srvbootstrap.defs   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
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 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
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 * bootstrap -- fundamental service initiator and port server
 * Mike DeMoney, NeXT, Inc.
 * Copyright, 1990.  All rights reserved.
 * bootstrap.defs -- Mig interface definition

subsystem bootstrap 400;

 *	Interface:	Bootstrap server
 *  The bootstrap server is the first user-mode task initiated by the Mach
 *  kernel at system boot time.  The bootstrap server provides two services,
 *  it initiates other system tasks, and manages a table of name-port bindings
 *  for fundamental system services  (e.g. lookupd, Window Manager, etc...).
 *  Name-port bindings can be established with the bootstrap server by either 
 *  of two mechanisms:
 *  1.  The binding can be indicated, in advance of the service that backs it
 *  being available, via a "service create" request.  In this case, bootstrap
 *  will immediately create a port and bind the indicated name with that port.
 *  At a later time, a service may "checkin" for the name-port
 *  binding and will be returned receive rights for the bound port.  Lookup's
 *  on bindings created by this mechanism will return send rights to the port,
 *  even if no service has "checked-in".  In this case, requests sent to the
 *  bound port will be queued until a server has checked-in and can satisfy the
 *  request.
 *  2.  Bindings can be established dynamically via a "register" request.  In
 *  this case, the register request provides bootstrap with a name and send
 *  rights for a port.  Bootstrap will provide send rights for the bound port
 *  to any requestor via the lookup request.
 *  Bootstrap provides its service port to descendant tasks via the Mach
 *  "bootstrap" special task port.  All direct descendants of bootstrap receive
 *  a "privileged" bootstrap service port.  System services that initiate
 *  untrusted tasks should replace the Mach bootstrap task special port with
 *  a subset bootstrap port to prevent them from infecting the namespace.
 *  The bootstrap server creates a "backup" port for each service that it
 *  creates.  This is used to detect when a checked out service is no longer
 *  being served.  The bootstrap server regains all rights to the port and
 *  it is marked available for check-out again.  This allows crashed servers to 
 *  resume service to previous clients.  Lookup's on this named port will 
 *  continue to be serviced by bootstrap while holding receive rights for the 
 *  bound port.  A client may detect that the service is inactive via the
 *  bootstrap status request.  If an inactive service re-registers rather
 *  than "checking-in" the original bound port is destroyed.
 *  The status of a named service may be obtained via the "status" request.
 *  A service is "active" if a name-port binding exists and receive rights
 *  to the bound port are held by a task other than bootstrap.
 *  The bootstrap server may also (re)start server processes associated with
 *  with a set of services. The definition of the server process is done
 *  through the "create server" request.  The server will be launched in the
 *  same bootstrap context in which it was registered.

#include <mach/std_types.defs>
#include <mach/mach_types.defs>
import <servers/bootstrap_defs.h>;

type cmd_t			= c_string[512];
type name_t			= c_string[128];
type cmd_array_t		= ^array [] of cmd_t;
type name_array_t		= ^array [] of name_t;
type bootstrap_status_t		= integer_t;
type bootstrap_status_array_t	= ^array [] of bootstrap_status_t;

serverprefix x_;

