beredit   [plain text]

# the next line restarts using wish \
exec asnwish "$0" "$@"

proc err {msg} {
    tk_dialog .err Error $msg {} 0 Damn

proc ref {desc} {
    set res [lindex $desc 0]
    if {$res==""} {
    	set res [lindex $desc 1]
    	if {$res=="TYPEREF"} {
    	    set res [lindex [lindex $desc 4] 1]
    return $res

proc complete {ntp} {
    global pdu
    upvar $ntp tp
    set tp [string trimright "$pdu $tp"]

proc newenc {tp r toggle} {
    global asnenc
    set idx $tp
    if {$toggle} {
    	set cur [lindex [array get asnenc $idx] 1]
	set pr [lsearch -exact $cur $r]
	if {$pr==-1} {
    	    lappend cur $r
	} else {
    	    set cur [lreplace $cur $pr $pr]
	set asnenc($idx) $cur
    } else {
    	set asnenc($idx) $r

proc selpress {y} {
    global tag
    set i [.selector.l nearest $y]
    if {$i==0} return
    set tpval [.selector.l get $i]
    if {$tag(selector)=="CHOICE"} {
    	newenc [lindex $tpval 0] [lindex $tpval 1] 0
    } else {
    	newenc [lindex $tpval 0] [lindex $tpval 1] 1

proc comppress {y} {
    global table tag
    set i [.composer.l nearest $y]
    set tpval [.composer.l get $i]
    set tp [lindex $tpval 0]
    set val [lindex $tpval 1]
    set typetoask $tp
    set td [$table type -followref $typetoask]
    set t [lindex $td 1]
    switch $t {
    	CHOICE {
    	    set tag(selector) $t
   	    .selector.l delete 0 end
    	    .selector.l insert end "$tp is a CHOICE of:"
    	    foreach {subtypedesc req} [lindex $td 4] {
    	    	set r [ref $subtypedesc]
    	    	.selector.l insert end [list $tp $r] 
    	    wm withdraw .insertor
    	    wm deiconify .selector 
    	    raise .selector
    	    set tag(selector) $t
    	    .selector.l delete 0 end
    	    .selector.l insert end "In SEQUENCE $tp, the following are OPTIONAL:"
    	    foreach {subtypedesc req} [lindex $td 4] {
    	    	if {!$req} {
   	    	    set r [ref $subtypedesc]
    	    	    .selector.l insert end [list $tp $r]
    	    wm withdraw .insertor
   	    wm deiconify .selector 
    	    raise .selector
    	default {
    	    if {$t=="SEQUENCE OF"} {
    	    	set text "Size of SEQUENCE OF $tp:"
    	    } else {
    	    	set text "New value of $tp:"
    	    set tag(insertor) $tp
    	    .insertor.l configure -text $text
    	    .insertor.e delete 0 end
    	    .insertor.e insert 0 $val
    	    wm withdraw .selector
    	    wm deiconify .insertor
    	    raise .insertor

proc inspress {} {
    global tag
    newenc $tag(insertor) [.insertor.e get] 0

proc fillcomposer {} {
    global table pdu
    set fraction 0.0
    if [winfo exists .composer.l] {
    	set fraction [lindex [.composer.l yview] 0]
	.composer.l delete 0 end
    } else {
	frame .composer
	pack .composer -fill both -expand 1
	listbox .composer.l -yscrollcommand ".composer.v set"
	scrollbar .composer.v -orient vertical -command ".composer.l yview"
	pack .composer.v -fill y -side right
	pack .composer.l -expand yes -fill both
	bind .composer.l <ButtonPress-1> {comppress %y}
	toplevel .selector
	listbox .selector.l -yscrollcommand ".selector.v set"
	scrollbar .selector.v -orient vertical -command ".selector.l yview"
	pack .selector.v -fill y -side right
	pack .selector.l -expand yes -fill both
	bind .selector.l <ButtonPress-1> {selpress %y}
	wm protocol .selector WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .selector}
	wm title .selector "Snacc ASN.1 data item selection"
	toplevel .insertor
	label .insertor.l
	entry .insertor.e
	pack .insertor.l -fill x -expand yes -side top
	pack .insertor.e -fill x -expand yes -side bottom
	bind .insertor.e <KeyPress-Return> {inspress}
	wm protocol .insertor WM_DELETE_WINDOW {wm withdraw .insertor}
	wm title .insertor "Snacc ASN.1 data item modification"
    wm withdraw .selector
    wm withdraw .insertor
    set null [open "/dev/null" w]
    $table encode $null $pdu "encodevalcompose $null"
    close $null
    .composer.l yview moveto $fraction
    wm deiconify .
    raise .

proc decodetype {tp val} {
    complete tp
    if {$val==-1} {
	set l [expr [llength $tp]-1]
	set final [lindex $tp $l]
	set addto [lrange $tp 0 [expr $l-1]]
	global table asnenc
    	set td [$table type -followref $addto]
	if {[lindex $td 1]=="SEQUENCE"} {
	    if [catch {set asnenc($addto)}] {
    		set asnenc($addto) ""
	    foreach {elem req} [lindex $td 4] {
    		if {[lindex $elem 0]==$final} {
    		    if {!$req} {
    			lappend asnenc($addto) $final
	} else {
    	    set asnenc($addto) $final

