/** * This file is part of the html renderer for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 2000 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. * */ #include "bidi.h" #include "break_lines.h" #include "render_block.h" #include "render_text.h" #include "render_arena.h" #include "xml/dom_docimpl.h" #include "kdebug.h" #include "qdatetime.h" #include "qfontmetrics.h" #define BIDI_DEBUG 0 //#define DEBUG_LINEBREAKS namespace khtml { static BidiIterator sor; static BidiIterator eor; static BidiIterator last; static BidiIterator current; static BidiContext *context; static BidiStatus status = { QChar::DirON, QChar::DirON, QChar::DirON }; // Used to track a list of chained bidi runs. static BidiRun* sFirstBidiRun = 0; static BidiRun* sLastBidiRun = 0; static int sBidiRunCount = 0; static BidiRun* sCompactFirstBidiRun = 0; static BidiRun* sCompactLastBidiRun = 0; static int sCompactBidiRunCount = 0; static bool sBuildingCompactRuns = false; // Midpoint globals. The goal is not to do any allocation when dealing with // these midpoints, so we just keep an array around and never clear it. We track // the number of items and position using the two other variables. static QMemArray *smidpoints = 0; static uint sNumMidpoints = 0; static uint sCurrMidpoint = 0; static bool betweenMidpoints = false; static bool isLineEmpty = true; static bool previousLineBrokeAtBR = true; static QChar::Direction dir; static bool adjustEmbeddding = false; static bool emptyRun = true; static int numSpaces; static void embed( QChar::Direction d ); static void appendRun(); static int getBPMWidth(int childValue, Length cssUnit) { if (cssUnit.type != Variable) return (cssUnit.type == Fixed ? cssUnit.value : childValue); return 0; } static int getBorderPaddingMargin(RenderObject* child, bool endOfInline) { RenderStyle* cstyle = child->style(); int result = 0; bool leftSide = (cstyle->direction() == LTR) ? !endOfInline : endOfInline; result += getBPMWidth((leftSide ? child->marginLeft() : child->marginRight()), (leftSide ? cstyle->marginLeft() : cstyle->marginRight())); result += getBPMWidth((leftSide ? child->paddingLeft() : child->paddingRight()), (leftSide ? cstyle->paddingLeft() : cstyle->paddingRight())); result += leftSide ? child->borderLeft() : child->borderRight(); return result; } static int inlineWidth(RenderObject* child, bool start = true, bool end = true) { int extraWidth = 0; RenderObject* parent = child->parent(); while (parent->isInline() && !parent->isInlineBlockOrInlineTable()) { if (start && parent->firstChild() == child) extraWidth += getBorderPaddingMargin(parent, false); if (end && parent->lastChild() == child) extraWidth += getBorderPaddingMargin(parent, true); child = parent; parent = child->parent(); } return extraWidth; } #ifndef NDEBUG static bool inBidiRunDetach; #endif void BidiRun::detach(RenderArena* renderArena) { #ifndef NDEBUG inBidiRunDetach = true; #endif delete this; #ifndef NDEBUG inBidiRunDetach = false; #endif // Recover the size left there for us by operator delete and free the memory. renderArena->free(*(size_t *)this, this); } void* BidiRun::operator new(size_t sz, RenderArena* renderArena) throw() { return renderArena->allocate(sz); } void BidiRun::operator delete(void* ptr, size_t sz) { assert(inBidiRunDetach); // Stash size where detach can find it. *(size_t*)ptr = sz; } static void deleteBidiRuns(RenderArena* arena) { if (!sFirstBidiRun) return; BidiRun* curr = sFirstBidiRun; while (curr) { BidiRun* s = curr->nextRun; curr->detach(arena); curr = s; } sFirstBidiRun = 0; sLastBidiRun = 0; sBidiRunCount = 0; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- /* a small helper class used internally to resolve Bidi embedding levels. Each line of text caches the embedding level at the start of the line for faster relayouting */ BidiContext::BidiContext(unsigned char l, QChar::Direction e, BidiContext *p, bool o) : level(l) , override(o), dir(e) { parent = p; if(p) { p->ref(); basicDir = p->basicDir; } else basicDir = e; count = 0; } BidiContext::~BidiContext() { if(parent) parent->deref(); } void BidiContext::ref() const { count++; } void BidiContext::deref() const { count--; if(count <= 0) delete this; } // --------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool operator==( const BidiIterator &it1, const BidiIterator &it2 ) { if(it1.pos != it2.pos) return false; if(it1.obj != it2.obj) return false; return true; } inline bool operator!=( const BidiIterator &it1, const BidiIterator &it2 ) { if(it1.pos != it2.pos) return true; if(it1.obj != it2.obj) return true; return false; } static inline RenderObject *Bidinext(RenderObject *par, RenderObject *current, bool skipInlines = true, bool* endOfInline = 0) { RenderObject *next = 0; bool oldEndOfInline = endOfInline ? *endOfInline : false; if (endOfInline) *endOfInline = false; while(current != 0) { //kdDebug( 6040 ) << "current = " << current << endl; if (!oldEndOfInline && !current->isFloating() && !current->isReplaced() && !current->isPositioned()) { next = current->firstChild(); if ( next && adjustEmbeddding ) { EUnicodeBidi ub = next->style()->unicodeBidi(); if ( ub != UBNormal && !emptyRun ) { EDirection dir = next->style()->direction(); QChar::Direction d = ( ub == Embed ? ( dir == RTL ? QChar::DirRLE : QChar::DirLRE ) : ( dir == RTL ? QChar::DirRLO : QChar::DirLRO ) ); embed( d ); } } } if (!next) { if (!skipInlines && !oldEndOfInline && current->isInlineFlow()) { next = current; if (endOfInline) *endOfInline = true; break; } while (current && current != par) { next = current->nextSibling(); if (next) break; if ( adjustEmbeddding && current->style()->unicodeBidi() != UBNormal && !emptyRun ) { embed( QChar::DirPDF ); } current = current->parent(); if (!skipInlines && current && current != par && current->isInlineFlow()) { next = current; if (endOfInline) *endOfInline = true; break; } } } if (!next) break; if (next->isText() || next->isBR() || next->isFloating() || next->isReplaced() || next->isPositioned() || ((!skipInlines || !next->firstChild()) // Always return