IOHIPointing.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.
 * 17 July 	1998 	sdouglas	Initial creation
 * 01 April 	2002 	ryepez		added support for scroll acceleration

#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/assert.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIPointing.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDParameter.h>
#include <IOKit/pwr_mgt/RootDomain.h>
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>

#include "IOHIDPointingDevice.h"

#ifndef abs
#define abs(_a)	((_a >= 0) ? _a : -_a)


static bool GetOSDataValue (OSData * data, UInt32 * value);
static bool SetupAcceleration (OSData * data, IOFixed desired, IOFixed resolution, void ** scaleSegments, IOItemCount * scaleSegCount);
static void ScaleAxes (void * scaleSegments, int * axis1p, IOFixed *axis1Fractp, int * axis2p, IOFixed *axis2Fractp);

static IOHIDPointingDevice * CreateHIDPointingDeviceNub(IOService * owner, UInt8 buttons, UInt32 resolution, bool scroll)
    IOHIDPointingDevice 	*nub = 0;

    nub = IOHIDPointingDevice::newPointingDevice(buttons, resolution, scroll);
    if (nub &&
        (!nub->attach(owner) || 
        nub = 0;

    return nub;

static void DetachHIDPointingDeviceNub(IOService * owner, IOService ** nub)
    if ( (*nub) ) {
        (*nub) = 0;

#define super IOHIDevice
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOHIPointing, IOHIDevice);

bool IOHIPointing::init(OSDictionary * properties)
    if (!super::init(properties))  return false;
    * Initialize minimal state.
    _reserved = IONew(ExpansionData, 1);
    if (!_reserved) return false;
    // Initialize scroll wheel accel items
    _scrollScaleSegments 	= 0;
    _scrollScaleSegCount 	= 0;
    // Initialize pointer accel items
    _scaleSegments 		= 0;
    _scaleSegCount 		= 0;
    _fractX			= 0;
    _fractY     		= 0;
    _acceleration	= -1;
    _convertAbsoluteToRelative = false;
    _contactToMove = false;
    _hadContact = false;
    _pressureThresholdToClick = 128;
    _previousLocation.x = 0;
    _previousLocation.y = 0;
    _hidPointingNub = 0;
    // default to right mouse button generating unique events
    _buttonMode = NX_RightButton;
    _deviceLock = IOLockAlloc();
    if (!_deviceLock)  return false;
    return true;

bool IOHIPointing::start(IOService * provider)
  static const char * defaultSettings = "(<00000000>, <00002000>, <00005000>,"
                                         "<00008000>, <0000b000>, <0000e000>," 

  if (!super::start(provider))  return false;

  // default acceleration settings
  if (!getProperty(kIOHIDPointerAccelerationTypeKey))
    setProperty(kIOHIDPointerAccelerationTypeKey, kIOHIDMouseAccelerationType);
  if (!getProperty(kIOHIDPointerAccelerationSettingsKey))
    OSObject * obj = OSUnserialize(defaultSettings, 0);
    if (obj) {
      setProperty(kIOHIDPointerAccelerationSettingsKey, obj);

  // create a IOHIDPointingDevice to post events to the HID Manager
  if (!OSDynamicCast(IOHIDDevice, provider)) 
        _hidPointingNub = CreateHIDPointingDeviceNub(this, buttonCount(), resolution() >> 16, false); 
   * IOHIPointing serves both as a service and a nub (we lead a double
   * life).  Register ourselves as a nub to kick off matching.


  return true;

void IOHIPointing::stop(IOService * provider)
    DetachHIDPointingDeviceNub(this, &_hidPointingNub);


void IOHIPointing::free()
// Description:	Go Away. Be careful when freeing the lock.

