IOHIDDeviceClass.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 2000 Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved.
 * The contents of this file constitute Original Code as defined in and
 * are subject to the Apple Public Source License Version 1.1 (the
 * "License").  You may not use this file except in compliance with the
 * License.  Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this file.
 * This Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
 * under the License.

#include <CoreFoundation/CFMachPort.h>
//#include <IOKit/hid/IOHIDLib.h>
//#include <unistd.h>

#include "IOHIDDeviceClass.h"
#include "IOHIDQueueClass.h"
#include "IOHIDOutputTransactionClass.h"
#include "IOHIDLibUserClient.h"

// evil hackery to include this file, its just for the fake device
#include <CoreFoundation/CFVeryPrivate.h>

#include <mach/mach_interface.h>
#include <IOKit/iokitmig.h>

#define connectCheck() do {	    \
    if (!fConnection)		    \
	return kIOReturnNoDevice;   \
} while (0)

#define openCheck() do {	    \
    if (!fIsOpen)		    \
        return kIOReturnNotOpen;    \
} while (0)

#define allChecks() do {	    \
    connectCheck();		    \
    openCheck();		    \
} while (0)

IOCFPlugInInterface ** IOHIDDeviceClass::alloc()
    IOHIDDeviceClass *me;

    me = new IOHIDDeviceClass;
    if (me)
        return (IOCFPlugInInterface **) &me->iunknown.pseudoVTable;
        return 0;

: IOHIDIUnknown(&sIOCFPlugInInterfaceV1),
    fHIDDevice.pseudoVTable = (IUnknownVTbl *)  &sHIDDeviceInterfaceV1;
    fHIDDevice.obj = this;
    fElementCount = 0;
    fElements = nil;

    if (fConnection) {
        fConnection = MACH_PORT_NULL;
    if (fService) {
        fService = MACH_PORT_NULL;
    if (fElements)
        delete[] fElements;

HRESULT	IOHIDDeviceClass::attachQueue (IOHIDQueueClass * iohidQueue)
    HRESULT res = S_OK;

    // ¥¥¥¥ todo add to list
    return res;

HRESULT	IOHIDDeviceClass::detachQueue (IOHIDQueueClass * iohidQueue)
    HRESULT res = S_OK;

    // ¥¥¥¥ todo remove from list
    return res;

HRESULT IOHIDDeviceClass::attachOutputTransaction (IOHIDOutputTransactionClass * iohidOutputTrans)
    HRESULT res = S_OK;

    // ¥¥¥¥ todo add to list
    return res;


HRESULT IOHIDDeviceClass::detachOutputTransaction (IOHIDOutputTransactionClass * iohidOutputTrans)
    HRESULT res = S_OK;

    // ¥¥¥¥ todo remove from list
    return res;

HRESULT IOHIDDeviceClass::queryInterfaceQueue (void **ppv)
    HRESULT res = S_OK;
    // create the queue class
    IOHIDQueueClass * newQueue = new IOHIDQueueClass;
    // attach the queue to us
    attachQueue (newQueue);
    // add a ref for the one we return
//    newQueue->addRef();
    // set the return
    *ppv = newQueue->getInterfaceMap();
    return res;

HRESULT IOHIDDeviceClass::queryInterfaceOutputTransaction (void **ppv)
    HRESULT res = S_OK;
    IOHIDOutputTransactionClass * newOutputTrans = new IOHIDOutputTransactionClass;
    *ppv = newOutputTrans->getInterfaceMap();
    return res;

HRESULT IOHIDDeviceClass::queryInterface(REFIID iid, void **ppv)
    CFUUIDRef uuid = CFUUIDCreateFromUUIDBytes(NULL, iid);
    HRESULT res = S_OK;

    if (CFEqual(uuid, kIOHIDQueueInterfaceID))
        res = queryInterfaceQueue(ppv);
    else if (CFEqual(uuid, kIOHIDOutputTransactionInterfaceID))
        res = queryInterfaceOutputTransaction(ppv);
    else if (CFEqual(uuid, IUnknownUUID)
         ||  CFEqual(uuid, kIOCFPlugInInterfaceID))
        *ppv = &iunknown;
    else if (CFEqual(uuid, kIOHIDDeviceInterfaceID))
        *ppv = &fHIDDevice;
    else {
        *ppv = 0;
        printf ("not found\n");

    if (!*ppv)
        res = E_NOINTERFACE;

    return res;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::
probe(CFDictionaryRef propertyTable, io_service_t inService, SInt32 *order)
    if (!inService || !IOObjectConformsTo(inService, "IOHIDDevice"))
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;

