exp2f.s   [plain text]

 *  exp2f.s
 *      by Ian Ollmann
 *  Copyright (c) 2007, Apple Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 *  This file implements the C99 exp2f function for the MacOS X __i386__ and __x86_64__ abis. 

#include <machine/asm.h>
#include "abi.h"

//  Overall approach
//      We break up 2**(x) as follows:
//          i = trunc(x)
//          f = x - i
//          2**(x) = 2**(f+i) = 2**f * 2**i
//      We choose trunc here, so that 2**f always has the property of pushing 2**i that much closer to the 
//      extrema of finite, non-zero floating point computation. That is:
//              x < 1  --> 2**f <= 1
//              x == 1 --> 2**f = 1
//              x > 1  --> 2**f >= 1
//      This means that our 2**i calculation will not underflow/overflow prematurely before 2**f has had its say.
//      Round to nearest even would produce somewhat more accurate results, but accomplishing something like that 
//      rounding without knowledge of the current rounding mode is expensive.
//      In principle, the 2**f part can further be broken up as:
//          2**f = 2**(c+r) = 2**c * 2**r
//      Where c is chosen so as to make r as close to 0 as possible and c can be determined fairly exactly by 
//      consulting a lookup table. Our choice of trunc above means we cant sure of the sign of f,
//      so our table ends up being twice as large as it would have if we had chosen floor or ceil. On the bright 
//      side, we never have to worry about f = x - trunc(f) being inexact in single precision.
//      Unfortunately, in practice this reduction seemed to be bad for throughput, so this implementation went with
//      a large polynomial instead that covers the range -1,1 or -0.5,0.5 depending on whether we know the rounding
//      mode is nearest or not.
//      Most of the arithmetic will be done in double precision. I investigated calculating the fractional term as 2**r-1, so as 
//      to preserve precision -- we expect a lot of zeros between the 1 and the first non-zero bit. Normally, we dont want
//      throw that away until the final operation so that non-default rounding modes arrive at something close to the 
//      right answer. Doing float in double precision means that this is unnecessary however. 
//      This code is probably worth revisiting once more to see if we can come up with a cheap reduction. These huge
//      polynomials just arent good for latency.

.align 4
// 8th order minimax fit of exp2 on [-1.0,1.0].  |error| < 0.402865722354948566583852e-9:
exp2f_c:        .quad 0x40bc03f30399c376,   0x3ff000000001ea2a          // c4/c8 = 0.961813690023115610862381719985771e-2 / 0.134107709538786543922336536865157e-5, c0 = 1.0 + 0.278626872016317130037181614004e-10
                .quad 0x408f10e7f73e6d8f,   0x3fe62e42fd0933ee	        // c5/c8 = 0.133318252930790403741964203236548e-2 / 0.134107709538786543922336536865157e-5, c1 = .693147176943623740308984004029708   
                .quad 0x405cb616a9384e69,   0x3fcebfbdfd0f0afa	        // c6/c8 = 0.154016177542147239746127455226575e-3 / 0.134107709538786543922336536865157e-5, c2 = .240226505817268621584559118975830   
                .quad 0x4027173ebd288ba1,   0x3fac6b0a74f15403	        // c7/c8 = 0.154832722143258821052933667742417e-4 / 0.134107709538786543922336536865157e-5, c3 = 0.555041568519883074165425891257052e-1 
                .quad 0x3eb67fe1dc3105ba                                // c8 = 0.134107709538786543922336536865157e-5

.align 3
exp2f_nofenv_c: .quad   0x3ff0000000058fca                          // 1.0 + -8.09329727503262700660348520172e-11
                .double 0.693147206709644041218074094717934
                .double 0.240226515050550309232521176082490
                .double 0.0555032721577134480296332498187050
                .double 0.00961799451418197772157647729048837
                .double 0.00134004316655903280893023589328151
                .double 0.000154780222739739895295319810010147


#if defined( __x86_64__ )
	#define RELATIVE_ADDR( _a)								(_a)( %rip )
	#define RELATIVE_ADDR_B( _a)							(_a)( %rip )
#elif defined( __i386__ )
	#define RELATIVE_ADDR( _a)								(_a)-exp2f_body( CX_P )
	#define RELATIVE_ADDR_B( _a)							(_a)-exp2f_no_fenv_body( CX_P )

