The \libname{libcrc32.a} library provides an implementation of the CRC-32 checksum algorithm which conforms to the interface required by the Kerberos library. \begin{funcdecl}{crc32_sum_func}{static krb5_error_code}{\funcin} \funcarg{krb5_pointer}{in} \funcarg{size_t}{in_length} \funcarg{krb5_pointer}{seed} \funcarg{size_t}{seed_length} \funcout \funcarg{krb5_checksum *}{outcksum} \end{funcdecl} This routine computes a CRC-32 checksum over \funcparam{in_length} bytes at \funcparam{in}, and places the resulting value into \funcparam{outcksum{\ptsto}contents}. \funcparam{seed} is ignored. \funcparam{outcksum{\ptsto}contents} must be set by the caller to point to at least 4 bytes of storage.