USBHub.h   [plain text]

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 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
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#ifndef _USBHUB_H
#define _USBHUB_H

#include <IOKit/usb/USB.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/USBSpec.h>

    @header     USBHub.h
     @abstract  Constants and definitions used with Hub devices.

    @enum Hub Descriptor Type
enum {
    kUSBHubDescriptorType       = 0x29,
    kUSB3HubDescriptorType       = 0x2A

    @enum HubFeatures
    @discussion Used with SET_FEATURE to set hub and port features
enum {
    kUSBHubLocalPowerChangeFeature      = 0,    /* Hub features */
    kUSBHubOverCurrentChangeFeature     = 1,

    kUSBHubPortConnectionFeature        = 0,    /* port features */
    kUSBHubPortEnableFeature            = 1,
    kUSBHubPortSuspendFeature           = 2,
    kUSBHubPortOverCurrentFeature       = 3,
    kUSBHubPortResetFeature             = 4,
    kUSBHubPortPowerFeature             = 8,
    kUSBHubPortLowSpeedFeature          = 9,
    kUSBHubPortConnectionChangeFeature  = 16,
    kUSBHubPortEnableChangeFeature      = 17,
    kUSBHubPortSuspendChangeFeature     = 18,
    kUSBHubPortOverCurrentChangeFeature = 19,
    kUSBHubPortResetChangeFeature       = 20,
    kUSBHubPortTestFeature				= 21,
	kUSBHubPortIndicatorFeature			= 22,
	// USB 3.0
	kUSBHubPortLinkStateFeature				= 5,    /* port features */
	kUSBHubPortU1TimeoutFeature				= 23,
	kUSBHubPortU2TimeoutFeature				= 24,
	kUSBHubPortLinkStateChangeFeature		= 25,
	kUSBHubPortConfigErrorChangeFeature		= 26,
	kUSBHubPortRemoteWakeMaskFeature		= 27,
	kUSBHubPortBHPortResetFeature			= 28,
	kUSBHubPortBHResetChangeFeature			= 29,
	kUSBHubPortForceLinkPMAcceptFeature		= 30,

    @enum HubPortStatus
    @discussion Used to decode the Port Status and Change 
enum {
	kSSHubPortStatusConnectionBit	= 0,
	kSSHubPortStatusEnabledBit		= 1,
	kSSHubPortStatusOverCurrentBit	= 3,
	kSSHubPortStatusResetBit		= 4,
	// USB 3.0
	kSSHubPortStatusLinkStateShift		= 5,
	kSSHubPortStatusPowerBit			= 9,
	kSSHubPortStatusSpeedShift			= 10,
	kSSHubPortChangeBHResetBit			= 5,
	kSSHubPortChangePortLinkStateBit 	= 6,
	kSSHubPortChangePortConfigErrBit	= 7,

    kHubPortConnection		= 0x0001,
    kHubPortEnabled			= 0x0002,
    kHubPortSuspend			= 0x0004,
    kHubPortOverCurrent		= 0x0008,
    kHubPortBeingReset		= 0x0010,
    kHubPortPower			= 0x0100,
    kHubPortLowSpeed		= 0x0200,
    kHubPortHighSpeed		= 0x0400,
    kHubPortTestMode		= 0x0800,
    kHubPortIndicator		= 0x1000,
    kHubPortSuperSpeed		= 0x2000,					// This is a synthesized bit that is using a reserved bit from the Hub Port Status definition in USB 2.0.
	kHubPortBit14			= 0x4000,					// That bit is used by the hub driver to encode the USB3 link state into the USB2 PortStatus (using bits 5-7 as well, that are reserved in the USB 2 spec)
    kHubPortDebouncing		= 0x8000,					// This is a synthesized bit that is using a reserved bit from the Hub Port Status definition in USB 2.0.
	// USB 3.0
	kSSHubPortStatusConnectionMask	= ( 1 << kSSHubPortStatusConnectionBit ),
	kSSHubPortStatusEnabledMask		= ( 1 << kSSHubPortStatusEnabledBit ),
	kSSHubPortStatusOverCurrentMask	= ( 1 << kSSHubPortStatusOverCurrentBit ),
	kSSHubPortStatusBeingResetMask	= ( 1 << kSSHubPortStatusResetBit ),
    kSSHubPortStatusLinkStateMask	= 0x01E0,
    kSSHubPortStatusPowerMask		= ( 1 << kSSHubPortStatusPowerBit ),
	kSSHubPortStatusSpeedMask		= 0x1C00,
	kSSHubPortChangeBHResetMask		= ( 1 << kSSHubPortChangeBHResetBit ),
	kSSHubPortChangePortLinkStateMask = ( 1 << kSSHubPortChangePortLinkStateBit ),
	kSSHubPortChangePortConfigErrMask = ( 1 << kSSHubPortChangePortConfigErrBit ),

