IOHIKeyboardMapper.cpp   [plain text]

 * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Apple Computer, Inc.  All Rights Reserved.
 * This file contains Original Code and/or Modifications of Original Code
 * as defined in and that are subject to the Apple Public Source License
 * Version 2.0 (the 'License'). You may not use this file except in
 * compliance with the License. Please obtain a copy of the License at
 * and read it before using this
 * file.
 * The Original Code and all software distributed under the License are
 * distributed on an 'AS IS' basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER
 * Please see the License for the specific language governing rights and
 * limitations under the License.
/* 	Copyright (c) 1992 NeXT Computer, Inc.  All rights reserved. 
 * KeyMap.m - Generic keymap string parser and keycode translator.
 * 19 June 1992    Mike Paquette at NeXT
 *      Created. 
 * 5  Aug 1993	  Erik Kay at NeXT
 *	minor API cleanup
 * 11 Nov 1993	  Erik Kay at NeXT
 *	fix to allow prevent long sequences from overflowing the event queue
 * 12 Nov 1998    Dan Markarian at Apple
 *      major cleanup of public API's; converted to C++

#include <sys/systm.h>

#include <IOKit/assert.h>
#include <IOKit/IOLib.h>
#include <IOKit/IODeviceTreeSupport.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOLLEvent.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIKeyboard.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIKeyboardMapper.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDParameter.h>
#include <IOKit/hidsystem/IOHIDSystem.h>
#include <libkern/OSByteOrder.h>
#include "IOHIDKeyboardDevice.h"
#include "IOHIDevicePrivateKeys.h"

// Define expansion data here
#define _f12Eject_State 			_reserved->f12Eject_State
#define _eject_Delay_MS 			_reserved->eject_Delay_MS
#define _ejectTimerEventSource 			_reserved->ejectTimerEventSource
#define _cached_KeyBits                     _reserved->cached_KeyBits
#define _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers  		_reserved->stickyKeys_StuckModifiers
#define _stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource 	_reserved->stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource
#define _stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource 	_reserved->stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource
#define _offFnParamDict				_reserved->offFnParamDict
#define _onFnParamDict				_reserved->onFnParamDict
#define _slowKeys_State				_reserved->slowKeys_State
#define _slowKeys_Delay_MS			_reserved->slowKeys_Delay_MS
#define _slowKeysTimerEventSource 		_reserved->slowKeysTimerEventSource
#define _slowKeys_Aborted_Key 			_reserved->slowKeys_Aborted_Key
#define _slowKeys_Current_Key 			_reserved->slowKeys_Current_Key
#define _specialKeyModifierFlags		_reserved->specialKeyModifierFlags
#define _supportsF12Eject			_reserved->supportsF12Eject
#define _modifierSwap_Modifiers     _reserved->modifierSwap_Modifiers
#define _cachedAlphaLockModDefs		_reserved->cachedAlphaLockModDefs

#define super OSObject
OSDefineMetaClassAndStructors(IOHIKeyboardMapper, OSObject);

// sticky keys private state flags
    kState_OptionActivates_Flag = 0x0010,	// the 'on' gesture (5 options) will activate mouse keys
    kState_ClearHeldKeysFirst	= 0x0100,	// when set, we should clear all held keys
                                                // this is a hack we are using since we
                                                // cannot post key up events when our
                                                // entry point is not a key event
    kState_PrefFnKeyStateOn                 = 0x0200,
    kState_StickyFnKeyStateOn               = 0x0400,
    kState_MouseKeyStateOn                  = 0x0800,
    kState_StickyFnKeyStateChangePending    = 0x1000,


// delay filter private state flags
    kState_Aborted_Flag		= 0x0200,
    kState_In_Progess_Flag	= 0x0400,
    kState_Is_Repeat_Flag	= 0x0800,

// ADB Key code for F12
#define kADB_KEYBOARD_F12 0x6f

// Shortcut for post slow key translation
#define postSlowKeyTranslateKeyCode(owner,key,keyDown,keyBits) 	\
    if (!owner->f12EjectFilterKey(key, keyDown, keyBits)) 	\
        if (!owner->stickyKeysFilterKey(key, keyDown, keyBits))	\
            owner->rawTranslateKeyCode(key, keyDown, keyBits);

// Shortcut for determining if we are interested in this modifier
#define modifierOfInterest(keyBits) \
            ((keyBits & NX_MODMASK) && \
            ((((keyBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK) >= NX_MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT) && \
            ((keyBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK) <= NX_MODIFIERKEY_COMMAND)) || \
            (((keyBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK) >= NX_MODIFIERKEY_RSHIFT) && \
            ((keyBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK) <= NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCOMMAND)) || \
#define mouseKey(keyBits) \
            ((keyBits & NX_MODMASK) && \

#define mouseKeyToIgnore(keyBits, key) \
            ( mouseKey(keyBits) && \
             (((key >= 0x52) && (key <= 0x56)) || \
             ((key >= 0x58) && (key <= 0x5c))) )            
#define convertToLeftModBit(modBit) \
        modBit -= ((modBit >= NX_MODIFIERKEY_RSHIFT) && \
                    (modBit <= NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCOMMAND)) ? 8 : 0;
static UInt32 DeviceModifierMasks[NX_NUMMODIFIERS] = 

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

IOHIKeyboardMapper * IOHIKeyboardMapper::keyboardMapper(
                                        IOHIKeyboard * delegate,
                                        const UInt8 *  mapping,
                                        UInt32         mappingLength,
                                        bool           mappingShouldBeFreed )
  IOHIKeyboardMapper * me = new IOHIKeyboardMapper;

  if (me && !me->init(delegate, mapping, mappingLength, mappingShouldBeFreed))
    return 0;

  return me;

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

 * Common KeyMap initialization
bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::init( IOHIKeyboard * delegate,
                               const UInt8 *  mapping,
                               UInt32         mappingLength,
                               bool           mappingShouldBeFreed )
	if (!super::init())  return false;
	_delegate                 = delegate;
	if (!parseKeyMapping(mapping, mappingLength, &_parsedMapping))  return false;
	_mappingShouldBeFreed		= mappingShouldBeFreed;
	_parsedMapping.mapping		= mapping;
	_parsedMapping.mappingLen	= mappingLength;
	_hidSystem					= NULL;
	_stateDirty					= false;
    _reserved = IONew(ExpansionData, 1);
    _ejectTimerEventSource		= 0;
    _f12Eject_State			= 0;
    _eject_Delay_MS			= 250;  // Default HI setting.
    _slowKeys_State			= 0;
    _slowKeys_Delay_MS		= 0;
    _slowKeysTimerEventSource	= 0;
    _specialKeyModifierFlags	= 0;
    _supportsF12Eject		= 0;
    _cached_KeyBits         = 0;
    _cachedAlphaLockModDefs = 0;
    // If there are right hand modifiers defined, set a property
    if (_delegate && (_parsedMapping.maxMod > 0))

        if ( _delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK) )
            _delegate->setProperty( kIOHIDKeyboardCapsLockDoesLockKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
            _cachedAlphaLockModDefs = _parsedMapping.modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK];  
            _delegate->setProperty( kIOHIDKeyboardCapsLockDoesLockKey, kOSBooleanFalse);

        UInt32 supportedModifiers = 0;
        OSNumber * number = 0;
        number = (OSNumber *)_delegate->getProperty(kIOHIDKeyboardSupportedModifiersKey);
        if (number) supportedModifiers = number->unsigned32BitValue();
        for (int mod=0; mod<NX_NUMMODIFIERS; mod++)
            if (_parsedMapping.modDefs[mod])
                if (DeviceModifierMasks[mod])
                    supportedModifiers |= DeviceModifierMasks[mod];
                    supportedModifiers |= 1<<(mod+16);
            // RY: Init modifier swap while we are at it
            _modifierSwap_Modifiers[mod] = mod;
        _delegate->setProperty( kIOHIDKeyboardSupportedModifiersKey, supportedModifiers, 32 );
        if ( (supportedModifiers & NX_DEVICERSHIFTKEYMASK) || 
             (supportedModifiers & NX_DEVICERCTLKEYMASK) ||
             (supportedModifiers & NX_DEVICERALTKEYMASK) ||
             (supportedModifiers & NX_DEVICERCMDKEYMASK) )
            _delegate->setProperty("HIDKeyboardRightModifierSupport", kOSBooleanTrue);

    if (_parsedMapping.numDefs && _delegate)
        _delegate->setProperty("HIDKeyboardKeysDefined", kOSBooleanTrue);

        // If keys are defined, check the device type to determine 
        // if we should support F12 eject.
        if ((_delegate->interfaceID() == NX_EVS_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ADB) &&
            (((_delegate->deviceType() >= 0xc3) && (_delegate->deviceType() <= 0xc9)) ||
             ((_delegate->deviceType() >= 0x28) && (_delegate->deviceType() <= 0x2a)) ||
             ((_delegate->deviceType() >= 0x00) && (_delegate->deviceType() <= 0x1e))))
            IORegistryEntry *   devicetreeRegEntry = IORegistryEntry::fromPath("/", gIODTPlane);
            OSData *            modelData;
            _supportsF12Eject = true;

