break_lines.cpp   [plain text]

#include <break_lines.h>

#include "ThBreakIterator.h"

static const QChar *cached = 0;
static QCString *cachedString = 0;
static ThBreakIterator *thaiIt = 0;

#include <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>

void cleanupLineBreaker()
    if ( cachedString )
	delete cachedString;
    if ( thaiIt )
	delete thaiIt;
    cached = 0;

namespace khtml {
  This function returns true, if the string can bre broken before the 
  character at position pos in the string s with length len
bool isBreakable( const QChar *s, int pos, int len)
    const QChar *c = s+pos;
    unsigned short ch = c->unicode();
    if ( ch > 0xff ) {
	// not latin1, need to do more sophisticated checks for asian fonts
	unsigned char row = c->row();
	if ( row == 0x0e ) {
	    // 0e00 - 0e7f == Thai
	    if ( c->cell() < 0x80 ) {
		// check for thai
		if( s != cached ) {
		    // build up string of thai chars
		    QTextCodec *thaiCodec = QTextCodec::codecForMib(2259);
		    if ( !cachedString )
			cachedString = new QCString;
		    if ( !thaiIt )
			thaiIt = ThBreakIterator::createWordInstance(); 
		    *cachedString = thaiCodec->fromUnicode( QConstString( (QChar *)s, len ).string() );
		thaiIt->setText((tchar *)cachedString->data());
		for(int i = thaiIt->first(); i != thaiIt->DONE; i = thaiIt->next() ) {
		    if( i == pos )
			return true;
		    if( i > pos )
			return false;
		return false;
		// if we don't have a thai line breaking lib, allow
		// breaks everywhere except directly before punctuation.
		return true;
	    } else 
		return false;
	if ( row > 0x2d && row < 0xfb || row == 0x11 )
	    // asian line breaking. Everywhere allowed except directly
	    // in front of a punctuation character.
	    return true;
	else // no asian font
	    return c->isSpace();
    } else {
	if ( ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' )
	    return true;
    return false;
    OSStatus status, findStatus = 0;
    TextBreakLocatorRef breakLocator;
    UniCharArrayOffset end;
    const QChar *c = s+pos;
    unsigned short ch = c->unicode();
    if (ch == '\n'){
        return true;

    // If current character, or the previous character aren't simple latin1 then
    // use the UC line break locator.  UCFindTextBreak will report false if we
    // have a sequence of 0xa0 0x20 (nbsp, sp), so we explicity check for that
    // case.
    unsigned short lastCh = pos > 0 ? (s+pos-1)->unicode() : 0;
    if (ch > 0x7f || (lastCh > 0x7f && lastCh != 0xa0)){
        status = UCCreateTextBreakLocator (NULL, 0, kUCTextBreakLineMask, &breakLocator);
        if (status == 0){
            findStatus = UCFindTextBreak (breakLocator, kUCTextBreakLineMask, NULL, (const UniChar *)s, len, pos, &end);
        // If carbon fails, fail back on simple white space detection.
        if (findStatus == 0){
            return ((int)end == pos) ? true : false;
    // What about hypenation?
    return c->direction() == QChar::DirWS;
