IOMedia.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2012 Apple Inc. All rights reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h> // (gIODTPlane, ...)
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>               // (IONew, ...)
#include <IOKit/storage/IOMedia.h>

#define super IOStorage
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOMedia, IOStorage)

#ifndef __LP64__
extern IOStorageAttributes gIOStorageAttributesUnsupported;
#endif /* !__LP64__ */

    kIOStorageAccessWriter       = 0x00000002,
    kIOStorageAccessInvalid      = 0x0000000D,
    kIOStorageAccessReservedMask = 0xFFFFFFF0

static UInt8 gIOMediaAccessTable[8][8] =
{            /* Rea, Wri, R|S, W|S, R|E, W|E, Inv, Non */
    /* Rea */ { 000, 001, 002, 003, 006, 006, 006, 000 },
    /* Wri */ { 011, 006, 011, 006, 006, 006, 006, 011 },
    /* R|S */ { 002, 001, 002, 003, 006, 006, 006, 002 },
    /* W|S */ { 003, 006, 003, 003, 006, 006, 006, 003 },
    /* R|E */ { 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 004 },
    /* W|E */ { 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 015 },
    /* Inv */ { 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006 },
    /* Inv */ { 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006, 006 }

class IOMediaAccess

    IOStorageAccess _access;


    inline void operator=( IOStorageAccess access )
        _access = access;

    inline void operator=( OSObject * access )
        if ( access )
            operator=( ( ( OSNumber * ) access )->unsigned32BitValue( ) );
            operator=( kIOStorageAccessNone );

    inline void operator+=( IOStorageAccess access )
        _access = ( ( _access - 1 ) >> 1 ) & 7;
        _access = gIOMediaAccessTable[ ( ( access - 1 ) >> 1 ) & 7 ][ _access ];
        _access = ( ( _access & 7 ) << 1 ) + 1;

    inline void operator+=( OSObject * access )
        if ( access )
            operator+=( ( ( OSNumber * ) access )->unsigned32BitValue( ) );

    inline operator IOStorageAccess( )
        return _access;

IOStorage * IOMedia::getProvider() const
    // Obtain this object's provider.  We override the superclass's method to
    // return a more specific subclass of OSObject -- IOStorage.  This method
    // serves simply as a convenience to subclass developers.

    return (IOStorage *) IOService::getProvider();

bool IOMedia::matchPropertyTable(OSDictionary * table, SInt32 * score)
    // Compare the properties in the supplied table to this object's properties.

    // Ask our superclass' opinion.

    if (super::matchPropertyTable(table, score) == false)  return false;

    // We return success if the following expression is true -- individual
    // comparisions evaluate to truth if the named property is not present
    // in the supplied table.

    return compareProperty(table, kIOMediaContentKey           ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaContentHintKey       ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaEjectableKey         ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaLeafKey              ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaOpenKey              ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaPreferredBlockSizeKey) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaRemovableKey         ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaSizeKey              ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaUUIDKey              ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaWholeKey             ) &&
           compareProperty(table, kIOMediaWritableKey          );

#ifndef __LP64__
bool IOMedia::init(UInt64         base,
                   UInt64         size,
                   UInt64         preferredBlockSize,
                   bool           isEjectable,
                   bool           isWhole,
                   bool           isWritable,
                   const char *   contentHint,
                   OSDictionary * properties)
    // Initialize this object's minimal state.

    IOMediaAttributeMask attributes = 0;

    attributes |= isEjectable ? kIOMediaAttributeEjectableMask : 0;
    attributes |= isEjectable ? kIOMediaAttributeRemovableMask : 0;

    return init( /* base               */ base,
                 /* size               */ size,
                 /* preferredBlockSize */ preferredBlockSize,
                 /* attributes         */ attributes,
                 /* isWhole            */ isWhole,
                 /* isWritable         */ isWritable,
                 /* contentHint        */ contentHint,
                 /* properties         */ properties );
#endif /* !__LP64__ */

void IOMedia::free(void)
    // Free all of this object's outstanding resources.

    if (_openClients)  _openClients->release();


bool IOMedia::attachToChild(IORegistryEntry *       client,
                            const IORegistryPlane * plane)
    // This method is called for each client interested in the services we
    // provide.  The superclass links us as a parent to this client in the
    // I/O Kit registry on success.

