fpmacros.c   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.apple.com/publicsource and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
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*                                                                              *
*     File:  fpmacros.c                                                        *
*                                                                              *
*     Contains:  C source code for PowerPC implementations of the inquiry      *
*     macros, as defined in C99.                                               *
*                                                                              *
*     Copyright © 1992-2001 Apple Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved.         *
*                                                                              *
*     Written by A. Sazegari and Jon Okada, started on November 29 1992.       *
*     Modified and ported by Robert A. Murley (ram) for Mac OS X.              *
*                                                                              *
*     fpmacros is a new file that brings all of C99 macros together.           *
*                                                                              *
*     A MathLib v4 file.                                                       *
*                                                                              *
*     Macros __isnormald, __isfinited, __isnand and __inf were previously      *
*     in fp.c.                                                                 *
*     Macros __fpclassifyf, __isnormalf, __isfinitef, __isnanf and             *
*     __signbitf were previously in fpfloatfunc.c.                             *
*     Macro __fpclassifyd was in classify.c.                                   *
*     Macro __signbitd was in sign.c.                                          *
*                                                                              *
*     Change History (most recent first):                                      *
*                                                                              *
*     06 Nov 01   ram   commented out warning about Intel architectures.       *
*                       changed i386 stubs to call abort().                    *
*     02 Nov 01   ram   added stubs for i386 routines.                         *
*     08 Oct 01   ram   removed <CoreServices/CoreServices.h>.                 *
*                       changed compiler errors to warnings.                   *
*     24 Sep 01   ram   corrected mantissa mask in fpclassifyf and isnanf.     *
*     18 Sep 01   ali   added <CoreServices/CoreServices.h> to get to <fp.h>.  *
*     10 Sep 01   ali   added macros to detect PowerPC and correct compiler.   *
*     09 Sep 01   ali   added more comments.                                   *
*     05 Sep 01   ram   added __inf routine.                                   *
*                       added #ifdef __ppc__.                                  *
*     07 Jul 01   ram   first created from fpfloatfunc.c, fp.c,                *
*                       classify.c and sign.c in MathLib v3 Mac OS9.           *
*                       replaced DblInHex typedef with hexdouble.              *
*                                                                              *
*     W A R N I N G:                                                           *
*     These routines require a 64-bit double precision IEEE-754 model.         *
*     They are written for PowerPC only and are expecting the compiler         *
*     to generate the correct sequence of multiply-add fused instructions.     *
*                                                                              *
*     These routines are not intended for 32-bit Intel architectures.          *
*                                                                              *
*     A version of gcc higher than 932 is required.                            *
*                                                                              *
*      GCC compiler options:                                                   *
*            optimization level 3 (-O3)                                        *
*            -fschedule-insns -finline-functions -funroll-all-loops            *
*                                                                              *

#ifdef      __APPLE_CC__
#if         __APPLE_CC__ > 930

#include      "math.h"
#include      "fp_private.h"
#include      "fenv.h"


*     No other functions are called by these routines outside of fpmacros.c.  *

unsigned int __math_errhandling ( void )
    return (MATH_ERREXCEPT); // return the bitmask indicating the error discipline(s) in use.

   Function __fpclassifyf
   Returns the classification code of the argument float x, as defined in 

long int __fpclassifyf ( float x )
   unsigned long int iexp;
   hexsingle      z;
   z.fval = x;
   iexp = z.lval & 0x7f800000;             // isolate float exponent
   if (iexp == 0x7f800000) {               // NaN or INF case
      if ((z.lval & 0x007fffff) == 0)
         return (long int) FP_INFINITE;
      else if ((z.lval & fQuietNan) != 0)
         return (long int) FP_QNAN;
         return (long int) FP_SNAN;
   if (iexp != 0)                             // normal float
      return (long int) FP_NORMAL;
   if ((z.lval & 0x007fffff) == 0)
      return (long int) FP_ZERO;             // zero
      return (long int) FP_SUBNORMAL;        //must be subnormal

      Function __fpclassifyd                                               
      Returns the classification code of the argument double x, as 
      defined in C99.

