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		<TD><B><FONT SIZE="+3">Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer</FONT></B></TD>
	<B><FONT SIZE="+2">About the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Sources</FONT></B>
		<P>To help other sites create an installer for the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras,
		we are providing the source files used to create the installer for public
		distribution.  This source is nearly identical to the installer distributed by MIT .</P>
		<P>If you are part of the MIT community, you should use the pre-built MIT installer,
		which can be found <A HREF="http://web.mit.edu/software/mac.html">here</A>.</P>
	<B><FONT SIZE="+2">Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Source Documentation</FONT></B>
		<P>The installer source is fully documented in the <A HREF="osxke-installer-doc.html">Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Documentation</A>.
		<P>Please also read <A HREF="osxke-installer-customize.html">Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Customization Requirements & Tips</A>.</P>
	<B><FONT SIZE="+2">Getting the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Source</FONT></B>
		<P>The Mac OS X Kerberos Extras installer was created with <A HREF="http://www.mindvision.com/Products/IVISE/IVISE_Index.html">
		Mindvision Installer VISE 8.0.2</A>, and you will need that version or later.  (Definitely upgrade to 8.0.2, it fixes lots of bugs
		under Mac OS X 10.2.)
		<P>You can get the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras Installer Source <A HREF="http://web.mit.edu/macdev/Download/OSXKE_Installer_Source.sit.hqx">here</A>.</P>
		<P>The source includes:</P>
			<P><B>KFM OS X Extras.vct</B> - the Installer VISE source archive</P>
			<P><B>BinariesForInstaller</B> - the Mac OS X Kerberos Extras binaries in the layout the installer expects; all you need to do is replace the edu.mit.Kerberos file and rebuild!</P>
			<P><B>Documentation</B> - folder containing the following files:</P>
				<P><B>KfM OS X Extras Read Me</B> - the read me displayed by the installer</P>
				<P><B>osxke-installer-about.html, osxke-installer-doc.html, osxke-installer-customize.html</B> - copies of these web pages for reference</P>
			<P><B>ExternalCodeResources</B> - folder containing the source and compiled binaries for the code resources used by the installer:</P>
				<P><B>KfMLocations</B> - folder containing the source and compiled binaries for the KfMLocations custom install resource;
					  see the <A HREF="osxke-installer-doc.html#CustomLocations">documentation</A> for more details</P>
				<P><B>Kerberos License</B> - the Kerberos use license displayed by the installer</P>
				<P><B>ChangePermissions.rsrc</B> - resource file containing the external shell script resources used by the installer</P>
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		Questions or comments? Send mail to <A HREF="mailto:macdev@mit.edu">macdev@mit.edu</A> 
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	Last updated on $Date: 2003/09/10 19:16:55 $ <BR> 
	Last modified by $Author: smcguire $<BR>

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