IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.


#if defined(KERNEL) && defined(__cplusplus)

// General IOKit headers
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOMemoryDescriptor.h>

// Generic IOKit storage related headers
#include <IOKit/storage/IOStorage.h>

// SCSI Command set related IOKit headers
#include <IOKit/scsi-commands/SCSIBlockCommands.h>
#include <IOKit/scsi-commands/IOSCSIPrimaryCommandsDevice.h>

// SBC power states as defined in T10:996D SCSI Block Commands - 3 (SBC-3)
// Revision 8c, November 13, 1997, pages 10-11.
	kSBCPowerStateSystemSleep 	= 0,
	kSBCPowerStateSleep 		= 1,
	kSBCPowerStateStandby 		= 2,
	kSBCPowerStateIdle			= 3,
	kSBCPowerStateActive		= 4,
	kSBCNumPowerStates			= 5

class IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice : public IOSCSIPrimaryCommandsDevice
	OSDeclareAbstractStructors ( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice )


	SCSIBlockCommands 	*fSCSIBlockCommandObject;
	SCSIBlockCommands 	*GetSCSIBlockCommandObject( void );
	static void			AsyncReadWriteComplete( SCSITaskIdentifier	completedTask );

    // Reserve space for future expansion.
    struct IOSCSIBlockCommandsDeviceExpansionData
		IONotifier *		fPowerDownNotifier;
    IOSCSIBlockCommandsDeviceExpansionData * fIOSCSIBlockCommandsDeviceReserved;
	#define fPowerDownNotifier fIOSCSIBlockCommandsDeviceReserved->fPowerDownNotifier
	// ---- Device Characteristics ----
	UInt8				fANSIVersion;			
	bool				fMediaIsRemovable;

	// ---- Medium Characteristics ----
	bool				fMediumPresent;

	// The byte count of each physical block on the medium.
	UInt32				fMediumBlockSize;

	// The total number of blocks of fMediumBlockSize on the medium.
	UInt32				fMediumBlockCount;

	// Whether the installed medium is protected from writes
	bool				fMediumIsWriteProtected;

	// Whether user removal of medium has been prevented	
	bool				fMediumRemovalPrevented;

	// Indicates whether this is a known manual eject device
	bool				fKnownManualEject;
	// Polling thread variables
	thread_call_t		fPollingThread;
	UInt32				fPollingMode;
		kPollingMode_Suspended		= 0,
		kPollingMode_NewMedia 		= 1,
		kPollingMode_MediaRemoval	= 2

	// ---- Methods for controlling the current state of device support ----
	virtual bool		InitializeDeviceSupport( void );
	virtual void		StartDeviceSupport( void );
	virtual void		SuspendDeviceSupport( void );
	virtual void		ResumeDeviceSupport( void );
	virtual void		StopDeviceSupport( void );
	virtual void		TerminateDeviceSupport( void );

	// This method will retrieve the SCSI Primary Command Set object for
	// the class.  For subclasses, this will be overridden using a
	// dynamic cast on the subclasses base command set object.
	virtual SCSIPrimaryCommands *	GetSCSIPrimaryCommandObject ( void );

	// ---- Methods used for   ----
	virtual bool		CreateCommandSetObjects ( void );
	virtual void		FreeCommandSetObjects ( void );
	virtual bool		ClearNotReadyStatus( void );
	virtual void 		CreateStorageServiceNub( void );
	virtual bool		DetermineDeviceCharacteristics( void );

	// ---- Methods used for controlling the polling thread ----
	virtual void		ProcessPoll( void );
	virtual void		EnablePolling( void );
	virtual void		DisablePolling( void );

	// Main and support methods for polling for new Media
	virtual void		PollForNewMedia( void );
	virtual bool		DetermineMediaPresence( void );
	virtual bool		PreventMediumRemoval( void );
	virtual bool		DetermineMediumCapacity( 
							UInt64 * 				blockSize, 
							UInt64 * 				blockCount );
	virtual bool		DetermineMediumWriteProtectState( void );

	// Main and support methods for polling for Media removal
	virtual void		PollForMediaRemoval( void );

