TODO - limit the length of markup elements that never end. Perhaps by configurable limits on the length that markup can have and still be recongnized. Report stuff as 'text' when this happens? - unicode support (when parsing Unicode strings the strings reported in callbacks should also be Unicode strings). - remove 255 char limit on literal argspec strings - implement backslash escapes in literal argspec string - (parameter entities) - pic attribute (">" or "?>" are defaults) useful where you want to have "?>" as pic, but don't want the rest of xml_mode. For instance to parse PHP files. - make literal tags configurable. The current list is hardcoded to be ""script", "style", "textarea", "xmp", and "plaintext". SGML FEATURES WE WILL PROBABLY IGNORE FOREVER - Empty tags: <> (repeat previous start tag) - (same as ) - NET tags and ' ... --> - similar to the behaviour for end tags, MSIE apparently has some kind of quoted text skipping behaviour. Unclear if it is really JavaScript aware.