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_create_server(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		      	cmd_t server_command,
 *			integer_t server_uid,
 *			boolean_t on_demand,
 *			mach_port_t *server_port)
 * Declares a server that mach_init will re-spawn within the specified
 * bootstrap context.  The server is considered already "active"
 * (i.e. will not be re-spawned) until the returned server_port is
 * deallocated.
 * In the meantime, services can be declared against the server,
 * by using the server_port as the privileged bootstrap target of
 * subsequent bootstrap_create_service() calls.
 * When mach_init re-spawns the server, its task bootstrap port
 * is set to the privileged sever_port.  Through this special
 * bootstrap port, it can access all of parent bootstrap's context
 * (and all services are created in the parent's namespace). But
 * all additional service declarations (and declaration removals)
 * will be associated with this particular server.
 * Only a holder of the server_port privilege bootstrap port can
 * check in or register over those services.  
 * When all services associated with a server are deleted, and the server
 * exits, it will automatically be deleted itself.
 * If the server is declared "on_demand," then a non-running server
 * will be re-launched on first use of one of the service ports
 * registered against it.  Otherwise, it will be re-launched
 * immediately upon exiting (whether any client is actively using
 * any of the service ports or not).
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_NOT_PRIVILEGED, bootstrap or uid invalid.
routine bootstrap_create_server(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
		server_cmd	: cmd_t;
		server_uid	: integer_t;
		on_demand	: boolean_t;
 ServerSecToken	token		: security_token_t;
	out	server_port	: mach_port_make_send_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_unprivileged(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *			  mach_port_t *unpriv_port)
 * Given a bootstrap port, return its unprivileged equivalent.  If
 * the port is already unprivileged, another reference to the same
 * port is returned.
 * This is most often used by servers, which are launched with their
 * bootstrap port set to the privileged port for the server, to get
 * an unprivileged version of the same port for use by its unprivileged
 * children (or any offspring that it does not want to count as part
 * of the "server" for mach_init registration and re-launch purposes).
routine bootstrap_unprivileged(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
	out	unpriv_port	: mach_port_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_check_in(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		     name_t service_name,
 *		     mach_port_t *service_port)
 * Returns the receive right for the service named by service_name. The
 * service must have previously been declared in this bootstrap context via
 * a call to bootstrap_create_service().  Attempts to check_in a service
 * which is already active are not allowed.
 * If the service was declared as being associated with a server, the
 * check_in must come from the server's privileged port (server_port).
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_UNKNOWN_SERVICE, if service does not exist.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_NOT_PRIVILEGED, if request directed to
 *			bootstrap port without privilege.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_SERVICE_ACTIVE, if service has already been
 *			registered or checked-in.
routine bootstrap_check_in(
			bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
			service_name	: name_t;
		out	service_port	: mach_port_move_receive_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_register(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		      name_t service_name,
 *		      mach_port_t service_port)
 * Registers a send right for service_port with the service identified by
 * service_name.  Attempts to register a service where an active binding
 * already exists are rejected.
 * If the service was previously declared with bootstrap_create_service(),
 * but is not currently active, this call can be used to undeclare the
 * service. The bootstrap port used must have sufficient privilege to
 * do so.  (Registering MACH_PORT_NULL is especially useful for shutting
 * down declared services).
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_NOT_PRIVILEGED, if request directed to
 *			bootstrap port without privilege.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_NAME_IN_USE, if service has already been
 *			register or checked-in.
routine bootstrap_register(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
		service_name	: name_t;
		service_port	: mach_port_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_look_up(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		    name_t service_name,
 *		    mach_port_t *service_port)
 * Returns a send right for the service port declared/registered under the
 * name service_name. The service is not guaranteed to be active.  Use the
 * bootstrap_status call to determine the status of the service.
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_UNKNOWN_SERVICE, if service does not exist.
routine bootstrap_look_up(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
		service_name	: name_t;
	out	service_port	: mach_port_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_look_up_array(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *			  name_array_t service_names,
 *			  int service_names_cnt,
 *			  port_array_t *service_port,
 *			  int *service_ports_cnt,
 *			  boolean_t *all_services_known)
 * Returns port send rights in corresponding entries of the array service_ports
 * for all services named in the array service_names.  Service_ports_cnt is
 * returned and will always equal service_names_cnt (assuming service_names_cnt
 * is greater than or equal to zero).
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_NO_MEMORY, if server couldn't obtain memory
 *			for response.
 *		Unknown service names have the corresponding service port set
 *			to PORT_NULL.
 *		If all services are known, all_services_known is true on
 *			return, if any service is unknown, it's false.
routine bootstrap_look_up_array(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
		service_names	: name_array_t;
	out	service_ports	: mach_port_array_t;
	out	all_services_known: boolean_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_parent(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		    mach_port_t *parent_port);
 * Given a bootstrap subset port, return the parent bootstrap port.
 * If the specified bootstrap port is already the root subset,
 * MACH_PORT_NULL will be returned.
 * Errors:
 *	Returns BOOTSTRAP_NOT_PRIVILEGED if the caller is not running
 *	with an effective user id of root (as determined by the security
 *	token in the message trailer).
routine bootstrap_parent(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
 ServerSecToken	token		: security_token_t;
	out	parent_port	: mach_port_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_status(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		    name_t service_name,
 *		    bootstrap_status_t *service_active);
 * Returns: service_active indicates if service is active, inactive, or
 *	    associated with a launch-on-demand server.
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_UNKNOWN_SERVICE, if service does not exist.
routine bootstrap_status(
		bootstrap_port	:	mach_port_t;
		service_name	:	name_t;
	out	service_active	:	bootstrap_status_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_info(port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		  name_array_t *service_names,
 *		  int *service_names_cnt,
 *		  name_array_t *server_names,
 *		  int *server_names_cnt,
 *		  bool_array_t *service_active,
 *		  int *service_active_cnt);
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
routine bootstrap_info(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
	out	service_names	: name_array_t, dealloc;
	out server_names	: name_array_t, dealloc;
	out service_active	: bootstrap_status_array_t, dealloc);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_subset(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		    mach_port_t requestor_port,
 *		    mach_port_t *subset_port);
 * Returns a new port to use as a bootstrap port.  This port behaves
 * exactly like the previous bootstrap_port, except that ports dynamically
 * registered via bootstrap_register() are available only to users of this
 * specific subset_port.  Lookups on the subset_port will return ports
 * registered with this port specifically, and ports registered with
 * ancestors of this subset_port.  Duplications of services already
 * registered with an ancestor port may be registered with the subset port
 * are allowed.  Services already advertised may then be effectively removed
 * by registering PORT_NULL for the service.
 * When it is detected that the requestor_port is destroyed the subset
 * port and all services advertized by it are destroied as well.
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
routine bootstrap_subset(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
		requestor_port	: mach_port_t;
	out	subset_port	: mach_port_t);

 * kern_return_t
 * bootstrap_create_service(mach_port_t bootstrap_port,
 *		      name_t service_name,
 *		      mach_port_t *service_port)
 * Creates a service named "service_name" and returns send rights to that
 * port in "service_port."  The port may later be checked in as if this
 * port were configured in the bootstrap configuration file.
 * Errors:	Returns appropriate kernel errors on rpc failure.
 *		Returns BOOTSTRAP_SERVICE_ACTIVE, if service already exists.
routine bootstrap_create_service(
		bootstrap_port	: mach_port_t;
		service_name	: name_t;
	out	service_port	: mach_port_t);