OtherUnitTestUnixTool.c   [plain text]

* © Copyright 2001-2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
* IMPORTANT:  This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Computer, Inc. (ÒAppleÓ) in 
* consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, 
* modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these
* terms.  If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or 
* redistribute this Apple software.
* In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these 
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* The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis.  APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, 

//	Includes

#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <IOKit/scsi/SCSITaskLib.h>
#include <IOKit/scsi/SCSICommandOperationCodes.h>
#include <IOKit/scsi/SCSICmds_INQUIRY_Definitions.h>
#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>

//	Macros

#define DEBUG	0


#define DEBUG_ASSERT_MESSAGE(componentNameString,	\
							 assertionString,		\
							 exceptionLabelString,	\
							 errorString,			\
							 fileName,				\
							 lineNumber,			\
							 errorCode)				\
DebugAssert(componentNameString,					\
					   assertionString,				\
					   exceptionLabelString,		\
					   errorString,					\
					   fileName,					\
					   lineNumber,					\
					   errorCode)					\

static void
DebugAssert ( const char *	componentNameString,
			  const char *	assertionString,
			  const char *	exceptionLabelString,
			  const char *	errorString,
			  const char *	fileName,
			  long			lineNumber,
			  int			errorCode )
	if ( ( assertionString != NULL ) && ( *assertionString != '\0' ) )
		printf ( "Assertion failed: %s: %s\n", componentNameString, assertionString );
		printf ( "Check failed: %s:\n", componentNameString );
	if ( exceptionLabelString != NULL )
		printf ( "	 %s\n", exceptionLabelString );
	if ( errorString != NULL )
		printf ( "	 %s\n", errorString );
	if ( fileName != NULL )
		printf ( "	 file: %s\n", fileName );
	if ( lineNumber != 0 )
		printf ( "	 line: %ld\n", lineNumber );
	if ( errorCode != 0 )
		printf ( "	 error: %d\n", errorCode );

#endif	/* DEBUG */

#include <AssertMacros.h>

// These are mutually exclusive. Only define one of them to be 1.
#define FILTER_SEQUENTIAL_ACCESS_DEVICES_ONLY			1	/* SCSI Peripheral Device Type 01 devices */
#define FILTER_PRINTER_DEVICES_ONLY						0	/* SCSI Peripheral Device Type 02 devices */
#define FILTER_PROCESSOR_DEVICES_ONLY					0	/* SCSI Peripheral Device Type 03 devices */
#define FILTER_SCANNERS_ONLY							0	/* SCSI Peripheral Device Type 06 devices */
#define FILTER_MEDIUM_CHANGERS_ONLY						0	/* SCSI Peripheral Device Type 08 devices */

#define FILTER	1

#define FILTER_APPLE_PRODUCT_ID_ONLY					0	/* Filter to devices which have "Apple" as the Vendor Identification*/

//	Constants

#define kAppleVendorString								"Apple"

//	Globals

static IONotificationPortRef	gNotifyPort;
static io_iterator_t			gAppearedIter;
static io_iterator_t			gDisappearedIter;

//	Prototypes

static void
PrintSenseString ( SCSI_Sense_Data * sense, Boolean addRawValues );

static void
TestDevice ( io_service_t service );

static void
TestUnitReady ( SCSITaskDeviceInterface ** interface );

static void
Inquiry ( SCSITaskDeviceInterface ** interface );

static void
DeviceAppeared ( void * refCon, io_iterator_t iterator );

static void
DeviceDisappeared ( void * refCon, io_iterator_t iterator );

static void
StripWhiteSpace ( char * buffer, SInt32 length );

static void
SignalHandler ( int sigraised );

//	¥	main - Our main entry point

main ( int argc, const char * argv[] )
	CFMutableDictionaryRef 	matchingDict	= NULL;
	CFMutableDictionaryRef 	subDict			= NULL;
	CFRunLoopSourceRef		runLoopSource	= NULL;
	IOReturn				error			= kIOReturnSuccess;
	sig_t					oldHandler		= 0;
	CFNumberRef				peripheralDeviceTypeRef = 0;
	UInt8					peripheralDeviceType	= 0;
#endif /* FILTER */
	// Set up a signal handler so we can clean up when we're interrupted from the command line
	// Otherwise we stay in our run loop forever.
	oldHandler = signal ( SIGINT, SignalHandler );
	require ( ( oldHandler != SIG_ERR ), ErrorExit );
	// Create the dictionaries
	matchingDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable ( kCFAllocatorDefault,
											   &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );
	require ( ( matchingDict != NULL ), ErrorExit ); 
	subDict = CFDictionaryCreateMutable ( kCFAllocatorDefault,
										  &kCFTypeDictionaryValueCallBacks );
	require ( ( subDict != NULL ), ReleaseMatchingDictionary ); 
	//	Note: We are setting up a matching dictionary which looks like the following:
	//	<dict>
	//		<key>IOPropertyMatch</key>
	//		<dict>
	//			<key>SCSITaskDeviceCategory</key>
	//			<string>SCSITaskUserClientDevice</string>
	//		</dict>
	// </dict>
	// Create a dictionary with the "SCSITaskDeviceCategory" key = "SCSITaskUserClientDevice"
	CFDictionarySetValue ( 	subDict,
							CFSTR ( kIOPropertySCSITaskDeviceCategory ),
							CFSTR ( kIOPropertySCSITaskUserClientDevice ) );
	// The following gives you an idea of how to filter based on properties in the IORegistry.
	// If you want to filter based on a SCSI Peripheral Device Type, here are a few examples.
	// You can match on any of the properties listed at the node you are interested in (typically
	// that node is the IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceNub for drivers with no in-kernel logical unit
	// driver). You can match on kIOPropertySCSIVendorIdentification to find only some vendors, or
	// you can match on a specific product using kIOPropertySCSIProductIdentification, etc.

	//	<dict>
	//		<key>IOPropertyMatch</key>
	//		<dict>
	//			<key>SCSITaskDeviceCategory</key>
	//			<string>SCSITaskUserClientDevice</string>
	//			<key>Peripheral Device Type<key>
	//			<integer>1</integer>
	//		</dict>
	// </dict>
	peripheralDeviceType = kINQUIRY_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_SequentialAccessSSCDevice;
	peripheralDeviceTypeRef = CFNumberCreate ( 	kCFAllocatorDefault,
												&peripheralDeviceType );
	CFDictionarySetValue ( 	subDict,
							CFSTR ( kIOPropertySCSIPeripheralDeviceType ),
							peripheralDeviceTypeRef );
	CFRelease ( peripheralDeviceTypeRef );

