[plain text]

# iterate over mail archives, calling a function on each message.
# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
# The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at:
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

package Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator;

use strict;
use warnings;
use bytes;

use Mail::SpamAssassin::Util;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Constants qw(:sa);
use Mail::SpamAssassin::Logger;
use Mail::SpamAssassin::AICache;

use constant BIG_BYTES => 256*1024;	# 256k is a big email
use constant BIG_LINES => BIG_BYTES/65;	# 65 bytes/line is a good approximation

use vars qw {

@ISA = qw();

=head1 NAME

Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator - find and process messages one at a time


  my $iter = new Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator(
      'opt_all'   => 1,
      'opt_cache' => 1,

  $iter->set_functions( \&wanted, sub { } );

  eval { $iter->run(@ARGV); };

  sub wanted {
    my($class, $filename, $recv_date, $msg_array) = @_;



The Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator module will go through a set
of mbox files, mbx files, and directories (with a single message per
file) and generate a list of messages.  It will then call the wanted
and results functions appropriately per message.

=head1 METHODS

=over 4



=item $item = new Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator( [ { opt => val, ... } ] )

Constructs a new C<Mail::SpamAssassin::ArchiveIterator> object.  You may
pass the following attribute-value pairs to the constructor.  The pairs are
optional unless otherwise noted.

=over 4

=item opt_all

Typically messages over 250k are skipped by ArchiveIterator.  Use this option
to keep from skipping messages based on size.

=item opt_scanprob

Randomly select messages to scan, with a probability of N, where N ranges
from 0.0 (no messages scanned) to 1.0 (all messages scanned).  Default
is 1.0.

This setting can be specified separately for each target.

=item opt_before

Only use messages which are received after the given time_t value.
Negative values are an offset from the current time, e.g. -86400 =
last 24 hours; or as parsed by Time::ParseDate (e.g. '-6 months')

This setting can be specified separately for each target.

=item opt_after

Same as opt_before, except the messages are only used if after the given
time_t value.

This setting can be specified separately for each target.

=item opt_want_date

Set to 1 (default) if you want the received date to be filled in
in the C<wanted_sub> callback below.  Set this to 0 to avoid this;
it's a good idea to set this to 0 if you can, as it imposes a performance

=item opt_cache

Set to 0 (default) if you don't want to use cached information to help speed
up ArchiveIterator.  Set to 1 to enable.  This setting requires C<opt_cachedir>
also be set.

=item opt_cachedir

Set to the path of a directory where you wish to store cached information for
C<opt_cache>, if you don't want to mix them with the input files (as is the
default).  The directory must be both readable and writable.

=item wanted_sub

Reference to a subroutine which will process message data.  Usually
set via set_functions().  The routine will be passed 5 values: class
(scalar), filename (scalar), received date (scalar), message content
(array reference, one message line per element), and the message format
key ('f' for file, 'm' for mbox, 'b' for mbx).

Note that if C<opt_want_date> is set to 0, the received date scalar will be

=item result_sub

Reference to a subroutine which will process the results of the wanted_sub
for each message processed.  Usually set via set_functions().
The routine will be passed 3 values: class (scalar), result (scalar, returned
from wanted_sub), and received date (scalar).

Note that if C<opt_want_date> is set to 0, the received date scalar will be

=item scan_progress_sub

Reference to a subroutine which will be called intermittently during
the 'scan' phase of the mass-check.  No guarantees are made as to
how frequently this may happen, mind you.



sub new {
  my $class = shift;
  $class = ref($class) || $class;

  my $self = shift;
  if (!defined $self) { $self = { }; }
  bless ($self, $class);

  # If any of these options are set, we need to figure out the message's
  # receive date at scan time.  opt_after, opt_before, or opt_want_date
  $self->{determine_receive_date} = 
  	defined $self->{opt_after} || defined $self->{opt_before} ||

