IOUSBControllerV3.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright © 2007-2008 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
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#include <IOKit/pci/IOPCIDevice.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/RootDomain.h>

#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBControllerV2.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBHubDevice.h>

// Constants that define the different power states in the setPowerState call
    kUSBPowerStateOff				= 0,				// controller is reset, nothing is attached
    kUSBPowerStateRestart			= 1,				// same as OFF
    kUSBPowerStateSleep				= 2,				// controller is suspended, preparing to lose main power
    kUSBPowerStateLowPower			= 3,				// controller is suspended, power remains on
    kUSBPowerStateOn				= 4,				// up and running
	kUSBNumberBusPowerStates		= 5

#define kUSBPowerStateStable		-1

    kUSBBusStateReset				= 0,				// bus is in RESET
    kUSBBusStateSuspended			= 1,				// bus is in SUSPEND mode
    kUSBBusStateRunning				= 2					// bus is operational

// Root Hub things
typedef struct IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransaction 
    IOMemoryDescriptor *		buf;
    UInt32						bufLen;
    IOUSBCompletion				completion;
} IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransaction;

typedef IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransaction* IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransactionPtr;

	  kIOUSBMaxRootHubTransactions  = 2

// Thunderbolt things
#ifndef kIOThunderboltTunnelEndpointDeviceMIDProp
#define kIOThunderboltTunnelEndpointDeviceMIDProp	"Tunnel Endpoint Device Model ID"
#ifndef kIOThunderboltTunnelEndpointDeviceVIDProp
#define kIOThunderboltTunnelEndpointDeviceVIDProp	"Tunnel Endpoint Device Vendor ID"

#define kAppleThunderboltDisplay2011MID				0x8002
#define kAppleThunderboltVID                        0x0001

 @class IOUSBControllerV3
 @abstract subclass of the IOUSBControllerV2 to provide support for new USB Power Management techniques.
 @discussion With Leopard, we are providing more information to USB Device Drivers in the IOPower
 tree to allow for more efficient Power Management. This controller class encapulates many of the changes
 needed for that, without disturbing third party subclasses of IOUSBController or IOUSBControllerV2

class IOUSBControllerV3 : public IOUSBControllerV2

		// static variable shared by all instances
		static uint32_t *				_gHibernateState;

		UInt8							_myBusState;					// kUSBBusStateReset, kUSBBusStateSuspended, kUSBBusStateRunning
		bool							_wakingFromHibernation;			// True while the Hibernation Wake thread is active
		bool							_needToAckPowerDown;			// True while we are changing power state due to shutdown/restart
		bool							_onCardBus;						// OBSOLETE
		bool							_controllerAvailable;			// true if we can talk to the controller
		SInt32							_powerStateChangingTo;			// a power state that we are in the process of changing to, or -1 if we are stable
		bool							_poweringDown;					// true is the controller is powering down because of a systemWillPowerDown message
		bool							_restarting;					// true is the controller is restarting because of a systemWillPowerDown message
		unsigned long					_myPowerState;					// my current state (since getPowerState doesn't always change in time)
		IOUSBControllerV3				*_ehciController;				// set if I am a companion controller
		unsigned long					_numPowerStates;				// how many power states do I support (defaults to kUSBNumDefaultPowerStates)
		IOPMPowerState					*_myPowerStates;				// my power state array (allocated on the fly)
		IOPCIDevice						*_device;						// my PCI device

		// root hub support
	    IOTimerEventSource					*_rootHubTimer;				// timer which fires at the rate of the root hub interrupt endpoint
		UInt8								_rootHubPollingRate;		// Obsolete -- we need to have it be a uint32_t
		UInt8								_rootHubNumPorts;			// number of root hub ports - should be 15 or fewer!
		UInt16								_rootHubStatusChangedBitmap;	// support up to 15 ports for status changes
		bool								_rootHubTimerActive;		// UNUSED
		IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransaction	_outstandingRHTrans[4];		// Transactions for the Root Hub.  We need 2, one for the current transaction and one for the next.  This is declared as 4 for binary compatibility