	//	<dict>
	//		<key>IOPropertyMatch</key>
	//		<dict>
	//			<key>SCSITaskDeviceCategory</key>
	//			<string>SCSITaskUserClientDevice</string>
	//			<key>Peripheral Device Type<key>
	//			<integer>9</integer>
	//		</dict>
	// </dict>
	peripheralDeviceType = kINQUIRY_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_PrinterSSCDevice;
	peripheralDeviceTypeRef = CFNumberCreate ( 	kCFAllocatorDefault,
												&peripheralDeviceType );
	CFDictionarySetValue ( 	subDict,
							CFSTR ( kIOPropertySCSIPeripheralDeviceType ),
							peripheralDeviceTypeRef );
	CFRelease ( peripheralDeviceTypeRef );


	//	<dict>
	//		<key>IOPropertyMatch</key>
	//		<dict>
	//			<key>SCSITaskDeviceCategory</key>
	//			<string>SCSITaskUserClientDevice</string>
	//			<key>Peripheral Device Type<key>
	//			<integer>3</integer>
	//		</dict>
	// </dict>
	peripheralDeviceType = kINQUIRY_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_ProcessorSPCDevice;
	peripheralDeviceTypeRef = CFNumberCreate ( 	kCFAllocatorDefault,
												&peripheralDeviceType );
	CFDictionarySetValue ( 	subDict,
							CFSTR ( kIOPropertySCSIPeripheralDeviceType ),
							peripheralDeviceTypeRef );
	CFRelease ( peripheralDeviceTypeRef );


	//	<dict>
	//		<key>IOPropertyMatch</key>
	//		<dict>
	//			<key>SCSITaskDeviceCategory</key>
	//			<string>SCSITaskUserClientDevice</string>
	//			<key>Peripheral Device Type<key>
	//			<integer>6</integer>
	//		</dict>
	// </dict>
	peripheralDeviceType = kINQUIRY_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_ScannerSCSI2Device;
	peripheralDeviceTypeRef = CFNumberCreate ( 	kCFAllocatorDefault,
												&peripheralDeviceType );
	CFDictionarySetValue ( 	subDict,
							CFSTR ( kIOPropertySCSIPeripheralDeviceType ),
							peripheralDeviceTypeRef );
	CFRelease ( peripheralDeviceTypeRef );


	//	<dict>
	//		<key>IOPropertyMatch</key>
	//		<dict>
	//			<key>SCSITaskDeviceCategory</key>
	//			<string>SCSITaskUserClientDevice</string>
	//			<key>Peripheral Device Type<key>
	//			<integer>8</integer>
	//		</dict>
	// </dict>
	peripheralDeviceType = kINQUIRY_PERIPHERAL_TYPE_MediumChangerSMCDevice;
	peripheralDeviceTypeRef = CFNumberCreate ( 	kCFAllocatorDefault,
												&peripheralDeviceType );
	CFDictionarySetValue ( 	subDict,
							CFSTR ( kIOPropertySCSIPeripheralDeviceType ),
							peripheralDeviceTypeRef );
	CFRelease ( peripheralDeviceTypeRef );
	// Add the dictionary to the main dictionary with the key "IOPropertyMatch" to
	// narrow the search to the above dictionary.
	CFDictionarySetValue ( 	matchingDict,
							CFSTR ( kIOPropertyMatchKey ),
							subDict );
	// Create the port on which we will receive notifications. We'll wrap it in a runLoopSource
	// which we then feed into the runLoop for async event notifications.
	gNotifyPort = IONotificationPortCreate ( kIOMasterPortDefault );
	require ( ( gNotifyPort != NULL ), ReleaseSubDictionary );
	// Get a runLoopSource for our mach port.
	runLoopSource = IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource ( gNotifyPort );
	require ( ( runLoopSource != NULL ), DestroyNotificationPort );
	// Add the runloop source to the current runloop. You must enter the runloop by calling
	// CFRunLoopRun() before any notifications can be delivered.
	CFRunLoopAddSource ( CFRunLoopGetCurrent ( ), runLoopSource, kCFRunLoopDefaultMode );
	// Retain a reference since we arm both the appearance and disappearance notifications
	// and the call to IOServiceAddMatchingNotification() consumes a reference each time.
	matchingDict = ( CFMutableDictionaryRef ) CFRetain ( matchingDict );
	// Now set up two notifications, one to be called when an authoring device is
	// first matched by I/O Kit, and the other to be called when the device is
	// terminated.
	error = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification ( gNotifyPort,
											   &gAppearedIter );
	require ( ( error == kIOReturnSuccess ), DestroyNotificationPort );
	// Iterate once to get already-present devices and arm the notification
	DeviceAppeared ( NULL, gAppearedIter );
	error = IOServiceAddMatchingNotification ( gNotifyPort,
											   &gDisappearedIter );
	require ( ( error == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseAppearedIterator );
	// Iterate once to arm the notification
	DeviceDisappeared ( NULL, gDisappearedIter );
	// Release the dictionary
	CFRelease ( subDict );
	subDict = NULL;
	// Start the run loop. Now we'll receive notifications.
	CFRunLoopRun ( );
	// We should never get here, but this is required.
	return 0;
	require_quiet ( ( gAppearedIter != MACH_PORT_NULL ), DestroyNotificationPort );
	IOObjectRelease ( gAppearedIter );
	gAppearedIter = MACH_PORT_NULL;
	require_quiet ( ( gNotifyPort != NULL ), ReleaseSubDictionary );
	IONotificationPortDestroy ( gNotifyPort );
	gNotifyPort = NULL;
	require_quiet ( ( subDict != NULL ), ReleaseMatchingDictionary );
	CFRelease ( subDict );
	subDict = NULL;
	require_quiet ( ( matchingDict != NULL ), ErrorExit );
	CFRelease ( matchingDict );
	matchingDict = NULL;
	return -1;

//	¥	TestDevice -  Creates a plugin for the device and begins test process

static void
TestDevice ( io_service_t service )
	SInt32							score			= 0;
	HRESULT							herr			= S_OK;
	IOReturn						err				= kIOReturnSuccess;
	IOCFPlugInInterface **			plugInInterface = NULL;
	SCSITaskDeviceInterface **		interface		= NULL;
	// Create the IOCFPlugIn interface so we can query it.
	err = IOCreatePlugInInterfaceForService ( 	service,
												&score );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ErrorExit );
	// Query the interface for the SCSITaskDeviceInterface.
	herr = ( *plugInInterface )->QueryInterface ( plugInInterface,
										CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes ( kIOSCSITaskDeviceInterfaceID ),
										( LPVOID ) &interface );
	require ( ( herr == S_OK ), DestroyPlugin );
	require ( ( interface != NULL ), DestroyPlugin );
	// Obtain exclusive access
	err = ( *interface )->ObtainExclusiveAccess ( interface );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseDeviceInterface );
	// We have exclusive access now. Send a TEST_UNIT_READY command.
	TestUnitReady ( interface );
	// Send an INQUIRY command.
	Inquiry ( interface );
	// Make sure we release exclusive access now that we are done with the device.
	( *interface )->ReleaseExclusiveAccess ( interface );
	require_quiet ( ( interface != NULL ), DestroyPlugin );
	( *interface )->Release ( interface );
	interface = NULL;
	require_quiet ( ( plugInInterface != NULL ), ErrorExit );
	IODestroyPlugInInterface ( plugInInterface );
	plugInInterface = NULL;

