regress-103602.js   [plain text]

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* The Original Code is JavaScript Engine testing utilities.
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* Date:    10 Jan 2002
* SUMMARY: Reassignment to a const is NOT an error per ECMA
* See
* ------- Additional Comment #4 From Brendan Eich 2002-01-10 15:30 -------
* That's per ECMA (don't blame me, I fought for what Netscape always did:
* throw an error [could be a catchable exception since 1.3]).
* Readonly properties, when set by assignment, are not changed, but no error
* or exception is thrown. The value of the assignment expression is the value
* of the r.h.s.
* If you want a *strict* warning, pls change the summary of this bug to say so.
var UBound = 0;
var bug = 103602;
var summary = 'Reassignment to a const is NOT an error per ECMA';
var status = '';
var statusitems = [];
var actual = '';
var actualvalues = [];
var expect= '';
var expectedvalues = [];
var cnFAIL_1 = 'Redeclaration of a const FAILED to cause an error';
var cnFAIL_2 = 'Reassigning to a const caused an ERROR! It should not!!!';
var sEval = '';

 * Not every implementation supports const (a non-ECMA extension)
 * For example, Rhino does not; it would generate a complile-time error.
 * So we have to hide this so it will be detected at run-time instead.
  sEval = 'const one = 1';
  quit(); // if const is not supported, this testcase is over -

status = inSection(1);
   * Redeclaration of const should be a compile-time error.
   * Hide so it will be detected at run-time.
  sEval = 'const one = 2;';

  expect = ''; // we shouldn't reach this line
  actual = cnFAIL_1;
  // good - we should be here.
  actual = expect;

status = inSection(2);
   * Reassignment to a const should be NOT be an error, per ECMA.
  one = 2;
  actual = expect; // good: no error was generated

  // although no error, the assignment should have been ignored -
  status = inSection(3);
  actual = one;
  expect = 1;

  // the value of the EXPRESSION, however, is the value of the r.h.s. -
  status = inSection(4);
  actual = (one = 2);
  expect = 2;

  // BAD - we shouldn't be here
  expect = '';
  actual = cnFAIL_2;


function addThis()
  statusitems[UBound] = status;
  actualvalues[UBound] = actual;
  expectedvalues[UBound] = expect;

function test()
  enterFunc ('test');
  printBugNumber (bug);
  printStatus (summary);
  for (var i = 0; i < UBound; i++)
    reportCompare(expectedvalues[i], actualvalues[i], statusitems[i]);

  exitFunc ('test');