		struct V3ExpansionData { 
			uint32_t				_rootHubPollingRate32;
			bool					_rootHubTransactionWasAborted;
			IOPMDriverAssertionID	_externalUSBDeviceAssertionID;		// power manager assertion that we have an external USB device
			SInt32					_externalDeviceCount;				// the count of external devices in this controller - changed through the WL gate
			UInt32					_inCheckPowerModeSleeping;			// The CheckPowerModeGated
			bool					_onThunderbolt;						// T if this controller is on a Thunderbolt bus
			uint32_t				_thunderboltModelID;				// the model ID of the thunderbolt device in which this controller resides
			uint32_t				_thunderboltVendorID;				// the vendor ID of the thunderbolt device in which this controller resides
			UInt8					_rootHubNumPortsSS;					// number of SS root hub ports - should be 15 or fewer!
			UInt8					_rootHubNumPortsHS;					// number of SS root hub ports - should be 15 or fewer!
			UInt8					_rootHubPortsHSStartRange;
			UInt8					_rootHubPortsSSStartRange;
			IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransaction	_outstandingSSRHTrans[4];		// Transactions for the Root Hub.  We need 2, one for the current transaction and one for the next.  This is declared as 4 for binary compatibility
            bool					_wakingFromStandby;					// t when waking from S4 stanby
		V3ExpansionData *_v3ExpansionData;

		// IOKit methods
		virtual bool					init( OSDictionary *  propTable );
		virtual bool					start( IOService *  provider );
		virtual void					stop( IOService * provider );
		virtual unsigned long			maxCapabilityForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState );
		virtual unsigned long			initialPowerStateForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState );
		virtual IOReturn				powerStateWillChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags capabilities, unsigned long stateNumber, IOService* whatDevice);
		virtual IOReturn				setPowerState( unsigned long powerStateOrdinal, IOService* whatDevice );
		virtual IOReturn				powerStateDidChangeTo ( IOPMPowerFlags capabilities, unsigned long stateNumber, IOService* whatDevice);
		virtual void					powerChangeDone ( unsigned long fromState);
		virtual void					systemWillShutdown( IOOptionBits specifier );
		virtual bool					willTerminate(IOService * provider, IOOptionBits options);
		virtual bool					didTerminate( IOService * provider, IOOptionBits options, bool * defer );

		virtual void					free(void);
		// IOUSBController methods
		// we override these to deal with methods attempting to go through the workloop while we are in sleep
		virtual IOReturn 		AcquireDeviceZero( void );
		virtual void			ReleaseDeviceZero( void );
		virtual IOReturn 		DeviceRequest(IOUSBDevRequest *request,  IOUSBCompletion *completion, USBDeviceAddress address, UInt8 epNum, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32 completionTimeout);
		virtual IOReturn 		DeviceRequest(IOUSBDevRequestDesc *request,  IOUSBCompletion *completion, USBDeviceAddress address, UInt8 epNum, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32 completionTimeout);
		virtual IOReturn 		ClosePipe(USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint);
		virtual IOReturn 		AbortPipe(USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint);
		virtual IOReturn 		ResetPipe(USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint);
		virtual IOReturn 		ClearPipeStall(USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint);
		virtual IOReturn 		Read(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBCompletion *completion, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32 completionTimeout, IOByteCount reqCount);
		virtual IOReturn 		Write(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBCompletion *completion, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32 completionTimeout, IOByteCount reqCount);
		virtual IOReturn		IsocIO(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, UInt64 frameStart, UInt32 numFrames, IOUSBIsocFrame *frameList, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBIsocCompletion *completion );
		virtual IOReturn		IsocIO(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, UInt64 frameStart, UInt32 numFrames, IOUSBLowLatencyIsocFrame *frameList, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBLowLatencyIsocCompletion *completion, UInt32 updateFrequency );	