    return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::
start(CFDictionaryRef propertyTable, io_service_t inService)
    IOReturn res;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef entryProperties = 0;
    kern_return_t kr;
    fService = inService;
    res = IOServiceOpen(fService, mach_task_self(), 0, &fConnection);
    if (res != kIOReturnSuccess)
        return res;

    kr = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties (fService,
                                            kNilOptions );
    if (entryProperties)
        BuildElements((CFDictionaryRef) entryProperties);

    return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::
createAsyncEventSource(CFRunLoopSourceRef *source)
    IOReturn ret;
    CFMachPortRef cfPort;
    CFMachPortContext context;
    Boolean shouldFreeInfo;

    if (!fAsyncPort) {     
        ret = createAsyncPort(0);
        if (kIOReturnSuccess != ret)
            return ret;

    context.version = 1; = this;
    context.retain = NULL;
    context.release = NULL;
    context.copyDescription = NULL;

    cfPort = CFMachPortCreateWithPort(NULL, fAsyncPort,
                (CFMachPortCallBack) IODispatchCalloutFromMessage,
                &context, &shouldFreeInfo);
    if (!cfPort)
        return kIOReturnNoMemory;
    fCFSource = CFMachPortCreateRunLoopSource(NULL, cfPort, 0);
    if (!fCFSource)
        return kIOReturnNoMemory;

    if (source)
        *source = fCFSource;

    return kIOReturnSuccess;

CFRunLoopSourceRef IOHIDDeviceClass::getAsyncEventSource()
    return fCFSource;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::createAsyncPort(mach_port_t *port)
    IOReturn ret;

    // If we already have a port, don't create a new one.
    if (fAsyncPort) {
        if (port)
            *port = fAsyncPort;
        return kIOReturnSuccess;

    ret = IOCreateReceivePort(kOSAsyncCompleteMessageID, &fAsyncPort);
    if (kIOReturnSuccess == ret) {
        if (port)
            *port = fAsyncPort;

        if (fIsOpen) {
            natural_t asyncRef[1];
            mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
            // async kIOCDBUserClientSetAsyncPort,  kIOUCScalarIScalarO,    0,	0
            return io_async_method_structureI_structureO(
                    fConnection, fAsyncPort, asyncRef, 1,
                    kIOHIDLibUserClientSetAsyncPort, NULL, 0, NULL, &len);

    return ret;

mach_port_t IOHIDDeviceClass::getAsyncPort()
    return fAsyncPort;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::open(UInt32 flags)
    IOReturn ret = kIOReturnSuccess;


    // ¥¥Êtodo, check flags to see if different (if so, we might need to reopen)
    if (fIsOpen)
        return kIOReturnSuccess;

    mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;

    //  kIOHIDLibUserClientOpen,  kIOUCScalarIScalarO,    0,	0
    ret = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO(
            fConnection, kIOHIDLibUserClientOpen, NULL, 0, NULL, &len);
    if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess)
        return ret;

    fIsOpen = true;

    if (fAsyncPort) {
        natural_t asyncRef[1];
        mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
        // async 
        // kIOHIDLibUserClientSetAsyncPort,  kIOUCScalarIScalarO,    0,	0
        ret = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO(
                fConnection, fAsyncPort, asyncRef, 1,
                kIOHIDLibUserClientSetAsyncPort, NULL, 0, NULL, &len);
        if (ret != kIOReturnSuccess) {
            return ret;
    // get the shared memory
    vm_address_t address = nil;
    vm_size_t size = 0;
    ret = IOConnectMapMemory (	fConnection, 
                                kIOMapAnywhere	);
    if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess)
        fCurrentValuesMappedMemory = address;
        fCurrentValuesMappedMemorySize = size;
    return ret;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::close()

#if 0
	commandDeviceClosing((IOCDBDeviceInterface **) &fCDBDevice); 

// ¥¥¥ IOConnectUnmapMemory does not work, so we cannot call it
// when the user client finally goes away (when our client closes the service)
// everything will get cleaned up, but this is still ugly
#if 0
    // finished with the shared memory
    if (fCurrentValuesMappedMemory != 0)
        (void) IOConnectUnmapMemory (	fConnection, 
        fCurrentValuesMappedMemory = nil;
        fCurrentValuesMappedMemorySize = 0;

    mach_msg_type_number_t len = 0;
    // kIOCDBUserClientClose,	kIOUCScalarIScalarO,	 0,  0
    (void) io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO(fConnection,
		kIOHIDLibUserClientClose, NULL, 0, NULL, &len);

    fIsOpen = false;
    fIsLUNZero = false;