    if (_deviceLock)
	IOLock * lock;


	lock = _deviceLock;
	_deviceLock = NULL;

    if (_reserved) {
        IODelete(_reserved, ExpansionData, 1);

bool IOHIPointing::open(IOService *                client,
			IOOptionBits	           options,
                        RelativePointerEventAction rpeAction,
                        AbsolutePointerEventAction apeAction,
                        ScrollWheelEventAction     sweAction)
  if (super::open(client, options))
    // Note: client object is already retained by superclass' open()
    _relativePointerEventTarget = client;
    _relativePointerEventAction = rpeAction;
    _absolutePointerEventTarget = client;
    _absolutePointerEventAction = apeAction;
    _scrollWheelEventTarget = client;
    _scrollWheelEventAction = sweAction;
    return true;

  return false;

void IOHIPointing::close(IOService * client, IOOptionBits)
  _relativePointerEventAction = NULL;
  _relativePointerEventTarget = 0;
  _absolutePointerEventAction = NULL;
  _absolutePointerEventTarget = 0;

IOReturn IOHIPointing::powerStateWillChangeTo( IOPMPowerFlags powerFlags,
                        unsigned long newState, IOService * device )
  return( super::powerStateWillChangeTo( powerFlags, newState, device ));

IOReturn IOHIPointing::powerStateDidChangeTo( IOPMPowerFlags powerFlags,
                        unsigned long newState, IOService * device )
  return( super::powerStateDidChangeTo( powerFlags, newState, device ));

IOHIDKind IOHIPointing::hidKind()
  return kHIRelativePointingDevice;

struct CursorDeviceSegment {
    SInt32	devUnits;
    SInt32	slope;
    SInt32	intercept;
typedef struct CursorDeviceSegment CursorDeviceSegment;

static void AccelerateScrollAxis(int * 		axisp, 
                                 int *		prevScrollAxis,
                                 UInt32 * 	prevScrollTimeDeltas,
                                 UInt8 *	prevScrollTimeDeltaIndex,
                                 AbsoluteTime 	*scrollLastEventTime,
                                 IOFixed	resolution,
                                 void *		scaleSegments) 
    IOFixed	avgIndex;
    IOFixed	avgCount;
    IOFixed	timeDeltaMS = 0;
    IOFixed	avgTimeDeltaMS = 0;
    IOFixed	scaledTime = 0;
    UInt64	currentTimeNS = 0;
    UInt64	lastEventTimeNS = 0;
    AbsoluteTime currentTime;
    bool	directionChange;

    if (!scaleSegments)

    absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(currentTime, &currentTimeNS);
    absolutetime_to_nanoseconds(*scrollLastEventTime, &lastEventTimeNS);

    *scrollLastEventTime = currentTime;

    timeDeltaMS = (currentTimeNS - lastEventTimeNS) / 1000000;
    // RY: To compensate for non continual motion, we have added a second
    // threshold.  This whill allow a user with a standard scroll wheel
    // to continue with acceleration when lifting the finger within a 
    // predetermined time.  We should also clear out the last time deltas
    // if the direction has changed.
    directionChange = (((*prevScrollAxis < 0) && (*axisp > 0)) || 
                        ((*prevScrollAxis > 0) && (*axisp < 0)));
    if ((timeDeltaMS > SCROLL_CLEAR_THRESHOLD_MS) || directionChange) {
        for (avgIndex=0; avgIndex<SCROLL_TIME_DELTA_COUNT; avgIndex++) 
        *prevScrollTimeDeltaIndex = 0;

    timeDeltaMS = ((timeDeltaMS > SCROLL_EVENT_THRESHOLD_MS) || directionChange) ? 
                    SCROLL_EVENT_THRESHOLD_MS : timeDeltaMS;
    prevScrollTimeDeltas[*prevScrollTimeDeltaIndex] = timeDeltaMS;
    *prevScrollTimeDeltaIndex = (*prevScrollTimeDeltaIndex + 1) % SCROLL_TIME_DELTA_COUNT;

