======================================================================== KerberosErrors Bug List ======================================================================== Current version: 1.6.1fc1 Date: June 15, 2005 Authors: lxs@mit.edu, meeroh@mit.edu ======================================================================== ======================================================================== Bug # Bug description Fixed in ======================================================================== [RT 3093] compile_et fails on strings containing " index " 1.6.1fc1 [RT 2717] CFBundleGetValueForInfoDictionaryKey() accesses homedir 1.6b3 [RT 2732] com_err should be thread-safe 1.6b3 [RT 2701] compile_et needs a man page 1.6b2 [RT 1716] install compile_et in /usr/bin 1.6b1 [RT 1764] Framework should use CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding() 1.5fc3 [RT 1688] Sometimes compile_et doesn't catch the first error 1.5fc2 [RT 1449] error_message() corrupts unknown negative errors 1.5a4 [RT 1389] Remove old ErrorLib API -- now use error_message() 1.5a3 [RT 1361] compile_et breaks on strings containing " end " 1.5a2 [RT 1295] Kerberos framework initializer causes performance problems 1.5a1 [BZ 714] Merge ComErr with ErrorLib 1.4a1 [BZ 738] Ask for UTF8 strings, not system encoding 1.4a1 [BZ 744] ComErr should remember BundleIDs not Bundles 1.4a1 [BZ 619] Do not call ResError after CurResFile 1.2 [BZ 367] Move strings into code section 1.1.1fc2 [BZ 178] Stack overflow under low-memory conditions 1.1.1b1 [BZ 254] "Unknown error" strings come from app res fork 1.1.1a5 [BZ 169] System error tables override custom error tabls 1.1.1a3 [ 6] ErrorLibraryIsPresent was not conditioned out for 1.1.1a1 classic 68K [ 5] Was incorrectly using DisposeHandle on a res handle 1.1.1a1 [ 4] Not correctly restoring current res file 1.1.1a1 when error not found in tables [ 3] Not including Files.h causing problems 1.1b1 [ 2] Struct alignment not specified in header files 1.0fc1 [ 1] Headers not C++ friendly 1.0fc1