    return kIOReturnSuccess;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::setRemovalCallback(
                                   IOHIDCallbackFunction 	removalCallback,
                                   void *			removalTarget,
                                   void *			removalRefcon)
    return kIOReturnUnsupported;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::getElementValue(IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie,
                                           IOHIDEventStruct *	valueEvent)
    IOReturn 	kr;
    kr = fillElementValue(elementCookie, valueEvent);
    // If the timestamp is 0, this element has never
    // been processed.  We should query the element
    //  to get the current value.
    if ( (*(UInt64 *)&valueEvent->timestamp == 0) && 
        (kr == kIOReturnSuccess))
        kr = queryElementValue (elementCookie,
    return kr;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::setElementValue(
                                IOHIDElementCookie		elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *		valueEvent,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDElementCallbackFunction	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon,
                                bool				pushToDevice)
    kern_return_t           	kr = kIOReturnBadArgument;
    IOHIDElementStruct		element;
    if (!getElement(elementCookie, &element))
        return kr;


    // we are only interested feature and output elements
    if ((element.type != kIOHIDElementTypeFeature) && 
            (element.type != kIOHIDElementTypeOutput))
        return kr;

    // get ptr to shared memory for this element
    if (element.valueLocation < fCurrentValuesMappedMemorySize)
        IOHIDElementValue * elementValue = (IOHIDElementValue *)
                (fCurrentValuesMappedMemory + element.valueLocation);
        // if size is just one 32bit word
        if (elementValue->totalSize == sizeof (IOHIDElementValue))
            //elementValue->cookie = valueEvent->elementCookie;
            elementValue->value[0] = valueEvent->value;
            //elementValue->timestamp = valueEvent->timestamp;
        // handle the long value size case.
        // we are assuming here that the end user has an allocated
        // longValue buffer.
        else if (elementValue->totalSize > sizeof (IOHIDElementValue))
            UInt32 longValueSize = valueEvent->longValueSize;
            if ((longValueSize > element.bytes) ||
                ( valueEvent->longValue == NULL))
                return kr;
                (elementValue->totalSize - sizeof(IOHIDElementValue)) + sizeof(UInt32));
            // *** FIX ME ***
            // Since we are setting mapped memory, we should probably
            // hold a shared lock
            convertByteToWord (valueEvent->longValue, elementValue->value, longValueSize<<3);
            //elementValue->timestamp = valueEvent->timestamp;
        // Don't push the value out to the device if not told to.  
        // This is needed for transactions.
        if (!pushToDevice)
            return kIOReturnSuccess;
        UInt32			input[1];
        IOByteCount			outputCount = 0;
        input[0] = (UInt32) elementCookie;
        //  kIOHIDLibUserClientPostElementValue,  kIOUCStructIStructO,    1,	0
        kr = io_connect_method_structureI_structureO(
                fConnection, kIOHIDLibUserClientPostElementValue, 
                (UInt8 *)input, sizeof(UInt32), NULL, &outputCount);
    return kr;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::queryElementValue(
                                IOHIDElementCookie		elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *		valueEvent,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDElementCallbackFunction	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon)
    IOReturn			ret = kIOReturnBadArgument;
    IOHIDElementStruct		element;
    int				input[1];
    mach_msg_type_number_t	len = 0;
    input[0] = (int) elementCookie;


    if (!getElement(elementCookie, &element))
        return ret;

    //  kIOHIDLibUserClientUpdateElementValue,  kIOUCScalarIScalarO,    1,	0
    ret = io_connect_method_scalarI_scalarO(
            input, 1, NULL, &len);
    if (ret == kIOReturnSuccess)
        ret = fillElementValue(elementCookie, valueEvent);
    return ret;


IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::fillElementValue(IOHIDElementCookie		elementCookie,
                                            IOHIDEventStruct *		valueEvent)
    IOHIDElementStruct	element;
    if (!getElement(elementCookie, &element))
        return kIOReturnBadArgument;
    // get the value
    SInt32		value = 0;
    void *		longValue = 0;
    UInt32		longValueSize = 0;
    UInt64		timestamp = 0;
    value = element.currentValue;
    timestamp = __CFReadTSR();
    // in pseudo-device increment value
    // if the pause count is non-zero, then decrment the pause count, but do not change the value
    if (element.pauseCount > 0)
    // otherwise increment in direction
        element.currentValue += element.increment;
        // switch direction at ends
        if (element.currentValue <= element.min)
            element.increment = 1;
        else if (element.currentValue >= element.max)
            element.increment = -1;