EMPTY inlines. && next->isInlineFlow())) break; current = next; } return next; } static RenderObject *first( RenderObject *par, bool skipInlines = true ) { if(!par->firstChild()) return 0; RenderObject *o = par->firstChild(); if (o->isInlineFlow()) { if (skipInlines && o->firstChild()) o = Bidinext( par, o, skipInlines ); else return o; // Never skip empty inlines. } if (o && !o->isText() && !o->isBR() && !o->isReplaced() && !o->isFloating() && !o->isPositioned()) o = Bidinext( par, o, skipInlines ); return o; } inline void BidiIterator::operator ++ () { if(!obj) return; if(obj->isText()) { pos++; if(pos >= static_cast(obj)->stringLength()) { obj = Bidinext( par, obj ); pos = 0; } } else { obj = Bidinext( par, obj ); pos = 0; } } inline bool BidiIterator::atEnd() const { if(!obj) return true; return false; } const QChar &BidiIterator::current() const { if( !obj || !obj->isText()) { static QChar nonBreakingSpace(0xA0); return nonBreakingSpace; } return static_cast(obj)->text()[pos]; } inline QChar::Direction BidiIterator::direction() const { if(!obj || !obj->isText() ) return QChar::DirON; RenderText *renderTxt = static_cast( obj ); if ( pos >= renderTxt->stringLength() ) return QChar::DirON; return renderTxt->text()[pos].direction(); } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void addRun(BidiRun* bidiRun) { if (!sFirstBidiRun) sFirstBidiRun = sLastBidiRun = bidiRun; else { sLastBidiRun->nextRun = bidiRun; sLastBidiRun = bidiRun; } sBidiRunCount++; bidiRun->compact = sBuildingCompactRuns; // Compute the number of spaces in this run, if (bidiRun->obj && bidiRun->obj->isText()) { RenderText* text = static_cast(bidiRun->obj); for (int i = bidiRun->start; i < bidiRun->stop; i++) if (text->text()[i].unicode() == ' ') numSpaces++; } } static void reverseRuns(int start, int end) { if (start >= end) return; assert(start >= 0 && end < sBidiRunCount); // Get the item before the start of the runs to reverse and put it in // |beforeStart|. |curr| should point to the first run to reverse. BidiRun* curr = sFirstBidiRun; BidiRun* beforeStart = 0; int i = 0; while (i < start) { i++; beforeStart = curr; curr = curr->nextRun; } BidiRun* startRun = curr; while (i < end) { i++; curr = curr->nextRun; } BidiRun* endRun = curr; BidiRun* afterEnd = curr->nextRun; i = start; curr = startRun; BidiRun* newNext = afterEnd; while (i <= end) { // Do the reversal. BidiRun* next = curr->nextRun; curr->nextRun = newNext; newNext = curr; curr = next; i++; } // Now hook up beforeStart and afterEnd to the newStart and newEnd. if (beforeStart) beforeStart->nextRun = endRun; else sFirstBidiRun = endRun; startRun->nextRun = afterEnd; if (!afterEnd) sLastBidiRun = startRun; } static void checkMidpoints(BidiIterator& lBreak) { // Check to see if our last midpoint is a start point beyond the line break. If so, // shave it off the list, and shave off a trailing space if the previous end point isn't // white-space: pre. if (lBreak.obj && sNumMidpoints && sNumMidpoints%2 == 0) { BidiIterator* midpoints = smidpoints->data(); BidiIterator& endpoint = midpoints[sNumMidpoints-2]; const BidiIterator& startpoint = midpoints[sNumMidpoints-1]; BidiIterator currpoint = endpoint; while (!currpoint.atEnd() && currpoint != startpoint && currpoint != lBreak) ++currpoint; if (currpoint == lBreak) { // We hit the line break before the start point. Shave off the start point. sNumMidpoints--; if (endpoint.obj->style()->whiteSpace() != PRE) endpoint.pos--; } } } static void addMidpoint(const BidiIterator& midpoint) { if (!smidpoints) return; if (smidpoints->size() <= sNumMidpoints) smidpoints->resize(sNumMidpoints+10); BidiIterator* midpoints = smidpoints->data(); midpoints[sNumMidpoints++] = midpoint; } static void appendRunsForObject(int start, int end, RenderObject* obj) { if (start > end || obj->isFloating() || (obj->isPositioned() && !obj->hasStaticX() && !obj->hasStaticY())) return; bool haveNextMidpoint = (smidpoints && sCurrMidpoint < sNumMidpoints); BidiIterator nextMidpoint = { 0, 0, 0 }; if (haveNextMidpoint) nextMidpoint = smidpoints->at(sCurrMidpoint); if (betweenMidpoints) { if (!(haveNextMidpoint && nextMidpoint.obj == obj)) return; // This is a new start point. Stop ignoring objects and // adjust our start. betweenMidpoints = false; start = nextMidpoint.pos; sCurrMidpoint++; if (start < end) return appendRunsForObject(start, end, obj); } else { if (!smidpoints || !haveNextMidpoint || (obj != nextMidpoint.obj)) { addRun(new (obj->renderArena()) BidiRun(start, end, obj, context, dir)); return; } // An end midpoint has been encounted within our object. We // need to go ahead and append a run with our endpoint. if (int(nextMidpoint.pos+1) <= end) { betweenMidpoints = true; sCurrMidpoint++; if (nextMidpoint.pos != UINT_MAX) { // UINT_MAX means stop at the object and don't include any of it. addRun(new (obj->renderArena()) BidiRun(start, nextMidpoint.pos+1, obj, context, dir)); return appendRunsForObject(nextMidpoint.pos+1, end, obj); } } else addRun(new (obj->renderArena()) BidiRun(start, end, obj, context, dir)); } } static void appendRun() { if ( emptyRun ) return; #if BIDI_DEBUG > 1 kdDebug(6041) << "appendRun: dir="<<(int)dir<length(), obj); start = 0; obj = Bidinext( sor.par, obj ); } if (obj) appendRunsForObject(start, eor.pos+1, obj); ++eor; sor = eor; dir = QChar::DirON; status.eor = QChar::DirON; adjustEmbeddding = b; } static void embed( QChar::Direction d ) { #if BIDI_DEBUG > 1 qDebug("*** embed dir=%d emptyrun=%d", d, emptyRun ); #endif bool b = adjustEmbeddding ; adjustEmbeddding = false; if ( d == QChar::DirPDF ) { BidiContext *c = context->parent; if (c) { if ( eor != last ) { appendRun(); eor = last; } appendRun(); emptyRun = true; status.last = context->dir; context->deref(); context = c; if(context->override) dir = context->dir; else dir = QChar::DirON; status.lastStrong = context->dir; } } else { QChar::Direction runDir; if( d == QChar::DirRLE || d == QChar::DirRLO ) runDir = QChar::DirR; else runDir = QChar::DirL; bool override; if( d == QChar::DirLRO || d == QChar::DirRLO ) override = true; else override = false; unsigned char level = context->level; if ( runDir == QChar::DirR ) { if(level%2) // we have an odd level level += 2; else level++; } else { if(level%2) // we have an odd level level++; else level += 2; } if(level < 61) { if ( eor != last ) { appendRun(); eor = last; } appendRun(); emptyRun = true; context = new BidiContext(level, runDir, context, override); context->ref(); if ( override ) dir = runDir; status.last = runDir; status.lastStrong = runDir; } } adjustEmbeddding = b; } InlineFlowBox* RenderBlock::createLineBoxes(RenderObject* obj) { // See if we have an unconstructed line box for this object that is also // the last item on the line. KHTMLAssert(obj->isInlineFlow() || obj == this); RenderFlow* flow = static_cast(obj); // Get the last box we made for this render object. InlineFlowBox* box = flow->lastLineBox(); // If this box is constructed then it is from a previous line, and we need // to make a new box for our line. If this box is unconstructed but it has // something following it on the line, then we know we have to make a new box // as well. In this situation our inline has actually been split in two on // the same line (this can happen with very fancy language mixtures). if (!box || box->isConstructed() || box->nextOnLine()) { // We need to make a new box for this render object. Once // made, we need to place it at the end of the current line. InlineBox* newBox = obj->createInlineBox(false, obj == this); KHTMLAssert(newBox->isInlineFlowBox()); box = static_cast(newBox); box->setFirstLineStyleBit(m_firstLine); // We have a new box. Append it to the inline box we get by constructing our // parent. If we have hit the block itself, then |box| represents the root // inline box for the line, and it doesn't have to be appended to any parent // inline. if (obj != this) { InlineFlowBox* parentBox = createLineBoxes(obj->parent()); parentBox->addToLine(box); } } return box; } InlineFlowBox* RenderBlock::constructLine(const BidiIterator &start, const BidiIterator &end) { if (!sFirstBidiRun) return 0; // We had no runs. Don't make a root inline box at all. The line is empty. InlineFlowBox* parentBox = 0; for (BidiRun* r = sFirstBidiRun; r; r = r->nextRun) { // Create a box for our object. r->box = r->obj->createInlineBox(r->obj->isPositioned(), false); // If we have no parent box yet, or if the run is not simply a sibling, // then we need to construct inline boxes as necessary to properly enclose the // run's inline box. if (!parentBox || (parentBox->object() != r->obj->parent())) // Create new inline boxes all the way back to the appropriate insertion point. parentBox = createLineBoxes(r->obj->parent()); // Append the inline box to this line. parentBox->addToLine(r->box); } // We should have a root inline box. It should be unconstructed and // be the last continuation of our line list. KHTMLAssert(lastLineBox() && !lastLineBox()->isConstructed()); // Set bits on our inline flow boxes that indicate which sides should // paint borders/margins/padding. This knowledge will ultimately be used when // we determine the horizontal positions and widths of all the inline boxes on // the line. RenderObject* endObject = 0; bool lastLine = !end.obj; if (end.obj && end.pos == 0) endObject = end.obj; lastLineBox()->determineSpacingForFlowBoxes(lastLine, endObject); // Now mark the line boxes as being constructed. lastLineBox()->setConstructed(); // Return the last line. return lastLineBox(); } void RenderBlock::computeHorizontalPositionsForLine(InlineFlowBox* lineBox, BidiContext* endEmbed) { // First determine our total width. int totWidth = lineBox->getFlowSpacingWidth(); BidiRun* r = 0; for (r = sFirstBidiRun; r; r = r->nextRun) { if (r->obj->isPositioned()) continue; // Positioned objects are only participating to figure out their // correct static x position. They have no effect on the width. if (r->obj->isText()) r->box->setWidth(static_cast(r->obj)->width(r->start, r->stop-r->start, m_firstLine)); else if (!r->obj->isInlineFlow()) { r->obj->calcWidth(); r->box->setWidth(r->obj->width()); if (!r->compact) totWidth += r->obj->marginLeft() + r->obj->marginRight(); } // Compacts don't contribute to the width of the line, since they are placed in the margin. if (!r->compact) totWidth += r->box->width(); } // Armed with the total width of the line (without justification), // we now examine our text-align property in order to determine where to position the // objects horizontally. The total width of the line can be increased if we end up // justifying text. int x = leftOffset(m_height); int availableWidth = lineWidth(m_height); switch(style()->textAlign()) { case LEFT: case KHTML_LEFT: numSpaces = 0; break; case JUSTIFY: if (numSpaces != 0 && !current.atEnd() && !current.obj->isBR() ) break; // fall through case TAAUTO: numSpaces = 0; // for right to left fall through to right aligned if (endEmbed->basicDir == QChar::DirL) break; case RIGHT: case KHTML_RIGHT: x += availableWidth - totWidth; numSpaces = 0; break; case CENTER: case KHTML_CENTER: int xd = (availableWidth - totWidth)/2; x += xd >0 ? xd : 0; numSpaces = 0; break; } if (numSpaces > 0) { for (r = sFirstBidiRun; r; r = r->nextRun) { int spaceAdd = 0; if (numSpaces > 0 && r->obj->isText() && !r->compact) { // get the number of spaces in the run int spaces = 0; for ( int i = r->start; i < r->stop; i++ ) if ( static_cast(r->obj)->text()[i].unicode() == ' ' ) spaces++; KHTMLAssert(spaces <= numSpaces); // Only justify text with white-space: normal. if (r->obj->style()->whiteSpace() != PRE) { spaceAdd = (availableWidth - totWidth)*spaces/numSpaces; static_cast(r->box)->setSpaceAdd(spaceAdd); totWidth += spaceAdd; } numSpaces -= spaces; } } } // The widths of all runs are now known. We can now place every inline box (and // compute accurate widths for the inline flow boxes). int rightPos = lineBox->placeBoxesHorizontally(x); if (rightPos > m_overflowWidth) m_overflowWidth = rightPos; // FIXME: Work for rtl overflow also. } void