# c++-lib/makefile # # makes C++ ASN.1 runtime library # # MS 92 # # $Header: /cvs/Darwin/src/live/Security/SecuritySNACCRuntime/c++-lib/makefile,v 2001/05/18 23:14:05 mb Exp $ # $Log: makefile,v $ # Revision 2001/05/18 23:14:05 mb # Move from private repository to open source repository # # Revision 1.3 2000/12/22 00:04:15 dmitch # Misc. updates for clean build on Cheetah 1D7. # # Revision 1.2 2000/05/10 23:38:06 rmurphy # Updating makefile and install related files # # Revision 1999/03/16 18:05:58 aram # Originals from SMIME Free Library. # # Revision 1.12 1997/03/13 09:15:05 wan # Improved dependency generation for stupid makedepends. # Corrected PeekTag to peek into buffer only as far as necessary. # Added installable error handler. # Fixed small glitch in idl-code generator (Markku Savela ). # # Revision 1.11 1997/02/16 16:48:25 rj # made return *this after calling abort()'' a compile time option. # # Revision 1.10 1997/02/15 20:40:26 rj # clean/clobber simplified, no recursive call # # Revision 1.9 1995/09/07 18:44:09 rj # snacced.[hC] renamed into tcl-if.[hC], # tkXAppInit.c lost its X. # # asn-useful.asn1 is compiled with the -l 50 option, as recommended by MS in the documentation. # # Revision 1.8 1995/07/27 08:33:31 rj # make $(TCL-P) if necessary. # # actions for stamp-useful rule: call diff only if both input files exist. # # Revision 1.7 1995/07/24 15:52:59 rj # changed `_' to `-' in file names. # # useful.asn1 renamed to asn-useful.asn1 to accomodate to snacc's new file name generation scheme. # # make tcl interface as determined thru the $(TCL-P) utility prog. # # `cd && make' instead of `cd; make'. # # create installation directories only if they do not exist already. # # call make recursively to generate the libraries different dependencies and concatenate them. # # Revision 1.6 1995/02/20 11:40:24 rj # remove stamp-useful before removing asn-useful.[hC]. # distribute install-sh. # use $(INSTALL*) in a for-loop as some install programs (namely the distributed install-sh) only process their first argument! # # Revision 1.5 1995/02/09 14:03:22 rj # enforce generation of inc/asn-useful.h and src/asn-useful.cpp when making dependencies # # Revision 1.4 1994/10/08 05:27:31 rj # don't distribute the non-bootstrapping version of asn-useful.[hc] # # Revision 1.3 1994/10/08 04:03:19 rj # a new asn-useful.[Ch] get generated every time the compiler or asn-useful.asn1 changes. # # the Tcl interface needs a separate library because conditional compilation and virtual tables don't match otherwise. # # Revision 1.2 1994/08/31 23:28:41 rj # DISTFILES and install phony target added. # # Revision 1.1 1994/08/28 09:20:22 rj # first check-in. for a list of changes to the snacc-1.1 distribution please refer to the ChangeLog. # include ../makehead include ../makehead.static DEPENDENCIES = TOP = .. ASN1_SRC_DIR = $(TOP)/asn1specs COMPILERDIR = $(TOP)/compiler SNACC = $(COMPILERDIR)/snacc USEFUL_TYPES = $(ASN1_SRC_DIR)/asn-useful.asn1 CPPFLAGS += -Iinc -I$(TOP) $(tcl_def) -F/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks # # hack around broken autoconf and missing makehead # RANLIB= /usr/bin/ranlib TCL-P = $(TOP)/tcl-p #- #ifdef _IBM_ENC_ #- # Base directory of snacc11 #- UserDir=/net/saturn/usr4/GLASS/tools #- Snacc11Dir=$(UserDir)/snacc #- # #- # where ShmMgr is located #- ShmMgrDir=/net/saturn/usr4/GLASS/tools/shmmgr #- # #- # Directories of the HeiTS #- # needed to include *.h files and Libs. #- HeiTSDir = /u/HeiTS #- OSSDir = $(HeiTSDir)/oss #- BMSDir = $(HeiTSDir)/bms #- MEMDir = $(HeiTSDir)/memmgr #- # #- # my own .h files for OSS are located at #- OwnOSSDir = $(UserDir)/include/HeiTS3.2.6/oss_aix #- OwnMemMgrDir = $(UserDir)/include/HeiTS3.2.6/memmgr #- # #- # OSS include and define for compiling #- # HeiTS 3.2.6 #- HeiTSIncDirs = -I$(OwnOSSDir) -I$(OwnMemMgrDir) -D__AIX_32__ -D__AIX__ #- # HeiTS 3.2.7 #- #HeiTSIncDirs = -I$(OwnOSSDir) -I$(OwnMemMgrDir) -D__ALL_SOURCE -D__AIX_32__ -DMMSERV -DDEBUG -DMAP_MANAGEMENT -DMHEG #- # #- LIB_HDR_DIR = $(Snacc11Dir)/cpp_incl #- #- CC = xlC #- CFLAGS = -c -g -qchars=signed -+ -DIEEE_REAL_FMT -I$(LIB_HDR_DIR) -I$(ShmMgrDir) $(HeiTSIncDirs) #- #endif /* _IBM_ENC_ */ HFILES.d = \ inc/asn-any.h \ inc/asn-bits.h \ inc/asn-bool.h \ inc/asn-buf.h \ inc/asn-config.h \ inc/asn-enum.h \ inc/asn-incl.h \ inc/asn-int.h \ inc/asn-len.h \ inc/asn-list.h \ inc/asn-null.h \ inc/asn-octs.h \ inc/asn-oid.h \ inc/asn-real.h \ inc/asn-tag.h \ inc/asn-type.h \ inc/hash.h \ inc/init.h \ inc/meta.h \ inc/print.h \ inc/tcl-if.h \ inc/str-stk.h HFILES = \ $(HFILES.d) \ inc/asn-useful.h HFILES.shared = \ $(TOP)/snacc.h \ $(TOP)/config.h \ $(TOP)/policy.h CFILES.d = \ src/asn-any.cpp \ src/asn-bits.cpp \ src/asn-bool.cpp \ src/asn-enum.cpp \ src/asn-int.cpp \ src/asn-len.cpp \ src/asn-list.cpp \ src/asn-null.cpp \ src/asn-octs.cpp \ src/asn-oid.cpp \ src/asn-real.cpp \ src/asn-tag.cpp \ src/asn-type.cpp \ src/hash.cpp \ src/meta.cpp \ src/print.cpp \ src/tcl-if.cpp \ src/str-stk.cpp \ src/tkAppInit.c CFILES = \ $(CFILES.d) \ src/asn-useful.cpp d = src OFILES = \ $d/asn-any.o \ $d/asn-bits.o \ $d/asn-bool.o \ $d/asn-enum.o \ $d/asn-int.o \ $d/asn-len.o \ $d/asn-list.o \ $d/asn-null.o \ $d/asn-octs.o \ $d/asn-oid.o \ $d/asn-real.o \ $d/asn-tag.o \ $d/asn-type.o \ $d/asn-useful.o \ $d/hash.o \ $d/meta.o \ $d/print.o \ $d/tcl-if.o \ $d/str-stk.o \ $d/tkAppInit.o DISTFILES = \ README \ makefile \ $(HFILES.d) \ $(CFILES.d) LIB = libasn1c++.a #------------------------------------------------------------------------------- default:: c++-lib tcl-lib d = dummy $d:: $(CFILES) $d:: test -d $@ || mkdir $@ $(RM) $@/*.[Cc] $@/*.cpp ln $(CFILES) $@ .PHONY: ofiles lib .PHONY: c++-lib tcl-lib ofiles: $(OFILES) lib: libasn1$d.a c++-lib: $(MAKE) d=c++ c++ ofiles lib tcl_def=-DMETA=0 tcl-lib:: $(TCL-P) tcl-lib:: if $(TCL-P); then $(MAKE) d=tcl tcl ofiles lib tcl_def=-DTCL; fi libasn1c++.a \ libasn1tcl.a: $(OFILES) $(AR) rv $@ $? $(RANLIB) $@ #$(LIB):: $(CFILES) inc/asn-useful.h \ src/asn-useful.cpp: stamp-useful stamp-useful: $(SNACC) $(USEFUL_TYPES) $(TCL-P) if $(TCL-P); then\ $(SNACC) -C $(SNACC_NOVOLAT) -l 50 -tcl "" $(USEFUL_TYPES);\ $(RM) modules.cpp;\ else\ $(SNACC) -C $(SNACC_NOVOLAT) -l 50 $(USEFUL_TYPES);\ fi # the dates in the two files will differ, so the files really differ if diff prints more than 4 lines of output: @if [ ! -f inc/asn-useful.h ] || [ `diff asn-useful.h inc/asn-useful.h | wc -l` -gt 4 ]; then\ mv asn-useful.h inc/asn-useful.h;\ else\ echo "asn-useful.h hasn't changed";\ $(RM) asn-useful.h;\ fi @if [ ! -f src/asn-useful.cpp ] || [ `diff asn-useful.cpp src/asn-useful.cpp | wc -l` -gt 4 ]; then\ mv asn-useful.cpp src/asn-useful.cpp;\ else\ echo "asn-useful.cpp hasn't changed";\ $(RM) asn-useful.cpp;\ fi date > $@ $(SNACC): cd $(@D) && $(MAKE) $(@F) install-sh: ln $(TOP)/install-sh $@ $(incdir)/snacc/c++ $(libexecdir): $(TOP)/mkinstalldirs $@ install:: $(HFILES) c++-lib tcl-lib install-sh $(incdir)/snacc/c++ $(libexecdir) install:: for h in $(HFILES) $(HFILES.shared); do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$h $(incdir)/snacc/c++/; done for l in $(LIB); do $(INSTALL_DATA) $$l $(libexecdir)/; $(RANLIB) -t $(libexecdir)/$$l; done if [ $d != tcl ]; then $(MAKE) LIB=libasn1tcl.a d=tcl $@; fi clean:: $(RM) stamp-useful $(RM) asn-useful.h inc/asn-useful.h $(RM) asn-useful.cpp src/asn-useful.cpp $(RM) $(OFILES) $(RM) -r c++ tcl $(RM) *.o *~ .emacs* core clobber:: $(RM) libasn1c++.a $(RM) libasn1tcl.a $(RM) install-sh depend:: inc/asn-useful.h src/asn-useful.cpp depend:: if [ x"$(DEPENDENCIES)" = x ]; then\ $(MAKE) d=c++ c++ DEPENDENCIES=deps.c++ depend;\ if $(TCL-P); then\ $(MAKE) d=tcl tcl tcl_def=-DTCL DEPENDENCIES=deps.tcl depend;\ fi;\ cp /dev/null dependencies;\ for dir in c++ tcl; do\ < deps.$$dir sed -e "s/^src/$$dir/;s/^[a-z-]*\.o:/$$dir\/&/" >> dependencies;\ $(RM) deps.$$dir;\ done;\ fi include ../maketail