        // additional bounds check (in case we make increment greater than 1)
        if (element.currentValue < element.min)
            element.currentValue = element.min;
        else if (element.currentValue > element.max)
            element.currentValue = element.max;
        // if its a button, lets add a pause
        if (element.type == kIOHIDElementTypeInput_Button)
            // if we are button up, pause longer (50-1050 polls)
            if (element.currentValue == element.min)
                element.pauseCount = 50 + (random() % 1000);
            // otherwise pause for a short time (0-5 polls)
                element.pauseCount = (random() % 5);

    // get ptr to shared memory for this element
    if (element.valueLocation < fCurrentValuesMappedMemorySize)
        IOHIDElementValue * elementValue = (IOHIDElementValue *)
                (fCurrentValuesMappedMemory + element.valueLocation);
        // if size is just one 32bit word
        if (elementValue->totalSize == sizeof (IOHIDElementValue))
            value = elementValue->value[0];
            timestamp = *(UInt64 *)& elementValue->timestamp;
        // handle the long value size case.
        // we are assuming here that the end user will deallocate
        // the longValue buffer.
        else if (elementValue->totalSize > sizeof (IOHIDElementValue))
            longValueSize = element.bytes;
            longValue = malloc ( longValueSize );
            bzero(longValue, longValueSize);

            // *** FIX ME ***
            // Since we are getting mapped memory, we should probably
            // hold a shared lock
            convertWordToByte(elementValue->value, longValue, longValueSize<<3);
            timestamp = *(UInt64 *)& elementValue->timestamp;
    // fill in the event
    valueEvent->type = (IOHIDElementType) element.type;
    valueEvent->elementCookie = elementCookie;
    valueEvent->value = value;
    *(UInt64 *)& valueEvent->timestamp = timestamp;
    valueEvent->longValueSize = longValueSize;
    valueEvent->longValue = longValue;

    return kIOReturnSuccess;

struct IOHIDReportRefCon {
    IOHIDReportCallbackFunction	callback;
    void *			callbackTarget;
    void *			callbackRefcon;
    void *			sender;

// Added functions Post Jaguar
IOHIDDeviceClass::setReport (	IOHIDReportType			reportType,
                                UInt32				reportID,
                                void *				reportBuffer,
                                UInt32				reportBufferSize,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDReportCallbackFunction	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon)
    int				in[5];
    mach_msg_type_number_t	len = 0;
    IOReturn			ret;


    // Async getReport
    if (callback) 
        if (!fAsyncPort)
            return kIOReturnError; //kIOUSBNoAsyncPortErr;
        natural_t		asyncRef[kIOAsyncCalloutCount];
        IOHIDReportRefCon	* hidRefcon = 0;

        in[0] = reportType;
        in[1] = reportID;
        in[2] = (natural_t)reportBuffer;
        in[3] = reportBufferSize;
        in[4] = timeoutMS; 
        hidRefcon = malloc(sizeof(IOHIDReportRefCon));
        if (!hidRefcon)
            return kIOReturnError;
        hidRefcon->callback		= callback;
        hidRefcon->callbackTarget 	= callbackTarget;
        hidRefcon->callbackRefcon 	= callbackRefcon;
        hidRefcon->sender		= fHIDDevice.pseudoVTable;
        asyncRef[kIOAsyncCalloutFuncIndex] = (natural_t) _hidReportCallback;
        asyncRef[kIOAsyncCalloutRefconIndex] = (natural_t) hidRefcon;
        ret = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, fAsyncPort, asyncRef, kIOAsyncCalloutCount, kIOHIDLibUserClientAsyncSetReport, in, 5, NULL, &len);
        if(reportBufferSize < sizeof(io_struct_inband_t)) 
            in[0] = reportType;
            in[1] = reportID;
            ret = io_connect_method_scalarI_structureI( fConnection, kIOHIDLibUserClientSetReport, in, 2, (char *)reportBuffer, reportBufferSize);
            IOHIDReportReq		req;
            req.reportType = reportType;
            req.reportID = reportID;
            req.reportBuffer = reportBuffer;
            req.reportBufferSize = reportBufferSize;
            ret = io_connect_method_structureI_structureO( fConnection, kIOHIDLibUserClientSetReportOOL, (char*)&req, sizeof(req), NULL, &len);
    if (ret == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST)
	fIsOpen = false;
	fConnection = MACH_PORT_NULL;
	ret = kIOReturnNoDevice;
    return ret;


IOHIDDeviceClass::getReport (	IOHIDReportType			reportType,
                                UInt32				reportID,
                                void *				reportBuffer,
                                UInt32 *			reportBufferSize,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDReportCallbackFunction	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon)
    int				in[5];
    mach_msg_type_number_t	len = 0;
    IOReturn			ret;