    OSString * s;

    // Ask our superclass' opinion.

    if (super::attachToChild(client, plane) == false)  return false;

    // Determine whether the client is a storage driver, which we consider
    // to be a consumer of this storage object's content and a producer of
    // new content. A storage driver need not be an IOStorage subclass, so
    // long as it identifies itself with a match category of "IOStorage".
    // If the client is indeed a storage driver, we reset the media's Leaf
    // property to false and replace the media's Content property with the
    // client's Content Mask property, if any.

    s = OSDynamicCast(OSString, client->getProperty(gIOMatchCategoryKey));
    if (s && s->isEqualTo(kIOStorageCategory))
        setProperty(kIOMediaLeafKey, false);

        s = OSDynamicCast(OSString,client->getProperty(kIOMediaContentMaskKey));
        if (s)  setProperty(kIOMediaContentKey, s->getCStringNoCopy());

    return true;

void IOMedia::detachFromChild(IORegistryEntry *       client,
                              const IORegistryPlane * plane)
    // This method is called for each client that loses interest in the
    // services we provide.  The superclass unlinks us from this client
    // in the I/O Kit registry on success.
    // Note that this method is called at a nondeterministic time after
    // our client is terminated, which means another client may already
    // have arrived and attached in the meantime.  This is not an issue
    // should the termination be issued synchrnously, however, which we
    // take advantage of when this media needs to  eliminate one of its
    // clients.  If the termination was issued on this media or farther
    // below in the hierarchy, we don't really care that the properties
    // would not  be consistent since this media object is going to die
    // anyway.

    OSString * s;

    // Determine whether the client is a storage driver, which we consider
    // to be a consumer of this storage object's content and a producer of
    // new content. A storage driver need not be an IOStorage subclass, so
    // long as it identifies itself with a match category of "IOStorage".
    // If the client is indeed a storage driver, we reset the media's Leaf
    // property to true and reset the media's Content property to the hint
    // we obtained when this media was initialized.

    s = OSDynamicCast(OSString, client->getProperty(gIOMatchCategoryKey));
    if (s && s->isEqualTo(kIOStorageCategory))
        setProperty(kIOMediaContentKey, getContentHint());
        setProperty(kIOMediaLeafKey, true);

    // Pass the call onto our superclass.

    super::detachFromChild(client, plane);

bool IOMedia::handleOpen(IOService *  client,
                         IOOptionBits options,
                         void *       argument)
    // The handleOpen method grants or denies permission to access this object
    // to an interested client.  The argument is an IOStorageAccess value that
    // specifies the level of access desired -- reader or reader-writer.
    // This method can be invoked to upgrade or downgrade the access level for
    // an existing client as well.  The previous access level will prevail for
    // upgrades that fail, of course.   A downgrade should never fail.  If the
    // new access level should be the same as the old for a given client, this
    // method will do nothing and return success.  In all cases, one, singular
    // close-per-client is expected for all opens-per-client received.
    // This method will work even when the media is in the terminated state.
    // We are guaranteed that no other opens or closes will be processed until
    // we make our decision, change our state, and return from this method.

    IOMediaAccess   access;
    IOStorageAccess accessIn;
    IOService *     driver;
    IOMediaAccess   level;
    OSObject *      object;
    OSIterator *    objects;
    bool            rebuild;
    bool            success;
    bool            teardown;

    // State our assumptions.

    assert( client );

    // Initialize our minimal state.

    access   = _openClients->getObject( ( OSSymbol * ) client );
    accessIn = ( uintptr_t ) argument;
    driver   = 0;

    rebuild  = false;
    success  = false;
    teardown = false;

    // Determine whether one of our clients is a storage driver.

    object = ( OSObject * ) OSSymbol::withCString( kIOStorageCategory );

    if ( object == 0 )
        goto handleOpenErr;

    driver = copyClientWithCategory( ( OSSymbol * ) object );

    object->release( );

    // Reevaluate the open we have on the level below us.

    objects = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( _openClients );

    if ( objects == 0 )
        goto handleOpenErr;

    level = kIOStorageAccessNone;

    while ( ( object = objects->getNextObject( ) ) )
        if ( object != client )
            level += _openClients->getObject( ( OSSymbol * ) object );

    objects->release( );

    // Evaluate the open we have from the level above us.