RenderBlock::computeVerticalPositionsForLine(InlineFlowBox* lineBox) { lineBox->verticallyAlignBoxes(m_height); // See if the line spilled out. If so set overflow height accordingly. int bottomOfLine = lineBox->bottomOverflow(); if (bottomOfLine > m_height && bottomOfLine > m_overflowHeight) m_overflowHeight = bottomOfLine; // Now make sure we place replaced render objects correctly. for (BidiRun* r = sFirstBidiRun; r; r = r->nextRun) { // Align positioned boxes with the top of the line box. This is // a reasonable approximation of an appropriate y position. if (r->obj->isPositioned()) r->box->setYPos(m_height); // Position is used to properly position both replaced elements and // to update the static normal flow x/y of positioned elements. r->obj->position(r->box, r->start, r->stop - r->start, r->level%2); } } // collects one line of the paragraph and transforms it to visual order void RenderBlock::bidiReorderLine(const BidiIterator &start, const BidiIterator &end) { if ( start == end ) { if ( start.current() == '\n' ) { m_height += lineHeight( m_firstLine, true ); } return; } #if BIDI_DEBUG > 1 kdDebug(6041) << "reordering Line from " << start.obj << "/" << start.pos << " to " << end.obj << "/" << end.pos << endl; #endif sFirstBidiRun = 0; sLastBidiRun = 0; sBidiRunCount = 0; // context->ref(); dir = QChar::DirON; emptyRun = true; numSpaces = 0; current = start; last = current; bool atEnd = false; while( 1 ) { QChar::Direction dirCurrent; if (atEnd) { //kdDebug(6041) << "atEnd" << endl; BidiContext *c = context; if ( current.atEnd()) while ( c->parent ) c = c->parent; dirCurrent = c->dir; } else { dirCurrent = current.direction(); } #ifndef QT_NO_UNICODETABLES #if BIDI_DEBUG > 1 kdDebug(6041) << "directions: dir=" << (int)dir << " current=" << (int)dirCurrent << " last=" << status.last << " eor=" << status.eor << " lastStrong=" << status.lastStrong << " embedding=" << (int)context->dir << " level =" << (int)context->level << endl; #endif switch(dirCurrent) { // embedding and overrides (X1-X9 in the Bidi specs) case QChar::DirRLE: case QChar::DirLRE: case QChar::DirRLO: case QChar::DirLRO: case QChar::DirPDF: eor = last; embed( dirCurrent ); break; // strong types case QChar::DirL: if(dir == QChar::DirON) dir = QChar::DirL; switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirL: eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL; break; case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirEN: case QChar::DirAN: appendRun(); break; case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirET: case QChar::DirCS: case QChar::DirBN: case QChar::DirB: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: if(dir != QChar::DirL) { //last stuff takes embedding dir if( context->dir == QChar::DirR ) { if(!(status.eor == QChar::DirR)) { // AN or EN appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirR; } else eor = last; appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirL; status.eor = QChar::DirL; } else { if(status.eor == QChar::DirR) { appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirL; } else { eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL; break; } } } else { eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirL; } default: break; } status.lastStrong = QChar::DirL; break; case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirR: if(dir == QChar::DirON) dir = QChar::DirR; switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR; break; case QChar::DirL: case QChar::DirEN: case QChar::DirAN: appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirR; eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR; break; case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirET: case QChar::DirCS: case QChar::DirBN: case QChar::DirB: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: if( !(status.eor == QChar::DirR) && !(status.eor == QChar::DirAL) ) { //last stuff takes embedding dir if(context->dir == QChar::DirR || status.lastStrong == QChar::DirR) { appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirR; eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR; } else { eor = last; appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirR; status.eor = QChar::DirR; } } else { eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR; } default: break; } status.lastStrong = dirCurrent; break; // weak types: case QChar::DirNSM: // ### if @sor, set dir to dirSor break; case QChar::DirEN: if(!(status.lastStrong == QChar::DirAL)) { // if last strong was AL change EN to AN if(dir == QChar::DirON) { if(status.lastStrong == QChar::DirAL) dir = QChar::DirAN; else dir = QChar::DirL; } switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirET: if ( status.lastStrong == QChar::DirR || status.lastStrong == QChar::DirAL ) { appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirEN; status.eor = QChar::DirEN; } // fall through case QChar::DirEN: case QChar::DirL: eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; break; case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirAN: appendRun(); status.eor = QChar::DirEN; dir = QChar::DirEN; break; case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirCS: if(status.eor == QChar::DirEN) { eor = current; break; } case QChar::DirBN: case QChar::DirB: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: if(status.eor == QChar::DirR) { // neutrals go to R eor = last; appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirEN; status.eor = QChar::DirEN; } else if( status.eor == QChar::DirL || (status.eor == QChar::DirEN && status.lastStrong == QChar::DirL)) { eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } else { // numbers on both sides, neutrals get right to left direction if(dir != QChar::DirL) { appendRun(); eor = last; dir = QChar::DirR; appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirEN; status.eor = QChar::DirEN; } else { eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } } default: break; } break; } case QChar::DirAN: dirCurrent = QChar::DirAN; if(dir == QChar::DirON) dir = QChar::DirAN; switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirL: case QChar::DirAN: eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirAN; break; case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirEN: appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirAN; status.eor = QChar::DirAN; break; case QChar::DirCS: if(status.eor == QChar::DirAN) { eor = current; status.eor = QChar::DirR; break; } case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirET: case QChar::DirBN: case QChar::DirB: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: if(status.eor == QChar::DirR) { // neutrals go to R eor = last; appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirAN; status.eor = QChar::DirAN; } else if( status.eor == QChar::DirL || (status.eor == QChar::DirEN && status.lastStrong == QChar::DirL)) { eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } else { // numbers on both sides, neutrals get right to left direction if(dir != QChar::DirL) { appendRun(); eor = last; dir = QChar::DirR; appendRun(); dir = QChar::DirAN; status.eor = QChar::DirAN; } else { eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; } } default: break; } break; case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirCS: break; case QChar::DirET: if(status.last == QChar::DirEN) { dirCurrent = QChar::DirEN; eor = current; status.eor = dirCurrent; break; } break; // boundary neutrals should be ignored case QChar::DirBN: break; // neutrals case QChar::DirB: // ### what do we do with newline and paragraph seperators that come to here? break; case QChar::DirS: // ### implement rule L1 break; case QChar::DirWS: break; case QChar::DirON: break; default: break; } //cout << " after: dir=" << // dir << " current=" << dirCurrent << " last=" << status.last << " eor=" << status.eor << " lastStrong=" << status.lastStrong << " embedding=" << context->dir << endl; if(current.atEnd()) break; // set status.last as needed. switch(dirCurrent) { case QChar::DirET: case QChar::DirES: case QChar::DirCS: case QChar::DirS: case QChar::DirWS: case QChar::DirON: switch(status.last) { case QChar::DirL: case QChar::DirR: case QChar::DirAL: case QChar::DirEN: case QChar::DirAN: status.last = dirCurrent; break; default: status.last = QChar::DirON; } break; case QChar::DirNSM: case QChar::DirBN: // ignore these break; case QChar::DirEN: if ( status.last == QChar::DirL ) { status.last = QChar::DirL; break; } // fall through default: status.last = dirCurrent; } #endif if ( atEnd ) break; last = current; if ( emptyRun ) { sor = current; eor = current; emptyRun = false; } // this causes the operator ++ to open and close embedding levels as needed // for the CSS unicode-bidi property adjustEmbeddding = true; ++current; adjustEmbeddding = false; if ( current == end ) { if ( emptyRun ) break; atEnd = true; } } #if BIDI_DEBUG > 0 kdDebug(6041) << "reached end of line current=" << current.obj << "/" << current.pos << ", eor=" << eor.obj << "/" << eor.pos << endl; #endif if ( !emptyRun && sor != current ) { eor = last; appendRun(); } // both commands below together give a noop... //endEmbed->ref(); //context->deref(); // reorder line according to run structure... // first find highest and lowest levels uchar levelLow = 128; uchar levelHigh = 0; BidiRun *r = sFirstBidiRun; while ( r ) { if ( r->level > levelHigh ) levelHigh = r->level; if ( r->level < levelLow ) levelLow = r->level; r = r->nextRun; } // implements reordering of the line (L2 according to Bidi spec): // L2. From the highest level found in the text to the lowest odd level on each line, // reverse any contiguous sequence of characters that are at that level or higher. // reversing is only done up to the lowest odd level if( !(levelLow%2) ) levelLow++; #if BIDI_DEBUG > 0 kdDebug(6041) << "lineLow = " << (uint)levelLow << ", lineHigh = " << (uint)levelHigh << endl; kdDebug(6041) << "logical order is:" << endl; QPtrListIterator it2(runs); BidiRun *r2; for ( ; (r2 = it2.current()); ++it2 ) kdDebug(6041) << " " << r2 << " start=" << r2->start << " stop=" << r2->stop << " level=" << (uint)r2->level << endl; #endif int count = sBidiRunCount - 1; // do not reverse for visually ordered web sites if(!style()->visuallyOrdered()) { while(levelHigh >= levelLow) { int i = 0; BidiRun* currRun = sFirstBidiRun; while ( i < count ) { while(i < count && currRun && currRun->level < levelHigh) { i++; currRun = currRun->nextRun; } int start = i; while(i <= count && currRun && currRun->level >= levelHigh) { i++; currRun = currRun->nextRun; } int end = i-1; reverseRuns(start, end); i++; if(i >= count) break; } levelHigh--; } } #if BIDI_DEBUG > 0 kdDebug(6041) << "visual order is:" << endl; for (BidiRun* curr = sFirstRun; curr; curr = curr->nextRun) kdDebug(6041) << " " << curr << endl; #endif } static void buildCompactRuns(RenderObject* compactObj) { sBuildingCompactRuns = true; if (!compactObj->isRenderBlock()) { // Just append a run for our object. isLineEmpty = false; addRun(new (compactObj->renderArena()) BidiRun(0, compactObj->length(), compactObj, context, dir)); } else { // Format the compact like it is its own single line. We build up all the runs for // the little compact and then reorder them for bidi. RenderBlock* compactBlock = static_cast(compactObj); adjustEmbeddding = true; BidiIterator start = { compactBlock, first(compactBlock), 0 }; adjustEmbeddding = false; BidiIterator end = start; betweenMidpoints = false; isLineEmpty = true; previousLineBrokeAtBR = true; end = compactBlock->findNextLineBreak(start); if (!isLineEmpty) compactBlock->bidiReorderLine(start, end); } sCompactFirstBidiRun = sFirstBidiRun; sCompactLastBidiRun = sLastBidiRun; sCompactBidiRunCount = sBidiRunCount; sNumMidpoints = 0; sCurrMidpoint = 0; betweenMidpoints = false; sBuildingCompactRuns = false; } void RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren(bool relayoutChildren) { m_overflowHeight = 0; invalidateVerticalPositions(); #ifdef DEBUG_LAYOUT QTime qt; qt.start(); kdDebug( 6040 ) << renderName() << " layoutInlineChildren( " << this <<" )" << endl; #endif #if BIDI_DEBUG > 1 || defined( DEBUG_LINEBREAKS ) kdDebug(6041) << " ------- bidi start " << this << " -------" << endl; #endif int toAdd = style()->borderBottomWidth(); m_height = style()->borderTopWidth(); m_height += paddingTop(); toAdd += paddingBottom(); // Clear out our line boxes. deleteLineBoxes(); if (firstChild()) { // layout replaced elements bool endOfInline = false; RenderObject *o = first( this, false ); while ( o ) { if(o->isReplaced() || o->isFloating() || o->isPositioned()) { //kdDebug(6041) << "layouting replaced or floating child" << endl; if (relayoutChildren || o->style()->width().isPercent() || o->style()->height().isPercent()) o->setNeedsLayout(true); if (o->isPositioned()) o->containingBlock()->insertPositionedObject(o); else o->layoutIfNeeded(); } else if(o->isText()) // FIXME: Should be able to combine deleteLineBoxes/Runs static_cast(o)->deleteRuns(); else if (o->isInlineFlow() && !endOfInline) static_cast(o)->deleteLineBoxes(); o = Bidinext( this, o, false, &endOfInline); } BidiContext *startEmbed; if( style()->direction() == LTR ) { startEmbed = new BidiContext( 0, QChar::DirL ); status.eor = QChar::DirL; } else { startEmbed = new BidiContext( 1, QChar::DirR ); status.eor = QChar::DirR; } startEmbed->ref(); status.lastStrong = QChar::DirON; status.last = QChar::DirON; context = startEmbed; adjustEmbeddding = true; BidiIterator start = { this, first(this), 0 }; adjustEmbeddding = false; BidiIterator end = start; m_firstLine = true; if (!smidpoints) smidpoints = new QMemArray; sNumMidpoints = 0; sCurrMidpoint = 0; sCompactFirstBidiRun = sCompactLastBidiRun = 0; sCompactBidiRunCount = 0; previousLineBrokeAtBR = true; while( !end.atEnd() ) { start = end; betweenMidpoints = false; isLineEmpty = true; if (m_firstLine && firstChild() && firstChild()->isCompact()) { buildCompactRuns(firstChild()); start.obj = firstChild()->nextSibling(); end = start; } end = findNextLineBreak(start); if( start.atEnd() ) break; if (!isLineEmpty) { bidiReorderLine(start, end); // Now that the runs have been ordered, we create the line boxes. // At the same time we figure out where border/padding/margin should be applied for // inline flow boxes. if (sCompactFirstBidiRun) { // We have a compact line sharing this line. Link the compact runs // to our runs to create a single line of runs. sCompactLastBidiRun->nextRun = sFirstBidiRun; sFirstBidiRun = sCompactFirstBidiRun; sBidiRunCount += sCompactBidiRunCount; } if (sBidiRunCount) { InlineFlowBox* lineBox = constructLine(start, end); if (lineBox) { // Now we position all of our text runs horizontally. computeHorizontalPositionsForLine(lineBox, context); // Now position our text runs vertically. computeVerticalPositionsForLine(lineBox); deleteBidiRuns(renderArena()); } } if( end == start || (end.obj && end.obj->isBR() && !start.obj->isBR() ) ) { adjustEmbeddding = true; ++end; adjustEmbeddding = false; } else if(m_pre && end.current() == QChar('\n') ) { adjustEmbeddding = true; ++end; adjustEmbeddding = false; } m_firstLine = false; newLine(); } sNumMidpoints = 0; sCurrMidpoint = 0; sCompactFirstBidiRun = sCompactLastBidiRun = 0; sCompactBidiRunCount = 0; } startEmbed->deref(); //embed->deref(); } sNumMidpoints = 0; sCurrMidpoint = 0; // in case we have a float on the last line, it might not be positioned up to now. // This has to be done before adding in the bottom border/padding, or the float will // include the padding incorrectly. -dwh positionNewFloats(); // Now add in the bottom border/padding. m_height += toAdd; // Always make sure this is at least our height. if (m_overflowHeight < m_height) m_overflowHeight = m_height; #if BIDI_DEBUG > 1 kdDebug(6041) << " ------- bidi end " << this << " -------" << endl; #endif //kdDebug() << "RenderBlock::layoutInlineChildren time used " << qt.elapsed() << endl; //kdDebug(6040) << "height = " << m_height <isInlineFlow() || (start.obj->style()->whiteSpace() != PRE && (start.current() == ' ' || start.obj->isFloatingOrPositioned())))) { if( start.obj->isFloatingOrPositioned() ) { RenderObject *o = start.obj; // add to special objects... if (o->isFloating()) { insertFloatingObject(o); positionNewFloats(); width = lineWidth(m_height); } else if (o->isPositioned()) { if (o->hasStaticX()) o->setStaticX(style()->direction() == LTR ? borderLeft()+paddingLeft() : borderRight()+paddingRight()); if (o->hasStaticY()) o->setStaticY(m_height); } } adjustEmbeddding = true; ++start; adjustEmbeddding = false; } if ( start.atEnd() ){ return start; } // This variable is used only if whitespace isn't set to PRE, and it tells us whether // or not we are currently ignoring whitespace. bool ignoringSpaces = false; // This variable tracks whether the very last character we saw was a space. We use // this to detect when we encounter a second space so we know we have to terminate // a run. bool currentCharacterIsSpace = false; RenderObject* trailingSpaceObject = 0; // The pos of the last whitespace char we saw, not to be confused with the lastSpace // variable below, which is really the last breakable char. int lastSpacePos = 0; BidiIterator lBreak = start; RenderObject *o = start.obj; RenderObject *last = o; int pos = start.pos; bool prevLineBrokeCleanly = previousLineBrokeAtBR; previousLineBrokeAtBR = false; while( o ) { #ifdef DEBUG_LINEBREAKS kdDebug(6041) << "new object "<< o <<" width = " << w <<" tmpw = " << tmpW << endl; #endif if(o->isBR()) { if( w + tmpW <= width ) { lBreak.obj = o; lBreak.pos = 0; // A
always breaks a line, so don't let the line be collapsed // away. Also, the space at the end of a line with a
does not // get collapsed away. It only does this if the previous line broke // cleanly. Otherwise the