    // Async getReport
    if (callback) 
        if (!fAsyncPort)
            return kIOReturnError; //kIOUSBNoAsyncPortErr;
        natural_t		asyncRef[kIOAsyncCalloutCount];
        IOHIDReportRefCon	* hidRefcon = 0;

        in[0] = reportType;
        in[1] = reportID;
        in[2] = (natural_t)reportBuffer;
        in[3] = *reportBufferSize;
        in[4] = timeoutMS; 
        hidRefcon = malloc(sizeof(IOHIDReportRefCon));
        if (!hidRefcon)
            return kIOReturnError;
        hidRefcon->callback		= callback;
        hidRefcon->callbackTarget 	= callbackTarget;
        hidRefcon->callbackRefcon 	= callbackRefcon;
        hidRefcon->sender		= fHIDDevice.pseudoVTable;
        asyncRef[kIOAsyncCalloutFuncIndex] = (natural_t) _hidReportCallback;
        asyncRef[kIOAsyncCalloutRefconIndex] = (natural_t) hidRefcon;
        ret = io_async_method_scalarI_scalarO( fConnection, fAsyncPort, asyncRef, kIOAsyncCalloutCount, kIOHIDLibUserClientAsyncGetReport, in, 5, NULL, &len);
        if(*reportBufferSize < sizeof(io_struct_inband_t)) 
            in[0] = reportType;
            in[1] = reportID;
            ret = io_connect_method_scalarI_structureO( fConnection, kIOHIDLibUserClientGetReport, in, 2, (char *)reportBuffer, (unsigned int *)reportBufferSize);
            IOHIDReportReq		req;
            len = sizeof(*reportBufferSize);
            req.reportType = reportType;
            req.reportID = reportID;
            req.reportBuffer = reportBuffer;
            req.reportBufferSize = *reportBufferSize;
            ret = io_connect_method_structureI_structureO( fConnection, kIOHIDLibUserClientGetReportOOL, (char*)&req, sizeof(req), (char*)reportBufferSize, &len);
    if (ret == MACH_SEND_INVALID_DEST)
	fIsOpen = false;
	fConnection = MACH_PORT_NULL;
	ret = kIOReturnNoDevice;
    return ret;

IOHIDDeviceClass::_hidReportCallback(void *refcon, IOReturn result, UInt32 bufferSize)
    IOHIDReportRefCon *hidRefcon = refcon;
    if (!hidRefcon || !hidRefcon->callback)
    ((IOHIDReportCallbackFunction)hidRefcon->callback)( hidRefcon->callbackTarget,

// Not very efficient, will do for now.

#define BIT_MASK(bits)  ((1 << (bits)) - 1)

#define UpdateByteOffsetAndShift(bits, offset, shift)  \
    do { offset = bits >> 3; shift = bits & 0x07; } while (0)

#define UpdateWordOffsetAndShift(bits, offset, shift)  \
    do { offset = bits >> 5; shift = bits & 0x1f; } while (0)
#ifndef max
#define max(a, b) \
    ((a > b) ? a:b)

#ifndef min
#define min(a, b) \
    ((a < b) ? a:b)

void IOHIDDeviceClass::convertByteToWord( const UInt8 * src,
                           UInt32 *      dst,
                           UInt32        bitsToCopy)
    UInt32 srcOffset;
    UInt32 srcShift;
    UInt32 srcStartBit   = 0;
    UInt32 dstShift      = 0;
    UInt32 dstStartBit   = 0;
    UInt32 dstOffset     = 0;
    UInt32 lastDstOffset = 0;
    UInt32 word          = 0;
    UInt8  bitsProcessed;
    UInt32 totalBitsProcessed = 0;

    while ( bitsToCopy )
        UInt32 tmp;

        UpdateByteOffsetAndShift( srcStartBit, srcOffset, srcShift );

        bitsProcessed = min( bitsToCopy,
                             min( 8 - srcShift, 32 - dstShift ) );

        tmp = (src[srcOffset] >> srcShift) & BIT_MASK(bitsProcessed);

        word |= ( tmp << dstShift );

        dstStartBit += bitsProcessed;
        srcStartBit += bitsProcessed;
        bitsToCopy  -= bitsProcessed;
		totalBitsProcessed += bitsProcessed;

