AppleUSBOHCI.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2002 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.2 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and 
 * limitations under the License.
#ifndef _IOKIT_AppleUSBOHCI_H
#define _IOKIT_AppleUSBOHCI_H

#include <libkern/c++/OSData.h>

#include <IOKit/IOService.h>
#include <IOKit/IOInterruptEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/IOFilterInterruptEventSource.h>
#include <IOKit/pci/IOPCIBridge.h>
#include <IOKit/pci/IOPCIDevice.h>

#include <IOKit/usb/IOUSBController.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/USB.h>
#include <IOKit/usb/USBHub.h>

#include "USBOHCI.h"
#include "USBOHCIRootHub.h"

#define USB_CONSTANT16(x)	((((x) >> 8) & 0x0ff) | ((x & 0xff) << 8))
#define MICROSECOND		(1)
#define MILLISECOND		(1000)

#ifdef __ppc__
#define IOSync eieio
#define IOSync()

extern "C" {
    extern int	kvtophys(vm_offset_t);
    extern void delay(int);

struct InterruptTransaction {
    IOMemoryDescriptor *	buf;
    UInt32 			bufLen;
    IOUSBCompletion		completion;
#define kMaxOutstandingTrans 4

class IONaturalMemoryCursor;

class AppleUSBOHCI : public IOUSBController

    virtual IOReturn 		setPowerState( unsigned long, IOService* );
    virtual void 		initForPM (IOPCIDevice *provider);
    unsigned long 		maxCapabilityForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState );
    unsigned long 		initialPowerStateForDomainState ( IOPMPowerFlags domainState );
    void			ResumeUSBBus();
    void			SuspendUSBBus();

    // saving this headerdoc for when we move this back to IOPCIDevice.h where it belongs.
/*! @function hasPCIPwrMgmt
    @abstract determine whether or not the device supports PCI Bus Power Management.
    @discussion This method will look at the device's capabilties registers and determine whether or not the device supports the PCI BUS Power Management Specification.
    @param state(optional) Check for support of a specific state (e.g. kPCIPMCPMESupportFromD3Cold). If state is not suuplied or is 0, then check for a property in the registry which tells which state the hardware expects the device to go to during sleep.
    @result true if the specified state is supported */
    virtual bool hasPCIPwrMgmt(IOOptionBits state = 0);
/*! @function enablePCIPwrMgmt
    @abstract enable PCI power management for sleep state
    @discussion This method will enable PCI Bus Powermanagement when going to sleep mode.
    @param state(optional) Enables PCI Power Management by placing the function in the given state (e.g. kPCIPMCSPowerStateD3). If state is not specified or is 0xffffffff, then the IOPCIDevice determines the desired state. If state is kPCIPMCSPowerStateD0 (0) then PCI Power Management is disabled.
    @result kIOReturnSuccess if there were no errors */
    virtual IOReturn enablePCIPwrMgmt(IOOptionBits state = 0xffffffff);
    virtual IOReturn saveDeviceState( IOPCIDevice * device,
                                      IOOptionBits options = 0 );
    virtual IOReturn restoreDeviceState( IOPCIDevice * device,
                                         IOOptionBits options = 0 );
    // these variables also belong in IOPCIFamily
    bool					PMsleepEnabled;		// T if a client has enabled PCI Power Management
    UInt8					PMcontrolStatus;	// if >0 this device supports PCI Power Management
    UInt16					sleepControlBits;	// bits to set the control/status register to for sleep
    UInt32					*savedConfig;
    // end of IOPCIFamily stuff

    void print_td(OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr x);
    void print_itd(OHCIIsochTransferDescriptorPtr x);
    void print_ed(OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr x);
    void print_isoc_ed(OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr x);
    void print_list(OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr pListHead,
                    OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr pListTail);
    void print_control_list(void);
    void print_bulk_list(void);
    void print_int_list(void);