    // RY: To eliminate jerkyness associated with the scroll acceleration,
    // we scroll based on the average of the last n events.  This has the
    // effect of make acceleration smoother with accel and decel.
    avgCount = 0;
    avgTimeDeltaMS = 0;
    for (avgIndex=0; avgIndex < SCROLL_TIME_DELTA_COUNT; avgIndex++) {
        if (prevScrollTimeDeltas[avgIndex] == 0)
        avgTimeDeltaMS += prevScrollTimeDeltas[avgIndex];
        avgCount ++;
    avgTimeDeltaMS = IOFixedDivide((avgTimeDeltaMS<<16), (avgCount<<16));
    // RY: Since we want scroll acceleration to work with the
    // time delta and the accel curves, we have come up with
    // this approach:
    // scaledTime = maxDeviceDelta - [(maxDeviceDelta / maxTimeDeltaMS) * avgTimeDeltaMS] 
    // Then we must removed the scaling by doing the following:
    // scaledTime *= devScale
    // The value acquired from the graph will then be multiplied
    // to the current axis delta.
    IOFixed maxTimeDeltaMS = (SCROLL_EVENT_THRESHOLD_MS << 16);
    IOFixed maxDeviceDelta = (40 << 16);
    IOFixed frameRate		= (67 << 16);
    IOFixed screenResolution	= (72 << 16);
    IOFixed devScale 		= IOFixedDivide(resolution, frameRate);
    IOFixed crsrScale		= IOFixedDivide(screenResolution, frameRate);

    scaledTime = (maxDeviceDelta - 
                        IOFixedDivide(maxDeviceDelta, maxTimeDeltaMS), 
    scaledTime = IOFixedMultiply(scaledTime, devScale);
    CursorDeviceSegment	*segment;

    // scale
        segment = (CursorDeviceSegment *) scaleSegments;
        scaledTime > segment->devUnits;
        segment++)	{}

    scaledTime = IOFixedDivide(
            segment->intercept + IOFixedMultiply( scaledTime, segment->slope ),
            scaledTime );
    scaledTime = IOFixedMultiply(scaledTime, IOFixedDivide(devScale, crsrScale)) >> 16;

    *axisp *= (scaledTime && scaleSegments) ? (scaledTime) : 1;
    *prevScrollAxis = *axisp;

void IOHIPointing::scaleScrollAxes(int * axis1p, int * axis2p, int * axis3p)
// Description:	This method was added to support scroll acceleration.
// 		This will make use of the same accel agorithm used
//		for pointer accel.  Since we can not ensure what
// 		scroll axis corresponds to an xyz axis, this method
// 		will scale based on only one axis.
//		NOTE: This will most likely change, after the scaling
//		alogrithms are modified to accomidate xyz.
// Preconditions:
// *	_deviceLock should be held on entry
    IOFixed	resolution = scrollResolution();
    // Scale axis 1
    if (*axis1p != 0)
    // Scale axis 2
    if (*axis2p != 0)

    // Scale axis 3
    if (*axis3p != 0)

void IOHIPointing::scalePointer(int * dxp, int * dyp)
// Description:	Perform pointer acceleration computations here.
//		Given the resolution, dx, dy, and time, compute the velocity
//		of the pointer over a Manhatten distance in inches/second.
//		Using this velocity, do a lookup in the pointerScaling table
//		to select a scaling factor. Scale dx and dy up as appropriate.
// Preconditions:
// *	_deviceLock should be held on entry
    ScaleAxes(_scaleSegments, dxp, &_fractX, dyp, &_fractY);

 Routine:    Interpolate
 This routine interpolates to find a point on the line [x1,y1] [x2,y2] which
 is intersected by the line [x3,y3] [x3,y"].  The resulting y' is calculated
 by interpolating between y3 and y", towards the higher acceleration curve.

static SInt32 Interpolate(  SInt32 x1, SInt32 y1,
                            SInt32 x2, SInt32 y2,
                            SInt32 x3, SInt32 y3,
                            SInt32 scale, Boolean lower )