//a short routine to get the local address
.align 4
exp2f_pic:      movl    (%esp),     %ecx                    //copy address of local_addr to %ecx
	#error arch not supported

//Accurate to within 0.5034 ulp in round to nearest. 
ENTRY( exp2f )
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movl        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP),     %eax
    movss       FRAME_SIZE(STACKP),     %xmm0
    movd        %xmm0,                  %eax
    movl        %eax,                   %ecx        // x
    andl        $0x7fffffff,            %eax        // |x|vl
    movl        $1023,                  %edx        // double precision bias
    subl        $0x32800000,            %eax        // subtract 0x1.0p-26f
    cmpl        $0x107c0000,            %eax        // if( |x| > 126 || isnan(x) || |x| < 0x1.0p-26f )
    ja          3f                                  //      goto 3

    //The test above was a little too aggressive. 
    //values 126 < x < 128, and -150 < x < -126 will come back here:
    //For x < -126, we change %edx to hold the exponent for 2**-126, 
    //      and subtract -126 from x

1:  //extract fractional part and exit early if it is zero
    cvttss2si   %xmm0,                  %eax        // trunc(x)
    cvtss2sd    %xmm0,                  %xmm2       // x
    addl        %eax,                   %edx        // calculate biased exponent of result
    cvtsi2sd    %eax,                   %xmm1       // trunc(x)
    movd        %edx,                   %xmm7       // exponent part of result
    ucomisd     %xmm2,                  %xmm1       // check to see if x was an integer
    psllq       $52,                    %xmm7       // shift result exponent into place
    je          2f                                  // if x was an integer, goto 2

#if defined( __i386__ )
    calll       exp2f_pic                                    // set %ecx to point to local_addr

    subsd       %xmm1,                  %xmm2       // get the fractional part
    lea         RELATIVE_ADDR( exp2f_c), CX_P
    // c0 + c1x1 + c2x2 + c3x3 + c4x4 + c5x5 + c6x6 + c7x7 + c8x8 
#if defined( __SSE3__ )
    movddup     %xmm2,                  %xmm1       // { x, x }
    movapd      %xmm2,                  %xmm1       // x
    unpcklpd    %xmm1,                  %xmm1       // { x, x }
    mulsd       %xmm2,                  %xmm2       // x*x
    movapd      %xmm1,                  %xmm3
    mulpd       48(CX_P),               %xmm1       // { c3x, (c7/c8)x }
    mulpd       16(CX_P),               %xmm3       // { c1x, (c5/c8)x }
#if defined( __SSE3__ )
    movddup     %xmm2,                  %xmm4       // { xx, xx }
    movapd      %xmm2,                  %xmm4       // xx
    unpcklpd    %xmm4,                  %xmm4       // { xx, xx }
    mulsd       %xmm2,                  %xmm2       // xx*xx
    addpd       32(CX_P),               %xmm1       // { c2 + c3x, (c6/c8) + (c7/c8)x }
    addpd       (CX_P),                 %xmm3       // { c0 + c1x, (c4/c8) + (c5/c8)x }
    mulpd       %xmm4,                  %xmm1       // { c2xx + c3xxx, (c6/c8)xx + (c7/c8)xxx }
    addsd       %xmm2,                  %xmm3       // { c0 + c1x, (c4/c8) + (c5/c8)x + xxxx }
    mulsd       64(CX_P),               %xmm2       // c8 * xxxx
    addpd       %xmm1,                  %xmm3       // { c0 + c1x + c2xx + c3xxx, (c4/c8) + (c5/c8)x + (c6/c8)xx + (c7/c8)xxx + xxxx }
    movhlps     %xmm3,                  %xmm6       // { ?, c0 + c1x + c2xx + c3xxx }
    mulsd       %xmm2,                  %xmm3       // { ..., c8xxxx* ((c4/c8) + (c5/c8)x + (c6/c8)xx + (c7/c8)xxx + xxxx) }
    addsd       %xmm6,                  %xmm3       // c0 + c1x + c2xx + c3xxx + c4xxxx + c5xxxxx + c6xxxxxx + c7xxxxxxx + c8xxxxxxxxx
    mulsd       %xmm7,                  %xmm3       // 2**i * {c0 + c1x + c2xx + c3xxx + c4xxxx + c5xxxxx + c6xxxxxx + c7xxxxxxx + c8xxxxxxxxx}
//  convert to single precision and return
    cvtsd2ss    %xmm3,                  %xmm0
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
//x is an integer
2:  // find 2**x
    xorps       %xmm0,                  %xmm0
    cvtsd2ss    %xmm7,                  %xmm0
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)