	// ---- Methods used for handling medium characteristics ----
    virtual void		SetMediumCharacteristics( 
    						UInt32 					blockSize, 
    						UInt32 					blockCount );
	virtual void		ResetMediumCharacteristics( void );

	virtual IOReturn	IssueRead( 	
							IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
                         	UInt64					startBlock,
                     		UInt64					blockCount );
	virtual IOReturn	IssueRead(	
							IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
                      		UInt64					startBlock,
                     		UInt64					blockCount,
                       		void * 					clientData );

	virtual IOReturn	IssueWrite( 
							IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
                    		UInt64					startBlock,
                       		UInt64					blockCount );

	virtual IOReturn	IssueWrite(	
							IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
                         	UInt64					startBlock,
                      		UInt64					blockCount,
							void * 					clientData );

	// ----- Power Management Support ------
	// We override this method to set our power states and register ourselves
	// as a power policy maker.
	virtual void 		InitializePowerManagement( IOService * provider );
	// We override this method so that when we register for power management,
	// we go to our active power state (which the drive is definitely in
	// at startup time).
	virtual UInt32		GetInitialPowerState( void );
	// We override this method in order to provide the number of transitions
	// from Fully active to Sleep state so that the idle timer can be adjusted
	// to the appropriate time period based on the disk spindown time set in
	// the Energy Saver prefs panel.
	virtual UInt32		GetNumberOfPowerStateTransitions( void );
	// The TicklePowerManager method is called to tell the power manager that
	// the device needs to be in a certain power state to handle requests.
	virtual void		TicklePowerManager( void );

	// The HandlePowerChange method is the state machine for power management.
	// It is guaranteed to be on its own thread of execution (different from
	// the power manager thread AND the workloop thread. This routine can
	// send sync or async calls to the drive without worrying about threading
	// issues.
	virtual void		HandlePowerChange( void );

	// The HandleCheckPowerState (void) method is on the serialized side of the
	// command gate and can change member variables safely without
	// multi-threading issues. It's main purpose is to call the superclass'
	// HandleCheckPowerState ( UInt32 maxPowerState ) with the max power state
	// the class registered with.
	virtual void		HandleCheckPowerState( void );

	// The VerifyMediumPresence method is called to see if the medium which we
	// anticipated being there is still there.
	virtual bool		VerifyMediumPresence( void );
	static 	void		sProcessPoll( void * pdtDriver, void * refCon );

	// ---- Methods for controlling the device ----
	virtual IOReturn	SyncReadWrite(
							IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
							UInt64					startBlock,
							UInt64					blockCount,
							UInt64					blockSize );

	virtual IOReturn	AsyncReadWrite(
							IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
							UInt64					startBlock,
							UInt64					blockCount,
							UInt64					blockSize,
							void * 					clientData );

	// ---- Methods for controlling medium state ----
	virtual IOReturn	EjectTheMedium( void );
	virtual IOReturn	LockUnlockMedium( bool doLock );
	virtual IOReturn	SynchronizeCache( void );

	// ---- Methods for controlling media format ----
	virtual IOReturn	FormatMedium( 
							UInt64 					blockCount, 
							UInt64 					blockSize );
	virtual UInt32		GetFormatCapacities( 	
							UInt64 * 				capacities,
             				UInt32   				capacitiesMaxCount ) const;

	// ---- Query methods to report device characteristics ----

	// Report the maximum number of blocks that the device can handle per
	// read or write.  A value of 0 (zero) indicates there is no limit aside
	// from the size of the method's return parameter.
	virtual UInt64		ReportDeviceMaxBlocksReadTransfer( void );
	virtual UInt64		ReportDeviceMaxBlocksWriteTransfer( void );
	// Report whether the device supports removal of the media.
	virtual bool		ReportDeviceMediaRemovability( void );

