# This test that HTML::LinkExtor really absolutize links correctly # when a base URL is given to the constructor. eval { require URI; }; if ($@) { print "1..0\n"; print $@; exit; } print "1..5\n"; require HTML::LinkExtor; # Try with base URL and the $p->links interface. $p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(undef, "http://www.sn.no/foo/foo.html"); $p->parse(<eof; This is link and an Image. HTML @p = $p->links; # There should be 4 links in the document print "not " if @p != 4; print "ok 1\n"; for (@p) { ($t, %attr) = @$_ if $_->[0] eq 'img'; print "@$_\n"; } $t eq 'img' || print "not "; print "ok 2\n"; delete $attr{src} eq "http://www.sn.no/foo/img.jpg" || print "not "; print "ok 3\n"; delete $attr{lowsrc} eq "http://www.sn.no/foo/img.gif" || print "not "; print "ok 4\n"; scalar(keys %attr) && print "not "; # there should be no more attributes print "ok 5\n";