3:  // |x| > 126 || isnan(x) || |x| < 0x1.0p-26f
    jge          4f                                  // if( |x| > 126 || isnan(x) )   goto 4

    //fall through for common case of |x| < 0x1.0p-26f
    movl        $0x3f800000,            %edx        // 1.0f
    movd        %edx,                   %xmm1       // 1.0f
    addss       %xmm1,                  %xmm0       // round away from 1.0 as appropriate for current rounding mode
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)

    // |x| > 126 || isnan(x)
4:  addl        $0x32800000,            %eax        // restore |x|
    cmpl        $0x7f800000,            %eax        // 
    ja          5f                                  // if isnan(x) goto 5
    je          6f                                  // if isinf(x) goto 6
    cmpl        $0xc3160000,            %ecx        // if( x <= -150 )
    jae         7f                                  //      goto 7

    cmpl        $0x43000000,            %ecx        // if( x >= 128 )
    jge         8f                                  //      goto 8

    cmpl        $0,                     %ecx        // result is large finite
    jge         1b                                  //   back to the main body
    // result is between -150 < x < -126,  denormal result
    addl        $-126,                  %edx        // subtract 126 from exponent bias
    movl        $0x42fc0000,            %eax        // 126.0f
    movd        %eax,                   %xmm1       // 126.0f
    addss       %xmm1,                  %xmm0       // x += 126.0f
    jmp         1b

5:  //x is nan
    addss       %xmm0,                  %xmm0       //Quiet the NaN
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
6: // |x| is inf
    movss       %xmm0,                  %xmm1       // x
    psrad       $31,                    %xmm0       // x == -Inf ? -1U : 0
    andnps       %xmm1,                 %xmm0       // x == -Inf ? 0 : Inf
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
7:  // x <= -150
    movl        $0x00800001,            %eax
    movd        %eax,                   %xmm0
    mulss       %xmm0,                  %xmm0       //Create correctly rounded result, set inexact/underflow
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
8:  // x >= 128.0
    movl        $0x7f7fffff,            %eax        // FLT_MAX
    movd        %eax,                   %xmm0       // FLT_MAX
    addss       %xmm0,                  %xmm0       // Inf, set overflow
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)

//Uses round to nearest to deliver a reduced value between [ -0.5, 0.5 ]
//This allows us to use a smaller polynomial
//In addition, we dont bother to check for x is integer. This saves a few cycles in the general case.
//Accurate to within 0.534 ulp
ENTRY( exp2f$fenv_access_off )
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movl        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP),     %eax
    movss       FRAME_SIZE(STACKP),     %xmm0
    movd        %xmm0,                  %eax
    movl        %eax,                   %ecx        // x
    andl        $0x7fffffff,            %eax        // |x|vl
    movl        $1023,                  %edx        // double precision bias
    subl        $0x32800000,            %eax        // subtract 0x1.0p-26f
    cmpl        $0x107c0000,            %eax        // if( |x| > 126 || isnan(x) || |x| < 0x1.0p-26f )
    ja          3f                                  //      goto 3

    //The test above was a little too aggressive. 
    //values 126 < x < 128, and -150 < x < -126 will come back here:
    //For x < -126, we change %edx to hold the exponent for 2**-126, 
    //      and subtract -126 from x

1:  //extract fractional part and exit early if it is zero
    andl        $0x80000000,            %ecx        // signof(x)
    orl         $0x4b000000,            %ecx        // copysign( 0x1.0p23f, x )
    movd        %ecx,                   %xmm2       // copysign( 0x1.0p23f, x )
    movaps      %xmm0,                  %xmm1       // x
    addss       %xmm2,                  %xmm0       // x + copysign( 0x1.0p23f, x )
    subss       %xmm2,                  %xmm0       // rint(x)
    cvttss2si   %xmm0,                  %eax        // rint(x)
    addl        %eax,                   %edx        // rint(x) + bias
    movd        %edx,                   %xmm7       // result exponent >> 32
    subss       %xmm0,                  %xmm1       // fractional part
    psllq       $52,                    %xmm7       // shift result exponent into place
    cvtss2sd    %xmm1,                  %xmm1       // fractional part as a double

