# # Code Fragment Manager.et: # This file is automatically generated; please do not edit it. # error_table_base -2899 error_table_manager "Code Fragment Manager" error_table Code error_code fragLastErrCode, "Last reserved error code number for Code Fragment Manager" index 75 # skipped -2898 to -2825 error_code fragInvalidFragmentUsage, "Fragment is used invalidly" error_code fragArchError, "Fragment targeted for unacceptable architecture" error_code fragAppNotFound, "No application found in 'cfrg' resource" error_code fragUserInitProcErr, "Initialization procedure did not return noErr" error_code fragCorruptErr, "Fragment container is corrupted" error_code fragConstErr, "Internal inconsistency discovered" error_code fragMgrInitErr, "Error during Code Fragment Manager initialization" error_code fragLibConnErr, "Error connecting to library" error_code fragInitRtnUsageErr, "Boot library has initialization routine" error_code fragInitLoop, "Circularity in required initialization order" error_code fragImportTooNew, "Import library is too new" error_code fragImportTooOld, "Import library is too old" error_code fragObjectInitSeqErr, "Order error during user initialization function" error_code fragNoContextIDs, "No more context IDs available" error_code fragNoAddrSpace, "Not enough memory in user's address space for section" error_code fragNoMem, "Not enough memory for internal bookkeeping" error_code fragUnused1, "This error code is not used" error_code fragHadUnresolveds, "Loaded fragment has unacceptableunresolved symbols" error_code fragFormatUnknown, "Fragment container format unknown" error_code fragDupRegLibName, "Registered name already in use" error_code fragLibNotFound, "Library name not found in fragment registry" error_code fragSectionNotFound, "Section was not found" error_code fragSymbolNotFound, "Symbol was not found in connection" error_code fragConnectionIDNotFound, "Connection ID is not valid" error_code fragContextNotFound, "Context ID is not valid" end