e_cbrtl.s   [plain text]

 *  e_cbrtl.s
 *  LibmV5
 *  Created by Ian Ollmann on 8/27/05.
 *  Copyright 2005 Apple Computer. All rights reserved.

#define	ENTRY(name)							      \
  .globl _##name;				      			      \
  .align 4;							      	      \

#include "abi.h"

#if defined( __LP64__ )
	#error not 64-bit ready

.align 4
onethird:       .long           0xaaaaaaab, 0xaaaaaaaa, 0x00003ffd, 0x00000000                  //(long double) 1.0L/3.0L
correction:     .double         0.62996052494743658238361, 0.79370052598409973737585, 1.0, 1.2599210498948731647672, 1.5874010519681994747517
coeffs:         .double         1.7830491344381518, -1.5730724799776633, 1.2536000054780357, -0.60460822457398278, 0.15834924310704463, -0.017322841453552703

infinity:       .single         +Infinity

// Stack:
//      old ebp
//      old ebx


//a short routine to get the local address
        movl    (%esp), %ebx

#define RELATIVE_ADDR( _a)      (_a)-rel_addr(%ebx)

ENTRY( cbrtl )
        pushl   %ebp                            //push ebp
        movl    %esp, %ebp                      //copy stack pointer to ebp
        pushl   %ebx                            //push ebx
        pushl   $0x55555556                     //write out fixed point 1/3, align stack to 16 bytes
        pushl   $0
        pushl   $0
        pushl   $0
        pushl   $0

        calll   local_addr                      //load the address of rel_addr into %ebx

        //load our argument
        fldt            32(%esp)                        //{x}

        //if( fabs(x) == INF || fabs(x) is NaN )
        //      return x + x
        fld             %ST(0)                          //{x, x}
        fabs                                            //{|x|, x}
        flds            RELATIVE_ADDR(infinity)         //{inf, |x|,    x}
        fucomip         %ST(1), %ST                     //{|x|, x}
        jne             test_zero
        fstp            %ST(0)                          //{x}
        fadd            %ST(0)                          //{x + x}
        jmp             my_cbrtl_exit

        //if( x == 0.0 )
        //      return x;
        fldz                                            //{0, |x|, x}
        fucomip         %ST(1), %ST                     //{|x|, x}
        jne             main_part                       //{|x|, x}
        fstp            %ST(0)                          //{x}
        jmp             my_cbrtl_exit                   //{x}

main_part:                                              //{|x|, x}
        //extract significand and exponent parts
        fxtract                                         //{ |significand|, exponent, x }

        //write out the exponent as an integer
        fxch                                            //{ exponent, |significand|, x }
        fistpl          (%esp)                          //{ |significand|, x }

        //apply polynomial to significand, store in s,                                                  figure out what the new exponent is
        fld             %ST(0)                          //{ s, |significand|, x }
        fmull           RELATIVE_ADDR(coeffs+5*8)       //{ s*c5, |significand|, x }
        movl            (%esp), %eax                    //                                              load the exponent
        faddl           RELATIVE_ADDR(coeffs+4*8)       //{ s*c5+c4, |significand|, x }
        imull           16(%esp)                        //                                              divide the exponent by 3 (multiply by 0x55555556 and take high 32 bits, place in %edx)
        movl            (%esp), %eax                    //                                              get exponent >> 1
        sarl            $31, %eax
        fmul            %ST(1)                          //{ (c4+c5*s)s, |significand|, x }
        faddl           RELATIVE_ADDR(coeffs+3*8)       //{ c3+(c4+c5*s)s, |significand|, x }
        subl            %eax,   %edx                    //                                              subtract the sign of the exponent (makes our approximation work for neg numbers)
        movl            %edx,   %eax                    //                                              copy exponent/3 to eax       
        fmul            %ST(1)                          //{ (c3+(c4+c5*s)s)s, |significand|, x }
        faddl           RELATIVE_ADDR(coeffs+2*8)       //{ c2+(c3+(c4+c5*s)s)s, |significand|, x }
        imul            $3,     %edx                    //                                              exponent/3 *= 3
        fmul            %ST(1)                          //{ (c2+(c3+(c4+c5*s)s)s)s, |significand|, x }
        faddl           RELATIVE_ADDR(coeffs+1*8)       //{ c1+(c2+(c3+(c4+c5*s)s)s)s, |significand|, x }
        subl            (%esp), %edx                    //                                              remainder = (exponent/3)*3 - original exponent   (edx)
        fmul            %ST(1)                          //{ (c1+(c2+(c3+(c4+c5*s)s)s)s)s, |significand|, x }
        faddl           RELATIVE_ADDR(coeffs+0*8)       //{ c0+(c1+(c2+(c3+(c4+c5*s)s)s)s)s, |significand|, x }
        neg             %eax                            //                                              exponent = -exponent
        shld            $16, %eax, %eax                 //                                              exponent <<= 16
        andl            $0xFFFF0000, %eax               //                                              mask off the other mantissa bits
        addl            $0x3FFF8000, %eax               //                                              bias the exponent, set the top mantissa bit
        movl            %eax,   6(%esp)                 //                                              write out exponent/3