    IOPCIDevice *      				_device;
    IOMemoryMap *				_deviceBase;
    IONaturalMemoryCursor * 			_genCursor;
    IONaturalMemoryCursor * 			_isoCursor;
    OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr 		_pendingHead;
    OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr		_pendingTail;
    UInt16					_vendorID;
    UInt16					_deviceID;
    UInt16					_revisionID;
    UInt32					_errataBits;		// various bits for chip erratas
    OHCIRegistersPtr				_pOHCIRegisters;	// Pointer to base address of OHCI registers.
    Ptr						_pHCCA;			// Pointer to HCCA.
    OHCIIntHead					_pInterruptHead[63];	// ptr to private list of all interrupts heads 			
    volatile OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		_pIsochHead;		// ptr to Isochtonous list
    volatile OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		_pIsochTail;		// ptr to Isochtonous list
    volatile OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		_pBulkHead;		// ptr to Bulk list
    volatile OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		_pControlHead;		// ptr to Control list
    volatile OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		_pBulkTail;		// ptr to Bulk list
    volatile OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		_pControlTail;		// ptr to Control list
    volatile OHCIPhysicalLogicalPtr		_pPhysicalLogical;	// ptr to list of memory maps
    volatile OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr	_pFreeTD;		// list of availabble Trasfer Descriptors
    volatile OHCIIsochTransferDescriptorPtr	_pFreeITD;		// list of availabble Trasfer Descriptors
    volatile OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		_pFreeED;		// list of available Endpoint Descriptors
    volatile OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr	_pLastFreeTD;		// last of availabble Trasfer Descriptors
    volatile OHCIIsochTransferDescriptorPtr	_pLastFreeITD;		// last of availabble Trasfer Descriptors
    volatile OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		_pLastFreeED;		// last of available Endpoint Descriptors
    volatile OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr	_pPendingTD;		// list of non processed Trasfer Descriptors
    Ptr						_pDataAllocation;	// ptr to block used for TD, ED, ITD
    Ptr						_pPCIAssignedAddresses;	// ptr to PCI assigned addresses
    UInt32					_pageSize;		// OS Logical page size
    struct  {
        volatile UInt32	scheduleOverrun;				// updated by the interrupt handler
        volatile UInt32	unrecoverableError;				// updated by the interrupt handler
        volatile UInt32	frameNumberOverflow;				// updated by the interrupt handler
        volatile UInt32	ownershipChange;				// updated by the interrupt handler
        } _errors;
    volatile UInt64				_frameNumber;
    UInt16					_rootHubFuncAddress;	// Function Address for the root hub
    int						_OptiOn;
    UInt32					_isochBandwidthAvail;	// amount of available bandwidth for Isochronous transfers
    UInt32		 			_disablePortsBitmap;	// Bitmaps of ports that support port suspend even if they have an errata
    UInt32					_dataAllocationSize;	// # of bytes allocated in for TD's
    IOFilterInterruptEventSource *		_filterInterruptSource;
    IOLock *					_intLock;
    struct InterruptTransaction			_outstandingTrans[kMaxOutstandingTrans];
    bool					_uimInitialized;
    bool					_unloadUIMAcrossSleep;
    bool					_onCardBus;
    bool					_idleSuspend;
    bool					_hasPCIPwrMgmt;
    bool					_ohciAvailable;
    IOPhysicalAddress 				_hccaPhysAddr;
    UInt8					_ohciBusState;
    AbsoluteTime				_lastCheckedTime;		// Last time we checked the Root Hub for inactivity
    AbsoluteTime				_lastRootHubStatusChanged;	// Last time we had activity on the root hub
    AbsoluteTime				_filterTimeStamp;
    AbsoluteTime				_filterTimeStamp2;
    UInt32					_lowLatencyIsochTDsProcessed;	// Number of low latency isoch TD's processed at primary interrupt time
    UInt32					_filterInterruptCount;
    UInt32					_framesUpdated;
    UInt32					_framesError;
    // Interrupt related fields
    UInt32					_resumeDetectedInterrupt;	// Set at primary interrupt time if we get that interrupt, cleared at secondary interrupt time
    UInt32					_unrecoverableErrorInterrupt;	// Set at primary interrupt time if we get that interrupt, cleared at secondary interrupt time
    UInt32					_rootHubStatusChangeInterrupt;	// Set at primary interrupt time if we get that interrupt, cleared at secondary interrupt time
    UInt32					_writeDoneHeadInterrupt;	// Set at primary interrupt time if we get that interrupt, cleared at secondary interrupt time
    volatile IOPhysicalAddress			_savedDoneQueueHead;		// Physical address read from the done queue;
    volatile UInt32				_producerCount;			// Counter used to synchronize reading of the done queue between filter (producer) and action (consumer)
    volatile UInt32				_consumerCount;			// Counter used to synchronize reading of the done queue between filter (producer) and action (consumer)
    IOSimpleLock *				_wdhLock;
    UInt64					_timeElapsed;
    static void 				InterruptHandler(OSObject *owner,  IOInterruptEventSource * source, int count);
    static bool 				PrimaryInterruptFilter(OSObject *owner, IOFilterInterruptEventSource *source);
    bool 					FilterInterrupt(int index);

    void					SetVendorInfo(void);
    void					finishPending();
    IOReturn 					ControlInitialize(void);
    IOReturn 					BulkInitialize (void);
    IOReturn 					IsochronousInitialize(void);
    IOReturn 					InterruptInitialize (void);