        UpdateWordOffsetAndShift( dstStartBit, dstOffset, dstShift );

        if ( ( dstOffset != lastDstOffset ) || ( bitsToCopy == 0 ) )
            dst[lastDstOffset] = word;
            word = 0;
            lastDstOffset = dstOffset;

void IOHIDDeviceClass::convertWordToByte( const UInt32 * src,
                           UInt8 *        dst,
                           UInt32         bitsToCopy)
    UInt32 dstOffset;
    UInt32 dstShift;
    UInt32 dstStartBit = 0;
    UInt32 srcShift    = 0;
    UInt32 srcStartBit = 0;
    UInt32 srcOffset   = 0;
    UInt8  bitsProcessed;
    UInt32 tmp;

    while ( bitsToCopy )
        UpdateByteOffsetAndShift( dstStartBit, dstOffset, dstShift );

        bitsProcessed = min( bitsToCopy,
                             min( 8 - dstShift, 32 - srcShift ) );

        tmp = (src[srcOffset] >> srcShift) & BIT_MASK(bitsProcessed);

        dst[dstOffset] |= ( tmp << dstShift );

        dstStartBit += bitsProcessed;
        srcStartBit += bitsProcessed;
        bitsToCopy  -= bitsProcessed;

        UpdateWordOffsetAndShift( srcStartBit, srcOffset, srcShift );

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::startAllQueues()
    return kIOReturnUnsupported;

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::stopAllQueues()
    return kIOReturnUnsupported;

IOHIDQueueInterface ** IOHIDDeviceClass::allocQueue()
    IOHIDQueueInterface **	iohidqueue;
    HRESULT 			res;
    res = this->queryInterface(CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOHIDQueueInterfaceID), 
            (void **) &iohidqueue);

    return iohidqueue;
IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface ** IOHIDDeviceClass::allocOutputTransaction()
    IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface **	iohidoutputtransaction;
    HRESULT 				res;
    res = this->queryInterface(CFUUIDGetUUIDBytes(kIOHIDOutputTransactionInterfaceID), 
                (void **) &iohidoutputtransaction);

    return iohidoutputtransaction;

IOCFPlugInInterface IOHIDDeviceClass::sIOCFPlugInInterfaceV1 =
    1, 0,	// version/revision

IOHIDDeviceInterface IOHIDDeviceClass::sHIDDeviceInterfaceV1 =
    // New post Jaguar 10.2

// Methods for routing iocfplugin interface
IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::
deviceProbe(void *self,
            CFDictionaryRef propertyTable,
            io_service_t inService, SInt32 *order)
    { return getThis(self)->probe(propertyTable, inService, order); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceStart(void *self,
                                            CFDictionaryRef propertyTable,
                                            io_service_t inService)
    { return getThis(self)->start(propertyTable, inService); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceStop(void *self)
    { return getThis(self)->close(); }

// Methods for routing asynchronous completion plumbing.
IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::
deviceCreateAsyncEventSource(void *self, CFRunLoopSourceRef *source)
    { return getThis(self)->createAsyncEventSource(source); }

CFRunLoopSourceRef IOHIDDeviceClass::
deviceGetAsyncEventSource(void *self)
    { return getThis(self)->getAsyncEventSource(); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::
deviceCreateAsyncPort(void *self, mach_port_t *port)
    { return getThis(self)->createAsyncPort(port); }

mach_port_t IOHIDDeviceClass::
deviceGetAsyncPort(void *self)
    { return getThis(self)->getAsyncPort(); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceOpen(void *self, UInt32 flags)
    { return getThis(self)->open(flags); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceClose(void *self)
    { return getThis(self)->close(); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceSetRemovalCallback(void * 	self,
                                   IOHIDCallbackFunction	removalCallback,
                                   void *			removalTarget,
                                   void *			removalRefcon)
    { return getThis(self)->setRemovalCallback (removalCallback,
                                                removalRefcon); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceGetElementValue(void * self,
                                IOHIDElementCookie	elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *	valueEvent)
    { return getThis(self)->getElementValue (elementCookie, valueEvent); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceSetElementValue(void *	 	self,
                                IOHIDElementCookie		elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *		valueEvent,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDElementCallbackFunction	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon)
    { return getThis(self)->setElementValue (	elementCookie,
                                                true); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceQueryElementValue(void * 	self,
                                IOHIDElementCookie		elementCookie,
                                IOHIDEventStruct *		valueEvent,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDElementCallbackFunction	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon)
    { return getThis(self)-> queryElementValue (elementCookie,
                                                callbackRefcon); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceStartAllQueues(void * self)
    { return getThis(self)->startAllQueues (); }

IOReturn IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceStopAllQueues(void * self)
    { return getThis(self)->stopAllQueues (); }