    SInt32 slope;
    SInt32 intercept;
    SInt32 resultY;
    slope = IOFixedDivide( y2 - y1, x2 - x1 );
    intercept = y1 - IOFixedMultiply( slope, x1 );
    resultY = intercept + IOFixedMultiply( slope, x3 );
    if( lower)
        resultY = y3 - IOFixedMultiply( scale, y3 - resultY );
        resultY = resultY + IOFixedMultiply( scale, y3 - resultY );

    return( resultY );

void IOHIPointing::setupForAcceleration( IOFixed desired )
    if (SetupAcceleration (copyAccelerationTable(), desired, resolution(), &_scaleSegments, &_scaleSegCount))
        _acceleration = desired;
        _fractX = _fractY = 0;

void IOHIPointing::setupScrollForAcceleration( IOFixed desired )
    if (SetupAcceleration (copyScrollAccelerationTable(), desired, scrollResolution(), &_scrollScaleSegments, &_scrollScaleSegCount))
        _scrollAcceleration = desired;
        _scrollTimeDeltaIndex1	= 0;
        _scrollTimeDeltaIndex2	= 0;
        _scrollTimeDeltaIndex3	= 0;
        _scrollLastDeltaAxis1 = 0;
        _scrollLastDeltaAxis2 = 0;
        _scrollLastDeltaAxis3 = 0;

        for (int i=0; i<SCROLL_TIME_DELTA_COUNT; i++){
            _scrollTimeDeltas1[i] = 0;
            _scrollTimeDeltas2[i] = 0;
            _scrollTimeDeltas3[i] = 0;
        _scrollLastEventTime3 = _scrollLastEventTime2 = _scrollLastEventTime1;

bool IOHIPointing::resetPointer()
    IOLockLock( _deviceLock);

    _buttonMode = NX_RightButton;

    IOLockUnlock( _deviceLock);
    return true;

bool IOHIPointing::resetScroll()
    IOLockLock( _deviceLock);


    IOLockUnlock( _deviceLock);
    return true;

void IOHIPointing::dispatchAbsolutePointerEvent(Point *		newLoc,
                                                Bounds *	bounds,
                                                UInt32		buttonState,
                                                bool		proximity,
                                                int		pressure,
                                                int		pressureMin,
                                                int		pressureMax,
                                                int		stylusAngle,
                                                AbsoluteTime	ts)
    int buttons = 0;
    int dx, dy;

    if (buttonState & 1) {
        buttons |= EV_LB;

    if (buttonCount() > 1) {
        if (buttonState & -2) {	// any other buttons
            buttons |= EV_RB;

    if ((_pressureThresholdToClick < 255) && ((pressure - pressureMin) > ((pressureMax - pressureMin) * _pressureThresholdToClick / 256))) {
        buttons |= EV_LB;

    if (_buttonMode == NX_OneButton) {
        if ((buttons & (EV_LB|EV_RB)) != 0) {
            buttons = EV_LB;

    if (_convertAbsoluteToRelative) {
        dx = newLoc->x - _previousLocation.x;
        dy = newLoc->y - _previousLocation.y;
        if ((_contactToMove && !_hadContact && (pressure > pressureMin)) || (abs(dx) > ((bounds->maxx - bounds->minx) / 20)) || (abs(dy) > ((bounds->maxy - bounds->miny) / 20))) {
            dx = 0;
            dy = 0;
        } else {
            scalePointer(&dx, &dy);
        _previousLocation.x = newLoc->x;
        _previousLocation.y = newLoc->y;


    _hadContact = (pressure > pressureMin);

    if (!_contactToMove || (pressure > pressureMin)) {
        pressure -= pressureMin;
        if (pressure > 255) {
            pressure = 255;
        if (_convertAbsoluteToRelative) {
            if (_relativePointerEventAction && _relativePointerEventTarget) {
        } else {
            if (_absolutePointerEventAction && _absolutePointerEventTarget) {


void IOHIPointing::dispatchRelativePointerEvent(int        dx,
                                                int        dy,
                                                UInt32     buttonState,
                                                AbsoluteTime ts)
    int buttons;

    IOLockLock( _deviceLock);