            // RY: perform extra check because the 1st TiBook, 101 and Pismo share the same
            // device type.  The TiBook has an eject key and thus should not support F12 eject.
            if ( devicetreeRegEntry )
                if ((modelData = OSDynamicCast(OSData, devicetreeRegEntry->getProperty("model")))
                    && (strcmp((char *)modelData->getBytesNoCopy(), "PowerBook3,2") == 0) )
                    _supportsF12Eject = false;
            if ( _supportsF12Eject )
                _delegate->setProperty( kIOHIDKeyboardSupportsF12EjectKey,

    if ( !_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK) )
        UInt32 myFlags = _delegate->deviceFlags();
        if ( _delegate->alphaLock() )
            _specialKeyModifierFlags    |= NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
            myFlags                     |= NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
            _specialKeyModifierFlags    &= ~NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
            myFlags                     &= ~NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;


	return stickyKeysinit();

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::free()
    if (!_parsedMapping.mapping || !_parsedMapping.mappingLen)
    if (_ejectTimerEventSource) {
        IOWorkLoop * workLoop = _hidSystem->getWorkLoop();
        if( workLoop )
            workLoop->removeEventSource( _ejectTimerEventSource );
        _ejectTimerEventSource = 0;
    if (_slowKeysTimerEventSource) {
        IOWorkLoop * workLoop = _hidSystem->getWorkLoop();
        if( workLoop )
            workLoop->removeEventSource( _slowKeysTimerEventSource );
        _slowKeysTimerEventSource = 0;
    if (_reserved) {
        IODelete(_reserved, ExpansionData, 1);
    if (_mappingShouldBeFreed)
        IOFree((void *)_parsedMapping.mapping, _parsedMapping.mappingLen);

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

const UInt8 * IOHIKeyboardMapper::mapping()
  return (const UInt8 *)_parsedMapping.mapping;

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

UInt32 IOHIKeyboardMapper::mappingLength()
  return _parsedMapping.mappingLen;

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::serialize(OSSerialize *s) const
    OSData * data;
    bool ok;

    if (s->previouslySerialized(this)) return true;

    data = OSData::withBytesNoCopy( (void *) _parsedMapping.mapping, _parsedMapping.mappingLen );
    if (data) {
	ok = data->serialize(s);
    } else
	ok = false;

    return( ok );

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

// Perform the mapping of 'key' moving in the specified direction
// into events.

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::translateKeyCode(UInt8        key,
                                          bool         keyDown,
                                          kbdBitVector keyBits)
    if (key >= NX_NUMKEYCODES)
    if ( !_cached_KeyBits )
        _cached_KeyBits = keyBits;
    if (!modifierSwapFilterKey(&key))
        // SlowKeys filter, if slowKeysFilterKey returns true, 
        // this key is already processed
        if (!slowKeysFilterKey(key, keyDown, keyBits))
            // Filter out F12 to check for an eject
            if (!f12EjectFilterKey(key, keyDown, keyBits))
                // Stickykeys filter, if stickyKeysFilterKey returns true, 
                // this key is already processed
                if (!stickyKeysFilterKey(key, keyDown, keyBits))
                        // otherwise, call the original raw translate key code
                        rawTranslateKeyCode(key, keyDown, keyBits);

// rawTranslateKeyCode is the original translateKeyCode function,
// 	prior to the Stickykeys feature
// Perform the mapping of 'key' moving in the specified direction
// into events.
void IOHIKeyboardMapper::rawTranslateKeyCode(UInt8        key,
                                          bool         keyDown,
                                          kbdBitVector keyBits)
  unsigned char thisBits = _parsedMapping.keyBits[key];

  /* do mod bit update and char generation in useful order */
  if (keyDown)
    EVK_KEYDOWN(key, keyBits);

    if (thisBits & NX_MODMASK)     doModCalc(key, keyBits);
    if (thisBits & NX_CHARGENMASK) doCharGen(key, keyDown);
    EVK_KEYUP(key, keyBits);
    if (thisBits & NX_CHARGENMASK) doCharGen(key, keyDown);
    if (thisBits & NX_MODMASK)     doModCalc(key, keyBits);

  //Fix JIS localization.  We are here because the JIS keys Yen, Ro, Eisu,
  //  Kana, and "," are not matched in _parsedMapping.keyBits[] above even
  //  though the keyboard drivers are sending the correct scan codes.
  //  The check for interfaceID() below makes sure both ADB and USB works.
  //  This fix has been tested with AppKit and Carbon for Kodiak 1H 
  if( 0 == (thisBits & (NX_MODMASK | NX_CHARGENMASK))) 
    if (_delegate->interfaceID() == NX_EVS_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ADB)  
    	unsigned charCode=0;

    	switch (key) {
		case 0x5F:	// numpad ',' using raw ADB scan code
			charCode = ',';
		case 0x5E:  //ro
			charCode = '_';
		case 0x5d:  //Yen
			charCode = '\\';
		case 0x0a:
			charCode = 0xa7;
		case 0x66:	// eisu
		case 0x68:	// kana	
			// do nothing. AppKit has fix in 1H
    	/* Post the keyboard event */
    	_delegate->keyboardEvent(keyDown ? NX_KEYDOWN : NX_KEYUP,
        	/* flags */            _delegate->eventFlags(),
        	/* keyCode */          key,
        	/* charCode */         charCode,
        	/* charSet */          0,  //0 is adequate for JIS
        	/* originalCharCode */ 0,
        	/* originalCharSet */  0);

  unsigned char *  	bp;

  //Make see the caps lock 
  if (key == _parsedMapping.specialKeys[NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK])  //ADB caps lock 0x39
    if (_delegate->alphaLock() == keyDown) 
    //This logic is needed for non-locking USB caps lock
	_delegate->keyboardEvent(keyDown ? NX_KEYDOWN : NX_KEYUP,
	    _delegate->eventFlags(), key, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    //Find scan code corresponding to PowerBook fn key (0x3f in ADB)
    bp = _parsedMapping.modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_SECONDARYFN];  //7th array entry
    if (bp)
	bp++;  //now points to actual ADB scan code
	if (key == *bp )  //ADB fn key should be 0x3f here 
		_delegate->keyboardEvent(keyDown ? NX_KEYDOWN : NX_KEYUP,
		_delegate->eventFlags(), key, 0, 0, 0, 0);

// - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

// Support goop for parseKeyMapping.  These routines are
// used to walk through the keymapping string.  The string
// may be composed of bytes or shorts.  If using shorts, it
// MUST always be aligned to use short boundries.
typedef struct {
    unsigned const char *bp;
    unsigned const char *endPtr;
    int shorts;
} NewMappingData;

static inline unsigned int NextNum(NewMappingData *nmd)
    if (nmd->bp >= nmd->endPtr)
    if (nmd->shorts)
		return OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*((unsigned short *)nmd->bp)++);
		return (*((unsigned char *)nmd->bp)++);

// Perform the actual parsing operation on a keymap.  Returns false on failure.

bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::parseKeyMapping(const UInt8 *        mapping,
                                         UInt32               mappingLength,
	                                 NXParsedKeyMapping * parsedMapping) const
	NewMappingData nmd;
	int i, j, k, l, n;
	unsigned int m;
	int keyMask, numMods;
	int maxSeqNum = -1;
        unsigned char *         bp; 

	/* Initialize the new map. */
	bzero( parsedMapping, sizeof (NXParsedKeyMapping) );
	parsedMapping->maxMod = -1;
	parsedMapping->numDefs = -1;
	parsedMapping->numSeqs = -1;

        if (!mapping || !mappingLength)
            return false;
	nmd.endPtr = mapping + mappingLength;
	nmd.bp = mapping;
	nmd.shorts = 1;		// First value, the size, is always a short

	/* Start filling it in with the new data */
	parsedMapping->mapping = (unsigned char *)mapping;
	parsedMapping->mappingLen = mappingLength;
	parsedMapping->shorts = nmd.shorts = NextNum(&nmd);

	/* Walk through the modifier definitions */
	numMods = NextNum(&nmd);
	for(i=0; i<numMods; i++)
	    /* Get bit number */
	    if ((j = NextNum(&nmd)) >= NX_NUMMODIFIERS)
		return false;

	    /* Check maxMod */
	    if (j > parsedMapping->maxMod)
		parsedMapping->maxMod = j;

	    /* record position of this def */
	    parsedMapping->modDefs[j] = (unsigned char *)nmd.bp;

