[plain text]

# Copyright (c) 1995-2001 Graham Barr <>.  All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Mark Overmeer <>
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

package Mail::Address;
use strict;

use Carp;
use vars qw($VERSION);
use locale;

$VERSION = "1.62";
sub Version { $VERSION }

# given a comment, attempt to extract a person's name

sub _extract_name
    # This function can be called as method as well
    my $self = @_ && ref $_[0] ? shift : undef;

    local $_ = shift or return '';
    # Bug in unicode \U, perl 5.8.0 breaks when casing utf8 in regex
    if($] eq 5.008)
    {   require utf8;
        eval 'utf8::downgrade($_)';

    # trim whitespace
    s/\s+/ /;

    # Disregard numeric names (e.g.
    return "" if /^[\d ]+$/;

    # remove outermost parenthesis

    # remove outer quotation marks

    # remove embedded comments

    # reverse "Last, First M." if applicable
    s/^([^\s]+) ?, ?(.*)$/$2 $1/;

    # Change casing only when the name contains only upper or only
    # lower cased characters.
    unless( m/[A-Z]/ && m/[a-z]/ )
    {   # Set the case of the name to first char upper rest lower
        # Upcase first letter on name

        # Scottish names such as 'McLeod'

        # Irish names such as 'O'Malley, O'Reilly'

        # Roman numerals, eg 'Level III Support'

    # some cleanup
    s/\s{2,}/ /g;

    return $_;

sub _tokenise {
 local($_) = join(',', @_);
 s/[\r\n]+/ /g;

 while ($_ ne '')
   $field = '';
   if( s/^\s*\(/(/ )    # (...)
     my $depth = 0;

     PAREN: while(s/^(\(([^\(\)\\]|\\.)*)//)
       $field .= $1;
         $field .= $1;
         last PAREN unless --$depth;
	 $field .= $1 if s/^(([^\(\)\\]|\\.)+)//;

     carp "Unmatched () '$field' '$_'"
        if $depth;

     $field =~ s/\s+\Z//;
     push(@words, $field);


      s/^("([^"\\]|\\.)*")\s*//       # "..."
   || s/^(\[([^\]\\]|\\.)*\])\s*//    # [...]
   || s/^([^\s\Q()<>\@,;:\\".[]\E]+)\s*//
   || s/^([\Q()<>\@,;:\\".[]\E])\s*//
     and do { push(@words, $1); next; };

   croak "Unrecognised line: $_";

 push(@words, ",");


sub _find_next {
 my $idx = shift;
 my $tokens = shift;
 my $len = shift;
 while($idx < $len) {
   my $c = $tokens->[$idx];
   return $c if($c eq "," || $c eq "<");
 return "";

sub _complete {
 my $pkg = shift;
 my $phrase = shift;
 my $address = shift;
 my $comment = shift;
 my $o = undef;

 if(@{$phrase} || @{$comment} || @{$address}) {
  $o = $pkg->new(join(" ",@{$phrase}), 
                 join("", @{$address}),
                 join(" ",@{$comment}));
  @{$phrase} = ();
  @{$address} = ();
  @{$comment} = ();

 return $o;

sub new {
 my $pkg = shift;
 my $me = bless [@_], $pkg;
 return $me;

sub parse {
 my $pkg = shift;
 my @line    = grep { defined $_} @_;
 my $line    = join '', @line;

 local $_;

 my @phrase  = ();
 my @comment = ();
 my @address = ();
 my @objs    = ();
 my $depth   = 0;
 my $idx     = 0;
 my $tokens  = _tokenise(@line);
 my $len     = @$tokens;
 my $next    = _find_next($idx,$tokens,$len);

 for( ; $idx < $len ; $idx++) {
  $_ = $tokens->[$idx];

  if(substr($_,0,1) eq "(") {
  elsif($_ eq '<') {
  elsif($_ eq '>') {
   $depth-- if $depth;
  elsif($_ eq ',') {
   warn "Unmatched '<>' in $line" if($depth);
   my $o = _complete($pkg,\@phrase, \@address, \@comment);
   push(@objs, $o) if(defined $o);
   $depth = 0;
   $next = _find_next($idx+1,$tokens,$len);
  elsif($depth) {
  elsif($next eq "<") {
  elsif( /\A[\Q.\@:;\E]\Z/ || !@address || $address[-1] =~ /\A[\Q.\@:;\E]\Z/) {
  else {
   warn "Unmatched '<>' in $line" if($depth);
   my $o = _complete($pkg,\@phrase, \@address, \@comment);
   push(@objs, $o) if(defined $o);
   $depth = 0;

sub set_or_get {
 my $me = shift;
 my $i = shift;
 my $val = $me->[$i];