    // post the raw event to the IOHIDPointingDevice
    if (_hidPointingNub)
        _hidPointingNub->postMouseEvent(buttonState, dx, dy, 0);

    buttons = 0;

    if( buttonState & 1)
        buttons |= EV_LB;

    if( buttonCount() > 1) {
	if( buttonState & 2)	// any others down
            buttons |= EV_RB;
	// Other magic bit reshuffling stuff.  It seems there was space
	// left over at some point for a "middle" mouse button between EV_LB and EV_RB
	if(buttonState & 4)
            buttons |= 2;
	// Add in the rest of the buttons in a linear fasion...
	buttons |= buttonState & ~0x7;

    // Perform pointer acceleration computations
    scalePointer(&dx, &dy);

    // Perform button tying and mapping.  This
    // stuff applies to relative posn devices (mice) only.
    if ( _buttonMode == NX_OneButton )
	// Remap both Left and Right (but no others?) to Left.
	if ( (buttons & (EV_LB|EV_RB)) != 0 ) {
            buttons |= EV_LB;
            buttons &= ~EV_RB;
    else if ( (buttonCount() > 1) && (_buttonMode == NX_LeftButton) )	
    // Menus on left button. Swap!
	int temp = 0;
	if ( buttons & EV_LB )
	    temp = EV_RB;
	if ( buttons & EV_RB )
	    temp |= EV_LB;
	// Swap Left and Right, preserve everything else
	buttons = (buttons & ~(EV_LB|EV_RB)) | temp;
    IOLockUnlock( _deviceLock);

    if (_relativePointerEventAction)          /* upstream call */
                       /* buttons */ buttons,
                       /* deltaX */  dx,
                       /* deltaY */  dy,
                       /* atTime */  ts);

void IOHIPointing::dispatchScrollWheelEvent(short deltaAxis1,
                                            short deltaAxis2,
                                            short deltaAxis3,
                                            AbsoluteTime ts)
    IOLockLock( _deviceLock);
    // Change the report descriptor for the IOHIDPointingDevice
    // to include a scroll whell
    if (_hidPointingNub && !_hidPointingNub->isScrollPresent())
        DetachHIDPointingDeviceNub(this, &_hidPointingNub);
        _hidPointingNub = CreateHIDPointingDeviceNub(this, buttonCount(), resolution() >> 16, true);

    // Post the raw event to IOHIDPointingDevice
    if (_hidPointingNub)
        _hidPointingNub->postMouseEvent(0, 0, 0, deltaAxis1);
    // scaleScrollAxes is expecting ints.  Since
    // shorts are smaller than ints, we cannot
    // cast a short to an int.
    int dAxis1 = deltaAxis1;
    int dAxis2 = deltaAxis2;
    int dAxis3 = deltaAxis3;
    // Perform pointer acceleration computations
    scaleScrollAxes(&dAxis1, &dAxis2, &dAxis3);
    IOLockUnlock( _deviceLock);
    if (_scrollWheelEventAction) {
                                   (short) dAxis1,
                                   (short) dAxis2,
                                   (short) dAxis3,

bool IOHIPointing::updateProperties( void )
    bool	ok;
    UInt32	res = resolution();

    ok = setProperty( kIOHIDPointerResolutionKey, &res, sizeof( res))
    &    setProperty( kIOHIDPointerConvertAbsoluteKey, &_convertAbsoluteToRelative,
                        sizeof( _convertAbsoluteToRelative))
    &    setProperty( kIOHIDPointerContactToMoveKey, &_contactToMove,
                        sizeof( _contactToMove));

    return( ok & super::updateProperties() );

IOReturn IOHIPointing::setParamProperties( OSDictionary * dict )
    OSData *	data;
    OSString *  accelKey;
    IOReturn	err = kIOReturnSuccess;
    bool		updated = false;
    UInt8 *		bytes;

    if( dict->getObject(kIOHIDResetPointerKey))

    accelKey = OSDynamicCast( OSString, getProperty(kIOHIDPointerAccelerationTypeKey));

