IODVDServices.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2001 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * IODVDServices.cpp
 * This subclass implements a relay to a protocol and device-specific
 * provider.

#include <libkern/c++/OSString.h>
#include <libkern/c++/OSDictionary.h>
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitKeys.h>
#include <IOKit/storage/IOBlockStorageDriver.h>
#include "SCSITaskLib.h"
#include "SCSITaskLibPriv.h"
#include "IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05.h"
#include "IODVDServices.h"


#define PANIC_NOW(x)		IOPanic x
#define PANIC_NOW(x)

#define ERROR_LOG(x)		IOLog x
#define ERROR_LOG(x)

#define STATUS_LOG(x)		IOLog x
#define STATUS_LOG(x)

#define _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_	2352
// Turn cache logging on and off
#if ( 0 )
#define CACHE_LOG(x)		IOLog x
#define CACHE_LOG(x)

// The command should be tried 5 times.  The original attempt 
// plus 4 retries.
#define kNumberRetries		4

// Structure for the asynch client data
struct BlockServicesClientData
	// The object that owns the copy of this structure.
	IODVDServices *				owner;

	// The request parameters provided by the client.
	IOStorageCompletion			completionData;
	IOMemoryDescriptor * 		clientBuffer;
	UInt32 						clientStartingBlock;
	UInt32 						clientRequestedBlockCount;
	bool						clientReadCDCall;
	CDSectorArea				clientSectorArea;
	CDSectorType				clientSectorType;
	// The internally needed parameters.
	UInt32						retriesLeft;
	// Strutures used for the Data Cache support
	UInt8 * 					transferSegBuffer;
	IOMemoryDescriptor *		transferSegDesc;
	UInt32						transferStart;
	UInt32						transferCount;
typedef struct BlockServicesClientData	BlockServicesClientData;

#define	super IODVDBlockStorageDevice
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors ( IODVDServices, IODVDBlockStorageDevice );

// start.

IODVDServices::start ( IOService * provider )
	OSNumber *	cdFeatures			= NULL;
	OSNumber *	dvdFeatures			= NULL;
	UInt32		cdFeaturesFlags		= 0;
	UInt32		dvdFeaturesFlags 	= 0;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s: ::start\n", getName ( ) ) );

	fProvider = OSDynamicCast ( IOSCSIPeripheralDeviceType05, provider );
	if ( fProvider == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: start; wrong provider type!\n" ) );
		return false;
	if ( !super::start ( fProvider ) )
		return false;
	cdFeatures 	= ( OSNumber * ) fProvider->getProperty ( kIOPropertySupportedCDFeatures );
	dvdFeatures = ( OSNumber * ) fProvider->getProperty ( kIOPropertySupportedDVDFeatures );
	cdFeaturesFlags 	= ( kCDFeaturesWriteOnceMask |
							kCDFeaturesReWriteableMask ) & cdFeatures->unsigned32BitValue ( );

	dvdFeaturesFlags 	= ( kDVDFeaturesWriteOnceMask |
							kDVDFeaturesReWriteableMask |
							kDVDFeaturesRandomWriteableMask ) & dvdFeatures->unsigned32BitValue ( );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "cdFeaturesFlags = %ld\n", cdFeaturesFlags ) );
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "dvdFeaturesFlags = %ld\n", dvdFeaturesFlags ) );
	if ( ( cdFeaturesFlags != 0 ) || ( dvdFeaturesFlags != 0 ) )
		if ( !setProperty ( kIOMatchCategoryKey, kSCSITaskUserClientIniterKey ) )
			goto failure;

	// Setup the data cache structures
	// Allocate a data cache for 5 blocks of CDDA data 
	fDataCacheStorage = ( UInt8 * ) IOMalloc ( _CACHE_BLOCK_COUNT_ * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ );
	fDataCacheStartBlock = 0;
	fDataCacheBlockCount = 0;