has no effect on whether the line is // empty or not. if (prevLineBrokeCleanly) isLineEmpty = false; trailingSpaceObject = 0; previousLineBrokeAtBR = true; if (!isLineEmpty) { // only check the clear status for non-empty lines. EClear clear = o->style()->clear(); if(clear != CNONE) m_clearStatus = (EClear) (m_clearStatus | clear); } } goto end; } if( o->isFloatingOrPositioned() ) { // add to special objects... if(o->isFloating()) { insertFloatingObject(o); // check if it fits in the current line. // If it does, position it now, otherwise, position // it after moving to next line (in newLine() func) if (o->width()+o->marginLeft()+o->marginRight()+w+tmpW <= width) { positionNewFloats(); width = lineWidth(m_height); } } else if (o->isPositioned()) { // If our original display wasn't an inline type, then we can // go ahead and determine our static x position now. bool isInlineType = o->style()->isOriginalDisplayInlineType(); bool needToSetStaticX = o->hasStaticX(); if (o->hasStaticX() && !isInlineType) { o->setStaticX(o->parent()->style()->direction() == LTR ? borderLeft()+paddingLeft() : borderRight()+paddingRight()); needToSetStaticX = false; } // If our original display was an INLINE type, then we can go ahead // and determine our static y position now. bool needToSetStaticY = o->hasStaticY(); if (o->hasStaticY() && isInlineType) { o->setStaticY(m_height); needToSetStaticY = false; } // If we're ignoring spaces, we have to stop and include this object and // then start ignoring spaces again. if (needToSetStaticX || needToSetStaticY) { trailingSpaceObject = 0; if (ignoringSpaces) { BidiIterator startMid = { 0, o, 0 }; BidiIterator stopMid = { 0, o, 1 }; addMidpoint(startMid); // Stop ignoring spaces. addMidpoint(stopMid); // Start ignoring again. } } } } else if (o->isInlineFlow()) { // Only empty inlines matter. We treat those similarly to replaced elements. KHTMLAssert(!o->firstChild()); tmpW += o->marginLeft()+o->borderLeft()+o->paddingLeft()+ o->marginRight()+o->borderRight()+o->paddingRight(); } else if ( o->isReplaced() ) { if (o->style()->whiteSpace() == NORMAL || last->style()->whiteSpace() == NORMAL) { w += tmpW; tmpW = 0; lBreak.obj = o; lBreak.pos = 0; } tmpW += o->width()+o->marginLeft()+o->marginRight()+inlineWidth(o); if (ignoringSpaces) { BidiIterator startMid = { 0, o, 0 }; addMidpoint(startMid); } isLineEmpty = false; ignoringSpaces = false; currentCharacterIsSpace = false; lastSpacePos = 0; trailingSpaceObject = 0; if (o->isListMarker() && o->style()->listStylePosition() == OUTSIDE) { // The marker must not have an effect on whitespace at the start // of the line. We start ignoring spaces to make sure that any additional // spaces we see will be discarded. // // Optimize for a common case. If we can't find whitespace after the list // item, then this is all moot. -dwh RenderObject* next = Bidinext( start.par, o ); if (!m_pre && next && next->isText() && static_cast(next)->stringLength() > 0 && (static_cast(next)->text()[0].unicode() == ' ' || static_cast(next)->text()[0] == '\n')) { currentCharacterIsSpace = true; ignoringSpaces = true; BidiIterator endMid = { 0, o, 0 }; addMidpoint(endMid); } } } else if ( o->isText() ) { RenderText *t = static_cast(o); int strlen = t->stringLength(); int len = strlen - pos; QChar *str = t->text(); const Font *f = t->htmlFont( m_firstLine ); // proportional font, needs a bit more work. int lastSpace = pos; bool isPre = o->style()->whiteSpace() == PRE; int wordSpacing = o->style()->wordSpacing(); bool appliedStartWidth = pos > 0; // If the span originated on a previous line, // then assume the start width has been applied. bool appliedEndWidth = false; while(len) { //XXXdwh This is wrong. Still mutating the DOM // string for newlines... will fix in second stage. if (!isPre && str[pos] == '\n'){ str[pos] = ' '; } bool previousCharacterIsSpace = currentCharacterIsSpace; currentCharacterIsSpace = (str[pos].unicode() == ' '); if (isPre || !currentCharacterIsSpace) isLineEmpty = false; bool applyWordSpacing = false; if( (isPre && str[pos] == '\n') || (!isPre && isBreakable( str, pos, strlen )) ) { if (ignoringSpaces) { if (!currentCharacterIsSpace) { // Stop ignoring spaces and begin at this // new point. ignoringSpaces = false; lastSpacePos = 0; lastSpace = pos; // e.g., "Foo goo", don't add in any of the ignored spaces. BidiIterator startMid = { 0, o, pos }; addMidpoint(startMid); } else { // Just keep ignoring these spaces. pos++; len--; continue; } } if (currentCharacterIsSpace && !previousCharacterIsSpace) lastSpacePos = pos; tmpW += t->width(lastSpace, pos - lastSpace, f); if (!appliedStartWidth) { tmpW += inlineWidth(o, true, false); appliedStartWidth = true; } applyWordSpacing = (wordSpacing && currentCharacterIsSpace && !previousCharacterIsSpace && !t->containsOnlyWhitespace(pos+1, strlen-(pos+1))); #ifdef DEBUG_LINEBREAKS kdDebug(6041) << "found space at " << pos << " in string '" << QString( str, strlen ).latin1() << "' adding " << tmpW << " new width = " << w << endl; #endif if ( !isPre && w + tmpW > width && w == 0 ) { int fb = nearestFloatBottom(m_height); int newLineWidth = lineWidth(fb); // See if |tmpW| will fit on the new line. As long as it does not, // keep adjusting our float bottom until we find some room. int lastFloatBottom = m_height; while (lastFloatBottom < fb && tmpW > newLineWidth) { lastFloatBottom = fb; fb = nearestFloatBottom(fb); newLineWidth = lineWidth(fb); } if(!w && m_height < fb && width < newLineWidth) { m_height = fb; width = newLineWidth; #ifdef DEBUG_LINEBREAKS kdDebug() << "RenderBlock::findNextLineBreak new position at " << m_height << " newWidth " << width << endl; #endif } } if (w + tmpW > width && o->style()->whiteSpace() == NORMAL){ goto end; } if( *(str+pos) == '\n' && isPre) { lBreak.obj = o; lBreak.pos = pos; #ifdef DEBUG_LINEBREAKS kdDebug(6041) << "forced break sol: " << start.obj << " " << start.pos << " end: " << lBreak.obj << " " << lBreak.pos << " width=" << w << endl; #endif return lBreak; } if (o->style()->whiteSpace() == NORMAL) { w += tmpW; tmpW = 0; lBreak.obj = o; lBreak.pos = pos; } lastSpace = pos; if (applyWordSpacing) w += wordSpacing; if (!ignoringSpaces && !isPre) { // If we encounter a newline, or if we encounter a // second space, we need to go ahead and break up this // run and enter a mode where we start collapsing spaces. if (currentCharacterIsSpace && previousCharacterIsSpace){ ignoringSpaces = true; } if (ignoringSpaces) { // We