    IOLockLock( _deviceLock);
    if( accelKey && (data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, dict->getObject(accelKey)))) {
        setupForAcceleration( *((IOFixed *)data->getBytesNoCopy()) );
        updated = true;
    } else if( (data = OSDynamicCast( OSData,
		dict->getObject(kIOHIDPointerAccelerationKey)))) {

	setupForAcceleration( *((IOFixed *)data->getBytesNoCopy()) );
	updated = true;
        if( accelKey)
            dict->setObject( accelKey, data );

    // Scroll accel setup
    if( dict->getObject(kIOHIDScrollResetKey))
    if ((data = OSDynamicCast( OSData, dict->getObject(kIOHIDScrollAccelerationKey)))) {
        setupScrollForAcceleration( *((IOFixed *)data->getBytesNoCopy()) );

    IOLockUnlock( _deviceLock);

    if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDPointerConvertAbsoluteKey)))) {
        bytes = (UInt8 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
        _convertAbsoluteToRelative = (bytes[0] != 0) ? true : false;
        updated = true;

    if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDPointerContactToMoveKey)))) {
        bytes = (UInt8 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
        _contactToMove = (bytes[0] != 0) ? true : false;
        updated = true;

    if ((data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
		UInt32 	value;
		if (GetOSDataValue(data, &value) && getProperty(kIOHIDPointerButtonCountKey))
			if (value == kIOHIDButtonMode_BothLeftClicks)
				_buttonMode = NX_OneButton;
			else if (value == kIOHIDButtonMode_ReverseLeftRightClicks)
				_buttonMode = NX_LeftButton;
			else if (value == kIOHIDButtonMode_EnableRightClick)
				_buttonMode = NX_RightButton;
				_buttonMode = value;

			updated = true;

    if( updated )

    return( err );

// subclasses override

IOItemCount IOHIPointing::buttonCount()
    return (1);

IOFixed IOHIPointing::resolution()
    return (100 << 16);

// RY: Added this method to obtain the resolution
// of the scroll wheel.  The default value is 0, 
// which should prevent any accel from being applied.
IOFixed	IOHIPointing::scrollResolution()
    IOFixed	resolution = 0;
    OSNumber * 	number = OSDynamicCast( OSNumber,
                getProperty( kIOHIDScrollResolutionKey ));
    if( number )
        resolution = number->unsigned32BitValue();
    return( resolution );

OSData * IOHIPointing::copyAccelerationTable()
    static const UInt8 accl[] = {
	0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0x00, 
        0x40, 0x32, 0x30, 0x30, 0x00, 0x02, 0x00, 0x00, 
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00,
        0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 
        0x00, 0x09, 0x00, 0x00, 0x71, 0x3B, 0x00, 0x00,
        0x60, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x4E, 0xC5, 0x00, 0x10, 
        0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x5F,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x16, 0xEC, 0x4F, 0x00, 0x8B, 
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x1D, 0x3B, 0x14, 0x00, 0x94,
        0x80, 0x00, 0x00, 0x22, 0x76, 0x27, 0x00, 0x96, 
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x24, 0x62, 0x76, 0x00, 0x96,
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x26, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96, 
        0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x28, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x96,
        0x00, 0x00
    OSData * data = OSDynamicCast( OSData,
                getProperty( kIOHIDPointerAccelerationTableKey ));
    if( data)
        data = OSData::withBytesNoCopy( (void *) accl, sizeof( accl ) );
    return( data );

// RY: Added for scroll acceleration
// If no scroll accel table is present, this will 
// default to the pointer acceleration table
OSData * IOHIPointing::copyScrollAccelerationTable()
    OSData * data = OSDynamicCast( OSData,
                getProperty( kIOHIDScrollAccelerationTableKey ));
    if( data)
        data = copyAccelerationTable();
    return( data );

bool GetOSDataValue (OSData * data, UInt32 * value)
	bool 	validValue = false;
	switch (data->getLength())
		case sizeof(UInt8):
			*value = *(UInt8 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
			validValue = true;
		case sizeof(UInt16):
			*value = *(UInt16 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
			validValue = true;
		case sizeof(UInt32):
			*value = *(UInt32 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();
			validValue = true;
	return validValue;
// RY: This function contains the original portions of 
// setupForAcceleration.  This was separated out to 
// accomidate the acceleration of scroll axes
bool SetupAcceleration (OSData * data, IOFixed desired, IOFixed resolution, void ** scaleSegments, IOItemCount * scaleSegCount) {
    const UInt16 *	lowTable = 0;
    const UInt16 *	highTable;