	    /* Loop through each key assigned to this bit */
	    for(k=0,n = NextNum(&nmd);k<n;k++)
		/* Check that key code is valid */
		if ((l = NextNum(&nmd)) >= NX_NUMKEYCODES)
		    return false;
		/* Make sure the key's not already assigned */
		if (parsedMapping->keyBits[l] & NX_MODMASK)
			return false;
		/* Set bit for modifier and which one */
		//The "if" here is to patch the keymapping file.  That file has nothing
		// for num lock, so no change is required here for num lock.
		// Also, laptop Macs have num lock handled by Buttons driver
		if ((j != NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK) || (_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK)) )
			parsedMapping->keyBits[l] |=NX_MODMASK | (j & NX_WHICHMODMASK);

	//This is here because keymapping file has an entry for caps lock, but in
	//  order to trigger special code (line 646-), the entry needs to be zero
	if (!_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK))
		parsedMapping->modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK] = 0;  

	//This section is here to force keymapping to include the PowerBook's secondary
	// fn key as a new modifier key.  This code can be removed once the keymapping
	// file has the fn key (ADB=0x3f) in the modifiers section.  
	// NX_MODIFIERKEY_SECONDARYFN = 8 in ev_keymap.h
	if (_delegate->interfaceID() == NX_EVS_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ADB)

	/* Walk through each key definition */
	parsedMapping->numDefs = NextNum(&nmd);
	n = parsedMapping->numDefs;
	for( i=0; i < NX_NUMKEYCODES; i++)
	    if (i < n)
		parsedMapping->keyDefs[i] = (unsigned char *)nmd.bp;
		if ((keyMask = NextNum(&nmd)) != (nmd.shorts ? 0xFFFF: 0x00FF))
		    /* Set char gen bit for this guy: not a no-op */
		    parsedMapping->keyBits[i] |= NX_CHARGENMASK;
		    /* Check key defs to find max sequence number */
		    for(j=0, k=1; j<=parsedMapping->maxMod; j++, keyMask>>=1)
			    if (keyMask & 0x01)
				k*= 2;
		    for(j=0; j<k; j++)
			m = NextNum(&nmd);
			l = NextNum(&nmd);
			if (m == (unsigned)(nmd.shorts ? 0xFFFF: 0x00FF))
			    if (((int)l) > maxSeqNum)
				maxSeqNum = l;	/* Update expected # of seqs */
		else /* unused code within active range */
		    parsedMapping->keyDefs[i] = NULL;
	    else /* Unused code past active range */
		parsedMapping->keyDefs[i] = NULL;
	/* Walk through sequence defs */
	parsedMapping->numSeqs = NextNum(&nmd);
       	/* If the map calls more sequences than are declared, bail out */
	if (parsedMapping->numSeqs <= maxSeqNum)
	    return false;

	/* Walk past all sequences */
	for(i = 0; i < parsedMapping->numSeqs; i++)
	    parsedMapping->seqDefs[i] = (unsigned char *)nmd.bp;
	    /* Walk thru entries in a seq. */
	    for(j=0, l=NextNum(&nmd); j<l; j++)
	/* Install Special device keys.  These override default values. */
	numMods = NextNum(&nmd);	/* Zero on old style keymaps */
	parsedMapping->numSpecialKeys = numMods;
	if ( numMods > NX_NUMSPECIALKEYS )
	    return false;
	if ( numMods )
	    for ( i = 0; i < NX_NUMSPECIALKEYS; ++i )
		parsedMapping->specialKeys[i] = NX_NOSPECIALKEY;

            //This "if" will cover both ADB and USB keyboards.  This code does not
            //  have to be here if the keymaps include these two entries.  Keyboard
	    //  drivers already have these entries, but keymapping file does not
	    if (_delegate->interfaceID() == NX_EVS_DEVICE_INTERFACE_ADB)
		//ADB capslock:
	    	parsedMapping->specialKeys[NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK] = 0x39;

		//ADB numlock for external keyboards, not PowerBook keyboards:
	    	parsedMapping->specialKeys[NX_KEYTYPE_NUM_LOCK] = 0x47; 
		//HELP key needs to be visible
		parsedMapping->keyDefs[0x72] = parsedMapping->keyDefs[0x47];

	    //Keymapping file can override caps and num lock above now:
	    for ( i = 0; i < numMods; ++i )
		j = NextNum(&nmd);	/* Which modifier key? */
		l = NextNum(&nmd);	/* Scancode for modifier key */
		    return false;
		parsedMapping->specialKeys[j] = l;
	else  /* No special keys defs implies an old style keymap */
		return false;	/* Old style keymaps are guaranteed to do */
				/* the wrong thing on ADB keyboards */
	/* Install bits for Special device keys */
	    if ( parsedMapping->specialKeys[i] != NX_NOSPECIALKEY )
		parsedMapping->keyBits[parsedMapping->specialKeys[i]] |=
        //caps lock keys should not generate characters.
        if (_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK))
                parsedMapping->keyBits[ parsedMapping->specialKeys[NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK] ]
                        &= ~NX_CHARGENMASK;

        //Find scan code corresponding to PowerBook fn key (0x3f in ADB)
        //   and then make sure it does not generate a character
        bp = _parsedMapping.modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_SECONDARYFN];  //7th array entry
        if (bp)
                bp++;  //now points to actual ADB scan code
                parsedMapping->keyBits[ *bp ] &= ~NX_CHARGENMASK;

	return true;

//Retrieve a key from mapping above.  Useful for IOHIKeyboard 
UInt8 IOHIKeyboardMapper::getParsedSpecialKey(UInt8 logical)
    UInt8	retval;
    if ( logical < NX_NUMSPECIALKEYS)
	retval = _parsedMapping.specialKeys[logical];
	retval = 0xff;  //careful, 0 is mapped already
    return retval;

static inline int NEXTNUM(unsigned char ** mapping, short shorts)
  int returnValue;

  if (shorts)
    returnValue = OSSwapBigToHostInt16(*((unsigned short *)*mapping));
    *mapping += sizeof(unsigned short);
    returnValue = **((unsigned char  **)mapping);
    *mapping += sizeof(unsigned char);

  return returnValue;

bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::modifierSwapFilterKey(UInt8 * key)
    unsigned char 	thisBits = _parsedMapping.keyBits[*key];
    SInt16          modBit = (thisBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK);
    SInt16          swapBit;
    unsigned char 	*mapping;
    if (!(thisBits & NX_MODMASK))
        if (*key == getParsedSpecialKey(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK))
            modBit = NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK;
            return false;

        return false;
    swapBit = _modifierSwap_Modifiers[modBit];
    if (swapBit == modBit)
		// RY: Handle situation where modifiers were mapped to CapsLock on 
		// physically locking caps keyboards.  In this case, we want to restore
		// the NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK modDef and remove the char generation.
		// This will deactivate the AlphaLock toggle behavior.
		if (_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK) && (swapBit == NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK))
			_parsedMapping.keyBits[ _parsedMapping.specialKeys[NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK] ]
                        &= ~NX_CHARGENMASK;
			_parsedMapping.modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK] = _cachedAlphaLockModDefs;  
			_specialKeyModifierFlags &= ~NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
        return false;
    else if (swapBit == -1)
        return true;

	// RY: Handle situation where modifiers are being mapped to CapsLock on 
	// physically locking caps keyboards.  In this case, we want to remove
	// the NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK modDef and generate a char.  This will
	// activate the AlphaLock toggle behavior. 
	if (_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK) && (swapBit == NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK))
		_parsedMapping.keyBits[ _parsedMapping.specialKeys[NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK] ]
                        |= NX_CHARGENMASK;
		_parsedMapping.modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK] = 0;  
    if (((mapping = _parsedMapping.modDefs[swapBit]) != 0 ) &&
        ( NEXTNUM(&mapping, _parsedMapping.shorts) ))
        *key = NEXTNUM(&mapping, _parsedMapping.shorts);

    else if (swapBit == NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK)
        *key = getParsedSpecialKey(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK);
    return false;

// Look up in the keymapping each key associated with the modifier bit.
// Look in the device state to see if that key is down.
// Return 1 if a key for modifier 'bit' is down.  Return 0 if none is down
static inline int IsModifierDown(NXParsedKeyMapping *parsedMapping,
			 	 kbdBitVector keyBits,
				 int bit )
    int i, n;
    unsigned char *mapping;
    unsigned key;
    short shorts = parsedMapping->shorts;

    if ( (mapping = parsedMapping->modDefs[bit]) != 0 ) {
	for(i=0, n=NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts); i<n; i++)
	    key = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);
	    if ( EVK_IS_KEYDOWN(key, keyBits) )
		return 1;
    return 0;

