use lib "./t"; use MIME::Entity; use MIME::Parser; use ExtUtils::TBone; use Globby; use strict; my $line; my $LINE; #------------------------------------------------------------ # BEGIN #------------------------------------------------------------ # Create checker: my $T = typical ExtUtils::TBone; $T->begin(29); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Testing build()"); #------------------------------------------------------------ {local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { die "caught warning: ",@_ }; { my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/short.txt"); my $name = 'short.txt'; my $got; #-----test------ $got = $e->head->mime_attr(''); $T->ok($got eq $name, "Path: with no Filename, got default", Got => $got); #-----test------ $got = $e->head->mime_attr('content-disposition.filename'); $T->ok($got eq $name, "Path: with no Filename, got default content-disp.filename", Got => $got); #-----test------ $got = $e->head->recommended_filename; $T->ok($got eq $name, "Path: with no Filename, got default recommended filename", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/short.txt", Filename => undef); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr(''); $T->ok(!$got, "Path: with explicitly undef Filename, got no filename", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/short.txt", Filename => "foo.txt"); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr(''); $T->ok($got eq "foo.txt", "Path: verified explicit 'Filename'", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/sig" ); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr('content-type'); $T->ok($got eq 'text/plain', "Type: default ok", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/sig", Type => "text/foo"); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr('content-type'); $T->ok($got eq 'text/foo', "Type: explicit ok", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/sig", Encoding => '-SUGGEST'); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr('content-transfer-encoding'); $T->ok($got eq '7bit', "Encoding: -SUGGEST yields 7bit", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/short.txt", Encoding => '-SUGGEST'); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr('content-transfer-encoding'); $T->ok($got eq 'quoted-printable', "Encoding: -SUGGEST yields qp", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Type => 'image/gif', Path => "./testin/mime-sm.gif", Encoding => '-SUGGEST'); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr('content-transfer-encoding'); $T->ok($got eq 'base64', "Encoding: -SUGGEST yields base64", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/short.txt" ); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr('content-type.charset'); $T->ok(!$got, "Charset: default ok", Got => $got); } { #-----test------ my $e = MIME::Entity->build(Path => "./testin/short.txt", Charset => 'iso8859-1'); my $got = $e->head->mime_attr('content-type.charset'); $T->ok($got eq 'iso8859-1', "Charset: explicit", Got => $got); } } #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Create an entity"); #------------------------------------------------------------ # Create the top-level, and set up the mail headers in a couple # of different ways: my $top = MIME::Entity->build(Type => "multipart/mixed", -From => "me\", -To => "you\"); $top->head->add('subject', "Hello, nurse!"); $top->preamble([]); $top->epilogue([]); # Attachment #0: a simple text document: attach $top Path=>"./testin/short.txt"; # Attachment #1: a GIF file: attach $top Path => "./testin/mime-sm.gif", Type => "image/gif", Encoding => "base64", Disposition => "attachment"; # Attachment #2: a document we'll create manually: my $attach = new MIME::Entity; $attach->head(new MIME::Head ["X-Origin: fake\n", "Content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable\n", "Content-type: text/plain\n"]); $attach->bodyhandle(new MIME::Body::Scalar); my $io = $attach->bodyhandle->open("w"); $io->print(<close; $top->add_part($attach); # Attachment #3: a document we'll create, not-so-manually: $LINE = "This is the first and last line, with no CR at the end."; $attach = attach $top Data=>$LINE; #-----test------ $T->ok(1, "built a message"); unlink globby("testout/entity.msg*"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Check body"); #------------------------------------------------------------ my $bodylines = $top->parts(0)->body; #-----test------ $T->ok($bodylines > 0, "old-style body call ok"); my $preamble_str = join '', @{$top->preamble || []}; my $preamble_len = length($preamble_str); my $epilogue_str = join '', @{$top->epilogue || []}; my $epilogue_len = length($epilogue_str); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Output msg1 to explicit filehandle glob"); #------------------------------------------------------------ open TMP, ">testout/entity.msg1" or die "open: $!"; $top->print(\*TMP); close TMP; #-----test------ $T->ok((-s "testout/entity.msg1"), "wrote msg1 to filehandle glob"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Output msg2 to selected filehandle"); #------------------------------------------------------------ open TMP, ">testout/entity.msg2" or die "open: $!"; my $oldfh = select TMP; $top->print; select $oldfh; close TMP; #-----test------ $T->ok((-s "testout/entity.msg2"), "write msg2 to selected filehandle"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Compare"); #------------------------------------------------------------ # Same? $T->ok(((-s "testout/entity.msg1") == (-s "testout/entity.msg2")), "message files are same length"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Parse it back in, to check syntax"); #------------------------------------------------------------ my $parser = new MIME::Parser; $parser->output_dir("testout"); open IN, "./testout/entity.msg1" or die "open: $!"; $top = $parser->parse(\*IN); $T->msg($parser->results->msgs); #-----test------ $T->ok($top, "parsed msg1 back in"); my $preamble_str2 = join '', @{$top->preamble || []}; my $preamble_len2 = length($preamble_str2); my $epilogue_str2 = join '', @{$top->epilogue || []}; my $epilogue_len2 = length($epilogue_str2); #-----test------ $T->ok(($preamble_len == $preamble_len2), "preambles match ($preamble_len == $preamble_len2)", Pre1 => $preamble_str, Pre2 => $preamble_str2, ); #-----test------ $T->ok(($epilogue_len == $epilogue_len2), "epilogues match ($epilogue_len == $epilogue_len2)", Epi1 => $epilogue_str, Epi2 => $epilogue_str2, ); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Check the number of parts"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->ok(($top->parts == 4), "number of parts is correct (4)"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Check attachment 1 [the GIF]"); #------------------------------------------------------------ my $gif_real = (-s "./testin/mime-sm.gif"); my $gif_this = (-s "./testout/mime-sm.gif"); #-----test------ $T->ok(($gif_real == $gif_this), "GIF is right size (real = $gif_real, this = $gif_this)"); my $part = ($top->parts)[1]; #-----test------ $T->ok(($part->head->mime_type eq 'image/gif'), "GIF has correct MIME type"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Check attachment 3 [the short message]"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $part = ($top->parts)[3]; $io = $part->bodyhandle->open("r"); $line = ($io->getline); $io->close; #-----test------ $T->ok(($line eq $LINE), "getline gets correct value (IO = $io, <$line>, <$LINE>)"); #-----test------ $T->ok(($part->head->mime_type eq 'text/plain'), "MIME type okay"); #-----test------ $T->ok(($part->head->mime_encoding eq 'binary'), "MIME encoding okay"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Write it out, and compare"); #------------------------------------------------------------ open TMP, ">testout/entity.msg3" or die "open: $!"; $top->print(\*TMP); close TMP; #-----test------ $T->ok(((-s "testout/entity.msg2") == (-s "testout/entity.msg3")), "msg2 same size as msg3"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Duplicate"); #------------------------------------------------------------ my $dup = $top->dup; open TMP, ">testout/entity.dup3" or die "open: $!"; $dup->print(\*TMP); close TMP; my $msg3_s = -s "testout/entity.msg3"; my $dup3_s = -s "testout/entity.dup3"; #-----test------ $T->ok(($msg3_s == $dup3_s), "msg3 size ($msg3_s) is same as dup3 size ($dup3_s)"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Test signing"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $top->sign(File=>"./testin/sig"); $top->remove_sig; $top->sign(File=>"./testin/sig2", Remove=>56); $top->sign(File=>"./testin/sig3"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Write it out again, after synching"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $top->sync_headers(Nonstandard=>'ERASE', Length=>'COMPUTE'); open TMP, ">testout/entity.msg4" or die "open: $!"; $top->print(\*TMP); close TMP; #------------------------------------------------------------ $T->msg("Purge the files"); #------------------------------------------------------------ $top->purge; #-----test------ $T->ok((! -e "./testout/mime-sm.gif"), "purge worked"); # Done! exit(0); 1;