 $me->[$i] = shift if(@_);


sub phrase  { set_or_get(shift,0,@_) }
sub address { set_or_get(shift,1,@_) }
sub comment { set_or_get(shift,2,@_) }

sub format {
 my @fmts  = ();
 my $me;

 my $atext = '[\-\w !#$%&\'*+/=?^`{|}~]';

 foreach $me (@_) {
   my($phrase,$addr,$comment) = @{$me};
   my @tmp = ();

   if(defined $phrase && length($phrase)) {
     push @tmp, $phrase =~ /^(?:\s*$atext\s*)+$/ ? $phrase
              : $phrase =~ /(?<!\\)"/            ? $phrase
              :                                    qq("$phrase");

     push(@tmp, "<" . $addr . ">") if(defined $addr && length($addr));
   else {
    push(@tmp, $addr) if(defined $addr && length($addr));
   if(defined($comment) && $comment =~ /\S/) {
    $comment =~ s/^\s*\(?/(/;
    $comment =~ s/\)?\s*$/)/;
   push(@tmp, $comment) if(defined $comment && length($comment));
   push(@fmts, join(" ", @tmp)) if(scalar(@tmp));

 return join(", ", @fmts);

sub name 
    my $me = shift;
    my $phrase = $me->phrase;
    my $addr = $me->address;
    $phrase  = $me->comment unless(defined($phrase) && length($phrase));
    my $name = $me->_extract_name($phrase);
    # first.last@domain address
    if($name eq '' && $addr =~ /([^\%\.\@_]+([\._][^\%\.\@_]+)+)[\@\%]/o)
	($name = $1) =~ s/[\._]+/ /go;
	$name = _extract_name($name);
    if($name eq '' && $addr =~ m#/g=#oi)	
    # X400 style address
	my ($f) = $addr =~ m#g=([^/]*)#oi;
	my ($l) = $addr =~ m#s=([^/]*)#io;
	$name = _extract_name($f . " " . $l);
       return length($name) ? $name : undef;

sub host {
 my $me = shift;
 my $addr = $me->address || '';
 my $i = rindex($addr,'@');

 my $host = ($i >= 0) ? substr($addr,$i+1) : undef;

 return $host;

sub user {
 my $me = shift;
 my $addr = $me->address;
 my $i = index($addr,'@');

 my $user = ($i >= 0) ? substr($addr,0,$i) : $addr;

 return $user;

sub path {
 return ();

sub canon {
 my $me = shift;
 return ($me->host, $me->user, $me->path);



=head1 NAME

Mail::Address - Parse mail addresses


    use Mail::Address;
    my @addrs = Mail::Address->parse($line);
    foreach $addr (@addrs) {
	print $addr->format,"\n";


C<Mail::Address> extracts and manipulates RFC822 compilant email
addresses. As well as being able to create C<Mail::Address> objects
in the normal manner, C<Mail::Address> can extract addresses from
the To and Cc lines found in an email message.


=over 4

=item new( PHRASE,  ADDRESS, [ COMMENT ])

 Mail::Address->new("Perl5 Porters", "");

Create a new C<Mail::Address> object which represents an address with the
elements given. In a message these 3 elements would be seen like:


=item parse( LINE )


Parse the given line a return a list of extracted C<Mail::Address> objects.
The line would normally be one taken from a To,Cc or Bcc line in a message


=head1 METHODS

=over 4

=item phrase ()

Return the phrase part of the object.

=item address ()

Return the address part of the object.

=item comment ()

Return the comment part of the object

=item format ()

Return a string representing the address in a suitable form to be placed
on a To,Cc or Bcc line of a message

=item name ()

Using the information contained within the object attempt to identify what
the person or groups name is

=item host ()

Return the address excluding the user id and '@'

=item user ()

Return the address excluding the '@' and the mail domain

=item path ()

Unimplemented yet but should return the UUCP path for the message

=item canon ()

Unimplemented yet but should return the UUCP canon for the message


=head1 AUTHOR

Graham Barr.  Maintained by Mark Overmeer <>


Copyright (c) 2002-2003 Mark Overmeer, 1995-2001 Graham Barr. All rights
reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