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::calcModBit(int bit, kbdBitVector keyBits)
        int 		otherHandBit	= 0;
        int 		deviceBitMask 	= 0;
	int		systemBitMask 	= 0;
	unsigned	myFlags		= 0;

        systemBitMask = 1<<(bit+16);
        deviceBitMask = DeviceModifierMasks[bit];
            otherHandBit = bit - 8;
            systemBitMask = 1<<(otherHandBit+16);            
        else if ((bit >= NX_MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT) && (bit <= NX_MODIFIERKEY_COMMAND))
            otherHandBit = bit + 8;            
        /* Initially clear bit, as if key-up */
        myFlags = _delegate->deviceFlags() & (~systemBitMask);
        myFlags &= ~deviceBitMask;
        /* Set bit if any associated keys are down */
        if ( IsModifierDown( &_parsedMapping, keyBits, bit ))
                myFlags |= (systemBitMask | deviceBitMask);
        else if (deviceBitMask && 
                IsModifierDown( &_parsedMapping, keyBits, otherHandBit ))
                myFlags |= (systemBitMask);
        myFlags |= _specialKeyModifierFlags;
	if ( bit == NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK ) /* Caps Lock key */
	    _delegate->setAlphaLock((myFlags & NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK) ? true : false);
	else if ( bit == NX_MODIFIERKEY_NUMLOCK ) {/* Num Lock key */
            _delegate->setNumLock((myFlags & NX_NUMERICPADMASK) ? true : false);



// Perform flag state update and generate flags changed events for this key.
void IOHIKeyboardMapper::doModCalc(int key, kbdBitVector keyBits)
    int thisBits;
    thisBits = _parsedMapping.keyBits[key];
    if (thisBits & NX_MODMASK)
	calcModBit((thisBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK), keyBits);
	/* The driver generates flags-changed events only when there is
	   no key-down or key-up event generated */
	if (!(thisBits & NX_CHARGENMASK))
		/* Post the flags-changed event */
		 /* flags */            _delegate->eventFlags(),
		 /* keyCode */          key,
		 /* charCode */         0,
		 /* charSet */          0,
		 /* originalCharCode */ 0,
		 /* originalCharSet */  0);
#ifdef NEW_HID         
        _delegate->keyboardEvent(EVK_IS_KEYDOWN(key, keyBits) ? NX_KEYDOWN : NX_KEYUP,
		 /* flags */            _delegate->eventFlags(),
         /* keyCode */          key,
         /* charCode */         0,
         /* charSet */          0,
         /* originalCharCode */ 0,
         /* originalCharSet */  0);
	else	/* Update, but don't generate an event */

// Perform character event generation for this key
void IOHIKeyboardMapper::doCharGen(int keyCode, bool down)
    int	i, n, eventType, adjust, thisMask, modifiers, saveModifiers;
    short shorts;
    unsigned charSet, origCharSet;
    unsigned charCode, origCharCode;
    unsigned char *mapping;
    unsigned eventFlags, origflags;

    _delegate->setCharKeyActive(true);	// a character generating key is active

    eventType = (down == true) ? NX_KEYDOWN : NX_KEYUP;
    eventFlags = _delegate->eventFlags();
    saveModifiers = eventFlags >> 16;	// machine independent mod bits
    /* Set NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK based on alphaLock OR shift active */
    if( saveModifiers & (NX_SHIFTMASK >> 16))
	saveModifiers |= (NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK >> 16);

    /* Get this key's key mapping */
    shorts = _parsedMapping.shorts;
    mapping = _parsedMapping.keyDefs[keyCode];
    modifiers = saveModifiers;
    if ( mapping )

	/* Build offset for this key */
	thisMask = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);
	if (thisMask && modifiers)
	    adjust = (shorts ? sizeof(short) : sizeof(char))*2;
	    for( i = 0; i <= _parsedMapping.maxMod; ++i)
		if (thisMask & 0x01)
		    if (modifiers & 0x01)
			mapping += adjust;
		    adjust *= 2;
		thisMask >>= 1;
		modifiers >>= 1;
	charSet = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);
	charCode = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);

	/* construct "unmodified" character */
	mapping = _parsedMapping.keyDefs[keyCode];
        modifiers = saveModifiers & ((NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK | NX_SHIFTMASK) >> 16);

	thisMask = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);
	if (thisMask && modifiers)
	    adjust = (shorts ? sizeof(short) : sizeof(char)) * 2;
	    for ( i = 0; i <= _parsedMapping.maxMod; ++i)
		if (thisMask & 0x01)
		    if (modifiers & 0x01)
			mapping += adjust;
		    adjust *= 2;
		thisMask >>= 1;
		modifiers >>= 1;
	origCharSet = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);
	origCharCode = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);
	if (charSet == (unsigned)(shorts ? 0xFFFF : 0x00FF))
	    // Process as a character sequence
	    // charCode holds the sequence number
	    mapping = _parsedMapping.seqDefs[charCode];
	    origflags = eventFlags;
	    for(i=0,n=NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);i<n;i++)
		if ( (charSet = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts)) == 0xFF ) /* metakey */
		    if ( down == true )	/* down or repeat */
			eventFlags |= (1 << (NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts) + 16));
			 /* flags */            _delegate->deviceFlags(),
			 /* keyCode */          keyCode,
			 /* charCode */         0,
			 /* charSet */          0,
			 /* originalCharCode */ 0,
			 /* originalCharSet */  0);
			NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);	/* Skip over value */
		    charCode = NEXTNUM(&mapping, shorts);
		     /* flags */            eventFlags,
		     /* keyCode */          keyCode,
		     /* charCode */         charCode,
		     /* charSet */          charSet,
		     /* originalCharCode */ charCode,
		     /* originalCharSet */  charSet);
	    /* Done with macro.  Restore the flags if needed. */
	    if ( eventFlags != origflags )
		 /* flags */            _delegate->deviceFlags(),
		 /* keyCode */          keyCode,
		 /* charCode */         0,
		 /* charSet */          0,
		 /* originalCharCode */ 0,
		 /* originalCharSet */  0);
		eventFlags = origflags;
	else	/* A simple character generating key */
	     /* flags */            eventFlags,
	     /* keyCode */          keyCode,
	     /* charCode */         charCode,
	     /* charSet */          charSet,
	     /* originalCharCode */ origCharCode,
	     /* originalCharSet */  origCharSet);
    } /* if (mapping) */
     * Check for a device control key: note that they always have CHARGEN
     * bit set
    if (_parsedMapping.keyBits[keyCode] & NX_SPECIALKEYMASK)
	    if ( keyCode == _parsedMapping.specialKeys[i] )
		 	        /* flags */     eventFlags,
			        /* keyCode */   keyCode,
			        /* specialty */ i);
		 * Special keys hack for letting an arbitrary (non-locking)
		 * key act as a CAPS-LOCK key.  If a special CAPS LOCK key
		 * is designated, and there is no key designated for the 
		 * AlphaLock function, then we'll let the special key toggle
		 * the AlphaLock state.
		    && down == true
		    && !_parsedMapping.modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK] )
		    unsigned myFlags = _delegate->deviceFlags();
		    bool alphaLock = (_delegate->alphaLock() == false);

		    // Set delegate's alphaLock state
		    // Update the delegate's flags
		    if ( alphaLock )
		    	myFlags |= NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
                        _specialKeyModifierFlags |= NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
		        myFlags &= ~NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
                        _specialKeyModifierFlags &= ~NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;


		     /* flags */            myFlags,
		     /* keyCode */          keyCode,
		     /* charCode */         0,
		     /* charSet */          0,
		     /* originalCharCode */ 0,
		     /* originalCharSet */  0);
#ifdef NEW_HID         
            _delegate->keyboardEvent(alphaLock ? NX_KEYDOWN : NX_KEYUP,
             /* flags */            myFlags,
             /* keyCode */          keyCode,
             /* charCode */         0,
             /* charSet */          0,
             /* originalCharCode */ 0,
             /* originalCharSet */  0);
		else 	if (i == NX_KEYTYPE_NUM_LOCK
		    && down == true
                    && (_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_NUM_LOCK) || _delegate->metaCast("AppleADBButtons"))
		    && !_parsedMapping.modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_NUMLOCK] )
		    unsigned myFlags = _delegate->deviceFlags();
		    bool numLock = (_delegate->numLock() == false);

		    // Set delegate's numLock state
		    if ( numLock )
		    	myFlags |= NX_NUMERICPADMASK;
                        _specialKeyModifierFlags |= NX_NUMERICPADMASK;
		        myFlags &= ~NX_NUMERICPADMASK;
                        _specialKeyModifierFlags &= ~NX_NUMERICPADMASK;

		     /* flags */            myFlags,
		     /* keyCode */          keyCode,
		     /* charCode */         0,
		     /* charSet */          0,
		     /* originalCharCode */ 0,
		     /* originalCharSet */  0);


void IOHIKeyboardMapper::setKeyboardTarget (IOService * keyboardTarget)
	_hidSystem = OSDynamicCast( IOHIDSystem, keyboardTarget );    

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::makeNumberParamProperty( OSDictionary * dict, 
                            const char * key,
                            unsigned long long number, unsigned int bits )
    OSNumber *	numberRef;
    numberRef = OSNumber::withNumber(number, bits);
    if( numberRef) {
        dict->setObject( key, numberRef);

bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::updateProperties( void )
    bool	ok = true;

    return( ok );