	// Allocate the mutex for accessing the data cache.
	fDataCacheLock = IOSimpleLockAlloc ( );
	if ( fDataCacheLock == NULL )
		PANIC_NOW ( ( "IODVDServices::start Allocate fDataCacheLock failed." ) );

	setProperty ( kIOPropertyProtocolCharacteristicsKey, fProvider->GetProtocolCharacteristicsDictionary ( ) );
	setProperty ( kIOPropertyDeviceCharacteristicsKey, fProvider->GetDeviceCharacteristicsDictionary ( ) );
	registerService ( );
	return true;
	super::stop ( fProvider );
	return false;

IODVDServices::open ( IOService * client, IOOptionBits options, IOStorageAccess access )
	// Same as IOService::open(), but with correct parameter types.
    return super::open ( client, options, ( void * ) access );

IODVDServices::free ( void )
	// Release the data cache structures
	if ( fDataCacheStorage != NULL )
		IOFree ( fDataCacheStorage, ( _CACHE_BLOCK_COUNT_ * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ ) );
	fDataCacheStartBlock = 0;
	fDataCacheBlockCount = 0;
	if ( fDataCacheLock != NULL )
		// Free the data cache mutex.
		IOSimpleLockFree ( fDataCacheLock );
		fDataCacheLock = NULL;
    super::free ( );



IODVDServices::message ( UInt32 		type,
						 IOService *	nub,
						 void *			arg )
	IOReturn 	status = kIOReturnSuccess;
	ERROR_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::message called\n" ) );
	switch ( type )
		case kIOMessageMediaStateHasChanged:

			ERROR_LOG ( ( "type = kIOMessageMediaStateHasChanged, nub = %p\n", nub ) );
			status = messageClients ( type, arg, sizeof ( IOMediaState ) );
			ERROR_LOG ( ( "status = %ld\n", ( UInt32 ) status ) );
			status = super::message ( type, nub, arg );
	return status;

// set registry property

IODVDServices::setProperties ( OSObject * properties )
	IOReturn		status 				= kIOReturnSuccess;
	OSDictionary *	dict 				= OSDynamicCast ( OSDictionary, properties );
	UInt8			trayState			= 0xFF;
	Boolean			userClientActive	= false;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: setProperties called\n" ) );
	if ( dict == NULL )
		return kIOReturnBadArgument;
	if ( dict->getObject ( "TrayState" ) != NULL )
		userClientActive = fProvider->GetUserClientExclusivityState ( );
		if ( userClientActive == false )
			fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: setProperties TrayState\n" ) );
			status = fProvider->GetTrayState ( &trayState );
			STATUS_LOG ( ( "GetTrayState returned status = 0x%08x, trayState = %d\n",
							status, trayState ) );
			if ( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				status = fProvider->SetTrayState ( !trayState );
				STATUS_LOG ( ( "SetTrayState returned status = 0x%08x\n",
							status ) );
			// The user client is active, reject this call.
			status = kIOReturnExclusiveAccess;
		// Wasn't a "TrayState" call...
		status = kIOReturnBadArgument;
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: leave setProperties\n" ) );
	return status;


IODVDServices::AsyncReadWriteComplete ( void * 			clientData,
                          				IOReturn		status,
                      					UInt64 			actualByteCount )
	IODVDServices *				owner;
	IOStorageCompletion			returnData;
	BlockServicesClientData *	bsClientData;
	bool						commandComplete = true;

	bsClientData = ( BlockServicesClientData * ) clientData;
	// Save the IOCompletion information so that it may be returned
	// to the client.
	returnData 	= bsClientData->completionData;
	owner 		= bsClientData->owner;
	if ( ( ( status != kIOReturnNotAttached ) && ( status != kIOReturnOffline ) &&
		 ( status != kIOReturnUnsupportedMode ) && ( status != kIOReturnSuccess ) ) &&
		 ( bsClientData->retriesLeft > 0 ) )
		IOReturn 	requestStatus;
		STATUS_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: AsyncReadWriteComplete; retry command\n" ) );
		// An error occurred, but it is one on which the command should be retried.  Decrement
		// the retry counter and try again.
		if ( bsClientData->clientReadCDCall == true )
			requestStatus = owner->fProvider->AsyncReadCD (
											clientData );
			requestStatus = owner->fProvider->AsyncReadCD (
											clientData );
			requestStatus = owner->fProvider->AsyncReadWrite (
											clientData );
		if ( requestStatus != kIOReturnSuccess )
			commandComplete = true;
			commandComplete = false;

	if ( commandComplete == true )

