# $Id: 07-misc.t,v 1.1 2004/04/09 17:04:49 dasenbro Exp $ use Test::More tests => 15; use strict; BEGIN { use_ok('Net::DNS'); } # # test to make sure that wildcarding works. # my $rr; eval { $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new('*.t.net-dns.org 60 IN A'); }; ok($rr, 'RR got made'); is($rr->name, '*.t.net-dns.org', 'Name is correct' ); is($rr->ttl, 60, 'TTL is correct' ); is($rr->class, 'IN', 'CLASS is correct' ); is($rr->type, 'A', 'TYPE is correct' ); is($rr->address, '', 'Address is correct'); # # Make sure the underscore in SRV hostnames work. # my $srv; eval { $srv = Net::DNS::RR->new('_rvp._tcp.t.net-dns.org. 60 IN SRV 0 0 80 im.bastardsinc.biz'); }; ok(!$@, 'No errors'); ok($srv, 'SRV got made'); # # Test that the 5.005 Use of uninitialized value at # /usr/local/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.005/Net/DNS/RR.pm line 639. bug is gone # my $warning = 0; { local $^W = 1; local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { $warning++ }; my $rr = Net::DNS::RR->new('mx.t.net-dns.org 60 IN MX 10 a.t.net-dns.org'); ok($rr, 'RR created'); is($rr->preference, 10, 'Preference works'); } is($warning, 0, 'No evil warning'); { my $mx = Net::DNS::RR->new('mx.t.net-dns.org 60 IN MX 0 mail.net-dns.org'); like($mx->string, '/0 mail.net-dns.org/'); is($mx->preference, 0); is($mx->exchange, 'mail.net-dns.org'); }