//	¥	Inquiry - Sends an INQUIRY command to the device

static void
Inquiry ( SCSITaskDeviceInterface ** interface )
	SCSIServiceResponse				serviceResponse	= kSCSIServiceResponse_Request_In_Process;
	SCSITaskStatus					taskStatus		= kSCSITaskStatus_GOOD;
	SCSICmd_INQUIRY_StandardData	inqBuffer		= { 0 };
	SCSI_Sense_Data					senseData		= { 0 };
	SCSICommandDescriptorBlock		cdb				= { 0 };
	SCSITaskInterface **			task			= NULL;
	IOReturn						err	 			= 0;
	UInt64							transferCount 	= 0;
	UInt32							transferCountHi = 0;
	UInt32							transferCountLo = 0;				
	IOVirtualRange					range;
	printf ( "Inquiry: " );
	// Create a task now that we have exclusive access
	task = ( *interface )->CreateSCSITask ( interface );
	require ( ( task != NULL ), ErrorExit );
	// Set up the range. The address is just the buffer's address. The length is our request size.
	range.address = ( IOVirtualAddress ) &inqBuffer;
	range.length  = sizeof ( SCSICmd_INQUIRY_StandardData );
	// We're going to execute an INQUIRY to the device as a
	// test of exclusive commands.
	cdb[0] = kSCSICmd_INQUIRY;
	cdb[4] = sizeof ( SCSICmd_INQUIRY_StandardData );
	// Set the actual cdb in the task
	err = ( *task )->SetCommandDescriptorBlock ( task, cdb, kSCSICDBSize_6Byte );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	// Set the scatter-gather entry in the task
	err = ( *task )->SetScatterGatherEntries ( task,
											   sizeof ( SCSICmd_INQUIRY_StandardData ),
											   kSCSIDataTransfer_FromTargetToInitiator );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	// Set the timeout in the task
	err = ( *task )->SetTimeoutDuration ( task, 10000 );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	// Send it!
	err = ( *task )->ExecuteTaskSync ( task, &senseData, &taskStatus, &transferCount );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	// Get the SCSI service response
	err = ( *task )->GetSCSIServiceResponse ( task, &serviceResponse );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	// Get the transfer counts
	transferCountHi = ( ( transferCount >> 32 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF );
	transferCountLo = ( transferCount & 0xFFFFFFFF );
	printf ( "serviceResponse = %d, taskStatus = %d\n", serviceResponse, taskStatus );
	printf ( "transferCountHi = 0x%08lx, transferCountLo = 0x%08lx\n", transferCountHi, transferCountLo );
	require ( ( serviceResponse == kSCSIServiceResponse_TASK_COMPLETE ), ReleaseTask );
	if ( taskStatus == kSCSITaskStatus_GOOD )
		printf ( "Good Status\n" );
		printf ( "Inquiry Data\n" );
		printf ( "Peripheral Device Type = %d\n",
		printf ( "Removable Media Bit = %d\n",
				 inqBuffer.RMB & kINQUIRY_PERIPHERAL_RMB_MediumRemovable ? 1 : 0 );
		StripWhiteSpace ( tmp, kINQUIRY_VENDOR_IDENTIFICATION_Length );
		printf ( "Vendor Identification = %s\n", tmp );
		StripWhiteSpace ( tmp, kINQUIRY_PRODUCT_IDENTIFICATION_Length );
		printf ( "Product Identification = %s\n", tmp );
		StripWhiteSpace ( tmp, kINQUIRY_PRODUCT_REVISION_LEVEL_Length );
		printf ( "Product Revision Level = %s\n", tmp );
		printf ( "\n" );
	else if ( taskStatus == kSCSITaskStatus_CHECK_CONDITION )
		PrintSenseString ( &senseData, false );
	require_quiet ( ( task != NULL ), ErrorExit );
	( *task )->Release ( task );
	task = NULL;

//	¥	TestUnitReady -  Sense a TEST_UNIT_READY command to the device

static void
TestUnitReady ( SCSITaskDeviceInterface ** interface )
	SCSIServiceResponse				serviceResponse	= kSCSIServiceResponse_Request_In_Process;
	SCSITaskStatus					taskStatus		= kSCSITaskStatus_GOOD;
	SCSI_Sense_Data					senseData		= { 0 };
	SCSICommandDescriptorBlock		cdb				= { 0 };
	SCSITaskInterface **			task			= NULL;
	IOReturn						err	 			= 0;
	UInt64							transferCount	= 0;
	printf ( "TestUnitReady: " );
	// Create a task now that we have exclusive access
	task = ( *interface )->CreateSCSITask ( interface );
	require ( ( task != NULL ), ErrorExit );
	// TEST_UNIT_READY is all zeros in the CDB, so we don't actually
	// have to set any values.
	// cdb[0] = kSCSICmd_TEST_UNIT_READY;
	// Set the actual cdb in the task
	err = ( *task )->SetCommandDescriptorBlock ( task, cdb, kSCSICDBSize_6Byte );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	// Set the timeout in the task
	err = ( *task )->SetTimeoutDuration ( task, 5000 );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	// Send it!
	err = ( *task )->ExecuteTaskSync ( task, &senseData, &taskStatus, &transferCount );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	// Get the SCSI service response
	err = ( *task )->GetSCSIServiceResponse ( task, &serviceResponse );
	require ( ( err == kIOReturnSuccess ), ReleaseTask );
	printf ( "serviceResponse = %d, taskStatus = %d\n", serviceResponse, taskStatus );
	require ( ( serviceResponse == kSCSIServiceResponse_TASK_COMPLETE ), ReleaseTask );
	// Task status is not GOOD, print any sense string if they apply.
	if ( taskStatus == kSCSITaskStatus_GOOD )
		printf ( "Good Status, device is ready\n" );
	else if ( taskStatus == kSCSITaskStatus_CHECK_CONDITION )
		PrintSenseString ( &senseData, false );	
	require_quiet ( ( task != NULL ), ErrorExit );
	( *task )->Release ( task );
	task = NULL;