		// we override this one to add some stuff which requires the _device iVar
		virtual UInt32			GetErrataBits(UInt16 vendorID, UInt16 deviceID, UInt16 revisionID );    
		// IOUSBControllerV2 methods
		// we override these to deal with methods attempting to go through the workloop while we are in sleep
		virtual IOReturn 		OpenPipe(USBDeviceAddress address, UInt8 speed, Endpoint *endpoint);
		virtual IOReturn		AddHSHub(USBDeviceAddress highSpeedHub, UInt32 flags);
		virtual IOReturn		RemoveHSHub(USBDeviceAddress highSpeedHub);
		virtual IOReturn		SetTestMode(UInt32 mode, UInt32 port);
		virtual IOReturn		ReadV2(IOMemoryDescriptor *buffer, USBDeviceAddress	address, Endpoint *endpoint, IOUSBCompletionWithTimeStamp *completion, UInt32 noDataTimeout, UInt32	completionTimeout, IOByteCount reqCount);
		// IOUSBControllerV3 methods
		// these are called through the workloop
		static IOReturn					DoEnableAddressEndpoints(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
		static IOReturn					DoEnableAllEndpoints(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
		static IOReturn					GatedPowerChange(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
		static IOReturn					ChangeExternalDeviceCount(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
		static IOReturn					DoGetActualDeviceAddress(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3);
		static IOReturn					DoCreateStreams(OSObject *owner, void *arg0, void *arg1, void *arg2, void *arg3 );
		// also on the workloop
	    static void						RootHubTimerFired(OSObject *owner, IOTimerEventSource *sender);
		// Copied from IOUSBController DoAbortEP
		static IOReturn 		DoAbortStream( 
									  OSObject *	owner, 
									  void *	arg0, 
									  void *	arg1, 
									  void *	arg2, 
									  void *	arg3 );
		// subclassable methods
		virtual IOReturn				CheckForEHCIController(IOService *provider);
		virtual	IOReturn				AllocatePowerStateArray(void);
		virtual	IOReturn				InitForPM(void);
		virtual IOReturn				CheckPowerModeBeforeGatedCall(char *fromStr);
		virtual IOReturn				EnableAllEndpoints(bool enable);
		virtual IOReturn				EnableBusMastering(bool enable);
		virtual IOReturn				EnsureUsability(void);
		virtual IOReturn				CheckForRootHubChanges(void);
		virtual IOReturn				RootHubQueueInterruptRead(IOMemoryDescriptor *buf, UInt32 bufLen, IOUSBCompletion completion);
		virtual IOReturn				RootHubAbortInterruptRead(void);
		virtual IOReturn				RootHubStartTimer(UInt8 pollingRate);			// Obsolete see RootHubStartTimer32
		virtual IOReturn				RootHubStopTimer(void);
		// these methods have a default implementation using some of the virtual methods below
		virtual	void					ControllerOff(void);
		virtual	void					ControllerRestart(void);
		virtual	void					ControllerSleep(void);
		virtual	void					ControllerDoze(void);
		virtual	void					ControllerOn(void);

		// these methods are pure virtual, and need to be implemented in the subclass driver
		virtual	IOReturn				ResetControllerState(void) = 0;
		virtual IOReturn				RestartControllerFromReset(void) = 0;
		virtual	IOReturn				SaveControllerStateForSleep(void) = 0;
		virtual	IOReturn				RestoreControllerStateFromSleep(void) = 0;
		virtual IOReturn				DozeController(void) = 0;
		virtual IOReturn				WakeControllerFromDoze(void) = 0;
		virtual IOReturn				UIMEnableAddressEndpoints(USBDeviceAddress address, bool enable) = 0;
		virtual IOReturn				UIMEnableAllEndpoints(bool enable) = 0;
		virtual IOReturn				EnableInterruptsFromController(bool enable) = 0;
		// public methods
		virtual IOReturn				EnableAddressEndpoints(USBDeviceAddress address, bool enable);
		virtual bool					IsControllerAvailable(void);
		virtual IOReturn				HandlePowerChange(unsigned long powerStateOrdinal);
		virtual	UInt32					AllocateExtraRootHubPortPower(UInt32 extraPowerRequested);		// DEPRECATED
		virtual	void					ReturnExtraRootHubPortPower(UInt32 extraPowerReturned);			// DEPRECATED
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  0);
	virtual IOReturn				RootHubStartTimer32(uint32_t pollingRate);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  1);
	virtual IOReturn				CheckPMAssertions(IOUSBDevice *forDevice, bool deviceBeingAdded);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  2);
	 @function GetRootHubBOSDescriptor
	 @abstract UIM function, retrun the BOS descriptor of the simulated root hub device
	 As GET_DESCRIPTOR control request for configuration descrptor
	 @param  desc   Descriptor structure to return data in
    virtual IOReturn 		GetRootHubBOSDescriptor( OSData *desc );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  3);
	 @function GetRootHubDescriptor
	 @abstract UIM function, return the hub descriptor of the simulated root hub device
	 As GET_DESCRIPTOR control request for hub descrptor
	 @param  desc   Descriptor structure to return data in
    virtual IOReturn 		GetRootHub3Descriptor( IOUSB3HubDescriptor *desc );

