w_cabs.c   [plain text]

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 double cabs(double complex z) returns the absolute value (magnitude) of its
 complex argument z, avoiding spurious overflow, underflow, and invalid
 exceptions.  The algorithm is from Kahan's paper.
 CONSTANTS:  FPKSQT2 = sqrt(2.0) to double precision
 FPKR2P1 = sqrt(2.0) + 1.0 to double precision
 FPKT2P1 = sqrt(2.0) + 1.0 - FPKR2P1 to double precision, so
 that FPKR2P1 + FPKT2P1 = sqrt(2.0) + 1.0 to double
 double precision.
 Calls:  fpclassify, fabs, sqrt, feholdexcept, fesetround, feclearexcept,
 and feupdateenv.

#include "math.h"
//#include "fenv.h"
//#include "fp_private.h"
#include "xmmLibm_prefix.h"
#include "complex.h"

#define complex _Complex

#define Real(z) (__real__ z)
#define Imag(z) (__imag__ z)

 double cabs(double complex z) returns the absolute value (magnitude) of its
 complex argument z, avoiding spurious overflow, underflow, and invalid
 exceptions.  The algorithm is from Kahan's paper.
 CONSTANTS:  FPKSQT2 = sqrt(2.0) to double precision
 FPKR2P1 = sqrt(2.0) + 1.0 to double precision
 FPKT2P1 = sqrt(2.0) + 1.0 - FPKR2P1 to double precision, so
 that FPKR2P1 + FPKT2P1 = sqrt(2.0) + 1.0 to double
 double precision.
 Calls:  fpclassify, fabs, sqrt, feholdexcept, fesetround, feclearexcept,
 and feupdateenv.
 Heavily modified Sept, 2006 by scanon to fix terrible intel performance.
 code is borrowed wholesale from iano's hypot() implementation.
 modified Sept 19, 2006 to use x87 instead of xmm registers.
 this gives speedup from ~100 cycles to ~70 cycles on merom, and ~150 to ~70 on yonah.
 the old xmm code is commented out below.
 these changes will be reflected in hypot() as well, and the two should be kept
 in sync in the future.