    SInt32	x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3;
    SInt32	prevX1, prevY1;
    SInt32	upperX, upperY;
    SInt32	lowerX, lowerY;
    SInt32	lowAccl = 0, lowPoints = 0;
    SInt32	highAccl, highPoints;
    SInt32	scale;
    UInt32	count;
    Boolean	lower;

    SInt32	frameRate		=  (67 << 16);
    SInt32	screenResolution	=  (72 << 16);
    SInt32	devScale, crsrScale;
    SInt32	scaledX1, scaledY1;
    SInt32	scaledX2, scaledY2;

    CursorDeviceSegment *	segments;
    CursorDeviceSegment *	segment;
    SInt32			segCount;

    if( !data || !resolution)
        return false;

    if( desired < (IOFixed) 0) {
        // disabling mouse scaling
        if(*scaleSegments && *scaleSegCount)
            IODelete( *scaleSegments,
                        CursorDeviceSegment, *scaleSegCount );
        *scaleSegments = NULL;
        *scaleSegCount = 0;
        return false;
    highTable = (const UInt16 *) data->getBytesNoCopy();

    devScale = IOFixedDivide( resolution, frameRate );
    crsrScale = IOFixedDivide( screenResolution, frameRate );

    scaledX1 = scaledY1 = 0;

    scale = OSReadBigInt32(highTable, 0);
    highTable += 4;

    // normalize table's default (scale) to 0.5
    if( desired > 0x8000) {
        desired = IOFixedMultiply( desired - 0x8000,
                                   0x10000 - scale );
        desired <<= 1;
        desired += scale;
    } else {
        desired = IOFixedMultiply( desired, scale );
        desired <<= 1;

    count = OSReadBigInt16(highTable++, 0);
    scale = (1 << 16);

    // find curves bracketing the desired value
    do {
        highAccl = OSReadBigInt32(highTable, 0);
        highTable += 2;
        highPoints = OSReadBigInt16(highTable++, 0);

        if( desired <= highAccl)

        if( 0 == --count) {
            // this much over the highest table
            scale = (highAccl) ? IOFixedDivide( desired, highAccl ) : 0;
            lowTable	= 0;
        lowTable	= highTable;
        lowAccl		= highAccl;
        lowPoints	= highPoints;
        highTable	+= lowPoints * 4;

    } while( true );

    // scale between the two
    if( lowTable) {
        scale = (highAccl == lowAccl) ? 0 : 
                IOFixedDivide((desired - lowAccl), (highAccl - lowAccl));
    // or take all the high one
    else {
        lowTable	= highTable;
        lowAccl		= highAccl;
        lowPoints	= 0;

    if( lowPoints > highPoints)
        segCount = lowPoints;
        segCount = highPoints;
    segCount *= 2;
/*    IOLog("lowPoints %ld, highPoints %ld, segCount %ld\n",
            lowPoints, highPoints, segCount); */
    segments = IONew( CursorDeviceSegment, segCount );
    assert( segments );
    segment = segments;

    x1 = prevX1 = y1 = prevY1 = 0;

    lowerX = OSReadBigInt32(lowTable, 0);
    lowTable += 2;
    lowerY = OSReadBigInt32(lowTable, 0);
    lowTable += 2;
    upperX = OSReadBigInt32(highTable, 0);
    highTable += 2;
    upperY = OSReadBigInt32(highTable, 0);
    highTable += 2;

    do {
        // consume next point from first X
        lower = (lowPoints && (!highPoints || (lowerX <= upperX)));