		// Check to see if there was a temporary transfer buffer
		if ( bsClientData->transferSegBuffer != NULL )
			// Make sure that the transfer completed successfully.
			if ( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
				// Copy the data from the temporary buffer into the client's
				// buffer.
				( bsClientData->clientBuffer )->writeBytes ( ( ( bsClientData->clientRequestedBlockCount - bsClientData->transferCount ) * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ ), 
						bsClientData->transferSegBuffer, ( bsClientData->transferCount * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ ) );
				// Make sure that the actualByteCount is updated to include the amount of data that
				// came from the cache also
				actualByteCount = ( bsClientData->clientRequestedBlockCount * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ );
			( bsClientData->transferSegDesc )->release ( );
			// Since the buffer is the entire size of the client's requested transfer ( not just the amount transferred), 
			// make sure to release the whole allocation.
			IOFree ( bsClientData->transferSegBuffer, ( bsClientData->clientRequestedBlockCount * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ ) );
		// Make sure that the transfer completed successfully.
		if ( status == kIOReturnSuccess )
			// Check to see if this was a Read CD call for a CDDA sector and if so,
			// store cache data.
			if ( ( bsClientData->clientReadCDCall == true ) && ( bsClientData->clientSectorType == kCDSectorTypeCDDA ) )
				// Save the last blocks into the data cache
				IOSimpleLockLock ( owner->fDataCacheLock );
				// Check if the number of blocks tranferred is larger or equal to that
				// of the cache.  If not leave the cache alone.
				if ( bsClientData->clientRequestedBlockCount >= _CACHE_BLOCK_COUNT_ )
					UInt32	offset;
					// Calculate the beginning of data to copy into cache.
					offset = ( ( bsClientData->clientRequestedBlockCount - _CACHE_BLOCK_COUNT_ ) * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ );
					( bsClientData->clientBuffer )->readBytes ( offset, owner->fDataCacheStorage,
					owner->fDataCacheStartBlock = bsClientData->clientStartingBlock + ( bsClientData->clientRequestedBlockCount - _CACHE_BLOCK_COUNT_ );
					owner->fDataCacheBlockCount = _CACHE_BLOCK_COUNT_;
				IOSimpleLockUnlock ( owner->fDataCacheLock );
		IOFree ( clientData, sizeof ( BlockServicesClientData ) );
		// Release the retain for this command.	
		owner->fProvider->release ( );
		owner->release ( );
		IOStorage::complete ( returnData, status, actualByteCount );

// doAsyncReadCD

IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD ( 	IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
								UInt32					block,
								UInt32					nblks,
								CDSectorArea			sectorArea,
								CDSectorType			sectorType,
								IOStorageCompletion		completion )
	BlockServicesClientData	*	clientData;
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	// Only do caching if the requested sector is CDDA
	if ( sectorType == kCDSectorTypeCDDA )
		// Check to see if all requested data is in the cache.  If it is, no need to send a command
		// to the device.
		IOSimpleLockLock ( fDataCacheLock );
		if ( fDataCacheBlockCount != 0 )
			// Check to see if this request could possibly fulfilled by the data
			// that is currently in the cache.
			// This is possible if the following conditions appply:
			// 1. The request is the same or smaller than the number of blocks that currently
			// resides in the cache.
			// 2. The starting request block is greater than the startiing block of the cache.
			// 3. The ending request block is the same or less than the end block in the cache.
			if ( ( nblks <= fDataCacheBlockCount ) && ( block >= fDataCacheStartBlock ) && 
				( block + nblks <= fDataCacheStartBlock + fDataCacheBlockCount) )
				UInt32		startByte = ( block - fDataCacheStartBlock ) * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_;
				// All the data for the request is in the cache, complete the request now.
				buffer->writeBytes ( 0, &fDataCacheStorage[startByte], ( nblks * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ ) );
				// Release the lock for the Queue
				IOSimpleLockUnlock ( fDataCacheLock );
				// Call the client's completion
				IOStorage::complete ( completion, kIOReturnSuccess, ( nblks * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ ) );
				// Return the status
				return kIOReturnSuccess;