	// ---- Query methods to report installed medium characteristics ----
	virtual UInt64		ReportMediumBlockSize( void );
	virtual UInt64		ReportMediumTotalBlockCount( void );
	virtual bool		ReportMediumWriteProtection( void );
	// ----   ----
	// Command methods to access all commands available to SBC based devices.
	virtual bool ERASE_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			ERA, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH,
                        SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool ERASE_12(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			ERA, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool FORMAT_UNIT(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer,
		    			IOByteCount					defectListSize,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FMTDATA, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			CMPLST, 
		    			SCSICmdField3Bit 			DEFECT_LIST_FORMAT, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			VENDOR_SPECIFIC, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			INTERLEAVE, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool LOCK_UNLOCK_CACHE(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			LOCK, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool MEDIUM_SCAN(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		     			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer,
		   				SCSICmdField1Bit 			WBS, 
		   				SCSICmdField1Bit 			ASA, 
		   				SCSICmdField1Bit 			PSD, 
		   				SCSICmdField1Bit 			PRA, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			PARAMETER_LIST_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool PREFETCH(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			IMMED, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_6(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			UInt32						blockSize,
		    			SCSICmdField21Bit 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			UInt32						blockSize,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
						SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_12(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			UInt32						blockSize,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
						SCSICmdField4Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_CAPACITY(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			PMI, 
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_DEFECT_DATA_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			PLIST, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			GLIST, 
		    			SCSICmdField3Bit 			DEFECT_LIST_FORMAT, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			ALLOCATION_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_DEFECT_DATA_12(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			PLIST, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			GLIST, 
		    			SCSICmdField3Bit 			DEFECT_LIST_FORMAT, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			ALLOCATION_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_GENERATION(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			ALLOCATION_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_LONG(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			CORRCT, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			BYTE_TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool READ_UPDATED_BLOCK_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA,
		    		 	SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			LATEST, 
		    		 	SCSICmdField15Bit 			GENERATION_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool REASSIGN_BLOCKS(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool REBUILD(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA,
		    		 	SCSICmdField1Bit 			INTDATA, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Bit 			PORT_CONTROL, 
		    		 	SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			REBUILD_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			PARAMETER_LIST_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool REGENERATE(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA,
		    		 	SCSICmdField1Bit 			INTDATA, 
		    		 	SCSICmdField2Bit 			PORT_CONTROL, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			REBUILD_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			PARAMETER_LIST_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool REZERO_UNIT( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
    					SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool SEARCH_DATA_EQUAL_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			INVERT, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			SPNDAT, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS_TO_SEARCH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool SEARCH_DATA_HIGH_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			INVERT, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			SPNDAT, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS_TO_SEARCH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool SEARCH_DATA_LOW_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			INVERT, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			SPNDAT, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS_TO_SEARCH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool SEEK_6( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			SCSICmdField21Bit 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool SEEK_10( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool SET_LIMITS_10( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RDINH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			WRINH, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS,
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool SET_LIMITS_12( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RDINH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			WRINH, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS,
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool START_STOP_UNIT( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			IMMED, 
						SCSICmdField4Bit 			POWER_CONDITIONS, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			LOEJ, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			START, 
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool SYNCHRONIZE_CACHE( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			IMMED, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
						SCSICmdField2Byte 			NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS, 
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool UPDATE_BLOCK( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool VERIFY_10( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			BLKVFY, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			BYTCHK, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR,
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool VERIFY_12( 
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			BLKVFY, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			BYTCHK, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR,
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool WRITE_6(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			UInt32						blockSize,
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool WRITE_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			UInt32						blockSize,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			EBP, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
						SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool WRITE_12(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
						IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			UInt32						blockSize,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA,
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			EBP, 
						SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
						SCSICmdField4Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
						SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool WRITE_AND_VERIFY_10(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			UInt32						blockSize,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			EBP, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			BYTCHK, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool WRITE_AND_VERIFY_12(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			UInt32						blockSize,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			EBP, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			BYTCHK, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool WRITE_LONG(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool WRITE_SAME(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			PBDATA, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			LBDATA, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			RELADR, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool XDREAD(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool XDWRITE(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DISABLE_WRITE, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool XDWRITE_EXTENDED(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
		    			IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer,
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			TABLE_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Bit 			DISABLE_WRITE,
		    			SCSICmdField2Bit 			PORT_CONTROL, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField4Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			SECONDARY_ADDRESS, 
		    			SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );

	virtual bool XPWRITE(
						SCSITaskIdentifier			request,
    					IOMemoryDescriptor *		dataBuffer, 
    					SCSICmdField1Bit 			DPO, 
    					SCSICmdField1Bit 			FUA, 
    					SCSICmdField4Byte 			LOGICAL_BLOCK_ADDRESS, 
    					SCSICmdField2Byte 			TRANSFER_LENGTH, 
    					SCSICmdField1Byte 			CONTROL );
	OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUsed( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 1 );
	virtual IOReturn	PowerDownHandler(	void * 			refCon,
											UInt32 			messageType,
											IOService * 	provider,
											void * 			messageArgument,
											vm_size_t 		argSize );
	// Space reserved for future expansion.
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 2 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 3 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 4 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 5 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 6 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 7 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 8 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 9 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 10 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 11 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 12 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 13 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 14 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 15 );
    OSMetaClassDeclareReservedUnused( IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice, 16 );

#endif	/* defined(KERNEL) && defined(__cplusplus) */