"KAppStringYes" = "Yes"; "KAppStringNo" = "No"; "KAppStringOK" = "OK"; "KAppStringCancel" = "Cancel"; "KAppStringNone" = "None"; "KAppStringNotApplicable" = "Not Applicable"; "KAppStringCredentialsVersionNone" = "none"; "KAppStringCredentialsVersionV4" = "v4"; "KAppStringCredentialsVersionV5" = "v5"; "KAppStringCredentialsVersionV4V5" = "v4/v5"; "KAppStringUnknownServerType" = "unknown"; "KAppStringKDCServerType" = "kdc"; "KAppStringAdminServerType" = "admin"; "KAppStringKrb524ServerType" = "krb524"; "KAppStringKpasswdServerType" = "kpasswd"; "KAppStringValid" = "Valid"; "KAppStringNotValid" = "Not Valid"; "KAppStringExpired" = "Expired"; "KAppStringBeforeStartTime" = "Before Start Time"; "KAppStringNeedsValidation" = "Needs Validation"; "KAppStringBadAddress" = "IP Address Changed"; "KAppStringLongStateFormat" = " (%@)"; "KAppStringWindowTitleFormat" = "%@ - %@"; "KAppStringTicketInfoWindowTitleFormat" = "%@ %@ Ticket Info"; "KAppStringTicketInfoVersionFormat" = "Kerberos %@"; "KAppStringAvailableTickets" = "Available Tickets:"; "KAppStringNoTicketsAvailable" = "No Tickets Available"; "KAppStringNotRenewable" = "Not Renewable"; "KAppStringAFSEnctype" = "AFS"; "KAppStringDESEnctype" = "DES"; "KAppStringColumbiaEnctype" = "Columbia"; "KAppStringAutomaticEnctype" = "Automatic"; "KAppStringUnknownEnctype" = "Unknown Encryption Type"; "KAppStringInvalidTimeRanges" = "Time Ranges Are Invalid"; "KAppStringBadLifetimeRange" = "The maximum lifetime must be greater than or equal to the minimum lifetime."; "KAppStringBadRenewableRange" = "The maximum renewable lifetime must be greater than or equal to the minimum renewable lifetime."; "KAppStringUnableToCreateString" = "Error creating string"; "KAppStringAskRemoveRealm" = "Are you sure you want to delete the realm '%@'?"; "KAppStringAskRemoveServer" = "Are you sure you want to delete the server '%@'?"; "KAppStringAskRemoveDomain" = "Are you sure you want to delete the domain '%@'?"; "KAppStringRealmsConfigurationError" = "Invalid Realm Configuration"; "KAppStringRealmsConfigurationReadError" = "Error Reading Realms Configuration"; "KAppStringRealmsConfigurationWriteError" = "Error Saving Realms Configuration"; "KAppStringEmptyRealm" = "Please enter a realm name."; "KAppStringInvalidRealm" = "Realm name is invalid."; "KAppStringEmptyServer" = "Please enter a server host name."; "KAppStringInvalidServer" = "Server host name is invalid."; "KAppStringEmptyDomain" = "Please enter a domain name."; "KAppStringInvalidDomain" = "Domain name is invalid."; "KAppStringDuplicateDomainFormat" = "Domain '%@' is already mapped to '%@'"; "ActiveUserMenuToolbarItemLabel" = "Active User"; "ActiveUserMenuToolbarItemToolTip" = "Change active user"; "GetTicketsToolbarItemLabel" = "New"; "GetTicketsToolbarItemToolTip" = "Get new tickets"; "RenewTicketsToolbarItemLabel" = "Renew"; "RenewTicketsToolbarItemToolTip" = "Renew active user's tickets"; "DestroyTicketsToolbarItemLabel" = "Destroy"; "DestroyTicketsToolbarItemToolTip" = "Destroy active user's tickets"; "ChangePasswordToolbarItemLabel" = "Password"; "ChangePasswordToolbarItemToolTip" = "Change active user's password"; "TicketInfoToolbarItemLabel" = "Info"; "TicketInfoToolbarItemToolTip" = "Display ticket information";