AppleUSBEHCIHubInfo.cpp   [plain text]

#include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>

#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBLog.h>

#include "AppleUSBEHCIHubInfo.h"
#include "AppleUSBEHCI.h"

AppleUSBEHCI::GetHubInfo(UInt8 hubAddr, UInt8 hubPort)
    AppleUSBEHCIHubInfoPtr 	hiPtr = _hsHubs;
    while (hiPtr)
	if ((hiPtr->hubAddr == hubAddr) && (hiPtr->hubPort == hubPort))
	hiPtr = hiPtr->next;
    USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::GetHubInfo(%d, %d), returning %p", getName(), this, hubAddr, hubPort, hiPtr);
    return hiPtr;

AppleUSBEHCI::NewHubInfo(UInt8 hubAddr, UInt8 hubPort)
    AppleUSBEHCIHubInfoPtr 	hiPtr = (AppleUSBEHCIHubInfoPtr)IOMalloc(sizeof(AppleUSBEHCIHubInfo));
    AppleUSBEHCIHubInfoPtr	linkPtr = _hsHubs;
    if (!hiPtr)
	return NULL;
    hiPtr->hubAddr = hubAddr;
    hiPtr->hubPort = hubPort;
    hiPtr->next = NULL;
    hiPtr->flags = 0;
    hiPtr->bandwidthAvailable = 0;
    if (!_hsHubs)
	_hsHubs = hiPtr;
	USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::NewHubInfo(%d, %d), creating new _hsHubs list with %p", getName(), this, hubAddr, hubPort, hiPtr);
    else if ((_hsHubs->hubAddr > hubAddr) || ((_hsHubs->hubAddr == hubAddr) && (_hsHubs->hubPort > hubPort)))
	USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::NewHubInfo(%d, %d), linking new hubInfo %p at beginning of list", getName(), this, hubAddr, hubPort, hiPtr);
	hiPtr->next = _hsHubs;
	_hsHubs = hiPtr;
	while (linkPtr->next && (linkPtr->next->hubAddr < hubAddr))
	    linkPtr = linkPtr->next;

	while (linkPtr->next && (linkPtr->next->hubAddr == hubAddr) && (linkPtr->next->hubPort < hubPort))
	    linkPtr = linkPtr->next;

	USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::NewHubInfo(%d, %d), linking new hubInfo %p between %p and %p", getName(), this, hubAddr, hubPort, hiPtr, linkPtr, linkPtr->next);
	hiPtr->next = linkPtr->next;
	linkPtr->next = hiPtr;
    return hiPtr;

AppleUSBEHCI::DeleteHubInfo(UInt8 hubAddr, UInt8 hubPort)
    AppleUSBEHCIHubInfoPtr 	hiPtr = _hsHubs;

    // first get rid of the ones off the top
    while (hiPtr && ((hiPtr->hubAddr == hubAddr) && ((hiPtr->hubPort == hubPort) || (hubPort == 0xffff))))
	USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::DeleteHubInfo(%d, %d), removing  hubInfo %p from beginning of list", getName(), this, hubAddr, hubPort, hiPtr);
	_hsHubs = hiPtr->next;
	IOFree(hiPtr, sizeof(AppleUSBEHCIHubInfo));
	hiPtr = _hsHubs;
    if (!hiPtr)
	return kIOReturnSuccess;		// all done!
    if (hiPtr->hubAddr > hubAddr)
	return kIOReturnSuccess;
    // now advance to the next candidate
    while (hiPtr->next && (hiPtr->next->hubAddr < hubAddr))
	hiPtr = hiPtr->next;
    while (hiPtr->next && (hiPtr->next->hubAddr == hubAddr) && ((hiPtr->next->hubPort == hubPort) || (hubPort == 0xffff)))
	AppleUSBEHCIHubInfoPtr 	temp = _hsHubs;
	USBLog(5, "%s[%p]::DeleteHubInfo(%d, %d), removing hubInfo %p from between %p and %p", getName(), this, hubAddr, hubPort, hiPtr->next, hiPtr, hiPtr->next->next);
	temp = hiPtr->next;
	hiPtr->next = temp->next;
	IOFree(temp, sizeof(AppleUSBEHCIHubInfo));
    return kIOReturnSuccess;