    // these are the bits which cause the hub port state machine to keep moving (USB 3.0)
    kHubPortSuperSpeedStateChangeMask		= (kHubPortConnection | kHubPortEnabled | kHubPortSuspend | kHubPortOverCurrent | kHubPortBeingReset | kSSHubPortStatusBeingResetMask | kSSHubPortChangePortLinkStateMask | kSSHubPortChangePortConfigErrMask),
    // these are the bits which cause the hub port state machine to keep moving (USB 2.0)
    kHubPortStateChangeMask                 = (kHubPortConnection | kHubPortEnabled | kHubPortSuspend | kHubPortOverCurrent | kHubPortBeingReset)

    @enum HubStatus
    @discussion Used to decode the Hub Status and Change 
enum {
    kHubLocalPowerStatus        = 1,
    kHubOverCurrentIndicator    = 2,
    kHubLocalPowerStatusChange  = 1,
    kHubOverCurrentIndicatorChange  = 2

    @enum HubCharacteristics
enum {
    kPerPortSwitchingBit    = (1 << 0),
    kNoPowerSwitchingBit    = (1 << 1),
    kCompoundDeviceBit      = (1 << 2),
    kPerPortOverCurrentBit  = (1 << 3),
    kNoOverCurrentBit       = (1 << 4),
	kHubTTThinkTimeMask		= 0x60,
	kHubTTThinkTimeShift	= 5,
	kHubPortIndicatorBit	= 7,
	kHubPortIndicatorMask	= 0x0080

@enum PowerSwitching
enum {
	kHubSupportsGangPower	= 0,
	kHubSupportsIndividualPortPower = 1,
	kHubPortSetPowerOff		= 0,
	kHubPortSetPowerOn		= 1

@enum PortIndicatorSelectors
enum {
	kHubPortIndicatorAutomatic	= 0,

 @enum Root Hub specific 
enum {
	kPrdRootHubApple			= 0x8005,	// ProductID for classic speed root hubs
	kPrdRootHubAppleE			= 0x8006,	// ProductID for high speed root hubs
	kPrdRootHubAppleSS			= 0x8007,	// ProductID for super speed root hubs
	kUSBRootHubPollingRate		= 32		// Enpoint polling rate interval for root hubs

 @enum Hub Class Request
 @discussion Specifies values for the bRequest field of a Device Request.
enum USBHubClassRequest {
    kUSBHubRqGetStatus     = 0,
    kUSBHubRqClearFeature  = 1,
    kUSBHubRqGetState      = 2,
    kUSBHubRqSetFeature    = 3,
    kUSBHubRqReserved2     = 4,
    kUSBHubRqSetAddress    = 5,
    kUSBHubRqGetDescriptor = 6,
    kUSBHubRqSetDescriptor = 7,
    kUSBHubRqGetConfig     = 8,
    kUSBHubRqSetConfig     = 9,
    kUSBHubRqGetInterface  = 10,
    kUSBHubRqSetInterface  = 11,

@enum Hub Device Requests
@discussion  Encoding of the hub specific standard requests
Request          bmRequestType bRequest       wValue  wIndex wLength Data</b>
ClearHubFeature  0010 0000B    CLEAR_FEATURE  Feature Zero    Zero   None
ClearPortFeature 0010 0011B                   Feature Port    Zero   None

GetBusState      1010 0011B    GET_STATE      Zero    Port    One    Port Bus State

GetHubDescriptor 1010 0000B    GET_DESCRIPTOR Type    Zero    Length Descriptor

GetHubStatus     1010 0000B    GET_STATUS     Zero    Zero    Four   Hub Status
GetPortStatus    1010 0011B                   Zero    Port    Four   Port Status

SetHubDescriptor 0010 0000B    SET_DESCRIPTOR Type    Zero    Length Descriptor

SetHubFeature    0010 0000B    SET_FEATURE    Feature Zero    Zero   None
SetPortFeature   0010 0011B                   Feature Port    Zero   None
enum {
    kClearHubFeature  = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqClearFeature,  kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBDevice),
    kClearPortFeature = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqClearFeature,  kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBOther),
    kGetPortState     = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqGetState,      kUSBIn,  kUSBClass, kUSBOther),
    kGetHubDescriptor = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqGetDescriptor, kUSBIn,  kUSBClass, kUSBDevice),
    kGetHub3Descriptor= EncodeRequest(kUSBRqGetDescriptor, kUSBIn,  kUSBClass, kUSBDevice),
    kGetHubStatus     = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqGetStatus,     kUSBIn,  kUSBClass, kUSBDevice),
    kGetPortStatus    = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqGetStatus,     kUSBIn,  kUSBClass, kUSBOther),
    kSetHubDescriptor = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqGetDescriptor, kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBDevice),
    kSetHubFeature    = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqSetFeature,    kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBDevice),
    kSetPortFeature   = EncodeRequest(kUSBRqSetFeature,    kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBOther)

    @typedef IOUSBHubDescriptor
    @discussion USB Hub Descriptor.  See the USB HID Specification at <a href=""TARGET="_blank"></a>.