//	¥	PrintSenseString -  Prints out meaningful string corresponding to sense
//							data SENSE_KEY, ASC, and ASCQ

static void
PrintSenseString ( SCSI_Sense_Data * sense, Boolean addRawValues )
	char	str[256];
	UInt8	key, ASC, ASCQ;
	key 	= sense->SENSE_KEY & 0x0F;
	if ( addRawValues )
		sprintf ( str, "Key: $%02x, ASC: $%02x, ASCQ: $%02x  ", key, ASC, ASCQ );
		str[0] = '\0';
	switch ( key )
		case 0x0: 	strcat ( str, "No Sense" ); break;
		case 0x1: 	strcat ( str, "Recovered Error" ); break;
		case 0x2: 	strcat ( str, "Not Ready" ); break;
		case 0x3: 	strcat ( str, "Medium Error" ); break;
		case 0x4: 	strcat ( str, "Hardware Error" ); break;
		case 0x5: 	strcat ( str, "Illegal Request" ); break;
		case 0x6: 	strcat ( str, "Unit Attention" ); break;
		case 0x7: 	strcat ( str, "Data Protect" ); break;
		case 0x8: 	strcat ( str, "Blank Check" ); break;
		case 0x9: 	strcat ( str, "Vendor-Specific" ); break;
		case 0xA: 	strcat ( str, "Copy Aborted" ); break;
		case 0xB: 	strcat ( str, "Aborted Command" ); break;
		case 0xC: 	strcat ( str, "Equal (now obsolete)" ); break;
		case 0xD: 	strcat ( str, "Volume Overflow" ); break;
		case 0xE: 	strcat ( str, "Miscompare" ); break;
		default: 	strcat ( str, "Unknown Sense Code" ); break;
	strcat ( str, ", " );
	switch ( ( ( UInt16 ) ASC << 8 ) | ASCQ )
		case 0x0000: strcat ( str, "No additional sense information" ); break;
		case 0x0001: strcat ( str, "Filemark detected" ); break;
		case 0x0002: strcat ( str, "End of partition/medium detected" ); break;
		case 0x0003: strcat ( str, "Setmark detected" ); break;
		case 0x0004: strcat ( str, "Beginning of partition/medium detected" ); break;
		case 0x0005: strcat ( str, "End of data detected" ); break;
		case 0x0006: strcat ( str, "I/O process termination" ); break;
		case 0x0011: strcat ( str, "Play operation in progress" ); break;
		case 0x0012: strcat ( str, "Play operation paused" ); break;
		case 0x0013: strcat ( str, "Play operation successfully completed" ); break;
		case 0x0014: strcat ( str, "Play operation stopped due to error" ); break;
		case 0x0015: strcat ( str, "No current audio status to return" ); break;
		case 0x0016: strcat ( str, "Operation in progress" ); break;
		case 0x0017: strcat ( str, "Cleaning requested" ); break;
		case 0x0100: strcat ( str, "Mechanical positioning or changer error" ); break;
		case 0x0200: strcat ( str, "No seek complete" ); break;
		case 0x0300: strcat ( str, "Peripheral device write fault" ); break;
		case 0x0301: strcat ( str, "No write current" ); break;
		case 0x0302: strcat ( str, "Excessive write errors" ); break;
		case 0x0400: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not ready, cause not reportable" ); break;
		case 0x0401: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not ready, in process of becoming ready" ); break;
		case 0x0402: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not ready, initializing command required" ); break;
		case 0x0403: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not ready, manual intervention required" ); break;
		case 0x0404: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not ready, format in progress" ); break;
		case 0x0407: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not ready, operation in progress" ); break;
		case 0x0408: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not ready, long write in progress" ); break;
		case 0x0409: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not ready, self-test in progress" ); break;
		case 0x0500: strcat ( str, "Logical unit does not respond to selection" ); break;
		case 0x0501: strcat ( str, "Media load - Eject failed" ); break;
		case 0x0600: strcat ( str, "No reference position found" ); break;
		case 0x0700: strcat ( str, "Multiple peripheral devices selected" ); break;
		case 0x0800: strcat ( str, "Logical unit communication failure" ); break;
		case 0x0801: strcat ( str, "Logical unit communication time-out" ); break;
		case 0x0802: strcat ( str, "Logical unit communication parity error" ); break;
		case 0x0803: strcat ( str, "Logical unit communication CRC error (Ultra-DMA/32)" ); break;
		case 0x0804: strcat ( str, "Unreachable copy target" ); break;
		case 0x0900: strcat ( str, "Track following error" ); break;
		case 0x0901: strcat ( str, "Tracking servo failure" ); break;
		case 0x0902: strcat ( str, "Focus servo failure" ); break;
		case 0x0903: strcat ( str, "Spindle servo failure" ); break;
		case 0x0904: strcat ( str, "Head select fault" ); break;
		case 0x0A00: strcat ( str, "Error log overflow" ); break;
		case 0x0B00: strcat ( str, "Warning" ); break;
		case 0x0B01: strcat ( str, "Warning, specified temperature exceeded" ); break;
		case 0x0B02: strcat ( str, "Warning, enclosure degraded" ); break;
		case 0x0C00: strcat ( str, "Write error" ); break;
		case 0x0C01: strcat ( str, "Write error, recovered with auto reallocation" ); break;
		case 0x0C02: strcat ( str, "Write error, auto reallocation failed" ); break;
		case 0x0C03: strcat ( str, "Write error, recommend reassignment" ); break;
		case 0x0C04: strcat ( str, "Compression check miscompare error" ); break;
		case 0x0C05: strcat ( str, "Data expansion occurred during compression" ); break;
		case 0x0C06: strcat ( str, "Block not compressible" ); break;
		case 0x0C07: strcat ( str, "Write error, recovery needed" ); break;
		case 0x0C08: strcat ( str, "Write error, recovery failed" ); break;
		case 0x0C09: strcat ( str, "Write error, loss of streaming" ); break;
		case 0x0C0A: strcat ( str, "Write error, padding blocks added" ); break;
		case 0x1000: strcat ( str, "ID, CRC or ECC error" ); break;
		case 0x1100: strcat ( str, "Unrecovered read error" ); break;
		case 0x1101: strcat ( str, "Read retries exhausted" ); break;
		case 0x1102: strcat ( str, "Error too long to correct" ); break;
		case 0x1103: strcat ( str, "Multiple read errors" ); break;
		case 0x1104: strcat ( str, "Unrecovered read error - auto reallocate failed" ); break;
		case 0x1105: strcat ( str, "L-EC uncorrectable error" ); break;
		case 0x1106: strcat ( str, "CIRC unrecovered error" ); break;
		case 0x1107: strcat ( str, "Re-synchronization error" ); break;
		case 0x1108: strcat ( str, "Incomplete block read" ); break;
		case 0x1109: strcat ( str, "No gap found" ); break;
		case 0x110A: strcat ( str, "Miscorrected error" ); break;
		case 0x110B: strcat ( str, "Unrecovered read error - recommend reassignment" ); break;
		case 0x110C: strcat ( str, "Unrecovered read error - recommend rewrite the data" ); break;
		case 0x110D: strcat ( str, "De-compression CRC error" ); break;
		case 0x110E: strcat ( str, "Cannot decompress using declared algorithm" ); break;
		case 0x110F: strcat ( str, "Error reading UPC/EAN number" ); break;
		case 0x1110: strcat ( str, "Error reading ISRC number" ); break;
		case 0x1111: strcat ( str, "Read error, loss of streaming" ); break;
		case 0x1200: strcat ( str, "Address mark not found for ID field" ); break;
		case 0x1300: strcat ( str, "Address mark not found for data field" ); break;
		case 0x1400: strcat ( str, "Recorded entity not found" ); break;
		case 0x1401: strcat ( str, "Record not found" ); break;
		case 0x1402: strcat ( str, "Filemark or setmark not found" ); break;
		case 0x1403: strcat ( str, "End of data not found" ); break;
		case 0x1404: strcat ( str, "Block sequence error" ); break;
		case 0x1405: strcat ( str, "Record not found - recommend reassignment" ); break;
		case 0x1406: strcat ( str, "Record not found - data auto-reallocated" ); break;
		case 0x1500: strcat ( str, "Random positioning error" ); break;
		case 0x1501: strcat ( str, "Mechanical positioning or changer error" ); break;
		case 0x1502: strcat ( str, "Positioning error detected by read of medium" ); break;
		case 0x1600: strcat ( str, "Data synchronization mark error" ); break;
