INST.t   [plain text]

#!/usr/bin/perl -w

# Wherein we ensure the INST_* and INSTALL* variables are set correctly
# in a default Makefile.PL run
# Essentially, this test is a Makefile.PL.

    if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
        chdir 't' if -d 't';
        @INC = ('../lib', 'lib');
    else {
        unshift @INC, 't/lib';

use strict;
use Test::More tests => 26;
use MakeMaker::Test::Utils;
use MakeMaker::Test::Setup::BFD;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
use File::Spec;
use TieOut;
use Config;

chdir 't';


$| = 1;

my $Makefile = makefile_name;
my $Curdir = File::Spec->curdir;
my $Updir  = File::Spec->updir;

ok( setup_recurs(), 'setup' );
    ok( chdir File::Spec->updir );
    ok( teardown_recurs(), 'teardown' );

ok( chdir 'Big-Dummy', "chdir'd to Big-Dummy" ) ||
  diag("chdir failed: $!");

my $stdout = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut' or die;
my $mm = WriteMakefile(
    NAME          => 'Big::Dummy',
    VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/Big/',
    PREREQ_PM     => {},
like( $stdout->read, qr{
                        Writing\ $Makefile\ for\ Big::Liar\n
                        Big::Liar's\ vars\n
                        INST_LIB\ =\ \S+\n
                        INST_ARCHLIB\ =\ \S+\n
                        Writing\ $Makefile\ for\ Big::Dummy\n
}x );
undef $stdout;
untie *STDOUT;

isa_ok( $mm, 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' );

is( $mm->{NAME}, 'Big::Dummy',  'NAME' );
is( $mm->{VERSION}, 0.01,            'VERSION' );

my $config_prefix = $Config{installprefixexp} || $Config{installprefix} ||
                    $Config{prefixexp}        || $Config{prefix};
is( $mm->{PERLPREFIX}, $config_prefix,   'PERLPREFIX' );

is( !!$mm->{PERL_CORE}, !!$ENV{PERL_CORE}, 'PERL_CORE' );

my($perl_src, $mm_perl_src);
if( $ENV{PERL_CORE} ) {
    $perl_src = File::Spec->catdir($Updir, $Updir);
    $perl_src = File::Spec->canonpath($perl_src);
    $mm_perl_src = File::Spec->canonpath($mm->{PERL_SRC});
else {
    $mm_perl_src = $mm->{PERL_SRC};

is( $mm_perl_src, $perl_src,     'PERL_SRC' );

# PERM_*
is( $mm->{PERM_RW},  644,    'PERM_RW' );
is( $mm->{PERM_RWX}, 755,    'PERM_RWX' );

# INST_*
is( $mm->{INST_ARCHLIB}, 
    $mm->{PERL_CORE} ? $mm->{PERL_ARCHLIB}
                     : File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 'blib', 'arch'),
is( $mm->{INST_BIN},     File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 'blib', 'bin'),
                                     'INST_BIN' );

is( keys %{$mm->{CHILDREN}}, 1 );
my($child_pack) = keys %{$mm->{CHILDREN}};
my $c_mm = $mm->{CHILDREN}{$child_pack};
is( $c_mm->{INST_ARCHLIB}, 
    $c_mm->{PERL_CORE} ? $c_mm->{PERL_ARCHLIB}
                       : File::Spec->catdir($Updir, 'blib', 'arch'),
                                     'CHILD INST_ARCHLIB');
is( $c_mm->{INST_BIN},     File::Spec->catdir($Updir, 'blib', 'bin'),
                                     'CHILD INST_BIN' );

my $inst_lib = File::Spec->catdir($Curdir, 'blib', 'lib');
is( $mm->{INST_LIB}, 
    $mm->{PERL_CORE} ? $mm->{PERL_LIB} : $inst_lib,     'INST_LIB' );

is( $mm->{INSTALLDIRS}, 'site',     'INSTALLDIRS' );

# Make sure the INSTALL*MAN*DIR variables work.  We forgot them
# at one point.
$stdout = tie *STDOUT, 'TieOut' or die;
$mm = WriteMakefile(
    NAME          => 'Big::Dummy',
    VERSION_FROM  => 'lib/Big/',
    INSTALLMAN1DIR       => 'none',
    INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR   => 'none',
    INST_MAN1DIR         => 'none',
like( $stdout->read, qr{
                        Writing\ $Makefile\ for\ Big::Liar\n
                        Big::Liar's\ vars\n
                        INST_LIB\ =\ \S+\n
                        INST_ARCHLIB\ =\ \S+\n
                        Writing\ $Makefile\ for\ Big::Dummy\n
}x );
undef $stdout;
untie *STDOUT;

isa_ok( $mm, 'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' );

is  ( $mm->{INSTALLMAN1DIR},        'none' );
is  ( $mm->{INSTALLSITEMAN3DIR},    'none' );
is  ( $mm->{INSTALLVENDORMAN1DIR},  'none' );
is  ( $mm->{INST_MAN1DIR},          'none' );