  $self->{s} = [ ];		# spam, of course
  $self->{h} = [ ];		# ham, as if you couldn't guess

  $self->{access_problem} = 0;



=item set_functions( \&wanted_sub, \&result_sub )

Sets the subroutines used for message processing (wanted_sub), and result
reporting.  For more information, see I<new()> above.


sub set_functions {
  my ($self, $wanted, $result) = @_;
  $self->{wanted_sub} = $wanted if defined $wanted;
  $self->{result_sub} = $result if defined $result;


=item run ( @target_paths )

Generates the list of messages to process, then runs each message through the
configured wanted subroutine.  Files which have a name ending in C<.gz> or
C<.bz2> will be properly uncompressed via call to C<gzip -dc> and C<bzip2 -dc>

The target_paths array is expected to be either one element per path in the
following format: C<class:format:raw_location>, or a hash reference containing
key-value option pairs and a 'target' key with a value in that format.

The key-value option pairs that can be used are: opt_scanprob, opt_after,
opt_before.  See the constructor method's documentation for more information
on their effects.

run() returns 0 if there was an error (can't open a file, etc,) and 1 if there
were no errors.

=over 4

=item class

Either 'h' for ham or 's' for spam.  If the class is longer than 1 character,
it will be truncated.  If blank, 'h' is default.

=item format

Specifies the format of the raw_location.  C<dir> is a directory whose
files are individual messages, C<file> a file with a single message,
C<mbox> an mbox formatted file, or C<mbx> for an mbx formatted directory.

C<detect> can also be used.  This assumes C<mbox> for any file whose path
contains the pattern C</\.mbox/i>, C<file> anything that is not a
directory, or C<directory> otherwise.

=item raw_location

Path to file or directory.  File globbing is allowed using the
standard csh-style globbing (see C<perldoc -f glob>).  C<~> at the
front of the value will be replaced by the C<HOME> environment
variable.  Escaped whitespace is protected as well.

B<NOTE:> C<~user> is not allowed.

B<NOTE 2:> C<-> is not allowed as a raw location.  To have
ArchiveIterator deal with STDIN, generate a temp file.



sub run {
  my ($self, @targets) = @_;

  if (!defined $self->{wanted_sub}) {
    warn "archive-iterator: set_functions never called";
    return 0;

  # scan the targets and get the number and list of messages
    sub {
      my($self, $date, $class, $format, $mail) = @_;
      push(@{$self->{$class}}, _index_pack($date, $class, $format, $mail));

  my $messages;
  # for ease of memory, we'll play with pointers
  $messages = $self->{s};
  undef $self->{s};
  push(@{$messages}, @{$self->{h}});
  undef $self->{h};

  $MESSAGES = scalar(@{$messages});

  # go ahead and run through all of the messages specified
  return $self->_run($messages);

sub _run {
  my ($self, $messages) = @_;

  while (my $message = shift @{$messages}) {
    my($class, undef, $date, undef, $result) = $self->_run_message($message);
    &{$self->{result_sub}}($class, $result, $date) if $result;
  return ! $self->{access_problem};


## run_message and related functions to process a single message

sub _run_message {
  my ($self, $msg) = @_;

  my ($date, $class, $format, $mail) = _index_unpack($msg);

  if ($format eq 'f') {
    return $self->_run_file($class, $format, $mail, $date);
  elsif ($format eq 'm') {
    return $self->_run_mailbox($class, $format, $mail, $date);
  elsif ($format eq 'b') {
    return $self->_run_mbx($class, $format, $mail, $date);

sub _run_file {
  my ($self, $class, $format, $where, $date) = @_;

  if (!_mail_open($where)) {
    $self->{access_problem} = 1;