        //correct for exponent remainder to get our estimate
        fmull           correction + 16 - rel_addr(%ebx, %edx, 8)       //{ e, |significand|, x}

        //fix up the sign of the estimate
        fld             %ST(0)                          //{ e, e, |significand|, x}
        fchs                                            //{-e, e, |significand|, x}
        fldz                                            //{0, -e, e, |significand|, x}
        fucomip         %ST(4), %ST                     //{-e, e, |significand|, x}     if( 0 < x )
        fcmovb          %ST(1), %ST(0)                  //{+-e, e, |significand|, x} 
        fstp            %ST(1)                          //{+-e, |significand|, x}
        fstp            %ST(1)                          //{+-e, x}

        //apply the appropriate exponent
        fldt            (%esp)                          //{ new exponent, +-e, x }
        fmulp                                           //{ +-e with correct exponent, x }

        //       e += oneThird * e * (1.0L - x * e * e * e);
        fldt            RELATIVE_ADDR( onethird)        //{0.3333, e, x}
        fld             %ST(1)                          //{ e, 0.3333, e, x }
        fmul            %ST(3)                          //{ x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmul            %ST(2)                          //{ e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmul            %ST(2)                          //{ e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fld1                                            //{1.0, e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fsubp                                           //{1.0 - e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fld             %ST(2)                          //{e, 1.0 - e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmul            %ST(2)                          //{0.3333*e, 1.0 - e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmulp                                           //{0.3333*e*(1.0 - e*e*x*e), 0.3333, e, x}
        faddp           %ST(0), %ST(2)                  //{0.3333, e+0.3333*e*(1.0 - e*e*x*e), x }

        //       e += oneThird * e * (1.0L - x * e * e * e);
        fld             %ST(1)                          //{ e, 0.3333, e, x }
        fmul            %ST(3)                          //{ x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmul            %ST(2)                          //{ e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmul            %ST(2)                          //{ e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fld1                                            //{1.0, e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fsubp                                           //{1.0 - e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fld             %ST(2)                          //{e, 1.0 - e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmul            %ST(2)                          //{0.3333*e, 1.0 - e*e*x*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmulp                                           //{0.3333*e*(1.0 - e*e*x*e), 0.3333, e, x}
        faddp           %ST(0), %ST(2)                  //{0.3333, e+0.3333*e*(1.0 - e*e*x*e), x }

        //       e = (e*x)*e;
        fld             %ST(1)                          //{e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmul            %ST(3)                          //{e*x, 0.3333, e, x}
        fmulp           %ST(0), %ST(2)                  //{0.3333, (e*x)*e, x}

#if 0
        //       e -= ( e - (x/(e*e)) ) * oneThird;
        fld             %ST(1)                          //{ e, 0.3333, e, x }
        fmul            %ST(0)                          //{ e*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fdivr           %ST(3), %ST(0)                  //{ x/(e*e), 0.3333, e, x }
        fsubr           %ST(2), %ST(0)                  //{ e - x/(e*e), 0.3333, e, x }
        fmul            %ST(1)                          //{ 0.3333*(e - x/(e*e)), 0.3333, e, x }
        fsubrp          %ST(0), %ST(2)                  //{ 0.3333, e - 0.3333*(e - x/(e*e)), x }
        //       e -= ( e - (x/(e*e)) ) * oneThird;
        fld             %ST(1)                          //{ e, 0.3333, e, x }
        fmul            %ST(0)                          //{ e*e, 0.3333, e, x}
        fdivr           %ST(3), %ST(0)                  //{ x/(e*e), 0.3333, e, x }
        fsubr           %ST(2), %ST(0)                  //{ e - x/(e*e), 0.3333, e, x }
        fmulp                                           //{ 0.3333*(e - x/(e*e)), e, x }
        fsubrp          %ST(0), %ST(1)                  //{ e - 0.3333*(e - x/(e*e)), x }
        fstp            %ST(1)

        movl    20(%esp),       %ebx
        movl    24(%esp),       %ebp
        addl    $28,    %esp