/** * This file is part of the CSS implementation for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org) * Copyright (C) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include "css/cssstyleselector.h" #include "rendering/render_style.h" #include "css/css_stylesheetimpl.h" #include "css/css_ruleimpl.h" #include "css/css_valueimpl.h" #include "css/csshelper.h" #include "rendering/render_object.h" #include "html/html_documentimpl.h" #include "html/html_elementimpl.h" #include "xml/dom_elementimpl.h" #include "dom/css_rule.h" #include "dom/css_value.h" #include "khtml_factory.h" #include "khtmlpart_p.h" using namespace khtml; using namespace DOM; #include "css/cssproperties.h" #include "css/cssvalues.h" #include "misc/khtmllayout.h" #include "khtml_settings.h" #include "misc/htmlhashes.h" #include "misc/helper.h" #include "misc/loader.h" #include "rendering/font.h" #include "khtmlview.h" #include "khtml_part.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace khtml { CSSStyleSelectorList *CSSStyleSelector::defaultStyle = 0; CSSStyleSelectorList *CSSStyleSelector::defaultQuirksStyle = 0; CSSStyleSelectorList *CSSStyleSelector::defaultPrintStyle = 0; CSSStyleSheetImpl *CSSStyleSelector::defaultSheet = 0; RenderStyle* CSSStyleSelector::styleNotYetAvailable = 0; CSSStyleSheetImpl *CSSStyleSelector::quirksSheet = 0; static CSSStyleSelector::Encodedurl *encodedurl = 0; enum PseudoState { PseudoUnknown, PseudoNone, PseudoLink, PseudoVisited}; static PseudoState pseudoState; CSSStyleSelector::CSSStyleSelector( DocumentImpl* doc, QString userStyleSheet, StyleSheetListImpl *styleSheets, const KURL &url, bool _strictParsing ) { init(); view = doc->view(); strictParsing = _strictParsing; settings = view ? view->part()->settings() : 0; if(!defaultStyle) loadDefaultStyle(settings); m_medium = view ? view->mediaType() : QString("all"); selectors = 0; selectorCache = 0; properties = 0; userStyle = 0; userSheet = 0; paintDeviceMetrics = doc->paintDeviceMetrics(); if (paintDeviceMetrics) // this may be null, not everyone uses khtmlview (Niko) computeFontSizes(paintDeviceMetrics); if ( !userStyleSheet.isEmpty() ) { userSheet = new DOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl(doc); userSheet->parseString( DOMString( userStyleSheet ) ); userStyle = new CSSStyleSelectorList(); userStyle->append( userSheet, m_medium ); } // add stylesheets from document authorStyle = new CSSStyleSelectorList(); QPtrListIterator it( styleSheets->styleSheets ); for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { if ( it.current()->isCSSStyleSheet() ) { authorStyle->append( static_cast( it.current() ), m_medium ); } } buildLists(); //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "number of style sheets in document " << authorStyleSheets.count() << endl; //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "CSSStyleSelector: author style has " << authorStyle->count() << " elements"<< endl; KURL u = url; u.setQuery( QString::null ); u.setRef( QString::null ); encodedurl.file = u.url(); int pos = encodedurl.file.findRev('/'); encodedurl.path = encodedurl.file; if ( pos > 0 ) { encodedurl.path.truncate( pos ); encodedurl.path += '/'; } u.setPath( QString::null ); encodedurl.host = u.url(); //kdDebug() << "CSSStyleSelector::CSSStyleSelector encoded url " << encodedurl.path << endl; } CSSStyleSelector::CSSStyleSelector( CSSStyleSheetImpl *sheet ) { init(); if(!defaultStyle) loadDefaultStyle(); m_medium = sheet->doc()->view()->mediaType(); authorStyle = new CSSStyleSelectorList(); authorStyle->append( sheet, m_medium ); } void CSSStyleSelector::init() { element = 0; settings = 0; paintDeviceMetrics = 0; propsToApply = (CSSOrderedProperty **)malloc(128*sizeof(CSSOrderedProperty *)); pseudoProps = (CSSOrderedProperty **)malloc(128*sizeof(CSSOrderedProperty *)); propsToApplySize = 128; pseudoPropsSize = 128; } CSSStyleSelector::~CSSStyleSelector() { clearLists(); delete authorStyle; delete userStyle; delete userSheet; free(propsToApply); free(pseudoProps); } void CSSStyleSelector::addSheet( CSSStyleSheetImpl *sheet ) { m_medium = sheet->doc()->view()->mediaType(); authorStyle->append( sheet, m_medium ); } void CSSStyleSelector::loadDefaultStyle(const KHTMLSettings *s) { if(defaultStyle) return; { QFile f(locate( "data", "khtml/css/html4.css" ) ); f.open(IO_ReadOnly); QCString file( f.size()+1 ); int readbytes = f.readBlock( file.data(), f.size() ); f.close(); if ( readbytes >= 0 ) file[readbytes] = '\0'; QString style = QString::fromLatin1( file.data() ); if(s) style += s->settingsToCSS(); DOMString str(style); defaultSheet = new DOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl((DOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl * ) 0); defaultSheet->parseString( str ); // Collect only strict-mode rules. defaultStyle = new CSSStyleSelectorList(); defaultStyle->append( defaultSheet, "screen" ); defaultPrintStyle = new CSSStyleSelectorList(); defaultPrintStyle->append( defaultSheet, "print" ); } { QFile f(locate( "data", "khtml/css/quirks.css" ) ); f.open(IO_ReadOnly); QCString file( f.size()+1 ); int readbytes = f.readBlock( file.data(), f.size() ); f.close(); if ( readbytes >= 0 ) file[readbytes] = '\0'; QString style = QString::fromLatin1( file.data() ); DOMString str(style); quirksSheet = new DOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl((DOM::CSSStyleSheetImpl * ) 0); quirksSheet->parseString( str ); // Collect only quirks-mode rules. defaultQuirksStyle = new CSSStyleSelectorList(); defaultQuirksStyle->append( quirksSheet, "screen" ); } //kdDebug() << "CSSStyleSelector: default style has " << defaultStyle->count() << " elements"<< endl; } void CSSStyleSelector::clear() { delete defaultStyle; delete defaultQuirksStyle; delete defaultPrintStyle; delete defaultSheet; delete styleNotYetAvailable; defaultStyle = 0; defaultQuirksStyle = 0; defaultPrintStyle = 0; defaultSheet = 0; styleNotYetAvailable = 0; } #define MAXFONTSIZES 15 void CSSStyleSelector::computeFontSizes(QPaintDeviceMetrics* paintDeviceMetrics) { #if APPLE_CHANGES // We don't want to scale the settings by the dpi. const float toPix = 1; #else // ### get rid of float / double float toPix = paintDeviceMetrics->logicalDpiY()/72.; if (toPix < 96./72.) toPix = 96./72.; #endif m_fontSizes.clear(); const float factor = 1.2; float scale = 1.0 / (factor*factor*factor); float mediumFontSize; float minFontSize; if (!khtml::printpainter) { mediumFontSize = settings->mediumFontSize() * toPix; minFontSize = toPix; m_fixedScaleFactor = (settings->mediumFixedFontSize() * toPix) / mediumFontSize; } else { // ## depending on something / configurable ? mediumFontSize = 12; minFontSize = 1; m_fixedScaleFactor = 1.0; } for ( int i = 0; i < MAXFONTSIZES; i++ ) { m_fontSizes << int(KMAX( mediumFontSize * scale + 0.5f, minFontSize)); scale *= factor; } } #undef MAXFONTSIZES static inline void bubbleSort( CSSOrderedProperty **b, CSSOrderedProperty **e ) { while( b < e ) { bool swapped = FALSE; CSSOrderedProperty **y = e+1; CSSOrderedProperty **x = e; CSSOrderedProperty **swappedPos = 0; do { if ( !((**(--x)) < (**(--y))) ) { swapped = TRUE; swappedPos = x; CSSOrderedProperty *tmp = *y; *y = *x; *x = tmp; } } while( x != b ); if ( !swapped ) break; b = swappedPos + 1; } } RenderStyle *CSSStyleSelector::styleForElement(ElementImpl *e) { if (!e->getDocument()->haveStylesheetsLoaded()) { if (!styleNotYetAvailable) { styleNotYetAvailable = new RenderStyle(); styleNotYetAvailable->setDisplay(NONE); styleNotYetAvailable->ref(); } return styleNotYetAvailable; } // set some variables we will need ::encodedurl = &encodedurl; pseudoState = PseudoUnknown; element = e; parentNode = e->parentNode(); parentStyle = ( parentNode && parentNode->renderer()) ? parentNode->renderer()->style() : 0; view = element->getDocument()->view(); isXMLDoc = !element->getDocument()->isHTMLDocument(); part = view->part(); settings = part->settings(); paintDeviceMetrics = element->getDocument()->paintDeviceMetrics(); style = new RenderStyle(); if( parentStyle ) style->inheritFrom( parentStyle ); else parentStyle = style; unsigned int numPropsToApply = 0; unsigned int numPseudoProps = 0; // try to sort out most style rules as early as possible. // ### implement CSS3 namespace support int cssTagId = (e->id() & NodeImpl::IdLocalMask); int smatch = 0; int schecked = 0; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < selectors_size; i++ ) { int tag = selectors[i]->tag; if ( cssTagId == tag || tag == -1 ) { ++schecked; checkSelector( i, e ); if ( selectorCache[i].state == Applies ) { ++smatch; //qDebug("adding property" ); for ( unsigned int p = 0; p < selectorCache[i].props_size; p += 2 ) for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int )selectorCache[i].props[p+1]; ++j ) { if (numPropsToApply >= propsToApplySize ) { propsToApplySize *= 2; propsToApply = (CSSOrderedProperty **)realloc( propsToApply, propsToApplySize*sizeof( CSSOrderedProperty * ) ); } propsToApply[numPropsToApply++] = properties[selectorCache[i].props[p]+j]; } } else if ( selectorCache[i].state == AppliesPseudo ) { for ( unsigned int p = 0; p < selectorCache[i].props_size; p += 2 ) for ( unsigned int j = 0; j < (unsigned int) selectorCache[i].props[p+1]; ++j ) { if (numPseudoProps >= pseudoPropsSize ) { pseudoPropsSize *= 2; pseudoProps = (CSSOrderedProperty **)realloc( pseudoProps, pseudoPropsSize*sizeof( CSSOrderedProperty * ) ); } pseudoProps[numPseudoProps++] = properties[selectorCache[i].props[p]+j]; properties[selectorCache[i].props[p]+j]->pseudoId = (RenderStyle::PseudoId) selectors[i]->pseudoId; } } } else selectorCache[i].state = Invalid; } //qDebug( "styleForElement( %s )", e->tagName().string().latin1() ); //qDebug( "%d selectors, %d checked, %d match, %d properties ( of %d )", //selectors_size, schecked, smatch, propsToApply->count(), properties_size ); // inline style declarations, after all others. non css hints // count as author rules, and come before all other style sheets, see hack in append() numPropsToApply = addInlineDeclarations( e, e->m_styleDecls, numPropsToApply ); bubbleSort( propsToApply, propsToApply+numPropsToApply-1 ); bubbleSort( pseudoProps, pseudoProps+numPseudoProps-1 ); //qDebug("applying properties, count=%d", propsToApply->count() ); // we can't apply style rules without a view() and a part. This // tends to happen on delayed destruction of widget Renderobjects if ( part ) { fontDirty = false; if (numPropsToApply ) { CSSStyleSelector::style = style; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPropsToApply; ++i) { if ( fontDirty && propsToApply[i]->priority >= (1 << 30) ) { // we are past the font properties, time to update to the // correct font checkForGenericFamilyChange(style, parentStyle); CSSStyleSelector::style->htmlFont().update( paintDeviceMetrics ); fontDirty = false; } DOM::CSSProperty *prop = propsToApply[i]->prop; applyRule( prop->m_id, prop->value() ); } if ( fontDirty ) { checkForGenericFamilyChange(style, parentStyle); CSSStyleSelector::style->htmlFont().update( paintDeviceMetrics ); } } // Clean up our style object's display and text decorations (among other fixups). adjustRenderStyle(style, e); if ( numPseudoProps ) { fontDirty = false; //qDebug("%d applying %d pseudo props", e->cssTagId(), pseudoProps->count() ); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numPseudoProps; ++i) { if ( fontDirty && pseudoProps[i]->priority >= (1 << 30) ) { // we are past the font properties, time to update to the // correct font //We have to do this for all pseudo styles RenderStyle *pseudoStyle = style->pseudoStyle; while ( pseudoStyle ) { checkForGenericFamilyChange(pseudoStyle, style); pseudoStyle->htmlFont().update( paintDeviceMetrics ); pseudoStyle = pseudoStyle->pseudoStyle; } fontDirty = false; } RenderStyle *pseudoStyle; pseudoStyle = style->getPseudoStyle(pseudoProps[i]->pseudoId); if (!pseudoStyle) { pseudoStyle = style->addPseudoStyle(pseudoProps[i]->pseudoId); if (pseudoStyle) pseudoStyle->inheritFrom( style ); } RenderStyle* oldStyle = style; RenderStyle* oldParentStyle = parentStyle; parentStyle = style; style = pseudoStyle; if ( pseudoStyle ) { DOM::CSSProperty *prop = pseudoProps[i]->prop; applyRule( prop->m_id, prop->value() ); } style = oldStyle; parentStyle = oldParentStyle; } if ( fontDirty ) { RenderStyle *pseudoStyle = style->pseudoStyle; while ( pseudoStyle ) { checkForGenericFamilyChange(pseudoStyle, style); pseudoStyle->htmlFont().update( paintDeviceMetrics ); pseudoStyle = pseudoStyle->pseudoStyle; } } } } // Now adjust all our pseudo-styles. RenderStyle *pseudoStyle = style->pseudoStyle; while (pseudoStyle) { adjustRenderStyle(pseudoStyle, 0); pseudoStyle = pseudoStyle->pseudoStyle; } // Now return the style. return style; } void CSSStyleSelector::adjustRenderStyle(RenderStyle* style, DOM::ElementImpl *e) { // Cache our original display. style->setOriginalDisplay(style->display()); if (style->display() != NONE && e) { // If we have a that specifies a float property, in quirks mode we just drop the float // property. // Sites also commonly use display:inline/block on s and s. In quirks mode we force // these tags to retain their display types. if (!strictParsing) { if (e->id() == ID_TD) { style->setDisplay(TABLE_CELL); style->setFloating(FNONE); } else if (e->id() == ID_TABLE) style->setDisplay(style->isDisplayInlineType() ? INLINE_TABLE : TABLE); } // Mutate the display to BLOCK or TABLE for certain cases, e.g., if someone attempts to // position or float an inline, compact, or run-in. Cache the original display, since it // may be needed for positioned elements that have to compute their static normal flow // positions. We also force inline-level roots to be block-level. // FIXME: For now we do not mutate pseudo styles. This is because we do not yet support the // ability to position and float generated content. This is per the CSS 2 spec, but it's changing // in CSS2.1. For now, we will just support CSS2. if (style->display() != BLOCK && style->display() != TABLE && style->display() != BOX && (style->position() == ABSOLUTE || style->position() == FIXED || style->floating() != FNONE || e->getDocument()->documentElement() == e)) { if (style->display() == INLINE_TABLE) style->setDisplay(TABLE); else if (style->display() == INLINE_BOX) style->setDisplay(BOX); else if (style->display() == LIST_ITEM) { // It is a WinIE bug that floated list items lose their bullets, so we'll emulate the quirk, // but only in quirks mode. if (!strictParsing && style->floating() != FNONE) style->setDisplay(BLOCK); } else style->setDisplay(BLOCK); } } // Finally update our text decorations in effect, but don't allow text-decoration to percolate through // tables, inline blocks, inline tables, or run-ins. if (style->display() == TABLE || style->display() == INLINE_TABLE || style->display() == RUN_IN || style->display() == INLINE_BLOCK || style->display() == INLINE_BOX) style->setTextDecorationsInEffect(style->textDecoration()); else style->addToTextDecorationsInEffect(style->textDecoration()); } unsigned int CSSStyleSelector::addInlineDeclarations(DOM::ElementImpl* e, DOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *decl, unsigned int numProps) { CSSStyleDeclarationImpl* addDecls = 0; if (e->id() == ID_TD || e->id() == ID_TH) // For now only TableCellElement implements the addDecls = e->getAdditionalStyleDecls(); // virtual function for shared cell rules. if (!decl && !addDecls) return numProps; QPtrList* values = decl ? decl->values() : 0; QPtrList* addValues = addDecls ? addDecls->values() : 0; if (!values && !addValues) return numProps; int firstLen = values ? values->count() : 0; int secondLen = addValues ? addValues->count() : 0; int totalLen = firstLen + secondLen; if (inlineProps.size() < (uint)totalLen) inlineProps.resize(totalLen + 1); if (numProps + totalLen >= propsToApplySize ) { propsToApplySize += propsToApplySize; propsToApply = (CSSOrderedProperty **)realloc( propsToApply, propsToApplySize*sizeof( CSSOrderedProperty * ) ); } CSSOrderedProperty *array = (CSSOrderedProperty *)inlineProps.data(); for(int i = 0; i < totalLen; i++) { if (i == firstLen) values = addValues; CSSProperty *prop = values->at(i >= firstLen ? i - firstLen : i); Source source = Inline; if( prop->m_bImportant ) source = InlineImportant; if( prop->nonCSSHint ) source = NonCSSHint; bool first; // give special priority to font-xxx, color properties switch(prop->m_id) { case CSS_PROP_FONT_STYLE: case CSS_PROP_FONT_SIZE: case CSS_PROP_FONT_WEIGHT: case CSS_PROP_FONT_FAMILY: case CSS_PROP_FONT: case CSS_PROP_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE: case CSS_PROP_DISPLAY: // these have to be applied first, because other properties use the computed // values of these porperties. first = true; break; default: first = false; break; } array->prop = prop; array->pseudoId = RenderStyle::NOPSEUDO; array->selector = 0; array->position = i; array->priority = (!first << 30) | (source << 24); propsToApply[numProps++] = array++; } return numProps; } static bool subject; // modified version of the one in kurl.cpp static void cleanpath(QString &path) { int pos; while ( (pos = path.find( "/../" )) != -1 ) { int prev = 0; if ( pos > 0 ) prev = path.findRev( "/", pos -1 ); // don't remove the host, i.e. http://foo.org/../foo.html if (prev < 0 || (prev > 3 && path.findRev("://", prev-1) == prev-2)) path.remove( pos, 3); else // matching directory found ? path.remove( prev, pos- prev + 3 ); } pos = 0; // Don't remove "//" from an anchor identifier. -rjw // Set refPos to -2 to mean "I haven't looked for the anchor yet". // We don't want to waste a function call on the search for the the anchor // in the vast majority of cases where there is no "//" in the path. int refPos = -2; while ( (pos = path.find( "//", pos )) != -1) { if (refPos == -2) refPos = path.find("#", 0); if (refPos > 0 && pos >= refPos) break; if ( pos == 0 || path[pos-1] != ':' ) path.remove( pos, 1 ); else pos += 2; } while ( (pos = path.find( "/./" )) != -1) path.remove( pos, 2 ); //kdDebug() << "checkPseudoState " << path << endl; } static void checkPseudoState( DOM::ElementImpl *e ) { if( e->id() != ID_A ) { pseudoState = PseudoNone; return; } DOMString attr = e->getAttribute(ATTR_HREF); if( attr.isNull() ) { pseudoState = PseudoNone; return; } QConstString cu(attr.unicode(), attr.length()); QString u = cu.string(); if ( !u.contains("://") ) { if ( u[0] == '/' ) u = encodedurl->host + u; else if ( u[0] == '#' ) u = encodedurl->file + u; else u = encodedurl->path + u; cleanpath( u ); } //completeURL( attr.string() ); pseudoState = KHTMLFactory::vLinks()->contains( u ) ? PseudoVisited : PseudoLink; } void CSSStyleSelector::checkSelector(int selIndex, DOM::ElementImpl *e) { dynamicPseudo = RenderStyle::NOPSEUDO; NodeImpl *n = e; selectorCache[ selIndex ].state = Invalid; CSSSelector *sel = selectors[ selIndex ]; // we have the subject part of the selector subject = true; // We track whether or not the rule contains only :hover and :active in a simple selector. If // so, we can't allow that to apply to every element on the page. We assume the author intended // to apply the rules only to links. bool onlyHoverActive = (sel->tag == -1 && (sel->match == CSSSelector::Pseudo && (sel->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoHover || sel->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoActive))); bool affectedByHover = style->affectedByHoverRules(); bool affectedByActive = style->affectedByActiveRules(); // first selector has to match if(!checkOneSelector(sel, e)) return; // check the subselectors CSSSelector::Relation relation = sel->relation; while((sel = sel->tagHistory)) { if (!n->isElementNode()) return; switch(relation) { case CSSSelector::Descendant: { bool found = false; while(!found) { subject = false; n = n->parentNode(); if(!n || !n->isElementNode()) return; ElementImpl *elem = static_cast(n); if(checkOneSelector(sel, elem)) found = true; } break; } case CSSSelector::Child: { subject = false; n = n->parentNode(); if (!strictParsing) while (n && n->implicitNode()) n = n->parentNode(); if(!n || !n->isElementNode()) return; ElementImpl *elem = static_cast(n); if(!checkOneSelector(sel, elem)) return; break; } case CSSSelector::Sibling: { subject = false; n = n->previousSibling(); while( n && !n->isElementNode() ) n = n->previousSibling(); if( !n ) return; ElementImpl *elem = static_cast(n); if(!checkOneSelector(sel, elem)) return; break; } case CSSSelector::SubSelector: { if (onlyHoverActive) onlyHoverActive = (sel->match == CSSSelector::Pseudo && (sel->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoHover || sel->pseudoType() == CSSSelector::PseudoActive)); //kdDebug() << "CSSOrderedRule::checkSelector" << endl; ElementImpl *elem = static_cast(n); // a selector is invalid if something follows :first-xxx if ( dynamicPseudo != RenderStyle::NOPSEUDO ) { return; } if(!checkOneSelector(sel, elem)) return; //kdDebug() << "CSSOrderedRule::checkSelector: passed" << endl; break; } } relation = sel->relation; } // disallow *:hover, *:active, and *:hover:active except for links if (onlyHoverActive && subject) { if (pseudoState == PseudoUnknown) checkPseudoState( e ); if (pseudoState == PseudoNone) { if (!affectedByHover && style->affectedByHoverRules()) style->setAffectedByHoverRules(false); if (!affectedByActive && style->affectedByActiveRules()) style->setAffectedByActiveRules(false); return; } } if ( dynamicPseudo != RenderStyle::NOPSEUDO ) { selectorCache[selIndex].state = AppliesPseudo; selectors[ selIndex ]->pseudoId = dynamicPseudo; } else selectorCache[ selIndex ].state = Applies; //qDebug( "selector %d applies", selIndex ); //selectors[ selIndex ]->print(); return; } bool CSSStyleSelector::checkOneSelector(DOM::CSSSelector *sel, DOM::ElementImpl *e) { if(!e) return false; if((e->id() & NodeImpl::IdLocalMask) != uint(sel->tag) && sel->tag != -1) return false; if(sel->attr) { DOMString value = e->getAttribute(sel->attr); if(value.isNull()) return false; // attribute is not set switch(sel->match) { case CSSSelector::Exact: case CSSSelector::Id: if( (isXMLDoc && strcmp(sel->value, value) ) || (!isXMLDoc && strcasecmp(sel->value, value))) return false; break; case CSSSelector::Set: break; case CSSSelector::List: { int spacePos = value.find(' ', 0); if (spacePos == -1) { // There is no list, just a single item. We can avoid // allocing QStrings and just treat this as an exact // match check. if( (isXMLDoc && strcmp(sel->value, value) ) || (!isXMLDoc && strcasecmp(sel->value, value))) return false; break; } // The selector's value can't contain a space, or it's totally bogus. spacePos = sel->value.find(' '); if (spacePos != -1) return false; QString str = value.string(); QString selStr = sel->value.string(); int pos = str.find(selStr, 0, isXMLDoc); if(pos == -1) return false; if(pos && str[pos-1] != ' ') return false; pos += selStr.length(); if(pos < (int)str.length() && str[pos] != ' ') return false; break; } case CSSSelector::Contain: { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "checking for contains match" << endl; QString str = value.string(); QString selStr = sel->value.string(); int pos = str.find(selStr, 0, isXMLDoc); if(pos == -1) return false; break; } case CSSSelector::Begin: { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "checking