw2,0), x2, y1+QMAX(-adjbw1,0)); break; } p->drawConvexPolygon(quad); break; } if(invalidisInvert && p->rasterOp() == Qt::XorROP) p->setRasterOp(Qt::CopyROP); } void RenderObject::paintBorder(QPainter *p, int _tx, int _ty, int w, int h, const RenderStyle* style, bool begin, bool end) { const QColor& tc = style->borderTopColor(); const QColor& bc = style->borderBottomColor(); const QColor& lc = style->borderLeftColor(); const QColor& rc = style->borderRightColor(); bool tt = style->borderTopIsTransparent(); bool bt = style->borderBottomIsTransparent(); bool rt = style->borderRightIsTransparent(); bool lt = style->borderLeftIsTransparent(); EBorderStyle ts = style->borderTopStyle(); EBorderStyle bs = style->borderBottomStyle(); EBorderStyle ls = style->borderLeftStyle(); EBorderStyle rs = style->borderRightStyle(); bool render_t = ts > BHIDDEN && !tt; bool render_l = ls > BHIDDEN && begin && !lt; bool render_r = rs > BHIDDEN && end && !rt; bool render_b = bs > BHIDDEN && !bt; if(render_t) { bool ignore_left = (tc == lc) && (tt == lt) && (ts <= OUTSET) && (ls == DOTTED || ls == DASHED || ls == SOLID || ls == OUTSET); bool ignore_right = (tc == rc) && (tt == rt) && (ts <= OUTSET) && (rs == DOTTED || rs == DASHED || rs == SOLID || rs == INSET); drawBorder(p, _tx, _ty, _tx + w, _ty + style->borderTopWidth(), BSTop, tc, style->color(), ts, ignore_left?0:style->borderLeftWidth(), ignore_right?0:style->borderRightWidth()); } if(render_b) { bool ignore_left = (bc == lc) && (bt == lt) && (bs <= OUTSET) && (ls == DOTTED || ls == DASHED || ls == SOLID || ls == OUTSET); bool ignore_right = (bc == rc) && (bt == rt) && (bs <= OUTSET) && (rs == DOTTED || rs == DASHED || rs == SOLID || rs == INSET); drawBorder(p, _tx, _ty + h - style->borderBottomWidth(), _tx + w, _ty + h, BSBottom, bc, style->color(), bs, ignore_left?0:style->borderLeftWidth(), ignore_right?0:style->borderRightWidth()); } if(render_l) { bool ignore_top = (tc == lc) && (tt == lt) && (ls <= OUTSET) && (ts == DOTTED || ts == DASHED || ts == SOLID || ts == OUTSET); bool ignore_bottom = (bc == lc) && (bt == lt) && (ls <= OUTSET) && (bs == DOTTED || bs == DASHED || bs == SOLID || bs == INSET); drawBorder(p, _tx, _ty, _tx + style->borderLeftWidth(), _ty + h, BSLeft, lc, style->color(), ls, ignore_top?0:style->borderTopWidth(), ignore_bottom?0:style->borderBottomWidth()); } if(render_r) { bool ignore_top = (tc == rc) && (tt == rt) && (rs <= SOLID || rs == INSET) && (ts == DOTTED || ts == DASHED || ts == SOLID || ts == OUTSET); bool ignore_bottom = (bc == rc) && (bt == rt) && (rs <= SOLID || rs == INSET) && (bs == DOTTED || bs == DASHED || bs == SOLID || bs == INSET); drawBorder(p, _tx + w - style->borderRightWidth(), _ty, _tx + w, _ty + h, BSRight, rc, style->color(), rs, ignore_top?0:style->borderTopWidth(), ignore_bottom?0:style->borderBottomWidth()); } } void RenderObject::paintOutline(QPainter *p, int _tx, int _ty, int w, int h, const RenderStyle* style) { int ow = style->outlineWidth(); if(!ow) return; const QColor& oc = style->outlineColor(); EBorderStyle os = style->outlineStyle(); drawBorder(p, _tx-ow, _ty-ow, _tx, _ty+h+ow, BSLeft, QColor(oc), style->color(), os, ow, ow, true); drawBorder(p, _tx-ow, _ty-ow, _tx+w+ow, _ty, BSTop, QColor(oc), style->color(), os, ow, ow, true); drawBorder(p, _tx+w, _ty-ow, _tx+w+ow, _ty+h+ow, BSRight, QColor(oc), style->color(), os, ow, ow, true); drawBorder(p, _tx-ow, _ty+h, _tx+w+ow, _ty+h+ow, BSBottom, QColor(oc), style->color(), os, ow, ow, true); } void RenderObject::paint(QPainter *p, int x, int y, int w, int h, int tx, int ty, PaintAction