    level += accessIn;

    if ( level == kIOStorageAccessInvalid )
        goto handleOpenErr;

    if ( ( accessIn & kIOStorageAccessWriter ) )
        if ( _isWritable == false )
            goto handleOpenErr;

        if ( ( accessIn & kIOStorageAccessSharedLock ) == false )
            if ( driver )
                if ( driver != client )
                    teardown = true;
        if ( ( access & kIOStorageAccessWriter ) )
            rebuild = true;

    // If we are in the terminated state, we only accept downgrades.

    if ( isInactive( ) )
        if ( access == kIOStorageAccessNone )
            goto handleOpenErr;

        if ( ( accessIn & kIOStorageAccessWriter ) )
            goto handleOpenErr;

    // Determine whether the storage driver above us can be torn down, if
    // this is a new exclusive writer open, or an upgrade to an exclusive
    // writer open (and if the client issuing the open is not the storage
    // driver itself).

    if ( teardown )
        if ( _openClients->getObject( ( OSSymbol * ) driver ) )
            goto handleOpenErr;

        if ( driver->terminate( kIOServiceSynchronous ) == false )
            goto handleOpenErr;

    // Determine whether the storage object below us accepts the open at this
    // multiplexed level of access -- new opens, upgrades and downgrades (and
    // no changes in access) all enter through the same method.

    level = ( level & kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter );

    if ( _openLevel != level )
        IOStorage * provider;

        provider = OSDynamicCast( IOStorage, getProvider( ) );

        if ( provider )
            success = provider->open( this, options, level );

            if ( success == false )
                // We were unable to open the storage object below us.  We
                // must recover from the terminate we invoked above before
                // bailing out, if applicable, by re-registering the media
                // object for matching.

                if ( teardown )
                    registerService( kIOServiceAsynchronous );

                goto handleOpenErr;

            setProperty( kIOMediaOpenKey, true );

    success = true;

    // Process the open.

    object = OSNumber::withNumber( accessIn, 32 );

    assert( object );

    _openClients->setObject( ( OSSymbol * ) client, object );

    _openLevel = level;

    object->release( );

    // If a writer just closed, re-register the media so that I/O Kit will
    // attempt to match storage drivers that may now be interested in this
    // media.

    if ( rebuild )
        if ( isInactive( ) == false )
            if ( driver )
                if ( driver != client )
                    driver->requestProbe( 0 );
                registerService( kIOServiceAsynchronous );


    // Release our resources.

    if ( driver )
        driver->release( );

    return success;

bool IOMedia::handleIsOpen(const IOService * client) const
    // The handleIsOpen method determines whether the specified client, or any
    // client if none is specificed, presently has an open on this object.
    // This method will work even when the media is in the terminated state.
    // We are guaranteed that no other opens or closes will be processed until
    // we return from this method.

    if ( client )
        return _openClients->getObject( ( OSSymbol * ) client ) ? true : false;
        return _openClients->getCount( ) ? true : false;

void IOMedia::handleClose(IOService * client, IOOptionBits options)
    // A client is informing us that it is giving up access to our contents.
    // This method will work even when the media is in the terminated state.
    // We are guaranteed that no other opens or closes will be processed until
    // we change our state and return from this method.

    IOMediaAccess access;
    IOService *   driver;
    IOMediaAccess level;
    OSObject *    object;
    OSIterator *  objects;

    // State our assumptions.

    assert( client );

    assert( _openClients->getObject( ( OSSymbol * ) client ) );

    // Initialize our minimal state.

    access = _openClients->getObject( ( OSSymbol * ) client );
    driver = 0;

    // Determine whether one of our clients is a storage driver.

    object = ( OSObject * ) OSSymbol::withCString( kIOStorageCategory );

    if ( object == 0 )
        goto handleCloseErr;

    driver = copyClientWithCategory( ( OSSymbol * ) object );

    object->release( );

    // Reevaluate the open we have on the level below us.

    objects = OSCollectionIterator::withCollection( _openClients );

    if ( objects == 0 )
        goto handleCloseErr;

    level = kIOStorageAccessNone;

    while ( ( object = objects->getNextObject( ) ) )
        if ( object != client )
            level += _openClients->getObject( ( OSSymbol * ) object );

    objects->release( );

    // If no opens remain, we close, or if no writers remain, but readers do,
    // we downgrade.

    level = ( level & kIOStorageAccessReaderWriter );

    if ( _openLevel != level )
        IOStorage * provider;

        provider = OSDynamicCast( IOStorage, getProvider( ) );

        if ( provider )
            if ( level == kIOStorageAccessNone )
                provider->close( this, options );

                setProperty( kIOMediaOpenKey, false );
                bool success;

                success = provider->open( this, 0, level );

                assert( success );

    // Process the close.