for beginswith match" << endl; QString str = value.string(); QString selStr = sel->value.string(); int pos = str.find(selStr, 0, isXMLDoc); if(pos != 0) return false; break; } case CSSSelector::End: { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "checking for endswith match" << endl; QString str = value.string(); QString selStr = sel->value.string(); if (isXMLDoc && !str.endsWith(selStr)) return false; if (!isXMLDoc) { int pos = str.length() - selStr.length(); if (pos < 0 || pos != str.find(selStr, pos, false) ) return false; } break; } case CSSSelector::Hyphen: { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "checking for hyphen match" << endl; QString str = value.string(); QString selStr = sel->value.string(); if(str.length() < selStr.length()) return false; // Check if str begins with selStr: if(str.find(selStr, 0, isXMLDoc) != 0) return false; // It does. Check for exact match or following '-': if(str.length() != selStr.length() && str[selStr.length()] != '-') return false; break; } case CSSSelector::Pseudo: case CSSSelector::None: break; } } if(sel->match == CSSSelector::Pseudo) { // Pseudo elements. We need to check first child here. No dynamic pseudo // elements for the moment // kdDebug() << "CSSOrderedRule::pseudo " << value << endl; switch (sel->pseudoType()) { case CSSSelector::PseudoEmpty: if (!e->firstChild()) return true; break; case CSSSelector::PseudoFirstChild: { // first-child matches the first child that is an element! if (e->parentNode()) { DOM::NodeImpl* n = e->previousSibling(); while ( n && !n->isElementNode() ) n = n->previousSibling(); if ( !n ) return true; } break; } case CSSSelector::PseudoLastChild: { // last-child matches the last child that is an element! if (e->parentNode()) { DOM::NodeImpl* n = e->nextSibling(); while ( n && !n->isElementNode() ) n = n->nextSibling(); if ( !n ) return true; } break; } case CSSSelector::PseudoOnlyChild: { // If both first-child and last-child apply, then only-child applies. if (e->parentNode()) { DOM::NodeImpl* n = e->previousSibling(); while ( n && !n->isElementNode() ) n = n->previousSibling(); if ( !n ) { n = e->nextSibling(); while ( n && !n->isElementNode() ) n = n->nextSibling(); if ( !n ) return true; } } break; } case CSSSelector::PseudoFirstLine: if ( subject ) { dynamicPseudo=RenderStyle::FIRST_LINE; return true; } break; case CSSSelector::PseudoFirstLetter: if ( subject ) { dynamicPseudo=RenderStyle::FIRST_LETTER; return true; } break; case CSSSelector::PseudoTarget: if (e == e->getDocument()->getCSSTarget()) return true; break; case CSSSelector::PseudoLink: if ( pseudoState == PseudoUnknown ) checkPseudoState( e ); if ( pseudoState == PseudoLink ) return true; break; case CSSSelector::PseudoVisited: if ( pseudoState == PseudoUnknown ) checkPseudoState( e ); if ( pseudoState == PseudoVisited ) return true; break; case CSSSelector::PseudoHover: { // If we're in quirks mode, then hover should never match anchors with no // href. This is important for sites like wsj.com. if (strictParsing || e->id() != ID_A || e->hasAnchor()) { if (element == e) style->setAffectedByHoverRules(true); if (e->renderer()) { if (element != e) e->renderer()->style()->setAffectedByHoverRules(true); if (e->renderer()->mouseInside()) return true; } } break; } case CSSSelector::PseudoFocus: if (e && e->focused()) { return true; } break; case CSSSelector::PseudoActive: // If we're in quirks mode, then :active should never match anchors with no // href. if (strictParsing || e->id() != ID_A || e->hasAnchor()) { if (element == e) style->setAffectedByActiveRules(true); else if (e->renderer()) e->renderer()->style()->setAffectedByActiveRules(true); if (e->active()) return true; } break; case CSSSelector::PseudoRoot: if (e == e->getDocument()->documentElement()) return true; break; case CSSSelector::PseudoNot: { // check the simple selector for (CSSSelector* subSel = sel->simpleSelector; subSel; subSel = subSel->tagHistory) { // :not cannot nest. I don't really know why this is a restriction in CSS3, // but it is, so let's honor it. if (subSel->simpleSelector) break; if (!checkOneSelector(subSel, e)) return true; } break; } case CSSSelector::PseudoSelection: dynamicPseudo = RenderStyle::SELECTION; return true; case CSSSelector::PseudoBefore: dynamicPseudo = RenderStyle::BEFORE; return true; case CSSSelector::PseudoAfter: dynamicPseudo = RenderStyle::AFTER; return true; case CSSSelector::PseudoNotParsed: assert(false); break; case CSSSelector::PseudoLang: /* not supported for now */ case CSSSelector::PseudoOther: break; } return false; } // ### add the rest of the checks... return true; } void CSSStyleSelector::clearLists() { if ( selectors ) delete [] selectors; if ( selectorCache ) { for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < selectors_size; i++ ) if ( selectorCache[i].props ) delete [] selectorCache[i].props; delete [] selectorCache; } if ( properties ) { CSSOrderedProperty **prop = properties; while ( *prop ) { delete (*prop); prop++; } delete [] properties; } selectors = 0; properties = 0; selectorCache = 0; } void CSSStyleSelector::buildLists() { clearLists(); // collect all selectors and Properties in lists. Then transer them to the array for faster lookup. QPtrList selectorList; CSSOrderedPropertyList propertyList; if(m_medium == "print" && defaultPrintStyle) defaultPrintStyle->collect( &selectorList, &propertyList, Default, Default ); else if(defaultStyle) defaultStyle->collect( &selectorList, &propertyList, Default, Default ); if (!strictParsing && defaultQuirksStyle) defaultQuirksStyle->collect( &selectorList, &propertyList, Default, Default ); if(userStyle) userStyle->collect(&selectorList, &propertyList, User, UserImportant ); if(authorStyle) authorStyle->collect(&selectorList, &propertyList, Author, AuthorImportant ); selectors_size = selectorList.count(); selectors = new CSSSelector *[selectors_size]; CSSSelector *s = selectorList.first(); CSSSelector **sel = selectors; while ( s ) { *sel = s; s = selectorList.next(); ++sel; } selectorCache = new SelectorCache[selectors_size]; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < selectors_size; i++ ) { selectorCache[i].state = Unknown; selectorCache[i].props_size = 0; selectorCache[i].props = 0; } // presort properties. Should make the sort() calls in styleForElement faster. propertyList.sort(); properties_size = propertyList.count() + 1; properties = new CSSOrderedProperty *[ properties_size ]; CSSOrderedProperty *p = propertyList.first(); CSSOrderedProperty **prop = properties; while ( p ) { *prop = p; p = propertyList.next(); ++prop; } *prop = 0; unsigned int* offsets = new unsigned int[selectors_size]; if(properties[0]) offsets[properties[0]->selector] = 0; for(unsigned int p = 1; p < properties_size; ++p) { if(!properties[p] || (properties[p]->selector != properties[p - 1]->selector)) { unsigned int sel = properties[p - 1]->selector; int* newprops = new int[selectorCache[sel].props_size+2]; for ( unsigned int i=0; i < selectorCache[sel].props_size; i++ ) newprops[i] = selectorCache[sel].props[i]; newprops[selectorCache[sel].props_size] = offsets[sel]; newprops[selectorCache[sel].props_size+1] = p - offsets[sel]; delete [] selectorCache[sel].props; selectorCache[sel].props = newprops; selectorCache[sel].props_size += 2; if(properties[p]) { sel = properties[p]->selector; offsets[sel] = p; } } } delete [] offsets; #if 0 // and now the same for the selector map for ( unsigned int sel = 0; sel < selectors_size; ++sel ) { kdDebug( 6080 ) << "trying for sel: " << sel << endl; int len = 0; int offset = 0; bool matches = false; for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < selectors_size; i++ ) { int tag = selectors[i]->tag; if ( sel != tag && tag != -1 ) selectorCache[i].state = Invalid; else selectorCache[i].state = Unknown; if ( matches != ( selectorCache[i].state == Unknown ) ) { if ( matches ) { kdDebug( 6080 ) << "new: offs: " << offset << " len: " << len << endl; matches = false; } else { matches = true; // offset = p-selectors; len = 0; } } ++len; } } #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CSSOrderedRule::CSSOrderedRule(DOM::CSSStyleRuleImpl *r, DOM::CSSSelector *s, int _index) { rule = r; if(rule) r->ref(); index = _index; selector = s; } CSSOrderedRule::~CSSOrderedRule() { if(rule) rule->deref(); } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- CSSStyleSelectorList::CSSStyleSelectorList() : QPtrList() { setAutoDelete(true); } CSSStyleSelectorList::~CSSStyleSelectorList() { } void CSSStyleSelectorList::append( CSSStyleSheetImpl *sheet, const DOMString &medium ) { if(!sheet || !sheet->isCSSStyleSheet()) return; // No media implies "all", but if a medialist exists it must // contain our current medium if( sheet->media() && !sheet->media()->contains( medium ) ) return; // style sheet not applicable for this medium int len = sheet->length(); for(int i = 0; i< len; i++) { StyleBaseImpl *item = sheet->item(i); if(item->isStyleRule()) { CSSStyleRuleImpl *r = static_cast(item); QPtrList *s = r->selector(); for(int j = 0; j < (int)s->count(); j++) { CSSOrderedRule *rule = new CSSOrderedRule(r, s->at(j), count()); QPtrList::append(rule); //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "appending StyleRule!" << endl; } } else if(item->isImportRule()) { CSSImportRuleImpl *import = static_cast(item); //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "@import: Media: " // << import->media()->mediaText().string() << endl; if( !import->media() || import->media()->contains( medium ) ) { CSSStyleSheetImpl *importedSheet = import->styleSheet(); append( importedSheet, medium ); } } else if( item->isMediaRule() ) { CSSMediaRuleImpl *r = static_cast( item ); CSSRuleListImpl *rules = r->cssRules(); //DOMString mediaText = media->mediaText(); //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "@media: Media: " // << r->media()->mediaText().string() << endl; if( ( !r->media() || r->media()->contains( medium ) ) && rules) { // Traverse child elements of the @import rule. Since // many elements are not allowed as child we do not use // a recursive call to append() here for( unsigned j = 0; j < rules->length(); j++ ) { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "*** Rule #" << j << endl; CSSRuleImpl *childItem = rules->item( j ); if( childItem->isStyleRule() ) { // It is a StyleRule, so append it to our list CSSStyleRuleImpl *styleRule = static_cast( childItem ); QPtrList *s = styleRule->selector(); for( int j = 0; j < ( int ) s->count(); j++ ) { CSSOrderedRule *orderedRule = new CSSOrderedRule( styleRule, s->at( j ), count() ); QPtrList::append( orderedRule ); } } else { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "Ignoring child rule of " // "ImportRule: rule is not a StyleRule!" << endl; } } // for rules } // if rules else { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "CSSMediaRule not rendered: " // << "rule empty or wrong medium!" << endl; } } // ### include other rules } } void CSSStyleSelectorList::collect( QPtrList *selectorList, CSSOrderedPropertyList *propList, Source regular, Source important ) { CSSOrderedRule *r = first(); while( r ) { CSSSelector *sel = selectorList->first(); int selectorNum = 0; while( sel ) { if ( *sel == *(r->selector) ) break; sel = selectorList->next(); selectorNum++; } if ( !sel ) selectorList->append( r->selector ); // else // qDebug("merged one selector"); propList->append(r->rule->declaration(), selectorNum, r->selector->specificity(), regular, important ); r = next(); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CSSOrderedPropertyList::compareItems(QPtrCollection::Item i1, QPtrCollection::Item