mimeexplode.html   [plain text]

       bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#CC3366" vlink="#993366" alink="#FF6666">
<FONT FACE="sans-serif" SIZE=-1><A HREF="http://www.zeegee.com" TARGET="_top"><IMG SRC="icons/zeegee.gif" ALT="ZeeGee Software" ALIGN="RIGHT" BORDER="0"></A><A NAME="__TOP__"><H1>mimeexplode</H1>
<P><B>This module is <FONT COLOR="#990000">BETA</FONT> code, which means that the interfaces are fairly stable BUT it has not been out in the community long enough to guarantee much testing. Use with caution! Please report any errors back to <A HREF="mailto:eryq@zeegee.com">eryq@zeegee.com</A> as soon as you can.</B><UL>

<A NAME="NAME"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> NAME</H2></A>

<P>mimeexplode - explode one or more MIME messages

<A NAME="SYNOPSIS"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> SYNOPSIS</H2></A>

<FONT SIZE=3 FACE="courier"><PRE>
    mimeexplode &lt;mime-msg-file&gt; &lt;mime-msg-file&gt; ...
    someprocess | mimeexplode -

<A NAME="DESCRIPTION"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> DESCRIPTION</H2></A>

<P>Takes one or more files from the command line that contain MIME
messages, and explodes their contents out into subdirectories
of the current working directory.  The subdirectories are 
just called <CODE>msg0</CODE>, <CODE>msg1</CODE>, <CODE>msg2</CODE>, etc.  Existing directories are
skipped over.

<P>The message information is output to the stdout, like this:

<FONT SIZE=3 FACE="courier"><PRE>
    Message: msg3 (inputfile1.msg)
        Part: msg3/filename-1.dat (text/plain)
        Part: msg3/filename-2.dat (text/plain)
    Message: msg5 (input-file2.msg)
        Part: msg5/dir.gif (image/gif)
        Part: msg5/face.jpg (image/jpeg)
    Message: msg6 (infile3)
        Part: msg6/filename-1.dat (text/plain)

<P>This was written as an example of the MIME:: modules in the
MIME-parser package I wrote.  It may prove useful as a quick-and-dirty
way of splitting a MIME message if you need to decode something, and
you don't have a MIME mail reader on hand.

<A NAME="COMMAND_LINE_OPTIONS"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> COMMAND LINE OPTIONS</H2></A>

<P>None yet.  

<A NAME="AUTHOR"><H2><A HREF="#__TOP__"><IMG SRC="icons/h1bullet.gif" ALT="Top" BORDER="0"></A> AUTHOR</H2></A>

<P>Eryq <CODE>eryq@zeegee.com</CODE>, in a big hurry...

Generated Wed Jan 17 01:58:54 2001 by cvu_pod2html