kextmanager_mig.defs   [plain text]

#include <mach/std_types.defs>
#include <mach/mach_types.defs>

subsystem kextmanager 70000;
serverprefix _;

#include <mach/std_types.defs>
#include <mach/mach_types.defs>
import <Security/Authorization.h>;
import <IOKit/kext/kextmanager_types.h>;
import <mach/kmod.h>;
import <sys/param.h>;

// it's unfortunate that we have to duplicate typedefs
// everything here also has to match kextmanager_types.h
type kext_result_t = int;

// length must match DEVMAXPATHSIZE (devfsdefs.h)
type dev_path_t = array [128] of char;
// length limit chosen arbitrarily
type property_key_t = array [128] of char;
// length must match KMOD_MAX_NAME from <mach/kmod.h>
type kext_bundle_id_t = array [64] of char;
// length must match MAXPATHLEN from <sys/param.h>
type posix_path_t = array [1024] of char;

 * serialized XML data (server->client)
type xmlDataOut = ^ array [] of MACH_MSG_TYPE_BYTE
        ctype : xmlDataOut_t;
type xmlDataIn = ^ array [] of MACH_MSG_TYPE_BYTE
        ctype : xmlDataIn_t;
type AuthRefIn = struct [8] of unsigned32
        ctype : AuthorizationExternalForm;

routine kextmanager_path_for_bundle_id(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    bundle_id        : kext_bundle_id_t;
    out path         : posix_path_t;
    out kext_result  : kext_result_t);

routine kextmanager_create_property_value_array(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    prop_key         : property_key_t;
    out data         : xmlDataOut, dealloc);

routine kextmanager_user_did_log_in(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    euid             : int;
    authref          : AuthRefIn);

routine kextmanager_user_will_log_out(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    euid             : int);

routine kextmanager_get_logged_in_userid(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    out euid         : int);

routine kextmanager_record_nonsecure_kextload(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    load_data        : xmlDataIn);

// trylock semantic (busy -> lockstatus == EBUSY)
routine kextmanager_lock_volume(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    clientPort       : mach_port_make_send_t;
    volDev           : dev_path_t;
    out lockstatus   : int

routine kextmanager_unlock_volume(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    clientPort       : mach_port_make_send_t;
    volDev           : dev_path_t;
    exitStatus       : int

// reboot blocking
routine kextmanager_lock_reboot(
    server           : mach_port_t;
    clientPort       : mach_port_make_send_t;
    out busyDev      : dev_path_t;                // if available
    out busyStatus   : int