IOReturn IOHIKeyboardMapper::setParamProperties( OSDictionary * dict )
    OSNumber *		number                  = 0;
    OSData *		data                    = 0;
    OSArray *       array                   = 0;
    IOReturn		err                     = kIOReturnSuccess;
    bool            updated                 = false;
    UInt32          value                   = 0;
    bool            issueFlagsChangedEvent  = false;
    bool            alphaState              = false;
    UInt32          myFlags                 = _delegate->deviceFlags();
    UInt32          ledStatus               = 0;

    // Check for eject delay property
    if ((number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDF12EjectDelayKey))) ||
        (data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
        value = (number) ? number->unsigned32BitValue() : *((UInt32 *) (data->getBytesNoCopy()));

        // we know we set this as a 32 bit number
        _eject_Delay_MS = value;
        // we changed something
        updated = true;
    // Check for fkey mode property
    if ((number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDMouseKeysOnKey))) ||
        (data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
        value = (number) ? number->unsigned32BitValue() : *((UInt32 *) (data->getBytesNoCopy()));
        // if set, then set the bit in our state
        if (value)
                _stickyKeys_State |= kState_MouseKeyStateOn;
        // otherwise clear the bit in our state
                _stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_MouseKeyStateOn;
        // we changed something
        updated = true;
    // Check for slowKeys delay property
    if ((number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDSlowKeysDelayKey))) ||
        (data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
        value = (number) ? number->unsigned32BitValue() : *((UInt32 *) (data->getBytesNoCopy()));
        // If we are in progess and we are turned off
        // cancel the timeout
        if ((_slowKeys_Delay_MS > 0) && !value && 
            ((_slowKeys_State & kState_In_Progess_Flag) != 0))

        _slowKeys_Delay_MS = value;
        // we changed something
        updated = true;

    // check for disabled property in the dictionary
    if ((number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDStickyKeysDisabledKey))) ||
        (data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
        value = (number) ? number->unsigned32BitValue() : *((UInt32 *) (data->getBytesNoCopy()));
        // if set, then set the bit in our state
        if (value)
                _stickyKeys_State |= kState_Disabled_Flag;
        // otherwise clear the bit in our state
                _stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_Disabled_Flag;
		// we changed something
        updated = true;

    // check for on/off property in the dictionary
    if ((number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDStickyKeysOnKey))) ||
        (data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
        value = (number) ? number->unsigned32BitValue() : *((UInt32 *) (data->getBytesNoCopy()));
        // if set, then set the bit in our state
        if (value) {
                _stickyKeys_State |= kState_On;
        // otherwise clear the bit in our state
        else {
        // we changed something
        updated = true;
    // Check for fkey mode property
    if ((dict->getObject(kIOHIDTemporaryParametersKey) == NULL) &&
		(number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDFKeyModeKey))) ||
        (data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
		value = (number) ? number->unsigned32BitValue() : *((UInt32 *) (data->getBytesNoCopy()));

		// if set, then set the bit in our state
		if (value)
				_stickyKeys_State |= kState_PrefFnKeyStateOn;
		// otherwise clear the bit in our state
				_stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_PrefFnKeyStateOn;
		// we changed something
		updated = true;

    // check for shift toggles property in the dictionary
    if ((number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDStickyKeysShiftTogglesKey))) ||
        (data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
        value = (number) ? number->unsigned32BitValue() : *((UInt32 *) (data->getBytesNoCopy()));
        // if set, then set the bit in our state
        if (value)
                _stickyKeys_State |= kState_ShiftActivates_Flag;
        // otherwise clear the bit in our state
                _stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_ShiftActivates_Flag;
        // we changed something
        updated = true;

    // check for shift toggles property in the dictionary
    if ((number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber,
                              dict->getObject(kIOHIDMouseKeysOptionTogglesKey))) ||
        (data = OSDynamicCast(OSData,
        value = (number) ? number->unsigned32BitValue() : *((UInt32 *) (data->getBytesNoCopy()));
        // if set, then set the bit in our state
        if (value)
                _stickyKeys_State |= kState_OptionActivates_Flag;
        // otherwise clear the bit in our state
                _stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_OptionActivates_Flag;
        // we changed something
        updated = true;

    if ((array = OSDynamicCast(OSArray, dict->getObject(kIOHIDKeyboardModifierMappingPairsKey))) && (_parsedMapping.maxMod != -1))
        UInt32 count = array->getCount();
        if ( count )
            for ( unsigned i=0; i<count; i++)
                OSDictionary *  pair            = OSDynamicCast(OSDictionary, array->getObject(i));
                SInt32          src             = 0;
                SInt32          dst             = 0;
                if ( !pair ) continue;
                number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, pair->getObject(kIOHIDKeyboardModifierMappingSrcKey));
                if ( !number ) continue;
                src = number->unsigned32BitValue();

                number = OSDynamicCast(OSNumber, pair->getObject(kIOHIDKeyboardModifierMappingDstKey));
                if ( !number ) continue;

                dst = number->unsigned32BitValue();
                if ( src == NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK )
                    ledStatus = _delegate->getLEDStatus();
                    if (dst == NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK)
                        if ((ledStatus & 0x2) && !(myFlags & NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK))
                            issueFlagsChangedEvent  = true;
                            alphaState              = true;
                        else if (!(ledStatus & 0x2) && (myFlags & NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK))
                            issueFlagsChangedEvent  = true;
                            alphaState              = false;
                    else if (_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK) && (dst != -1))
                        issueFlagsChangedEvent  = true;
                        alphaState              = false;
                if ((src >= NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK) && (src <= NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCOMMAND))
                    _modifierSwap_Modifiers[src] = dst;            
            for (unsigned i=0; i<NX_NUMMODIFIERS; i++)
				if (((i == NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK) && (_modifierSwap_Modifiers[i] != NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK)) ||
					((i != NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK) && (_modifierSwap_Modifiers[i] == NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK)))
					ledStatus = _delegate->getLEDStatus();
					if ((ledStatus & 0x2) && !(myFlags & NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK))
						issueFlagsChangedEvent  = true;
						alphaState              = true;
					else if (!(ledStatus & 0x2) && (myFlags & NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK))
						issueFlagsChangedEvent  = true;
						alphaState              = false;
                _modifierSwap_Modifiers[i] = i;


    if ( issueFlagsChangedEvent )
        if ( alphaState )
			if ( !_delegate->doesKeyLock(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK) )
				_specialKeyModifierFlags |= NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;

            myFlags |= NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;

            _specialKeyModifierFlags    &= ~NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
            myFlags                     &= ~NX_ALPHASHIFTMASK;
        UInt8           keyCode;
        unsigned char 	*mapping;

        if (((mapping = _parsedMapping.modDefs[NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALPHALOCK]) != 0 ) &&
            ( NEXTNUM(&mapping, _parsedMapping.shorts) ))
            keyCode = NEXTNUM(&mapping, _parsedMapping.shorts);
            keyCode = getParsedSpecialKey(NX_KEYTYPE_CAPS_LOCK);

         /* flags */            myFlags,
         /* keyCode */          keyCode,
         /* charCode */         0,
         /* charSet */          0,
         /* originalCharCode */ 0,
         /* originalCharSet */  0);

#ifdef NEW_HID         
        _delegate->keyboardEvent(alphaState ? NX_KEYDOWN : NX_KEYUP,
         /* flags */            myFlags,
         /* keyCode */          keyCode,
         /* charCode */         0,
         /* charSet */          0,
         /* originalCharCode */ 0,
         /* originalCharSet */  0);

	// right now updateProperties does nothing interesting
    if (updated)

    return( err );

// ************* Sticky Keys Functionality ****************

// stickyKeysinit
// initialize sticky keys variables
bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysinit( void )
	// default state to off, unless the UI part is installed and turns us on.
	// instead of setting shifttoggles and disabled, which would be the other way to do it
	// we will just keep all flags clear, making us off but not explicitly 'disabled'
	// the behavior is the same, but the meaning is different, we are in default state off, 
	// not user explictly setting us to off
	// NOTE: the real default ends up being set in IOHIDSystem::createParameters
	_stickyKeys_State	    		= 0;
	_stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown 	= 0;
	// allocate shift toggle struct
	_stickyKeys_ShiftToggle = stickyKeysAllocToggleInfo (kNUM_SHIFTS_TO_ACTIVATE);
	if (_stickyKeys_ShiftToggle == NULL)
		return false;
	// initialize shift toggle struct
	_stickyKeys_ShiftToggle->toggleModifier = NX_MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT;
	_stickyKeys_ShiftToggle->repetitionsToToggle = kNUM_SHIFTS_TO_ACTIVATE;
	clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval( kDEFAULT_SHIFTEXPIREINTERVAL,
	_stickyKeys_ShiftToggle->currentCount = 0;
	// allocate option toggle struct
	_stickyKeys_OptionToggle = stickyKeysAllocToggleInfo (kNUM_SHIFTS_TO_ACTIVATE);
	if (_stickyKeys_OptionToggle == NULL)
		return false;
	// initialize option toggle struct
	_stickyKeys_OptionToggle->toggleModifier = NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALTERNATE;
	_stickyKeys_OptionToggle->repetitionsToToggle = kNUM_SHIFTS_TO_ACTIVATE;
	clock_interval_to_absolutetime_interval( kDEFAULT_SHIFTEXPIREINTERVAL,
	_stickyKeys_OptionToggle->currentCount = 0;
        _stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource = 0;
        _stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource = 0;
	return createParamDicts();