  # skip too-big mails
  if (! $self->{opt_all} && -s INPUT > BIG_BYTES) {
    info("archive-iterator: skipping large message\n");
    close INPUT;
  my @msg;
  my $header;
  while (<INPUT>) {
    push(@msg, $_);
    if (!defined $header && /^\015?$/) {
      $header = $#msg;
  close INPUT;

  if ($date == AI_TIME_UNKNOWN && $self->{determine_receive_date}) {
    $date = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::receive_date(join('', splice(@msg, 0, $header)));

  return($class, $format, $date, $where, &{$self->{wanted_sub}}($class, $where, $date, \@msg, $format));

sub _run_mailbox {
  my ($self, $class, $format, $where, $date) = @_;

  my ($file, $offset) = ($where =~ m/(.*)\.(\d+)$/);
  my @msg;
  my $header;
  if (!_mail_open($file)) {
    $self->{access_problem} = 1;
  while (<INPUT>) {
    last if (substr($_,0,5) eq "From " && @msg);
    push (@msg, $_);

    # skip too-big mails
    if (! $self->{opt_all} && @msg > BIG_LINES) {
      info("archive-iterator: skipping large message\n");
      close INPUT;

    if (!defined $header && /^\s*$/) {
      $header = $#msg;
  close INPUT;

  if ($date == AI_TIME_UNKNOWN && $self->{determine_receive_date}) {
    $date = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::receive_date(join('', splice(@msg, 0, $header)));

  return($class, $format, $date, $where, &{$self->{wanted_sub}}($class, $where, $date, \@msg, $format));

sub _run_mbx {
  my ($self, $class, $format, $where, $date) = @_;

  my ($file, $offset) = ($where =~ m/(.*)\.(\d+)$/);
  my @msg;
  my $header;

  if (!_mail_open($file)) {
    $self->{access_problem} = 1;

  seek(INPUT, $offset, 0);
  while (<INPUT>) {
    last if ($_ =~ MBX_SEPARATOR);
    push (@msg, $_);

    # skip mails that are too big
    if (! $self->{opt_all} && @msg > BIG_LINES) {
      info("archive-iterator: skipping large message\n");
      close INPUT;

    if (!defined $header && /^\s*$/) {
      $header = $#msg;
  close INPUT;

  if ($date == AI_TIME_UNKNOWN && $self->{determine_receive_date}) {
    $date = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::receive_date(join('', splice(@msg, 0, $header)));

  return($class, $format, $date, $where, &{$self->{wanted_sub}}($class, $where, $date, \@msg, $format));




sub _scan_targets {
  my ($self, $targets, $bkfunc) = @_;

  %class_opts = ();

  foreach my $target (@${targets}) {
    if (!defined $target) {
      warn "archive-iterator: invalid (undef) value in target list";

    my %opts = ();
    if (ref $target eq 'HASH') {
      # e.g. { target => $target, opt_foo => 1, opt_bar => 0.4 ... }
      foreach my $k (keys %{$target}) {
        next unless ($k =~ /^opt_/);
        my $v = $target->{$k};
        next unless defined $v;
        $opts{$k} = $v;
      $target = $target->{target};

    my ($class, $format, $rawloc) = split(/:/, $target, 3);

    # "class"
    if (!defined $format) {
      warn "archive-iterator: invalid (undef) format in target list, $target";
    # "class:format"
    if (!defined $rawloc) {
      warn "archive-iterator: invalid (undef) raw location in target list, $target";

    if ($rawloc eq '-') {
      warn 'archive-iterator: raw location "-" is not supported';

    # use ham by default, things like "spamassassin" can't specify the type
    $class = substr($class, 0, 1) || 'h';

    # keep a copy of the most recent message-selection options for
    # each class
    $class_opts{$class} = \%opts;

    foreach my $k (keys %opts) {
      $self->{$k} = $opts{$k};

    my @locations = $self->_fix_globs($rawloc);

    foreach my $location (@locations) {
      my $method;

