s_rint.s   [plain text]

 * Written by Ian Ollmann.
 * Copyright © 2005 Apple Computer Inc.

#include <machine/asm.h>

#include "abi.h"

//i386 versions if these functions are in xmm_floor.c
//On x86_64 we can take advantage of the REX form of cvtsd2si to produce 64-bit values
#if defined( __LP64__ )

ENTRY( lrint )
ENTRY( llrint )
    movl        $0x43e00000, %eax                   //Exponent for 0x1.0p63
    movd        %eax,  %xmm1                        //copy to low 32-bits of xmm1
    psllq       $32,   %xmm1                        //move it to the high 32-bits of the low double in xmm1, to make 0x1.0p63
    cmplesd     %xmm0, %xmm1                        //compare 0x1.0p63 <= x.  Since there are no double precision values between LONG_MAX and 0x1.0p63 we don't need to worry about them
	cvtsd2siq	%xmm0, %rax                         //convert x to long
    movd        %xmm1, %rdx                         //copy compare result (all 64-bits) to %rdx 
    xorq        %rdx,  %rax                         //flip overflow values to 0x7fffffffffffffff

ENTRY( lrintf )
ENTRY( llrintf )
    movl        $0x5f000000, %eax                   //load 0x1.063f
    movd        %eax,  %xmm1                        //copy to xmm
    cmpless     %xmm0, %xmm1                        //compare 0x1.063f <= x
	cvtss2siq	%xmm0, %rdx                         //convert x to long
    movd        %xmm1, %rax                         //copy 64 bits of the comparison result to %rdx
	cdqe											//sign extend 
    xorq        %rdx,  %rax                         //flip overflow results to 0x7fffffffffffffff

ENTRY( lrintf )
    movl        $0x4f000000, %eax                           //load 0x1.0p31f
    movss       (FIRST_ARG_OFFSET)( STACKP ), %xmm0         //load x
    movd        %eax, %xmm1                                 //copy 0x1.0p31f to xmm1
    cmpless     %xmm0, %xmm1                                //compare 0x1.0p31f <= x. There are no single precision values between INT_MAX and 0x1.0p31f, so no need to worry here.
    cvtss2si    %xmm0, %eax                                 //convert to int
    movd        %xmm1,  %edx                                //move the compare result to edx
    xorl        %edx, %eax                                  //saturate overflow results to 0x7fffffff
ENTRY( lrint )
    movsd       (FIRST_ARG_OFFSET)( STACKP ), %xmm0         // load x
    xorpd       %xmm1, %xmm1                                // load 0.0f
    cmpltsd     %xmm0, %xmm1                                // test 0.0f < x
    cvtsd2si    %xmm0, %eax                                 // convert x to int
    movd        %xmm1,  %edx                                // copy the compare result to %edx
    xorl        %ecx, %ecx                                  // set %ecx to 0
    cmp         $0x80000000, %eax                           // check the result to see if it is 0x80000000 -- the overflow result
    cmovne      %ecx, %edx                                  // if the result is not 0x80000000, overwrite the earlier compare result with 0
    xorl        %edx, %eax                                  // saturate overflow results to 0x7fffffff (was 0x80000000)
ENTRY( llrintf )
	movl		$0x5f000000, 8(STACKP)						//0x1.0p63f
	xor			%edx,		%edx

	flds		8(STACKP)                                   //{0x1.0p63 }
	flds		(FIRST_ARG_OFFSET+12)( STACKP )				//{f, 0x1.0p63}
	fucomi 		%ST(1), %ST                                 //{f, 0x1.0p63}		f>=0x1.0p63
	fistpll		(STACKP)                                    //{0x1.0p63}
	fstp		%ST(0)                                      //{}

	setnb		%dl                                         // copy f >= 0x1.0p63 to the d register
	negl		%edx                                        // convert [0,1] to [0,-1]
	movl		(STACKP),	%eax                            // load low 32-bits of the result
	xorl		%edx,		%eax                            // saturate to 0xffffffff if overflow
	xorl		4(STACKP),	%edx                            // load the high 32-bits of the result and saturate to 0x7fffffff if overflow
ENTRY( llrint )
	movl		$0x5f000000, 8(STACKP)						//0x1.0p63f
	xor			%edx,		%edx

	flds		8(STACKP)                                   //{0x1.0p63 }
	fldl		(FIRST_ARG_OFFSET+12)( STACKP )				//{f, 0x1.0p63}
	fucomi 		%ST(1), %ST                                 //{f, 0x1.0p63}		f>=0x1.0p63
	fistpll		(STACKP)                                    //{0x1.0p63}
	fstp		%ST(0)                                      //{}

	setnb		%dl                                         // copy f >= 0x1.0p63 to the d register
	negl		%edx                                        // convert [0,1] to [0,-1]
	movl		(STACKP),	%eax                            // load low 32-bits of the result
	xorl		%edx,		%eax                            // saturate to 0xffffffff if overflow
	xorl		4(STACKP),	%edx                            // load the high 32-bits of the result and saturate to 0x7fffffff if overflow