proc decodeval {chan tp val} {
    decodetype $tp -1
    global asnenc table
    complete tp
    set typ [$table type -followref $tp]
    if {[lindex $typ 1]=="BIT STRING"} {
	set namespecs [lindex $typ 3]
	set bitno 0
	foreach bit [split $val ""] {
	    set idx [lsearch $namespecs "$bitno *"]
	    if {$idx>=0 && $bit} {
	    	lappend val "[lindex {! {}} $bit][lindex [lindex $namespecs $idx] 1]($bitno)"
	    incr bitno
    } elseif {[lindex $typ 1]=="ENUMERATED"} {
	set namespecs [lindex $typ 3]
	set idx [lsearch $namespecs "$val *"]
	if {$idx>=0} {
	    lappend val "[lindex [lindex $namespecs $idx] 1]"
    set asnenc($tp) $val

proc encodevalcompose {chan tp} {
    global asnenc
    complete tp
    if [catch {set val $asnenc($tp)}] {
	set val {}
    .composer.l insert end [list $tp $val]
    return $val

proc encodeval {chan tp val} {
    global table
    set prefix -
    set val [subst -nobackslashes $val]
    set typ [$table type -followref $tp]
    if {[lindex $typ 1]=="OCTET STRING"} {
	set fromto [lindex $typ 2]
	set from [lindex $fromto 0]
	set to [lindex $fromto 1]
	if {$to==""} {
	    set to $from
	regsub -all {[^\\]} $val {} slashes
	set len [expr [string length $val] - [string length $slashes] * 3]
	if {$from!={} && $from>$len} {
	    set val [format "%$prefix[expr $from]s" $val] 
	} elseif {$to!={} && $to<$len} {
	    err [list encodeval: value $val for $tp >$to]
	    while {$to<$len} {
	    	set last [string last \\ $val]
	    	if {$last==-1 || $last<[string length $val]-4} {
	    	    set val [string range $val 0 [expr [string length $val] - 2]]
	    	} else {
	    	    set val [string range $val 0 [expr $last - 1]]
		regsub -all {[^\\]} $val {} slashes
		set len [expr [string length $val] - [string length $slashes] * 3]
    } elseif {[lindex $typ 1]=="BIT STRING"} {
	set namespecs [lindex $typ 3]
	if {[regexp {^[01]+$} [lindex $val 0]]} {
	    set val [split [lindex $val 0] ""]
	} else {
	    set names $val
	    set val {}
	    foreach name $names {
	    	if {[regsub {([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?\(([0-9]+)\)} $name {\2} bitno]!=1} {
	    	    set idx [lsearch -regexp $namespecs "^\[0-9\]+ $name$"]
	    	    if {$idx<0} {
	    	    	err "Bit $name of $tp not in $namespecs"
	    	    set bitno [lindex [lindex $namespecs $idx] 0]
	    	while {[llength $val]<=$bitno} {
	    	    lappend val 0
	    	set val [lreplace $val $bitno $bitno 1]
	proc namespeccmp {a b} {return [expr [lindex $a 0] - [lindex $b 0]]}
	set sorted [lsort -command namespeccmp -decreasing $namespecs]
	set bitno [lindex [lindex $sorted 0] 0]
	while {[llength $val]<=$bitno} {
	    lappend val 0
	set val [join $val ""]
    } elseif {[lindex $typ 1]=="ENUMERATED"} {
	set namespecs [lindex $typ 3]
	if {![regexp {^[0-9]*$} [lindex $val 0]]} {
	    set idx [lsearch -regexp $namespecs "^\[0-9\]+ $val$"]
	    if {$idx<0} {
	    	err "Named value $val of $tp not in $namespecs"
	    } else {
	    	set val [lindex [lindex $namespecs $idx] 0]
    return $val

proc encodeasnenc {chan tp} {
    global asnenc pdu
    complete tp
    if [catch {set val $asnenc($tp)}] {
	set val {}
    return [encodeval $chan $tp $val]

wm title . "Snacc ASN.1 message editor"
wm geometry . 400x300
frame .mbar -relief raised
pack .mbar -side top -fill x

menubutton .mbar.file -text Message -menu
pack .mbar.file -side left

menu add command -label "Open ..." -command {openfile} add command -label "Save As ..." -command {savefile} add command -label "Quit" -command {quit}
wm protocol . WM_DELETE_WINDOW {quit}

proc readfile {fn} {
    if {$fn==""} return
    global table pdu asnenc
    catch {unset asnenc}
    set chan [open $fn r]
    fconfigure $chan -translation binary
    set bytes [$table decode $chan $pdu "decodeval $chan" decodetype]
    close $chan

proc openfile {} {
    readfile [tk_getOpenFile -defaultextension .ber -filetypes {{{ASN.1 data} {.ber .bin .out .tt}} {{All files} {.*}}}]

proc savefile {} {
    set fn [tk_getSaveFile -defaultextension .ber -filetypes {{{ASN.1 data} {.ber .bin .out .tt}} {{All files} {.*}}}]
    if {$fn==""} return
    global table pdu
    set chan [open $fn w]
    $table encode $chan $pdu "encodeasnenc $chan"
    close $chan

proc quit {} {
    global done
    set done 1

set asnfile [lindex $argv 0]
if {$asnfile==""} {
    puts stderr "Usage: $argv0 <table-file> ?<ber-file>?"
    puts stderr ""
    puts stderr "This program is a simple editor for ASN.1 messages"
    puts stderr "encoded using the Basic Encoding Rules (BER). It requires"
    puts stderr "the grammar specification, in binary format as generated"
    puts stderr "by \"snacc -T\", as the initial argument on the command line."
    puts stderr ""
    puts stderr "The purpose of this program is to demonstrate the usage of"
    puts stderr "the new Tcl/Tk command \"asn\". Have a look at the Tcl/Tk"
    puts stderr "script \"$argv0\"!"
    exit 0

set table [asn $asnfile]

foreach type [$table types] {
    if {[lindex [$table type $type] 0]=="$type pdu"} {
	set pdu $type

readfile [lindex $argv 1]

update idletasks
vwait done

$table close