	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  4);
	 @function UIMDeviceToBeReset
	 @abstract Tell the UIM that the device will be reset.
	 @param functionAddress USB device ID of device
	 @result Return kIOReturnSuccess if pipes have been deleted and need to be setup again.
	virtual IOReturn        UIMDeviceToBeReset(short functionAddress);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  5);
	 @function Read
     Read from a stream on a bulk endpoint
     @param streamID stream ID of the stream to read from
     @param buffer place to put the transferred data
     @param address Address of the device on the USB bus
     @param endpoint description of endpoint
     @param completion describes action to take when buffer has been filled
     @param noDataTimeout number of milliseconds of no data movement before the request is aborted
     @param completionTimeout number of milliseonds after the command is on the bus in which it must complete
     @param reqCount number of bytes requested for the transfer (must not be greater than the length of the buffer)
    virtual IOReturn Read(UInt32							streamID,
							IOMemoryDescriptor *			buffer,
							USBDeviceAddress					address,
							Endpoint *						endpoint,
							IOUSBCompletion             *	completion,
							UInt32							noDataTimeout,
							UInt32							completionTimeout,
							IOByteCount						reqCount );

	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  6);
	 @function Write
	 Write to a stream on a bulk endpoint
     @param streamID stream ID of the stream to write to
	 @param buffer place to get the transferred data
	 @param address Address of the device on the USB bus
	 @param endpoint description of endpoint
	 @param completion describes action to take when buffer has been emptied
	 @param noDataTimeout number of milliseconds of no data movement before the request is aborted
	 @param completionTimeout number of milliseonds after the command is on the bus in which it must complete
	 @param reqCount number of bytes requested for the transfer (must not be greater than the length of the buffer)
    virtual IOReturn 		Write(UInt32				streamID,
								  IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
								  USBDeviceAddress 	address,
								  Endpoint *		endpoint,
								  IOUSBCompletion *	completion,
								  UInt32			noDataTimeout,
								  UInt32			completionTimeout,
								  IOByteCount		reqCount );

	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  7);
	virtual IOReturn 		AbortPipe(UInt32 streamID, USBDeviceAddress address, Endpoint *endpoint);

	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  8);
	 @function UIMAbortEndpoint
	 @abstract UIM function  Abort the specified endpoint or stream, return all transactions queued on it.
	 @param streamID		If zero, abort the endpoint, if non zero abort the stream on the endpoint
	 @param functionNumber  The USB device ID of the device to Abort
	 @param endpointNumber  The endpoint number to Abort
	 @param direction       Specifies direction of the endpoint for uniqueness. kUSBIn or KUSBOut.
    virtual IOReturn 		UIMAbortStream(UInt32		streamID,
											 short		functionNumber,
											 short		endpointNumber,
											 short		direction);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  9);
	virtual IOReturn 		OpenPipe(USBDeviceAddress address, UInt8 speed, Endpoint *endpoint, UInt32 maxStreams, UInt32 maxBurst);

	 @function UIMMaxSupportedStream
	 @abstract UIM function  Returns how many streams per endpoint are supported by the USB controller.  This call does not go through the workloop gate.
	 @result	The number of streams per endpont that are supported by the USB controller.  A value of 0 indicates that streams are not supported.
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  10);
	virtual UInt32			UIMMaxSupportedStream(void);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  11);
	virtual USBDeviceAddress UIMGetActualDeviceAddress(USBDeviceAddress current);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  12);
	 @function UIMCreateBulkSSEndpoint
	 @abstract Create an endpoint in the controller with superspeed streams and/or maxburst capabilities
     if controller does not support superspeed, this method should not be overridden
	 @param functionNumber  USB device ID of device
	 @param endpointNumber  endpoint address of the endpoint in the device
	 @param direction       Direction of data flow. kUSBIn or kUSBOut
	 @param speed           speed of the device kUSBDeviceSpeedFull, kUSBDeviceSpeedHigh, kUSBDeviceSuper
	 @param maxPacketSize   maximum packet size of this endpoint
	 @param maxStreams		Maximum stream number that this endpoint can use
	 @param maxBurst		number of extra packets in a burst transfer
    virtual IOReturn 		UIMCreateSSBulkEndpoint(
                                                    UInt8		functionNumber,
                                                    UInt8		endpointNumber,
                                                    UInt8		direction,
                                                    UInt8		speed,
                                                    UInt16		maxPacketSize,
                                                    UInt32      maxStream,
                                                    UInt32      maxBurst);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  13);
	 @function UIMCreateSSInterruptEndpoint
	 @abstract Create an endpoint in the controller with maxburst capabilities
     if controller does not support superspeed, this method should not be overridden
	 @param functionNumber  USB device ID of device
	 @param endpointNumber  endpoint address of the endpoint in the device
	 @param direction       Direction of data flow. kUSBIn or kUSBOut
	 @param speed           speed of the device kUSBDeviceSpeedFull, kUSBDeviceSpeedHigh, kUSBDeviceSpeedSuper
	 @param maxPacketSize   maximum packet size of this endpoint
	 @param pollingRate		
	 @param maxBurst		number of extra packets in a burst transfer
    virtual IOReturn 		UIMCreateSSInterruptEndpoint(
                                                         short		functionAddress,
                                                         short		endpointNumber,
                                                         UInt8		direction,
                                                         short		speed,
                                                         UInt16		maxPacketSize,
                                                         short		pollingRate,
                                                         UInt32     maxBurst);