		case 0x1601: strcat ( str, "Data sync error - data rewritten" ); break;
		case 0x1602: strcat ( str, "Data sync error - recommend rewrite" ); break;
		case 0x1603: strcat ( str, "Data sync error - data auto-reallocated" ); break;
		case 0x1604: strcat ( str, "Data sync error - recommend reassignment" ); break;
		case 0x1700: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with no error correction applied" ); break;
		case 0x1701: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with retries" ); break;
		case 0x1702: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with positive head offset" ); break;
		case 0x1703: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with negative head offset" ); break;
		case 0x1704: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with retries and/or CIRC applied" ); break;
		case 0x1705: strcat ( str, "Recovered data using previous sector ID" ); break;
		case 0x1706: strcat ( str, "Recovered data without ECC, data auto-reallocated" ); break;
		case 0x1707: strcat ( str, "Recovered data without ECC, recommend reassignment" ); break;
		case 0x1708: strcat ( str, "Recovered data without ECC, recommend rewrite" ); break;
		case 0x1709: strcat ( str, "Recivered data without ECC, data rewritten" ); break;
		case 0x1800: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with error correction applied" ); break;
		case 0x1801: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with error correction & retries applied" ); break;
		case 0x1802: strcat ( str, "Recovered data, the data was auto-reallocated" ); break;
		case 0x1803: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with CIRC" ); break;
		case 0x1804: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with L-EC" ); break;
		case 0x1805: strcat ( str, "Recovered data, recommend reassignment" ); break;
		case 0x1806: strcat ( str, "Recovered data, recommend rewrite" ); break;
		case 0x1807: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with ECC, data rewritten" ); break;
		case 0x1808: strcat ( str, "Recovered data with linking" ); break;
		case 0x1900: strcat ( str, "Defect list error" ); break;
		case 0x1901: strcat ( str, "Defect list not available" ); break;
		case 0x1902: strcat ( str, "Defect list error in primary list" ); break;
		case 0x1903: strcat ( str, "Defect list error in grown list" ); break;
		case 0x1A00: strcat ( str, "Parameter list length error" ); break;
		case 0x1B00: strcat ( str, "Synchronous data transfer error" ); break;
		case 0x1C00: strcat ( str, "Defect list not found" ); break;
		case 0x1C01: strcat ( str, "Primary defect list not found" ); break;
		case 0x1C02: strcat ( str, "Grown defect list not found" ); break;
		case 0x1D00: strcat ( str, "Miscompare during verify operation" ); break;
		case 0x1E00: strcat ( str, "Recovered ID with ECC correction" ); break;
		case 0x1F00: strcat ( str, "Partial defect list transfer" ); break;
		case 0x2000: strcat ( str, "Invalid command operation code" ); break;
		case 0x2100: strcat ( str, "Logical block address out of range" ); break;
		case 0x2101: strcat ( str, "Invalid element address" ); break;
		case 0x2102: strcat ( str, "Invalid address for write" ); break;
		case 0x2200: strcat ( str, "Illegal function" ); break;
		case 0x2400: strcat ( str, "Invalid field in CDB" ); break;
		case 0x2401: strcat ( str, "CDB decryption error" ); break;
		case 0x2500: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not supported" ); break;
		case 0x2600: strcat ( str, "Invalid field in parameter list" ); break;
		case 0x2601: strcat ( str, "Parameter not supported" ); break;
		case 0x2602: strcat ( str, "Parameter value invalid" ); break;
		case 0x2603: strcat ( str, "Threshold parameters not supported" ); break;
		case 0x2604: strcat ( str, "Invalid release of active persistent reservation" ); break;
		case 0x2605: strcat ( str, "Data decryption error" ); break;
		case 0x2606: strcat ( str, "Too many target descriptors" ); break;
		case 0x2607: strcat ( str, "Unsupported target descriptor type code" ); break;
		case 0x2608: strcat ( str, "Too many segment descriptors" ); break;
		case 0x2609: strcat ( str, "Unsupported segment descriptor type code" ); break;
		case 0x260A: strcat ( str, "Unexpected inexact segment" ); break;
		case 0x260B: strcat ( str, "Inline data length exceeded" ); break;
		case 0x260C: strcat ( str, "Invalid operation for copy source or destination" ); break;
		case 0x260D: strcat ( str, "Copy segment granularity violation" ); break;
		case 0x2700: strcat ( str, "Write protected" ); break;
		case 0x2701: strcat ( str, "Hardware write protected" ); break;
		case 0x2702: strcat ( str, "Logical unit software write protected" ); break;
		case 0x2703: strcat ( str, "Associated write protect" ); break;
		case 0x2704: strcat ( str, "Persistent write protect" ); break;
		case 0x2705: strcat ( str, "Permanent write protect" ); break;
		case 0x2800: strcat ( str, "Not ready to ready transition, medium may have changed" ); break;
		case 0x2801: strcat ( str, "Import or export element accessed" ); break;
		case 0x2900: strcat ( str, "Power on, reset or bus device reset occurred" ); break;
		case 0x2901: strcat ( str, "Power on occured" ); break;
		case 0x2902: strcat ( str, "SCSI bus reset occurred" ); break;
		case 0x2903: strcat ( str, "Bus device reset function occurred" ); break;
		case 0x2904: strcat ( str, "Device internal reset" ); break;
		case 0x2905: strcat ( str, "Transceiver mode changed to single-ended" ); break;
		case 0x2906: strcat ( str, "Transceiver mode changed to LVD" ); break;
		case 0x2A00: strcat ( str, "Parameters changed" ); break;
		case 0x2A01: strcat ( str, "Mode parameters changed" ); break;
		case 0x2A02: strcat ( str, "Log parameters changed" ); break;
		case 0x2A03: strcat ( str, "Reservations preempted" ); break;
		case 0x2A04: strcat ( str, "Reservations released" ); break;
		case 0x2A05: strcat ( str, "Registrations preempted" ); break;
		case 0x2B00: strcat ( str, "Copy cannot execute since host cannot disconnect" ); break;
		case 0x2C00: strcat ( str, "Command sequence error" ); break;
		case 0x2C01: strcat ( str, "Too many windows specified" ); break;
		case 0x2C02: strcat ( str, "Invalid combination of windows specified" ); break;
		case 0x2C03: strcat ( str, "Current program area is not empty" ); break;
		case 0x2C04: strcat ( str, "Current program area is empty" ); break;
		case 0x2C05: strcat ( str, "Persistent prevent conflict" ); break;
		case 0x2D00: strcat ( str, "Overwrite error on update in place" ); break;
		case 0x2E00: strcat ( str, "Insufficient time for operation" ); break;
		case 0x2F00: strcat ( str, "Commands cleared by anther initiator" ); break;
		case 0x3000: strcat ( str, "Incompatible medium installed" ); break;
		case 0x3001: strcat ( str, "Cannot read medium, unknown format" ); break;
		case 0x3002: strcat ( str, "Cannot read medium, incompatible format" ); break;
		case 0x3003: strcat ( str, "Cleaning cartridge installed" ); break;
		case 0x3004: strcat ( str, "Cannot write medium, unknown format" ); break;
		case 0x3005: strcat ( str, "Cannot write medium, incompatible format" ); break;
		case 0x3006: strcat ( str, "Cannot format medium, incompatible medium" ); break;
		case 0x3007: strcat ( str, "Cleaning failure" ); break;
		case 0x3008: strcat ( str, "Cannot write, application code mismatch" ); break;
		case 0x3009: strcat ( str, "Current session not fixated for append" ); break;
		case 0x3100: strcat ( str, "Medium format corrupted" ); break;
		case 0x3101: strcat ( str, "Format command failed" ); break;
		case 0x3102: strcat ( str, "Zoned formatting failed due to spare linking" ); break;
		case 0x3200: strcat ( str, "No defect spare location available" ); break;
		case 0x3201: strcat ( str, "Defect list update failure" ); break;
		case 0x3300: strcat ( str, "Tape length error" ); break;
