CKrbPrefsDialog.h   [plain text]

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/* $Header: /cvs/kfm/KerberosClients/KerberosApp/Sources/Headers/CKrbPrefsDialog.h,v 1.38 2003/07/11 19:39:52 smcguire Exp $ */

// ===========================================================================
//	CKrbPrefsDialog.h
// ===========================================================================

#pragma once

#include "CKrbPreferences.h"


//resource constants
// for the whole dialog
const ResIDT rPrefsDialogWindow			=		7000;
const ResIDT rPrefsOKButton				=		7001;
const ResIDT rPrefsCancelButton			=		7002;
const ResIDT rPrefsTabsXMultiPanelView		=		7051;
const ResIDT rPrefsSystemMultiPanelView		=		7055;
const ResIDT rPrefsTabsControlForX			=		7081;
const ResIDT rLoginOptionsPanel			=		7100;
const ResIDT rTicketOptionsPanel		=		7125;
const ResIDT rKMOptionsPanel			=		7150;
const ResIDT rTicketLifetimeOptionsPanel	=		7250;

// username default options
const ResIDT rBlankUsernameRadio		=		7003;
const ResIDT rDefaultUsernameRadio		=		7004;
const ResIDT rDefaultUsernameEditText	=		7005;
const ResIDT rRememberPrincipalPopupBox	=		7020;
const ResIDT rUsernameGroupbox			=		7023;
const ResIDT rPrefsRadioGroupView		=		7030;

// ticket default options
const ResIDT rDefaultForwardCheckbox	=		7006;
const ResIDT rDefaultSliderCaption		=		7007;
const ResIDT rDefaultLifetimeCaption	=		7008;
const ResIDT rDefaultLifetimeSlider		=		7009;
const ResIDT rDefaultRealmsPopupMenu	=		7010;
const ResIDT rDefaultAddresslessCheckbox	=	7012;
const ResIDT rDefaultProxiableCheckbox	=		7017;
const ResIDT rDefaultRealmsCaption		=		7013;
const ResIDT rDefaultRenewableCheckbox	=		7014;
const ResIDT rDefaultRenewableCaption	=		7015;
const ResIDT rDefaultRenewableSlider	=		7016;
const ResIDT rRememberOptionsPopupBox	=		7021;
const ResIDT rKerb5OptionsGroupbox		=		7024;

// options
const ResIDT rAlwaysExpandTicketListCheckbox	=		7011;
const ResIDT rDisplayTimeInDockCheckbox			=		7039;
const ResIDT rTicketListStartupRadioLabel		= 		7040;
const ResIDT rAlwaysShowTicketListAtStartupRadio	=	7041;
const ResIDT rNeverShowTicketListAtStartupRadio		=	7042;
const ResIDT rRememberTicketListQuitStateRadio		=	7043;
const ResIDT rTicketListStartupRadioGroupView		= 	7045;
const ResIDT rKMOptionsGroupbox					=		7022;
const ResIDT rAutoRenewTicketsCheckbox			=		7044;

// ticket lifetime resources
const ResIDT rMinimumTixLifetimeDays	=		7253;
const ResIDT rMinimumTixLifetimeHours	=		7254;
const ResIDT rMinimumTixLifetimeMinutes	=		7255;
const ResIDT rMaximumTixLifetimeDays	=		7257;
const ResIDT rMaximumTixLifetimeHours	=		7258;
const ResIDT rMaximumTixLifetimeMinutes	=		7259;

const ResIDT rMinimumRenewableLifetimeDays	=		7270;
const ResIDT rMinimumRenewableLifetimeHours	=		7271;
const ResIDT rMinimumRenewableLifetimeMinutes	=	7272;
const ResIDT rMaximumRenewableLifetimeDays	=		7275;
const ResIDT rMaximumRenewableLifetimeHours	=		7276;
const ResIDT rMaximumRenewableLifetimeMinutes	=	7277;

const MessageT msg_DefaultLifetimeSlider		=	rDefaultLifetimeSlider;
const MessageT msg_DefaultRenewableSlider		=	rDefaultRenewableSlider;
const MessageT msg_DefaultRealmsPopupMenu		= 	rDefaultRealmsPopupMenu;
const MessageT msg_RememberPrincipalPopupBox	= 	rRememberPrincipalPopupBox;
const MessageT msg_RememberOptionsPopupBox		= 	rRememberOptionsPopupBox;
const MessageT msg_DefaultUsernameEditText		= 	rDefaultUsernameEditText;
const MessageT msg_PrefsTabControl				=	'TABS';

// system panel constants
enum {
	kMacOSXPrefs = 1

// tab panel constants
enum {
	kTicketOptionsPanel = 1,
	kUsernameOptionsPanel = 2,
	kTicketLifetimeOptionsPanelForX = 3,
	kKMOptionsPanel = 4

//menu constants
enum {
	kPrefsRememberPrincipal = 1,

enum {
	kPrefsRememberOptions = 1,

class CKrbPrefsDialog : public LDialogBox {

		enum {class_ID 	= FOUR_CHAR_CODE('PrfD')};
					CKrbPrefsDialog(LStream *inStream);
		virtual void 	ListenToMessage(MessageT inMessage, void *ioParam);
		virtual void	FindCommandStatus( CommandT	inCommand,
										Boolean		&outEnabled,
										Boolean&	/* outUsesMark */ ,
										UInt16&		/* outMark */,
										Str255		/* outName */ );
		virtual Boolean	ObeyCommand( CommandT inCommand, void *ioParam);

		virtual void 	FinishCreateSelf();

		Boolean		AllowClose();
		void		CopyPrefsToDialogSettings();
		void		CopyRealmsListToPopupMenu();
		void		CopyDialogSettingsToPrefs();
		void 	LinkToBroadcasters (LPane*	inPane);
		void	SetControlStatus();
		void 	SetSliderCaption(ResIDT captionToSetID, SInt32 inSeconds, UInt32 *outDays,  UInt32 *outHours,
								 UInt32 *outMinutes, UInt32 *outSeconds);
		void	SetSliderRangeAndIncrement(ResIDT sliderToSetID, UInt32 inMinimum, UInt32 inMaximum,
											UInt32 inDefaultValue, UInt32 *outIncrement);
		Boolean	ValidateTimeRangeValues();
		CKrbPreferences *mKrbPrefsRef;
		Boolean mOkayToClose;
		UInt32 mLifetimeSliderIncrement, mRenewableSliderIncrement;