      # for this location only; 'detect' means they can differ for each location
      my $thisformat = $format;     

      if ($format eq 'detect') {
	# detect the format
        if (!-d $location && $location =~ /\.mbox/i) {
          # filename indicates mbox
          $thisformat = 'mbox';
	elsif (!(-d $location)) {
          $thisformat = 'file';
	else {
	  # it's a directory
	  $thisformat = 'dir';

      if ($thisformat eq 'dir') {
        $method = \&_scan_directory;
      elsif ($thisformat eq 'mbox') {
        $method = \&_scan_mailbox;
      elsif ($thisformat eq 'file') {
        $method = \&_scan_file;
      elsif ($thisformat eq 'mbx') {
        $method = \&_scan_mbx;
      else {
	warn "archive-iterator: format $thisformat (from $format) unknown!";

      # call the appropriate method
      &{$method}($self, $class, $location, $bkfunc);

sub _mail_open {
  my ($file) = @_;

  # bug 5288: the "magic" version of open will strip leading and trailing
  # whitespace from the expression.  switch to the three-argument version
  # of open which does not strip whitespace.  see "perldoc -f open" and
  # "perldoc perlipc" for more information.

  # Assume that the file by default is just a plain file
  my @expr = ( $file );
  my $mode = '<';

  # Handle different types of compressed files
  if ($file =~ /\.gz$/) {
    $mode = '-|';
    unshift @expr, 'gunzip', '-cd';
  elsif ($file =~ /\.bz2$/) {
    $mode = '-|';
    unshift @expr, 'bzip2', '-cd';

  # Go ahead and try to open the file
  if (!open (INPUT, $mode, @expr)) {
    warn "archive-iterator: unable to open $file: $!\n";
    return 0;

  # bug 5249: mail could have 8-bit data, need this on some platforms
  binmode INPUT;

  return 1;

sub _set_default_message_selection_opts {
  my ($self) = @_;
  $self->{opt_scanprob} = 1.0 unless (defined $self->{opt_scanprob});
  $self->{opt_want_date} = 1 unless (defined $self->{opt_want_date});
  $self->{opt_cache} = 0 unless (defined $self->{opt_cache});


sub _message_is_useful_by_date {
  my ($self, $date) = @_;

  if (!$self->{opt_after} && !$self->{opt_before}) {
    # Not using the feature
    return 1;

  return 0 unless $date;	# undef or 0 date = unusable

  if (!$self->{opt_before}) {
    # Just care about after
    return $date > $self->{opt_after};
  else {
    return (($date < $self->{opt_before}) && ($date > $self->{opt_after}));

# additional check, based solely on a file's mod timestamp.  we cannot
# make assumptions about --before, since the file may have been "touch"ed
# since the last message was appended; but we can assume that too-old
# files cannot contain messages newer than their modtime.
sub _message_is_useful_by_file_modtime {
  my ($self, $date) = @_;

  # better safe than sorry, if date is undef; let other stuff catch errors
  return 1 unless $date;

  if ($self->{opt_after}) {
    return ($date > $self->{opt_after});
  else {
    return 1;       # --after not in use

sub _scanprob_says_scan {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if (defined $self->{opt_scanprob} && $self->{opt_scanprob} < 1.0) {
    if ( int( rand( 1 / $self->{opt_scanprob} ) ) != 0 ) {
      return 0;
  return 1;


# 0 850852128			atime
# 1 h				class
# 2 m				format
# 3 ./ham/goodmsgs.0		path

# put the date in first, big-endian packed format
# this format lets cmp easily sort by date, then class, format, and path.
sub _index_pack {
  return pack("NAAA*", @_);

sub _index_unpack {
  return unpack("NAAA*", $_[0]);


sub _scan_directory {
  my ($self, $class, $folder, $bkfunc) = @_;

  my @files;

  opendir(DIR, $folder) || die "archive-iterator: can't open '$folder' dir: $!\n";
  if (-f "$folder/cyrus.header") {
    # cyrus metadata:
    @files = grep { /^\S+$/ && !/^cyrus\.(?:index|header|cache|seen)/ }
  else {
    # ignore ,234 (deleted or refiled messages) and MH metadata dotfiles
    @files = grep { !/^[,.]/ } readdir(DIR);