		case 0x3400: strcat ( str, "Enclosure failure" ); break;
		case 0x3500: strcat ( str, "Enclosure services failure" ); break;
		case 0x3501: strcat ( str, "Unsupported enclosure function" ); break;
		case 0x3502: strcat ( str, "Enclosure services unavailable" ); break;
		case 0x3503: strcat ( str, "Enclosure services transfer failure" ); break;
		case 0x3504: strcat ( str, "Enclosure services transfer refused" ); break;
		case 0x3600: strcat ( str, "Ribbon, ink, or toner failure" ); break;
		case 0x3700: strcat ( str, "Rounded parameter" ); break;
		case 0x3800: strcat ( str, "Event status notification" ); break;
		case 0x3802: strcat ( str, "ESN - Power management class event" ); break;
		case 0x3804: strcat ( str, "ESN - Media class event" ); break;
		case 0x3806: strcat ( str, "ESN - Device busy class event" ); break;
		case 0x3900: strcat ( str, "Saving parameters not supported" ); break;
		case 0x3A00: strcat ( str, "Medium not present" ); break;
		case 0x3A01: strcat ( str, "Medium not present, tray closed" ); break;
		case 0x3A02: strcat ( str, "Medium not present, tray open" ); break;
		case 0x3A03: strcat ( str, "Medium not present, loadable" ); break;
		case 0x3A04: strcat ( str, "Medium not present, medium auxiliary memory accessible" ); break;
		case 0x3B00: strcat ( str, "Sequential positioning error" ); break;
		case 0x3B01: strcat ( str, "Tape position error at beginning of medium" ); break;
		case 0x3B02: strcat ( str, "Tape position error at end of medium" ); break;
		case 0x3B03: strcat ( str, "Tape or electronic vertical forms unit not ready" ); break;
		case 0x3B04: strcat ( str, "Slew failure" ); break;
		case 0x3B05: strcat ( str, "Paper jam" ); break;
		case 0x3B06: strcat ( str, "Failed to sense top-of-form" ); break;
		case 0x3B07: strcat ( str, "Failed to sense bottom-of-form" ); break;
		case 0x3B08: strcat ( str, "Reposition error" ); break;
		case 0x3B09: strcat ( str, "Read past end of medium" ); break;
		case 0x3B0A: strcat ( str, "Read past beginning of medium" ); break;
		case 0x3B0B: strcat ( str, "Position past end of medium" ); break;
		case 0x3B0C: strcat ( str, "Position past beginning of medium" ); break;
		case 0x3B0D: strcat ( str, "Medium destination element full" ); break;
		case 0x3B0E: strcat ( str, "Medium source element empty" ); break;
		case 0x3B0F: strcat ( str, "End of medium reached" ); break;
		case 0x3B11: strcat ( str, "Medium magazine not accessible" ); break;
		case 0x3B12: strcat ( str, "Medium magazine removed" ); break;
		case 0x3B13: strcat ( str, "Medium magazine inserted" ); break;
		case 0x3B14: strcat ( str, "Medium magazine locked" ); break;
		case 0x3B15: strcat ( str, "Medium magazine unlocked" ); break;
		case 0x3B16: strcat ( str, "Mechanical positioning or changer error" ); break;
		case 0x3D00: strcat ( str, "Invalid bits in identify message" ); break;
		case 0x3E00: strcat ( str, "Logical unit has not self-configured yet" ); break;
		case 0x3E01: strcat ( str, "Logical unit failure" ); break;
		case 0x3E02: strcat ( str, "Timeout on logical unit" ); break;
		case 0x3E03: strcat ( str, "Logical unit failed self-test" ); break;
		case 0x3E04: strcat ( str, "Logical unit unable to update self-test log" ); break;
		case 0x3F00: strcat ( str, "Target operating conditions have changed" ); break;
		case 0x3F01: strcat ( str, "Microcode has been changed" ); break;
		case 0x3F02: strcat ( str, "Changed operating definition" ); break;
		case 0x3F03: strcat ( str, "Inquiry data has changed" ); break;
		case 0x3F04: strcat ( str, "Component device attached" ); break;
		case 0x3F05: strcat ( str, "Device identifier changed" ); break;
		case 0x3F06: strcat ( str, "Redundancy group created or modified" ); break;
		case 0x3F07: strcat ( str, "Redundancy group deleted" ); break;
		case 0x3F08: strcat ( str, "Spare created or modified" ); break;
		case 0x3F09: strcat ( str, "Spare deleted" ); break;
		case 0x3F0A: strcat ( str, "Volume set created or modified" ); break;
		case 0x3F0B: strcat ( str, "Volume set deleted" ); break;
		case 0x3F0C: strcat ( str, "Volume set deassigned" ); break;
		case 0x3F0D: strcat ( str, "Volume set reassigned" ); break;
		case 0x3F0E: strcat ( str, "Reported LUNs data has changed" ); break;
		case 0x3F10: strcat ( str, "Medium loadable" ); break;
		case 0x3F11: strcat ( str, "Medium auxiliary memory accessible" ); break;
		case 0x4000: strcat ( str, "RAM failure" ); break;
		case 0x4100: strcat ( str, "Data path failure" ); break;
		case 0x4200: strcat ( str, "Power-on or self-test failure" ); break;
		case 0x4300: strcat ( str, "Message error" ); break;
		case 0x4400: strcat ( str, "Internal target failure" ); break;
		case 0x4500: strcat ( str, "Select or reselect failure" ); break;
		case 0x4600: strcat ( str, "Unseccessful soft reset" ); break;
		case 0x4700: strcat ( str, "SCSI Parity error" ); break;
		case 0x4701: strcat ( str, "Data phase CRC error detected" ); break;
		case 0x4702: strcat ( str, "SCSI parity error detected during ST data phase" ); break;
		case 0x4703: strcat ( str, "Information unit CRC error detected" ); break;
		case 0x4704: strcat ( str, "Async information protection error detected" ); break;
		case 0x4800: strcat ( str, "Initiator detected error message received" ); break;
		case 0x4900: strcat ( str, "Invalid message error" ); break;
		case 0x4A00: strcat ( str, "Command phase error" ); break;
		case 0x4B00: strcat ( str, "Data phase error" ); break;
		case 0x4C00: strcat ( str, "Logical unit failed self-configuration" ); break;
		case 0x4E00: strcat ( str, "Overlapped commands attempted" ); break;
		case 0x5000: strcat ( str, "Write append error" ); break;
		case 0x5001: strcat ( str, "Write append position error" ); break;
		case 0x5002: strcat ( str, "Position error related to timing" ); break;
		case 0x5100: strcat ( str, "Erase failure" ); break;
		case 0x5300: strcat ( str, "Media load or eject failed" ); break;
		case 0x5301: strcat ( str, "Unload tape failure" ); break;
		case 0x5302: strcat ( str, "Medium removal prevented" ); break;
		case 0x5400: strcat ( str, "SCSI to host system interface failure" ); break;
		case 0x5500: strcat ( str, "System Resource failure" ); break;
		case 0x5501: strcat ( str, "System Buffer full" ); break;
		case 0x5502: strcat ( str, "Insufficient reservation resources" ); break;
		case 0x5503: strcat ( str, "Insufficient resources" ); break;
		case 0x5504: strcat ( str, "Insufficient registration resources" ); break;
		case 0x5700: strcat ( str, "Unable to recover table of contents" ); break;
		case 0x5800: strcat ( str, "Generation does not exist" ); break;
		case 0x5900: strcat ( str, "Updated block read" ); break;
		case 0x5A00: strcat ( str, "Operator request or state change input (UNSPECIFIED)" ); break;
		case 0x5A01: strcat ( str, "Operator medium removal request" ); break;
		case 0x5A02: strcat ( str, "Operator selected write protect" ); break;
		case 0x5A03: strcat ( str, "Operator selected write permit" ); break;
		case 0x5B00: strcat ( str, "Log exception" ); break;
		case 0x5B01: strcat ( str, "Threshold condition met" ); break;
		case 0x5B02: strcat ( str, "Log counter at maximum" ); break;
		case 0x5B03: strcat ( str, "Log list codes exhausted" ); break;
		case 0x5C00: strcat ( str, "RPL status change" ); break;
		case 0x5C01: strcat ( str, "Spindles synchronized" ); break;
		case 0x5C02: strcat ( str, "Spindle not synchronized" ); break;
		case 0x5D00: strcat ( str, "Failure prediction threshold exceeded, predicted logical unit failure" ); break;
		case 0x5D01: strcat ( str, "Failure prediction threshold exceeded, predicted media failure" ); break;
		case 0x5D10: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - general hard drive failure" ); break;
