t_prng.reseedtest-comments   [plain text]

The reseedtest is intended to allow confirmation that if sufficient
entropy is provided then the PRNG will reseed (well initially seed)
itself before the first random data is requested.  This test is not
useful to run in an automated manner because the point is to look at
internal function call order.

To test this, set a break point at krb5int_yarrow_reseed and
krb5_c_random_make_octets and run the test.  The reseed function
should be called with a pool of 1 (YARROW_SLOW_POOL) before
krb5_c_random_make_octets is called.

A slow reseed should require two sources to reach sufficient entropy.
Sources  start out sending entropy to fast pool then alternate with
slow pool.  So this test does the following:
* Seed source 1
* Seed source 1 (this time to slow pool)
* Seed source 0
* Seed source 0 (to slow pool triggering reseed)
* Output some random data