// stickyKeysfree
// free sticky keys variables
void IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysfree (void)
	// release shift toggle struct
	if (_stickyKeys_ShiftToggle)

	// release option toggle struct
	if (_stickyKeys_OptionToggle)

	// release on param dict
	if (_onParamDict)

	// release off param dict
	if (_offParamDict)
        // release off fn param dict
        if (_offFnParamDict)		

        // release on fn param dict
        if (_onFnParamDict)

        if (_stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource) {
            _stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource = 0; 
        if (_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource) {
            _stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource = 0; 


// allocate a StickyKeys_ToggleInfo struct
StickyKeys_ToggleInfo * IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysAllocToggleInfo (unsigned maxCount)
	StickyKeys_ToggleInfo *		toggleInfo;
	IOByteCount					size;
	// size should be size of the structure plus
	// the size of each entry of the array (AbsoluteTime)
	// note the struct already has room for the first entry
	size = sizeof(StickyKeys_ToggleInfo) + 
				(sizeof(AbsoluteTime) * (maxCount - 1));
	// allocate shift toggle struct
	toggleInfo = (StickyKeys_ToggleInfo *)
		IOMalloc (size);
	// set the size
	if (toggleInfo)
		toggleInfo->size = size;
	return toggleInfo;

// free a StickyKeys_ToggleInfo struct
void IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysFreeToggleInfo (StickyKeys_ToggleInfo * toggleInfo)
	// free shift toggle struct
	IOFree (toggleInfo, toggleInfo->size);

// createParamDicts
// create on/off dicts as part of init
bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::createParamDicts ( void )
    bool	ok = true;
	// create a dictionary that sets state to on
	_onParamDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
	if (_onParamDict)
		// on
		makeNumberParamProperty( _onParamDict, kIOHIDStickyKeysOnKey,
					1, 32 );
		ok = false;
	// create a dictionary that sets state to off
	if (ok)
		_offParamDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
	if (_offParamDict)
		// off
		makeNumberParamProperty( _offParamDict, kIOHIDStickyKeysOnKey,
					0, 32 );
		ok = false;
	// create a dictionary that sets fn state to on
	if (ok)
		_onFnParamDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
	if (_onFnParamDict)
		// off
		makeNumberParamProperty( _onFnParamDict, kIOHIDFKeyModeKey,
					1, 32 );

        _onFnParamDict->setObject(kIOHIDTemporaryParametersKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
		ok = false;

	// create a dictionary that sets fn state to off
	if (ok)
		_offFnParamDict = OSDictionary::withCapacity(4);
	if (_offFnParamDict)
		// off
		makeNumberParamProperty( _offFnParamDict, kIOHIDFKeyModeKey,
					0, 32 );

        _offFnParamDict->setObject(kIOHIDTemporaryParametersKey, kOSBooleanTrue);
		ok = false;

    return( ok );

// postKeyboardSpecialEvent
// called to post special keyboard events
// thru the event system to outside of kernel clients
void	IOHIKeyboardMapper::postKeyboardSpecialEvent (unsigned subtype, unsigned eventType)
	_delegate->keyboardSpecialEvent (
				/* eventType */	eventType,
				/* flags */     _delegate->eventFlags(),
				/* keyCode */   NX_NOSPECIALKEY,
				/* specialty */ subtype);

bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysModifierToggleCheck(
							StickyKeys_ToggleInfo * toggleInfo,
							UInt8        key,
							bool         keyDown,
							kbdBitVector keyBits,
                                                        bool	     mouseClick)
    unsigned char 	thisBits = _parsedMapping.keyBits[key];
    int				index, innerindex;
    AbsoluteTime	now, deadline;
    bool			shouldToggle = false;
    unsigned			leftModBit = (thisBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK);

        // Convert the modbit to left hand modifier
	// is this the shift key?
	if ((leftModBit == toggleInfo->toggleModifier) && !mouseClick)
		// get the time

		// prune the list of all occurences whose deadline has expired
		// start at the end, which is the most recent shift
		for (index = toggleInfo->currentCount - 1; index >= 0; index--)
			// did this item's deadline expire?
			if (AbsoluteTime_to_scalar(&now) >
				// remove this shift and all shifts that occured previously
				// move all newer shifts to the start
				int entries_to_delete = index + 1;

				for (innerindex = 0; innerindex < (int)(toggleInfo->currentCount - entries_to_delete); innerindex++)
					toggleInfo->deadlines[innerindex] = 
						toggleInfo->deadlines[innerindex + entries_to_delete];
				// update the count
				toggleInfo->currentCount -= entries_to_delete;
				// defensive code
				index = -1;
				// stop looping

		// is this a keydown, if so, add it to the list
		if (keyDown)
			// we will add it if we have room
			if (toggleInfo->currentCount < toggleInfo->repetitionsToToggle)
				// compute a new deadline
				clock_absolutetime_interval_to_deadline(toggleInfo->expireInterval, &deadline);
				// add it
				toggleInfo->deadlines[toggleInfo->currentCount++] = deadline;
		// otherwise its a shift key up, if this the 5th one, then turn us on
			// is this the 5th shift
			if (toggleInfo->currentCount == toggleInfo->repetitionsToToggle)
				// clear the list of shifts we are tracking
				toggleInfo->currentCount = 0;
				// turn us on
				shouldToggle = true;

	// a non-shift key was used, start over timing the shift keys
		toggleInfo->currentCount = 0;
	return shouldToggle;

// stickyKeysNonModifierKey
// called when a non-modifier key event occurs (up or down)
void IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysNonModifierKey(
								UInt8        key,
								bool         keyDown,
								kbdBitVector keyBits,
                                                                bool 	     mouseClick)
    int				index;

	// first post this non-modifier key down
        if (!mouseClick)
            rawTranslateKeyCode(key, keyDown, keyBits);
	// determine whether or not to post the keyups for the modifiers being held
	for (index = 0; index < _stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown; index++) {
            _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[index].state |= kModifier_DidPerformModifiy;
            // Has this key been keyed up.  If not, leave the key alone
            // because the user is still holding it down.
            if (((_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[index].state & kModifier_DidKeyUp) != 0) && 
                ((_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[index].state & kModifier_Locked) == 0)) {
                // We keyed up ealier, so we should call stickyKeysModifierKey to
                // individually release the key
                stickyKeysModifierKey(_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[index].key, false, keyBits);
                // We basically took a modifier off the list, so we have to decrement
                // our local index
                index --;
	// clear state, if modifiers no longer down
        if (_stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown == 0)
            _stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_On_ModifiersDown;

// stickyKeysModifierKey
// called when shift/command/control/option key goes down
// returns true if the key should be processed
bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysModifierKey(
							UInt8        key,
							bool         keyDown,
							kbdBitVector keyBits)
    unsigned char	thisBits 	= _parsedMapping.keyBits[key];
    int			index		= 0;
    int			innerindex	= 0;
    bool		isBeingHeld	= false;
    bool		shouldBeHandled	= true;
    int			heldIndex	= 0;
    int			leftModBit	= (thisBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK);
        // Convert the modbit to left hand modifier
	// is this key being held? (if so, dont post the down)
	isBeingHeld = false;
	for (index = 0; index < _stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown; index++)
		if (_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[index].leftModBit == leftModBit)
			isBeingHeld = true;
			heldIndex = index;

			// break out of loop, modifers will not be in twice

	// The following condition has been added, so that chording of key combinations can be supported
	if (! keyDown) {
                // For chording, we only care if the modifier is being held
                if (isBeingHeld)
                            if (((_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].state & kModifier_DidPerformModifiy) != 0) && 
                                ((_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].state & kModifier_Locked) == 0)) {
                                    // This modifier keyed up, but it also modified a key.
                                    // Therefore it needs to be released.
                                    goto RELEASE_STICKY_MODIFIER_KEY;
                                    // set the state flag, so that stickyKeysNonModifierKey can call
                                    // back into this function to release the key.
                                    _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].state |= kModifier_DidKeyUp;
                                    if (((thisBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK) == NX_MODIFIERKEY_SECONDARYFN) &&
                                        ((_stickyKeys_State & kState_StickyFnKeyStateChangePending) != 0))
                                        _stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_StickyFnKeyStateChangePending;
                                        if (_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource)
                                            _stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);
                // RY: take care of the case where the modifier was held down 
                // prior to starting sticky keys.  The key up will let be 
                // processed as normal.
                    shouldBeHandled = false;
        // we have a key down
                // is this key being held? (if so, stop holding it - toggle off)
		if (isBeingHeld)