		case 0x5D11: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - drive error rate too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D12: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - data error rate too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D13: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - seek error rate too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D14: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - too many block reassigns" ); break;
		case 0x5D15: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - access times too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D16: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - start unit times too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D17: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - channel parametrics" ); break;
		case 0x5D18: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - controller detected" ); break;
		case 0x5D19: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - throughput performance" ); break;
		case 0x5D1A: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - seek time performance" ); break;
		case 0x5D1B: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - spin-up retry count" ); break;
		case 0x5D1C: strcat ( str, "Hardware impending failure - drive calibration retry count" ); break;
		case 0x5D20: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - general hard drive failure" ); break;
		case 0x5D21: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - drive error rate too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D22: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - data error rate too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D23: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - seek error rate too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D24: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - too many block reassigns" ); break;
		case 0x5D25: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - access times too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D26: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - start unit times too high" ); break;
		case 0x5D27: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - channel parametrics" ); break;
		case 0x5D28: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - controller detected" ); break;
		case 0x5D29: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - throughput performance" ); break;
		case 0x5D2A: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - seek time performance" ); break;
		case 0x5D2B: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - spin-up retry count" ); break;
		case 0x5D2C: strcat ( str, "Controller impending failure - drive calibration retry count" ); break;
		case 0x5DFF: strcat ( str, "Failure prediction threshold exceeded (FALSE)" ); break;
		case 0x5E00: strcat ( str, "Low power condition on" ); break;
		case 0x5E01: strcat ( str, "Idle condition activated by timer" ); break;
		case 0x5E02: strcat ( str, "Standby condition activated by timer" ); break;
		case 0x5E03: strcat ( str, "Idle condition activated by command" ); break;
		case 0x5E04: strcat ( str, "Standby condition activated by command" ); break;
		case 0x5E41: strcat ( str, "Power state change to active" ); break;
		case 0x5E42: strcat ( str, "Power state change to idle" ); break;
		case 0x5E43: strcat ( str, "Power state change to standby" ); break;
		case 0x5E45: strcat ( str, "Power state change to sleep" ); break;
		case 0x5E47: strcat ( str, "Power state change to device control" ); break;
		case 0x6000: strcat ( str, "Lamp failure" ); break;
		case 0x6100: strcat ( str, "Video acquisition error" ); break;
		case 0x6101: strcat ( str, "Unable to acquire video" ); break;
		case 0x6102: strcat ( str, "Out of focus" ); break;
		case 0x6200: strcat ( str, "Scan head positioning error" ); break;
		case 0x6300: strcat ( str, "End of user area encountered on this track" ); break;
		case 0x6301: strcat ( str, "Packet does not fit in available space" ); break;
		case 0x6400: strcat ( str, "Illegal mode for this track or incompatible medium" ); break;
		case 0x6401: strcat ( str, "Invalid packet size" ); break;
		case 0x6500: strcat ( str, "Voltage fault" ); break;
		case 0x6600: strcat ( str, "Automatic document feeder cover up" ); break;
		case 0x6601: strcat ( str, "Automatic document feeder lift up" ); break;
		case 0x6602: strcat ( str, "Document jam in automatic document feeder" ); break;
		case 0x6603: strcat ( str, "Document misfeed in automatic document feeder" ); break;
		case 0x6700: strcat ( str, "Configuration failure" ); break;
		case 0x6701: strcat ( str, "Configuration of incapable logical unit" ); break;
		case 0x6702: strcat ( str, "Add logical unit failed" ); break;
		case 0x6703: strcat ( str, "Modification of logical unit failed" ); break;
		case 0x6704: strcat ( str, "Exchange of logical unit failed" ); break;
		case 0x6705: strcat ( str, "Remove of logical unit failed" ); break;
		case 0x6706: strcat ( str, "Attachment of logical unit failed" ); break;
		case 0x6707: strcat ( str, "Creation of logical unit failed" ); break;
		case 0x6800: strcat ( str, "Logical unit not configured" ); break;
		case 0x6900: strcat ( str, "Data loss on logical unit" ); break;
		case 0x6901: strcat ( str, "Multiple logical unit failures" ); break;
		case 0x6902: strcat ( str, "A parity/data mismatch" ); break;
		case 0x6A00: strcat ( str, "Informational, refer to log" ); break;
		case 0x6B00: strcat ( str, "State change has occurred" ); break;
		case 0x6B01: strcat ( str, "Redundancy level got better" ); break;
		case 0x6B02: strcat ( str, "Redundancy level got worse" ); break;
		case 0x6C00: strcat ( str, "Rebuild failure occurred" ); break;
		case 0x6D00: strcat ( str, "Recalculate failure occurred" ); break;
		case 0x6E00: strcat ( str, "Command to logical unit failed" ); break;
		case 0x6F00: strcat ( str, "Copy protection key exchange failure, authentication failure" ); break;
		case 0x6F01: strcat ( str, "Copy protection key exchange failure, key not present" ); break;
		case 0x6F02: strcat ( str, "Copy protection key exchange failure, key not established" ); break;
		case 0x6F03: strcat ( str, "Read of scrambled sector without authentication" ); break;
		case 0x6F04: strcat ( str, "Media region code is mismatched to logical unit region" ); break;
		case 0x6F05: strcat ( str, "Drive region must be permanent/Region reset count error" ); break;
		case 0x7100: strcat ( str, "Decompression exception long algorithm id" ); break;
		case 0x7200: strcat ( str, "Session fixation error" ); break;
		case 0x7201: strcat ( str, "Session fixation error writing lead-in" ); break;
		case 0x7202: strcat ( str, "Session fixation error writing lead-out" ); break;
		case 0x7203: strcat ( str, "Session fixation error, incomplete track in session" ); break;
		case 0x7204: strcat ( str, "Empty or partially written reserved track" ); break;
		case 0x7205: strcat ( str, "No more RZone reservations are allowed" ); break;
		case 0x7300: strcat ( str, "CD control error" ); break;
		case 0x7301: strcat ( str, "Power calibration area almost full" ); break;
		case 0x7302: strcat ( str, "Power calibration area is full" ); break;
		case 0x7303: strcat ( str, "Power calibration area error" ); break;
		case 0x7304: strcat ( str, "Program memory area update failure" ); break;
		case 0x7305: strcat ( str, "Program memory area is full" ); break;
		case 0x7306: strcat ( str, "Program memory area is (almost) full" ); break;
		case 0xB900: strcat ( str, "Play operation aborted" ); break;
		case 0xBF00: strcat ( str, "Loss of streaming" ); break;
			if ( ASC == 0x40 ) { sprintf ( str, "Diagnostic failure on component $%02x", ASCQ ); break; }
			if ( ASC == 0x4D ) { sprintf ( str, "Tagged overlapped commands, queue tag = $%02x", ASCQ ); break; }
	printf("%s\n", str);