    _openClients->removeObject( ( OSSymbol * ) client );

    _openLevel = level;

    // If a writer just closed, re-register the media so that I/O Kit will
    // attempt to match storage drivers that may now be interested in this
    // media.

    if ( ( access & kIOStorageAccessWriter ) )
        if ( isInactive( ) == false )
            if ( driver )
                if ( driver != client )
                    driver->requestProbe( 0 );
                registerService( kIOServiceAsynchronous );


    // Release our resources.

    if ( driver )
        driver->release( );

void IOMedia::read(IOService *           client,
                   UInt64                byteStart,
                   IOMemoryDescriptor *  buffer,
                   IOStorageAttributes * attributes,
                   IOStorageCompletion * completion)
    // Read data from the storage object at the specified byte offset into the
    // specified buffer, asynchronously.   When the read completes, the caller
    // will be notified via the specified completion action.
    // The buffer will be retained for the duration of the read.
    // This method will work even when the media is in the terminated state.

#ifndef __LP64__
    if (IOStorage::_expansionData)
        if (attributes == &gIOStorageAttributesUnsupported)
            attributes = NULL;
            IOStorage::read(client, byteStart, buffer, attributes, completion);
#endif /* !__LP64__ */

    if (isInactive())
        complete(completion, kIOReturnNoMedia);

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessNone)    // (instantaneous value, no lock)
        complete(completion, kIOReturnNotOpen);

    if (_mediaSize == 0 || _preferredBlockSize == 0)
        complete(completion, kIOReturnUnformattedMedia);

    if (buffer == 0)
        complete(completion, kIOReturnBadArgument);

    if (_mediaSize < byteStart + buffer->getLength())
        complete(completion, kIOReturnBadArgument);

    byteStart += _mediaBase;
    getProvider()->read(this, byteStart, buffer, attributes, completion);

void IOMedia::write(IOService *           client,
                    UInt64                byteStart,
                    IOMemoryDescriptor *  buffer,
                    IOStorageAttributes * attributes,
                    IOStorageCompletion * completion)
    // Write data into the storage object at the specified byte offset from the
    // specified buffer, asynchronously.   When the write completes, the caller
    // will be notified via the specified completion action.
    // The buffer will be retained for the duration of the write.
    // This method will work even when the media is in the terminated state.

#ifndef __LP64__
    if (IOStorage::_expansionData)
        if (attributes == &gIOStorageAttributesUnsupported)
            attributes = NULL;
            IOStorage::write(client, byteStart, buffer, attributes, completion);
#endif /* !__LP64__ */

    if (isInactive())
        complete(completion, kIOReturnNoMedia);

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessNone)    // (instantaneous value, no lock)
        complete(completion, kIOReturnNotOpen);

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessReader)  // (instantaneous value, no lock)
#ifdef __LP64__
        complete(completion, kIOReturnNotPrivileged);
#endif /* __LP64__ */

    if (_isWritable == 0)
        complete(completion, kIOReturnLockedWrite);

    if (_mediaSize == 0 || _preferredBlockSize == 0)
        complete(completion, kIOReturnUnformattedMedia);

    if (buffer == 0)
        complete(completion, kIOReturnBadArgument);

    if (_mediaSize < byteStart + buffer->getLength())
        complete(completion, kIOReturnBadArgument);

    byteStart += _mediaBase;
    getProvider()->write(this, byteStart, buffer, attributes, completion);

IOReturn IOMedia::synchronizeCache(IOService * client)
    // Flush the cached data in the storage object, if any, synchronously.

    if (isInactive())
        return kIOReturnNoMedia;

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessNone)    // (instantaneous value, no lock)
        return kIOReturnNotOpen;

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessReader)  // (instantaneous value, no lock)
#ifdef __LP64__
        return kIOReturnNotPrivileged;
#endif /* __LP64__ */

    if (_isWritable == 0)
        return kIOReturnLockedWrite;

    if (_mediaSize == 0 || _preferredBlockSize == 0)
        return kIOReturnUnformattedMedia;

    return getProvider()->synchronizeCache(this);

IOReturn IOMedia::unmap(IOService *       client,
                        IOStorageExtent * extents,
                        UInt32            extentsCount,
                        UInt32            options)
    // Delete unused data from the storage object at the specified byte offsets,
    // synchronously.