  @files = grep { -f } map { "$folder/$_" } @files;

  if (!@files) {
    # this is not a problem; no need to warn about it
    # warn "archive-iterator: readdir found no mail in '$folder' directory\n";

  $self->_create_cache('dir', $folder);

  foreach my $mail (@files) {
    $self->_scan_file($class, $mail, $bkfunc);

  if (defined $AICache) {
    $AICache = $AICache->finish();

sub _scan_file {
  my ($self, $class, $mail, $bkfunc) = @_;


  my @s = stat($mail);
  return unless $self->_message_is_useful_by_file_modtime($s[9]);

  my $date = AI_TIME_UNKNOWN;

  if ($self->{determine_receive_date}) {
    unless (defined $AICache and $date = $AICache->check($mail)) {
      my $header;
      if (!_mail_open($mail)) {
        $self->{access_problem} = 1;
      while (<INPUT>) {
        last if /^\015?$/s;
        $header .= $_;
      $date = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::receive_date($header);
      if (defined $AICache) {
        $AICache->update($mail, $date);

    return if !$self->_message_is_useful_by_date($date);
    return if !$self->_scanprob_says_scan();

  &{$bkfunc}($self, $date, $class, 'f', $mail);


sub _scan_mailbox {
  my ($self, $class, $folder, $bkfunc) = @_;
  my @files;

  if (-d $folder) {
    # passed a directory of mboxes
    $folder =~ s/\/\s*$//; #Remove trailing slash, if there
    if (!opendir(DIR, $folder)) {
      warn "archive-iterator: can't open '$folder' dir: $!\n";
      $self->{access_problem} = 1;

    while ($_ = readdir(DIR)) {
      if(/^[^\.]\S*$/ && ! -d "$folder/$_") {
	push(@files, "$folder/$_");
  else {
    push(@files, $folder);

  foreach my $file (@files) {
    if ($file =~ /\.(?:gz|bz2)$/) {
      warn "archive-iterator: compressed mbox folders are not supported at this time\n";
      $self->{access_problem} = 1;

    my @s = stat($file);
    next unless $self->_message_is_useful_by_file_modtime($s[9]);

    my $info = {};
    my $count;

    $self->_create_cache('mbox', $file);

    if ($self->{opt_cache}) {
      if ($count = $AICache->count()) {
        $info = $AICache->check();

    unless ($count) {
      if (!_mail_open($file)) {
        $self->{access_problem} = 1;

      my $start = 0;		# start of a message
      my $where = 0;		# current byte offset
      my $first = '';		# first line of message
      my $header = '';		# header text
      my $in_header = 0;		# are in we a header?
      while (!eof INPUT) {
        my $offset = $start;	# byte offset of this message
        my $header = $first;	# remember first line
        while (<INPUT>) {
	  if ($in_header) {
            if (/^\015?$/s) {
	      $in_header = 0;
	    else {
	      $header .= $_;
	  if (substr($_,0,5) eq "From ") {
	    $in_header = 1;
	    $first = $_;
	    $start = $where;
	    $where = tell INPUT;
	  $where = tell INPUT;
        if ($header) {
	  $info->{$offset} = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::receive_date($header);
      close INPUT;

    while(my($k,$v) = each %{$info}) {
      if (defined $AICache && !$count) {
	$AICache->update($k, $v);

      if ($self->{determine_receive_date}) {
        next if !$self->_message_is_useful_by_date($v);
      next if !$self->_scanprob_says_scan();