i2) { int diff = static_cast(i1)->priority - static_cast(i2)->priority; return diff ? diff : static_cast(i1)->position - static_cast(i2)->position; } void CSSOrderedPropertyList::append(DOM::CSSStyleDeclarationImpl *decl, uint selector, uint specificity, Source regular, Source important ) { QPtrList *values = decl->values(); if(!values) return; int len = values->count(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { CSSProperty *prop = values->at(i); Source source = regular; if( prop->m_bImportant ) source = important; if( prop->nonCSSHint ) source = NonCSSHint; bool first = false; // give special priority to font-xxx, color properties switch(prop->m_id) { case CSS_PROP_FONT_STYLE: case CSS_PROP_FONT_SIZE: case CSS_PROP_FONT_WEIGHT: case CSS_PROP_FONT_FAMILY: case CSS_PROP_FONT: case CSS_PROP_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE: case CSS_PROP_DISPLAY: // these have to be applied first, because other properties use the computed // values of these porperties. first = true; break; default: break; } QPtrList::append(new CSSOrderedProperty(prop, selector, first, source, specificity, count() )); } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // this is mostly boring stuff on how to apply a certain rule to the renderstyle... static Length convertToLength( CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *primitiveValue, RenderStyle *style, QPaintDeviceMetrics *paintDeviceMetrics, CSSStyleSelector* selector, bool *ok = 0 ) { Length l; if ( !primitiveValue ) { if ( *ok ) *ok = false; } else { int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType(); if(type > CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type < CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG) l = Length(primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics), Fixed); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) l = Length(int(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)), Percent); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) l = Length(int(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)*100), Percent); else if (type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_HTML_RELATIVE) l = Length(int(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_HTML_RELATIVE)), Relative); else if ( ok ) *ok = false; } return l; } // color mapping code struct colorMap { int css_value; QRgb color; }; static const colorMap cmap[] = { { CSS_VAL_AQUA, 0xFF00FFFF }, { CSS_VAL_BLACK, 0xFF000000 }, { CSS_VAL_BLUE, 0xFF0000FF }, { CSS_VAL_FUCHSIA, 0xFFFF00FF }, { CSS_VAL_GRAY, 0xFF808080 }, { CSS_VAL_GREEN, 0xFF008000 }, { CSS_VAL_LIME, 0xFF00FF00 }, { CSS_VAL_MAROON, 0xFF800000 }, { CSS_VAL_NAVY, 0xFF000080 }, { CSS_VAL_OLIVE, 0xFF808000 }, { CSS_VAL_ORANGE, 0xFFFFA500 }, { CSS_VAL_PURPLE, 0xFF800080 }, { CSS_VAL_RED, 0xFFFF0000 }, { CSS_VAL_SILVER, 0xFFC0C0C0 }, { CSS_VAL_TEAL, 0xFF008080 }, { CSS_VAL_WHITE, 0xFFFFFFFF }, { CSS_VAL_YELLOW, 0xFFFFFF00 }, { CSS_VAL_INVERT, invertedColor }, { CSS_VAL_GREY, 0xff808080 }, { 0, 0 } }; struct uiColors { int css_value; const char * configGroup; const char * configEntry; QPalette::ColorGroup group; QColorGroup::ColorRole role; }; const char * const wmgroup = "WM"; const char * const generalgroup = "General"; /* Mapping system settings to CSS 2 * Tried hard to get an appropriate mapping - schlpbch */ static const uiColors uimap[] = { // Active window border. { CSS_VAL_ACTIVEBORDER, wmgroup, "background", QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Light }, // Active window caption. { CSS_VAL_ACTIVECAPTION, wmgroup, "background", QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Text }, // Text in caption, size box, and scrollbar arrow box. { CSS_VAL_CAPTIONTEXT, wmgroup, "activeForeground", QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Text }, // Face color for three-dimensional display elements. { CSS_VAL_BUTTONFACE, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Button }, // Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing away from the light source). { CSS_VAL_BUTTONHIGHLIGHT, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Light }, // Shadow color for three-dimensional display elements. { CSS_VAL_BUTTONSHADOW, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Shadow }, // Text on push buttons. { CSS_VAL_BUTTONTEXT, wmgroup, "buttonForeground", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::ButtonText }, // Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements. { CSS_VAL_THREEDDARKSHADOW, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Dark }, // Face color for three-dimensional display elements. { CSS_VAL_THREEDFACE, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Button }, // Highlight color for three-dimensional display elements. { CSS_VAL_THREEDHIGHLIGHT, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Light }, // Light color for three-dimensional display elements (for edges facing the light source). { CSS_VAL_THREEDLIGHTSHADOW, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Midlight }, // Dark shadow for three-dimensional display elements. { CSS_VAL_THREEDSHADOW, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Shadow }, // Inactive window border. { CSS_VAL_INACTIVEBORDER, wmgroup, "background", QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Background }, // Inactive window caption. { CSS_VAL_INACTIVECAPTION, wmgroup, "inactiveBackground", QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Background }, // Color of text in an inactive caption. { CSS_VAL_INACTIVECAPTIONTEXT, wmgroup, "inactiveForeground", QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text }, { CSS_VAL_GRAYTEXT, wmgroup, 0, QPalette::Disabled, QColorGroup::Text }, // Menu background { CSS_VAL_MENU, generalgroup, "background", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // Text in menus { CSS_VAL_MENUTEXT, generalgroup, "foreground", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // Text of item(s) selected in a control. { CSS_VAL_HIGHLIGHT, generalgroup, "selectBackground", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // Text of item(s) selected in a control. { CSS_VAL_HIGHLIGHTTEXT, generalgroup, "selectForeground", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // Background color of multiple document interface. { CSS_VAL_APPWORKSPACE, generalgroup, "background", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Text }, // Scroll bar gray area. { CSS_VAL_SCROLLBAR, generalgroup, "background", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // Window background. { CSS_VAL_WINDOW, generalgroup, "windowBackground", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // Window frame. { CSS_VAL_WINDOWFRAME, generalgroup, "windowBackground", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background }, // WindowText { CSS_VAL_WINDOWTEXT, generalgroup, "windowForeground", QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Text }, { CSS_VAL_TEXT, generalgroup, 0, QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Text }, { 0, 0, 0, QPalette::NColorGroups, QColorGroup::NColorRoles } }; static QColor colorForCSSValue( int css_value ) { // try the regular ones first const colorMap *col = cmap; while ( col->css_value && col->css_value != css_value ) ++col; if ( col->css_value ) return col->color; const uiColors *uicol = uimap; while ( uicol->css_value && uicol->css_value != css_value ) ++uicol; #if !APPLE_CHANGES if ( !uicol->css_value ) { if ( css_value == CSS_VAL_INFOBACKGROUND ) return QToolTip::palette().inactive().background(); else if ( css_value == CSS_VAL_INFOTEXT ) return QToolTip::palette().inactive().foreground(); else if ( css_value == CSS_VAL_BACKGROUND ) { KConfig bckgrConfig("kdesktoprc", true, false); // No multi-screen support bckgrConfig.setGroup("Desktop0"); // Desktop background. return bckgrConfig.readColorEntry("Color1", &qApp->palette().disabled().background()); } return khtml::invalidColor; } #endif const QPalette &pal = qApp->palette(); QColor c = pal.color( uicol->group, uicol->role ); #if !APPLE_CHANGES if ( uicol->configEntry ) { KConfig *globalConfig = KGlobal::config(); globalConfig->setGroup( uicol->configGroup ); c = globalConfig->readColorEntry( uicol->configEntry, &c ); } #endif return c; }; void CSSStyleSelector::applyRule( int id, DOM::CSSValueImpl *value ) { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "applying property " << prop->m_id << endl; CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *primitiveValue = 0; if(value->isPrimitiveValue()) primitiveValue = static_cast(value); Length l; bool apply = false; // here follows a long list, defining how to aplly certain properties to the style object. // rather boring stuff... switch(id) { // ident only properties case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_ATTACHMENT: if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if( !parentNode ) return; style->setBackgroundAttachment(parentStyle->backgroundAttachment()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) break; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_FIXED: { style->setBackgroundAttachment(false); // only use slow repaints if we actually have a background pixmap if( style->backgroundImage() ) view->useSlowRepaints(); break; } case CSS_VAL_SCROLL: style->setBackgroundAttachment(true); break; default: return; } case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_REPEAT: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBackgroundRepeat(parentStyle->backgroundRepeat()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_REPEAT: style->setBackgroundRepeat( REPEAT ); break; case CSS_VAL_REPEAT_X: style->setBackgroundRepeat( REPEAT_X ); break; case CSS_VAL_REPEAT_Y: style->setBackgroundRepeat( REPEAT_Y ); break; case CSS_VAL_NO_REPEAT: style->setBackgroundRepeat( NO_REPEAT ); break; default: return; } } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_COLLAPSE: if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBorderCollapse(parentStyle->borderCollapse()); break; } if(!primitiveValue) break; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_COLLAPSE: style->setBorderCollapse(true); break; case CSS_VAL_SCROLL: style->setBorderCollapse(false); break; default: return; } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE: case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_STYLE: { EBorderStyle s; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE: s = parentStyle->borderTopStyle(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE: s = parentStyle->borderRightStyle(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE: s = parentStyle->borderBottomStyle(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE: s = parentStyle->borderLeftStyle(); break; case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_STYLE: s = parentStyle->outlineStyle(); break; default: return; } } else { if(!primitiveValue) return; s = (EBorderStyle) (primitiveValue->getIdent() - CSS_VAL_NONE); } switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_STYLE: style->setBorderTopStyle(s); return; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_STYLE: style->setBorderRightStyle(s); return; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_STYLE: style->setBorderBottomStyle(s); return; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_STYLE: style->setBorderLeftStyle(s); return; case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_STYLE: style->setOutlineStyle(s); return; default: return; } return; } case CSS_PROP_CAPTION_SIDE: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setCaptionSide(parentStyle->captionSide()); break; } if(!primitiveValue) break; ECaptionSide