    // callPlatformFunction symbols
    const OSSymbol *				_usb_remote_wakeup;
    bool  					_remote_wakeup_occurred;
    // Memory routines
    UInt32 GetLogicalAddress(UInt32 pPhysicalAddress);
    UInt32 GetPhysicalAddress(UInt32 LogicalAddress,
                                     UInt32 count);
    UInt32 CreatePhysicalAddress(UInt32 pLogicalAddress,
                                        UInt32 count);
    IOReturn AllocateMemory(int num_of_TDs,
                                   int num_of_EDs,
                                   int num_of_ITDs);
    void doCallback(OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr	nextTD,
                    UInt32				transferStatus,
                    UInt32  				bufferSizeRemaining);
    UInt32 findBufferRemaining (OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr pCurrentTD);
    OHCIIsochTransferDescriptorPtr AllocateITD(void);
    OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr AllocateTD(void);
    OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr AllocateED(void);
    IOReturn 	TranslateStatusToUSBError(UInt32 status);
    void ProcessCompletedITD (OHCIIsochTransferDescriptorPtr pITD, IOReturn status);
    IOReturn DeallocateITD (OHCIIsochTransferDescriptorPtr pTD);
    IOReturn DeallocateTD (OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr pTD);
    IOReturn DeallocateED (OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr pED);
    IOReturn RemoveAllTDs(OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr pED);
    IOReturn RemoveTDs(OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr pED);
    // IOReturn DoDoneQueueProcessing(OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptorPtr pHCDoneTD, IOUSBCompletionAction safeAction);
    IOReturn DoDoneQueueProcessing(IOPhysicalAddress cachedWritedoneQueueHead, UInt32 cachedProducer, IOUSBCompletionAction safeAction);
    void UIMProcessDoneQueue(IOUSBCompletionAction safeAction=0);
    void UIMRootHubStatusChange( void );
    void UIMRootHubStatusChange(bool abort);
    void SimulateRootHubInt(
            UInt8					endpoint,
            IOMemoryDescriptor * 			buf,
            UInt32 					bufLen,
            IOUSBCompletion				completion);
    IOReturn SimulateInterruptEDCreate(UInt16 maxPacketSize, short pollingRate);
    IOReturn SimulateControlEDCreate (UInt16 maxPacketSize);
    IOReturn SimulateEDAbort (short endpointNumber, short direction);
    IOReturn SimulateEDDelete (short endpointNumber, short direction);
    IOReturn SimulateEDClearStall (short endpointNumber, short direction);
    OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr AddEmptyEndPoint(
            UInt8 					functionAddress,
            UInt8					endpointNumber,
            UInt16					maxPacketSize,
            UInt8					speed,
            UInt8					direction,
            OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr			pED,
            OHCIEDFormat				format);

    OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr FindEndpoint (
            short 					functionNumber,
            short 					endpointNumber,
            short 					direction,
            OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr 			*pEDQueueBack,
            UInt32 					*controlMask);

    OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr FindControlEndpoint (
            short 					functionNumber,
            short					endpointNumber,
            OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr   		*pEDBack);

    OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr FindBulkEndpoint (
            short 					functionNumber,
            short					endpointNumber,
            short					direction,
            OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr			*pEDBack);

    OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr FindIsochronousEndpoint(
            short 					functionNumber,
            short					endpointNumber,
            short 					direction,
            OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr			*pEDBack);
    OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr FindInterruptEndpoint(
            short 					functionNumber,
            short					endpointNumber,
            short					direction,
            OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr			*pEDBack);

    void DoOptiFix(OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr pIsochHead);
    void OptiLSHSFix(void);
    void dumpRegs(void);
    bool DetermineInterruptOffset(UInt32          pollingRate,
                            UInt32          reserveBandwidth,
                            int             *offset);
    void ReturnTransactions(
                OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptor 	*transaction,
                UInt32				tail);

    void ReturnOneTransaction(
                OHCIGeneralTransferDescriptor 	*transaction,
		OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr	pED,
		IOReturn			err);

    void CheckEDListForTimeouts(
		OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr 	head, 
		OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr 	tail);
    virtual bool 	init(OSDictionary * propTable);
    virtual bool 	start( IOService * provider );
    virtual void 	stop( IOService * provider );
    virtual bool 	finalize(IOOptionBits options);
    virtual IOReturn 	message( UInt32 type, IOService * provider,  void * argument = 0 );
    virtual void 	free();

