mimeprint.html   [plain text]

       bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#CC3366" vlink="#993366" alink="#FF6666">
<FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://www.zeegee.com" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="icons/zeegee.gif" ALT="ZeeGee Software" ALIGN="RIGHT" BORDER="0"></A><A NAME="__TOP__"><H1>mimeprint</H1>
<P><B>This module is <FONT COLOR="#990000">BETA</FONT> code, which means that the interfaces are fairly stable BUT it has not been out in the community long enough to guarantee much testing. Use with caution! Please report any errors back to <A HREF="mailto:eryq@zeegee.com">eryq@zeegee.com</A> as soon as you can.</B><UL>

<A NAME="NAME"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> NAME</H2></A>

<P>mimeprint - parse a MIME stream, and print the parsed entity

<A NAME="SYNOPSIS"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> SYNOPSIS</H2></A>

<FONT SIZE=3 FACE="courier"><PRE>
        Give usage.
    mimeprint [options] infile
        Parse a MIME stream from infile (- means stdin), and print 
        entity to stdout.

<A NAME="DESCRIPTION"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> DESCRIPTION</H2></A>

<P>Parse a MIME stream, and output the resulting entity.  This is
a nice way of eyeballing whether or not MIME-tools &quot;understood&quot;
your MIME message.

<P>Due to nonuniqueness of MIME encodings, there is a very good chance
that your output will not <I>exactly</I> resemble your input.    

<A NAME="AUTHOR"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> AUTHOR</H2></A>

<P>Eryq, eryq@zeegee.com

Generated Wed Jan 17 01:58:58 2001 by cvu_pod2html