just entered a mode where we are ignoring // spaces. Create a midpoint to terminate the run // before the second space. BidiIterator endMid = { 0, trailingSpaceObject ? trailingSpaceObject : o, lastSpacePos }; addMidpoint(endMid); lastSpace = pos; } } } else if (ignoringSpaces) { // Stop ignoring spaces and begin at this // new point. ignoringSpaces = false; lastSpacePos = 0; lastSpace = pos; // e.g., "Foo goo", don't add in any of the ignored spaces. BidiIterator startMid = { 0, o, pos }; addMidpoint(startMid); } if (!isPre && currentCharacterIsSpace && !ignoringSpaces) trailingSpaceObject = o; else if (isPre || !currentCharacterIsSpace) trailingSpaceObject = 0; pos++; len--; } // IMPORTANT: pos is > length here! if (!ignoringSpaces) tmpW += t->width(lastSpace, pos - lastSpace, f); if (!appliedStartWidth) tmpW += inlineWidth(o, true, false); if (!appliedEndWidth) tmpW += inlineWidth(o, false, true); } else KHTMLAssert( false ); RenderObject* next = Bidinext(start.par, o); bool isNormal = o->style()->whiteSpace() == NORMAL; bool checkForBreak = isNormal; if (w && w + tmpW > width+1 && lBreak.obj && o->style()->whiteSpace() == NOWRAP) checkForBreak = true; else if (next && o->isText() && next->isText() && !next->isBR()) { if (isNormal || (next->style()->whiteSpace() == NORMAL)) { if (currentCharacterIsSpace) checkForBreak = true; else { RenderText* nextText = static_cast(next); int strlen = nextText->stringLength(); QChar *str = nextText->text(); if (strlen && ((str[0].unicode() == ' ') || (next->style()->whiteSpace() != PRE && str[0] == '\n'))) // If the next item on the line is text, and if we did not end with // a space, then the next text run continues our word (and so it needs to // keep adding to |tmpW|. Just update and continue. checkForBreak = true; else checkForBreak = false; bool canPlaceOnLine = (w + tmpW <= width+1) || !isNormal; if (canPlaceOnLine && checkForBreak) { w += tmpW; tmpW = 0; lBreak.obj = next; lBreak.pos = 0; } } } } if (checkForBreak && (w + tmpW > width+1)) { //kdDebug() << " too wide w=" << w << " tmpW = " << tmpW << " width = " << width << endl; //kdDebug() << "start=" << start.obj << " current=" << o << endl; // if we have floats, try to get below them. if (currentCharacterIsSpace && !ignoringSpaces && o->style()->whiteSpace() != PRE) trailingSpaceObject = 0; int fb = nearestFloatBottom(m_height); int newLineWidth = lineWidth(fb); // See if |tmpW| will fit on the new line. As long as it does not, // keep adjusting our float bottom until we find some room. int lastFloatBottom = m_height; while (lastFloatBottom < fb && tmpW > newLineWidth) { lastFloatBottom = fb; fb = nearestFloatBottom(fb); newLineWidth = lineWidth(fb); } if( !w && m_height < fb && width < newLineWidth ) { m_height = fb; width = newLineWidth; #ifdef DEBUG_LINEBREAKS kdDebug() << "RenderBlock::findNextLineBreak new position at " << m_height << " newWidth " << width << endl; #endif } // |width| may have been adjusted because we got shoved down past a float (thus // giving us more room), so we need to retest, and only jump to // the end label if we still don't fit on the line. -dwh if (w + tmpW > width+1) goto end; } last = o; o = next; if (!last->isFloatingOrPositioned() && last->isReplaced() && last->style()->whiteSpace() == NORMAL) { // Go ahead and add in tmpW. w += tmpW; tmpW = 0; lBreak.obj = o; lBreak.pos = 0; } // Clear out our character space bool, since inline
s don't collapse whitespace
        // with adjacent inline normal/nowrap spans.
        if (last->style()->whiteSpace() == PRE)
            currentCharacterIsSpace = false;
        pos = 0;

    kdDebug( 6041 ) << "end of par, width = " << width << " linewidth = " << w + tmpW << endl;
    if( w + tmpW <= width || (last && last->style()->whiteSpace() == NOWRAP)) {
        lBreak.obj = 0;
        lBreak.pos = 0;


    if( lBreak == start && !lBreak.obj->isBR() ) {
        // we just add as much as possible
        if ( m_pre ) {
            if(pos != 0) {
                lBreak.obj = o;
                lBreak.pos = pos - 1;
            } else {
                lBreak.obj = last;
                lBreak.pos = last->isText() ? last->length() : 0;
        } else if( lBreak.obj ) {
            if( last != o ) {
                // better to break between object boundaries than in the middle of a word
                lBreak.obj = o;
                lBreak.pos = 0;
            } else {
                // Don't ever break in the middle of a word if we can help it.
                // There's no room at all. We just have to be on this line,
                // even though we'll spill out.
                lBreak.obj = o;
                lBreak.pos = pos;

    // make sure we consume at least one char/object.
    if( lBreak == start )
    kdDebug(6041) << "regular break sol: " << start.obj << " " << start.pos << "   end: " << lBreak.obj << " " << lBreak.pos << "   width=" << w << endl;

    // Sanity check our midpoints.
    if (trailingSpaceObject) {
        // This object is either going to be part of the last midpoint, or it is going
        // to be the actual endpoint.  In both cases we just decrease our pos by 1 level to
        // exclude the space, allowing it to - in effect - collapse into the newline.
        if (sNumMidpoints%2==1) {
            BidiIterator* midpoints = smidpoints->data();
        //else if (lBreak.pos > 0)
        //    lBreak.pos--;
        else if (lBreak.obj == 0 && trailingSpaceObject->isText()) {
            // Add a new end midpoint that stops right at the very end.
            RenderText* text = static_cast(trailingSpaceObject);
            unsigned pos = text->length() >=2 ? text->length() - 2 : UINT_MAX;
            BidiIterator endMid = { 0, trailingSpaceObject, pos };

    // We might have made lBreak an iterator that points past the end
    // of the object. Do this adjustment to make it point to the start
    // of the next object instead to avoid confusing the rest of the
    // code.
    if (lBreak.pos > 0) {

    return lBreak;

// For --enable-final
