SharedMemoryServer.cpp   [plain text]

#include "SharedMemoryServer.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <machine/byte_order.h>
#include <string>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <security_utilities/crc.h>
#include <unistd.h>

static const char* kPrefix = "/private/var/db/mds/messages/se_";

SharedMemoryServer::SharedMemoryServer (const char* segmentName, SegmentOffsetType segmentSize) :
	mSegmentName (segmentName), mSegmentSize (segmentSize)
	mFileName = kPrefix;
	mFileName += segmentName;
	// make the mds directory, just in case it doesn't exist
	mkdir("/var/db/mds", 1777);
	mkdir("/var/db/mds/messages", 0755);
	// make the file name
	// clean any old file away
	unlink (mFileName.c_str ());
	// open the file
	int segmentDescriptor = open (mFileName.c_str (), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IROTH);
	if (segmentDescriptor < 0)
	// set the segment size
	ftruncate (segmentDescriptor, segmentSize);
	// map it into memory
	mSegment = (u_int8_t*) mmap (NULL, mSegmentSize, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, segmentDescriptor, 0);
	close (segmentDescriptor);

	if (mSegment == (u_int8_t*) -1) // can't map the memory?
		mSegment = NULL;
		unlink (mFileName.c_str());
	mDataPtr = mDataArea = mSegment + sizeof(SegmentOffsetType);
	mDataMax = mSegment + segmentSize;;
	SetProducerOffset (0);

SharedMemoryServer::~SharedMemoryServer ()
	// go away
	if (mSegment == NULL)
	// get out of memory
	munmap (mSegment, mSegmentSize);
	// mark the segment for deletion
	unlink (mFileName.c_str ());

const SegmentOffsetType
	kSegmentLength = 0,
	kCRCOffset = kSegmentLength + sizeof(SegmentOffsetType),
	kDomainOffset = kCRCOffset + sizeof(SegmentOffsetType),
	kEventTypeOffset = kDomainOffset + sizeof(SegmentOffsetType),
	kHeaderLength = kEventTypeOffset + sizeof(SegmentOffsetType) - kCRCOffset;

void SharedMemoryServer::WriteMessage (SegmentOffsetType domain, SegmentOffsetType event, const void *message, SegmentOffsetType messageLength)
	// assemble the final message
	ssize_t messageSize = kHeaderLength + messageLength;
	u_int8_t finalMessage[messageSize];
	SegmentOffsetType *fm  = (SegmentOffsetType*) finalMessage;
	fm[0] = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(domain);
	fm[1] = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(event);
	memcpy(&fm[2], message, messageLength);
	SegmentOffsetType crc = CalculateCRC(finalMessage, messageSize);
	// write the length
	// write the crc
	// write the data
	WriteData (finalMessage, messageSize);
	// write the data count
	SetProducerOffset(mDataPtr - mDataArea);

const char* SharedMemoryServer::GetSegmentName ()
	return mSegmentName.c_str ();

size_t SharedMemoryServer::GetSegmentSize ()
	return mSegmentSize;

SegmentOffsetType SharedMemoryServer::GetProducerOffset ()
	// the data is stored in the buffer in network byte order
	u_int32_t pCount = OSSwapBigToHostInt32 (*(u_int32_t*) mSegment);
	return OSSwapHostToBigInt32 (pCount);

void SharedMemoryServer::SetProducerOffset (SegmentOffsetType producerCount)
	*((SegmentOffsetType*) mSegment) = OSSwapHostToBigInt32 (producerCount);

void SharedMemoryServer::WriteOffset(SegmentOffsetType offset)
	u_int8_t buffer[4];
	*((u_int32_t*) buffer) = OSSwapHostToBigInt32(offset);
	WriteData(buffer, 4);

void SharedMemoryServer::WriteData(const void* data, SegmentOffsetType length)
	// figure out where in the buffer we actually need to write the data
	// figure out how many bytes we can write without overflowing the buffer
	const u_int8_t* dp = (const u_int8_t*) data;
	SegmentOffsetType bytesToEnd = mDataMax - mDataPtr;
	// figure out how many bytes we can write
	SegmentOffsetType bytesToWrite = (length <= bytesToEnd) ? length : bytesToEnd;

	// move the first part of the data, making sure to skip the producer pointer
	memcpy (mDataPtr, dp, bytesToWrite);
	mDataPtr += bytesToWrite;
	dp += bytesToWrite;
	// deduct the bytes just written
	length -= bytesToWrite;
	if (length != 0) // did we wrap around?
		mDataPtr = mDataArea;
		memcpy (mDataPtr, dp, length);
		mDataPtr += length;