    UInt32 extentsIndex;

    if (isInactive())
        return kIOReturnNoMedia;

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessNone)    // (instantaneous value, no lock)
        return kIOReturnNotOpen;

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessReader)  // (instantaneous value, no lock)
#ifdef __LP64__
        return kIOReturnNotPrivileged;
#endif /* __LP64__ */

    if (_isWritable == 0)
        return kIOReturnLockedWrite;

    if (_mediaSize == 0 || _preferredBlockSize == 0)
        return kIOReturnUnformattedMedia;

    for (extentsIndex = 0; extentsIndex < extentsCount; extentsIndex++)
        if (_mediaSize < extents[extentsIndex].byteStart + extents[extentsIndex].byteCount)
            return kIOReturnBadArgument;

        extents[extentsIndex].byteStart += _mediaBase;

    return getProvider()->unmap(this, extents, extentsCount, options);

bool IOMedia::lockPhysicalExtents(IOService * client)
    // Lock the contents of the storage object against relocation temporarily,
    // for the purpose of getting physical extents.

    if (isInactive())
        return false;

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessNone)    // (instantaneous value, no lock)
        return false;

    if (_mediaSize == 0 || _preferredBlockSize == 0)
        return false;

    return getProvider( )->lockPhysicalExtents( this );

IOStorage * IOMedia::copyPhysicalExtent(IOService * client,
                                        UInt64 *    byteStart,
                                        UInt64 *    byteCount)
    // Convert the specified byte offset into a physical byte offset, relative
    // to a physical storage object.  This call should only be made within the
    // context of lockPhysicalExtents().

    if (isInactive())
        return NULL;

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessNone)    // (instantaneous value, no lock)
        return NULL;

    if (_mediaSize == 0 || _preferredBlockSize == 0)
        return NULL;

    if (_mediaSize < *byteStart + *byteCount)
        return NULL;

    *byteStart += _mediaBase;
    return getProvider( )->copyPhysicalExtent( this, byteStart, byteCount );

void IOMedia::unlockPhysicalExtents(IOService * client)
    // Unlock the contents of the storage object for relocation again.  This
    // call must balance a successful call to lockPhysicalExtents().

    if (_openLevel == kIOStorageAccessNone)    // (instantaneous value, no lock)

    getProvider( )->unlockPhysicalExtents( this );

UInt64 IOMedia::getPreferredBlockSize() const
    // Ask the media object for its natural block size.  This information
    // is useful to clients that want to optimize access to the media.

    return _preferredBlockSize;

UInt64 IOMedia::getSize() const
    // Ask the media object for its total length in bytes.

    return _mediaSize;

UInt64 IOMedia::getBase() const
    // Ask the media object for its byte offset relative to its provider media
    // object below it in the storage hierarchy.

    return _mediaBase;

bool IOMedia::isEjectable() const
    // Ask the media object whether it is ejectable.

    return (_attributes & kIOMediaAttributeEjectableMask) ? true : false;

bool IOMedia::isFormatted() const
    // Ask the media object whether it is formatted.

    return (_mediaSize && _preferredBlockSize);

bool IOMedia::isWritable() const
    // Ask the media object whether it is writable.

    return _isWritable;

bool IOMedia::isWhole() const
    // Ask the media object whether it represents the whole disk.

    return _isWhole;

const char * IOMedia::getContent() const
    // Ask the media object for a description of its contents.  The description
    // is the same as the hint at the time of the object's creation,  but it is
    // possible that the description be overrided by a client (which has probed
    // the media and identified the content correctly) of the media object.  It
    // is more accurate than the hint for this reason.  The string is formed in
    // the likeness of Apple's "Apple_HFS" strings or in the likeness of a UUID.
    // The content description can be overrided by any client that matches onto
    // this media object with a match category of kIOStorageCategory.  The media
    // object checks for a kIOMediaContentMaskKey property in the client, and if
    // it finds one, it copies it into kIOMediaContentKey property.

    OSString * string;

    string = OSDynamicCast(OSString, getProperty(kIOMediaContentKey));
    if (string == 0)  return "";
    return string->getCStringNoCopy();

const char * IOMedia::getContentHint() const
    // Ask the media object for a hint of its contents.  The hint is set at the
    // time of the object's creation, should the creator have a clue as to what
    // it may contain.  The hint string does not change for the lifetime of the
    // object and is also formed in the likeness of Apple's "Apple_HFS" strings
    // or in the likeness of a UUID.