		// Release the lock for the Queue
		IOSimpleLockUnlock ( fDataCacheLock );

	clientData = ( BlockServicesClientData * ) IOMalloc ( sizeof ( BlockServicesClientData ) );
	if ( clientData == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: doAsyncReadCD; clientData malloc failed!\n" ) );
		return kIOReturnNoResources;
	// Make sure we don't go away while the command in being executed.
	retain ( );
	fProvider->retain ( );

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: doAsyncReadCD; save completion data!\n" ) );

	// Set the owner of this request.
	clientData->owner 						= this;
	// Save the client's request parameters.
	clientData->completionData 				= completion;
	clientData->clientBuffer 				= buffer;
	clientData->clientStartingBlock 		= block;
	clientData->clientRequestedBlockCount 	= nblks;
	clientData->clientReadCDCall			= true;
	clientData->clientSectorArea			= sectorArea;
	clientData->clientSectorType			= sectorType;
	// Set the retry limit to the maximum
	clientData->retriesLeft 				= kNumberRetries;
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );

	// Only do caching if the requested sector is CDDA
	if ( sectorType == kCDSectorTypeCDDA )
		// Allocate a buffer before grabbing the lock.  Use the size of the complete request to
		// guarantee that it is large enough.
		clientData->transferSegBuffer = ( UInt8 * ) IOMalloc ( nblks * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ );
		if ( clientData->transferSegBuffer != NULL )
			IOSimpleLockLock ( fDataCacheLock );

			// Determine what data can be used from the cache
			if ( ( fDataCacheBlockCount != 0 ) &&			// If the cache has valid data,
				 ( block > fDataCacheStartBlock ) && 		// and the starting block is the same or greater than the cache start
				 ( nblks > fDataCacheBlockCount ) && 		// and the block count is the same or greater than the cache count
				 ( block < ( fDataCacheStartBlock + fDataCacheBlockCount ) ) ) // and the starting block is not beyond the end of the cache
				UInt32 offsetBlk;
				// There is data in the cache of interest, figure out amount from cache and amount to transfer.
				CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, block = %ld\n", block ) );
				CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, nblks = %ld\n", nblks ) );
				CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, fDataCacheStartBlock = %ld\n", fDataCacheStartBlock ) );
				CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, fDataCacheBlockCount = %ld\n", fDataCacheBlockCount ) );

				// Calculate the starting position in the cache
				offsetBlk = ( block - fDataCacheStartBlock );
				CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, offsetBlk = %ld\n", offsetBlk ) );
				// Calculate number of blocks that needs to come from disc
				clientData->transferCount = nblks - ( fDataCacheBlockCount - offsetBlk );
				CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, clientData->transferCount = %ld\n", clientData->transferCount ) );
				// Calculate starting block to read from disc
				clientData->transferStart = block + ( fDataCacheBlockCount - offsetBlk );
				CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, clientData->transferStart = %ld\n", clientData->transferStart ) );
				// Create memory descriptor for transfer buffer.
				clientData->transferSegDesc = IOMemoryDescriptor::withAddress ( clientData->transferSegBuffer,
															clientData->transferCount * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_,
															kIODirectionIn );
				if ( clientData->transferSegDesc != NULL )
					// Copy data from cache into client's buffer
					buffer->writeBytes ( 0, &fDataCacheStorage[offsetBlk * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_], ( ( fDataCacheBlockCount - offsetBlk ) * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ ) );
					// Release the lock for the Queue
					IOSimpleLockUnlock ( fDataCacheLock );
					return fProvider->AsyncReadCD ( clientData->transferSegDesc,
													( void * ) clientData );
				CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, transferSegDesc = NULL\n" ) );
			CACHE_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices::doAsyncReadCD called, transferSegBuffer = NULL\n" ) );
			// Release the lock for the data cache
			IOSimpleLockUnlock ( fDataCacheLock );
		if ( clientData->transferSegBuffer != NULL )
			// If memory was allocated for the transfer, release it now since it is not needed.	
			IOFree ( clientData->transferSegBuffer, ( nblks * _CACHE_BLOCK_SIZE_ ) );
	// Make sure that this is cleared out to
	// avoid doing any cache operations in the completion.
	clientData->transferSegBuffer 	= NULL;
	clientData->transferSegDesc 	= NULL;
	clientData->transferStart 		= 0;
	clientData->transferCount		= 0;
	return fProvider->AsyncReadCD ( buffer,
									( void * ) clientData );