c = CAPTOP; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_LEFT: c = CAPLEFT; break; case CSS_VAL_RIGHT: c = CAPRIGHT; break; case CSS_VAL_TOP: c = CAPTOP; break; case CSS_VAL_BOTTOM: c = CAPBOTTOM; break; default: return; } style->setCaptionSide(c); return; } case CSS_PROP_CLEAR: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setClear(parentStyle->clear()); break; } if(!primitiveValue) break; EClear c = CNONE; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_LEFT: c = CLEFT; break; case CSS_VAL_RIGHT: c = CRIGHT; break; case CSS_VAL_BOTH: c = CBOTH; break; default: return; } style->setClear(c); return; } case CSS_PROP_DIRECTION: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setDirection(parentStyle->direction()); break; } if(!primitiveValue) break; style->setDirection( (EDirection) (primitiveValue->getIdent() - CSS_VAL_LTR) ); return; } case CSS_PROP_DISPLAY: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setDisplay(parentStyle->display()); break; } if(!primitiveValue) break; int id = primitiveValue->getIdent(); EDisplay d; if (id == CSS_VAL_NONE) d = NONE; else d = EDisplay(primitiveValue->getIdent() - CSS_VAL_INLINE); style->setDisplay(d); //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "setting display to " << d << endl; break; } case CSS_PROP_EMPTY_CELLS: break; case CSS_PROP_FLOAT: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setFloating(parentStyle->floating()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; EFloat f; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_LEFT: f = FLEFT; break; case CSS_VAL_RIGHT: f = FRIGHT; break; case CSS_VAL_NONE: case CSS_VAL_CENTER: //Non standart CSS-Value f = FNONE; break; default: return; } style->setFloating(f); break; } break; case CSS_PROP_FONT_STRETCH: break; case CSS_PROP_FONT_STYLE: { FontDef fontDef = style->htmlFont().fontDef; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; fontDef.italic = parentStyle->htmlFont().fontDef.italic; } else { if(!primitiveValue) return; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_OBLIQUE: // ### oblique is the same as italic for the moment... case CSS_VAL_ITALIC: fontDef.italic = true; break; case CSS_VAL_NORMAL: fontDef.italic = false; break; default: return; } } if (style->setFontDef( fontDef )) fontDirty = true; break; } case CSS_PROP_FONT_VARIANT: { FontDef fontDef = style->htmlFont().fontDef; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; fontDef.smallCaps = parentStyle->htmlFont().fontDef.weight; } else { if(!primitiveValue) return; int id = primitiveValue->getIdent(); if ( id == CSS_VAL_NORMAL ) fontDef.smallCaps = false; else if ( id == CSS_VAL_SMALL_CAPS ) fontDef.smallCaps = true; else return; } if (style->setFontDef( fontDef )) fontDirty = true; break; } case CSS_PROP_FONT_WEIGHT: { FontDef fontDef = style->htmlFont().fontDef; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; fontDef.weight = parentStyle->htmlFont().fontDef.weight; } else { if(!primitiveValue) return; if(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { // ### we just support normal and bold fonts at the moment... // setWeight can actually accept values between 0 and 99... case CSS_VAL_BOLD: case CSS_VAL_BOLDER: case CSS_VAL_600: case CSS_VAL_700: case CSS_VAL_800: case CSS_VAL_900: fontDef.weight = QFont::Bold; break; case CSS_VAL_NORMAL: case CSS_VAL_LIGHTER: case CSS_VAL_100: case CSS_VAL_200: case CSS_VAL_300: case CSS_VAL_400: case CSS_VAL_500: fontDef.weight = QFont::Normal; break; default: return; } } else { // ### fix parsing of 100-900 values in parser, apply them here } } if (style->setFontDef( fontDef )) fontDirty = true; break; } case CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_POSITION: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setListStylePosition(parentStyle->listStylePosition()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; if(primitiveValue->getIdent()) style->setListStylePosition( (EListStylePosition) (primitiveValue->getIdent() - CSS_VAL_OUTSIDE) ); return; } case CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_TYPE: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setListStyleType(parentStyle->listStyleType()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; if(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { EListStyleType t; int id = primitiveValue->getIdent(); if ( id == CSS_VAL_NONE) { // important!! t = LNONE; } else { t = EListStyleType(id - CSS_VAL_DISC); } style->setListStyleType(t); } return; } case CSS_PROP_OVERFLOW: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setOverflow(parentStyle->overflow()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; EOverflow o; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_VISIBLE: o = OVISIBLE; break; case CSS_VAL_HIDDEN: o = OHIDDEN; break; case CSS_VAL_SCROLL: o = OSCROLL; break; case CSS_VAL_AUTO: o = OAUTO; break; default: return; } style->setOverflow(o); return; } break; case CSS_PROP_PAGE: case CSS_PROP_PAGE_BREAK_AFTER: case CSS_PROP_PAGE_BREAK_BEFORE: case CSS_PROP_PAGE_BREAK_INSIDE: // case CSS_PROP_PAUSE_AFTER: // case CSS_PROP_PAUSE_BEFORE: break; case CSS_PROP_POSITION: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setPosition(parentStyle->position()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; EPosition p; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_STATIC: p = STATIC; break; case CSS_VAL_RELATIVE: p = RELATIVE; break; case CSS_VAL_ABSOLUTE: p = ABSOLUTE; break; case CSS_VAL_FIXED: { view->useSlowRepaints(); p = FIXED; break; } default: return; } style->setPosition(p); return; } // case CSS_PROP_SPEAK: // case CSS_PROP_SPEAK_HEADER: // case CSS_PROP_SPEAK_NUMERAL: // case CSS_PROP_SPEAK_PUNCTUATION: case CSS_PROP_TABLE_LAYOUT: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setTableLayout(parentStyle->tableLayout()); return; } if ( !primitiveValue->getIdent() ) return; ETableLayout l = TAUTO; switch( primitiveValue->getIdent() ) { case CSS_VAL_FIXED: l = TFIXED; // fall through case CSS_VAL_AUTO: style->setTableLayout( l ); default: break; } break; } case CSS_PROP_UNICODE_BIDI: { EUnicodeBidi b = UBNormal; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; b = parentStyle->unicodeBidi(); } else { switch( primitiveValue->getIdent() ) { case CSS_VAL_NORMAL: b = UBNormal; break; case CSS_VAL_EMBED: b = Embed; break; case CSS_VAL_BIDI_OVERRIDE: b = Override; break; default: return; } } style->setUnicodeBidi( b ); break; } case CSS_PROP_TEXT_TRANSFORM: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setTextTransform(parentStyle->textTransform()); return; } if(!primitiveValue->getIdent()) return; ETextTransform tt; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_CAPITALIZE: tt = CAPITALIZE; break; case CSS_VAL_UPPERCASE: tt = UPPERCASE; break; case CSS_VAL_LOWERCASE: tt = LOWERCASE; break; case CSS_VAL_NONE: default: tt = TTNONE; break; } style->setTextTransform(tt); break; } case CSS_PROP_VISIBILITY: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setVisibility(parentStyle->visibility()); return; } switch( primitiveValue->getIdent() ) { case CSS_VAL_HIDDEN: style->setVisibility( HIDDEN ); break; case CSS_VAL_VISIBLE: style->setVisibility( VISIBLE ); break; case CSS_VAL_COLLAPSE: style->setVisibility( COLLAPSE ); default: break; } break; } case CSS_PROP_WHITE_SPACE: if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setWhiteSpace(parentStyle->whiteSpace()); return; } if(!primitiveValue->getIdent()) return; EWhiteSpace s; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL__KHTML_NOWRAP: s = KHTML_NOWRAP; break; case CSS_VAL_NOWRAP: s = NOWRAP; break; case CSS_VAL_PRE: s = PRE; break; case CSS_VAL_NORMAL: default: s = NORMAL; break; } style->setWhiteSpace(s); break; // special properties (css_extensions) // case CSS_PROP_AZIMUTH: // CSS2Azimuth case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_POSITION: // CSS2BackgroundPosition break; case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_POSITION_X: { if(!primitiveValue) break; Length l; int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType(); if(type > CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type < CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG) l = Length(primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics), Fixed); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) l = Length((int)primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE), Percent); else return; style->setBackgroundXPosition(l); break; } case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_POSITION_Y: { if(!primitiveValue) break; Length l; int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType(); if(type > CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type < CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG) l = Length(primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics), Fixed); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) l = Length((int)primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE), Percent); else return; style->setBackgroundYPosition(l); break; } case CSS_PROP_BORDER_SPACING: { if(!primitiveValue) break; short spacing = 0; spacing = primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics); style->setBorderSpacing(spacing); break; } // CSS2BorderSpacing case CSS_PROP_CURSOR: // CSS2Cursor if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setCursor(parentStyle->cursor()); return; } else if(primitiveValue) { style->setCursor( (ECursor) (primitiveValue->getIdent() - CSS_VAL_AUTO) ); } break; // case CSS_PROP_PLAY_DURING: // CSS2PlayDuring // colors || inherit case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR: // this property is an extension used to get HTML4 right. case CSS_PROP_TEXT_DECORATION_COLOR: // ie scrollbar styling case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_FACE_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_SHADOW_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_3DLIGHT_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_DARKSHADOW_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_COLOR: case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_COLOR: { bool transparentBorder = false; QColor col; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR: col = parentStyle->backgroundColor(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_COLOR: col = parentStyle->borderTopColor(); transparentBorder = parentStyle->borderTopIsTransparent(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR: col = parentStyle->borderRightColor(); transparentBorder = parentStyle->borderRightIsTransparent(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR: col = parentStyle->borderBottomColor(); transparentBorder = parentStyle->borderBottomIsTransparent(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_COLOR: col = parentStyle->borderLeftColor(); transparentBorder = parentStyle->borderLeftIsTransparent(); break; case CSS_PROP_COLOR: col = parentStyle->color(); break; case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR: col = parentStyle->outlineColor(); break; default: return; } } else { if(!primitiveValue ) return; int ident = primitiveValue->getIdent(); if ( ident ) { if ( ident == CSS_VAL__KHTML_TEXT ) col = element->getDocument()->textColor(); else if ( ident == CSS_VAL_TRANSPARENT ) { col = QColor(); transparentBorder = true; } else col = colorForCSSValue( ident ); } else if ( primitiveValue->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_RGBCOLOR ) col.setRgb(primitiveValue->getRGBColorValue()); else { return; } } //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "applying color " << col.isValid() << endl; switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_COLOR: style->setBackgroundColor(col); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_COLOR: style->setBorderTopColor(col, transparentBorder); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_COLOR: style->setBorderRightColor(col, transparentBorder); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_COLOR: style->setBorderBottomColor(col, transparentBorder); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_COLOR: style->setBorderLeftColor(col, transparentBorder); break; case CSS_PROP_COLOR: style->setColor(col); break; case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_COLOR: style->setOutlineColor(col); break; case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_FACE_COLOR: style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Button, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Button, col); break; case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_SHADOW_COLOR: style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Shadow, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Shadow, col); break; case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_HIGHLIGHT_COLOR: style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Light, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Light, col); break; case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_3DLIGHT_COLOR: break; case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_DARKSHADOW_COLOR: style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Dark, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Dark, col); break; case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_TRACK_COLOR: style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Base, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Base, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Mid, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Mid, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::Background, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::Background, col); break; case CSS_PROP_SCROLLBAR_ARROW_COLOR: style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Active, QColorGroup::ButtonText, col); style->setPaletteColor(QPalette::Inactive, QColorGroup::ButtonText, col); break; default: return; } return; } break; // uri || inherit case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND_IMAGE: { khtml::CachedImage *image = 0; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; image = parentStyle->backgroundImage(); } else { if(!primitiveValue) return; image = static_cast(primitiveValue)->image(); } style->setBackgroundImage(image); //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "setting image in style to " << image->image() << endl; break; } // case CSS_PROP_CUE_AFTER: // case CSS_PROP_CUE_BEFORE: // break; case CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE_IMAGE: { khtml::CachedImage *image = 0; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; image = parentStyle->listStyleImage(); } else { if(!primitiveValue) return; image = static_cast(primitiveValue)->image(); } style->setListStyleImage(image); //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "setting image in list to " << image->image() << endl; break; } // length case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_WIDTH: { short width = 3; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_WIDTH: width = parentStyle->borderTopWidth(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH: width = parentStyle->borderRightWidth(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH: width = parentStyle->borderBottomWidth(); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH: width = parentStyle->borderLeftWidth(); break; case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_WIDTH: width = parentStyle->outlineWidth(); break; default: return; } return; } else { if(!primitiveValue) break; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_THIN: width = 1; break; case CSS_VAL_MEDIUM: width = 3; break; case CSS_VAL_THICK: width = 5; break; case CSS_VAL_INVALID: width = primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics); break; default: return; } } if(width < 0) return; switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP_WIDTH: style->setBorderTopWidth(width); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT_WIDTH: style->setBorderRightWidth(width); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM_WIDTH: style->setBorderBottomWidth(width); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT_WIDTH: style->setBorderLeftWidth(width); break; case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE_WIDTH: style->setOutlineWidth(width); break; default: return; } return; } case CSS_PROP_MARKER_OFFSET: case CSS_PROP_LETTER_SPACING: case CSS_PROP_WORD_SPACING: { int width = 0; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_MARKER_OFFSET: // ### return; case CSS_PROP_LETTER_SPACING: width = parentStyle->letterSpacing(); break; case CSS_PROP_WORD_SPACING: width = parentStyle->wordSpacing(); break; default: return; } } else if(primitiveValue && primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_NORMAL){ width = 0; } else { if(!primitiveValue) return; width = primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics); } switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_LETTER_SPACING: style->setLetterSpacing(width); break; case CSS_PROP_WORD_SPACING: style->setWordSpacing(width); break; // ### needs the definitions in renderstyle case CSS_PROP_MARKER_OFFSET: default: break; } return; } // length, percent case CSS_PROP_MAX_WIDTH: // +none +inherit if(primitiveValue && primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_NONE) apply = true; case CSS_PROP_TOP: case CSS_PROP_LEFT: case CSS_PROP_RIGHT: case CSS_PROP_BOTTOM: case CSS_PROP_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_MIN_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_TOP: case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_RIGHT: case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_BOTTOM: case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_LEFT: // +inherit +auto if(id != CSS_PROP_MAX_WIDTH && primitiveValue && primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_AUTO) { //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "found value=auto" << endl; apply = true; } case CSS_PROP_PADDING_TOP: case CSS_PROP_PADDING_RIGHT: case CSS_PROP_PADDING_BOTTOM: case CSS_PROP_PADDING_LEFT: case CSS_PROP_TEXT_INDENT: // +inherit { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; apply = true; switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_MAX_WIDTH: l = parentStyle->maxWidth(); break; case CSS_PROP_BOTTOM: l = parentStyle->bottom(); break; case CSS_PROP_TOP: l = parentStyle->top(); break; case CSS_PROP_LEFT: l = parentStyle->left(); break; case CSS_PROP_RIGHT: l = parentStyle->right(); break; case CSS_PROP_WIDTH: l = parentStyle->width(); break; case CSS_PROP_MIN_WIDTH: l = parentStyle->minWidth(); break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_TOP: l = parentStyle->paddingTop(); break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_RIGHT: l = parentStyle->paddingRight(); break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_BOTTOM: l = parentStyle->paddingBottom(); break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_LEFT: l = parentStyle->paddingLeft(); break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_TOP: l = parentStyle->marginTop(); break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_RIGHT: l = parentStyle->marginRight(); break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_BOTTOM: l = parentStyle->marginBottom(); break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_LEFT: l = parentStyle->marginLeft(); break; case CSS_PROP_TEXT_INDENT: l = parentStyle->textIndent(); break; default: return; } } else if(primitiveValue && !apply) { int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType(); if(type > CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type < CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG) // Handle our quirky margin units if we have them. l = Length(primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics), Fixed, primitiveValue->isQuirkValue()); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) l = Length((int)primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE), Percent); else if (type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_HTML_RELATIVE) l = Length(int(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_HTML_RELATIVE)), Relative); else return; if (id == CSS_PROP_PADDING_LEFT || id == CSS_PROP_PADDING_RIGHT || id == CSS_PROP_PADDING_TOP || id == CSS_PROP_PADDING_BOTTOM) // Padding can't be negative apply = !((l.isFixed() || l.isPercent()) && l.width(100) < 0); else apply = true; } if(!apply) return; switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_MAX_WIDTH: style->setMaxWidth(l); break; case CSS_PROP_BOTTOM: style->setBottom(l); break; case CSS_PROP_TOP: style->setTop(l); break; case CSS_PROP_LEFT: style->setLeft(l); break; case CSS_PROP_RIGHT: style->setRight(l); break; case CSS_PROP_WIDTH: style->setWidth(l); break; case CSS_PROP_MIN_WIDTH: style->setMinWidth(l); break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_TOP: style->setPaddingTop(l); break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_RIGHT: style->setPaddingRight(l); break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_BOTTOM: style->setPaddingBottom(l); break; case CSS_PROP_PADDING_LEFT: style->setPaddingLeft(l); break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_TOP: style->setMarginTop(l); break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_RIGHT: style->setMarginRight(l); break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_BOTTOM: style->setMarginBottom(l); break; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN_LEFT: style->setMarginLeft(l); break; case CSS_PROP_TEXT_INDENT: style->setTextIndent(l); break; default: break; } return; } case CSS_PROP_MAX_HEIGHT: // +inherit +none !can be calculted directly! if(primitiveValue && primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_NONE) apply = true; case CSS_PROP_HEIGHT: case CSS_PROP_MIN_HEIGHT: // +inherit +auto !can be calculted directly! if(id != CSS_PROP_MAX_HEIGHT && primitiveValue && primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_AUTO) apply = true; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; apply = true; switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_MAX_HEIGHT: l = parentStyle->maxHeight(); break; case CSS_PROP_HEIGHT: l = parentStyle->height(); break; case CSS_PROP_MIN_HEIGHT: l = parentStyle->minHeight(); break; default: return; } return; } if(primitiveValue && !apply) { int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType(); if(type > CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type < CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG) l = Length(primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics), Fixed); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) { // ### compute from parents height!!! l = Length((int)primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE), Percent); } else return; apply = true; } if(!apply) return; switch(id) { case CSS_PROP_MAX_HEIGHT: style->setMaxHeight(l); break; case CSS_PROP_HEIGHT: style->setHeight(l); break; case CSS_PROP_MIN_HEIGHT: style->setMinHeight(l); break; default: return; } return; break; case CSS_PROP_VERTICAL_ALIGN: if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setVerticalAlign(parentStyle->verticalAlign()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; if(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { khtml::EVerticalAlign align; switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_TOP: align = TOP; break; case CSS_VAL_BOTTOM: align = BOTTOM; break; case CSS_VAL_MIDDLE: align = MIDDLE; break; case CSS_VAL_BASELINE: align = BASELINE; break; case CSS_VAL_TEXT_BOTTOM: align = TEXT_BOTTOM; break; case CSS_VAL_TEXT_TOP: align = TEXT_TOP; break; case CSS_VAL_SUB: align = SUB; break; case CSS_VAL_SUPER: align = SUPER; break; case CSS_VAL__KHTML_BASELINE_MIDDLE: align = BASELINE_MIDDLE; break; default: return; } style->setVerticalAlign(align); return; } else { int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType(); Length l; if(type > CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type < CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG) l = Length(primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics), Fixed ); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) l = Length( int( primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) ), Percent ); style->setVerticalAlign( LENGTH ); style->setVerticalAlignLength( l ); } break; case CSS_PROP_FONT_SIZE: { FontDef fontDef = style->htmlFont().fontDef; float oldSize; float size = 0; bool parentIsAbsoluteSize = false; if (parentNode) { oldSize = parentStyle->htmlFont().fontDef.specifiedSize; parentIsAbsoluteSize = parentStyle->htmlFont().fontDef.isAbsoluteSize; } else oldSize = m_fontSizes[3]; if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) size = oldSize; else if (primitiveValue->getIdent()) { // keywords are being used. Pick the correct default // based off the font family. switch (primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_XX_SMALL: size = m_fontSizes[0]; break; case CSS_VAL_X_SMALL: size = m_fontSizes[1]; break; case CSS_VAL_SMALL: size = m_fontSizes[2]; break; case CSS_VAL_MEDIUM: size = m_fontSizes[3]; break; case CSS_VAL_LARGE: size = m_fontSizes[4]; break; case CSS_VAL_X_LARGE: size = m_fontSizes[5]; break; case CSS_VAL_XX_LARGE: size = m_fontSizes[6]; break; case CSS_VAL__KHTML_XXX_LARGE: size = ( m_fontSizes[6]*5 )/3; break; case CSS_VAL_LARGER: size = oldSize * 1.2; break; case CSS_VAL_SMALLER: size = oldSize / 1.2; break; default: return; } fontDef.isAbsoluteSize = parentIsAbsoluteSize && (primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_LARGER || primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_SMALLER); } else { int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType(); fontDef.isAbsoluteSize = parentIsAbsoluteSize || (type != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_EMS && type != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_EXS); if (type > CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type < CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG) size = primitiveValue->computeLengthFloat(parentStyle, paintDeviceMetrics, false); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) size = (primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) * oldSize) / 100; else return; } if (size <= 0) return; //kdDebug( 6080 ) << "computed raw font size: " << size << endl; setFontSize(fontDef, size); if (style->setFontDef( fontDef )) fontDirty = true; return; } // angle // case CSS_PROP_ELEVATION: // number // case CSS_PROP_FONT_SIZE_ADJUST: // case CSS_PROP_ORPHANS: // case CSS_PROP_PITCH_RANGE: // case CSS_PROP_RICHNESS: // case CSS_PROP_SPEECH_RATE: // case CSS_PROP_STRESS: // case CSS_PROP_WIDOWS: break; case CSS_PROP_Z_INDEX: { int z_index = 0; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; z_index = parentStyle->zIndex(); } else { if (!primitiveValue) return; if (primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_AUTO) { style->setHasAutoZIndex(); return; } if (primitiveValue->primitiveType() != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) return; // Error case. z_index = (int)primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER); } style->setZIndex(z_index); return; } // length, percent, number case CSS_PROP_LINE_HEIGHT: { Length lineHeight; if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; lineHeight = parentStyle->lineHeight(); } else { if(!primitiveValue) return; int type = primitiveValue->primitiveType(); if(primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_NORMAL) lineHeight = Length( -100, Percent ); else if(type > CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE && type < CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_DEG) { double multiplier = 1.0; // Scale for the font zoom factor only for types other than "em" and "ex", since those are // already based on the font size. if (type != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_EMS && type != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_EXS && view && view->part()) { multiplier = view->part()->zoomFactor() / 100.0; } lineHeight = Length(primitiveValue->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics, multiplier), Fixed); } else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE) lineHeight = Length( ( style->font().pixelSize() * int(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_PERCENTAGE)) ) / 100, Fixed ); else if(type == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) lineHeight = Length(int(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)*100), Percent); else return; } style->setLineHeight(lineHeight); return; } // number, percent // case CSS_PROP_VOLUME: // frequency // case CSS_PROP_PITCH: // break; // string case CSS_PROP_TEXT_ALIGN: { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setTextAlign(parentStyle->textAlign()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; if(primitiveValue->getIdent()) style->setTextAlign( (ETextAlign) (primitiveValue->getIdent() - CSS_VAL__KHTML_AUTO) ); return; } // rect case CSS_PROP_CLIP: { Length top; Length right; Length bottom; Length left; if ( value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT ) { top = parentStyle->clipTop(); right = parentStyle->clipRight(); bottom = parentStyle->clipBottom(); left = parentStyle->clipLeft(); } else if ( !primitiveValue ) { break; } else if ( primitiveValue->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_RECT ) { RectImpl *rect = primitiveValue->getRectValue(); if ( !rect ) break; top = convertToLength( rect->top(), style, paintDeviceMetrics, this ); right = convertToLength( rect->right(), style, paintDeviceMetrics, this ); bottom = convertToLength( rect->bottom(), style, paintDeviceMetrics, this ); left = convertToLength( rect->left(), style, paintDeviceMetrics, this ); } else if ( primitiveValue->getIdent() != CSS_VAL_AUTO ) { break; } // qDebug("setting clip top to %d", top.value ); // qDebug("setting clip right to %d", right.value ); // qDebug("setting clip bottom to %d", bottom.value ); // qDebug("setting clip left to %d", left.value ); style->setClip( top, right, bottom, left ); style->setHasClip(); // rect, ident break; } // lists case CSS_PROP_CONTENT: // list of string, uri, counter, attr, i { if (!(style->styleType()==RenderStyle::BEFORE || style->styleType()==RenderStyle::AFTER)) break; if(!value->isValueList()) return; CSSValueListImpl *list = static_cast(value); int len = list->length(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { CSSValueImpl *item = list->item(i); if(!item->isPrimitiveValue()) continue; CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *val = static_cast(item); if(val->primitiveType()==CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING) { style->setContent(val->getStringValue(), i != 0); } else if (val->primitiveType()==CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_ATTR) { // FIXME: Should work with generic XML attributes also, and not // just the hardcoded HTML set. Can a namespace be specified for // an attr(foo)? int attrID = element->getDocument()->attrId(0, val->getStringValue(), false); if (attrID) style->setContent(element->getAttribute(attrID).implementation(), i != 0); } else if (val->primitiveType()==CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_URI) { CSSImageValueImpl *image = static_cast(val); style->setContent(image->image(), i != 0); } } break; } case CSS_PROP_COUNTER_INCREMENT: // list of CSS2CounterIncrement case CSS_PROP_COUNTER_RESET: // list of CSS2CounterReset break; case CSS_PROP_FONT_FAMILY: // list of strings and ids { if(!value->isValueList()) return; FontDef fontDef = style->htmlFont().fontDef; CSSValueListImpl *list = static_cast(value); int len = list->length(); QString family; KWQFontFamily &firstFamily = fontDef.firstFamily(); KWQFontFamily *currFamily = 0; for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { CSSValueImpl *item = list->item(i); if(!item->isPrimitiveValue()) continue; CSSPrimitiveValueImpl *val = static_cast(item); QString face; if( val->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_STRING ) face = static_cast(val)->fontName(); else if (val->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_IDENT) { switch (val->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL__KHTML_BODY: face = settings->stdFontName(); break; case CSS_VAL_SERIF: face = settings->serifFontName(); fontDef.setGenericFamily(FontDef::eSerif); break; case CSS_VAL_SANS_SERIF: face = settings->sansSerifFontName(); fontDef.setGenericFamily(FontDef::eSansSerif); break; case CSS_VAL_CURSIVE: face = settings->cursiveFontName(); fontDef.setGenericFamily(FontDef::eCursive); break; case CSS_VAL_FANTASY: face = settings->fantasyFontName(); fontDef.setGenericFamily(FontDef::eFantasy); break; case CSS_VAL_MONOSPACE: face = settings->fixedFontName(); fontDef.setGenericFamily(FontDef::eMonospace); break; } } if ( !face.isEmpty() ) { if (!currFamily) { // Filling in the first family. firstFamily.setFamily(face); currFamily = &firstFamily; } else { KWQFontFamily *newFamily = new KWQFontFamily; newFamily->setFamily(face); currFamily->appendFamily(newFamily); currFamily = newFamily; } if (style->setFontDef( fontDef )) { fontDirty = true; } } } break; } case CSS_PROP_QUOTES: // list of strings or i case CSS_PROP_SIZE: // ### look up break; case CSS_PROP_TEXT_DECORATION: // list of ident // ### no list at the moment { if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setTextDecoration(parentStyle->textDecoration()); return; } int t = TDNONE; if(primitiveValue && primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_NONE) { // do nothing } else { if(!value->isValueList()) return; CSSValueListImpl *list = static_cast(value); int len = list->length(); for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) { CSSValueImpl *item = list->item(i); if(!item->isPrimitiveValue()) continue; primitiveValue = static_cast(item); switch(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_NONE: t = TDNONE; break; case CSS_VAL_UNDERLINE: t |= UNDERLINE; break; case CSS_VAL_OVERLINE: t |= OVERLINE; break; case CSS_VAL_LINE_THROUGH: t |= LINE_THROUGH; break; case CSS_VAL_BLINK: t |= BLINK; break; default: return; } } } style->setTextDecoration(t); break; } case CSS_PROP__KHTML_FLOW_MODE: if(value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setFlowAroundFloats(parentStyle->flowAroundFloats()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; if(primitiveValue->getIdent()) { style->setFlowAroundFloats( primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL__KHTML_AROUND_FLOATS ); return; } break; // case CSS_PROP_VOICE_FAMILY: // // list of strings and i // break; // shorthand properties case CSS_PROP_BACKGROUND: if(value->cssValueType() != CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT || !parentNode) return; style->setBackgroundColor(parentStyle->backgroundColor()); style->setBackgroundImage(parentStyle->backgroundImage()); style->setBackgroundRepeat(parentStyle->backgroundRepeat()); style->setBackgroundAttachment(parentStyle->backgroundAttachment()); // style->setBackgroundPosition(parentStyle->backgroundPosition()); break; case CSS_PROP_BORDER: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_STYLE: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_WIDTH: case CSS_PROP_BORDER_COLOR: if(value->cssValueType() != CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT || !parentNode) return; if(id == CSS_PROP_BORDER || id == CSS_PROP_BORDER_COLOR) { style->setBorderTopColor(parentStyle->borderTopColor()); style->setBorderBottomColor(parentStyle->borderBottomColor()); style->setBorderLeftColor(parentStyle->borderLeftColor()); style->setBorderRightColor(parentStyle->borderRightColor()); } if(id == CSS_PROP_BORDER || id == CSS_PROP_BORDER_STYLE) { style->setBorderTopStyle(parentStyle->borderTopStyle()); style->setBorderBottomStyle(parentStyle->borderBottomStyle()); style->setBorderLeftStyle(parentStyle->borderLeftStyle()); style->setBorderRightStyle(parentStyle->borderRightStyle()); } if(id == CSS_PROP_BORDER || id == CSS_PROP_BORDER_WIDTH) { style->setBorderTopWidth(parentStyle->borderTopWidth()); style->setBorderBottomWidth(parentStyle->borderBottomWidth()); style->setBorderLeftWidth(parentStyle->borderLeftWidth()); style->setBorderRightWidth(parentStyle->borderRightWidth()); } return; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_TOP: if(value->cssValueType() != CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT || !parentNode) return; style->setBorderTopColor(parentStyle->borderTopColor()); style->setBorderTopStyle(parentStyle->borderTopStyle()); style->setBorderTopWidth(parentStyle->borderTopWidth()); return; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_RIGHT: if(value->cssValueType() != CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT || !parentNode) return; style->setBorderRightColor(parentStyle->borderRightColor()); style->setBorderRightStyle(parentStyle->borderRightStyle()); style->setBorderRightWidth(parentStyle->borderRightWidth()); return; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_BOTTOM: if(value->cssValueType() != CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT || !parentNode) return; style->setBorderBottomColor(parentStyle->borderBottomColor()); style->setBorderBottomStyle(parentStyle->borderBottomStyle()); style->setBorderBottomWidth(parentStyle->borderBottomWidth()); return; case CSS_PROP_BORDER_LEFT: if(value->cssValueType() != CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT || !parentNode) return; style->setBorderLeftColor(parentStyle->borderLeftColor()); style->setBorderLeftStyle(parentStyle->borderLeftStyle()); style->setBorderLeftWidth(parentStyle->borderLeftWidth()); return; case CSS_PROP_MARGIN: if(value->cssValueType() != CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT || !parentNode) return; style->setMarginTop(parentStyle->marginTop()); style->setMarginBottom(parentStyle->marginBottom()); style->setMarginLeft(parentStyle->marginLeft()); style->setMarginRight(parentStyle->marginRight()); return; case CSS_PROP_PADDING: if(value->cssValueType() != CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT || !parentNode) return; style->setPaddingTop(parentStyle->paddingTop()); style->setPaddingBottom(parentStyle->paddingBottom()); style->setPaddingLeft(parentStyle->paddingLeft()); style->setPaddingRight(parentStyle->paddingRight()); return; // case CSS_PROP_CUE: case CSS_PROP_FONT: if ( value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT ) { if ( !parentNode ) return; FontDef fontDef = parentStyle->htmlFont().fontDef; style->setLineHeight( parentStyle->lineHeight() ); if (style->setFontDef( fontDef )) fontDirty = true; } else if ( value->isFontValue() ) { FontValueImpl *font = static_cast(value); if ( !font->style || !font->variant || !font->weight || !font->size || !font->lineHeight || !font->family ) return; applyRule( CSS_PROP_FONT_STYLE, font->style ); applyRule( CSS_PROP_FONT_VARIANT, font->variant ); applyRule( CSS_PROP_FONT_WEIGHT, font->weight ); applyRule( CSS_PROP_FONT_SIZE, font->size ); // Line-height can depend on font().pixelSize(), so we have to update the font // before we evaluate line-height, e.g., font: 1em/1em. FIXME: Still not // good enough: style="font:1em/1em; font-size:36px" should have a line-height of 36px. if (fontDirty) CSSStyleSelector::style->htmlFont().update( paintDeviceMetrics ); applyRule( CSS_PROP_LINE_HEIGHT, font->lineHeight ); applyRule( CSS_PROP_FONT_FAMILY, font->family ); } return; case CSS_PROP_LIST_STYLE: case CSS_PROP_OUTLINE: // case CSS_PROP_PAUSE: break; // CSS3 Properties case CSS_PROP_TEXT_SHADOW: { if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if (!parentNode) return; style->setTextShadow(parentStyle->textShadow() ? new ShadowData(*parentStyle->textShadow()) : 0); return; } if (primitiveValue) { // none style->setTextShadow(0); return; } if (!value->isValueList()) return; CSSValueListImpl *list = static_cast(value); int len = list->length(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { ShadowValueImpl *item = static_cast(list->item(i)); int x = item->x->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics); int y = item->y->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics); int blur = item->blur ? item->blur->computeLength(style, paintDeviceMetrics) : 0; QColor col = khtml::transparentColor; if (item->color) { int ident = item->color->getIdent(); if (ident) col = colorForCSSValue( ident ); else if (item->color->primitiveType() == CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_RGBCOLOR) col.setRgb(item->color->getRGBColorValue()); } ShadowData* shadowData = new ShadowData(x, y, blur, col); style->setTextShadow(shadowData, i != 0); } return; } case CSS_PROP__KHTML_OPACITY: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if (!parentNode) return; style->setOpacity(parentStyle->opacity()); } if (!primitiveValue || primitiveValue->primitiveType() != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) return; // Error case. // Clamp opacity to the range 0-1 style->setOpacity(QMIN(1.0f, QMAX(0, primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)))); return; case CSS_PROP__KHTML_BOX_ALIGN: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBoxAlign(parentStyle->boxAlign()); return; } if (!primitiveValue) return; switch (primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_STRETCH: style->setBoxAlign(BSTRETCH); break; case CSS_VAL_START: style->setBoxAlign(BSTART); break; case CSS_VAL_END: style->setBoxAlign(BEND); break; case CSS_VAL_CENTER: style->setBoxAlign(BCENTER); break; case CSS_VAL_BASELINE: style->setBoxAlign(BBASELINE); break; default: return; } return; case CSS_PROP__KHTML_BOX_DIRECTION: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBoxDirection(parentStyle->boxDirection()); return; } if (!primitiveValue) return; if (primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_NORMAL) style->setBoxDirection(BNORMAL); else style->setBoxDirection(BREVERSE); return; case CSS_PROP__KHTML_BOX_LINES: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBoxLines(parentStyle->boxLines()); return; } if(!primitiveValue) return; if (primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_SINGLE) style->setBoxLines(SINGLE); else style->setBoxLines(MULTIPLE); return; case CSS_PROP__KHTML_BOX_ORIENT: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBoxOrient(parentStyle->boxOrient()); return; } if (!primitiveValue) return; if (primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_HORIZONTAL || primitiveValue->getIdent() == CSS_VAL_INLINE_AXIS) style->setBoxOrient(HORIZONTAL); else style->setBoxOrient(VERTICAL); return; case CSS_PROP__KHTML_BOX_PACK: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBoxPack(parentStyle->boxPack()); return; } if (!primitiveValue) return; switch (primitiveValue->getIdent()) { case CSS_VAL_START: style->setBoxPack(BSTART); break; case CSS_VAL_END: style->setBoxPack(BEND); break; case CSS_VAL_CENTER: style->setBoxPack(BCENTER); break; case CSS_VAL_JUSTIFY: style->setBoxPack(BJUSTIFY); break; default: return; } return; case CSS_PROP__KHTML_BOX_FLEX: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBoxFlex(parentStyle->boxFlex()); return; } if (!primitiveValue || primitiveValue->primitiveType() != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) return; // Error case. style->setBoxFlex(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER)); return; case CSS_PROP__KHTML_BOX_FLEX_GROUP: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBoxFlexGroup(parentStyle->boxFlexGroup()); return; } if (!primitiveValue || primitiveValue->primitiveType() != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) return; // Error case. style->setBoxFlexGroup((unsigned int)(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER))); return; case CSS_PROP__KHTML_BOX_ORDINAL_GROUP: if (value->cssValueType() == CSSValue::CSS_INHERIT) { if(!parentNode) return; style->setBoxOrdinalGroup(parentStyle->boxOrdinalGroup()); return; } if (!primitiveValue || primitiveValue->primitiveType() != CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER) return; // Error case. style->setBoxOrdinalGroup((unsigned int)(primitiveValue->getFloatValue(CSSPrimitiveValue::CSS_NUMBER))); return; default: return; } } void CSSStyleSelector::checkForGenericFamilyChange(RenderStyle* aStyle, RenderStyle* aParentStyle) { const FontDef& childFont = aStyle->htmlFont().fontDef; if (childFont.isAbsoluteSize || !aParentStyle) return; const FontDef& parentFont = aParentStyle->htmlFont().fontDef; if (childFont.genericFamily == parentFont.genericFamily) return; // For now, lump all families but monospace together. if (childFont.genericFamily != FontDef::eMonospace && parentFont.genericFamily != FontDef::eMonospace) return; // We know the parent is monospace or the child is monospace, and that font // size was unspecified. We want to scale our font size as appropriate. float size = (parentFont.genericFamily == FontDef::eMonospace) ? childFont.specifiedSize/m_fixedScaleFactor : childFont.specifiedSize*m_fixedScaleFactor; FontDef newFontDef(childFont); setFontSize(newFontDef, size); aStyle->setFontDef(newFontDef); } void CSSStyleSelector::setFontSize(FontDef& fontDef, float size) { fontDef.specifiedSize = size; fontDef.computedSize = getComputedSizeFromSpecifiedSize(fontDef.isAbsoluteSize, size); } float CSSStyleSelector::getComputedSizeFromSpecifiedSize(bool isAbsoluteSize, float specifiedSize) { // We never want to get smaller than the minimum font size to keep fonts readable // however we always allow the page to set an explicit pixel size that is smaller, // since sites will mis-render otherwise (e.g., http://www.gamespot.com with a 9px minimum). // Note to Konq folks: you may not like this interpretation of minimum font size, since you // expose the pref in your GUI. I have used APPLE_CHANGES to preserve the old behavior of // always enforcing a minimum font size. -dwh int minSize = settings->minFontSize(); float zoomPercent = (!khtml::printpainter && view) ? view->part()->zoomFactor()/100.0f : 1.0f; float zoomedSize = specifiedSize * zoomPercent; #if APPLE_CHANGES if (zoomedSize < minSize && (specifiedSize >= minSize || !isAbsoluteSize)) zoomedSize = minSize; #else if (zoomedSize < minSize) zoomedSize = minSize; #endif return KMAX(zoomedSize, 1.0f); } } // namespace khtml