#if defined( __i386__ )
    calll       exp2f_pic                                    // set %ecx to point to local_addr

    lea         RELATIVE_ADDR_B( exp2f_nofenv_c), CX_P
    movsd       (3*8)(CX_P),            %xmm3       // c3
    movsd       (5*8)(CX_P),            %xmm5       // c5
    movsd       (6*8)(CX_P),            %xmm6       // c6
    movapd      %xmm1,                  %xmm2       // x
    mulsd       %xmm1,                  %xmm1       // x*x
    mulsd       %xmm2,                  %xmm3       // c3*x
    mulsd       %xmm2,                  %xmm5       // c5*x
    mulsd       (1*8)(CX_P),            %xmm2       // c1*x
    mulsd       %xmm1,                  %xmm6       // c6*xx
    addsd       (2*8)(CX_P),            %xmm3       // c2+c3x
    movapd      %xmm1,                  %xmm4       // xx
    mulsd       %xmm1,                  %xmm1       // xx*xx
    addsd       (4*8)(CX_P),            %xmm5       // c4+c5x
    addsd       (CX_P),                 %xmm2       // c0+c1x
    mulsd       %xmm4,                  %xmm3       // c2xx+c3xxx
    addsd       %xmm6,                  %xmm5       // c4+c5x+c6xx
    mulsd       %xmm1,                  %xmm5       // c4xxxx+c5xxxxx+c6xxxxxx
    addsd       %xmm2,                  %xmm3       // c0+c1x+c2xx+c3xxx
    addsd       %xmm5,                  %xmm3       // c0+c1x+c2xx+c3xxx+c4xxxx+c5xxxxx+c6xxxxxx

    mulsd       %xmm7,                  %xmm3       // scale by 2**i
//  convert to single precision and return
    cvtsd2ss    %xmm3,                  %xmm0
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)

3:  // |x| > 126 || isnan(x) || |x| < 0x1.0p-26f
    jge          4f                                  // if( |x| > 126 || isnan(x) )   goto 4

    //fall through for common case of |x| < 0x1.0p-26f
    movl        $0x3f800000,            %edx        // 1.0f
    movd        %edx,                   %xmm1       // 1.0f
    addss       %xmm1,                  %xmm0       // round away from 1.0 as appropriate for current rounding mode
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)

    // |x| > 126 || isnan(x)
4:  addl        $0x32800000,            %eax        // restore |x|
    cmpl        $0x7f800000,            %eax        // 
    ja          5f                                  // if isnan(x) goto 5
    je          6f                                  // if isinf(x) goto 6
    cmpl        $0xc3160000,            %ecx        // if( x <= -150 )
    jae         7f                                  //      goto 7

    cmpl        $0x43000000,            %ecx        // if( x >= 128 )
    jge         8f                                  //      goto 8

    cmpl        $0,                     %ecx        // result is large finite
    jge         1b                                  //   back to the main body
    // result is between -150 < x < -126,  denormal result
    addl        $-126,                  %edx        // subtract 126 from exponent bias
    movl        $0x42fc0000,            %eax        // 126.0f
    movd        %eax,                   %xmm1       // 126.0f
    addss       %xmm1,                  %xmm0       // x += 126.0f
    jmp         1b

5:  //x is nan
    addss       %xmm0,                  %xmm0       //Quiet the NaN
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
6: // |x| is inf
    movss       %xmm0,                  %xmm1       // x
    psrad       $31,                    %xmm0       // x == -Inf ? -1U : 0
    andnps       %xmm1,                 %xmm0       // x == -Inf ? 0 : Inf
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
7:  // x <= -150
    movl        $0x00800001,            %eax
    movd        %eax,                   %xmm0
    mulss       %xmm0,                  %xmm0       //Create correctly rounded result, set inexact/underflow
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movss       %xmm0,                  FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
8:  // x >= 128.0
    movl        $0x7f800000,            %eax        // Inf
#if defined( __i386__ )
    movl        %eax,                   FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    flds        FRAME_SIZE(STACKP)
    movd        %eax,                   %xmm0