// doAsyncReadWrite

IODVDServices::doAsyncReadWrite (	IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
									UInt32					block,
									UInt32					nblks,
									IOStorageCompletion		completion )
	BlockServicesClientData	*	clientData;
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	clientData = ( BlockServicesClientData * ) IOMalloc ( sizeof ( BlockServicesClientData ) );
	if ( clientData == NULL )
		ERROR_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: doAsyncReadWrite; clientData malloc failed!\n" ) );
		return false;

	// Make sure we don't go away while the command in being executed.
	retain ( );
	fProvider->retain ( );

	STATUS_LOG ( ( "IODVDServices: doAsyncReadWrite; save completion data!\n" ) );

	// Set the owner of this request.
	clientData->owner 						= this;
	// Save the client's request parameters.
	clientData->completionData 				= completion;
	clientData->clientBuffer 				= buffer;
	clientData->clientStartingBlock 		= block;
	clientData->clientRequestedBlockCount 	= nblks;
	clientData->clientReadCDCall 			= false;
	// Set the retry limit to the maximum
	clientData->retriesLeft 				= kNumberRetries;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );

	// Make sure that this is cleared out to
	// avoid doing any cache operations in the completion.
	clientData->transferSegBuffer = NULL;
	clientData->transferSegDesc = NULL;
	clientData->transferStart = 0;
	clientData->transferCount = 0;
	return fProvider->AsyncReadWrite ( buffer, block, nblks, ( void * ) clientData );

// doSyncReadWrite

IODVDServices::doSyncReadWrite ( 	IOMemoryDescriptor *	buffer,
									UInt32					block,
									UInt32					nblks )
	IOReturn	result;
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	// Make sure we don't go away while the command in being executed.
	retain ( );
	fProvider->retain ( );
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );		

	// Execute the command
	result = fProvider->SyncReadWrite ( buffer, block, nblks );

	// Release the retain for this command.	
	fProvider->release ( );
	release ( );
	return result;

// doFormatMedia

IODVDServices::doFormatMedia ( UInt64 byteCapacity )
	IOReturn	result;
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	// Make sure we don't go away while the command in being executed.
	retain ( );
	fProvider->retain ( );
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );

	// Execute the command
	result = fProvider->FormatMedia ( byteCapacity );

	// Release the retain for this command.	
	fProvider->release ( );
	release ( );
	return result;

// doGetFormatCapacities

IODVDServices::doGetFormatCapacities ( 	UInt64 *	capacities,
										UInt32		capacitiesMaxCount ) const
	IOReturn	result;
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	// Make sure we don't go away while the command in being executed.
	retain ( );
	fProvider->retain ( );
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );

	// Execute the command
	result = fProvider->GetFormatCapacities ( capacities, capacitiesMaxCount );

	// Release the retain for this command.	
	fProvider->release ( );
	release ( );
	return result;

// doEjectMedia

IODVDServices::doEjectMedia ( void )
	IOReturn	result;

