IOPowerSourcesPrivate.h   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2003 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
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 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
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#ifndef _IOPowerSourcesPrivate_h_
#define _IOPowerSourcesPrivate_h_

#include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
#include <sys/cdefs.h>


    @header IOPowerSources.h
    Functions for interpreting power source info
    Provided as internal, publicly unsupported helper functions. These WILL change
    sometime in the Merlot or Later timeframe as the IOPowerSources API itself evolves.
    Use with caution.

/*! @function IOPSCopyInternalBatteriesArray
    @abstract Returns a CFArray of all batteries attached to the system.
    @param snapshot The CFTypeRef returned by IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo()
    @result NULL if no batteriess are attached to the system. A CFArray of CFTypeRef's that
        reference battery descriptions. De-reference each CFTypeRef member of the array
        using IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription.
CFArrayRef           IOPSCopyInternalBatteriesArray(CFTypeRef snapshot);

/*! @function IOPSCopyUPSArray
    @abstract Returns a CFArray of all UPS's attached to the system.
    @param snapshot The CFTypeRef returned by IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo()
    @result NULL if no UPS's are attached to the system. A CFArray of CFTypeRef's that
        reference UPS descriptions. De-reference each CFTypeRef member of the array
        using IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription.
CFArrayRef           IOPSCopyUPSArray(CFTypeRef snapshot);

/*! @function IOPSGetActiveBattery
    @abstract Returns the active battery.
    @discussion Call to determine the active battery on the system. On single battery
        systems this returns the 1 battery. On two battery systems this returns a reference
        to either battery.
    @param snapshot The CFTypeRef returned by IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo()
    @result NULL if no batteries are present, a CFTypeRef indicating the active battery 
        otherwise. You must dereference this CFTypeRef with IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription().
CFTypeRef            IOPSGetActiveBattery(CFTypeRef snapshot);

/*! @function IOPSGetActiveUPS
    @abstract Returns the active UPS. 
    @discussion You should call this to determine which UPS the system is connected to.
        This is trivial on single UPS systems, but on machines with multiple UPS's attached,
        it's important to track which one is actively providing power.
    @param snapshot The CFTypeRef returned by IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo()
    @result NULL if no UPS's are present, a CFTypeRef indicating the active UPS otherwise.
        You must dereference this CFTypeRef with IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription().
CFTypeRef            IOPSGetActiveUPS(CFTypeRef snapshot);

/*! @function IOPSGetProvidingPowerSourceType
    @abstract Indicates the power source the computer is currently drawing from.
    @discussion Determines which power source is providing power.
    @param snapshot The CFTypeRef returned by IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo()
    @result One of: CFSTR(kIOPMACPowerKey), CFSTR(kIOPMBatteryPowerKey), CFSTR(kIOPMUPSPowerKey)
CFStringRef          IOPSGetProvidingPowerSourceType(CFTypeRef snapshot);

/*! @function IOPSPowerSourceSupported
    @abstract Indicates whether a power source is present on a given system.
    @discussion For determining if you should show UPS-specific UI
    @param snapshot The CFTypeRef returned by IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo()
    @param type A CFStringRef describing the type of power source (AC Power, Battery Power, UPS Power)
    @result kCFBooleanTrue if the power source is supported, kCFBooleanFalse otherwise.
CFBooleanRef         IOPSPowerSourceSupported(CFTypeRef snapshot, CFStringRef type);

/*! typedef IOPSPowerSourceID
 *  An object of type IOPSPowerSourceID refers to a published power source. 
 *  May be NULL. The IOPSPowerSourceID contains no visible itself; it may
 *  only be passed as an argument to IOPS API.
typedef struct OpaqueIOPSPowerSourceID *IOPSPowerSourceID;

/*! IOPSCreatePowerSource
Ê Ê Call this once per publishable power source to announce the presence of the power source.
Ê Ê This call will not make the power source visible to the clients of IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo();
Ê Ê call IOPSSetPowerSourceDetails to share details.
Ê Ê Upon success, this parameter outPS will contain a reference to the new power source.
Ê Ê This reference must be released with IOPSReleasePowerSource when (and if) the power source is no longer available
Ê Ê as a power source to the OS.
    powerSourceType is the caller's type of power source, defined in IOPSKeys.h
Ê Ê Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success, see IOReturn.h for possible failure codes.
IOReturn IOPSCreatePowerSource(IOPSPowerSourceID *outPS, CFStringRef powerSourceType);

/*! IOPSSetPowerSourceDetails
Ê Ê Call this when a managed power source's state has substantially changed,
Ê Ê and that state should be reflected in the OS.
Ê Ê Generally you should not call this more than once a minute - most power sources
Ê Ê change state so slowly that once per minute is enough to provide accurate UI.
Ê Ê You may call this more frequently/immediately on any sudden changes in state,
Ê Ê like sudden removal, or emergency low power warnings.

Ê Ê The whichPS argument is the IOPSPowerSourceID returned from IOPSCreatePowerSource().
    Only the process that created this IOPSPowerSourceID may update its details.

Ê Ê Caller should populate the details dictionary with information describing the power source,
Ê Ê using dictionary keys in IOPSKeys.h
    Every dictionary provided here completely replaces any prior published dictionary.
Ê Ê Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success, see IOReturn.h for possible failure codes.
IOReturn IOPSSetPowerSourceDetails(IOPSPowerSourceID whichPS, CFDictionaryRef details);

/*! IOPSReleasePowerSource
Ê Ê Call this when the managed power source has been physically removed from the system,
Ê Ê or is no longer available as a power source.

Ê Ê The whichPS argument is the IOPSPowerSourceID returned from IOPSCreatePowerSource().

Ê Ê Returns kIOReturnSuccess on success, see IOReturn.h for possible failure codes.
IOReturn IOPSReleasePowerSource(IOPSPowerSourceID whichPS);