double cabs ( double complex z )
	static const long double inf = __builtin_inf();
	long double x = __builtin_fabsl(__real__ z);
	long double y = __builtin_fabsl(__imag__ z);
	if ( x == inf || y == inf )
		return (double)inf;
	return (double)__builtin_sqrtl(x*x + y*y);
	static const double oneD = 1.0;
	static const double infinity = __builtin_inf();
	static const double minNormalD = 0x1.0p-1022;
	static const xSInt64 smallF = { 0x3630000080000000LL, 0 };	//0x1.0p-60, with an extra 8 in there to make the 32-bit test work
	static const xSInt64 denormBias = { 1022LL << 52, 0 };
	static const xSInt64 bias = { 1023LL << 52, 0 };
	xDouble xx = DOUBLE_2_XDOUBLE( (Real(z)) );	//		xx =	[		Re(z)			0.0		]
	xDouble yy = DOUBLE_2_XDOUBLE( (Imag(z)) ); //		yy =	[		Im(z)			0.0		]
	xDouble isNaN = _mm_cmpunord_sd( xx, yy );  // isNaN =	[		  0x0			0.0		] if x <=> y			[ 0xffffff			0.0		] if x ? y
	xx = _mm_andnot_pd( minusZeroD, xx );				//    xx =	[ |Re(z)|			0.0		]
	yy = _mm_andnot_pd( minusZeroD, yy );				//    yy =	[ |Im(z)|			0.0		]
	xDouble safeX = _mm_andnot_pd( isNaN, xx ); // safeX =  [ |Re(z)|			0.0		] if x <=> y			[ 0x0						0.0		] if x ? y
	xDouble safeY = _mm_andnot_pd( isNaN, yy ); // safeY =  [ |Im(z)|			0.0		] if x <=> y			[ 0x0						0.0		] if x ? y
	//Handle Infinities
	if( EXPECT_FALSE( _mm_istrue_sd( _mm_or_pd( _mm_cmpeq_sdm( xx, &infinity), _mm_cmpeq_sdm( yy, &infinity) )) ))
		return infinity;
	//Handle NaN's and zeros
	if( EXPECT_FALSE( _mm_isfalse_sd( _mm_and_pd( _mm_cmpgt_sdm( safeX, (float*) &minusZeroD ), _mm_cmpgt_sdm( safeY, (float*) &minusZeroD ) )) ) )
	return XDOUBLE_2_DOUBLE( _mm_add_sd( xx, yy ) );
	xDouble expMask = _mm_load_sd( &infinity );
	xDouble one = _mm_load_sd( &oneD );
	xDouble tiny = _mm_load_sd( &minNormalD );
	expMask = _mm_or_pd( expMask, minusZeroD );
	//We calculate this as follows:
	//		sqrt( (x*2^N)^2 + (y*2^M)^2 )	=	2^N * sqrt( x^2 + (y*2^(M-N))^2 )
	//		for |x| > |y|
	//order into small and large arguments
	xDouble small = _mm_min_sd( xx, yy );
	xDouble large = _mm_max_sd( xx, yy );
	//set the large argument exponent aside and set it to have an exponent of 1.0
	//(First deal with denormals)
	xDouble largeIsDenormal = _mm_cmplt_sd( large, tiny );
	xDouble smallIsDenormal = _mm_cmplt_sd( small, tiny );
	xDouble denormExpL = _mm_and_pd( one, largeIsDenormal );
	xDouble denormExpS = _mm_and_pd( one, smallIsDenormal );
	large = _mm_or_pd( large, denormExpL );
	small = _mm_or_pd( small, denormExpS );
	large = _mm_sub_pd( large, denormExpL );
	small = _mm_sub_pd( small, denormExpS );
	large = (xDouble) _mm_sub_epi64( (xSInt64) large, _mm_and_si128( (xSInt64) largeIsDenormal, denormBias ) );
	small = (xDouble) _mm_sub_epi64( (xSInt64) small, _mm_and_si128( (xSInt64) smallIsDenormal, denormBias ) );
	//set exponent to 1.0 for large
	xDouble scaledL = _mm_andnot_pd( expMask, large );
	scaledL = _mm_or_pd( scaledL, one );
	//Now calculate 2**-N
	xSInt64 scale = _mm_sub_epi64( (xSInt64) scaledL, (xSInt64) large );
	//Scale the small one by 2**-N, so it is now y*2^(M-N).  This might underflow
	xDouble scaledS = (xDouble) _mm_add_epi64( (xSInt64) small, scale );
	//If scaledS underflowed, clip to smallF, so we get inexact flag
	scaledS = _mm_sel_pd( scaledS, (xDouble) smallF, (xDouble) _mm_cmplt_epi32( (xSInt64) scaledS, smallF )  );
	//Do sqrt( scaledL**2 + scaledS**2 )
	scaledL = _mm_mul_sd( scaledL, scaledL );
	scaledS = _mm_mul_sd( scaledS, scaledS );
	scaledL = _mm_add_sd( scaledL, scaledS );
	scaledL = _MM_SQRT_SD( scaledL );
	//Unscale the result
	//Since the scaling is possibly larger than the value representable by a float, we split into two scale operations
	xSInt64 halfScale = _mm_srai_epi32( scale, 1 );							//divide the scale by two
	xSInt64 correction1 = _mm_and_si128( halfScale, (xSInt64) expMask );	//trim off any bits that spill into manitssa
	scale = _mm_sub_epi64( scale, correction1 );							//find the remaining scaling to be done
	correction1 = _mm_sub_epi64( bias, correction1 );						//add the bias and reverse the sign of the correction (it had the opposite sign to begin with because we used it to scale the small argument) 
	scale = _mm_sub_epi64( bias, scale );									//add the bias and reverse the sign of the correction (it had the opposite sign to begin with because we used it to scale the small argument)
	scaledL = _mm_mul_sd( scaledL, (xDouble) correction1 );					//scale part way, this is exact
	scaledL = _mm_mul_sd( scaledL, (xDouble) scale );						//scale the rest of the way. This may trigger overflow, underflow, inexact
	return XDOUBLE_2_DOUBLE( scaledL ); */

typedef union
	long double ld;
		uint64_t	mantissa;
		int16_t		sexp;

long double cabsl( long double complex z ) {
	long double x = Real(z);
	long double y = Imag(z);
	static const long double infinity = __builtin_infl();
	ld_parts *large = (ld_parts*) &x;
	ld_parts *small = (ld_parts*) &y;
	large->ld = __builtin_fabsl( large->ld );
	small->ld = __builtin_fabsl( small->ld );
	if( EXPECT_FALSE( large->sexp == 0x7fff || small->sexp == 0x7fff ) )
		if( __builtin_fabsl(large->ld) == infinity || __builtin_fabsl(small->ld) == infinity )
			return infinity;
		return x + y;
	if( x == 0.0L || y == 0.0L )
		return __builtin_fabsl( x + y );
	if( large->ld < small->ld )
		ld_parts *p = large;
		large = small;
		small = p;
	int lexp = large->sexp;
	int sexp = small->sexp;
	if( lexp == 0 )
		large->ld = large->mantissa;
		lexp = large->sexp - 16445;
	if( sexp == 0 )
		small->ld = small->mantissa;
		sexp = small->sexp - 16445;
	large->sexp = 0x3fff;
	int scale = 0x3fff - lexp;
	int small_scale = sexp + scale;
	if( small_scale < 64 )
		small_scale = 64;
	small->sexp = small_scale;
	long double r = sqrtl( large->ld * large->ld + small->ld * small->ld );
	int halfScale = scale >> 1;
	scale -= halfScale;
	halfScale = 0x3fff - halfScale;
	scale = 0x3fff - scale;
	large->sexp = halfScale;
	large->mantissa = 0x8000000000000000ULL;
	small->sexp = scale;
	small->mantissa = 0x8000000000000000ULL;
	r *= large->ld;
	r *= small->ld;
	return r;