IOHIDQueueInterface ** IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceAllocQueue(void *self)
    { return getThis(self)->allocQueue (); }
IOHIDOutputTransactionInterface **
          IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceAllocOutputTransaction (void *self)
    { return getThis(self)->allocOutputTransaction (); }

// Added methods
IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceSetReport (void * 			self,
                                IOHIDReportType			reportType,
                                UInt32				reportID,
                                void *				reportBuffer,
                                UInt32				reportBufferSize,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDReportCallbackFunction	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon)
    return getThis(self)->setReport(reportType, reportID, reportBuffer, reportBufferSize, timeoutMS, callback, callbackTarget, callbackRefcon);

IOHIDDeviceClass::deviceGetReport (void * 			self,
                                IOHIDReportType			reportType,
                                UInt32				reportID,
                                void *				reportBuffer,
                                UInt32 *			reportBufferSize,
                                UInt32 				timeoutMS,
                                IOHIDReportCallbackFunction	callback,
                                void * 				callbackTarget,
                                void *				callbackRefcon)
    return getThis(self)->getReport(reportType, reportID, reportBuffer, reportBufferSize, timeoutMS, callback, callbackTarget, callbackRefcon);
// End added methods

kern_return_t IOHIDDeviceClass::BuildElements (CFDictionaryRef properties)
    kern_return_t           	kr = kIOReturnSuccess;
    long			allocatedElementCount;

    // count the number of leaves and allocate
    fElementCount = this->CountLeafElements(properties, 0);
    fElements = new IOHIDElementStruct[fElementCount];
    // initialize allocation to zero
    allocatedElementCount = 0;
    // recursively add leaf elements
    kr = this->CreateLeafElements (properties, 0, &allocatedElementCount);
//    printf ("%ld elements allocated of %ld expected\n", allocatedElementCount, fElementCount);
    // if we had errors, set the count to the number actually created
    fElementCount = allocatedElementCount;
#if 0
    for (long index = 0; index < fElementCount; index++)
        printf ("%ld-> (%ld, %ld) %lx:%lx, type %lx\n", fElements[index].cookie, fElements[index].min, fElements[index].max, fElements[index].usage, fElements[index].usagePage, fElements[index].type);
    return kr;

struct StaticWalkElementsParams
    IOHIDDeviceClass *		iohiddevice;
    CFDictionaryRef 		properties;
    long			value;
    void *			data;
typedef struct StaticWalkElementsParams StaticWalkElementsParams;

void IOHIDDeviceClass::StaticCountLeafElements (const void * value, void * parameter)
    // Only call array entries that are dictionaries.
    if ( CFGetTypeID(value) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID() ) 
        printf ("\nIOHIDDeviceClass:Unexpected device registry structure - non-dict array\n"); // ¥¥¥¥ make this debug only print
    StaticWalkElementsParams * params = (StaticWalkElementsParams *) parameter;
    // increment count by this sub element
    params->value += params->iohiddevice->CountLeafElements(params->properties, (CFTypeRef) value);

// this function recersively counts the leaf elements, if zero is passed as element, it starts at top
long IOHIDDeviceClass::CountLeafElements (CFDictionaryRef properties, CFTypeRef element)

    // count starts zero
    long count = 0;
    // if element is zero, we are starting at the top
    if (element == 0)
        // get the elements object
        element = CFDictionaryGetValue (properties, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementKey));
    // get the type of the object
    CFTypeID type = CFGetTypeID(element);
    // if this is an array, then it is not a leaf
    if (type == CFArrayGetTypeID())
        // setup param block for array callback
        StaticWalkElementsParams params;
        params.iohiddevice = this; = properties;
        params.value = 0; = NULL;
        // count the size of the array
        CFRange range = { 0, CFArrayGetCount((CFArrayRef) element) };
        // call count leaf elements for each array entry
        CFArrayApplyFunction((CFArrayRef) element, range, StaticCountLeafElements, &params);
        // now update count
        count = params.value;
    // else if it is a dictionary, then it is an element
    // either a collection element or a leaf element
    else if (type == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
        // if there are sub-elements, then this is not a leaf
        CFTypeRef subElements = CFDictionaryGetValue ((CFDictionaryRef) element, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementKey));
        if (subElements)
            // recursively count leaf elements
            count = this->CountLeafElements ((CFDictionaryRef) element, subElements);
        // otherwise, this is a leaf
            count = 1;
    // this case should not happen, something else was found
        printf ("\nIOHIDDeviceClass:Unexpected device registry structure - strange type\n"); // ¥¥¥¥ make this debug only print
    return count;

void IOHIDDeviceClass::StaticCreateLeafElements (const void * value, void * parameter)
     kern_return_t kr = kIOReturnSuccess;
   // Only call array entries that are dictionaries.
    if (CFGetTypeID(value) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID() ) 
    StaticWalkElementsParams * params = (StaticWalkElementsParams *) parameter;
    // increment count by this sub element
    kr = params->iohiddevice->CreateLeafElements(params->properties, (CFTypeRef) value, (long *) params->data);
    if (params->value == kIOReturnSuccess)
        params->value = kr;