long int __fpclassifyd ( double arg )
      register unsigned long int exponent;
      hexdouble      x;
      x.d = arg;
      exponent = x.i.hi & 0x7ff00000;
      if ( exponent == 0x7ff00000 )
            if ( ( ( x.i.hi & 0x000fffff ) | x.i.lo ) == 0 )
                  return (long int) FP_INFINITE;
                  return ( x.i.hi & dQuietNan ) ? FP_QNAN : FP_SNAN; 
      else if ( exponent != 0)
            return (long int) FP_NORMAL;
            if ( ( ( x.i.hi & 0x000fffff ) | x.i.lo ) == 0 )
                  return (long int) FP_ZERO;
                  return (long int) FP_SUBNORMAL;

   Function __isnormalf
   Returns nonzero if and only if x is a normalized float number and 
   zero otherwise.

long int __isnormalf ( float x )
   unsigned long int iexp;
   hexsingle      z;
   z.fval = x;
   iexp = z.lval & 0x7f800000;                 /* isolate float exponent */
   return ((iexp != 0x7f800000) && (iexp != 0));

   Function __isnormald
   Returns nonzero if and only if x is a normalized double number and 
   zero otherwise.

long int __isnormald ( double x )
   unsigned long int iexp;
   hexdouble      z;
   z.d = x;
   iexp = z.i.hi & 0x7ff00000;                 /* isolate float exponent */
   return ((iexp != 0x7ff00000) && (iexp != 0));

   Function __isfinitef
   Returns nonzero if and only if x is a finite (normal, subnormal, 
   or zero) float number and zero otherwise.

long int __isfinitef ( float x )
   hexsingle      z;
   z.fval = x;
   return ((z.lval & 0x7f800000) != 0x7f800000);

   Function __isfinited
   Returns nonzero if and only if x is a finite (normal, subnormal, 
   or zero) double number and zero otherwise.
long int __isfinited ( double x )
   hexdouble      z;
   z.d = x;
   return ((z.i.hi & 0x7ff00000) != 0x7ff00000);

   Function __isinff
   Returns nonzero if and only if x is an infinite float number and zero 

long int __isinff ( float x )
   hexsingle      z;
   z.fval = x;
   return (((z.lval&0x7f800000) == 0x7f800000) && ((z.lval&0x007fffff) == 0));

   Function __isinfd
   Returns nonzero if and only if x is an infinite double number and zero 
long int __isinfd ( double x )
   hexdouble      z;
   z.d = x;
   return (((z.i.hi&0x7ff00000) == 0x7ff00000) && (((z.i.hi&0x000fffff) | z.i.lo) == 0));

   Function __isnanf
   Returns nonzero if and only if x is a float NaN and zero otherwise.

long int __isnanf ( float x )
   hexsingle      z;
   z.fval = x;
   return (((z.lval&0x7f800000) == 0x7f800000) && ((z.lval&0x007fffff) != 0));

   Function __isnand
   Returns nonzero if and only if x is a double NaN and zero otherwise.
long int __isnand ( double x )
   hexdouble      z;
   z.d = x;
   return (((z.i.hi&0x7ff00000) == 0x7ff00000) && (((z.i.hi&0x000fffff) | z.i.lo) != 0));

   Function __signbitf
   Returns nonzero if and only if the sign bit of the float number x is 
   set and zero otherwise.

long int __signbitf ( float x )
   hexsingle      z;
   z.fval = x;
   return (((signed long int)z.lval) < 0);

   Function __signbitd
   Returns nonzero if and only if the sign bit of the double number x is 
   set and zero otherwise.

long int __signbitd ( double arg )
      hexdouble z;

      z.d = arg;
      return (((signed long int)z.i.hi) < 0);

float __nan ( void )
      static const hexsingle aQuietNAN  = { 0x7fc00000 };
      return ( aQuietNAN.fval );

   Function __inf
   Returns the value of positive infinity for a double.

float __inff ( void )
      static const hexsingle PosINF  = { 0x7f800000 };
      return ( PosINF.fval );

double __inf ( void )
      static const hexdouble PosINF  = HEXDOUBLE(0x7ff00000, 0x00000000);
      return ( PosINF.d );


#else       /* __APPLE_CC__ version */
#warning A higher version than gcc-932 is required.
#endif      /* __APPLE_CC__ version */
#endif      /* __APPLE_CC__ */