//	¥	DeviceAppeared -  Callback for when a new device appears

static void
DeviceAppeared ( void * refCon, io_iterator_t iterator )
	io_service_t	obj = MACH_PORT_NULL;
	obj = IOIteratorNext ( iterator );
	while ( obj != MACH_PORT_NULL )
		IOReturn				error   = kIOReturnSuccess;
		CFMutableDictionaryRef	theDict = NULL;
		printf ( "Device appeared.\n" );
		// Get the CF Properties for the io_service_t
		error = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties ( obj,
													0 );
		if ( error == kIOReturnSuccess )
			CFStringRef		theVendorStringRef = NULL;
			// The following gives you an idea of how to filter out items when you have been notified a device you might
			// have an interest in has appeared. You can filter based on any properties in the IORegistry. As an example,
			// the following filters based on kIOPropertySCSIVendorIdentification with a field of "Apple". This is helpful
			// if you want to filter based on device type and several different vendors which your app supports. Just be sure
			// to release the io_service_t using IOObjectRelease if you choose to not support it, that way there won't be
			// a leak in the kernel.
			theVendorStringRef = ( CFStringRef ) CFDictionaryGetValue ( theDict, CFSTR ( kIOPropertySCSIVendorIdentification ) );
			if ( theVendorStringRef != NULL )
				if ( CFStringCompare ( theVendorStringRef, CFSTR ( kAppleVendorString ), 0 ) == kCFCompareEqualTo )
					// This is an Apple product because the strings match.
					TestDevice ( obj );
			TestDevice ( obj );
			CFRelease ( theDict );
		( void ) IOObjectRelease ( obj );
		obj = IOIteratorNext ( iterator );

//	¥	DeviceDisappeared -  Callback for when a device disappears

static void
DeviceDisappeared ( void * refCon, io_iterator_t iterator )
	io_service_t	obj = MACH_PORT_NULL;
	obj = IOIteratorNext ( iterator );
	while ( obj != MACH_PORT_NULL )
		printf ( "Device disappeared.\n" );
		( void ) IOObjectRelease ( obj );
		obj = IOIteratorNext ( iterator );

//	¥	StripWhiteSpace -  Strips whitespace characters from the end of a string

static void
StripWhiteSpace ( char * buffer, SInt32 length )
	SInt32		index = 0;
	for ( index = ( length - 1 ); index >= 0; index-- )
		if ( buffer[index] != ' ' )
		buffer[index] = 0;

//	¥	SignalHandler -  Callback for signal handling

static void
SignalHandler ( int sigraised )
	printf ( "\nInterrupted\n" );
	// Clean up here
	if ( gNotifyPort != NULL )
		IONotificationPortDestroy ( gNotifyPort );
		gNotifyPort = NULL;
	if ( gAppearedIter != MACH_PORT_NULL )
		IOObjectRelease ( gAppearedIter );
		gAppearedIter = MACH_PORT_NULL;
	if ( gDisappearedIter != MACH_PORT_NULL )
		IOObjectRelease ( gDisappearedIter );
		gDisappearedIter = MACH_PORT_NULL;
	_exit ( 0 );