	// We got an eject call, invalidate the data cache
	fDataCacheStartBlock = 0;
	fDataCacheBlockCount = 0;
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	// Make sure we don't go away while the command in being executed.
	retain ( );
	fProvider->retain ( );
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );
	// Execute the command
	result = fProvider->EjectTheMedia ( );

	// Release the retain for this command.	
	fProvider->release ( );
	release ( );
	return result;

// doLockUnlockMedia

IODVDServices::doLockUnlockMedia ( bool doLock )
	IOReturn result;
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	// Make sure we don't go away while the command in being executed.
	retain ( );
	fProvider->retain ( );

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );
	// Execute the command
	result = fProvider->LockUnlockMedia ( doLock );

	// Release the retain for this command.	
	fProvider->release ( );
	release ( );
	return result;

// getVendorString

char *
IODVDServices::getVendorString ( void )
	return fProvider->GetVendorString ( );

// getProductString

char *
IODVDServices::getProductString ( void )
	return fProvider->GetProductString ( );

// getRevisionString

char *
IODVDServices::getRevisionString ( void )

	return fProvider->GetRevisionString ( );


// getAdditionalDeviceInfoString

char *
IODVDServices::getAdditionalDeviceInfoString ( void )
	STATUS_LOG ( ( "%s::%s called\n", getName ( ), __FUNCTION__ ) );
	return ( "No Additional Device Info" );

// reportBlockSize

IODVDServices::reportBlockSize ( UInt64 * blockSize )
	return fProvider->ReportBlockSize ( blockSize );

// reportEjectability

IODVDServices::reportEjectability ( bool * isEjectable )
	return fProvider->ReportEjectability ( isEjectable );

// reportLockability

IODVDServices::reportLockability ( bool * isLockable )
	return fProvider->ReportLockability ( isLockable );

// reportMediaState

IODVDServices::reportMediaState ( 	bool * mediaPresent,
									bool * changed )    
	return fProvider->ReportMediaState ( mediaPresent, changed );

// reportPollRequirements

IODVDServices::reportPollRequirements (	bool * pollIsRequired,
										bool * pollIsExpensive )
	return fProvider->ReportPollRequirements ( pollIsRequired, pollIsExpensive );

// reportMaxReadTransfer

IODVDServices::reportMaxReadTransfer ( 	UInt64   blockSize,
										UInt64 * max )
	return fProvider->ReportMaxReadTransfer ( blockSize, max );

// reportMaxValidBlock

IODVDServices::reportMaxValidBlock ( UInt64 * maxBlock )
	return fProvider->ReportMaxValidBlock ( maxBlock );

// reportRemovability

IODVDServices::reportRemovability ( bool * isRemovable )
	return fProvider->ReportRemovability ( isRemovable );

// readISRC

IODVDServices::readISRC ( UInt8 track, CDISRC isrc )

	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	
	return fProvider->ReadISRC ( track, isrc );

// readMCN

IODVDServices::readMCN ( CDMCN mcn )

	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	
	return fProvider->ReadMCN ( mcn );

// readTOC

IODVDServices::readTOC ( IOMemoryDescriptor * buffer )

	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	
	return fProvider->ReadTOC ( buffer );

// audioPause

IODVDServices::audioPause ( bool pause )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	

	return fProvider->AudioPause ( pause );

// audioPlay

IODVDServices::audioPlay ( CDMSF timeStart, CDMSF timeStop )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	
	return fProvider->AudioPlay ( timeStart, timeStop );

// audioScan

IODVDServices::audioScan ( CDMSF timeStart, bool reverse )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	

	return fProvider->AudioScan ( timeStart, reverse );

// audioStop

IODVDServices::audioStop ( void )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	

	return fProvider->AudioStop ( );

// getAudioStatus

IODVDServices::getAudioStatus ( CDAudioStatus * status )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	

	return fProvider->GetAudioStatus ( status );

// getAudioVolume

IODVDServices::getAudioVolume ( UInt8 * leftVolume,
								UInt8 * rightVolume )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	

	return fProvider->GetAudioVolume ( leftVolume, rightVolume );