     * UIM methods
    IOReturn UIMInitialize(IOService * provider);
    IOReturn UIMFinalize();
    IOReturn UIMInitializeForPowerUp();
    IOReturn UIMFinalizeForPowerDown();
    // Control
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateControlEndpoint(
            UInt8				functionNumber,
            UInt8				endpointNumber,
            UInt16				maxPacketSize,
            UInt8				speed);

    // method in 1.8 and 1.8.1
   virtual IOReturn UIMCreateControlTransfer(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            IOUSBCompletion			completion,
            void *				CBP,
            bool				bufferRounding,
            UInt32				bufferSize,
            short				direction);
    //same method in 1.8.2
   virtual IOReturn UIMCreateControlTransfer(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            IOUSBCommand*			command,
            void *				CBP,
            bool				bufferRounding,
            UInt32				bufferSize,
            short				direction);

    // method in 1.8 and 1.8.1
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateControlTransfer(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            IOUSBCompletion			completion,
            IOMemoryDescriptor *		CBP,
            bool				bufferRounding,
            UInt32				bufferSize,
            short				direction);

    //same method in 1.8.2
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateControlTransfer(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            IOUSBCommand*			command,
            IOMemoryDescriptor *		CBP,
            bool				bufferRounding,
            UInt32				bufferSize,
            short				direction);

    // Bulk
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateBulkEndpoint(
            UInt8				functionNumber,
            UInt8				endpointNumber,
            UInt8				direction,
            UInt8				speed,
            UInt8				maxPacketSize);

    // method in 1.8 and 1.8.1
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateBulkTransfer(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            IOUSBCompletion			completion,
            IOMemoryDescriptor *		CBP,
            bool				bufferRounding,
            UInt32				bufferSize,
            short				direction);

    // same method in 1.8.2
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateBulkTransfer(IOUSBCommand* command);

    // general purpose method to handle all of the other transfers - not in the controller class
    virtual IOReturn CreateGeneralTransfer(
            OHCIEndpointDescriptorPtr		queue,
            IOUSBCommand*			command,
            IOMemoryDescriptor*			CBP,
            UInt32				bufferSize,
            UInt32				flags,
            UInt32				type,
            UInt32				kickBits);

    // Interrupt
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateInterruptEndpoint(
            short				functionAddress,
            short				endpointNumber,
            UInt8				direction,
            short				speed,
            UInt16				maxPacketSize,
            short				pollingRate);

    // method in 1.8 and 1.8.1
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateInterruptTransfer(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            IOUSBCompletion			completion,
            IOMemoryDescriptor *		CBP,
            bool				bufferRounding,
            UInt32				bufferSize,
            short				direction);

    // method in 1.8.2
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateInterruptTransfer(IOUSBCommand* command);

    // Isoch
    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateIsochEndpoint(
            short				functionAddress,
            short				endpointNumber,
            UInt32				maxPacketSize,
            UInt8				direction);

    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateIsochTransfer(
	short				functionAddress,
	short				endpointNumber,
	IOUSBIsocCompletion		completion,
	UInt8				direction,
	UInt64				frameStart,
	IOMemoryDescriptor *		pBuffer,
	UInt32				frameCount,
	IOUSBIsocFrame			*pFrames);

    virtual IOReturn UIMCreateIsochTransfer(
	short				functionAddress,
	short				endpointNumber,
	IOUSBIsocCompletion		completion,
	UInt8				direction,
	UInt64				frameStart,
	IOMemoryDescriptor *		pBuffer,
	UInt32				frameCount,
	IOUSBLowLatencyIsocFrame	*pFrames,
        UInt32				updateFrequency);