	// Support a maximum of 64 ports, which will pack into 9 bytes
	kNumPortBytes = 9

struct IOUSBHubDescriptor {
    UInt8   length;
    UInt8   hubType;
    UInt8   numPorts;
    UInt16  characteristics __attribute__((packed));
    UInt8   powerOnToGood;								// Port settling time, in 2ms
    UInt8   hubCurrent;
    // These are received packed, will have to be unpacked
    UInt8   removablePortFlags[kNumPortBytes];
    UInt8   pwrCtlPortFlags[kNumPortBytes];

typedef struct IOUSBHubDescriptor IOUSBHubDescriptor;

	// these are sent to the controller when configuring a HS hub
    kUSBHSHubCommandAddHub				= 1,
    kUSBHSHubCommandRemoveHub			= 2,
    kUSBHSHubFlagsMultiTTMask			= 0x01,
	kUSBHSHubFlagsMoreInfoMask			= 0x02,
	kUSBHSHubFlagsTTThinkTimeShift		= 2,
	kUSBHSHubFlagsTTThinkTimeMask		= 0x0C,
	kUSBHSHubFlagsNumPortsShift			= 4,
	kUSBHSHubFlagsNumPortsMask			= 0xF0

// To cope with the extra fields in a USB3 hub descriptor

struct IOUSB3HubDescriptor {
    UInt8   length;
    UInt8   hubType;
    UInt8   numPorts;
    UInt16  characteristics __attribute__((packed));
    UInt8   powerOnToGood;								// Port settling time, in 2ms
    UInt8   hubCurrent;
	UInt8   hubHdrDecLat;								// Header decode latency, new 3.0 field
    UInt16  hubDelay __attribute__((packed));			// new in 3.0
    // These are received packed, will have to be unpacked
    UInt8   removablePortFlags[kNumPortBytes];
    UInt8   pwrCtlPortFlags[kNumPortBytes];				// This field does not exist in the 3.0 descriptor

typedef struct IOUSB3HubDescriptor IOUSB3HubDescriptor;

    @typedef IOUSBHubStatus
    @discussion Used to get the port status and change flags using GetPortStatus()
struct IOUSBHubStatus {
    UInt16          statusFlags;
    UInt16          changeFlags;
typedef struct IOUSBHubStatus   IOUSBHubStatus;
typedef IOUSBHubStatus *    IOUSBHubStatusPtr;

typedef struct IOUSBHubStatus   IOUSBHubPortStatus;

    @typedef IOUSBHubPortReEnumerateParam
    @discussion Used to specify the port that needs to be reenumerated
typedef struct IOUSBHubPortReEnumerateParam IOUSBHubPortReEnumerateParam;

struct IOUSBHubPortReEnumerateParam {
    UInt32   portNumber;
    UInt32   options;

typedef struct IOUSBHubPortClearTTParam IOUSBHubPortClearTTParam;

struct IOUSBHubPortClearTTParam {
    UInt32	 portNumber;
    UInt32	 options;
#if 0
    UInt8 	 deviceAddress;  <<0
	UInt8	 endpointNum;    <<8
	UInt8 	 endpointType;	 <<16 // As split transaction. 00 Control, 10 Bulk
	UInt8 	 IN;		 <<24 // Direction, 1 = IN, 0 = OUT

#pragma mark USB 3 Additions

 @enum USB 3 Hub Class Request
 @discussion Specifies values for the bRequest field of a Device Request.
enum {
	kUSBHubRqSetHubDepth	= 12,
	kUSBHubRqGetPortErrorCount	= 13

enum {
	kSetHubDepth		= EncodeRequest(kUSBHubRqSetHubDepth, kUSBOut, kUSBClass, kUSBDevice),
    kGetPortErrorCount	= EncodeRequest(kUSBHubRqGetPortErrorCount, kUSBIn, kUSBClass, kUSBOther)

 @enum Link State for USB 3.0
 @discussion Used to decode the Port Status and Change 
enum {
	kSSHubPortLinkStateU0			= 0,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateU1			= 1,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateU2			= 2,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateU3			= 3,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateSSDisabled	= 4,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateRxDetect		= 5,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateSSInactive	= 6,
	kSSHubPortLinkStatePolling		= 7,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateRecovery		= 8,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateHotReset		= 9,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateComplianceMode	= 10,
	kSSHubPortLinkStateLoopBack		= 11,
	kSSHubPortSpeed5Gbps			= 0