// setVolume

IODVDServices::setAudioVolume ( UInt8 leftVolume, UInt8 rightVolume )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	

	return fProvider->SetAudioVolume ( leftVolume, rightVolume );

// doSynchronizeCache

IODVDServices::doSynchronizeCache ( void )

	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	
	return fProvider->SynchronizeCache ( );

// reportMaxWriteTransfer

IODVDServices::reportMaxWriteTransfer ( UInt64   blockSize,
										UInt64 * max )
	return fProvider->ReportMaxWriteTransfer ( blockSize, max );

// reportMaxWriteTransfer

IODVDServices::reportWriteProtection ( bool * isWriteProtected )
	return fProvider->ReportWriteProtection ( isWriteProtected );

// getMediaType

IODVDServices::getMediaType ( void )
	return fProvider->GetMediaType ( );

// getSpeed

IODVDServices::getSpeed ( UInt16 * kilobytesPerSecond )

	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );
	return fProvider->GetMediaAccessSpeed ( kilobytesPerSecond );

// setSpeed

IODVDServices::setSpeed ( UInt16 kilobytesPerSecond )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );
	return fProvider->SetMediaAccessSpeed ( kilobytesPerSecond );

// readDVDStructure

IODVDServices::readDVDStructure ( 	IOMemoryDescriptor * 		buffer,
									const UInt8					structureFormat,
									const UInt32				logicalBlockAddress,
									const UInt8					layer,
									const UInt8 				agid )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;
	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );	
	return fProvider->ReadDVDStructure ( 	buffer,
											( UInt32 ) buffer->getLength ( ),
											agid );

// reportKey

IODVDServices::reportKey (	IOMemoryDescriptor * buffer,
                            const DVDKeyClass  keyClass,
                            const UInt32       lba,
                            const UInt8        agid,
                            const DVDKeyFormat keyFormat )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );
	return fProvider->ReportKey ( 	buffer,
    								keyFormat );

// sendKey

IODVDServices::sendKey (	IOMemoryDescriptor * buffer,
                            const DVDKeyClass  keyClass,
                            const UInt8        agid,
                            const DVDKeyFormat keyFormat )
	// Return errors for incoming activity if we have been terminated
	if ( isInactive ( ) != false )
		return kIOReturnNotAttached;

	fProvider->CheckPowerState ( );
	return fProvider->SendKey (	buffer,
    							keyFormat );

#pragma mark -
#pragma mark UserClientSupport

IODVDServices::handleOpen ( IOService * client, IOOptionBits options, void * access )
	// If this isn't a user client, pass through to superclass.
	if ( ( options & kIOSCSITaskUserClientAccessMask ) == 0 )
		return super::handleOpen ( client, options, access );
	// It's the user client, so add it to the set
	if ( fClients == NULL )
		fClients = OSSet::withCapacity ( 1 );
	if ( fClients == NULL )
		return false;
	fClients->setObject ( client );
	return true;

IODVDServices::handleClose ( IOService * client, IOOptionBits options )
	// If this isn't a user client, pass through to superclass.
	if ( ( options & kIOSCSITaskUserClientAccessMask ) == 0 )
		super::handleClose ( client, options );
		fClients->removeObject ( client );


IODVDServices::handleIsOpen ( const IOService * client ) const
	// General case (is anybody open)
	if ( client == NULL )
		if ( ( fClients != NULL ) && ( fClients->getCount ( ) > 0 ) )
			return true;
		return super::handleIsOpen ( client );
	// specific case (is this client open)
	if ( ( fClients != NULL ) && ( fClients->containsObject ( client ) ) )
		return true;
	return super::handleIsOpen ( client );

// Space reserved for future expansion.
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IODVDServices, 1 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IODVDServices, 2 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IODVDServices, 3 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IODVDServices, 4 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IODVDServices, 5 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IODVDServices, 6 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IODVDServices, 7 );
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused( IODVDServices, 8 );