    virtual IOReturn UIMAbortEndpoint(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            short				direction);
    virtual IOReturn UIMDeleteEndpoint(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            short				direction);
    virtual IOReturn UIMClearEndpointStall(
            short				functionNumber,
            short				endpointNumber,
            short				direction);
     * Root hub methods
    IOReturn 		GetRootHubDeviceDescriptor(IOUSBDeviceDescriptor *desc);
    IOReturn 		GetRootHubDescriptor(IOUSBHubDescriptor *desc);
    IOReturn 		SetRootHubDescriptor(OSData *buffer);
    IOReturn 		GetRootHubConfDescriptor(OSData *desc);
    IOReturn 		GetRootHubStatus(IOUSBHubStatus *status);
    IOReturn		GetRootHubStringDescriptor(UInt8 index, OSData *desc);
    IOReturn 		SetRootHubFeature(UInt16 wValue);
    IOReturn 		ClearRootHubFeature(UInt16 wValue);
    IOReturn 		GetRootHubPortStatus(IOUSBHubPortStatus *status, UInt16 port);
    IOReturn 		SetRootHubPortFeature(UInt16 wValue, UInt16 port);
    IOReturn 		ClearRootHubPortFeature(UInt16 wValue, UInt16 port);
    IOReturn 		GetRootHubPortState(UInt8 *state, UInt16 port);
    IOReturn 		SetHubAddress(UInt16 wValue);
    AbsoluteTime	LastRootHubPortStatusChanged( bool reset );
    bool		RootHubAreAllPortsDisconnected( void );
    void		OHCIGetNumberOfPorts(UInt8 *numPorts);
    void OHCIRootHubPower(bool on);
    void OHCIRootHubResetChangeConnection(UInt16 port);
    void OHCIRootHubResetResetChange(UInt16 port);
    void OHCIRootHubResetSuspendChange(UInt16 port);
    void OHCIRootHubResetEnableChange(UInt16 port);
    void OHCIRootHubResetOverCurrentChange(UInt16 port);
    void OHCIRootHubResetPort (UInt16 port);
    void OHCIRootHubPortEnable(UInt16 port, bool on);
    void OHCIRootHubPortSuspend(UInt16 port, bool on);
    void OHCIRootHubPortPower(UInt16 port, bool on);

    virtual UInt32 GetBandwidthAvailable();
    virtual UInt64 GetFrameNumber();
    virtual UInt32 GetFrameNumber32();

    virtual void PollInterrupts(IOUSBCompletionAction safeAction=0);
    virtual IOReturn callPlatformFunction(const OSSymbol *functionName,
					bool waitForFunction,
                                        void *param1, void *param2,
                                        void *param3, void *param4);
    virtual void UIMCheckForTimeouts(void);


// constants for the uimFlags field of the GTD structure
// may also be used in ITD one day if needed. plenty of bits to go around
    kUIMFlagsLastTD	=	0x0001

    kOHCIBusStateOff		= 0,
    kOHCIBusStateSuspended	= 1,
    kOHCIBusStateRunning	= 2

// Constants that define the different power states in the setPowerState call
    kOHCISetPowerLevelSuspend		= 0,
    kOHCISetPowerLevelRunning		= 1,
    kOHCISetPowerLevelIdleSuspend	= 2

// constants to use to decide whether to idle suspend a bus
    kOHCICheckForRootHubConnectionsPeriod = 30, 	// Check every x secs to see if root hub has connections
    kOHCICheckForRootHubInactivityPeriod = 30		// Wait for x secs after the last time the root hub was active

// constants which are part of the PCI Bus Power Management Spec.
// These should be defined in a header provided by the PCI family, 
// but I will define them here for now since noone else seems to use them
// except the 8255 ethernet driver
    // capabilities bits in the 16 bit capabilities register
    kPCIPMCPMESupportFromD3Cold		= 0x8000,
    kPCIPMCPMESupportFromD3Hot		= 0x4000,
    kPCIPMCPMESupportFromD2		= 0x2000,
    kPCIPMCPMESupportFromD1		= 0x1000,
    kPCIPMCPMESupportFromD0		= 0x0800,
    kPCIPMCD2Support			= 0x0400,
    kPCIPMCD1Support			= 0x0200

    // bits in the control/status register
    kPCIPMCSPMEStatus			= 0x8000,
    kPCIPMCSPMEEnable			= 0x0100,
    kPCIPMCSPowerStateMask		= 0x0003,
    kPCIPMCSPowerStateD3		= 0x0003,
    kPCIPMCSPowerStateD2		= 0x0002,
    kPCIPMCSPowerStateD1		= 0x0001,
    kPCIPMCSPowerStateD0		= 0x0000

#endif /* _IOKIT_AppleUSBOHCI_H */