// this function recersively creates the leaf elements, if zero is passed as element, it starts at top
kern_return_t IOHIDDeviceClass::CreateLeafElements (CFDictionaryRef properties, 
                                        CFTypeRef element, long * allocatedElementCount)
    kern_return_t 	kr = kIOReturnSuccess;

    // if element is zero, we are starting at the top
    if (element == 0)
        // get the elements object
        element = CFDictionaryGetValue (properties, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementKey));
    // get the type of the object
    CFTypeID type = CFGetTypeID(element);
    // if this is an array, then it is not a leaf
    if (type == CFArrayGetTypeID())
        // setup param block for array callback
        StaticWalkElementsParams params;
        params.iohiddevice = this; = properties;
        params.value = kIOReturnSuccess; = allocatedElementCount;
        // count the size of the array
        CFRange range = { 0, CFArrayGetCount((CFArrayRef) element) };
        // call count leaf elements for each array entry
        CFArrayApplyFunction((CFArrayRef) element, range, StaticCreateLeafElements, &params);
        // now update error result
        kr = params.value;
    // else if it is a dictionary, then it is an element
    // either a collection element or a leaf element
    else if (type == CFDictionaryGetTypeID())
        CFDictionaryRef dictionary = (CFDictionaryRef) element;
        // if there are sub-elements, then this is not a leaf
        CFTypeRef subElements = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementKey));
        if (subElements)
            // recursively create leaf elements
            kr = this->CreateLeafElements (dictionary, subElements, allocatedElementCount);
        // otherwise, this is a leaf, allocate and fill in our data
            IOHIDElementStruct	hidelement;
            CFTypeRef 		object;
            long 		number;
            // get the cookie element
            object = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementCookieKey));
            if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            hidelement.cookie = number;
            // get the element type
            object = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementTypeKey));
            if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            hidelement.type = number;

            // get the element min
            object = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementMinKey));
            if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            hidelement.min = number;
            // get the element max
            object = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementMaxKey));
            if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            hidelement.max = number;
            // get the element usage
            object = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementUsageKey));
            if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            hidelement.usage = number;
            // get the element usage page
            object = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementUsagePageKey));
            if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            hidelement.usagePage = number;
            // get the element size
            object = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementSizeKey));
            if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            hidelement.bytes = number >> 3;
            hidelement.bytes += (number % 8) ? 1 : 0;

            // if pseudo-device, do some additional initialization
            hidelement.currentValue = hidelement.min;
            hidelement.pauseCount = 0;
            hidelement.increment = 1;
            // otherwise, get the element value offset in shared memory for real device
            object = CFDictionaryGetValue (dictionary, CFSTR(kIOHIDElementValueLocationKey));
            if (object == 0 || CFGetTypeID(object) != CFNumberGetTypeID())
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            if (!CFNumberGetValue((CFNumberRef) object, kCFNumberLongType, &number))
                return kIOReturnInternalError;
            hidelement.valueLocation = number;
            // allocate and copy the data
            fElements[(*allocatedElementCount)++] = hidelement;
    // this case should not happen, something else was found
        printf ("\nIOHIDDeviceClass:Unexpected device registry structure - strange type\n"); // ¥¥¥¥ make this debug only print
    return kr;

IOHIDElementType IOHIDDeviceClass::getElementType(IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie)
    IOHIDElementType type = (IOHIDElementType) 0;
    for (long index = 0; index < fElementCount; index++)
        if (fElements[index].cookie == (unsigned long) elementCookie)
            type = (IOHIDElementType) fElements[index].type;
    return type;

UInt32 IOHIDDeviceClass::getElementByteSize(IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie)
    UInt32 size = 0;
    IOHIDElementStruct element;
    if (getElement(elementCookie, &element))
            size = element.bytes;
    return size;

bool IOHIDDeviceClass::getElement(IOHIDElementCookie elementCookie, IOHIDElementStruct *element)
    for (long index = 0; index < fElementCount; index++)
        if (fElements[index].cookie == (unsigned long) elementCookie)
            *element = fElements[index];
            return true;
    return false;