paintAction) { paintObject(p, x, y, w, h, tx, ty, paintAction); } void RenderObject::repaintRectangle(int x, int y, int w, int h, bool immediate, bool f) { if(parent()) parent()->repaintRectangle(x, y, w, h, immediate, f); } #ifndef NDEBUG QString RenderObject::information() const { QString str; QTextStream ts( &str, IO_WriteOnly ); ts << renderName() << "(" << (style() ? style()->refCount() : 0) << ")" << ": " << (void*)this << " "; if (isInline()) ts << "il "; if (childrenInline()) ts << "ci "; if (isFloating()) ts << "fl "; if (isAnonymousBox()) ts << "an "; if (isRelPositioned()) ts << "rp "; if (isPositioned()) ts << "ps "; if (overhangingContents()) ts << "oc "; if (needsLayout()) ts << "nl "; if (m_recalcMinMax) ts << "rmm "; if (mouseInside()) ts << "mi "; if (style() && style()->zIndex()) ts << "zI: " << style()->zIndex(); if (element() && element()->active()) ts << "act "; if (element() && element()->hasAnchor()) ts << "anchor "; if (element() && element()->focused()) ts << "focus "; if (element()) ts << " <" << getTagName(element()->id()).string() << ">"; ts << " (" << xPos() << "," << yPos() << "," << width() << "," << height() << ")" << (isTableCell() ? ( QString::fromLatin1(" [r=") + QString::number( static_cast(this)->row() ) + QString::fromLatin1(" c=") + QString::number( static_cast(this)->col() ) + QString::fromLatin1(" rs=") + QString::number( static_cast(this)->rowSpan() ) + QString::fromLatin1(" cs=") + QString::number( static_cast(this)->colSpan() ) + QString::fromLatin1("]") ) : QString::null ); return str; } void RenderObject::printTree(int indent) const { QString ind; ind.fill(' ', indent); kdDebug() << ind << information() << endl; RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while( child != 0 ) { child->printTree(indent+2); child = child->nextSibling(); } } void RenderObject::dump(QTextStream *stream, QString ind) const { if (isAnonymousBox()) { *stream << " anonymousBox"; } if (isFloating()) { *stream << " floating"; } if (isPositioned()) { *stream << " positioned"; } if (isRelPositioned()) { *stream << " relPositioned"; } if (isText()) { *stream << " text"; } if (isInline()) { *stream << " inline"; } if (isReplaced()) { *stream << " replaced"; } if (shouldPaintBackgroundOrBorder()) { *stream << " paintBackground"; } if (needsLayout()) { *stream << " needsLayout"; } if (minMaxKnown()) { *stream << " minMaxKnown"; } if (overhangingContents()) { *stream << " overhangingContents"; } if (hasFirstLine()) { *stream << " hasFirstLine"; } *stream << endl; RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while( child != 0 ) { *stream << ind << child->renderName() << ": "; child->dump(stream,ind+" "); child = child->nextSibling(); } } #endif void RenderObject::selectionStartEnd(int& spos, int& epos) { if (parent()) parent()->selectionStartEnd(spos, epos); } RenderBlock* RenderObject::createAnonymousBlock() { RenderStyle *newStyle = new RenderStyle(); newStyle->inheritFrom(m_style); newStyle->setDisplay(BLOCK); RenderBlock *newBox = new (renderArena()) RenderBlock(0 /* anonymous box */); newBox->setStyle(newStyle); newBox->setIsAnonymousBox(true); return newBox; } void RenderObject::handleDynamicFloatPositionChange() { // We have gone from not affecting the inline status of the parent flow to suddenly // having an impact. See if there is a mismatch between the parent flow's // childrenInline() state and our state. setInline(style()->isDisplayInlineType()); if (isInline() != parent()->childrenInline()) { if (!isInline()) { if (parent()->isRenderInline()) { // We have to split the parent flow. RenderInline* parentInline = static_cast(parent()); RenderBlock* newBox = parentInline->createAnonymousBlock(); RenderFlow* oldContinuation = parent()->continuation(); parentInline->setContinuation(newBox); RenderObject* beforeChild = nextSibling(); parent()->removeChildNode(this); parentInline->splitFlow(beforeChild, newBox, this, oldContinuation); } else if (parent()->isRenderBlock()) static_cast(parent())->makeChildrenNonInline(); } else { // An anonymous block must be made to wrap this inline. RenderBlock* box = createAnonymousBlock(); parent()->insertChildNode(box, this); box->appendChildNode(parent()->removeChildNode(this)); } } } void RenderObject::setStyle(RenderStyle *style) { if (m_style == style) return; RenderStyle::Diff d = m_style ? m_style->diff( style ) : RenderStyle::Layout; if (m_style && m_parent && d == RenderStyle::Visible && !isText()) // Do a repaint with the old style first, e.g., for example if we go from // having an outline to not having an outline. repaint(); if (m_style && isFloating() && (m_style->floating() != style->floating())) // For changes in float styles, we need to conceivably remove ourselves // from the floating objects list. removeFromObjectLists(); else if (isPositioned() && (style->position() != ABSOLUTE && style->position() != FIXED)) // For changes in positioning styles, we need to conceivably remove ourselves // from the positioned objects list. removeFromObjectLists(); bool affectsParentBlock = m_style && isFloatingOrPositioned() && (!style->isFloating() && style->position() != ABSOLUTE && style->position() != FIXED) && parent() && (parent()->isBlockFlow() || parent()->isInlineFlow()); //qDebug("new style, diff=%d", d); // reset style flags m_floating = false; m_positioned = false; m_relPositioned = false; m_paintBackground = false; // no support for changing the display type dynamically... object must be // detached and re-attached as a different type //m_inline = true; RenderStyle *oldStyle = m_style; m_style = style; CachedImage* ob = 0; CachedImage* nb = 0; if (m_style) { m_style->ref(); nb = m_style->backgroundImage(); } if (oldStyle) { ob = oldStyle->backgroundImage(); oldStyle->deref(); } if( ob != nb ) { if(ob) ob->deref(this); if(nb) nb->ref(this); } setShouldPaintBackgroundOrBorder(m_style->backgroundColor().isValid() || m_style->hasBorder() || nb ); m_hasFirstLine = (style->getPseudoStyle(RenderStyle::FIRST_LINE) != 0); if (affectsParentBlock) handleDynamicFloatPositionChange(); if ( d >= RenderStyle::Position && m_parent ) { //qDebug("triggering relayout"); setNeedsLayoutAndMinMaxRecalc(); } else if ( m_parent && !isText()) { //qDebug("triggering repaint"); repaint(); } } void RenderObject::setOverhangingContents(bool p) { if (m_overhangingContents == p) return; RenderObject *cb = containingBlock(); if (p) { m_overhangingContents = true; if (cb && cb != this) cb->setOverhangingContents(); } else { RenderObject *n; bool c=false; for( n = firstChild(); n != 0; n = n->nextSibling() ) { if (n->isPositioned() || n->overhangingContents()) c=true; } if (c) return; else { m_overhangingContents = false; if (cb && cb != this) cb->setOverhangingContents(false); } } } QRect RenderObject::viewRect() const { return containingBlock()->viewRect(); } bool RenderObject::absolutePosition(int &xPos, int &yPos, bool f) { if(parent()) return parent()->absolutePosition(xPos, yPos, f); else { xPos = yPos = 0; return false; } } void RenderObject::cursorPos(int /*offset*/, int &_x, int &_y, int &height) { _x = _y = height = -1; } int RenderObject::paddingTop() const { int w = 0; Length padding = m_style->paddingTop(); if (padding.isPercent()) w = containingBlock()->contentWidth(); w = padding.minWidth(w); if ( isTableCell() && padding.isVariable() ) w = static_cast(this)->table()->cellPadding(); return w; } int RenderObject::paddingBottom() const { int w = 0; Length padding = style()->paddingBottom(); if (padding.isPercent()) w = containingBlock()->contentWidth(); w = padding.minWidth(w); if ( isTableCell() && padding.isVariable() ) w = static_cast(this)->table()->cellPadding(); return w; } int RenderObject::paddingLeft() const { int w = 0; Length padding = style()->paddingLeft(); if (padding.isPercent()) w = containingBlock()->contentWidth(); w = padding.minWidth(w); if ( isTableCell() && padding.isVariable() ) w = static_cast(this)->table()->cellPadding(); return w; } int RenderObject::paddingRight() const { int w = 0; Length padding = style()->paddingRight(); if (padding.isPercent()) w = containingBlock()->contentWidth(); w = padding.minWidth(w); if ( isTableCell() && padding.isVariable() ) w = static_cast(this)->table()->cellPadding(); return w; } RenderCanvas* RenderObject::canvas() const { RenderObject* o = const_cast( this ); while ( o->parent() ) o = o->parent(); KHTMLAssert( o->isCanvas() ); return static_cast( o ); } RenderObject *RenderObject::container() const { EPosition pos = m_style->position(); RenderObject *o = 0; if( pos == FIXED ) { // container() can be called on an object that is not in the // tree yet. We don't call canvas() since it will assert if it // can't get back to the canvas. Instead we just walk as high up // as we can. If we're in the tree, we'll get the root. If we // aren't we'll get the root of our little subtree (most likely // we'll just return 0). o = parent(); while ( o && o->parent() ) o = o->parent(); } else if ( pos == ABSOLUTE ) { // Same goes here. We technically just want our containing block, but // we may not have one if we're part of an uninstalled subtree. We'll // climb as high as we can though. o = parent(); while (o && o->style()->position() == STATIC && !o->isRoot() && !o->isCanvas()) o = o->parent(); } else o = parent(); return o; } #if 0 /// this method is unused void RenderObject::invalidateLayout() { kdDebug() << "RenderObject::invalidateLayout " << renderName() << endl; setNeedsLayout(true); if (m_parent && !m_parent->needsLayout()) m_parent->invalidateLayout(); } #endif void RenderObject::removeFromObjectLists() { if (isFloating()) { RenderBlock* outermostBlock = containingBlock(); for (RenderBlock* p = outermostBlock; p && !p->isCanvas() && p->containsFloat(this); outermostBlock = p, p = p->containingBlock()); if (outermostBlock) outermostBlock->markAllDescendantsWithFloatsForLayout(this); } if (isPositioned()) { RenderObject *p; for (p = parent(); p; p = p->parent()) { if (p->isRenderBlock()) static_cast(p)->removePositionedObject(this); } } } RenderArena* RenderObject::renderArena() const { DOM::NodeImpl* elt = element(); RenderObject* current = parent(); while (!elt && current) { elt = current->element(); current = current->parent(); } if (!elt) return 0; return elt->getDocument()->renderArena(); } void RenderObject::detach(RenderArena* renderArena) { // If we're an overflow:hidden object that currently needs layout, we need // to make sure the view isn't holding on to us. if (needsLayout() && style()->hidesOverflow()) { RenderCanvas* r = canvas(); if (r && r->view()->layoutObject() == this) r->view()->unscheduleRelayout(); } remove(); m_next = m_previous = 0; // by default no refcounting arenaDelete(renderArena, this); } void RenderObject::arenaDelete(RenderArena *arena, void *base) { #ifndef NDEBUG void *savedBase = baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted; baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted = base; #endif delete this; #ifndef NDEBUG baseOfRenderObjectBeingDeleted = savedBase; #endif // Recover the size left there for us by operator delete and free the memory. arena->free(*(size_t *)base, base); } void RenderObject::arenaDelete(RenderArena *arena) { arenaDelete(arena, dynamic_cast(this)); } FindSelectionResult RenderObject::checkSelectionPoint(int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty, DOM::NodeImpl*& node, int & offset ) { FindSelectionResult result = checkSelectionPointIgnoringContinuations(_x, _y, _tx, _ty, node, offset); if (isInline()) for (RenderObject *c = continuation(); result == SelectionPointAfter && c; c = c->continuation()) if (c->isInline()) { int ncx, ncy; c->absolutePosition(ncx, ncy); result = c->checkSelectionPointIgnoringContinuations(_x, _y, ncx - c->xPos(), ncy - c->yPos(), node, offset); } return result; } FindSelectionResult RenderObject::checkSelectionPointIgnoringContinuations(int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty, DOM::NodeImpl*& node, int & offset ) { int lastOffset=0; int off = offset; DOM::NodeImpl* nod = node; DOM::NodeImpl* lastNode = 0; for (RenderObject *child = firstChild(); child; child=child->nextSibling()) { FindSelectionResult pos = child->checkSelectionPointIgnoringContinuations(_x, _y, _tx+xPos(), _ty+yPos(), nod, off); //kdDebug(6030) << this << " child->findSelectionNode returned " << pos << endl; switch(pos) { case SelectionPointBeforeInLine: case SelectionPointAfterInLine: case SelectionPointInside: node = nod; offset = off; return SelectionPointInside; case SelectionPointBefore: //x,y is before this element -> stop here if ( lastNode) { node = lastNode; offset = lastOffset; // kdDebug(6030) << "ElementImpl::findSelectionNode " << this << " before this child " // << node << "-> returning offset=" << offset << endl; return SelectionPointInside; } else { // kdDebug(6030) << "ElementImpl::findSelectionNode " << this << " before us -> returning -2" << endl; return SelectionPointBefore; } break; case SelectionPointAfter: // kdDebug(6030) << "ElementImpl::findSelectionNode: selection after: " << nod << " offset: " << off << endl; lastNode = nod; lastOffset = off; } } node = lastNode; offset = lastOffset; return SelectionPointAfter; } bool RenderObject::mouseInside() const { if (!m_mouseInside && continuation()) return continuation()->mouseInside(); return m_mouseInside; } void RenderObject::setHoverAndActive(NodeInfo& info, bool oldinside, bool inside) { DOM::NodeImpl* elt = element(); if (elt) { bool oldactive = elt->active(); if (oldactive != (inside && info.active())) elt->setActive(inside && info.active()); if ((oldinside != mouseInside() && style()->affectedByHoverRules()) || (oldactive != elt->active() && style()->affectedByActiveRules())) elt->setChanged(); } } bool RenderObject::nodeAtPoint(NodeInfo& info, int _x, int _y, int _tx, int _ty, bool inside) { int tx = _tx + xPos(); int ty = _ty + yPos(); QRect boundsRect(tx, ty, width(), height()); inside |= (style()->visibility() != HIDDEN && boundsRect.contains(_x, _y)) || isBody() || isRoot(); bool inOverflowRect = inside; if (!inOverflowRect) { QRect overflowRect(tx, ty, overflowWidth(false), overflowHeight(false)); inOverflowRect = overflowRect.contains(_x, _y); } // ### table should have its own, more performant method if ((!isRenderBlock() || !static_cast(this)->isPointInScrollbar(_x, _y, _tx, _ty)) && (overhangingContents() || inOverflowRect || isInline() || isCanvas() || isTableRow() || isTableSection() || inside || mouseInside() || (childrenInline() && firstChild() && firstChild()->isCompact()))) { int stx = _tx + xPos(); int sty = _ty + yPos(); if (style()->hidesOverflow() && layer()) layer()->subtractScrollOffset(stx, sty); for (RenderObject* child = lastChild(); child; child = child->previousSibling()) if (!child->layer() && !child->isFloating() && child->nodeAtPoint(info, _x, _y, stx, sty)) inside = true; } if (inside) { if (info.innerNode() && info.innerNode()->renderer() && !info.innerNode()->renderer()->isInline() && element() && isInline()) { // Within the same layer, inlines are ALWAYS fully above blocks. Change inner node. info.setInnerNode(element()); // Clear everything else. info.setInnerNonSharedNode(0); info.setURLElement(0); } if (!info.innerNode() && element()) info.setInnerNode(element()); if(!info.innerNonSharedNode() && element()) info.setInnerNonSharedNode(element()); if (!info.URLElement()) { RenderObject* p = (!isInline() && continuation()) ? continuation() : this; while (p) { if (p->element() && p->element()->hasAnchor()) { info.setURLElement(p->element()); break; } if (!isFloatingOrPositioned()) break; p = p->parent(); } } } if (!info.readonly()) { // lets see if we need a new style bool oldinside = mouseInside(); setMouseInside(inside); setHoverAndActive(info, oldinside, inside); if (!isInline() && continuation()) continuation()->setHoverAndActive(info, oldinside, inside); } return inside; } short RenderObject::verticalPositionHint( bool firstLine ) const { short vpos = m_verticalPosition; if ( m_verticalPosition == PositionUndefined || firstLine ) { vpos = getVerticalPosition( firstLine ); if ( !firstLine ) const_cast(this)->m_verticalPosition = vpos; } return vpos; } short RenderObject::getVerticalPosition( bool firstLine ) const { if (!isInline()) return 0; // This method determines the vertical position for inline elements. int vpos = 0; EVerticalAlign va = style()->verticalAlign(); if ( va == TOP ) { vpos = PositionTop; } else if ( va == BOTTOM ) { vpos = PositionBottom; } else if ( va == LENGTH ) { vpos = -style()->verticalAlignLength().width( lineHeight( firstLine ) ); } else { bool checkParent = parent()->isInline() && !parent()->isInlineBlockOrInlineTable(); vpos = checkParent ? parent()->verticalPositionHint( firstLine ) : 0; // don't allow elements nested inside text-top to have a different valignment. if ( va == BASELINE ) return vpos; // if ( vpos == PositionTop ) // vpos = 0; const QFont &f = parent()->font( firstLine ); int fontsize = f.pixelSize(); if ( va == SUB ) vpos += fontsize/5 + 1; else if ( va == SUPER ) vpos -= fontsize/3 + 1; else if ( va == TEXT_TOP ) { // qDebug( "got TEXT_TOP vertical pos hint" ); // qDebug( "parent:" ); // qDebug( "CSSLH: %d, CSS_FS: %d, basepos: %d", fontheight, fontsize, parent()->baselinePosition( firstLine ) ); // qDebug( "this:" ); // qDebug( "CSSLH: %d, CSS_FS: %d, basepos: %d", lineHeight( firstLine ), style()->font().pixelSize(), baselinePosition( firstLine ) ); vpos += ( baselinePosition( firstLine ) - parent()->baselinePosition( firstLine, !checkParent ) ); } else if ( va == MIDDLE ) { #if APPLE_CHANGES vpos += - (int)(QFontMetrics(f).xHeight()/2) - lineHeight( firstLine )/2 + baselinePosition( firstLine ); #else QRect b = QFontMetrics(f).boundingRect('x'); vpos += -b.height()/2 - lineHeight( firstLine )/2 + baselinePosition( firstLine ); #endif } else if ( va == TEXT_BOTTOM ) { vpos += QFontMetrics(f).descent(); if ( !isReplaced() ) vpos -= fontMetrics(firstLine).descent(); } else if ( va == BASELINE_MIDDLE ) vpos += - lineHeight( firstLine )/2 + baselinePosition( firstLine ); } return vpos; } short RenderObject::lineHeight( bool firstLine, bool ) const { Length lh = style(firstLine)->lineHeight(); // its "unset", choose nice default if ( lh.value < 0 ) return style(firstLine)->fontMetrics().lineSpacing(); if ( lh.isPercent() ) return lh.minWidth( style(firstLine)->font().pixelSize() ); // its fixed return lh.value; } short RenderObject::baselinePosition( bool firstLine, bool isRootLineBox ) const { const QFontMetrics &fm = fontMetrics( firstLine ); return fm.ascent() + ( lineHeight( firstLine, isRootLineBox ) - fm.height() ) / 2; } void RenderObject::invalidateVerticalPositions() { m_verticalPosition = PositionUndefined; RenderObject *child = firstChild(); while( child ) { child->invalidateVerticalPositions(); child = child->nextSibling(); } } void RenderObject::recalcMinMaxWidths() { KHTMLAssert( m_recalcMinMax ); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << " recalcMinMaxWidths() this=" << this <m_recalcMinMax ) || !child->m_minMaxKnown ) { cmin = child->minWidth(); cmax = child->maxWidth(); test = true; } if ( child->m_recalcMinMax ) child->recalcMinMaxWidths(); if ( !child->m_minMaxKnown ) child->calcMinMaxWidth(); if ( m_minMaxKnown && test && (cmin != child->minWidth() || cmax != child->maxWidth()) ) m_minMaxKnown = false; child = child->nextSibling(); } // we need to recalculate, if the contains inline children, as the change could have // happened somewhere deep inside the child tree. Also do this for blocks or tables that // are inline (i.e., inline-block and inline-table). if ((!isInline() || isInlineBlockOrInlineTable()) && childrenInline()) m_minMaxKnown = false; if ( !m_minMaxKnown ) calcMinMaxWidth(); m_recalcMinMax = false; } void RenderObject::scheduleRelayout(RenderObject* clippedObj) { if (!isCanvas()) return; KHTMLView *view = static_cast(this)->view(); if ( view ) view->scheduleRelayout(clippedObj); } void RenderObject::removeLeftoverAnonymousBoxes() { } InlineBox* RenderObject::createInlineBox(bool,bool isRootLineBox) { KHTMLAssert(!isRootLineBox); return new (renderArena()) InlineBox(this); } void RenderObject::getTextDecorationColors(int decorations, QColor& underline, QColor& overline, QColor& linethrough, bool quirksMode) { RenderObject* curr = this; do { int currDecs = curr->style()->textDecoration(); if (currDecs) { if (currDecs & UNDERLINE) { decorations &= ~UNDERLINE; underline = curr->style()->color(); } if (currDecs & OVERLINE) { decorations &= ~OVERLINE; overline = curr->style()->color(); } if (currDecs & LINE_THROUGH) { decorations &= ~LINE_THROUGH; linethrough = curr->style()->color(); } } curr = curr->parent(); if (curr && curr->isRenderBlock() && curr->continuation()) curr = curr->continuation(); } while (curr && decorations && (!quirksMode || !curr->element() || (curr->element()->id() != ID_A && curr->element()->id() != ID_FONT))); // If we bailed out, use the element we bailed out at (typically a or element). if (decorations && curr) { if (decorations & UNDERLINE) underline = curr->style()->color(); if (decorations & OVERLINE) overline = curr->style()->color(); if (decorations & LINE_THROUGH) linethrough = curr->style()->color(); } } QChar RenderObject::backslashAsCurrencySymbol() const { #if !APPLE_CHANGES return '\\'; #else NodeImpl *node = element(); if (!node) return '\\'; DocumentImpl *document = node->getDocument(); if (!document) return '\\'; Decoder *decoder = document->decoder(); if (!decoder) return '\\'; const QTextCodec *codec = decoder->codec(); if (!codec) return '\\'; return codec->backslashAsCurrencySymbol(); #endif }