        if( lower) {
            /* highline */
            x2 = upperX;
            y2 = upperY;
            x3 = lowerX;
            y3 = lowerY;
            if( lowPoints && (--lowPoints)) {
                lowerX = OSReadBigInt32(lowTable, 0);
                lowTable += 2;
                lowerY = OSReadBigInt32(lowTable, 0);
                lowTable += 2;
        } else  {
            /* lowline */
            x2 = lowerX;
            y2 = lowerY;
            x3 = upperX;
            y3 = upperY;
            if( highPoints && (--highPoints)) {
                upperX = OSReadBigInt32(highTable, 0);
                highTable += 2;
                upperY = OSReadBigInt32(highTable, 0);
                highTable += 2;
        // convert to line segment
        assert( segment < (segments + segCount) );

        scaledX2 = IOFixedMultiply( devScale, /* newX */ x3 );
        scaledY2 = IOFixedMultiply( crsrScale,
                      /* newY */    Interpolate( x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3,
                                            scale, lower ) );
        if( lowPoints || highPoints)
            segment->devUnits = scaledX2;
            segment->devUnits = 0x7fffffff;
        segment->slope = ((scaledX2 == scaledX1)) ? 0 : 
                IOFixedDivide((scaledY2 - scaledY1), (scaledX2 - scaledX1));

        segment->intercept = scaledY2
                            - IOFixedMultiply( segment->slope, scaledX2 );
/*        IOLog("devUnits = %08lx, slope = %08lx, intercept = %08lx\n",
                segment->devUnits, segment->slope, segment->intercept); */

        scaledX1 = scaledX2;
        scaledY1 = scaledY2;

        // continue on from last point
        if( lowPoints && highPoints) {
            if( lowerX > upperX) {
                prevX1 = x1;
                prevY1 = y1;
            } else {
                /* swaplines */
                prevX1 = x1;
                prevY1 = y1;
                x1 = x3;
                y1 = y3;
        } else {
            x2 = x1;
            y2 = y1;
            x1 = prevX1;
            y1 = prevY1;
            prevX1 = x2;
            prevY1 = y2;

    } while( lowPoints || highPoints );
    if( *scaleSegCount && *scaleSegments)
        IODelete( *scaleSegments,
                    CursorDeviceSegment, *scaleSegCount );
    *scaleSegCount = segCount;
    *scaleSegments = (void *) segments;

    return true;
// RY: This function contains the original portions of 
// scalePointer.  This was separated out to accomidate 
// the acceleration of other axes
void ScaleAxes (void * scaleSegments, int * axis1p, IOFixed *axis1Fractp, int * axis2p, IOFixed *axis2Fractp)
    SInt32			dx, dy;
    SInt32			absDx, absDy;
    SInt32			mag;
    IOFixed			scale;
    CursorDeviceSegment	*	segment;

    if( !scaleSegments)

    dx = (*axis1p) << 16;
    dy = (*axis2p) << 16;
    absDx = (dx < 0) ? -dx : dx;
    absDy = (dy < 0) ? -dy : dy;

    if( absDx > absDy)
	mag = (absDx + (absDy / 2));
	mag = (absDy + (absDx / 2));

    if( !mag)

    // scale
        segment = (CursorDeviceSegment *) scaleSegments;
        mag > segment->devUnits;
        segment++)	{}
    scale = IOFixedDivide(
            segment->intercept + IOFixedMultiply( mag, segment->slope ),
            mag );
    dx = IOFixedMultiply( dx, scale );
    dy = IOFixedMultiply( dy, scale );

    // add fract parts
    dx += *axis1Fractp;
    dy += *axis2Fractp;

    *axis1p = dx / 65536;
    *axis2p = dy / 65536;

    // get fractional part with sign extend
    if( dx >= 0)
	*axis1Fractp = dx & 0xffff;
	*axis1Fractp = dx | 0xffff0000;
    if( dy >= 0)
	*axis2Fractp = dy & 0xffff;
	*axis2Fractp = dy | 0xffff0000;