                    // If this key has been locked, then it needs to be release
                    // The third and final state of the modifier key
                    if ((_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].state & kModifier_Locked) != 0)
			// stop holding this key down
			// post the key up 
			rawTranslateKeyCode(_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].key, false, keyBits);

			// clear this one (handles the case this is the last key held)
			_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].key = 0;
                        _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].state = 0;
                        _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].leftModBit = 0;

			// reduce our global count
			// (do this before the loop, so loop does not overrun)
			// if no more keys being held, clear our state
			if (_stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown == 0)
				_stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_On_ModifiersDown;

			// move each item after this one forward
			// note, _stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown already decremented
			for (innerindex = heldIndex; innerindex < _stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown; innerindex++) {
				_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[innerindex].key = _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[innerindex + 1].key;
                                _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[innerindex].state = _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[innerindex + 1].state;
                                _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[innerindex].leftModBit = _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[innerindex + 1].leftModBit;
                        // notify the world we changed
                        // note, we send a new event every time the user releses the modifier
                        // while we are still holding modifiers. Clients must know to expect this
                        switch ((thisBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK))
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RSHIFT:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_SHIFT_UP);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_CONTROL:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCONTROL:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_CONTROL_UP);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALTERNATE:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RALTERNATE:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_ALTERNATE_UP);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_COMMAND:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCOMMAND:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_COMMAND_UP);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_SECONDARYFN:
                                // Since we most likely running via IOHIDSystem::cmdGate runAction,
                                // we should really trigger an interrupt to run this later on the
                                // workloop.  This will also avoid any synchronization anomolies.
                                _stickyKeys_State &= ~(kState_StickyFnKeyStateOn | kState_StickyFnKeyStateChangePending);
                                if (_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource)
                                    _stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_FN_UP);

                    // This is the second press, therefore this key needs to be locked.
                        _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[heldIndex].state |= kModifier_Locked;
                        // notify the world we changed
                        // note, we send a new event every time the user releses the modifier
                        // while we are still holding modifiers. Clients must know to expect this
                        switch ((thisBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK))
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RSHIFT:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_SHIFT_LOCK);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_CONTROL:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCONTROL:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_CONTROL_LOCK);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALTERNATE:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RALTERNATE:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_ALTERNATE_LOCK);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_COMMAND:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCOMMAND:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_COMMAND_LOCK);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_SECONDARYFN:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_FN_LOCK);

                // if this key is not being held already, then post the modifier down
                        rawTranslateKeyCode(key, keyDown, keyBits);
			// and remember it is down
			if (_stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown < kMAX_MODIFIERS) {
                                int modifierIndex = _stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown++;
				_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[modifierIndex].key = key;
                                _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[modifierIndex].state = 0;
                                _stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[modifierIndex].leftModBit = leftModBit;
				;	// add a system log error here?
			// change our state
			_stickyKeys_State |= kState_On_ModifiersDown;
                        // notify the world we changed
                        // note, we send a new event every time the user releses the modifier
                        // while we are still holding modifiers. Clients must know to expect this
                        switch ((thisBits & NX_WHICHMODMASK))
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_SHIFT:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RSHIFT:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_SHIFT_DOWN);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_CONTROL:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCONTROL:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_CONTROL_DOWN);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_ALTERNATE:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RALTERNATE:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_ALTERNATE_DOWN);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_COMMAND:
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_RCOMMAND:
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_COMMAND_DOWN);
                            case NX_MODIFIERKEY_SECONDARYFN:
                                // Since we most likely running via IOHIDSystem::cmdGate runAction,
                                // we should really trigger an interrupt to run this later on the
                                // workloop.  This will also avoid any synchronization anomolies.
                                _stickyKeys_State |= kState_StickyFnKeyStateOn | kState_StickyFnKeyStateChangePending;
                                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_FN_DOWN);

        return shouldBeHandled;

// stickyKeysFilterKey 
// returns true if this key event should be ignored
// It may call rawTranslateKeyCode multiple times to generate keyups
// at the end of a sticky keys sequence
// this function is the essence of the sticky keys feature

bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysFilterKey(
							UInt8        key,
							bool         keyDown,
							kbdBitVector keyBits,
                            bool 	     mouseClick)
    unsigned char 	thisBits = _parsedMapping.keyBits[key];
    bool			shouldFilter = false;
    bool			shouldToggleState = false;
    if ( _parsedMapping.maxMod == -1 )
        return false;
    // if we are disabled, then do nothing
    if ((_stickyKeys_State & kState_Disabled_Flag) != 0)
        return false;
	// check to see if option key toggle activated
    // only do so if the shift toggles bit is set
	// we could have a seperate bit to set whether option
	// should send the event, but we dont. Since the UI
	// uses these to be one in the same, we will as well.
    if ((_stickyKeys_State & kState_ShiftActivates_Flag) != 0) 
        // check to see if shift key pressed, possible to toggle state
        shouldToggleState = stickyKeysModifierToggleCheck 
                                    (_stickyKeys_ShiftToggle, key, keyDown, keyBits, mouseClick);
    if ((_stickyKeys_State & kState_OptionActivates_Flag) != 0) 
        // if the option was toggled
        if (stickyKeysModifierToggleCheck (_stickyKeys_OptionToggle,key, keyDown, keyBits, mouseClick))
                // if so, send the event to toggle mouse driving
                postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_TOGGLEMOUSEDRIVING);
    // if we are on and holding modifier keys and we have a key down, finish if this is not modifier
    if (((_stickyKeys_State & kState_On_ModifiersDown) != 0) && !modifierOfInterest(thisBits))
        // Make sure that this is not a key and not a modifier that we track
        // This will allow us to pass through other modifiers like the arrow keys
        if (mouseClick || 
            (keyDown && !(((_stickyKeys_State & kState_MouseKeyStateOn) != 0) && mouseKey(thisBits))) ||
            (!keyDown && !(((_stickyKeys_State & kState_MouseKeyStateOn) != 0) && mouseKeyToIgnore(thisBits, key))) )
            // we will handle all the events here, so dont process this one normally
            shouldFilter = true;
            // handle non-modifer key
            stickyKeysNonModifierKey (key, keyDown, keyBits, mouseClick);

    // if we are on and looking for modifier keys, see if this is one
    if ((_stickyKeys_State & kState_On) != 0)
        // set up interrupt event source for to handle sticky mouse down
        if (!_stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource && _hidSystem)
            _stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource = 
                (this, (IOInterruptEventSource::Action) stickyKeysMouseUp);
            if(_stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource &&
                (_hidSystem->getWorkLoop()->addEventSource(_stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource) != kIOReturnSuccess)) {
                _stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource = 0;
        // set up interrup event source to handle sticky fn state
        if (!_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource && _hidSystem)
            _stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource = 
                (this, (IOInterruptEventSource::Action) stickyKeysSetFnState);
            if(_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource &&
                (_hidSystem->getWorkLoop()->addEventSource(_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource) != kIOReturnSuccess)) {
                _stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource = 0;
        // is this a sticky keys modifier key?
        // is this a modifier?
        if (modifierOfInterest(thisBits))
            // we will handle all the events here, so dont process this one normally
            // RY: stickyKeysModifierKey will return false if the key was held down
            // prior to turning on stickykeys.
            shouldFilter = stickyKeysModifierKey (key, keyDown, keyBits);
    // if we are supposed to toggle our state, do it now
    if (shouldToggleState)
        // if we were on, clear a few things going off
        if ((_stickyKeys_State & kState_On) != 0)
			postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_OFF);
            _stickyKeys_State |= kState_On;
			postKeyboardSpecialEvent (NX_SUBTYPE_STICKYKEYS_ON);
		// remember we changed
		_stateDirty = true;
        // Since we most likely running via IOHIDSystem::cmdGate runAction,
        // we should really trigger an interrupt to run this later on the
        // workloop.  This will also avoid any synchronization anomolies.
        if (_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource)
            _stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);
    return shouldFilter;

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysCleanup()
	_stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_On;

	// post the keyups for all the modifier keys being held
	for (int index = 0; index < _stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown; index++)
		rawTranslateKeyCode(_stickyKeys_StuckModifiers[index].key, false, _cached_KeyBits);

	// clear state, modifiers no longer down
	_stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_On_ModifiersDown;
	_stickyKeys_NumModifiersDown = 0;

	// clear the fn key state
	_stickyKeys_State &= ~kState_StickyFnKeyStateOn;

	// Since we most likely running via IOHIDSystem::cmdGate runAction,
	// we should really trigger an interrupt to run this later on the
	// workloop.  This will also avoid any synchronization anomolies.
	if (_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource)
		_stickyKeysSetFnStateEventSource->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);


void IOHIKeyboardMapper::keyEventPostProcess (void)
	bool			nowOn;
	OSDictionary * 	dict;
	// if the state changed
	if (_stateDirty)
		// if we have a valid IOHIDSystem
		if (_hidSystem)
			// are we now on?
			nowOn = ((_stickyKeys_State & kState_On) != 0);
			// choose the proper dictionary
			dict = nowOn ? _onParamDict : _offParamDict;
			// set it
			_hidSystem->setParamProperties (dict);
		// no longer dirty
		// (the case of a NULL _hidSystem should not happen, so
		//  no point in maintaining a dirty state till one shows up)
		_stateDirty = false;