    OSString * string;

    string = OSDynamicCast(OSString, getProperty(kIOMediaContentHintKey));
    if (string == 0)  return "";
    return string->getCStringNoCopy();

bool IOMedia::init(UInt64               base,
                   UInt64               size,
                   UInt64               preferredBlockSize,
                   IOMediaAttributeMask attributes,
                   bool                 isWhole,
                   bool                 isWritable,
                   const char *         contentHint,
                   OSDictionary *       properties)
    // Initialize this object's minimal state.

    bool isEjectable;
    bool isRemovable;

    // Ask our superclass' opinion.

    if (_openClients == 0)
        if (super::init(properties) == false)  return false;

    // Initialize our state.

    isEjectable = (attributes & kIOMediaAttributeEjectableMask) ? true : false;
    isRemovable = (attributes & kIOMediaAttributeRemovableMask) ? true : false;

    if (isEjectable)
        attributes |= kIOMediaAttributeRemovableMask;
        isRemovable = true;

    _attributes         = attributes;
    _mediaBase          = base;
    _isWhole            = isWhole;
    _isWritable         = isWritable;
    _preferredBlockSize = preferredBlockSize;

#ifdef __LP64__
    _mediaSize          = size;
#else /* !__LP64__ */
    if (size > _mediaSize)
        *((volatile UInt64 *) &_mediaSize) = (size & (UINT64_MAX ^ UINT32_MAX)) | (_mediaSize & UINT32_MAX);
        *((volatile UInt64 *) &_mediaSize) = (size & UINT32_MAX) | (_mediaSize & (UINT64_MAX ^ UINT32_MAX));
    *((volatile UInt64 *) &_mediaSize) = size;
#endif /* !__LP64__ */

    if (_openClients == 0)
        _openClients = OSDictionary::withCapacity(2);
        _openLevel   = kIOStorageAccessNone;

        if (_openClients == 0)  return false;

        setProperty(kIOMediaContentKey, contentHint ? contentHint : "");
        setProperty(kIOMediaLeafKey,    true);
        setProperty(kIOMediaOpenKey,    false);
        IOService * driver;
        OSObject *  object;

        object = (OSObject *) OSSymbol::withCString(kIOStorageCategory);
        if (object == 0)  return false;

        driver = copyClientWithCategory((OSSymbol *) object);
        object = 0;

        if (driver)
            object = OSDynamicCast(OSString, driver->getProperty(kIOMediaContentMaskKey));

        if (object == 0)  setProperty(kIOMediaContentKey, contentHint ? contentHint : "");

    // Create our registry properties.

    setProperty(kIOMediaContentHintKey,        contentHint ? contentHint : "");
    setProperty(kIOMediaEjectableKey,          isEjectable);
    setProperty(kIOMediaPreferredBlockSizeKey, preferredBlockSize, 64);
    setProperty(kIOMediaRemovableKey,          isRemovable);
    setProperty(kIOMediaSizeKey,               size, 64);
    setProperty(kIOMediaWholeKey,              isWhole);
    setProperty(kIOMediaWritableKey,           isWritable);

    return true;

IOMediaAttributeMask IOMedia::getAttributes() const
    // Ask the media object for its attributes.

    return _attributes;

#ifdef __LP64__
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  1);
#else /* !__LP64__ */
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOMedia,  0);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOMedia,  1);
#endif /* !__LP64__ */
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  3);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  4);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  8);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia,  9);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia, 10);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia, 11);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia, 12);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia, 13);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia, 14);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOMedia, 15);

#ifndef __LP64__
extern "C" void _ZN7IOMedia4readEP9IOServiceyP18IOMemoryDescriptor19IOStorageCompletion( IOMedia * media, IOService * client, UInt64 byteStart, IOMemoryDescriptor * buffer, IOStorageCompletion completion )
    media->read( client, byteStart, buffer, NULL, &completion );

extern "C" void _ZN7IOMedia5writeEP9IOServiceyP18IOMemoryDescriptor19IOStorageCompletion( IOMedia * media, IOService * client, UInt64 byteStart, IOMemoryDescriptor * buffer, IOStorageCompletion completion )
    media->write( client, byteStart, buffer, NULL, &completion );
#endif /* !__LP64__ */