TargetOwnedTimer.m   [plain text]

 * TargetOwnedTimer.m
 * $Header$
 * Copyright 2004 Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
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 * notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and
 * this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that
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 * M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of
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 * or implied warranty.

#import "TargetOwnedTimer.h"

// has a bunch of objects which are created by the main controller
// (either directly or indirectly) and released when the controller no longer 
// needs them.  Some of these objects want NSTimers -- and they want the NSTimer
// invalidated when they are released by the controller.
// Unfortunately, NSTimers retain their targets. As a result, if the objects were
// directly instantiated the timers, they would never get freed when released 
// since the timer retained the object.  Yay for circular dependencies created 
// by refcounted objects!  Woooo!
// This isn't inherently wrong.  Owning the object you plan to call back into is 
// safer because you know it will exist when you call into it.  And depending on 
// how your application works, you might actually want your objects to persist 
// until the timer fires and then be released.  
// Obviously we could create invalidate methods for every Kerberos object that needs
// to create a timer and then call the timer's invalidate method from there, but 
// that sort of defeats the usefulness of having refcounted objects in the first 
// place.  And it's prone to simple logic errors which cause silent memory leaks
// since a number of the aforementioned objects are in NSArrays and are only
// freed as a side effect of being removed from the array.
// Instead, here is a TargetOwnedTimer class which encapsulates an NSTimer so that  
// the real NSTimer can retain this class.  This reduces the above problem to just
// having to remember to invalidate the TargetOwnedTimer before releasing it in the
// real object's dealloc method (which is a lot easier to remember and verify).  
// When the real object dealloc method is called, it can manually deallocate the 
// TargetOwnedTimer using invalidate (removing the refcount) followed by release.
// Basically this just makes timer memory management work like it does for 
// NSNotifications.

@implementation TargetOwnedTimer

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ (TargetOwnedTimer *) scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: (NSTimeInterval) seconds 
                                               target: (id) target 
                                             selector: (SEL) selector 
                                             userInfo: (id) userInfo 
                                              repeats: (BOOL) repeats
    TargetOwnedTimer *toTimer = [[TargetOwnedTimer alloc] initWithTimeInterval: seconds 
                                                                        target: target 
                                                                      selector: selector 
                                                                      userInfo: userInfo 
                                                                       repeats: repeats];
    [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: [toTimer timer] forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
    return [toTimer autorelease];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

+ (TargetOwnedTimer *) scheduledTimerWithFireDate: (NSDate *) fireDate
                                         interval: (NSTimeInterval) seconds 
                                           target: (id) target 
                                         selector: (SEL) selector 
                                         userInfo: (id) userInfo 
                                          repeats: (BOOL) repeats
    TargetOwnedTimer *toTimer = [[TargetOwnedTimer alloc] initWithFireDate: fireDate
                                                                  interval: seconds 
                                                                    target: target 
                                                                  selector: selector 
                                                                  userInfo: userInfo 
                                                                   repeats: repeats];
    [[NSRunLoop currentRunLoop] addTimer: [toTimer timer] forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode];
    return [toTimer autorelease];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) initWithTimeInterval: (NSTimeInterval) seconds 
                     target: (id) target 
                   selector: (SEL) selector 
                   userInfo: (id) userInfo 
                    repeats: (BOOL) repeats
    if ((self = [super init])) {
        timerTarget = target;
        timerSelector = selector;
        timerUserInfo = userInfo;
        dprintf ("TargetOwnedTimer for %lx initializing", (long) timerTarget);        
        timer = [[NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval: seconds
                                        target: self
                                      selector: @selector (timer:)
                                      userInfo: NULL
                                       repeats: repeats] retain];
        if (timer == NULL) {
            [self release];
            return NULL;
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) initWithFireDate: (NSDate *) fireDate
               interval: (NSTimeInterval) seconds
                 target: (id) target 
               selector: (SEL) selector 
               userInfo: (id) userInfo 
                repeats: (BOOL) repeats
    if ((self = [super init])) {
        timerTarget = target;
        timerSelector = selector;
        timerUserInfo = userInfo;
        dprintf ("TargetOwnedTimer for %lx initializing", (long) timerTarget);        
        timer = [[NSTimer alloc] initWithFireDate: fireDate
                                        interval: seconds
                                           target: self
                                         selector: @selector (timer:)
                                         userInfo: NULL
                                          repeats: repeats];
        if (timer == NULL) {
            [self release];
            return NULL;
    return self;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) dealloc
    dprintf ("TargetOwnedTimer for %lx deallocating", (long) timerTarget);        
    [timer release];
    [super dealloc];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSTimer *) timer
    return timer;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) invalidate
    // Call before releasing TargetOwnedTimer so its refcount goes to 0
    [timer invalidate];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (BOOL) isValid
    return [timer isValid];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) fire
    [timer fire];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSDate *) fireDate
    return [timer fireDate];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) setFireDate: (NSDate *) date
    [timer setFireDate: date];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (NSTimeInterval) timeInterval
    return [timer timeInterval];

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (id) userInfo
    return timerUserInfo;

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------

- (void) timer: (NSTimer *) timer
    [timerTarget performSelector: timerSelector withObject: self];