      &{$bkfunc}($self, $v, $class, 'm', "$file.$k");

    if (defined $AICache) {
      $AICache = $AICache->finish();

sub _scan_mbx {
  my ($self, $class, $folder, $bkfunc) = @_;
  my (@files, $fp);

  if (-d $folder) {
    # got passed a directory full of mbx folders.
    $folder =~ s/\/\s*$//; # remove trailing slash, if there is one
    if (!opendir(DIR, $folder)) {
      warn "archive-iterator: can't open '$folder' dir: $!\n";
      $self->{access_problem} = 1;

    while ($_ = readdir(DIR)) {
      if(/^[^\.]\S*$/ && ! -d "$folder/$_") {
	push(@files, "$folder/$_");
  else {
    push(@files, $folder);

  foreach my $file (@files) {

    if ($folder =~ /\.(?:gz|bz2)$/) {
      warn "archive-iterator: compressed mbx folders are not supported at this time\n";
      $self->{access_problem} = 1;

    my @s = stat($file);
    next unless $self->_message_is_useful_by_file_modtime($s[9]);

    my $info = {};
    my $count;

    $self->_create_cache('mbx', $file);

    if ($self->{opt_cache}) {
      if ($count = $AICache->count()) {
        $info = $AICache->check();

    unless ($count) {
      if (!_mail_open($file)) {
	$self->{access_problem} = 1;

      # check the mailbox is in mbx format
      $fp = <INPUT>;
      if ($fp !~ /\*mbx\*/) {
        die "archive-iterator: error: mailbox not in mbx format!\n";

      # skip mbx headers to the first email...
      seek(INPUT, 2048, 0);

      my $sep = MBX_SEPARATOR;

      while (<INPUT>) {
        if ($_ =~ /$sep/) {
	  my $offset = tell INPUT;
	  my $size = $2;

	  # gather up the headers...
	  my $header = '';
	  while (<INPUT>) {
            last if (/^\015?$/s);
	    $header .= $_;

	  $info->{$offset} = Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::receive_date($header);

	  # go onto the next message
	  seek(INPUT, $offset + $size, 0);
        else {
	  die "archive-iterator: error: failure to read message body!\n";
      close INPUT;

    while(my($k,$v) = each %{$info}) {
      if (defined $AICache && !$count) {
	$AICache->update($k, $v);

      if ($self->{determine_receive_date}) {
        next if !$self->_message_is_useful_by_date($v);
      next if !$self->_scanprob_says_scan();

      &{$bkfunc}($self, $v, $class, 'b', "$file.$k");

    if (defined $AICache) {
      $AICache = $AICache->finish();


sub _bump_scan_progress {
  my ($self) = @_;
  if (exists $self->{scan_progress_sub}) {
    return unless ($self->{scan_progress_counter}++ % 50 == 0);


  my $home;

  sub _fix_globs {
    my ($self, $path) = @_;

    unless (defined $home) {
      $home = $ENV{'HOME'};

      # No $HOME set?  Try to find it, portably.
      unless ($home) {
        if (!Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::am_running_on_windows()) {
          $home = (Mail::SpamAssassin::Util::portable_getpwuid($<))[7];
        } else {
          my $vol = $ENV{'HOMEDRIVE'} || 'C:';
          my $dir = $ENV{'HOMEPATH'} || '\\';
          $home = File::Spec->catpath($vol, $dir, '');

        # Fall back to no replacement at all.
	$home ||= '~';
    $path =~ s,^~/,${home}/,;

    # protect/escape spaces: ./Mail/My Letters => ./Mail/My\ Letters
    $path =~ s/(?<!\\)(\s)/\\$1/g;

    # return csh-style globs: ./corpus/*.mbox => er, you know what it does ;)
    return glob($path);

sub _create_cache {
  my ($self, $type, $path) = @_;

  if ($self->{opt_cache}) {
    $AICache = Mail::SpamAssassin::AICache->new({
                                    'type' => $type,
                                    'prefix' => $self->{opt_cachedir},
                                    'path' => $path,





=head1 SEE ALSO



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