// F12 Eject member functions

// f12EjectFilterKey
// This function will determine whether or not f12 was pressed.
// If held down for a predetermined amount of time and eject
// notification will be issued.  If key release early, this method
// will call rawTranslateKeyCode for keyDown and return false.

bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::f12EjectFilterKey (UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits) {

    // Check the delay time.  If 0, then the feature is off.
    if ((_eject_Delay_MS == 0) || !_supportsF12Eject )
        return false;
    if (key == kADB_KEYBOARD_F12) {
        // Let's check to see if an IOTimerEventSource exists.
        // If not, create one.
        if (!_ejectTimerEventSource) {
            // Make sure we have an instance of _hidSystem.
            if (_hidSystem == NULL)
                return false;

            _ejectTimerEventSource = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource
                                        (this, (IOTimerEventSource::Action) &IOHIKeyboardMapper::performF12Eject);
            if (_hidSystem->getWorkLoop()->addEventSource(_ejectTimerEventSource) != kIOReturnSuccess)
                return false;
        if (keyDown == true) {
            // Set the time out and the flag
            _f12Eject_State |= kState_In_Progess_Flag;
            return true;  // prevent processing of f12
        } else {
            // If the user pulled out early, send a key down event.
            // Since we return false, the system will take care of the
            // key up.
            if ((_f12Eject_State & kState_In_Progess_Flag) != 0) {

                _f12Eject_State &= ~kState_In_Progess_Flag;
                rawTranslateKeyCode (key, true, keyBits);
            // If we get to this point, the eject happened.
            // Therefore we should ignore the key up.
                return true;

    // I think we should process all other key events during this check.
    // That is why I'm returning false;
    return false;

// performF12Eject
// This is a static method called by the ejectTimerEventSource.
// It will send an System eject event

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::performF12Eject(IOHIKeyboardMapper *owner, IOTimerEventSource *sender) { 
    // Post the eject keydown event.
    owner->postKeyboardSpecialEvent(NX_KEYTYPE_EJECT, NX_KEYDOWN);
    // Clear the state
    owner->_f12Eject_State &= ~kState_In_Progess_Flag;

// Slowkeys member functions

// slowKeysFilterKey
// This function will determine whether or not a a key need to be
// processed for the slow keys feature.  If so, if a key is held
// down for a predetermined amount of time, a key down will be
// pushed on up to the HID System.  Other scenarios to the state
// machine are documented in further detail below.

bool IOHIKeyboardMapper::slowKeysFilterKey (UInt8 key, bool keyDown, kbdBitVector keyBits) {
    bool returnValue = true;

    if (_slowKeys_Delay_MS == 0)
        return false;  
    // Let's check to see if an IOTimerEventSource exists.
    // If not, create one.
    if (!_slowKeysTimerEventSource) {
        // Make sure we have an instance of _hidSystem.
        if (_hidSystem == NULL)
            return false;
        _slowKeysTimerEventSource = IOTimerEventSource::timerEventSource
                                    (this, (IOTimerEventSource::Action) &IOHIKeyboardMapper::slowKeysPostProcess );
        if(_hidSystem->getWorkLoop()->addEventSource(_slowKeysTimerEventSource) != kIOReturnSuccess)
            return false;


    if (keyDown) {
        // Ladies and Gentlemen start your engines
        if ((_slowKeys_State & kState_In_Progess_Flag) == 0) {
            // Check to see if we are currently handling a repeated key.
            // If so, and the key pressed differs from the key that is 
            // being repeated post the key up for that repeated key and
            // clear the flag.
            if ((key != _slowKeys_Current_Key) && ((_slowKeys_State & kState_Is_Repeat_Flag) != 0)) {
                postSlowKeyTranslateKeyCode(this, _slowKeys_Current_Key, false, _cached_KeyBits);
                _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_Is_Repeat_Flag;
            // Start the normal processing.
            _slowKeys_State |= kState_In_Progess_Flag;
            _slowKeys_Current_Key = key;
            // Set a state flag telling us that the key is being repeated.
            if (_delegate->isRepeat())
                _slowKeys_State |= kState_Is_Repeat_Flag;

            // Notify System that this is the start
        // if another key goes down while in progress, start abort process 
        else if (((_slowKeys_State & kState_In_Progess_Flag) != 0) && (key != _slowKeys_Current_Key)) {
            _slowKeys_State |= kState_Aborted_Flag;
            _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_In_Progess_Flag;
            _slowKeys_Aborted_Key = key;
            // If the slow key is being repeated, send a key up 
            // for that key and clear the flag
            if ((_slowKeys_State & kState_Is_Repeat_Flag) != 0) {
                postSlowKeyTranslateKeyCode(this, _slowKeys_Current_Key, false, _cached_KeyBits);
                _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_Is_Repeat_Flag;
            // Notify System that this is an abort
    // handing for a key up
    else {
        if (key == _slowKeys_Current_Key) {
            // If the current key come up while in progress, kill it
            if ((_slowKeys_State & kState_In_Progess_Flag) != 0) {
                _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_In_Progess_Flag;
                // If the key is being repeated, pass the key up through
                // and clear the flag
                if ((_slowKeys_State & kState_Is_Repeat_Flag) != 0) {
                    _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_Is_Repeat_Flag;

                    returnValue = false;
            // Otherwise, if the key was not aborted, pass the key up through
            else if ((_slowKeys_State & kState_Aborted_Flag) == 0) {
                // Clear the flag if this was a repeated key
                if ((_slowKeys_State & kState_Is_Repeat_Flag) != 0)
                    _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_Is_Repeat_Flag;
                returnValue = false;
        // If the key that caused an abort comes up, it will kill any current slowkeys action
        else if ((key == _slowKeys_Aborted_Key) && ((_slowKeys_State & kState_Aborted_Flag) != 0)){

            _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_Aborted_Flag;
            _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_In_Progess_Flag;
            // If the slow key is being repeated, send a key up for the slow key
            // and clear the flag
            if ((_slowKeys_State & kState_Is_Repeat_Flag) != 0) {
                postSlowKeyTranslateKeyCode(this, _slowKeys_Current_Key, false, _cached_KeyBits);
                _slowKeys_State &= ~kState_Is_Repeat_Flag;
            // Notify System that this is an abort
        // This key has already been processed/  Pass the key up through
        else {
            returnValue = false;
    return returnValue;

// slowKeysPostProcess

// This is a IOTimerEventSource::Action.
// It is responsible for sending a key down
// to the HID System. 

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::slowKeysPostProcess (IOHIKeyboardMapper *owner, IOTimerEventSource *sender) {
    owner->_slowKeys_State &= ~kState_In_Progess_Flag;

    // Post the key down
    postSlowKeyTranslateKeyCode(owner, owner->_slowKeys_Current_Key, true, owner->_cached_KeyBits);
    // Notify System that this is the end

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysSetFnState(IOHIKeyboardMapper *owner, IOEventSource *sender)
    OSDictionary *dict;

	if ((owner->_stickyKeys_State & kState_On) != 0)
		dict = (((owner->_stickyKeys_State & kState_PrefFnKeyStateOn) != 0) ^ ((owner->_stickyKeys_State & kState_StickyFnKeyStateOn) != 0)) ? 
				owner->_onFnParamDict : owner->_offFnParamDict;
		dict = ((owner->_stickyKeys_State & kState_PrefFnKeyStateOn) != 0) ? owner->_onFnParamDict : owner->_offFnParamDict;
    owner->_hidSystem->setParamProperties (dict);

void IOHIKeyboardMapper::stickyKeysMouseUp(IOHIKeyboardMapper *owner, IOEventSource *sender)
    owner->stickyKeysFilterKey (0, 0, owner->_cached_KeyBits, true);

OSMetaClassDefineReservedUsed(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  0);
IOReturn IOHIKeyboardMapper::message( UInt32 type, IOService * provider, void * argument)
    switch (type)
        case kIOHIDSystem508MouseClickMessage:
        case kIOHIDSystem508SpecialKeyDownMessage:
            // Since we most likely running via IOHIDSystem::cmdGate runAction,
            // we should really trigger an interrupt to run this later on the
            // workloop.  This will also avoid any synchronization anomolies.
            if (_stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource)
                _stickyKeysMouseClickEventSource->interruptOccurred(0, 0, 0);
    return kIOReturnSuccess;
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  1);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  2);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  3);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  4);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  5);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  6);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  7);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  8);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper,  9);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 10);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 11);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 12);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 13);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 14);
OSMetaClassDefineReservedUnused(IOHIKeyboardMapper, 15);