[plain text]

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    File Name:
    ECMA Section: new Array()
    Description:        The [[Prototype]] property of the newly constructed
                        object is set to the origianl Array prototype object,
                        the one that is the initial value of Array.prototype.
                        The [[Class]] property of the new object is set to
                        "Array".  The length of the object is set to 0.

    Author:             christine@netscape.com
    Date:               7 october 1997

    var SECTION = "";
    var VERSION = "ECMA_1";
    var TITLE   = "The Array Constructor:  new Array()";

    writeHeaderToLog( SECTION + " "+ TITLE);

    var testcases = getTestCases();

function getTestCases() {
    var array = new Array();
    var item = 0;
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,	"new   Array() +''",        "",                 (new Array()) +"" );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,	"typeof new Array()",       "object",           (typeof new Array()) );
    array[item++] = new TestCase(   SECTION,
                                    "var arr = new Array(); arr.getClass = Object.prototype.toString; arr.getClass()",
                                    "[object Array]",
                                    eval("var arr = new Array(); arr.getClass = Object.prototype.toString; arr.getClass()") );

    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,	"(new Array()).length",     0,                  (new Array()).length );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,	"(new Array()).toString == Array.prototype.toString",   true,       (new Array()).toString == Array.prototype.toString );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,	"(new Array()).join  == Array.prototype.join",          true,       (new Array()).join  == Array.prototype.join );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,	"(new Array()).reverse == Array.prototype.reverse",     true,       (new Array()).reverse  == Array.prototype.reverse );
    array[item++] = new TestCase( SECTION,	"(new Array()).sort  == Array.prototype.sort",          true,       (new Array()).sort  == Array.prototype.sort );

    return ( array );
function test() {
    for ( tc=0; tc < testcases.length; tc++ ) {
        testcases[tc].passed = writeTestCaseResult(
                            testcases[tc].description +" = "+ testcases[tc].actual );

        testcases[tc].reason += ( testcases[tc].passed ) ? "" : "wrong value ";
    return ( testcases );