Kerberos.scriptTerminology   [plain text]

    Name = "Kerberos"; 
    Description = "Terms and Events for controlling the Kerberos application";
    Commands = {
        showTicketList = {
            Name = "show ticket list"; 
            Description = "Show the ticket list"; 
        getTickets = {
            Name = "get tickets"; 
            Description = "Get new Kerberos tickets"; 
            Arguments = {
                forPrincipal = {
                    Name = "for principal";
                    Description = "the Kerberos principal to get tickets for";
        renewTickets = {
            Name = "renew tickets"; 
            Description = "Renew Kerberos tickets"; 
            Arguments = {
                forPrincipal = {
                    Name = "for principal";
                    Description = "the Kerberos principal whose tickets should be renewed";
        destroyTickets = {
            Name = "destroy tickets";
            Description = "Destroy Kerberos tickets";
            Arguments = {
                forPrincipal = {
                    Name = "for principal";
                    Description = "the Kerberos principal whose tickets should be destroyed";
        changePassword = {
            Name = "change password";
            Description = "Change Kerberos password";
            Arguments = {
                forPrincipal = {
                    Name = "for principal";
                    Description = "the Kerberos principal whose password should be changed";
    Classes = {
        NSApplication = {
            Name = "application";
            PluralName = "applications";
            Description = "The Kerberos application";
            Attributes = {
                defaultCache = {
                    Name = "default cache";
                    Description = "The default ticket cache";
        KerberosCache = {
            Name = "cache";
            PluralName = "caches"; 
            Description = "A Kerberos ticket cache"; 
            Attributes = {
                ccacheName = {
                    Name = "cache name";
                    Description = "The name of the ticket cache";
                longTimeRemainingString = {
                    Name = "time remaining";
                    Description = "Number of seconds of ticket lifetime remaining on the ticket cache";
                principalString = {
                    Name = "principal";
                    Description = "The principal of the ticket cache";