package Mail::Audit::MimeEntity; # $Id:,v 1.1 2004/04/09 17:04:47 dasenbro Exp $ use strict; use File::Path; use MIME::Parser; use MIME::Entity; use Mail::Audit::MailInternet; use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK $MIME_PARSER_TMPDIR); @ISA = qw(Mail::Audit MIME::Entity); $VERSION = '2.0'; $MIME_PARSER_TMPDIR = "/tmp/".getpwuid($>)."-mailaudit"; my $parser = MIME::Parser->new(); my @to_rmdir; sub autotype_new { my $class = shift; my $mailinternet = shift; $parser->ignore_errors(1); mkdir ($MIME_PARSER_TMPDIR, 0777); if (! -d $MIME_PARSER_TMPDIR) { $MIME_PARSER_TMPDIR = "/tmp" } $parser->output_under($MIME_PARSER_TMPDIR); # todo: add eval error trapping. if there's a problem, return Mail::Audit::MailInternet as a fallback. my $self = eval { $parser->parse_data([@{$mailinternet->head->header}, "\n", @{$mailinternet->body}]); }; my $error = ($@); # we won't look at $parser->last_error because we're trying to handle as much as we can. if ($error) { return (Mail::Audit::MailInternet->autotype_new( $mailinternet ), "encountered error during parse: $error"); # note to self: # if the error was due to an ill-formed message/rfc822 attachment, # we could reparse with extract_nested_messages => 0. # it depends how badly the attachment is formed. # for now we have ignore_errors(1) and we won't look at $parser->last_error. } push @to_rmdir, $parser->filer->output_dir; bless($self, $class); return ($self, 0); } sub DESTROY { rmtree(\@to_rmdir, 0, 1); # we don't want to rmdir the top-level tmpdir because other instances may be using that dir. # rmdir $MIME_PARSER_TMPDIR; } sub parser { $parser } sub is_mime { 1; } 1;