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Revision history for Perl extension Mail::Audit.

2.1 - Tue Jan 15 17:59:46 EST 2002
    - Meng Weng Wong <> made some edits.

  (1) ~username and strftime interpolation into accept() arguments.


      260(accept): accepting to /home/matest/Mail/In/20020115

  (2) multiple-argument accept() will deliver to multiple
      maildirs using single-inode multiple-hardlink style.

      $mail->accept("~/maildir1/", "~/maildir2/");

      20020115-01:55:31 matest@dumbo:~% ll maildir?/*/*
      -rw-------   2 matest   matest        416 Jan 15 01:55 maildir1/new/1011077720.13062_0.dumbo
      -rw-------   2 matest   matest        416 Jan 15 01:55 maildir2/new/1011077720.13062_1.dumbo

  (3) emergency mailbox support if none of the accept()s work.


      296(accept): calling accept handler accept_to_mbox(/etc/bogus)
      359(accept_to_mbox): Couldn't open /etc/bogus: Permission denied
      319(accept): unable to write to /etc/bogus; wrote to emergency mailbox /var/spool/mail/matest.

  (4) deferral back to mailqueue if emergency couldn't get delivered.

      296(accept): calling accept handler accept_to_mbox(/etc/bogus)
      359(accept_to_mbox): Couldn't open /etc/bogus: Permission denied
      359(accept_to_mbox): Couldn't open /etc/emergency: Permission denied
      320(accept): unable to write to /etc/bogus or to emergency mailbox /etc/emergency either; exiting EX_TEMPFAIL

  (5) fixed the From header bug
  (6) fixed the user method override bug with (@_) argument passing
  (7) autocreation of parent and maildir cur/new/tmp dirs as necessary.

      260(accept): accepting to /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some/really/deep/directory/
      761(mkdir_p): /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some/really/deep/directory/tmp doesn't exist, creating.
      761(mkdir_p): /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some/really/deep/directory doesn't exist, creating.
      761(mkdir_p): /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some/really/deep doesn't exist, creating.
      761(mkdir_p): /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some/really doesn't exist, creating.
      761(mkdir_p): /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some doesn't exist, creating.
      761(mkdir_p): /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some/really/deep/directory/new doesn't exist, creating.
      761(mkdir_p): /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some/really/deep/directory/cur doesn't exist, creating.
      492(accept_to_maildir): maildir: hardlinking to /home/mengwong/tmp/blah/some/really/deep/directory/new/1011077537.12691_3.dumbo
      304(accept): delivered successfully to 1 destinations.

  (8) support for MIME, with direct inheritance from
      Mail::Internet and MIME::Entity (as appropriate) instead
      of containment in ->{obj}.  added ->is_mime method.

  (9) added "reply" method.  uses Mail::Mailer::sendmail.

 (10) STDERR is directed to the logfile.

 (11) added test infrastructure.

2.0 - Mon Dec 10 19:51:17 GMT 2001
    - Jonathan Trull made Mail::Audit work with Exchange.
      Isn't that just gruesome?
    - Fixed the following bugs:

1.11 - Thu May 17 00:16:10 2001
    - Header and body interfaces by Justin Mason

1.10 - Mon Apr 23 16:26:18 2001
    - MH handling by Justin Mason
    - Added a license and the FAQ
    - And, for heaven's sake, let's finish preparing the release before
      we upload it to CPAN, this time, eh?

1.9 -
    - Mail::ListDetector plugin from Michael Stevens (Woo, mstevens++)
    - Documentation nit noted by Adrian Lattke

1.8 - Mon Feb 12 16:27:00 2001
    - Some small fixes to proc2ma
    - put_header and ::PGP plugin as suggested by Zebee Johnstone

1.7 - Sat Jan 27 11:17:56 2001
    - Race condition fixed; thanks to Dave Smith.
    - Also check $ENV{MAIL}: thanks to Shizukesa.
    - Created plug-in system; that rocks.

1.6 - Sat Jan 13 22:36:46 2001
    - Include first stab at proc2ma

1.5   Sun Jan  7 14:04:59 2001
    - Include popread

1.4   Thu Jan  4 19:07:22 2001
    - Long awaited release. There are probably still lots of bugs
      floating about, but I lost my old mailbox. Fixes include:
    - Correction of "resent" in documentation to "resend"
    - New "data" option in constructor
    - qmail preline fix from Matthew Darwin
    - "noexit" option
    - Spelling correction of "received"
    - "body" method
1.3   Tue Jun 20 20:09:21 2000
	- Bugfix release. Blegh.

1.2   Sat Jun 17 19:54:56 2000
    - Added debug logging to help get this thing working with exim

1.1   Sat Jun 17 16:21:58 2000
    - Thanks to Walt Mankowski, we now support maildir style incoming
      mail directories. 
    - We also support RBL lookups
    - get() gets a header field.

1.0   Sat Mar 25 20:18:30 2000
    - Well, it's been in production use since January, so I tidied it up
	  and PAUSEd it.

0.01  Thu Jan 13 19:43:51 2000
	- original version; created by h2xs 1.19