 	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  14);
	 @function UIMCreateSSIsochEndpoint
	 @abstract Create an endpoint in the controller with maxburst capabilities
     if controller does not support superspeed, this method should not be overridden
	 @param functionNumber  USB device ID of device
	 @param endpointNumber  endpoint address of the endpoint in the device
	 @param maxPacketSize   maximum packet size of this endpoint
	 @param direction       Direction of data flow. kUSBIn or kUSBOut
	 @param interval		
	 @param maxBurst		number of extra packets in a burst transfer
    virtual IOReturn 		UIMCreateSSIsochEndpoint(
                                                     short				functionAddress,
                                                     short				endpointNumber,
                                                     UInt32				maxPacketSize,
                                                     UInt8				direction,
                                                     UInt8				interval,
                                                     UInt32             maxBurst);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  15);
	 @function UIMCreateStreams
	 @abstract Create streams on an endpoint
     if controller does not support superspeed, this method should not be overridden
	 @param functionNumber  USB device ID of device
	 @param endpointNumber  endpoint address of the endpoint in the device
	 @param direction       Direction of data flow. kUSBIn or kUSBOut
	 @param maxStreams		Number of streams to create
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateStreams(UInt8				functionNumber,
                                      UInt8				endpointNumber,
                                      UInt8				direction,
                                      UInt32            maxStream);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  16);

	virtual IOReturn		 	GetActualDeviceAddress(USBDeviceAddress currentAddress, USBDeviceAddress *newAddress);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  17);
	virtual	IOReturn			CreateStreams(UInt8 functionNumber, UInt8 endpointNumber, UInt8 direction,  UInt32 maxStream);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  18);
	 @function GetRootHubPortErrorCount
	 @abstract UIM function, returns the port error count of the simulated root hub device (GET_PORT_ERROR_COUNT from the USB 3.0 spec)
	 @param  port   Port Number
	 @param	 count	Pointer to a UInt16 to store the actual link error count
    virtual IOReturn 		GetRootHubPortErrorCount( UInt16 port, UInt16 * count );

	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed(IOUSBControllerV3,  19);
    /* !
     @function GetBandwidthAvailableForDevice
     @abstract returns the bandwidth available (in bytes) for a particular root hub port
     @param forDevice The device looking to get bandwidth
     @param pBandwidthAvailable Pointer to the holder for the bandwidth
    virtual IOReturn        GetBandwidthAvailableForDevice(IOUSBDevice *forDevice, UInt32 *pBandwidthAvailable);

	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  20);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  21);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  22);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  23);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  24);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  25);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  26);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  27);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  28);
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused(IOUSBControllerV3,  29);
		void		FixupNECControllerConfigRegisters(void);
		IOReturn	RHQueueTransaction(IOMemoryDescriptor *buf, UInt32 bufLen, IOUSBCompletion completion, IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransactionPtr outstandingRHXaction);
		void		RHCompleteTransaction(IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransactionPtr outstandingRHTransPtr);
		void		RHAbortTransaction(IOUSBRootHubInterruptTransactionPtr outstandingRHXaction);
